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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 rH~ UA.II UJIAN 5TATII~8MÂN, B4JWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY Sth., 1927 PROVIDENCE FARMERS' CLUB Providence Farniers' Club will meet in Sbaw's School, Tuesday, May lOth. Program by young lad- ies censisting of music and debate. Refreshments. O. R. Bragg, President. H. E. Oshorn'e, Secy'.-Treas. V. E 15, Clmes ernly... lJ o notelT hucs<îav ev - nin g. 1Women's In . C - ",me improvement in Mfiss Jy Wa;h -In-stitute wili meet at the home ofS. G H i D A LE ington who bas suffede( a good deail Nrs. F. R. Taylor on Friday after-1 jfcom car trouble Hope she wilI neen, May 13, when e-lection c fi PHONE 26 Store Bowmanvllle soon ho around again .. . Misq Hattie 1cors wii ho el. Every membe (;hbrn-bas bren confined te beri mako uin offert to attend. Pleaso homo with grippe, note change of date. Z THIS WEEK' MEN'S TOI New patterns and weaves A SPECIAL MEN'S AND YOUNG1 Su'. Double Breasted Models, ish, new diamond OUR SPECIAL A A BARGAIN]1 5 dozen black cotton hea, sizes, purchased at a big se a pair, whilE 29c PAIR, 4 P BOYS' SWEATE] 1 dozen only ,Fancy Jaec pockets, very fine quality, WHILE THEY LAST F( WORI A fine quality ribbed sox and Blue 3 PA1 ALL WOOL V Our regular 60e( 2 PAIRS OVERALLS. Black, Blue and Blu~e Stri] ON SALE FOI WORK Men's Grey Chambray, ah ton tweed effects, worth MEN'S FINE SI- Ail sizes, a line of Broad plain white, A SPECIL T. B. GILI Phon 61Opposite Bank «'WILLOWDALE" DRAMA 1 TYRONEi HAYDON TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bethesda Dramatie Club are nw Mr. McKee, Mrs. J. Thompsen and1 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. L. Disneyl Honour Roil For April planning te present "Willowdale'" at Miss Olive Thornpsen, Cartwright,l and family, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Tyrone Community Hall on' Friday, visited at Mr. E. E. Virtue's ... .Mr. Wrigbt's; Mr. and Mrs. Mervinl Roorn 1-Entrance Class-Evelyn May l3th, at 8 P. rn. The follow- Fieoyd Dudley spent Sunday at homel Mountjoy, Cartwright, with Mrs. Goddard and Maurice Rose, equal, ing artists will assist: Mrs. o. W. P ife and Drurn Band is practic- I Theron Mountjoy; Mr. and Mrs. George Weekes, Newton Hackney, Rolph, Orono, Vocalist; Misses White, ing for the Glorieus Twelfth ....... 1 Fred Adams, Ruby and Pearl, Osh- Betty Morris, Nora Hayward, Joseph Port Hope, Pianists; Miss Mae Brent, Misses Mae Cameron, Kathleen Gibbs awa, at Mrs. Read's; Mr. and Mrs. Bnrton, Marion Leggott, Eric Coomb- Tyrone, Pianist; Miss Helenan and Irene Cameron spent Sunday Les. Graham, Roy and Jirn with Mr. es, Ruth Tuerk, Alma Morris, Marioni Master Trewin Scott, character ig with friends in Zion ... . Mr. and Mrs., Cyrus Ashton, Cartwright; Mrs. Buttle, Roy Lunney, Josepb Alexan- ing in costume. Admission 5c Jirn Cameron, Zion, visited at Mr. H.IjJohn Graham and Masters Kenneth der, Derothy Blake. children 20c. n i Cameron's. .Young People's League1 and Milton Grahamn have returned toj J. H. Jobnston, tqacher. met on Thursday night when a splen-i their new home in Whitby after a: Roor 2--Jr. IV-Charlie Cawker, did program was given. Topie was! short visit at Mr. D., Graham's; Mr. Jack Hall, Gordon Jollow, Edward ably taken hy Miss Lola Richards;; A. Read with friends in Toronto....; Richards, Orville Souch, Elford Cox, piano solo, Mr. Fred Goodman; a, League next Sunday in charge Of; Hilda Brown, Douglas Martin, Allan good reading "What's in a Boy's' Miss A. Trewin, Missionary Vice .:Williams, Alan Adams. IA S Heart," by Miss Kathleen Gibbs. Mother's Day programn at Sunday C. Brunton, teacher. Meeting closed with the watchword. School at 2.30 p. m. on Sunday. Ro -r VPylsCals Special singing. Everybody wel- Albert Culley, Leon Gunn, Donald MAPE GOVEcoe .... Pastor Trumpour preached Williams, Yvonne Tîghe, Elsie Car- MAPLEGROVEa good sermon to a good congregation, ruthers, Walter Craig, Borea Mur- COA S a Mr. A &uh, tarviîe, isied~on Sunday. , Good music by the' doiff Clarence Oke, Edward Bagnell. ýP OAT Ms. . ouc, tarvileviitei hoir. Treasurer requests al] M~iss Minnie M. Jennings, teacher vales$2250an $25, a Mr. Tru Powers' on Friday...... quarterly dues be handed in by the' Miss Marjorie Stevens, Uxbridge,1 end of M..... League Sunday night' Room 4-Sr. II11-John Blunt and AT $9.95spent Sunday at home... .Mr. and1 was in charge of newjy elected offi- Sidney Dillick, equal, Bessie Cives, Mrs. J. Lancaster, Port Granby, Mr. cers. Meeting was opened by Pres;- Jeonard Wilson, Harold Colmer, M NSNAVY BLUE and Mrs. Wilbert Nichols, Edgar and ident, Mrs. H. Ashton. after which '.1adeline Jones, Ruth Hayman, Ned rS Wilma, Port Britton, spent Sunday Mr,. C. Garrard, lat Vice, took Rehider, Dorothy Edger, Violet Mc- har W rsedfi with the former's daughter, Mrs. charge; bible reading, Mrs. R. Cross- Feeters. very adW rtdfn Ivison Munday... . Mr. and Mrs .Tru man; devotional, Miss V. Trewin;. Miss Helen G. Morris, teacher. weave patterns toerMrGegePwratnd topîc, "The place for young people' Roorn 5-Sr. III-Edith Sellers, tefuneral of the former's aunt, in the if e and work of the church",: Evelyn Raby, Muriel Taylor, Elsie ,T ONLY $22-50 Mrs. Charles Souch, Orono.... .Mrs. Mrs. Garrard; reading, Miss M. Large and Ivan Hobbs, equal. C.FoetSefrt, iitd tMr. Thompson; singîng by the young men., Jr. II-Eileen Hately, Byron FOR BOYS Tru Powers' on Sunday... . Mother's SeHryAlnsPatadFoe Vanstone, Vera Lonsberry, Audrey wvrbe tcigal Dyan ot-udySho ilb Show at the Annex. Craig, Edith Morris, Doris Hall. yrbe t kigal observed on Sunday. Let there be Miss G. M. Wiekett, teacher.1 aving in price, worth 50c a good turnout. ... We welcome Mr. Room 6-Sr. III-William Wal- ~ he lstand Mrs. John Hopps to our commun- t lace, Raymond Connors, Fred Mut- AIR FORity. ...Mr. and Mrs. W. E. SnowNden ESKLE ton, ,B.11 Jollow, Orland Plummer, are spending a few day, w;th h;*s par- Go-to-Sunday-School and Mother's'J. -Jm eka. rsCete uy etM.and Mrs. W. J. Snowde-i. Day next Suirday ...S. S. Anni- J.11Ja ors hse uy ______ $.9 versary May 22nd and 24th. Rev. Alex. Colville, Bill Allin, Lorraine quered Patterns, with 2 Geo. Williamns, B. A., of Formosa, Pickard, Mary Thompson, Dorothy BURKETON lone of the outstanding rissionaries Rowe. _________,allsies of the United Church, will preach. Miss Marjorie Robins, teacher. :)RONL $198 ACHScholreprt or urkton S.S.Bert Lloyd Company have been en- Room 7-Jr. 11-Ted Johns, )R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ N ON7:.8E C epr o uktn gaged for the concert.... Dr. C. W. Pauline Adams, Philip Pattrick, Jack K SOX Jr. IV-Kenneth Pedlar 78, Robert Slernon, Bowxnanville, visited bis par- Curran and Hubert Hooper equal, Wilson 75. ents, Mr. and Mirs. John Slernon, on George Tordifi, Billie Dunlop, Charlie çin two shades, Brown Sr. III-Albert Abbott 82, Haroldi Monday .... Boys and girls are play- Richards, Betty Tamblyn, Buster R FOR $1.00 MeCutcheon 76.j ing bal..Mrs. E. E. Staples was Crombie, Violet Cramb. Jr. III-Henry Adamns 82, Charlie eut for a short tirne on Sunday. .. . Miss Leta L. Bragg, teacher. VORK SOX Adams 67, May Adams 60, Doris Ped- Last Wednesday evèning Enniskillen Room 8-Sr. II-John Sbires, lar, Edgar Wilson, Reta McKnight Young People's League played bost Gladys Brant and Marjorie Jones ýuaIity, Selling (absent one exam.) and hostess to the Blackstock Y. P. and Tommy lustan, equal, Ada FOR 95cSr. II-Eileen Hall 85, Jack Park- League, numbering about seventy- Clark, Boyd Siemon, John Morrison. F R9cin 72, Eva Adams 69, Viola Parkin five. Under the leadership of tbe Jr. Il-Doris Wright, Arvilla AT $1.69 66, Bert Dean 64, Marjorie Adams, Social Vice-Pres., Mrs. Geo. Rimmer, Trimble, John Welsh. Arthur Dean, Bernice Adams. a very entertaining and lively pro- Miss Edna E. JeweIJ, teacher. [pe, with bib and braces I-Ethel Glennie, Jimmiie Glennie, gramrna given te the enjoyment of Room 9-Sr. II-Lawrence Reh- ~ $.6 P IRPrimary-Mildred Adams, Freddie songa wbich were enjoyed very mucb Lee, Nellie Mutton and Harry Taylor SHIRTSHartnett, Garnet McLaughlin, Mar- indeed, giving evidence te the fact and Freeborne Colville, equal. SHR Sgaret Abbott, Doris Dean, Bille that although Enniskillen is lacking Jr. II-Grace Childs, Alfred Allin, s0 Brown and Grey, cot- Slingerland, Ruby Trick, Orland in male talent as vocalists at present, Mary Lyle. $ .5, N SA E &Bailey. we have seme coming on. The rest Miss B. M. Sargent, teacher. l.$150 N AL 9cBeginners-Carson en mn of the evening was spent in solving Room 10-Jr. II-Frances Dillick, [IT A 1.8Glennie. contests and after lunch community Marion Jewell, Audrey Elliott, Ed- LcTS inTan,1.98 an Figures stand for per cent. singing was indulged in. Pres. L. ward Niekerson. Iclohs i tan blu andThelma Gilders, teacher. Mountjoy, in a short speech, very. Sr. Ist-Crordon Martin, James A~ T 198E C ______ably thanked nikle Leaguers Martin, Jack Dunn and Dorothy AL AT 1.98 -oCHfor the pleasant eveningan exPres-: Goode, equal, Lillian Lowe. NESTLETON sed the hope of baving them returný Jr. Ist-Alvie Welsb, Melville i'Ri ' ' erthe visit so-n. Al ioined banda and Burns, Herbert Brant. C R S-Most of the farmers around el repeated the Leag*ue Benediction. * Miss Florence Morris, teacher. of ontealhave finished seeding. Room 11-Jr. Ist-Marion Hamm, o otelA number of visitors from Fen-1 Erie Swindles and Betty Frise, equal, Bowmanville elon Falls attended service inUntd SOLINA Irene Jones, Bill Weekos, Margaret Church on Sunday. j Smith, Betty Pingle. Chancellor Bowles, D.D., wiîî con-' Visiter,: Mr. Paul Williams, Mr. Sr. Pr.-Ivy Tabb, Bruce Mutton, (luct service in United Church next and Mrs. Chas. Samelîs, Miss Edna George Davidson. Sundy "Mthers Dal'.and Mr. George Samelîs, Scugog Is- Miss Nellie Montgomery, teacher. Sundy "Mthe', Dy".land, at Deput.y-Reeve S. Williams'-1 Room 12-Sr. Primer-Jean Mc- ISeveral friends from Nestieton at- Master Russel Hardy with nis grandi MullIen ,Ruth Ives, Tom Gatchell, e D o It ,~~~~~ tended the funeral of the late Thom- father, Mr James Reeson, Co]umbus;.LuaPrdBtyEde. Dn Mr. and Mca. Herbert Taylor, (nec homne; Miss Nora Werry at Mr. W. adCaeoE WlhndMr Misa Ida Malcolm), have moved from j C. Werry's, Oshawa; Mc,. Thomas-Id naero n Rva se.s ndMr Is a very comfmfofl Lindsay to their new home near the i Shortridge and Mr. Everett Short- MrineMaon .wRoe ,tac Port Percy highway. ridge. Brookiin, with Misses iMisMinG.BWrdtecr expression but it has Week evening service last Thurs-' and Lizzie Hockaday;' Mrs. John South Ward a very significant day was in charge of President, R. W Reynolds, Mr. Norman Reynolds, M. Jackson. Miss Saca Armstrong gave A ., and Mrs. Reynolds,, atil Room 1--Jr. II-Douglas Blunt, rneaning when ap- a splendid paper on "Hymn Writers"; Mr. J. W Reynolds'; Mr. and Mrs.. Sybil M.%utten, Kenneth Garton, Mur- a number of hymns by writers men- John Baker and family at Mr. IHow- ray Bate, Ben Rice. Gordon Brown. plied to having Geo.. tioned were sung; a good program of ard Couch's, Bethesda; Mr. and MIrs. Sr. lst-Annie Kilgannon, Jack music, reading-s, etc., wero given.! Arthur Westlake, Miss Ola and Mast-1 Ilonevman, Lloyd Trimbie, Keith Pritchard do your Mrs. C. H. Porteous and Miss Sara er ('arman, Oshawa, at Mr. R. J. 1 Wilson. Paper Hanging and Armstrong werc pianists.. j McKessock's; Miss Eve!,n Tink withl Jr. Ist-Greta Baby, Frank Tighe, Service on Sunday in United« Miss Edith Pascee, Hamrpe:-.; Mr.; Ross Hennings. Painting. You are Cburch, Rey. J. E. Griffith, B. A.,' and Mrs. Donald Yellowlpes, Missi Neil S. Stewart, teacher. assredof fi t-c&ss preached a gond sermon on "Unlessi Jean and baby Helen, Columbus, at I Boom 2-Primer A-Florence assurd ofa fist-cass 1 put my fingers in the nail prints Ji Mr. S. E. Wercy's; Miss Ellen jamesl Shotter and Thelda Seymour and job in every particu- will net blievo", stressing differentý visitod lber nephew, Mc L. L. GaUy'! Phyllis Cramb, equal, Harry Gilroy, lar. ~~~kinds of doubt among Christians and Columbus, whe is very ili; Mr. and Dot Barton.EdtRihrsCare held when six new members were re- Armstrong, Toronto, Mr. a~nd Mrs. omralsHenBokng RTHY WA.LL PAPER ceived into church fellowship and aiR. H. Armstrong and son Jamesl Poimere-als, Helen ilon, Lwi communion service was held after, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. B. G. Wimen rC-atc ila Wilon, ei demand for Staunton's quite a number of communicants tak- tvn;Ms .W enls..eîcl Misan, M.Grace lganon.acer ing part. Rev. Griffith was assisted I Toronto frienda; Mr. and Mc.zI MssF . ab.ih eahr 'aper for which we have in those services by Chancellor Bow- Herbert Ogden and son Jack, Osh- Penny Bank deosits $174.22; own. Wonderful as les, D. D. lawa, at Mr. Everett Cryderman'c; No. deposits 361; higbest roem- 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Avery, Little Miss Wickett's- No of pupils on rol hoose. Be sure to see IB ritain, Mc. and Mrs. W. H. Rahni, 617; New pupils since Easter 27; No. ~ te rasnabe rics.COURTICE Burketon, at Mr. Frank Westlake's; pupils left towin since March 9; por- We welcomo our new, teacher, cd Orono frionds; Mr. and Mrs. J. MORE? Miss McCallum, Brantford, te our, W. Reynolds, Mrs. John Reynolds ______ I community and are please<l that shel visited at Mr. W. H. Nichols, Court- 1Paint $1.25 Quart is already taking an active part 'n the ý ice; Mr.* and Mrs. George A. Stop- 7 Epwortb League.i.. The League biens, Salemn, Mrs Fred Foster, Bew-1 meeting last week as usual was mOstý manville, Mrs. C. Sehoîl and fainily, successful. In was in charge of Mrs. Charleston, Virginia, at Mr. Roy i rC A DG. F. Annis and C.G.I.T. The tOPie! Langmaid's; Mr. and Mc .W.H.lC earan L.p7IiI1)Canadian Writers, Nature and' Westlake, Mr. W. R. Westlakc ti l a a c )ecoratorScience by Mcs. Blake Courtice, Mr. Norman Mutton's, Oshawa; M'r.1 >eoatrseveral o the members contributed; and Mrs. Jh Sleighton, Mr. Alex. Store, Phone 489 therf poems or something on the, Sleigbtomn, Columbus, at Mr. C.1F ia a d S Store Phon «9 lfe ofthe riter. Muscal nrn-1Blanchard's; Mrs. M. E. Penfound, F ia a d S Ont. ibers were a trio by Mrs. Walter, Osha %,t- Mr. WmT Bkeri;Mr 1-L. TURNER a Phone 170 ýr Scugog St. Bowmanville« Lt 0 Special Sale nSATURDAY, MAY 7th - Our store was so crowded last Saturday night that even with -efficient service. - Those who patronize our le y Sales appreciate the tremendous n saving. Every customer knows that our reputation and guarantee n is behind every article sold and LItemoney is cheerfully returned i ustomer desires it. We neyer get a complaint; but hundreds of ( nur customers consider our le e Sales the finest type of advertis- ing done in any lino of merchan- dlisin g in town. s For the benefit of those who w-ere crowded out last Saturday m-e give the following: s SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY k ONLY Math Destroyer, Math Bag 15c THE 2 FOR 25c t Gifts For Mother's Day (;ifts that Mother will appreciate CHOCOLATES & STATIONERY * $1.00 TO $4.00 BOX Assorteci Chocolates ...29c lb Peppermint Patties ...29e lb *Smiles 'n Chuckles ...60c lb Laura Secords............ 60c lb. Jury & Loveli OBITUARY Merkley G. Beliman, Guelph This week we are called upon te record the deatb of a Bowrnanviîle man in mniddle life la the person of Merkley G. Belîman wbo died at bis home in Guelph on Wednesday, Ap- ril 27, after tbree weeks' ilîness. .Re was the fouctb son of Mcs. Bell- man and the late Edward Belîman and ho was bora in Bowmanville 41 years ago. Mr. Bolîman was for a number of years engaged in the restaurant business in Toronto, later coming bore where ho engaged in the real estate business. From bore ho moved te Oakville where ho spont three years and in the summer of 1925 moved to Guelph. Ho ý%vas President of the Guelph Bowling and Recreation Club at the time of bis passing. Surviving are bis widow, formerly Mabel Bell of Georgetown, and three chiîdren. Also bis aged mother, four brothers, Albert E., and Ar- thur of Bownianville, Norman of Stratford, and Elmer of Collingwood, and three sistors, Miss Anna Bell- man, Bowmanville, Mrs. C. T. Cross- well, Hartney, Man., and Miss Flor- once Belîman, Toronto. The funoral service bore on Sat- urday afternoon fcom the residence of hi, mother, Baisam Grove, Centre Street, was conducted by Bey. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity United Church, assisted by Boy. W. A. Bun- nor. The pail-bearers woro Messrs. C. F. Bice, Gus Bounsaîl, C. Lunney, Bussell Worden, Frank Williamns, Wm. Biekle. The interment toek place in the family plot in Bowrnanvilîe Cemetery. Among relatives present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Belîman, Stratford; Mr. Elmer Bell- man, Collingwood; Miss Florence Belîman, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cob- bledick, Mrs. (Dr.) Willard, Mrs. Smith, Toronto; Mr. William Bell, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wolch and Miss Lander, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Welch and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ray, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Clark, Newcastle; Mr and Mrs. Bort Northcott, Taunton. ORCHARD & HENS PROFITABUI <From Toronto Globe) Large blocks of land are not ai ways necessary if one is to makej living in the country. The write carne across a notable example of semi-intensive farmn this week. 01 the north western outskirts of Bow manville W. H. Carruthers finds tha 20 acres of apple orchard and 401 chickens keep bis son and hirnsel busy and yield returns that compari very favorably with many farms twi to four tirnes the size. Altogether there are 40 acres ii this place, but outside the orchar and the chiekens the other land i simply used to grow a little feed For manuring Mr. Carruthers de pends on the stables in Bowmanvilli and some nitregenous fertilizer. His orchard contains many differ ent varieties, too many in Mr. Car ruthers opinion. He bas been busý the Iast few years changing then over to Mclntosh and Spy. However in bis location he finds many var ieties like Wolf River and Tolmar Sweet selI very well in the loca markets. Being only a few miWe over an encellent concrete road f ron Oshawa, marketing is not the sami problcmn for this grower that man3 have to face. His land is a dlay boan and so rich that the owner cease! cultivation early in June. At pres ent a wide strip of sod lies on botl sides of the trees. The poultry end of the business i! being expanded steadily. The bull of the flock is cornposed of pure brec Leghorns of the laying strain witl about 30 Wyandottes in a separat( flock. Mr. Carruthers is by no mnean, a stiekler on type. In the firsi place he wants a hen that will 1a3 well and will lay a big egg. 111 don't think we should sacrifice laying ability for fine feathers", he stated, "A few years ago the fanciers did net bother their heads about laying and weight ,and anything over threc pounds had net a chance in the showv ring. But they are beginning to change ,the Leghorn cockerels at the Royal last year heing much heavier'. According te Agricultural Repre- sentative F. C. Paterson, who over- heard the conversation, there is ne- cessity for a change on both sides. "Let Georgi BIG SALE 0F SUNWOF We are having a big famous Sunworthy Wall P. the exclusive agency in t sortmnent from which to cl our Wall Paper and realiz( WHY PAY Champion Guaranteed GEO. PRU] Painter and E Opposite Kersîake's Drug Bowmanville Bicycles For C Cleveland Bicycles fr Bicycles Complete ai See Our Bicycles B MASON & Phone 145 Popul&r Hardware eof 150 Spring Suits aturday Only ,alues up to $30,00, MD SATURDAY .50 )rted Worsteds and Single and Double d Models. )r the holiday on 24th suit and have it laid ms cash for this Sale. idyou will always find [ower than any other my overhead expen- is what counits in busi- XRTRAN BOWMANVILLE ; -.I" ME UAII &DL4.N t3TATESULAN, BUWMANVIIiLZ, THURSDAY, MAY 5th., 1927 PAGE t LOCAL WOMEN'S INSTITLJTE The Annual Birthday Party or Bowmanville Women's Institute was« held in the S. O. E. Hall on Friday afternoon when over sixty ladies attended. Mrs. W. Adams, Presi- dent, was in the chair. Meeting was opened with community singing and the opening Ode. The business included, report of Secretary-Treas- urer of the work of the 6 groupa, showing a total of about $105 which was voted for furnishings for the Nurses' new residence. District meeting will be held on Friday, June 17, entertainmeflt committee te be conveners of this year's groups. Ar- rangements were discussed for the Institute part in Confederation pro- gram for July lst. Roll Cali waS cond:w,ýted by Mrs. H. J. Babcock and it brought forth many responses. Musical numbers were supplied by Misseq Marion Piekard and Dorothy Plummier in duet and solos which were very much appreciated. Tw.elve tables decorated in keeping with the rnonths of the year were very at- tractive and ail present were bounti- fully served wvith the good things provided by Mrs. F. Jackrnan's group. Next meeting will be election of offi- cers. Birthday collection receipts $22.16. "The production men cannot negleet te breed a certain type any more than the fanciers can afford to ignore laving ability", he stated. Cernent Work Wanted I arn prepared to do aîl kinds of cernent work. Foundations, Floors, Sidewalks, etc. Also Cernent Blocks and orna- mental cernent brick of several designs. Estirnates given free. Work done promptly and sat- isfactory.

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