£HE MADAN TATEMAN BOWANVLLE, THURDAY MAY5th, 197 DA 1L' "TU Houme For Sale We bave on oui- liet a splendid lot of Propert~iff n Bownanville for your selec- tlion The prie,,ai-e right and there ?r Sie orne extra specia.l offerings arnang t hem. We cannot descrIbe them al ln the ê, Pace but these two are an example: qSix Roomed bouse on Church Si. frame wth veiandah. furnace, electric lIghta and town water, al in good condition garage and amail garden. Price below value. Soid brick house. central location, a enap for someone who m'amis a real fiist- ciass home, hardwood lors, ieautifui iý-- ception hall, ail convenlences, garage and everything your heart can desîre. Price right, away beiow value. See oui- campiete Ilst If you are thlnk- lng of bîîying a home. J. J. MASON & SON Insurance & Real Estate, Bowmanvlill WEDDIfII. Saundera--Lywood A very quiet mariage waa solemn- ized at the United Church Parsonage, Bethany, an Wednesday, atternoan, April 20, when Miss Edna Saunders, youngest daugbter of Mr. and Mns. Robert Saunders af Franklin, and Mi-. Ambrose Henry Lywood of Nest. leton were tinited in boly bonds ai matrirnony by Rev. A. Pluter. Tbey were attended by Miss Alta Lywood and Mi-. Laverne Lywaod. Directly f ollawin g the cerernony the yaung couple le ft on a motor trip for Toronto and other points west. New Spring Coats and Dresses ai- iiving daily at Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman 's. Âa Without Medical Examinaion Our «IdWaj Poicy, wftIl iw pm. Specimen RAtu nmiunm, Um.àé. in numbe, an for $2 500 ceasang befare aiag e oncr, AV Rate is specially adapted to the young 20--$38.75 man of today. Healthy maIes, 15 25- 4490 &0 45; may seaire arrKioet up ta 30- 53.25 $2,500 witbout examination. Write 35- 65.40 today for perticulars 40- 83.75 INSURANCE LFE OMPANY IIED OFFIC-E XCELIOR LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO MAIL THIS TO-DAY- W. BLAKE MeMURtTRY. District Agent, Bowmanvllle, Ont. h Sends d «maU botro 9M" *L- F 1IM.> 29 P634The Royal Banik of Canada Bowmanville Branch - K F. Aitchison, Manager 121 @Ileman OA&S PRESU R TOVES The Coleman Stove works on the gas-preSune principle, juet like Coleman Lampe and Lanterne. Uses anygood grade af negular moton gasoline. Ies leak-proof, air-tight tank has fuel control valve, air gauge, -and hand apenatcd filer plug. Can't be ficld while stave le lighted-can't spill fuel even if tipped aver. It generatee quickly and pro- ducee an intensely hot blue flame.- Instantly regulated to high or low blaze by the turn ai a valve. It'. dean-na soot on utensile, no wicks ta char, noa emoke on ashes. Coleman Stoves are mnade in a variety ai modela with and without avens and warming cabinets, ta moet every caoking need. If your dealer le nat sup- pi ied, write us for descriptive ailder, pricèe and full infor-. mation. Address Dept BS12 THE COLEMAN LAMP & S'rOVE CO., Ltd. Qucen Street East and Davies Avenue Toronto 8. Ontario, Canada c».. m12 SOLD BY MASON & DALE, DUSTAN-S CASH HARDWARE 1 WulL-Trfiudý UNITED CHURCH MINISTERS GO TO NEW CHARGES b y -i-Î. -.)D.- eaciiie, *seeonde'd by Mr. S. H. Jeffery to Mi-. and M-s. L. E. Washington and family in thi bass of their daughtei-, Mi-.. Gibbons.1 The ~pnogram was excellent, those The Transfer Committee of tbe taking part were :-Mrs. Higginboth- United Cburch af Canada met in arn, Mns. Gardener, Mrs. Hattin, Mi- Toronto, April 22nd., ministers J. D. Keachie, Mns. MeNaughtan, affecting the Bay of Quinte Confer- neader, and the little Misses Aller encc were transferred as follows; land Robertson taking their parts ai Superannuated ministers-Asai boy and girl in Irish and Scotch dan- Brown, London ta Quinte; George ces with Mr. Robertson accornpany. Mossop, Quinte, ta Montreal and Ot-i ing tbem on the piano. tawva; D. Williams, Quinte ta Toi-on- IMi-. Bert Reid gave a talk on worl, ta.I among the bays whicb was rnucb ap. Ministers-J. F. Carleton (forth-i preciated. with), Quinte, ta Montreal and Ot- tawa; J. H. Dtudgeon, Toronto to- As usual the social hour was a very Quinto; A. H. Foster, Quinte ta Lon- interesting part of the pi-agi-ar. don; J. R. Fraser (forthwith>, Quinte ta Toronto; H. F. Malcolm, Quintel NTDEFOTNEE ta Saskatchewan; J. A. Millei-,, NTDEFOTNE Quinte ta Alberta; 1qarry Pawson, erdcn h dtra Mk Toronto ta Quinte; J. lb. Richardson,, fRepor ounteditor icha Mae Quinte ta Toronto; G. W. W. Rivera, in TYourCoemunity" awhicbappared London to Quinte; J. Semple, Hamil- i toH Sta tn everal theFekst. ton ta Quinte; E. O. Seymour, Eir H.JPetpceothFi-s Quinte ta Hamilton; E. Tui-kington,f Free Press makes this comment: Quinte ta Toronto; Prof. J. R. Watts, "The Statesman makes a very Montreal and Ottawa ta Quinte. ti1 b n ans pelt h Pi-obationes-s-A. M. Wottan, women of that cornmunity ta, aid in Ham ilton ta Quinte;.' the support of their homes, their Transfers of superannuates and churches and their *schools by doing probationers take effect forth'witb i their buying at home, instead of send- Transfers af ministers except wheret ing their rnoney away. What applies marked "foithwitb", take effect at 9 ta canditions in Bownianvible will o'ciock on the rnarning of the dayl aPly with eq'ual force ta conditions that the Conference into which tbeyj in Foi-est. If aIl the people of For- ai-e transferred wiîî meet. lest and vicinity wouid do their buy- îîng at borne we wouid bave better hornes, better churches and better WHAT MAKES A TOWN? tachools, together with iowen taxes, A prosperous i-raI population iail of whîcb is very much desii-ed by wbich demands a camrnunity cent-I ail. Scores of warnen who are work- i-e where may be established busi-, îng continualby for the betterment of ness, educational, religiaus and en-i ouir homes, churches and schools are tertainment facilities. Where doing these institutions a direct in-, these flourish and are active it isijury by doing their buying in ather saf e to surmise that the people of1 places instead of at home. As the that section realize and appreciate Bowmanvilie editor says, the pros- the value ta thern of such a centre. perîty of the tawn and the welfai-e WHAT MAINTAINS IT? of every citizen depends on the vol- ume of business done at home. Our The towna are largely maintained homes, churches and schools need aur by the suri-aunding districts. SAit support, and can ail be made better the organization, the direction, and by oui- united efforts." ta a gi-eat measure the up-keep, of_____ the institutions in such towns are in the hands of the business inter- Superior styles and values in Lad- ests, tagether witb those directlyl ies' Spring Coats at Couch, Jahnston an indirectly cannected therewith. I & Ciyderman's. Without the'atv usns n profesional men ta supervise and govern these public institutions and undertakings no tawn could thi-ive. WHO IS MAINLY AFFECTED? Every citizen either in or about a town should be cancerned in see- ing ta it that they do their part in car-ying on any good cause whichi ray be promoted, either by finan- cial ai- active support. Only in this way will any tawn prosper and develop as it should.1 PUBLICITY 15 REQUIRED1 In promotion work your local pap-1 ci- takes the leading part. It is. ever the champion of warthyi causes and philanthropic and pat-i riotic undertakings. But ta func- tion properly, and fully carry outý its natural preragatives, it mnust in. turn have the financial support of the cornmunity it serves. When needing advertising or printed' matter always firet think of your' local paper-The Canadian States-! man. Important Announcement Mr. A. Cecil Heayn of Bow- manville, is the newv District Re- presentative of the MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of Canada, and will be at your service from now on should you contemplate the purchase of Lite Insurance at net cost. Write for a free copy of the Mutual Book ta A. CECIL HEAYN, Bowmanville, Ont. Resolve Early TO LET US DO YOUR BAKING DURJNG THE HOT MONTHS--YOU WILL BE WELL SERVED LOCL AD OHER ISE FACTS FOR RADIO OWNERS HOLIDAY WASTE Mrs. James MeDougall, Toronto, Through the kindness of Mi-. C. E. Oui- Canadian climate i. favorable was recent guest of Mrs. John Mc- Rehder, President of the Bnwman- for study every month in the year. Intyre. iville Foundry Ca., and manager of For this reason Shaw's Eleven Bus- Miss Vrooman, Provincial Dept. of the Empire Sales Ca., who was tbeiines. Schaals in Toronto are always *Health, spent a couple of days here, faunder of the Bowmanvil]e Amat-1 open fram January ta December. *last week. eur Broadcasting Station: 1 0AE. we 1 Summer sessians are popular in these Miss Marjorie Cole, St. Catherines, are enabled to pass on ta aur reail- day.. Universities are now doing was recent guest of bier parents; Mr. ers some interesting facts pertaining work in the suminer months. Our and rs. . E.L. Cle.to government licensing of radio High Schools shauld alzo be used. Mis Fornc Luger Srnasets. Three months holidays are flot need- f Mis Forene Lughe, Srni, ed Wb thi wate.18-1 rspent the weekend with Miss Dorathyl Mr. Rebder is an authorized is-ed Whtia ate Plummer ànd other girl friends in suer of radio hicenses far Bowman- tao.n. iville and district. The list of radio Messrs. W. W. Down and J. A. owners published in last week's _________ Tab wee t Nwmake lat wekStatesman was obtained through this CARD 0F THANKS g afting eaple trke forsirWm. saurce. It was nat a complete list P grftig aple tres or ir in.but anly those awners who secured Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Burke- Mulock on bis 160 acre orchard. their licenses frian the Empire Sales ton, desire ta thank their neighbors Mr. Francis Sutton, Choir Leader Ca. md friends far their kindly assiat- of Trinity United Church, was in There are probably over a hundred ance during bis ilness and at the Peterboro, Wednesday, playing the more radia owners in this vicinity time af the fi-e when their bai-ns violin witb Peterbora Sympbony Or- wha either purchased a license else- were burned, also for the gifts of chestra. where or are aperating their sets grain and feed, etc., which has helped i Mr. George Fee, a well known and withaut a license. For the benefit very rnaterîally duiing this Sprîng's highly respected fariner living south of the latter class we ofYci- the sug- seeding. of Omemee, dropped dead an Wed- gestion that they would be well ad- nesday ç ening, April 27th., while vised ta secure a license immediately turning 'the cream separatar. He as governinent inspectars are naw leaves a widaw, ane son and two making a survey af this part of the ~ " daughters. province and ai-e confiscating aIl sets' i-. Herbert N. Couch, M. A., who and finfing owners who have net se- I TS was gold medalist in Classics at the cured a radia license for 1927. The University af Toronto in 1924, andi fee is anly $1.00 a year. Y14E L J wha is at present an instructor in Dcpaitment of Marine & Fisheries ~p Classics at the Johns Hopkins Uni- is spending the money received fi-om versity, was recently accorded, foi radia licenses ta correct ail types Of distinction in scholarship, the highest interfei-ence and trouble wbich affect scho]astic bonor in the gift of the the reception. They have cars on university, election ta the Phi Beta the road witb two inspectai-s each, Kappa Saciety. Mr. Couch is a son and equipped with elaharate appar- of 11ev. Isaac Couch of Amherst- atus for detecting disturbances. They 4- burg, a foi-mer Tyrone boy, correct, or ai-e instrumentar in baving Frank Stane, Clar-ke, bas issued a corrected ,any troubles they find. writ for $300 against the estate of Noise wbich may interefere witb - bis father, the late John Stone, vour reception may be caused by Clai-ke Township, in connection with loase fuses on the ti-ansformers on services rendered deceased before bis the street, a wl-e touching a wet ti-ce, death. Mi-. Stone died without leav- a neighhor's hattery charged ai- violet ing a will and there seema ta be some. ray. A loose contact an the electric trouble in administering the estatet systern in your own home may cause among the members of the family. considerable trouble. A loase plug9 The son offered $4,000 for the farm an an electric iran will absolutelyl owned by deceased but on this beingi ruin reception while the iran is in reflused it was put up for sale by use. Vacuum sweepei-s and ail auction and $3100 affered. This, furnaces ai-e a cammon source of dis- witb farmn chattels and bouse chattels turbance. was the arnount of the estate. Now Most of the troubles originating the family will go ta Iaw, to find out1 in the homes can be prevented by the the disposaI of the estate, there being' proper placing of condensers and four members of the family. choke couls. Your radia dealer can Tbe Independent of Stettler, Alta., probably make the necessary installa- reports a pleasant surprise party on tion for a nominal price. April l6th., when seventeen ladies A blind persan owning a receiving of No. 4 group of the United Church set inay procure a license free of Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mr. charge by makîng application direct and Mrs. Sarnuel E. Souch in that to above Departinent at Ottawa. town ta bonor Mrs. Souch's biithday. She was piesented with a small gift ta voice in every way the esteem in whicb she is beld and a bouquet of TORONTO DURHAM CLUB borne grown pansies, fresh frorn the Kgarden. After refreshments, wbich The lait meeting of this organiza- consisted in part of an honest-to- tian for this season was held on goodness birthday cake, candles and Tuesday, April 26, at the Picadilly ail, the visitai-s left, leaving behind Tea Roania. This gathering was the an old lady, young with the best of annual reunion of Durham people gifts of Youth, Love and Friendship, and the attendance was A arger than and an undaunted outlook on ber life nusa- wherever it may be spent. Also at the Dr. James L Hughes preaided __B cburch service on Easter rnorning having given up two other meetings~ aratii she was the i-ecipient of a beautiful in order ta be present at this one . bouquet of roses. Mi-. and M-s. Durham Club is fortunate in having; Souch ai-e natives, of Darlington and such a loyal and entbuziastic preax- Colu: ived in Bowmanville before settling dent. oo in Sunny Alberta.. A_ motionof sympatby was movedi L t The Bowmanville BakeryI Successors to Christie's Bakery BowmanvilleI ',J0 ÇDOF= 0R-U N . r%y( Yau'l see and feel the great pulse of prosperity throbbing through British Columbia. You wil note with interest its great and diversified natural resources that stabilize and ensure the prosperity of British Columbia citizens. We'1l be glad to giu-e you detailed information regarding Canada's "Evcrgreen Playground" and its wonderful nesources. Clip and miailthte coupon today. BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLICITY COMMI'rrEE 438 PENDER STREET WEST VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA'S EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND! A Drauioeta.Tomatoes *2 am2yA A McLorenas luvIcibte JELLY POWDERS 3 pkto6 23e &Bd am Girls AWatch foi-aur ad- vertisement nezi A eek. We bave mmnething inter- coing for you. - AA souvenir of the jubilec of Cou- federatnea. C.m.w. Dmi» B A TOMATO SOUP Tomat c 2 tias 2510a« up 15 A 1 BAKEI'S COCOMnU . pt. a. 0 omm,. (w~ ES.) ES »2 Plkt 9 IMRMLD Salmson Flmet a" 1-lb. 450 UI*ey. Z-lb. 35. Che. si ed 1-lb. 360 Cebe. YrIb. aie WI.ri's, Vty'u Cbheeate Bar* "TASTY" BREAD er 3141au k ýLittie Chlif Shrumps oe 1ILSE SN P -«hatflp1" Neilson'a Ice Cream SoId .0 Ilil,01111*1111*1W mm -Tl 1 . 1 1 fHE (;Alý.ADIAN STATESXAiý. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY Sth., 1927 pAr.p. TT11?w.v. n k Yi 1 i