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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TEE CANADIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MAY 19th., 1927 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phcne 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. mý. to 61 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. DR. R. E. DINNIWEL.L Hlonor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail iLs branches.ý Office-King St., Bownîanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 3 01.1 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Farro and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succesbor to lat. D. B. iunpaeb, I.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phoie 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for Pale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Co'mplete Moto,,or ML Horse Equipment Ailcall.s promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone 1rand to34 10 andStor3s Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Emabalmer and Funeral Director. Cails given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years attending Phy- mican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Renidence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trînity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR.« F. -*. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calîs promptly attended ta. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. O>rono Hlonor Graduate of University of Toronto. Ahl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Pho>nes: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calîs made during fore- noon. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN In Bowmanvii:-- aoi Win. s-!aYs Studio at Trin1ty i'nit- iri icl Toronto AIdres3: 2-I(' Yonmte Stréet. Inquire at Stattesman Offle- THE EDITOR TALKS 1 THE EDIITOR TALKS DO0 YOU REMEMBER WHEN? When the present generation i Providence had Christmias Q. M. this part of the Province of Ontario December 6. David Ede replaced Another of Whistling Jim'a pasesfrm he tae f ctinthreBro. Williams as Steward and Bethel Contributions will be very few, if any. persons h and Base Line were new appoint- (Continued froin May 5th) wh1 ments. w-hi be able te tell from personal Co1umbus was place of next Q. M. When the Wright sisters first sang knowlcdge how nany different re-1 and Ruichard Harper vas appointed in the Bible Christian or Methodist ligieus deneminations bave contrib-1 Circuit Steward with George Hazel- Choir? uted t.) the spiritual and moral lifel(dille . A Salemn Q. M. Columbus re- of the peop!O w-h have dwelt in the-gel Pirted -1;> members andI Salem 66J When Mrs. Northcote was organist Midland Ceounties antI adjoining. Ebenzer comning 3rd with -11. Henryj in the Methodist Church and w-as muii:cipal.,ties fre mithe time that the Stephens supplied for Bro. Ford dur- succeeded in this work by her ear.iest set:liers, eut clearings in thei ing sickness;. daughter Mabel whon the first pipe viî-min fore,-t and hewed eut homesi Bow-anville was again favored organ w-as installed? fer teme;e. The writer canl with Q .M. on September 5th when When the Moore girls of Brooklin net ce-er ail tuie perimd of the car-ý Rev. J. H. Eynon (of Cobourg) apd: displayed their musical talent in local ettleieint (f -:hose (!istricts. lbut' Rev. Henry Ebbitt were new min- concerts, Miss Lena. as instrumentaI- t-an nanie -veral religia- )rgnz-isters with Bro. Tapp. ist Miss Tot (Edna) as vocal soloist tiens that have p:î--eu int, hî-t'-ry andI, Last Q. M. for 1846 was at Pro-I an' isEaacnpne hma are no' longer n act:ve su-vicv, Thel vidence. Three new vappointments .dMisEvchanpnidthma younger members of the îreent gen-' iwere approved-Lanîbkin's, Rodd'sI peoe eratien will be surprised when they1 and Banbury's, and at next meeting~ When Miss Etta James, (now aret~i lîw mny ifiren reigius wemore appointments were addedi '.Mrs. William A. White of New- York denomiiinat ions have contrihuted te~ -Lane's and Tremaine's. A horse' City), w-on the Gold Medal for pre- pmresent denominations know-n te us' -a bought for Henry Ebbitt at eniinence at Whitby Ladies' Col- now as the United Church of Can-1 £165. At next Q. M. Suuch's w-as loge, and another Gold 'Medal at ada. -; added ta preaching places; lateri Toronto Conservatory of Music, in * * *Malory's S. H. At Columbhus Q. M.j vocal music, and sang before their Circuit was divided Pickering and Excellencies Lord and Lady Aberdeen We speak from personal experience Scarbo ro being a separate Mission. when he w-as Governor General of which cevers a period of nearly three- t *Canada! cuarters of a century when w-e ae At Bowmanville Q M. on Setm religious denominations with whch ber 2, 1848, Thomas Green and John, When Penny Sinclair was chief w-e have been more or leas familiarý Williams were the circuit ministers.l clerk in Paul Trebilcock's stationery but whîch no longer exist as individ- In May 1849, new appointxnents ap-' and book store? ual organizations. We refer onîyi proved were Baldwin's, Bethesda, When Mr. Evans the Rev. Cap- ta such as have been operating in( Staples', Knox's, Eldad, Butterfielda.' has Parker's son-in-law, some sixtY these -Midland Counties and adjacent~ Peter Werry was appointed Circuit yas gbuil he emnthoue ones. These are: Wesleyan Steward in -place of George Hazel-tey rear aofuitte cemn oe t Methodist, Episcopal Methodist, Bible dine. Newcastle and Mt. Pleasant adwadi the corruner of Ceteanhoet, Christian, Methodist New- Connect- were added ta appointments. At moder eet o eetad ion, Primitive Methodist, Congrega-. next Q. M. at Columbus, Cardiphonia, en cmn r eetad tional and Presbyterian in part, for Siloam and Williams' were added. 1Istelacr manfactung plntsuand the entire membership did not go into In June 1850, Revs. Abram Morris insgscrgper onffic ulings!lHntwasd the last great union of the three re-, and wife, with Rev. J. H. Eynon and rd lda h iefrhsavne ligiaus bodies-Congregational, Me-I John Edwards were the ministers, idiclda h iefrhsavne thodist and Presbyterian-but in cer Cartwright and Hutcheson's S. H.idea and many of his detractors caîl- tancis twsadsoecuty adPne wr e ppite'. ed the building "Crazy Mud Hanse", tlanctesr towyn anansom e unryladPnelwr e ppitet but time proved that lhe belonged in placs ar as Contnuin Prebyte- InJ un * ** wahchag- as ~with Edison, the electrîcal ferred t arryonin on andretr- I Jne1852, Milîville wthecla-1Ss ans". In this town there existed ed to Hampton. Ministers: Paul wzrd, and Alexander Bell the in- for many years another hranch of Robins, A. Morris, John Hodgson. vetro heilpoe the Presbyterian Church known as' Young preacher ta board at Wm.! When John Libby, the jovial team- "The Old Kirk", but w-e believe it' Windatt's firt quarter and at Peter ster, lived on Wellington Street, op- was absarbed by the larger body thel Werry's the next. New appoint- pasite the Organ Factory and w-as os- Preshyterian Church of Canada. If, ments Yeuells, Ridens and Annis'. pecially popular with the children ta in these remarks w-e make any errors; Peter Werry and David Edeo, Circuit whom he w-as always ready ta give of fact, w-e ask ta be corrected. Stewards. a ride? * ,. *In 1853 it w-as proposed ta divido! Darlington Circuit at Seugog Roadj When Granny Brunt or Brent lîved and three places in Pickering be join- alone in a frame bouse in the rear Our purpose la now ta give some ed ta the west branch. John H.IJof the Organ Factory, and Granny history of the religious sect, once for Smale was a new Circuit SIewrd Watson in the little cottage on Cen- manyyeas aleaingdenmin mo with Peter Worry, Revs. George Ray-1 tre Street in front of the George in these counties. We mean the, craft and Nicholas Rodd were new BIll home, now ow-ned by James Bible Christian. It may surprisel ministers and William Windatt, Cir- Needham! nany of Statesman readers te be toldj cuit Steward. that flfty years ago the largest re-1 * * Wen Le- Werry and Lau LeBar. ligious congregation in BowmanN-llei Ismay be of interest at the end tw7ldark complected Cartwright was the Bible Christian, meeting in 1 of firat period of 10 years covered Blazers, came ta town ta live and the large building on Queen Street,i bv this report ta give the number ofi now ow-ned by the flrma of John A.,' members at the preaching places. OV -________________ Holgate & Son and know-n as The, course, as at present, there were Evaporator in whîch the flrm's coali many attending services at these ap-1 and wood office is situated. The con-1 po.intm ents who were not counted in gregation worshipping there and the Ih quarterly reports. Here is the I present Trinity Cburch congregation, stmiýement given Navember 1853, at united about 1889, and Rev. Thomas Providence Qraart-r!yMetig W. Jolliffe was Pastor of the uniting Bwavil. ...............6 conreatan. bewnze....................60 congregatioColmbusee................ ......38 From a source which is most re-Coubs...........3 liable w-e learn that as far back as- Sîboam......................... 8 1843-over 80 years ago the Dar- Salem......................... 35 lington Circuit of the Bible Christiani Bethesda....................... 46 denomination embraced these placesý Zion........................... 15 of worship-had regular established Peniel......................... 38 church services: Bow-manville, Providence--------------------- 20 Hatch's, Ebenezer, Smith's, Colum:ý Bethel, Orono.................. 20 bus, Reach, Clarke, Mariposa, Orr's Hampton....................... 28 School House, TeIl Gate, Dorant's, Newcastle.....................:121 Allen's, Saxon Settlement, (now . Mount Pleasant................. 20 Zion), Hooper's School House, Mof-- Youell's....................... 23 att's, Hubbard's, Bryant's, Rundle's., Cardiphonia .. . ... .. ...... .. .. .. . .11 The ministers of Darlington Circuit: Eldad...................... .39 at that time (1843) were John Ed-l Riden's (Raya) ................. 121 wards and Phillip James, the quarter-1 Banbury's .......... ly salary heîng £4 each. CharleRI Hatch's........................ 13 Tamblyn was Circuit Steward. Souch 's .....................-.. 6, Hutchinson 's ....................14 Base Lino...................... 5 Annis' ..........................7 Bowmanville at the June Quarterlyi Cartwright..................... 3 ,Meeting of 1843 held in Zion Chapel Foster's........................ 5 was reported as having only 4 mem-ý bers while Hatch's had 28, Ebenezer1 Total 5461 38, Smith's 39, Columbus 29 of whom1 Credit is given for special contri- -- 2.5 w-re on trial. Orr's School! butions ta Mrs. Blight, Ralph Ward, House had 45 witb 26 on triai. The, J. Butler, W. Courtice, Jesse Wil- other appointments ran from 15 lams. dow,6n ta 2 at Bryant's and two (Te bu continued) others. Among the diabursements for that quarter 7s 6id was paid for, calico for Bro. Edward's bed quilt.1 _______________ The Michaemas Quarterly Meeting, was heid in Bow-manville on Septem- - mînister in place of John Edwards,! and Hooper's Milîs and Tow-nline' add.ed tuo preaching places with l2ý and 14 members respuctively. For , repairmng Robert Hurley's saddle l6s1-' %vas 1assed-saddlehab peahes the:, were in those early days. hI 0 * the treasury after bis and salaries, w.ere paid 6s Id.1 Chr;.stnas Quarterly meeting waslI W RdSa L-ia held at (olumibus on Licemije r 9,, î :,and Geoorge llazeldine was (tir- 1 cuit Steward. Total memhîership was! 37*2 and Il on tri-l. 'Mr. S. Miason1 was paid £1 2.6 for preacher's rent.i Lady Day Quartorhy Meeting waý, zîain held la Columbus "n March 2, i -. Orr's rel)ortod 60 mnembers anI Ehenozer 50, and twa new- pr-eachinfct places w-re Elforîl's an<i. Ni-h i-ii-. Financmal m*-p rt xa,' signed Iy George Hazoldine and John Williamns. M idsumimer Quarterly Meeting was, held at Oîrr's School House on May: 25, at whch timie the sanie Stewards': -m '- r- 'î--c' t'I e \t Q. 'M. 'ams, bel'! at Providence, Docembher 7th.1 During the yoar Rev. J. B. Tapp had corne te Canada from England, ex-! pense £10, 2.3. Ho took Rev. Phil-_ ip Jamos' place. Two no", sadd e S were htught cost £6, 59. Ilo-mnvllwas place of Lady, I)mY Q. M. "n March 5. Orr'., S.;- Il ei-'rr-il(1) member-' and 30 on;- Salarie - naiti: ltdm-r uiey, :1-j wif -t -£7, 10; J. 1'. T:pp andi v.ift \etQ. M1. was'n ((v r's S . 11. wiim 2 omi trial. Ebe(-no-zer hýolding' conti plact with -1l. Rev. J. B.l Tapp and w-fe were paid £9 and '%r'1 Ford £3, 12. and £3. 6.3 for saddle.1 Septomber 6, 1845, Q. M!. was 1 held hanflow-manville which now re- ported 16 membors . Orr's S. H.ý was renamed Salemn with 85 members and a new appointment added called~ Milivilie with 7 members and one oni trial.I A big manufacturer makes a radical change A very wel-known mnanu- facturer -ith 70 dealer-, in Western Ontario now uses Lonr Distance Sequence Cails ta eaul them once a mnonth to get their orders - so they will always have full stocks. A postal ca.rd sent in advance notifies thiern wh n the cal will be nmade, and the,, are ready. TIIesu ti~ at fiî-t madle I'ersemî-tî-Pi -m'ol, ai row ,01tin' - Su t' ;îck iî a I :"t > Cl'aper. i-h nonth sur- Con/znenl ?fo/or Morse Suent Chain Driz t, Full Force Feed Liibrit a/ion Whirlu'rnd Acceleration Supm'r-,Sen:isite Rifle Drilled Gainsha ft WEDDING Flintoff-McDonald A pretty springtime wedding took place at the King Street parsonage, Oshawa. on Thursday. MNay 12th., when Anna, eldest daughter of MIr.i and Mrs. Robert McIDonald. 42 Frank Street. ivas united in marriage to John Howard Flintoif. son of Mr. and Nir -. Howard L. Fl ýntoff cf (eurtjct-. Rev. C. W. DeMille. was thc officiat- i clergyman. The charming bride, w-ho w-as given in miarriage by her father. vas at- tractive in a dreýs of sandlewood crepe wvith miatching hat and shoes. healto wore a black sat in coat with ormint f white, anti carrjed a beautiful bouquet of roses antd lily of the x alIe\. Mis Jean McIDonaild.1 sister of the brie. w as bridesmajd, and ivas smartly frocked in a peachý satin dres ' with hat to imatch. Blonde shoes were wo rn. Her bouquet w-as and lily of the valley. Mr~. Alan Flintofi of Oshawa. cousin of the groom. w-as zroomsm;nan. Following the ceremiony, a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's parents toabaoiut thirty- five guests. Later. the bride and groom lcft for a short honeymoonj at Toronto, Hamilton and western points. For travelling the bride wore gier bridaI costume. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Flin- tof will reside on Arthur Street, Osb- awa. were the slick haired sheiks of their time! When clîmbing the high fence around Pinch's strawberry patch at the corner of Concession and Liberty Sts., and pilfering a handful of the delicious fruit was a favorite June evening diversion witb the boys of mischievous age? Do you remember why those particular berrnes were said to have the most delicious flavor of any grown in the district? When Mark Twain's stonies, M. Quad's humorous articles regarding Mr. and Mrs. Bowser, and the "Peck's Bad Boy" adventures were read aloud in almost every home! "Samantha, Allen's Wife" also ran serially for years and was a favorite. When Codd's Bank failed and made a lot of people af raid ta en- trust their savings ta banks! When many Bowmanville citizens invested in Winnipeg and Manitoba real estate and made profit or loss according ta the time they held it? That was the year the C.P.R. w-as put through. t'l Highwaymdpnd e ne c3(ADE by Canadians to meet Canadian climatic and CXroad conditions, the stamina of the New Star Car is neyer s0 fully rcalized and appreciated as on the long run. No other automobile at or near its price has the staying power that resuits from the employmcnt of the Red Seal Continental "L"-head Motor, full pressure lubrication and thermostatic control of the cooling system. The consistent in Star Car sales is due ta the quality of the car itself and ta the maintenance of its re- sale value through safe, sane companv policies. The number of Star Car owners desiring ta seli is propor- tionately smaller than that of any other automobile in its class. Durant Motors of Canada, Llmited Thermostat Coolie g Sys/e-n S/cering Wbeel Locom o/ie-/-'mipe !rakes Cold Rit e/ted Chasuis ITFS t' Sem:-clliptnc Springs Tas/-y, Durable Uphels/ering Xation-u ide' Serv ice Fac-iites Toronto, Canada '?Yhe* NEW* STAR* CAR FOURS SIE ?-JSe AristocratI tèeLow PriceT§ie/d Exclusive Agents for the New Star Six and Four Cylinder Cars, for Darlington and Whitby Townships SALES 9 Bond St. W., THICKSON iVIORJSALES Oshawa, Ont. Firestone Tires Are Sold In Oshawa and Bownianville by JAMIESON & JAMIESON Tire Repairers and Vulcanizers Oshawa Phones: 533, 172 and 457 a FIRESTON DEALERS Demonstrate This Extra Value The Firestone Dealer in your locality will gladly explain ta You the extra value of Gum-Dipping. He is prepared to demonstrate how the cords of the carcass are saturated in a rubber solution, insulating every fibre of every cord with rubber, which minimizes friction. Natu.rally, tires buiît of Gum-Dipped corda have extra carcass strength and stamina insuring longer wear. FIRELSTONF. TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 0F CANADA, Limited RAMILTON. CANADA MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Vfires$tone% YIRESTONE BUILDS THfE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES 7. BOwrnanville Phone: 419 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MAY 19th., 1927 PAGE TWO D-927

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