PAGE 4 V - IL j Men's Navy Blue Suits $22.50 Double Breasted Models, fine bard finjshed worsteds witb small diamond weave design, i very new, Special Price $22.50 Men's Fancy Tweed suits$ 18.95 A splendid line , a choice se-,r lection, broken sizes. Suits that were up to $25.00, clearing for the holiday at only $18.95 Men's and Young Men "S Suits $22.50 and $25.001 Boys, la ail the leading models, new patterns, the smartest styles we have ever shown, aIl sîzes, for young and aId at $22.50 and $25.00 Men's Overalsa at $1.69 Don't fail ta see this line of Overalîs. With bib and braces la black, blue stripe and plain blue, a Union made overaîl, Our Special Price $1.69 Boys' Suits With Bloom- er Trousers $7.95 Thls is a line we are clearing, imany broken sizes, ini Tweeds, jBrown and Grey mixtures, also navy blite Irish serge suits and values up to $11.50, For Only $7.95 Men's Fine Shirts $1.95 An assortment of Fine Shirts, in ail sizes, in broadcloths, in plain white, mauve, fawn and blue at $1.95 'Cotton Stockings Ail sizes, very fine quality, 4 Pair For $1.00 Ail Wool White Work Sox 3 dazen pair only, white ahl wool work sox, beavy quality, values to 60c pair, on Sale 2 Pair For 95c Phone 61 Opposite Bank cf Montreal Bowmanville Don't Push Dull Lawn Mo wer Get it sharpened on our IDEAL AUTOMATIC GRINDER This is a brand new machine wich dces the most accurate and complete job yet invented. Na guess work. Have your înower sbarpened the 'Ideal Way'. We Aise Make Repaira And Adjustinents D. R. Alldread General Blacksmith King St. E. Bowaanville Wallpapers Homes of unusual beauty-of which the owners are justly proud- are made so by proper in- terior decoration. Wall- paper plays an ail import- ant part in good interior decoration. The choice of proper wallpaper is an art. Let us help you choose from the most comprehen- sive stock of quality pap- ers to be had in Bowman- ville. -W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BowmaViIiBOnt. The period of adolescence im- poses a strain on the system, which may seriously affect the whole after ife. Help your boy or girl through this tryîg perod wîth Olajen. Olalen is the oniy preparation in the worid which presents n instantly assimilable forma the vital elem cnts Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Lecithin and Sodium that the body must hav--and Olajen aione car> suppy-at this crîtical ime. OLAJEN LIMITED W. H. MILLMAN ard SONS. Distributors, 27 Front St. East, Toronto 0. 108 O1~eti /wh.ddhood 190 ldAgde Sold et Krlakes Drug Store -" C&If fLDL&ýN STATErSMAN, BQJWMÂNVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l9tb., 1927 BASE LINE, DARLINGTON TYRONE BURKETON Anniversary services of Base Linei Tyrane Stînday School Anniver-1 Rev. Geo. Williams, a returned Suda Showl be held as fl sary will be held on Sunday, May 221 missionary, will take the Fervice in A 1 2 o e vie t2.30 and 7.30 p. m. (stand- Time). Serinons will be preachedi to have a good congregation to hear ard time), in charge cf Rev. J. R.1 by Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A., 1hlm.... .League at 8 p. m. Thursday WITH 71 YEARS EX] Trumpouir, Tyrone. Music by' Courtice. Special music by thel evening. .On Friday evcning at the r Providence U. F Club. On Monday, 1 achool assisted by Newcastle Maie j home of ber daughter at Cosarea, May 23, at 8 p. m., Bethesda Youngl Quartet. Subscriptions and coilec- Mrs. Wmn. Hall of Burketn, passed People wili present their popular' tions in aid of Sunday School iunds.1 to the Great Beyond. The busbandV play. "Wiliowdaie". Admission 25cf Mrs. James Hodgson's funeral was' and farniiy have the sympatby 0f the Telephone your wants and they and 15c. 19-2w1 largely attended on 1%onday. The i community. Deceased bas long re- r message, parcel post or auto trucik. famiiy and friends of Mrs. Hodgson sided in our midst and was beld in If you want a doctor, telephone 1 MAPLE GROVE have the sincere sympathy of the' high esteern by the cormunity. .. .......hlm up for you and baul hlm to your p community.. .Miss Winnie Cryder- Miss Sarab Byers cf Blackstock, any doctor'in town. They aIl deal al Mise Oiv adSuieVaCapman, Baker's Sehooi, Sundayeil witb spent the weekend with ber sister, By your stamps here. Mi..and rs. ortn VaCamp MrIl Miss Beatrice Bigelow... .Mrs. Will Mrs. C. Sanderson .. . .Pleased to see Ueortlpoe LarneM o eracs' on vsn- ta, visited Mrs. Byron Moore..... Miss Mabel Abbott, Toronto, is Leave your parcels bore and make td a.Mre wemancoe M. adMS. r n r.B orewr i i.sedinga few days at homne. . ..Mrs quarters when in town. Wrizht and famijir to nur cpnmntv . r -- . .11 '.T -ý'v - f-m,--- j .Il- - - - il..... Dress Up For MVay 24th Men's and Young Men's Suits The Finest Range of Men's and Young Men's Suits We Have Ever Shown CHOICE PATTERNS-NEW MODELS- MODERATE PRICE.S Quick delivery to ami parts ofi un. Caîl up and ask the timo of day. We carry everything from a rniid la Corne in and sec the finest Drug S A full lino of Cigars and Cigaret,-ý We carry the best candy and chocol We test your eyes free and save quire glasses. If it's made we have it or will rnak When ordering f rom oui. store by p get sometbing from sorne other store. gladly and enclose it with your order If your daily paper did not corne,, read the headlines to you over the pi If you get this far and have forgott corne in; wo always bave extra xvritiîi you can use. We sympathize with you in your so you in your jcys. We will crank your car if your ha you spectacles if you left yours at i )rug Store PERIENCE wilI be delivered by 78 and we will hunt place, if neCessary- at aur store. eour store your head- ixative to a Haorse BaIl. tore in the county. dates in town. you money if you re- oe it, or get it for you. hone, if you wish us to tell us; we will get it cali us up and we will mone. on to write that letter, ng paper and envelopes rrows and rejoice width ,ttory is down or lend iorne. T. B. GILCHRJST Auction Sale The undersigned bas receivcd instructions from F. G. ADAMS to sel! by auction on tbe premises KING STREET, EAST BOWMANVI LLE o n SATURDAY, MAY 28th at 2 p. m. <Daylight Saving Tim, The following bousehold goods, im- plements, etc: Horse, Driving and Working Har- ness, Democrat, Buggy, Cutter, Plow,l Cultivator, Harrows, Corn Cutte, hand Feeder; Set of Ladders, Wheel- barrow, Berry Boxes and Crates, Barrels and small Tools, Sprayer,l Cream Seperator and Cburn, Creani Cans, Pails, etc. Small quantity ofi Housebold Goods, including Kitchen and Den Furnitrure and Dishes. Lawn Swing, Couch Hammock witb Canopy Top. TERMS--CASH A. C. LYCETT, Auctioneer. * . .i . Sua Scbootu on Sunay at 10 Oshawa, vîsited old friends here cilTornt..Mr. and Mvrs. James Hall, a. da m. pechin srvc on yac-1 Sunday... .Rev. Isaac Couch, Arn- formerly of Cartwright, now of Tor- count of Base Line Anniversary. . .. herstburg, has been xisitig bionatedd te fnrIobs Rev Gerge Masn, owmnvilebrother, ,Mr. Wesley Couch, at Mr., sister-in-law, Mrs. William Hall. occupied the pulpit very acceptablyAbetHi.______ on Sunday in tbe absence of our Wonderful specials in Canton Pastor who is ill, but is improving at Dresses this weekend at Couch, John- BLACKSTOCK time of writing.. . Mr. and Mrs. M. ston & Cryderman's. ____ M. -Munday, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. H.j Young People's League met on Munday, Mr and Mrs. M. M. Mun-1 ENNISKILLEN Wednesday night as ugual with our day, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R . R. Stev-_____ President, Laurence Mountjoy, pre- enMs la Jeffery ateddteMnr Step- Clark Dorland, medical student atý siding. A sing song was led by P.ev Sundaefy a e their ousn r Levi. Toronto University, is home for v a- Mr. Griffith after the devotional part Sundy o thir ousn, r. evication... .Young People's League at- which was well taken by Hector Robbins of Hampton. tracted about fifty last week for a Shortridge, and the business, the An entertainment wiUl be given by missionary meeting commemoratin g Missionary Vice-President, Allen Bal- the Girls' Basebail Tearn in the hall the Jubilee of the United Churcb son, took charge of the prograrn. An on Friday evening, May 2tb., includ-f Central India Mission. Milton interesting debate on "Resolved that ing a play entitled "Patsy", hurnor-g Stainton presided. Mrs. (Dr.) Fer-, the nations sbould nct use force ia ous readings, songs, etc. Admission I on representing the W. M. S., China" was taken by Olive Van Camp 25e and 15c. o, and Laurence Mountjoy on the affir- 1 umrbt audya read a paper on the Evangelization mative and Allen Balson and Ncrton Summr bas Saurda at ing-of India; J. A. Werry on behaîf ofVaCmptknth eti.Te man & Edmondstone's. the S. S. gave an interesting addr .ess Van Camp tkingtheineave. ofThe on Maintenance and Extension, usingafirdg e ndecio sswa ih fav o fte HAMTONthe Jubilee poster portraying the In-vafirativ emad ss Apitav somewa HAMTONdian elephant as an object lesson; gvluabe rers.wAino olo was 1 . Rev. J. R. Truxnpour, Tyront, spoke aiven yges Swy ataind Led by Miss Ruby Clatworthy, nurse-mn- effectively on the customs of India aepgorpymthadLau tannBowmanviile Hospia, bn e ongpolbsdlr elyOu eague n. Attendance 42 ... trainianng, ug epebse areyOu -egewill ;'isit Hampton on 1bolidaying at home.. Mr. and Mrs on personal observation; a solo by Friday night of this week ...The E. H. Cole visited friends in Oshawa Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and instrumentals humorous play "Applesauce" was on Sunday.... Mr. and Mr5. L. T.- by Misses Elva and Velma Orchard atne yagol rw n Pascoe and Marjorie spent Sundayl rounded out one of the best progrms atne yago rw n witb Oshawa friends .. ..Mrs. W.~ rendered this year...General sym- well presented under the auspices of Cowan, Mrs. L. DeGeurre, Toronto,I ah sfl o r rbrMoethe Atbletic Society. The mnusic by Mrs R Roanre, WodrideMr wah s wfe, ViolruriAhu MorePort Perr3' people was also well WrR.atr, aito wrde, recet dlyased Vaay at ber unexo)ect; rendered on Friday right last .. W. %ter Hailto, wre ecen edy pssedawa atherparents' Sorry to hear that Mr. Percy and guests of their sister, Mrs. Thomasi home in Bowmnanville on Monday. . Cecil Hamilton have diphtheria. Elliott ...Mrs. F. Gee, Toronto, Mrs. Hughi Annis bas been visiting Anniversary services in connection Mr. and Mrs. H. Harcourt and Miss ber brother, Mr. H. J. Slernc.n, To r- with the Sunday Scbool of the United Maida Harcourt and Mr. W. Mc- onto.... .Mr. and Mrs. Slemon and Cuc ilb edo udy a Cartby, Port Hope, were recent daughter Greta, visited bis parents, Churchanill e hi o uday, May t. O guests at Mr. Thos. Eliott's .. Miss Mr. and Mrs. John Slepnwn on Sunday 22nd andtusresy, May 2th. n Edith Pascoe and Miss Grace Hast- . ... Mrs. William Creighton and RSundaytH.srices willB.tA.,oklert ings spent the weekend with thoir children, Alice and Lorne of Hanria, Rolglev.vH ilar. B.hA, of lbrer friend, Miss Norma Dickinson, Port Abra have been visiting ber sister, Clleig eienll.the childran te Hoe. enn wa in charg f2nd Vie- Mrs. Theo. Slemon. .Mr. Toha choirwili be assisted by Miss Helen ei sîdncMssaorie ohas. Bibe Semon, Jr., visited at bis uncle's, Mr Buniner, soloist, Ontario Ladies' Col- lesontwassead uiyseayohnd.Burbse Herb. Slemon, Toronto. lege, Whitby. The sports and sup- reading, Miss I. Camnpbell; piano ENNISKILLEN ANNIVERSARY pe1 nTedywllb olwdb solo, Miss Lillian Jebson; a report of l_____a play to bie presented by the Bow- the Missionary Contest was given and Sunday School Anniversary' ser-Cmnvihee youngroploettld"Hr those on Miss Ethel Stephens' side vices of Enniskillen United Church Cre h Biero" were the winners, the prize being a will be held as follows: On Sun-I pin representing Japan, for each Ofi day, May 22nd., at 2 and 7 p. m.,t1 the members. . Come to League this 1 sermons will be preacbed by Rev.' AUCTION SALE week as the Blackstock Leaguers arei Geo. A. Williams, ,B. A., of Formosa.1 ____ to visit us.i Speciai singing by the school and the Saturday, May 28tb-Mrs. John Bring your mail order waIlpaperý Maie Quartet of Trinity Uniteui Sanders, Corner Horsey and Prospect catalogues to Hori Store and con-I Church, Bowmanville. Tuesday,, Sts, Bowmanvilie, will selI furniture, vnce yourself that bis values arel1 May 24, at 3.30 p. m., programn of household furnisbings, garden tools, equal to the best. sports including men's football andet.Frh ptiuasnxwek Rememer Saturday Dingrnan & girls' softbalilgaines will he played. e t FutbparticulrS e oek hEdmondstone's wili bave a very at- Supper for alf served in large shedalciee r .m be.M lmn tractive display cf new summer fromn 4.30 p. m. At 8 p. m., a grandAutone styles in ladies' bats. concert will be given by The Bert' ________Lloyd Concert Co., Toronto. Hamp- H. C. Osborne, Communitv Grocer. ton Orchestra will furnish mnusic. Ad-I Centre Street, Bowmanville, wili SOLîNA mission 65c; children under 12, 45c; keep bis store open every evening, Visiors Mr.Davd Makenitea or concert 50c; cbildren 25c. except Wednesday, during ice erearn Visiors Mr.Davd Makenieseason until 10 p. mn. (dayligbt sav- Columbus, at Mr. J. T. Ruadle's; :îîr. ing timo>. Neilsoa's Ice Crearn, and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe speat Sundayl COURTICE Groceries. Fresb Fruit in season. with Kedron frÀends; Mr Janmes Rev-j 20-2w nolds, Toronto, spent the weekend atj Mrs. Jas. Courtice, Bowmanvillo,î __________________ borne; MIrs. S. Shortrid- ec and Miss wvas guest of Mrs. Mary Everson re- Vcra Shortridge with Pickering, cently. ... Mr. and Mrs. Pipher, Tor.-__________________ friends; Mr. Alfred Hogarth, Harnp-i onto, and Mr.. and NIrs. R. E. Os- ton, %vith Miss Mary Hogarth andl borne, Miss Louise and Master Nel- Mr.R. Pascoe; Miss E112n James at-1 son, Bowrnanviile, were Sundayl ! tended the funeral of ber aephew. gucsts of Mr and Mrs. A. E. Rundl o N the late Mr. L. L. Guy, Columbus; ,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allina Tran Emmra Bush, Miîss Alice Bush x'sited t ed at Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis .... SA i n Toronto; Misses Nora Robbins,' Mrs. (Rev.) W. S. Boyce bas return- SA Margaret McKessock, MIrs Jack Rt.y- cd from visiting ber daughter, Mrs. nolds, %Irs. Frank Thoimpson viitd Rufus Clarke in Rochester, N. Y..... *Mrs. Cecil Crossman, Oshawa,' on W. M. S. meeting had a good attend-1 Thrsayaferoo.Legu 1ee- non Tbursday, the President,. u a ing Monday evening was in charge Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. Washington, pre-R u a i of Mr. Percy Deweli. Bible iesson,1 sidiag. The chapter of the study tErnest Hockaday; piano solo, Master book was taken up by Mrs. H. F. Os-I iGeorge Werry; devotional, Mrs. A. J borne and Mrs. L. J. Courtice. AI iBaison; mouth organ solo, Master vocal solo by Mrs. G. F. Annis and ai mThe season fo lph iibu; reding, Mr. -harlesf piano duet by Mrs. Chas. Found and 2n taoep Sortridge; piano duet, Misses Heien' Mss azeaRudiemad upthepro an uilBae. Achtýtpe grama...Epworth League meeting pan d bMrie T Baker wcast pre- on Thursday evening was most in-i the various churcl ared by Mrs. W. . Baker was veryi much enjoyed. This was Our îastiteriag eoini~ed i Haydon and Ham meeting until Fali.. Solina Womnea's charge of Mrs. Blake Courtice, a adi Institute met at the home cf Mrs. E. i the theme was "Friendship." Rev. R. Taylor on Friday afternoon. NewIl C. C. Washington gave a story of The anniVers officers arc: President-Mrs. Thos.1 David and Jonathan. A pageant ofiK o ngtejs1 Baker; lst Vice-Mrs. Gordon Leask; ,"Ruth aad Naomi" was splendidly K o igtejs 2nd Vice-Mis- Myrtle Vice; District put on by the foliuwing artists-1 ed for this occasic Director-Mrs. Russell Ormiston; Miss Hazel Rundie, "Ruth"; Miss Im tesaddu Secrtar-Tras.Mis Eda Ry-1Frances Hancock, "ýOrpah"; Mrs. K.1mtesad au nolds; Doiegates to District MenEy- rtcfam" M.G .A- Coats and Dresses. Meeing E. oric,"N aomi";JMr. G.FAn-' -Mrs .J. Moorey,, Miss E. Reynolds, a, Boaz; Mastr Jas.Hancoc Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mrs. R. Ormiston, "overseer',; and Masters Alec Sarn:ibyngh eara Mrs. C. Brunt. $10 was votemi to son, Ciare Courtice and Herbert' A I the Red Cross Society. Rofresh- Reeves, as "reapers." At the properi 3 A I- monts were served and a social tirne time when Ruth would not part fromn wsenjoyed by alI. Next nf!etingi Naomi, Mrs. W. R. Courtice sang1 4 Beautiful Silk will be in the forma cf a pienic on theo,"Entreat me not to beave tbee."i 8 Grey and Sandi, sehool grounds at Soliia, Juae 8th. Little Miss Florence Courtice made when Mrs. H. M. Aiken, Be2ton, wiîîbrfrs perac n.pae be the speaker. piano solo very nicely. A reading I ayadBa Mi. a Ms W . aloMi.also was given by Miss Velma Gay. 1 ayadBa Mr. nd rs.W. . Tylo, M. 1The topic "The place of younig people and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, Mr. and s in the life and work of the Cburch" Everett Cryderman attended the sil- was ably deait with by Mrs. Clarence 15 Tweed Coats1 ver wedding celebration of Mr. and Penfound. The groupas retired to .Mrs. H. J. Ogden, Oshawa, on Sat- their roomas and Mrs. W. R. Courtice Di urday evening, May 14th. led in a taik on "Music" in the young Eidad S. S. Anniversary services people's group. A game was enjoy- Have been pl will he beld as follows: Sunday, Nfay ed by al. .Sunday morning Rev. J. 29 at 2 and 7.20 p. m. Sermons wilI W. Buaner preached very acceptabiy, the fashion centreý be preached by Rev. A. J. Terrili, aur Pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington,' sions-Afternoon, B. A., B.D., Pontypooi. Singing bY being iadisposed and unable to tak:1 school and choir under the direction bis work. We hape he wili soon bel important anniver of Mrs. John Baker. On Moaday,1 arouad again. The service in the May 30, tea wili be served'froma 4 eveniag was withdrawn. Severai No two garmi p. M. At 6 p. m., a football garne froma bre attended St. Paul's United , _41 l- hopa-dbtw1 ownnvleCbrb BomnIle, Snda 1vn- ou inspeet and c BWANVILE 4A1Specialis, in Women'sýÀ 9Amorel Exclusive buti noî,*'E, --pe - - -Dresses-Hosi erg -Gloves- Underwear -Etc SERIOUSLY There is no Drug Store A-NY WHERE that will go ta greater trouble to please you or where you can get better quality or botter value. WHEN IN BOWMANVILÉE CALL ON JURY & LOVELL Expect Visitors For the Holidays? More than iikely you. are expecting visitors for the weekend and May 24th. Titis means. something extra special for the meals. For the meat courses we would suggest that you try our store as we take particular pride in catering to par- ticular people. We Deliver The Goods LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Doiivery Butchers Phone 518BomaIl l1nniskillen m Base Line ,RT, THE SE.ASON GOING FOR i. Se Anniversaries or nu-ai Sunday Schooi Anniversaries starts May ices. Then they go the rounds each Sunday to hes in Darlington Township winding up with pton on July 1 st. sary is a "red letter day" in each com.munity.. pride the ladies take in being attractively dress- [n we have made special preparations to outit hters with the newest and mnost popular Spring 3.The moderate prices of these garments make al pleasure. S' COATS ATTRACTIVELy PRICED Coats Priced From ...........................$22.50 lewood Faille and Poiret Twill Coats, Priced frein $20.00 Lk Poiret Twill and Faille Coans, Priced from $15.00 Priced From ..................................$00 >OZENS 0F NEW DRESSES )laced on display this week comning direct fromi es of America. They are suitable for ail occa- ýHouse, Street Wear, Sports Wear and the ail ýrsary. ents alike in this shop. We are glad to have compare values, styles and materiais. pe