£HL CAJNAflAN STATE8MAh. BOWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l9th., 1927 PAGE TERl JThe trout whih.were sent down /, Lux 3....25 4 tins 23 t e the home were beautiful speci-ut C i e r1. I mensfi'om 12 te 15 inches in l C e r i CameAlaN 1ew @d7Nm lengtb. Tbey represented a surplus Fa Cheese 23'ib. Biscuits 23Cb.stock which the Fisb and Game De-erltwsoq 2 A imilar sbipment was sent te theî Jail Farm at Guelph. WEDDING CELEBRATION LOCAL AND OTHERWISE T e1" oD DARLINGTON COUNCIL DIVIDEND NOTICE Mr.. and Mr&. Frank Bennett Cele- Cyril Minaker, Deseronto, bas_____ Regular monthly meeting of NO. 80brate 35th Wedding Anniveraary hpen moved to the Standard Bank at T iakCounicil was held in Town Hall at Nmeia OyatesCm8n0Ahpy vnttokpac tth ewovil.e your jams and Hampton on Saturday, May 7tb, with Imeia oylis opay he Mr. ok lae h Mrs. H. Cox, Port Hope, attended: jellies perfect every time members ail present, Reeve C. A. announces that the regular hm ofMr and Mrs. Frank Ben- the diamond wedding anniversary of! Wight presiding. Monthly Dividend of one and nett, Dunn Ave., Toronto, on Wed- M.adMs oetRcad.B lzbt amrCute raue eotdta one-haif per cent. (1 ý %) nesday evening, May 1, wben a large M.adMs RbGwihrd.B lzbehPle enoly Heasrd and E td Wat will be payable on May 31st numnber of friends and relatives gatb- Rev. R. T. Richards, formerly of 'Good axoadyso et e dolbeen aradit edBwmanle to shareholders of record of ered to congratulate them on their Ceteo now a United Cburcb watching and peculating on what Hospital. jMay 25tb. 35th wedding anniversary. Tbey minister in Peterboro, bas been in- "luck" you .ill«Cae with your jam DR M t This is Monthly Dividend were presented with a bandsome vited to Port Perry, it is stated. or with your jelly, are over. Secretary D.R. Morrison request No. 80, making a total of one chair from the family and a number Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cawker, Mr' Now even an inexperienced cok ed Council to appoint a representa- bundred and forty and One- of beautiful gîfts from those rpres- and Mrs. A. M. Williams and Mrs. can be absolutely sure of sIicm tive from Darlington Counicil to co- haîf percent. (140/2 %>) paid ent. Lottie Bingham attended the funerali every turne. For the new, short- operate witb citizens' Committee of to shareholders since organi- Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are natives of the late John W. Bickle, at Co-1 boil rnetbod iwitb Certo neyer igals. Bowmanville in laying plans for a zation in April,190 of Newcastle, having lived there ail bourg. You Ceut br y rfut n Demonstration in Bowmanville on their lives until October iast wben Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Boyce, Bright- to a bil, add erto, boil ita am Dominion Day. Laid over for fur- IMPERIAL ROYALTIES they moved to Toronto. They have on, formerly of Grafton, have gone ute or two, and it's done-ready to ther consideration. COMPANY five cidren, ail living and eight to South Darlington to spend some &LMOU and oeal. . Ratepayers from Enniskillen and B J.EHoagrandchildren who were ail present timne witb their daughter, Mrs. Clar- Udoj beauty of it is t.hat this Hampton requested privilege of put- ByJ . onwthteeceto o r.Kemrrence Penfound. s bortbiing tmre aves the color ting calcium chioride on streets dur- andt h tecpto of D renv e mre rao.ad flavor of your freSh fruit, so ing coming summer on the 50-50 an dugte o ener Cload. Mr. Ailan Battie, Manvers Road, that yourjri and jeiles look bet- basis. Granted. K. Hl. Kompfe & Co The evening \vas spent most enjoy- celebrated bis 8Oth birthday, Thurs- jter and taate botter. Beaides, ie 'Imtdabiy with cards and music furnished day, May l2th. He enjoys good yu do not boil the juice away, o Ratepayers in Enniskillen asked Limtedby their son-in-law, Mr. Fred Culley, heaith and walks to church regulariy get no much more jain or jelly fror Counicil to build a cement walk coin- Toronto and London, Musical Director of Shea's Theatre, each Sunday morning, a distance of your fruit tiiat you save two cents mencing at end of present walk down adothers. The bouse was beauti-* miles, or more on every glass. to cemetery gate. Request granted Ontario fuiiy decorated with roses and daffo- CatP.M Little, formnerly the With each botule of Certo cornes and waik to be built under supervis- I ________________________dils, tokens of the guests. A anty editor of Belleville Intelligencer and à book of neipsforyu favorite ion of Road Supt. lunc wa sered.a,.qciated with the editoriai de- Jaini and jee--and some deli- Counicil appointed a committee partment of the Oshawa Reform- ciou new cnes! coniposed of the Reeve, Deputy ____________________________________________ er, bas been appoînted assistant news Sed fr this new (free) booldet Reeve, and Count. Pascoe, witb Road editor of the Montreal Star 1Sapt., to interview Win. J. Leask Co. .A.Wad K Pý Douglas Packing Co., Limited with a view for arranging to get oei A.Wrd, K. C. PortsI Cobourg, Ontario gravel from bis pit during coming IVe el ad reommed Hoe, rceivd wod Suday hatbi 7 W e seU nd ec m m ndnepbew, Coi. Hector Read is seriouslyj Please send me (free) vour iew col summer. iii at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, ored booklet on Jams and Jellies Cierk was instructed to order 12 B. C. Coi. Read is a former offi- new slusb scrapers. cer commanding the Durham Regi-...................Court of Revision wiil bie beld in ment................... Town Hall, Hampton, on Tuesday, Q ukrMr, C. C. Ravin, C. N. R. station..............' June 7, 1927, at 2 o'clock p. m., to agen atPickrin, ba goe toSt.consider aIl appeals againet Assess- convntin oftheOrde ofRailoadTreasurer acknowledges receîpt of D À I Y RT O eegraphers of America, and bie ex- TOWN COUNCIL $8.00 fromn R. H. Collacott, rent of pects to be absent about two or tbree od12196W.H Halfacre, old Feeds the cows and makes moet quarts weeks. Atthe regular May meeting of ibr25;Aye Beecb, trees on The ayodfinsi omn onl ail members were present road, $5.00. of milk per dollar of feed cost. ville of Mr. John Maynard, Camp- excepting Councillor W. C. Caverly. Orders were drawn on Treasurer: beliford, who underwent an opera- Mayor Holgate presided. WVith clover, ensilage or alfalfa, the best tion in Nicholis Hospital, Peterboro, Petition from farmers witbin the Road Supt., salary, office ex- milk produaing feed for the average dairy a couple of weeks ago, will be de- corporation asking for certain x penses................ .4 83-64 igbted to hear that he is progressing emptions on their land waa referredRodup. road material.. 388.40 farm. favorably, and it is expected wiil be to Court of Revision. Road Supt., road maintenance 550.32 Suffcietlyable to return home in a few days. M. A. James & Sons, ptg. and Sufcetyhigh in fflteiI a.nd ich in NwSrn otsadDessa- Application from Mrs. S. S.Sout- advt ...................22.00 Newris bpigCasad rse r ey asking for cernent approaches onl C. W. Slemon, M. D. services mineals.riving daily at Coucb, Jobnston & crossing leading to ber residence on L.B. of H ................ 95.25 Cryderman's. Elgin Street was left witb Roads and H. Ferguson, M. B., services ~~~During the senior editor's visits to~ Streets Committee to sct. L .o .......195 England from 1886 to 1895-five Requests of E. A. Osborne to in- Fred G. Smith, adv. T. S. PO T Y F E Stimes-be had often to correct er- stal gasoline pump on curb in fronti S. S. No. 13............. 100.00 POUL RY F EE)Sroneous ideas that Canada is a part of bis Property on King Street, and A. Miilson, adv. T. S., S. S. of the United States of Asuerica. LastI T. A. Garton tbe saine priviiege in No. 14................. 100.00 FuI-Oý-Pe Chick Starter~ sas « kafrmm week a newspaper carne to him from front of garage and rest roorn bie is J. J. Smith, adv. T. S., S. S. dIirrhoea and kg weaknesse G~b o btter dressed to Bowmanville, Ontario, U. erecting between'Balmoral Hotel and No. 19.................. 100.00 4elh bte got , bte bom a publisbing bouse in Cornwall ad- Saivation Army Barracks were F. C. Sbortridge, adv. T. S. bg id.S . A. granted. S. S. No. 20............. 125.00 1The report that tbe Provincial Bell Telepbone Co. asked permis- Noble I. Metcalf, adv. T. S. Conts yS lema for the rsutus you set G ood Roads Commission contemn- sion Vo erect 2 voles on Hunt Street S. S . No. 6....... ....... 10.00 plat ees building another higbway to and 3 on Elgin Street. Granted. S. G. Chant, adv. T.* S., S. S. 1%e uakz O ts ompflyroad, is said by tbe knowing ones oid Electric Lîght Plant is full to Council adjourned ta Tuesday, l'h Qukir Otato be a settled fact; anyway a gang overfiowing and becorne a nuisance JOlie 7, 1927, at 10 a. mn. of surveyors are working along the the Public Property Committee was W. R. Allun, Township Clerk. Sixtb Line from Hampton east, the instructed to find a suitable Muni- H A R "I' A L INsupposed route for pavement. cipal Dumping Ground Vo be operated PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. The Brimacombe faxnily, as a memn- G. A. Corden's cosnpiaint of being oir to the late Mrs. F. M. Brima- cbarged excessive waterrae ws A combe, presented Kirby United rfre t aew raCmitee s0 _____________________________________________ Chrchwit alarge bandsomely and Engineer. bou.nd pulpit Bible, whicb was grac- iously received by Rev. S. T. Tucker, No action was taken on Ontario Its fine qualdities preserved in the pastor, on bebaîf of tbe Cburch. The Bridge Co. offering used steel at $630 è 1 late Mrs. Brimacombe was a member for bridge soutb of Cream of Barley modern 4lurninum package. of tetrCfhurch, beore the union, for M. Hligh rond be constructed from Scugog St. EThe Liberais of Northumberland to meet road they have built on their County wili hoid a picnic at Victoria property. Roads and Streets Comn- Park, Cobourg, eariy in July. The mittee was given power to act in this primary objec t is to pay a tribute of matter. bonor and regard to a Durbam Coun-1 Tender of H. H. Diiing to rede- W -E R E »BoRO SSam flre, e,wcrae tueteor aemeTifowntllof W EN--, crried the Libera] flag to victory1 cording to specifications was accept- Î EPOEupon so many occasions in West Nor-l ed at $285, being lowest tender. \/R durig wichhe rpreentd tht F J.Manning's property on Elgin f tcu "e i attunc evr e with ad-S.wsgranted. ,&is g o d tei ParickMcDonaid of Lindsay, who would take at least $10,000 to put lt bittefrtlgbuein Cre h sidewalks around town in proper V ontreal in the twsiHaliburton County, cele- condition. Roads and Streets Com- zatiofl fromn the Bri RED RO E O AN E P KO jaexra oo . rated bis, 9lst birtbday, May 1lth. mittee was asked for a detailed e __________________________________________________ tledinCre Township when it was G. A. Edmondstone acknowledged Rpoue ee -- --- -- --- ---a dense forest. For a time hie work- ametfrdagsobicrfomOf 1838 and of a e-J -in- a -- --a--awalking the the formerage showscarfro sixtymiles eveyStur- Glove Indemnity Co. dy night, returning on Sunday Engineer Palmaer notified Council Of Montral at thL night. He often carried a bag of e bad applications for tbree water- farmer of LowerC grai on is bck n hi weeendworks services. 1ak. bsbckoii weed Council authorized purchase of sev- coins is the samne, MORE W SEI IRUA ieal corrugated steel culverts. Throughot WAcd nPstE OfficeBxeCutLARS hH Lwe, 6yarafis-active in s M4ay 24th -Victoria Day e___iece, ndeadomer emexto and Hoiday cason.We tton the floor of the post office adi en by the Council out of sm it have a compicte stock of ail L TAST BREALý,& the scrap box, the inter being practi- applicanta. pionic requiremnents and in- Pure andcnily full at noon the day of distribu- Superior styles and values in Lad-B AK vite youtoVist Our stercanl1hoîs tion. ies' SPring Conta at Couch, Jahnston -e g ve elow soe ~ -w Peope are rather fed up with bav- &Cyemns O A val.usC uC ,- post office box and tbrow it aside with1 ___ eed Cehre'sdisdain. CARD OF THANKS The postmaster is not to laeRorB yu 'r P ckl s1 pacn.teseint o b es is Ms.AJ.oubSiob sesaJ.. Why flot enjoy these exclusive cooking advantages? See McClary's Electric Range demonstrated at your dealers There is a style, a size and a price to suit your exact requireinents. M- McCIatyS Electric Range SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY LEN ELLIOT NK 0F MONT1EAL Tor r N S FSEDFoR. SMALL CHANGE efore Canada had any currency of its own, the Bank of i early part of the Nineteenth Century o'nrainecl authori. ritish Government to issue copper tokens for sinail change. ith are the two sides of the one-penny token "habitant" token of1837. The obverse of a picture of he building used by the Bank ýat âlme, the obverse f the latter a typical Canada, now Quebec. The reverse of bith showing the arms of the ciry of Montreal. >t its long history, the Batik of Montreal has always been serving the financial needs of the people of Canada, tending its service as the need and opportunity for it arose. OF MONTREAL E-;tablished 1817 rS IN EXCESS OF0F 7ô0,000,000 OWMANVILLE BRANCH MCCULLQi Mane«. It Cannot be Chevro1etPrie cbenrolet Chrtolatet O#IIII 1-. 490 - - 7 . . 643 ., s.! Taxu F-SOIS fi% DEALERS FOR CHEVROLET & OAKLAND ONTARlO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa, Ont H. D. CLEMENS, Sub Dealer. W.it End Garage, BowmanvlUe 5 PEEDiRO N Insures Long Life" The coils of your element are a vital part of your electric range. To provide safe, fast, reliable service theY must be protected. <80 WÂms McClary's Speediron Element is inaured against ail injury by its re- movable cast-iron cooking surface. This protects the cola absolutely- glving long life, safety and assur. lng dependability. Utensils and food may fal On the element without