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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1927, p. 1

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- -a--- - - ~ - .. b r With Which Is IncÔrporated Trit Bownianvi11e News%. Vo.LXIIM A A ES&SNS ulihr.BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIIO, THURSDAy, JUNE l6th.,1.927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.2 LONG SAULT GRAND ORGAN RECITAL AND SLCE ONWELE OEUIEST EUT MINISTERS AND CHRCE H A V E Y O U ? A u c tio n S a le ! a Anniversary services wil be held MakED C T N S RV E S L C ED T N W E L ESO E U N E I1 R S L S HA E YO ?a flos:1-At the annuel meeting of the Sel-I Graduates of Bowmanville High Rev. L. S. Wight, B.ABD. OnSunday, Jue1, M 1portant Event at opening of ected Town Weeklies of Ontario, S hoo1 ttending University of Tor- Beleile asbneetePrsdn ser pm.standabe rad t 2.30 New . Orgau in Trinity United church held at King Edward Hotel, Fiart hi (a r nkn ne-o h iitra soi The undersigned bas received 73 .m sadr ieb e.____ June lOth., these officers were elect- ceptional good hw M ilton S and e son Birch C ifFeriday, Aonto thipo tyearearetm adking an:ex-siofnthe.M inisterial ilA ssociationg in th at Hundreds upon hundred s of instructions fro nt 2al mus c by Salem Choir. Collec- which has been looked forwardnt G o t oe led m ni nd11 a'm Mepehv erndteavn inton Saderfsn ch lffes Of. Se mprateetand to one ed: es;e«F ontn ii eut ofranone. Bsds St. Andrew's Presbyteri hrh p e o p e h a e l e r n e t h e a d v a - t o n s n a i o f c h o l f u d s . n~ i v i t h c o n s i d e r a b l e i n t e r e s t f r s o i e W . J a m e s , B o w m a n v i ll e S t a t e s m a n ; w e e k 's S t a t e s mn a n t h e s e r e s u t s h a v e d a y s e r v i c e s a t i . m n . m to lonbug Ne s; Vce~ resient.Geo hos alrady entinedin last Rev. R. M Der ent, iîtr tn tages gained by baving their JOHN PA.LMERWednesdaymJunem22, tea 8ill mbe mnths teo ngegtonuof Tin- Drector. . odelo0Wit en sudpSna D R U G STO RE NEEDSserved from 5 p m. At 8 p. m., i U ie hrh w s c nu m td b azette and Chronicle; L. G. Jack- Honor Classia, 2nd year-M ait.. St. Joseph's R. C. Charcb as a supplied at Kerslake's. nt ri 5t ree t, Bow x n vi wll prseok ntgth ir anpo u ng play nF rd y e ni g w n th la ela1i11 . u a S 'jnta io n ie Backstck A glic n Yo ng Pe plel n riay e ening when the argeson, Newmarket, Era; and H, G. nd Gou d, 3rd i class 1. i . m u d y S h o t 23 wilpesn hirppla ly"Ae1nwpp organ, manufactured byteMgg, Grimsby Independent; Secre- Commerce and Finance-Stanford P. M. Evening, 7 p. ri Seo ta sell by public aucfion on you a Mason"? Special music between! neapip CFranklin Legge Co., of ToroYnto, taryMo Treasurer-L S. Gowe. Symons, class 1. and beriediction.' Rev. P.,.Buir aclt-hebs.-ts. Tea and concert 60c; eea or icha recently been installed The financial statement showed a Enlisb and History-Marion .Pas Price......Aslow flowng b usehod a tices econgcert 4as.embld dreen-tbusines whduring year Prc-slw as any- Teconcert 35c; tea or concert 20c. iA +.a n of boclsnd.Iest D D.tii,'er Tefloighueodatceecjoythe program wbich was prduced and general satisfaction was express- MteaisadPyic tne TeGetCommandment. p.. Servc werm t an aogn Pro Sie;ILateMr. N&VRSR A. D. Jordan, organist of ed by the mnembers wîth the work Osborne. -Vesper Service. 2.30 p .-. 1 Oak Upholstered Davenport; 1 KEDthREaon emriaICbrchSacomlisedBiology-Albert Allun, Hampton. Sunday School and Bible Cass Rocker; 1 Oak Dining-room Suite; Services will be held on Sunday, Tororsnto t tan couand by 1Oars.rtAda Richard..og L. S. Gowe was unaniinousîy re- Dentistry, 3rd' year-Andy Somer- The Salvation Army officr a h C O rt ou i Oa W itng Dek, i ah gny June 9th at 2 and 7 p. m . Rev. son Legge, soprano soloist, accom. elected manager ofxthe Association, ville, Orono. de so f o m n il n Table; Kitchen Chairs;- Kitchen C.A. Myers, Toronto, is the preachelnr ggogaito ~erm -.. Cî. dit if eed d, abl; i Sinle ed nd reser itb of hed y. ingng y te ahoolege, organist o ward Park ciation of bis wo r in he dv op o cal Cr orpstiosh ta nltherei nid by er us and Mr C.Frnk- and a rsoutin ,xprsdngnppr o o m n il n Tal;1SageBdan fth theiresholr nte eeo- LVRSBU ILFE R u dnaton ta ontheSefena butriCe askfe eedf Drigsad at ess Oaed- and M ss actticntrlt slost urin' Toronto, and the choir of ment ai national advertising for the TLOERONTS BU wIu..FEATREof fund andr andneia h u 'u rcsakdaefrroom Suite ,Springs and Mattress; S.tarins n tuetoosda , ofne îti Cburch, under the direction members of the group was passed. T4ONO-UBIEEPAA» aifor unred adeghyfv thrt dys iTole St;Od R Wabsan;until aIl are satisfied. Sali game - c a s h o n c c o u t p i d S p rW i g s n a m e ss B e d1 o o m S uiehl tse i l b e s r e r m 4 fth i rS u tto n . io n th a t th e p re stig e ai th e O n th e B m a n vilî C ne l b e r e seo n t e nT r n t tit a .1 oltSt d ocking Chairs; iill be played betweenSauina nndi The numbers presented by Mr. weeklies had been materiaîîy increasý h amtbCneeato ui Robins, Pastor. Sundayseicsa 1 Brasa Reading Lamp; 1 Mirror; 1 Zion teams at 6.3p.m- At 8 p. m. Jordan were: Concert Overture in G ed by the energetic work of the mani- Celebration that Toronto is planning Il a. m. and 7 p. m., Condutdb Yu are net urged ta buy what Florence Automatiecoal 011 Stove Bowmanville talent will'present t1icir Mnr, Hollins; La Cygne, Saint- ager, and plans for further expansion for July lt. The Toronto Thans- the Pastor. Sunday Schoo t23 you do net want. witb Oven; 1 Goal Oil Heatei', Per- papular play of ct HeeSens Gavotte, Gluck; Sonata in ai the work during the comîing year portatian Cmaybsbe nsac .m jylOag 3 cs" ee c mes ofGampanyhile o bab in s a rc.m oyl O agoL d e wl Let us prnt your next pictures fection; 1 Lawn Mower; 1 Set Quilt- the Brdegroom". This will be sup- D inor, Allegro Moderato, Adagio, was decided upon. a aiu ve ces itrnp rio attend the evening service. oor and remember Larvex prevents ing Frames; 1 set Curtain Frames;1 plemented by the foîlowing artists- Merkel; Ave Maria, Schubert; Tone ______ earsior mae. Oy rn a the prest- voi ice. Pulihten and destroys motbs. Step Ladder; Curtain Pales ;Garden edme .W. Cawker and C. f "N I" Sibel . Largouppl H. Poem Fnlandia, Sielus-,ag, aso or.Oeo h rhit ie ulecordially invied Hase; adn Tos ictureDudley, Misses M. Pickardriand D: and others, al bringing ou' thSt.T ASTRSASSC'TIO(aAnneyacecanc) ilChpl Frames; Fruit Jars; Odd Dishes and Plummr, Messrs. W. R. Strike and Splendid tones and qualities ai the RJ brs etr Sier ta r rtimention.n is assuredstrue. ex-fth ls cnai ws o12d i Silerar; the atile to nm-F.Sutton. An excellent program.nsmt. A very large number ai the Paat by Mr, Alan M. Wiliams ai this town. aiter Trinity, June 19, .m K ER LA K 'S ros t metio. s asurd.Admission: Adults,te Mrs. Legge sang with splendidex Masters o Ontario District No. 1 It was one ai the original Torontoý -HOly Communion andSeon PHONE 49 Sale at 2 p. m. (Daylight Timne) or concert 40c; tea and concert 6.5c;j pression and good vice: "Gloria", met in Jerusalemn Lodge, ow- bue wic telae W . C vrbd Preacher, tbe Rector. 2.30 p . The Dependablor DruceStore TERMS.....buses concerthe 0c.e"Win. inveLast chidre ta o cocet 2e;tesandBuzi-ecia; Camne Ye Blessed"; manville, on Monday, June i'3th. Re- purchased over 50 years ago and un- Sunday School. 7.00 p. in-ve Rh e ed b eD u S o eT R S C S onc etGo4d0cDav S f Hour",Kr"Teamer. presentativs w r p eetf on s -ti e tyears it lhad made daily 'n, ry .P eah ,t e WRot.sCALLSeuctGnerdojDst" ranr.aa Wbitby, Braoklin, Port Hope, trips ta the Grand Trunk Station. Archdeacon ai Peterbaro. Reopng ..~~upt. e e ar y. , v r B l s T he ch ir nu b r dun c am an . P rt P erry, C obourg, N ew castle, O r- E zra G ifford as the h nor ai being ai C rc on S d y, u e 2 tb 1ie , w re: "Bl as The Lor O y en , C aborne, B righton and B 0w - the last driver t a pilot the bus on its R ev. H . D . C am eron aif t. Pa l' ouSelav Suls"i heM anvlle t. Wor. Bro. G. G. Bon- final tour ai usefulness several years Preabyterian Ghurch, Port Hoean _ _ _ _ Rg te o u s " b y T . T . N o b le ; b th b e- n ycea s le , P r sid e n t ai th e A sso cia - ag o . R ev . R . M D er mnen t ' ai B o w a n l e ing exp ess ve y r nde ed and wel ton, presi dng. Speakers w ere Rt. A representative ai Toronto Street exchanged pu ipits for b th s r i e received by the audience. Wor. Bro. R. B. Dargavel, Chairman RiwyCmaycret omn nSna, Rv e On Sunday morning a dedfication ai the Board ai General Purpases ,vll. t ekandcamertaBaman monsnayor oe.Merme t' service ai the new argan, conducted Rt. Wor. Bro. E. W. E.* Saunders' !lelstwekad.ierbing con-semninPrHoeeeetee. by the pastar and arganiat, wa member ai Board ai GenerlPrps ced it was one aif the oId origi 1î ly interesting and good canrg A B I~~~~I' ~~beautiuîy and impressively carried 1es, and the President ai the Torontoanssd hasd it f arontr.Wilimh iosatnedbt evie. Rv TR FISAHouta Past Masters AssociatioriRt. Wor. i il ep t euate a-tea omni n ag T I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sp o n sive d e d ica to ry se v c w h ile M r T h p in p a s e k r o . D v g l wlknwnga~easlni n ntutv d This incident reveals another bit music was splendid.-PortHp hymn verses which suggested their dreas which was greatly enjayed byl of history which assaciates the Glover Tms awn words in respanse to the wards al. Bro. Langley extended a hear famiywih rrying Their Majesties Trinity Junior Missionary uxl ai the pastor. The iSth Psalm ty invitation ta the Past Masters' As- Royal Mail for nearly one hundred ary met on Tuesday evening t h make it a habit to buy their wearing apparel regularly at this store. They hy.%mna played on the organ were in in October whicb was heartily accept- 1yeagtnRonsd and later froma thelsion Street. Miss Spargo, Preidnt odrnamed, Haly, Holy, Holy. 1 ed. During the evening Messrs. station up tawn aiter'the G. T. R. presided. Bible lessan was ed have found by experiene that no better values are obtainable that here love ta tell the Story; Rock ai Aýes; agvlSudr and Langley wabiti 86 Miss Minnie Webber; study ioko Faith ai aur Fathers; Where cross were unanimousîy elected Honorary- "India" was taken by'Miss R.Hans where we have been serving the buying public for nearly 50 years. the crowded wavs of Life; and On-.j embers. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Ms lo Werryan Mrs. 1.Ra w a r C h i s t a n S o l i A r ý . ' T e is s yri t ; evo o n a e fe t b y vice conclucred with*ý a dediatr, Abou.t 25 citizens irom this town by Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Buin1 L O 0 E W G O D F R S U M E V E Rprayer in w ih this new m usical n-j d.ucted the service, the address being helped m ake up the 225 persans wbah m eeting oll w ed. N ert m e etng a LOT F N W G ODS FOR SUM ER EARstrument was cansecrated ta the given by Mr. John Elliott, B. A., went ta Rochester on the annuaol the home ai Mrs. Elmer Gox, Tus Wannweaheris log tme omig bt wen t des omewe antThe regular service was then pro- cipal and Superintendent ai tuis Sun- ferry on Wednesday, June 8th. The you to be prepared. This week we have unpacked lots of new and at- ceeded with, the -pastor giving a briefi day School. His message was based entire Counties ounil and many tr ctveth ng y u il w nt i cpdi gb"u ic,"y appropriate addreqss )on on the words, "Silver and gold have visitors were the guests ai Warden FIRE CHIEF ISSUES WAIR N G tracive hins yo wil wat, icludng:"Musc,"basing his remarks oni thie 1none, but such as I have give 1 un- M. J. Elliott and enjoyed the stop New Silk Celanese Dresses, guaranteed fast colors, washable and un- Sn oehr"Jb3:. AagChrs rise up and walk," Acta 3:1. many points af interet in the Fower us ta cal the attention o u words, "Wood hn gsthe Mornng asi a vTe e .. i cte a me r a i Jss a e n R c etr w ee te istd Pr he m d e a se s h r i k a b l , n o e x p n s i v e i t e r . h eS a n y r g a o t" J b n g s .h e . s a i d n g H e g a v e y c a r c i a l t a l k C i t y . l w i n g c l o s e b e i n d t h e fi r et r c shrnkalenotexensve ithr.that music, hie believed, was ta be- which everyone enjoyed and apprec- A merry campany or relatives, when going ta fires. Sucli a cs A n o h e s i p n e t f e a ti u l s u m e r D r s s s g r a t v a i e y o h o s ec a mn e th e u n iv e rs l la n g u a g e , a n d a ia te d , e x p la in in g th is co u ld on l ie n i h b o rs a n d frie n d s a sse m b le d a t h a n d ic a p s th e fire m e n , ca u se s d e a s Anoher shi men of be uti ul um m r D ess srea vaiet tocho se proof ai thîs, lhe said aur favorite accamplisbed when "We acknowledg- the home ai Mrs. John Palmer, On- and in saime cases lias resulted i c frorn. and m ot used hym ns are w ritten b y ed H lm in all aur w s, th en H ai t e t n M n a v n n n i e t . C t z n r e u . a u t h r a af v a r i u s r e l i g i u s b e l i e f s w o u l d d i r e c t u r p a t h s . " e n e t i e r a e t a n t M u rn d a y ev î g a n d e e n ta s . G i t i e in r e r q e t d t Just received direct frorn England Duro Broadloths, al colors, fadeless. and we sing themn witout a thoughti The choir's numnbers were "t ave er aplngt srprise pre rukee alf itae i ea f h as ta the author's religion. Hel Away ta Jesus," the soloists being was presented with a beautifui bridge New colored Silk Bedspreads, in Ivory, Rose, Gold an dBlue. You will predicted that musicwas g oing ta bel Miss Pickard, Mr. M. S. Dale and lamp acconmpanied by the good wishes BOWLING LEAGUE OI>pr< themens f nitngallnaion. is Margaret Allin, and ".By Baby- ofai presenit. The evening was take a pride in having one of these. Techir redee flheatons. on's Wave," bth being well sung. pleasantly spent in games ater BOwmnavil Defeats port prr 1 H, Hak y SulA e m, S; The du et by Mr. Dale and Miss Aliwhe ait efehsnswr See our N ew Silk R ayon D ress G oods at 50e and 60e yard. A r w elligl" the uiAso los of w ngs"The Hom eland," OfficaI ope ixig a bbc datric were well taken by Mr. A. E. Hir- good. Officeapecially served, Crash Towellings, odd lengths of 2 to 31/ yards, special for weekend cock, Miss Helen Morris, Ms.R.& Te servcs hrugotth daY Deputy Minister ai Health for On- the locageen Monday ev« ing we j Apo n r. .E nes'1weevr nprngadhllad ta th rquct iDr . W. J. ell, cl Ban bole in l ee t1o8p4ae se îing at clearance prices. M isses M . i adadand D. P I m en a large s a i t e credit w s cer- M d _ l e l h fi e ,a d se d thlocal B o rtanville r intwere 18 sh ts u sang sweetly the duet, "I Neer tainly due the chir leader and or- Ontario Health Officers Association totals 82 ta 64. Bwmanville rk Balance of Ladies' Spring Coats al selling at reduced prices. Knew." ganist, Mr. Sutton, wo presided t whih is holding its annual conven- were: (1) Perey Smith, Morice Tm In the evening Pastor Robins con theargan in a most pleasiag and tion in Toronto this week on the sub- blyn, IL.'M. Mitchell, J. D. Carrt w e e k . n o~r e d t a bi n g f i n s e d i s n i l d p a r ut ent b e a w r e a i c t h e fa l t h bU tn isti r a n as t i( e) . O B ylGA . M ar.L ieswer enaunere owftgta rgaiî Ontario Town". Gitizens may mit M. G. V. Gauld, J. J. Mason; (3) eing inis ed in all epart ents be a are f thefact bu(2)atM.i G.I fGouldW. Reg.eTu il, ________________________________ t had net been possible ta have show Bwmanville ta be the health- Nichas;- (4) A. J. Erdw rds, Il Mc Roya The tre the argane quite completed in time iest towa ai any caminunity ai sim- Cullough, A. Mitchell, i W. B. c for the dedication. Some ai the ilar population in Ontario. Murtry. -parts have s.ill tbe isald»n Wedneaday-lîuraday, June 15-16 samne wark remains ta bie done in r Rin Tin 'Pin" In periecting the tone. It will bie fia- Busy Outfitting Men and Boys XVith"HuIh of Kentucky" ised in a week or s. Enough Bo u uv le W lCe br e Di m d Busy Outfitting Men and Boysf it xir.sin use ta give tbe sud ience Bw avleW iCebrtDam FridySaurda, Jne1-la soine conception ai ita tone and vol- I T im M cCay lInjb e proud ai it. e er r as n t L Clothing and Furnishings alfrnamTe ran t h he s cone onfelertio onl, en' N vy heiat Suts Re ulr 2ony, igt F nc T eed Suts, Re ula $ 5,pioneering days in California. country , is a three-manual, elec- 2 only,-Men's avy Ch viot Suts, Reglar 1 only, iIht Faga Twedu:u;ts Rcgulai$earîytionnal therwanin a splend s ic-p eldetieinstru enteman fact-pttiRenponceibilityn ofliPytftP ngton on iB $24.50 FOR $17.75 FOR *16.75 yarn by Peter B. Kynie ured by the C. Franklin Legge Organ Actinee athe ay iat2s0pendd. tC.nuaTinstruent sm panactstaio Jl 2 only. You g M en's Brown Rerrngbone Suits, i Other indvidual suits at less than regualars ey p d l bo r f th ry ke s h glrFinal chapter oai stops 1746 pipes, a compand on the Regular $2Z'.00 AT $18.50 price, just one leit ai a line at $15.00 Up j"Bri Matrcomnuoe as odexy-ne okey and onte uhmRgmna rs adaditmtdtohecp Mny-usa June 19-20 cnsoebsmdm.o-e elt huge parade with aId timers in autos;, medals bad already been orderedfo IDonTei th I "Tbe great argabas eleven stops, cars decarated ,patriotic floata, school the variaus events. Sotball to- MENS T P OAT SAP IMM D ATSDo't ellth Wie" ten ai tbem with sixty-eight notes cbildren mairching, residences and nameat open ta teamn Ws Ds S e e u r Y o u n g M e n 's O v e rc o a ts a i L ig t T w e e d , T ' on e a i t b n se tSa p R i me.R ta w i b s l in g , l P a is ; bf a th e a y a c . T e a p so p a s six ty -o n e . sh o p s d e c o ra te d , f a g s a d u n tin g b m w l e o e a h a y f a u . the ery new st t * 5.0 caore ba da a *295 prigti e P ris ai the sweet The stops in the great or an ar e lo in t e v r e e t a $ 1 0 0B lack S tiff H ats, n ew an d very d ress y at *5.00 gay l ufe an d t e s e t g y i O efi p s n1ip,.i p s n ~ nd c e r n r w s al n s a h it r a n s p o r m inn IL-ALI

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