PAGE EIGK¶ r~~~HE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWM&NVILLE, TUSAMYlt. 97 Dr. and Mtrs. J. S. Somers and fam- ily, Toronto, spent Sunday with his sisters, Mrs. Thos. Jackson and Mrs. W. J. Bragg. Bowmanville High School was hon- ored on Friday afternoon by a visit and a short talk f rom Dr. James L. Hughes, forînerly a citizen of Dur- hani County and stili an ardent en- thusiast of its qualities. now Chair- man of the comr.ttee conduction the International Oratorical Contest in O ntario. THE DECISION Abou t Sohnol MWork fr oring p. On.j I.,avinc 1 Iizh Sehool i.,a re. i problern. Probaitly our curriculumi rnay ho1r. Mailed fr-. on requet to Shaws BîtsineFý S-1hois, Dt446 Elo)or Wust, Toronto. NOTICE 1 am preparedti t do ail kintis of cernent wonk: Foundations, Floors, Sitiewalks, etc. AIse Cernent Blocks anti orna- mental cernent brick of several designs. Estimates given free. Work done promptly anti sat- isfactory. L. TURNER Phone 170 Scugog st. Bowmanville Wallpapers Homes of unusual beauty-of which the owners are justly proud- are made so by proper in- terior decoration. Wall- paper plays an ail import- ant part in good interior decoration. The choice of proper wallpaper is an art. Let us help you choose from the most comprehen- sive stock of quality pap-1 ers to be had in Bowman- ville. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowinanville Ont. LET US "You Pay Lem~ People are telling u prices are less. Let usr to buy at our store. SOONER OR LATER YC Paints Varnishes Oil Stoves Garden Tools You wiIl find it a mij oui' stor~e first when needir Dustan's Cai "We Serve You WelI" IWhen Yc GROCERI ES-BREAE JPASTRY-CHOCOLA -SOFT DRID Bring or send your oi it wil] receive prompt att( good valut, Baker & Grocer BR -. - - - I CAKL)S OF THANKS Mr. and MIrs. Robt. Holmes desire te thank the Superintendent and the Nurses of the Bowmanville Hospital for their kindness and care durinz Nlrs. Holmes' recent illness. 19-1w The Ngewvcaet1e IndCeýperidfer-t THURSDAY, MAY l2th., 1927 rsA. L. Potts and Rev. and NEWCASTLE Mrs. W. H. Spargo desire te thank_____ their friends and neighbors for their Mrs. George Dowson is visiting Mr.ý great kindness and synilpathy ixed and MNrs. W. C. Blackburn. ed to thenî during the illness andj Dr. White, Lindsay, visited the death of Rev Dr. Pascoe. Misses Thonîpson during the week- -- end. Mr, Wm. Lymier and fanîily, Maple Miss Violet MeMillan, Bowman- Grove, (losîre te thank their many ville, was a weekend visiter at Mrs. friends and neighbors for the sym- (Dr.) Farnconsb's. pathy antI kindness extonded te them Mr. antd Mrs. Lou Buckley and duriîîg the illness and death of the family, Orono, were Sunday guests late Mrs. Lyniei and for the beauti- with Mrs. W. N. Buckley. fuI floral offerings. They also wish Mrs. Fuller Cator, Salem, andi son te extend theii' thanks to the Super- Mr. XiII Cator, Oshawva, visiteti Mr. intendent andi nurses of Bowmanville and Mrs. Wm. Parnaîl on Sunday. Hospital and also Dr .Slemon. M',r. andi Mrs. Percy Haro and son __________________________ Jack, visiteti her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Trenton, over the AUCTION SALES weekend. ______Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gray andi Friday, May 2th-Mr. F. W. daughter, Oshawa, were weekend vis- Langmnaid, Lot 29, Con. 5, Darling- iters with his parents, Mr and Mrs. ton, will have a large Auction Sale Robert Gray. of Stock and Implements, including Mr. and Mrs. Carl French and registereti Jersey bull, choice Jersey chiltiren, Toronto, were weekend cows, etc. Sale at 12.30 p. m. sharpl visiters at Mr. and Mrs. Herb Toms' standard time. See bills. Geo-l and other relatives. Jacksio-n an-d -Son, Auctioneers. 19-2*l Mrs. Long and son-in-law anti ____________________daughter, Dr. and Mrs. James Cot- ton, Toronto, spent the weekend at Stheir lakeside cottage, Oyapella. iD Mrs. Grant, Chester, Penn., la spending the summer with hier 44q%édaughter, Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin. She was accompanied on the journey by Tendrs For Dredging her grandson, Mr. Melbourne. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Taylor and SEALED tenders. addressed te the daughter, Yvonne, Toronto, spenti ndersigned and endorsed "Tender for the weekend with her parents, Mr. dredging. Toronto, Port Hope and Co-an bougOnt,* wll c eceve atil 12an Mrs. J. H. Gibson. Saturday o'ciock noon (dayight savingi, Monday, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Gibson went on May. 16, 1927. their annual trout fish trip andi re-1 Tenders wiIi fnot be considered unles turned with a fine catch of 40 malle on the forns supplied hb:the e ke euis partment and in accordance ihtesckdbates conditions set forth therein. Mrs. Sarah Atkinson arrived homo Combined sîpecification and terni of from Atlantic City, N. -J., Friday, tender con be obtained on application te o maetby erduhrMs the undiersigned, aise at the offce ef the, vmaidb e1duheMs District I,ýngineer, Equity Building, Tor- Robert Gibsen. Mr. Gibson expects ente. Ont, te make a visit te the old homo town Tenders must Include the towing of the in about three weeks' time, after i plant te and from the work. Thp dredges and other plant whlch are which ho and Mrs. Gibson will re-l intended te lie used on the work shaii tura te the popular sea shore resort. bao,'hen duiy registered In Canada. at the time of the illing of the tender with Miss Minnie Pearco, Press Ropre- the Depar' ment, or shall have been buiit1 sentative, Bowxnanville High School, in Canada after the filing of the tender. in Company with the teaching staff Eacb tt'nder must be acempanied by of the school and about sixty stud- an accepted cheque on a chartered b'tnk1 payable te the order of the Minîste-r o ents, went te Toronto, Wednosdayi, Publlire Worke, for 5 per cent ef the con-1 ovoning te hear the oratorical con- trac-. price, but ne cheque te be for lem,~ test in Convocation Hall betwoen the thon fIftteen hundred dollars. Bonds ofeevnHihShoDstctCap th-~ Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Iee ihSho ititCap 'anadian National Railway C'ompany wili ions. be accepted as securlty, or bonds and Mr. John Langsford, Southerni a ceîîe i rdluredte ak upan ddAlabama, is vîsiting his aunt, Mrs.1 aorint. B>. arder. Alonza Cowan, and other relatives. S. E. O'BRIEN, His mether, Mrs. Langsford, was Deprtren ofPubieWorsSeeretary. formerly Miss Laura Taft. Ho is a ottawa, May 6, 1927. 19-1. native of British Columbia, and a1 veteran of the great war and this is - his first visit te the homo town of Mr.ant Ms. latonStven dhis maternal ancestors, the Wall- family, Newtonville, anti Mr. and bigs Mrs. T. H. Cook, Toronto, were Sun- Mr. Earle Davidson, Toronto, andi day guests at Mrs. M. E. Moore's. other frientis wero weekend guesta ______________________ of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Shaws. S It was a ipleasure for hîs many i s hero te meet Mr. Davidson F IG -L A X again after a lapse of six years. NATURES WAY FOR SURE During several summer seasons, ho N RELIEF PROM anti other members of the family with their parents, Mr. and Mrs C ON S T IP AT ION Davitison resideti in the Brown Cet-* 25 and 50 cents at Druggists 1 tage, north of the village. Young People's League held its regular weekly meeting Monday ev- ____________________________ ening with Miss Beatrice Bragg, Mis- sienary Vice Prosident, in charge. AI very enlightening and inspiring talkr on "The Situation in China-what's1 it all about?" was given by Mrs.s Lindsay, returned missionary fromr China. Mr. Gordon Ashton gave a very apropriate reatiing "A Studenty Volunteer's Roasons for becoming a a pino oloby Miss Bernice Gilbankb an avoa duet hy Mesdames E. .B.o sai i..usans Cooke and W. D. Bragg. feth close of the program, old and young intiulged in the weekly relay games, the two teams ending even. Mrs. M. E. Moore was in Cobourg a .s amos daly hatour Mnday attending the funeral of the prove to you that it pays man anti President of the Countiesj Chiltrens Aid Society. Last woeka Dr. Boyle, Rector of St. Peter'sa Church, C'obourg, and Mr. Bickle vis-t îted Rev. F. R. James, when Mr. )U WIL NEEDTHESE Bickle was apparently in excellent t )U IL N EDTH SE health, but the grim reaper cameb very suddenly Saturday morning and Screen Doors calleti to his rewarti a beloveti anden publie spiriteti citizen, whose place Lawn owerswil libe very bard to fill in the many Law Mo erspulici capacities in which he serveti Poutr Nttnghis town, church and community. I 1 T'he May meeting tif the W. M. S. o Poulry Spplis 1 f the Unitedl 'C rch lwas held in the IIS. S. Hall l, hu r s day, May 5 t h, 1 i vih 44 niembers present. The ighy oo haittovist reith XI rs. E. B,.('titke, presiditi1( [ghty god habi to vist J'ro'tjent aa20 minute ilovotion. ing hardwar~e sup)plies. a -itriotî%% hich beltl ftr alan on-1 h îr'hîat'nt tof the spiritual life. M r..i I C tîke led in jtîrt"oî, follow'îd b l i Si.1. .M,(Ctîtlleîlick reaîliîg the r -e nua'. Se'nte'nc'e'pravîrs uwerù 1itltt'r('tl v Mri-. l.A. Butler, M ns, N b Ijardivarejan .Jiiîson, M'. (rNl'ick rs p Bowmanville Sîiiretary'tfid'Chris.tian Sttewaýrdship ir laitd thititattor tif raising otrantllîta-- tim t ,t iîtfthte nweiting vihii.h %will lie i fuir li'tht' '.'ai'rbe igtith the"' î'it'tiîtîi'viii', M.'. iiaiti ('tke 1I _____gave a - iiurttoires- e ling îat aC iiiiikitig i liai ie au-,iliarie'. had kt'1t ovît' for'thi' fîîllfliine yt'ar titi' ou N eed , .ar'dd;i cra i ldi d )-BUNS---CAKES- Iir 'lt iiti a'-a ig <'eYntrai iii %,TES-ICE CRE.AM t" Mn . liti'*. 'l'rIi; call nd S- 4KS-ETC. I(LIl':iu i and it'., of Irder to this stort where ;nital iya". rît> t eninand you'wili get t'. MMvlil Gadenl'nav 'hî ail W. M. S. lti tiBita iianvit!t' wi're given li M rs. .1 C, l1lîn îîc a nt i rs. W. J. S, ikar-il ,1Mrs. Matchett moveti tndl Mrs. E. C. FAZ-1 '61T O N e'r socondeti a vote of thanks to the Flrec OCîOliver gave ea IIumorULus recitation which was much approciat- eti. Mr. Chas. James gave a rocita- tien, "Napeleon's Farewell te His Troops'. Mr. R. G. Hartiing gave a funny little song accempanying him- self on the kazoo. As encore ho gave a humorous but very etiifying recitatien. The contests under Mrs. Lindsay's direction continueti until refroshments were serveti, Mrs. Brown making as dolicieus coffee as she always doos. After refresh- monts Mr. L. H. Cooke, president of St. John's A. Y. P. A. gave twe very înteresting recitations. Games were playeti until the bus arrived te take the guests home. Next meeting will be helti in St. George's Parish Hall on May llth. MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES Newcastle observeti Mother's Day anti iti honor te Mother hy atteni'ing church anti going to Suntiay Schoel, in se mnuch that the total attendance at the services of divine worship anti at the Suntiay School sessions of the village churches was fully equal te twico the total population. Ia keeping with the sentiment of the day, the Unitedi Church was beautifully atiorneti with lovely flow- ers, including w'hite Calla Lillies in memory tfif nother's gone, contrili- tited liv the L~adieos' Aid, a splendid specirnen otf cactus with reti bloons in hontirtif înothers with us', prov-it-1 edl li Mrs, Bienj. Moise, antI a basket if exqutisite eut flowers from M rs. i Dr.i Butler iin memiiry of beri 44 tthor. Rev. E. B Cooke preaclîcî excol-1 lent ser"mion., touîching on thei thoiîac upli<rnist in t'very onecs thoughts, 't s mtînn tg suitject lteiiig titi' resion-1 ;iliIlitv rtf parents ant is("' ou t'nng I iscorstue,'.the nosponsihil ity (jf ehîlti- -on. Theoiîir unîler the leadlership oIl Mdr. WV. .J.S. Rickarti rcnilcnt't a lit prtgraiiof saîreti sonz, orpte ially appî'alintic n uttîers being the aittliti.1 'Guide ni'. O. Thou Great .oît h' n which Mrs, <Rev. I E. B. <'î,îk'î' an ad'tin<z solo part tand Mi' Robt. Walii ii's solo in the v'î t, 'MothirN. \Iv ear". 1M1r. anî Davitisitti i fSherbourso St. 'îtireli Choîir. Toro nto , assistedtIotht ass s'cto t t t Liihe \'ening servive. 'ti iii MýiiI Str'e't Unitedi Suîtida' n'hlîrli,'v at 'lenîjiti i'ig ratit, givi il vý Mîeîîî t 'srtf the slirrAfît.. " Clas o .1I j1t1r1tie Poei.ce'and luîI11 riîrkt.e ' ilthe vols t'.; ttalu ru To îttirl;i Ili'le N'enma , t 'iic 1, pui-! pi tif lia ii Siiley, T'r'iti,, u!Vt'i1 afti 'v rtilio- Niir. IL 1.siîtp!vî, (h' mît.spo '.irilt.r r Iother's i ay tni whuiî \i' tt'.tt'o oii' nothers. Mr. anti Mrs. Fowler, M r. anti Mra. Apî)tttn anti son, Mr. anti Mrt Chadwick, Mrs E. Colwill anti Miss none ('tlwill anti Master Wright, Toronto, matie up a delightful party of wcekenti visitera at Mrs. Elizabeth Jones', King St. Spring Time ES Kodak Time Loati your Kodak with the de- pendable Eastman Film in the yellow box. Our Developing anti Printing Department is now fully equip- peti anti we are preparedti t give 8 Hour Service Developing and Printing In 9 a. m. Out 5 P. M. IJury & Lovel IWhen we test eyes it is done properly Coronation Caf e (Next to Royal Theatre) Have installed an Iceless Cabinet and wiIl sell WILLARD'S ICE CREAM Bricks, Bulk Dish or Cone FIRST CLASS MEALS XVhen in B)wnan ville eat here \\here ' ou get the hest at mo(leratc J)iices. PHONE 148 Tell us what you want and it will be ready when you caîl. SHAWS Mr. Irwin Allin, Millbrook, spent Sunday with his family ...Mr. Ewart Clemence was at home over the weekend..Mr. Wesley Heard has secured a position in the Good- year, Bowmanville ...Mrs. E. V. McCracken, Travers City, Michigan, Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce and Mrs. Ross Pearce, South Darlington, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard ..Miss Grace Bragg, Tor- ontoi accompanied bY Miss Stuart, and .Messrs. Snedd and Davidson, spent Sunday at home .... .Arbor Day wvas strenuously observed at our school on Friday, May 6th, when the pupils under the capable supervision of their teacher, Miss Beatrice Bragg, cleaned the school yard in prepara- tion for their summer sports and floiver gardon, the doing of which oc- cupied the forenoon. In the after- noon ail enjoyed a merry time roam- ing through Rickard's Woods, return- ing to Mr. W. C. Ashton's lawn, xvhere they picnicked on sandwiches, cake, tarts and candy with an abun- dance of lemonade. This happy gathering was further supplemented by Oldor Boys and Girls of Shaws who are now attending B. H. S. and who engaged them in a lively game of basebaîl and other sports. The pupils and their teacher had a very busy day and at 7.30 o'clock aIl re- ENNISKILLEN Young People's League met laat week under the leadership of Mrs. E. M. Cook with an extra good at- tendance. An interesting program included a Mother's Day pageant en- titled "Mother's Coronation" render. ed by the children of the publie school and Miss Alice Marks........j Splendid gatherings observed Moth- er's Day on Sunday, 106 being in at- tendance at Sunday School and 4 good congregation for public worship in the evening. According to en- rolment there is stili opportunity to do fifty per cent better..A large coinpany gathered at the auction sale on Wednesday, May 4th., when the chattels and real estate of the late Charles Stewart were disposed of. The real estate was purchased by Mr. Levi Brunt.. Work is prog1ressing on the Byers' property in the vil- lage and it is planned to have it open for business by May 24th. . .. Trinity Church Male Quartet, Bownianville. will sing at the Sunday School Anni- versary, May 22nd., both afternoon and evening. The Bert Lloyd Con- cert Company on May 24th. Watch for particulars next week. turned to their homes heaithier and happier for having spent one whole day in God's great outdoors. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLSI BASE UINE, DARLINGTON Examination report for April .IAnniv ersary services of Base Lîne Intermediate Roomi. Jr. 111-JeaniSun day S chool will be held as fol- Riekard 86, Marie Henning 84,1 loivs: On Sunday, May 22nd., ser- Mary VanDusen 83, Margaret Toms, vices at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. (stand- 77, Alecia Williamns 76, Georgelard tinie), in charge of Rev Thomiasi Graham 75, Gwen Willianms 71,1 Wallace, Newtonville. Music by Lyle Moore 67, Harry Couch 67, Providence U. F Club. On Monday, Marion Aldread 62, Billy Brunt 57, May 23, at 8 p). m., Bethesda Young Mary Chaplin (a4î), Harold Brown Peopit e will lîresent their popular (a2) (f2). play. "Willowdalo". Admission 25e Sr. li-Marjory Lyeett 71, Char- and 1.5c. 19-2w, lie Brereton 67, Evelyn Allin 67, Jack Hare 63, David Noden MA9EG1V Jack Toms 51 (al), Bobbie Duck AL GRV 48 (fi), Harold Djeline 46 (ai),; Louise Hnncock 34 (f), Jean Gib-' Church service next Sunday at 2 son 23 (a2) (fi). p. ni. Sunday School at 3 p. ni. First Class-..,joe tiockin 84, Dor- Miss Gladys Allin and Mr. Cyril othy Aldroad 80, Morton Eddy 78, Luke, Oshawa, spent Sunday with the Dorothy Henning 75, Mike Arych former's cousin, Mrs. N. 1. Metcalf.. 75, Norton Cowan 73, Ruth Honey . . Mr. Raymond Snowden, Toronto, 73, Muriel Shaw 71, Clarence spent Suniday with friends ..Miss Clarke 69, Hazol MeMannus 66, Ar- Laura Wickett who has beon spond- chie Martin 63, Frances Brereton ing the past nîonth with hier cous- 62, Reta Powell 62, John VanDus- ins, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowdon, en 60, *Stanley Brown 41, *Jack has returned home te Toronto. Bentz 34, *Loy Aldread '32, Hil- WKe welcomo Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrod liard Brown 26, *Ilean Clark 27. Wiide te our comiunity...This *-Absent pr fmnh community was shockod last woek part0f mnth.when thoy loarnod on Thursday that Mrs. William Lymor had passod away CONFIRMATION SERVICE ia Bowmaaville Hospital aftor a ________woek's ilînoas. The sympathy of al la A very beautiful and improssive extended te Mr. Lymer and family service took place in St. George's in thoir suddon and sad boreavement. Church, Newcastle, on Sunday morn- The funoral which was very iargely ing, when the united classes of New- attended by relatives and friends castle, Orono and Bowmanville Aag- took place at St. John's Church, Bow- lican Churches were confirmed and manv-iIle, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mr. L. H. Cooke, Bowmanville, was Lymor will be groatly missod as ai appoiated as a Lay Reader. splendid wife and mothor in the home' Ia the absence, owing te ilînoas, of and as a noighbor and friond in the the Rector, Rev. E. R. James, Rev. @,mmunity, always willing to help in i Scott Howard, assisted by Rev. R. J. what over way she could ...Tho Shiros, Bowmanville, and Mr. Cooke, many friends of Mr. John Callaghaa conducted the services. Rt. Rev. will be glad to know that hie is im- Bishop Sweeney, in choice but simple proviag aftor an attack of quinsy language, made a fervent plea to but was unablo te attend his mother's those boing confirmed into the church 1f unoral................... Practise te interest themselves in the better-l has commenced for our anniversary. ment of their cousins in other lands, with Mr. Francis Sutton, Bowman.I decarig tat beiefin odwas ville in charge... Miss Hilda Foley, synonymous with a belief in msin Toronto, spent the weekend at home and missienary work. Mrs. lfo .... Miss Helen Worden, Oshawa, Farncomb, in hier u.qual capable man- spent Sunday with hier aunt and ner, filled the position of orgaaist. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden.. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago, Base Line, visited at hier mother's, Mrs. A. Y. P. A. HOLD JOINT MEETING William Jeffery, on Sunday ........ Mother's Day was observed hero on Wednesday, April 27th, Bowman- Sunday and Mrs. (R.ev.) George ville and Newcastle branches of the Mason, Bowmanville, gave an excel- A.Y.P.A. spont an onjoyable evening lent address on "The debt the church in the Parish Hall, Newcastle. About I owes te Mothers". Two solos were forty happy, energetic young peopleo1 excellently rendered by Misses Mabel enjoyod the evening. President of Stevens and Margaret Abernethy. A St. George's A. Y. P. A., Mr. Howard reception service was held when 14 Gibson, wolcomod the Bowmanvillo young people were received into the branch with a very interesting and church. appropriate address. Mr. Lorne Thomas gave two recitations, "The Coward" and as encore "Dargerous Music Dan Magrew." Mrs. J. A. Gunn Miss Berniece Giibank and Mrs. B. Oliver favored the audi- 1 arn prepared te give piano lessons te ence with two enjoyable piano duets, 1wbginnersý. Tprms moderate. Lot 2 followed by a reading by M rs. Lind- il3. F.. D-arlington, Phione 111-6. 16-4w say. Messrs. Clarence and Law -______ rence Gaines gave a "Niggor Show" which was loudly applaudod. Miss Willard'a Ice Cream Sold Here W. P. Corbett Phoùie 3 HUSILE THEM ALONG '0rk M makes chicks grow as no other food can. It is a combined starting, - growing and developing food. Pre- vents white diarrhoea, bowel trouble, & leg weakness. Promotes big bone, early maturity, even feathering. Let your grain feed be BLATCHFORD'S "BAR-NUN" CHICK SCRATCH Order today from L. H. PEARN Phone 304 Liberty St., Bowmanville Also for sale Incubators and Brooders, Hatching Eggs and Baby Chicks Every Serions Minded Boyer Considers Dillick's Values to be the Best Children's Solid Leather Non-rip Sandals, Special 89e Men's Khaki Pants, heavy weight, Special $1.49 Men's Lisie Hose ,ail colos, Special ..........39e Meni's Balbîriggan UiiderwNeai', Special gai-ment 49e Men's Military Work Boots, Special ........$.3 Boys' Wash Suits, nicely made, Special .. . .$1.19 Women's Balbriggan Bloomers, Special ....49e A. DILLI*CK King & Division Sts Bowmanville 'I Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville PAGE EIGRI %! w- THURSDAY, MAY 12th., 1927. Corbett's Wedding Cakes By not stinting, using the highest quality in- gredients and putting our best skilled effeets we have worked up an enviable reputation for wed- ding cakes. Brides no longer consider it neces- sary to have mother make the wedding cake. They let Corbett do that now. LIGHTEN THE HOUSE DUTIES During the summer months many housekeep- ers do as littie baking as possible. They find it to their advantage to buy Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pastry, etc., at Corbett's. Special orders are given prompt attention. THE QUESTION 0F BREAD There's no argument about it when you want jthe best bread. You just naturally thinb n ~buy Corbett's Wholesome Bread. 1 LP