PAGE SIX rHuWM CANIflIAM THURSDAY, MAY 5th., 192 I COBOURG PRESBYTERIAL. suggest the tithe for us. The pre-I DARLINGTON 'Y ~cept of the Old Testament bas given - (Continued from firsa e) place to the principle of the New. Report for April of S. S. No. 3, Law has been translated into love Darlington: r V.Wîe A paper on Importance ofstY. W. duty has become a privilege. Giving Blackburn 83, *Iva Foley 8(), *L5ah __ -~il!A u i liay an d M ission C ircle, sressed w hen w e feel like it is t o trille w it h a6el,7 . r. V- ewis RuH o e 65 the advisibility of the group system, sacred duty and would nlot be tolerat- Freda Attree 6,tte op 4 ~~E~- t~~I~~t y toenlpiven the interest by proot ing d for a moment in fulfilling a trust tooh ude 5. S.II - lrI "a spirit of comradeship and com.peti0t a fcllow creature. The wealth Bohingn6.J.IIFoec tien, while training leadersh >' ehl strs oe n h em Foley 72, Besie Blackburn 69, tEd- ing theVi a small share of respon- j o the trust should be observed. 1f ith Daîziel 27. Sr. II *Winnhe Ih "TIkabu wte ffa uk' b~sibility. we could be induced to adopt theI Gibson 84, tJack Finnigan 59. .I T g yves_ Just look at our shines, even after fifteen Children's Work stressed te im- revolutionize the whole system of69, AniKsh6,AosusKh minutes in this downpourl There's portance of promptness in sending in church finances, as well as many 56. Jr.62,*G a Trli 81, Bob-Ty certuily noting qite the Nug e'" h isison Band reports. Mrs. other things that need to be changed. ie _Gibson 69, Eunice Lane 63. Jr. of(Rev.) C. C. Washington, continuing Money cannot purchase salvation, j r.-Helen Rundie and Haze] Trull 19 S MO I th dieus onBand work, told of but by the use of it we can show ours equal, Vera Gibson, Sammy Van- avery successful plan tried out on gratitude t o.Cm n oga op qaHz X i u g E y POLISII her district. The Band meetings Withold not the gospel front seuls el Roberts, Berniece Roberts. Trhr'a" Nu.gj«et " sadcfor c ery ahoe mode. 32 were held in the school-houses and needing bread, . -Honours; t-Failure on total-c -thèy hadl a membership of fifty-five "For giving is living," the hrigbt helow 60%7.4 ____________________________________________ with an average attendance of sixty- angel said, Rb .Bag ece. Poel - ___ ive, as nearly aIl the children stayed "And must, I be giving again andRbyMBrgtahr Phone 1 te the meetings even when not mem- again?" berS. Jesus put the child in the JMy peevish and pitiless answer ran; Now ack d i A lu inu . 1mi(lst and people who thought they "Oh ne," said the angel thus pierc- plies of warm clothing and quilts could improve on his method have ing me thro', were very weîcome te them and the ffaîled. The child should be in theI "Just give tili the Master stops givinrz old people would just hug the quilts milt W eed (1te Icarn lessons t o. fr.m the life of little children se asi The discussion was led by Missl Miss Jack-son first went there, enly ,o -ae our livs like them. The azel Cannon in a very thoughtful three wemen bad warmn coats but sile heart ef a littie child stepar on "Christian Stewýardshîp." they vould go te meetings in thin 1 mot bautfulthig i th wold.Shesaid that we would be judged hy sweaters or any little coat they bad ýJesu' could net have gi%-enusay the use m'e make of our talents. even when it was sixty helow zero. t__________an nine-tenths wvith God's bless- bales could have the pleasure she ad th tare orilng aains using s moe saisfyng ta e wisinhe ta th o hsnt the are immorality, the liquer traffic, tenths without it. quilts te those needy people. She haoeswbere vice and sin predomin-1 Th rauerpotdht$2- thanked the women for their support, JS don<I tP, and the indifference of the soeJ h Chritia homs. f th herts188.05 had been raised this year, but their interest, and their prayers dur- ti cfale Chitrn hoer.Ite g e tes 'he n the expenses were deducted îng aIl these years and wondered if T g" ffusI thee woldhn ee grondte Jef only $20,870 were left. That there wasn't someene tbere m-,ho You grcerknws hen yo orer hr l d boct niqo rourafor t meant that of our allocation of $21,- would like te take up the work she are $1'30 th lishort.fletehad bad to lay down. RED ]ROSE ORANGE PEKODE you wo on.chien oan re the a [Mr Ashton said that we did not Mss.SmhofAlPpe'Ms-L r ju geo fn tapetre idffteroen r the îdr n t y terialbaid dthat Cobourg Pres- Ms .Syt fA]-epesMs are a jdg f indoa prntshae ihaiff a c han c Paren t a adntraised their alloca- sion, Hamilton, spoke very entertain- arent imavessifa nte.chirentin tien and suggested that the $130 be nl fokaon epeo h H arc et mprssig th chldrn i Semad th ninsofworkham e op e ofobr t h e h o m e e t h i n k t e C h r i s ts u b s c r îb e d a t o n c e . S e a d h e n a dt w h o b a e c a e e o r a nd ahesomte n e Ch t We y first subscription and sean al was ta ecunw hd fo ing or a hy eteryCanadaande r subscrib ed, and witb thankful hearts listened to the cry for light, for belp, y ildfr earacnadachan e h ~wmnrs n ag"riefor healing, that bad came te us from I I net menaeo emcnducacwere whe fomnwhoseaIldlssngsfiow." far-away needy lands and had nat netmak tem scces wer weGo frinwho al bessng flwR heeded the M aster's command "Go bav faled Wemus trin bem The President, Mrs. W. J. Roberts, bea ail ghad bemustranem e salthe brdan ringinth to hink unselfishly. We want a in bier address reviewed the work of eit i h ordadpec h re ~the year, cmmending the auxiliaries gospel ta every creature"; because 0L C and t a w ill reac b out t a o th frthe ir f i hurf o t n h u w e had n t g ne, G od w as b i g n bA E ationeen bealed, hand we nued he eor th athd a fotten de the suc- these other nations te us. We bave I w he-st trained belpers for this work. emhsized the fact that we must ad ians in aur cauftmillionhanewCan- dl nd n h cid have more auxiliaries, mare memhers canty -o avncm th v a e t e e y e t aer' and m ore prayer. ta us full of hope. H ave the Christ- t n _îaltnobtThe repoie of the Nominating !an peoiple here extended a welcom- And warkon bt need tbe moat gi ted Committee as given by Mrs. j. S. I. xng band and assisted tbem as much Thequ e ba p.if orws esyoen was unanimousîy adopted, the as passible ta become gaod citizens of praise ai Provd sfe b milios an prscried y pysicansfor Psalm, a Psalm tbat sums up the stallatian hy Rev. D. W. Best, D.D helping te answer the prayer tbat giory of Ced and hrings us inta Com- Tbe evening session was apened goes up frem so many bearts, "Lord pit Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago munion witbH fim. We must tt witb a prayer and praise service con- of tbe Lands, make Canada thine modern ta bring aurselves into close comn- ducted by Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor own." Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism munian witb aur Master. What we of Trinity Cburch, as Chairman. TeAlPol' isosetb hny conei oe witbeGod wlh aar-t1 h missionary pageant, "The Cen- lished hy our cburcb are doing a gaod performi comunonwih odwih o ar qerngCross," was weli given by work and are wide-spreading in aim control. re ewetakings ta Him5 and let- mebr of the Mission Bands of St. ta reacb ail natienalities. In these tigHmTiiycuce. Lvmsin h blrnaegtee nWclased the marning session witb symholized by tbe Crass, was shown Kindergartens wbere they learn aur beauty, i prayer. te be se mucb better than War, language quite naturally tbrougb only 2 "1 «Bayer" package At the beginning of the afternoaon Weaith, Learning or Power (each play. The aIder beys and girls are cieiicy, ti L chLe ntaspoedieto, session an "Ln Memoriam" service represented by a little girl), in up- trained in the C.S.E.T. and C.G.I.T. and long shc otispoe ietos was conducted by Mesdames Daley lifting aur sisters from India, China, groups, and for tbe mothers there are Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets and Ashton. Thirty-four namnes of Mexico, Arabia, Japan and Armenia. meetings in wbicb they are taugbta the S/Also botties cf 24 and 1O-Druggies. those who had passed on during the Miss Alice Jackson, formerly a Englisb, have Bible study, and enjay aplrin la the tr*de mark <"cgttered in Canada) of Bayer. Manfacture of 1Monaceut. year were read hy Mrs. Daiey, and missionary te the Indians at Nelson a Woman's Missianary Society of cideter 0f Saliecl cacid <Acetyl SaIieyllc Acid '"A. S. A."). Whiie it in weii known Ms stn o h ltgv eyitr hi w. Temnbv hi at Aupirin meana Bayer manuacture. to amxt the public againat Imitation@, tihe Tabieu rs sho spokeonte2t chap- Heuse, Manitoba, gv eyitr hi w. Temnhv hi ,fBayer oomffny wui lie tamped with their general trade mark, the. "Bayer Crou." ter of Revelation. She told how esting address. Her twenty-nine clubs, tee, and are helped witb their C I John, the beloved disciple, was liant- yoars cf service for the Indian people Englisb as weil as procuring their w a isho(i te Patmos te work in the mines had increased hier interest in them. naturalization papers. In tbe sum- Bwm and was deprived oif hi, friends when Thirty-four years aga aur Woman's mer there are camps for tbe cbîldren ho most noeded them but Ced gave Missionary Society sent eut their first and aut-door clinics. By calling in him re elaion So e of us ave mision r tohel in the medcalthe homes the missianary gets into hl eeain oeo shv iseayt epi h iasuffered separation from our friends wvork, amo'ng the Indians. Novw eclose toucb witb these people and in OI \< \~.1, iut Ged ive" usarveain It have wvrk carried on at ten different every ,,,ay pssible tey are helped te ba en said that our people die centres. become goad Canadian citizens.- wel, but I sýay: "Our women live' It is twenty-four years since the mel" They shall overcome and in- former Presbvterlans first sent eut al" The music supplied during the d-ty borit al thinge We shahl not ail he nurse and now work is carried on in yteKie uretec saa bore in 19 2s.' but we must nct ho flfteen different centres. One cf Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Friend, Mrs. Found, J troublcd e know that ur R e- the f rst things te be tau g h t the JI f s. n deemner iivetb and Cccl will give us ans was th need of taking care of n sezrndteTity hu £rrace. L(tusbve at s ee-thir hodios. Tw'o or tbree famill s Chir a very much cnjeyed by al. ter the new. vear.e linelaone rcom front wbich thev I Th repnigSecretarvNirs. trîed te ,;hut cut al the air poslsible. wasýg asP tenath e, 0avy min tee G. J àe ri, roported a total nie'niber- Tbey had tc ho taugbt te keep their gc tedne 0 eeae andi 74 visiters baving resgistered, f shjiof.8f. îhI Îr raha~c~ ouses and yards cenl ndt o but i n the afternoen and evening of 3ic 2 are ne-x this vear. In careful cf t hse bo bad tuberculos I thore were manv rsrtwh i o the futuJre on'v annual reports, and. is. hcw tc the medicines sent te nrt quarterly reports .are to e e snt tbem hy the govornment, aIse baw te register.prsnwbdine ti, îthe Preouhteril Correspontling take care cf their babies. Seme cf Delegates ta tbe Conference Secretary, but in tbç-se annual r('- their cblîdren were cripples, having Branch meeting tn be beld in Pem- ports s.h(-- ould like a complote story one leg shorter than the other, catis- breke. June 7-9: Mrs. Harry Thomp- of the werk cf the yoar, describing ed by leaving tbem tîed in the mess- son, Whitby, Mrs. E. B. Coake, New- methotis cf work and anything cf in- hapr toc mucb, even when asleep. castie, Mrs. W. W. Jones, Wark- 5 P terest. Just being a friand ta tbemn when warth, Mrs. W. J. Harper, Camborne, they needed ne meant a great deal Mrs. C. R. Crozier, Oshawa, Mrs. C. "Try anMrs. Hward, n discussing the te tbm. When she left there many, C. Washington, Courtice, Mrs. F. J. "Undeveloped Pessibilities of aur thanked bier for wbat she bad ilneSwVeetman, Brighton, Mrs. (Rev.) A. Auxlirie",sad tatthecesttu- fer them, and she passed the thanks J. Terrill, Woier, Mrs. W. J. Gar-A tien tiefines an auxiiiary as any group an, fer if it hadl net been for the l and, Cobourg, Miss A. E. Solomon. A Se of wemen in a congregation agreed Woman's Misicnary Society sheiBrighton, Miss H:azel Cannocm, Ce- te premate a spirit cf prayer and ceuld net have given that help. Sup- I bourg. L s service amcng its members, ta de- in es veiep a missienary spirit in the wom- en and children of the church and on o h work of the seciety at breadabroaci. The undeveloped -right over your old one s Cfd. first one is the spirit cf prayer. , Experie e ba nruti s ihth osbiiy hoice M eats Fora of forming by prayer , power linos TAY JhsMnil ii Asbestos Shingles between heaven and earth. reà 'lin M;wiii cave heon sîei C leg ini s Part af aur religbeus worsbip ani our grewth in the religious life CLELLAN & Corequrg it.ya Mwythchr C . M. CAWKER & SON n'ýis omc o, T sIeclg Victoria Building Butchers BwavleAso see McCla, it i a bn which inves;ts Ycur mon- o an il jward in beaven. Christ I Phone64 I an rie~~~~~~~~~~~S L I5Nin t d e.staytwlrcîernia BOV 1 A ne th Have You Tried tell Coal O011? heat and light instead of soot and smoke. it and be convinced as others have. Batteries Charged A.ig t B atlettnvll King St. East, Bowmanville 'N YOU,TOO,, , CIIOOSE AN LDSMOBILE ,thousands and thousands of enthusiastjc ners of Oldsmobile saw it, drove it, knew then chose it for their own. - . when you heed their whole-hearted ind the conclusive eviclence of ever-mn- .popularity.... rou see Oldsmobile and check it, point by with ail the known f actors of menit in motor car construction.... rou drive it and experience its thrilling kance, its effortless handling, its positive 'ou know it and realize its surpassing its complete provisions for enduring effi- thrifty operation, comfort, convenience ,,lf e. . . . RBET yoto ISALooES O.bie )n.31 tBETT MOTOR SALES CO., Lfl Ville o ni B ILE~ EEOiIROIN ksational Success sThan Two Years The uweepîng, world-wide ac- ceptance of McClary's Speediron element is itself the rnost convinc- ing evîdence of Speediron's depend- ability. Less than two yearu old, yet ai- ady the established leader of elec- range elements. Its perforrn- *reliability and speed have peedjron is now used on al styles of Mcclary's8 Elec- e- from the srnall, coin- for tiny apartinent kit- lîhandsome No. 10 range :hens. Made in the very SYOu require and sold u can afford. Your CIak ,ctric Range try's A &f F Electrjc Water Heater Fibrcform Tank Cover VMANVILLE BY LEN ELELIOrraoe i - WA JE Phoi THE CANADIAN STATESNAN- ROWUà luvifir r vý 1