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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1927, p. 4

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THE CAlILDUIAN STATEIXÂAN, BUjWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 16th., 1927 Quite Natural It is quite the natural thing for a person with a normal eye to require glasses for reading and close work when arrivink at the age of forty to f orty-five years. This is due to the grad- uai hardening of the lens of the eye which at this age is so hard that it cannot change it's shape as much as it formerly could to as- sist in focusrng for close use of the eye. So Don't Worry Because you cannot see to read l as well as you did when younger but just call on R. M. Mitchell, our Registered Optometrist and he will examine your eyes and fit you with just what you require to remedy this condition and send you away happy. Sec Mitchell and See Well. R. M. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Phone 92-Nights and Sundayis 280 Wallpaper Forms a Suitable Background We are selhing the balance of our 1926 patterns at 1, price. Whether you want a wall- paper to form a background for fine old furniture, or one to conform with the most modemn ideas of interior de- coration, you will find what you are seeking at BIG 20 BOOKSTORE We offer a widem range of choice of both imported and domestic papers than you can obtain elsewhere. The quality is the finest procur- able, and the prices are eas- onable. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanville ont. WORTHY WOMAN PASSES SOLINA Mrs. Jeunette Rundie, Bowmanville Messrs. Harold Pascoe and George Werry attended the Gibson-Luke A life-long and very highly re- wedding at Kedron on Saturday af- spected resident of Darlington town- ternoon.... Prof. J. B. Reynolds, O sbip, in the person of NMrs. Jennette A.C., Guelph, M1r. Walter Reynolds, Pollard, widowv of the late John Welcome, Mr. Goring, South Africa, Rundle, passed quietly to the reward were recent guests at Mr. John Bak- of a long and useful life on Wednes- er's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Arthur West-I day. June th., in hem 57th year. lake, daughter Ola, and son Carman,- Mrs. Rundle was born on the Pol- Mrs. Cameron, Oshawa, visited at Mr. lard homestead, north of Bowmian- Frank Westlake's ...Miss Evelyn ville. now owned by Mr. George Tink was with Miss Bessie Pascoe, Cornish, being a daughter of the late Enfield ...Mr. and Mrs. S. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard, and one Mrs. L. Luke ,Oshawa, visited at Mr. of a family of thirteen children. Af- Thos. Bakem's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe tem hem marriage to Mm. Rundle over Awde and family, Toronto, spent the sixty years ago, they moved to Hay- weekend at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's.... (Ion, whero they esided for many Mr. and '%Is. Ellis Pascoe, Bi-ooklin, years. Tboy clebrated thoir gold- visited Miss Mary Hogarth and _Mrs. e~n wt.dding twelve years ugo. After. R. Pascoe ..Congratulations to Mri retiring from the farmi, they lived' and Mrs. Chas. Smith on the arival for a few yeams in Tyrone where Mr. of a young daughter. Mr. and Mrs Rundle died over nine years ago. A. L. Pascoe visited at Mr. Sam Since hor husband's doath. Mrs. Bray's on Sunday and attonded the Rundle has made her home ivith herl Reunion at Enflold Church ..Mr. son, Mm. W. J. S. Rundie, Odll-st., l and 'Mrs. S. E. Werry spent Sunday whero sho has been tenderly cared Iwjth Enfield friends and attended the for during her losing yoars, the past jRounion of Enfield Chumch. .Messrs. twonty-nine months of which she has Jack. James, Joseph Reynolds spent been conflnod to hor bed. Sunday with their sister, Mrs.' R. The funeral on Friday afternoon Somorville, Chorrywood. Misses was attendod by a large number of Lizzie and Rilda Hockaday visitod at relatives, old friends and neighbors. Mmr. John Challis', Bowmanville... Service was in charge of Rov. J. U. Mm. Hilton Tink and Miss Myrtle Robins, her pastor, who spoke vemy Vice visitod Mr. Edgar Proscott. En- sympathetically and truly from the field. . . Mr. Alan and Miss Ruth Mc- words, "Be Thou faithful ..I will Kossock, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle givo tbee a cown of lifo." Rov. E. visitod at Mrs. Eli Osborne's, Eben- W. Tonkin, a former pastor, and ezor. .. Mrs. A. Gibbons and Miss friend for over flfty yoars, paid ai Vema, Toronto, wore at Mr. H. G. fine tribute to hem life, as a friond, a Agu's. ..Mms. Jack Reynolds visit- neighbom and christian, whose home od hem sistor, Mms. F. Gilletto, Tor- had long boo". noted for its hospital- onto ..Hear 'Mms. Aitkin, Beeton, ity not only to the ministers but aIl at Womon's Institute Picnic on So- others who found within its door a lina School grounds this Satumday wvelcome at alI times. 1 afternoon. AIl ladies welcome. The paîl-bearers were Messrs. Wil-i Com e and bring your baskets. liam and A. J. Staplos, Edgar Philp' and Frank A. Werry, nephews, J.H1 Mutton and W. L. Buttery, cousins. COUR7ICE Many îovely fnoral trioutes ir( the family, relatives, and fiends, so patrons of the noth and sou ends of number six mail routeE pressed sympathy for the bereaveè She beaves to mourn the loss of good mothor, three sons, W. J. Sh( wood Rundle, Norman C. Rund Bowmanville. and Dr. Howard Rundle, Brighton. Two sisters al survive, Mrs. (Rov.) S. H. Rice, ý John, N. B., and Mrs. J. H. Wer Bowînanville. Among the relatives present wer Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle, Brighto Mmrs. Harry Hart, Toronto; Mr. Hol Pollard, Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Edg Philp. Prince Albert; Mrs. Wali Jenkins. Kingston; Mr. Lawrer Lockhart and Mr. Colin Hanîlî Port Hope; Mrs. Robt. Johnst< Newtonville; Mm. and Mrs. E.1 Rundle, Oshawa. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mms. Jol Rundle desire to, thank alI thE friends and neighbors for their kir ness and sympathy during hem ness and death and for the beautil floral tributes. Silk Rayon Dress Goods at 50e ai 60c yard. Couch, Johnston & Cr d emman. Balance Ladies' Spring Coats se ingz at geatly mduced pricos. Coue Johnston & Cryderman. F111 the Picnic Baskets AT HARRY ALLIN'S STORE As the weather gets warmer that desire to be outdoors grows strong. You naturally think of a pienie at the lake, in a woods or some other shady comfortable spot. Eats are very important to make such occa- jsions a comnplete success--and if we knew of any better place to fil the lunch basket with delicious, tempting, satisfying things than right at our store we would leave it to someboclv else to tell you. Anywav, you are mighty hard to suit if we can't ffll your grocery order to the Kîng's taste as We recommend and Seli IIARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMANvILLE Farmers Express Satisfaction WHO HAVE ERECTED INVINCIBLE FENCING The open hearth steel xire fencing which gives much stronger and a more durable fence, for farmn use or ornamental fencing, manufactured by Steel Companyv of Canada, biggest Company in Canada. Consuit us before doing your fencing. Local Dealers for Brantford and Bird Roofing. MASON & DALE Phone 145 PopulaT Hardware Store Bowmanvilluq SHORTHORN BR.EEDERS e Annual meeting of Durham County >Shorthorn Breeders' Association, will be held at Bowman House, Bowznvan- ville, on Friday, June llth at 2 p. nm. (standard tume). Ail interested are invited and will be made wvelcome. Russell Osborne, John Baker, President. Secretary. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mis. W. H. Vaughan, Tor- onto, spent the wveekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Swallow....\ number from heme attended Ebenezer anni- versary... . Mr. and Mr-. J. D. Stev- ens spent a few days last week with ber brother, Rev. H. W. Foley, Fras- rerville. . .. The. many friends of Mr. 1Beaven Snowden are sorry to know 3that ho is conflned to his bed again 1with rheumatisnm. We aIl wish hlm a speedy recovemv. Anniversamy services of Maplo Grovo Sunday Schooi wiii be hold as, follows: Sunday, June 19th., at 2 and 7 p. m. (standard tume), sermons, will be preached by Rev. Dr. R. M. Burns, Toronto. Special singing by the Scho*ol, assisted by a quartet from Trinity United Church, Bow- manvilie. Collection in aid of Sun- day School fund. Monday, Juno 20,f commencîng at 3 p. m., a progrmnio f sports will ho given by the chiidmen; also Boys' and Girls' Softball gamos. Supper served from 4.30 p. m. Ati 8 p. m., a first ciass concert will hoel given by the United Church Choir o f Whitby, 40 voices, undor direction of Mm. Arthur Lynde, with Miss Kath- leen Leask, organist and accompan- ist; assisted by Mrs. Frank Wells,I eiocutionist; Mms. L. M. Michael, so- prano; Mm. W. A. Dowland, tenor; and Mr. Clame S. Thompson, bass. AIl services in onclosed shed. Admission: Adults, tea and concert 75c, tea only 50c, concert 35c; children. tea and nome tneTo. Jackson Fr T, now- m n il W illiam s-Palm er A very quiet wedding was solemo-! ized on Saturday, June llth at 41 P . m. at Trinity United Church Par- sonage, Bowmanville, when Mm. Rus- sell G. Williams, Niagara Falls, N. V., youngest son of Mms. E. B. Wil- Iianis, Scugog St., and Miss Gladys Vera, oniy daughtem of Mm. and Mrs. John Palmer, Ontario St., weme unit- e(I in marriage, Rev. J. U. Robins, officiating. Miss Elva B. Bragg and Mm. P. E. Greenfield wvere the at- tendants. The bridal party left later for a trip to Western points aftem wbich they wiil meside at Niag- ara Falls, N. Y. Previous to the wedding the bride w'ho for some years bas been chief &ýperatom in the local office of the Bell Telephone Company in this town was presented by hem office associates with a beautiful silver tea servicel and tray. Miss Palmer was also the mecipient of "kitchen shower" given at the home of Miss Elva B. Bragg, Carlisle Ave., on Friday, June 3rd. Another pleasant evening was spent on Monday, June 6, at Mms. Thos. cort--0t.-___o___ -cèýÏjé _ Ivcvie- s , ei o. ., wJi.n ars.JD.1 al-M isconcert 40e. tea or concert 25c F. Cameron as hostess, a bat box and al- Mhissgoatrafe eCotiekshas gnto _____suitcase to match and a walnut ped-1 exh Cicagboter ad fe weevst ith AMTNestal being the gifts pesented to the d.- hemother an sueistes emt oake HAPTONbride to be. A "handkerchief fa vap ospitn ta pe itnd e fsPi-showem" was given by Mrs. G. A. Ed- a vte osita i tht ity Hm ss- Sunday School anniversamy. Sun- mondstone and Miss Dingmnan at ier- tom, Miss Alma Courtice, is night day, June 26th., Rev. C. A. Myers, their home on Thumsday, June 9th. le, supervisor in the same hospital and Toronto, preacher. Services 10 a. Lovely and useful gifts wemo eceiv- C. their many relatives and fiends home m. and 7 p. m. Speciai music by ed at each shower, dainty efesh- St ..Miss Talmon ,a returned mis- ST;î sish:hermothna, bs bn v i ss r e Bri e SLnayh, shawaspent mnted b ad mmmate njy ing at the parsonage with Mrs. (Rev.) t ho weekend with Miss Wîlma Leach e: C. C. Washington. Miss Talînon ' ...Mm. and Mrs. Saiom Groat, AI- Gibson-Luke tn; gave a vemy intemesting taik to the berta, Jean and Phyllis, Toronto, The home of Mm. and Mrs. Richard Ibt. Mission Band on Friday at S. S. No. spent Sunday witb Mm. Frank J. J. Luke, "Mapie Avenue Farm", Easti ýar 8 ..Annivemsamy services on Sun- 1 roat.. . .Miss Wilma Le~ach spent Whitby, was the scone of one of the, er day were a decided success. Good Friday and Saturday with Oshawa prettiest of June weddings, on Sat-I ric cowds gmoted the minister at each and Toronto friends.. urday, June llth., when, at 3 o'ciock, eyservice and in the aftemnoon andi Mm. and Mrs. Homier Hurbut, Mm. their eldest daughter, Florence Mary,i on: ovening the cburch was filled and and Mrs. Chas. Humîbut, Kembie,' was united in mariage with Mm. W. school-moom as weli. Rev. E. W. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr_,. 1 Gilbert L. Gibson, only son of Mm. Rowland, Omemeo, peached three J. Colwili, Jr. Thoy also attended and Mms. Charles Gibson, Cadmus, excollent sommons. In the morning the Old Boys' Rounion at Enfield.. Ont. his address was to the parents and Mrs. T. Williams, Ciesamea, Mm. and1 The spacious oonis lent thenisel- ho spoke vemy impessivoiy on thé Mrs. H. L. Reeve. Miss Dorothy Yei-' vos spiendidiy to decoration with thel ,hn boys and girls being the greatest as- land, Port Hope, visitod at Mm. T.iprofusion of tuiips, iris and other eir set of today and made it very cm- Elliott's.... Mm. and Mrs. N. B.i beautiful flowvoms, a tastefuily amang- d- phatie that tho parents and cbiidmenl Townsend, Misses Jean Baird and, cd bank of fomns with bridal wroath, ill- should perfectly understand oachi Lauma Virtue, Tomonto, spent the white lilacs and ich pansies amongsti ful other and ho in each othem's confid--i weekend at Mm. J. J. Vitue's .. the gmeoncmy ,making an attractiveý once and sympathy. It was indeed,J Miss Elford, Winnipeg, is visiting hem Jsotting for the bridai paty. a vory touchîng sermon. In the af-' aunt, Mrs. F. Stonhouse.. Miss MaeJ The ceremony was peformed by temnoon ho took the boys and girls on Armour, Oshawa. spont the weekendj Rev. J. F. Clugston, Columbus, Past- a joumney on a boat and bought out wvith Miss Mllarjomie Pascoe. .... Mm. or of the bride. Miss Olive Luke, md1 the differont equipments necessary and Mrs. F. Pogers and familY vis- sister of the bride, pîayed the wed- frtho boat to mon. The boat me- ited friends in Whitby ... . The Wel- ding music. pr(.senting the body. the ongine, th, corne Girls' hasebaîl team pai( af The bride, who wvas given in mar- ll- heurt, the crew the companions, the friendly visit to Hampton girls on riage by ber father, was gowned in a h,j captain the child itself, tbe conpass Fiday evening, the gamne esulting chummin.g frock of powder blue geor-i as the conscience and the pilot God n favor of the visitors. ...Young gette trimmed with wide beige lace and hoe hold the attention of ever j Pcople's meeting Fiday evenfing op- aund blue velvet ibbon. She womel boy and girl telling thon about the ened with 'MIin Louise Johns, 2nd, the gmoom's gift, a rope of peamls.î1 joumney they are taking now eachiVc-rsdn.n the chair. Progmam1 and carried a bouquet of roses and day. In the evening hoe preacbedi Was in charge of the gmoup relire- lily of the vaiîey. The gmoom's gift another fine sermon to the voung sentîng Japan with Ms Ethel Stop- to the pianist was a gold bar pin. people. The choir sang sevcmal an-1 bins as leader. Piano solo, Miss; Aftem congratulations ani signing Lhenis and ut the morning service Murjomie Murtyn; Bible lesson. Ms of the register a dainty luncheon .Miss France- Hancock san g "AI(>ne I Helen Johns; devotinnal. Miss 1. ws i witb G;od." and ut the ev ening Mr,.i Caîphell; vocal duet. Mrs. Geo. Bar-a serveti. the bri<le's table beî W. R Cortie sng e Tou yj on and Mrs. W. Wilbur. Th -oi decorateti with pink streamer n (;uh(le." la the afteraoon sevemali 'as taken in two parts "The French lei rtie of the valy b ryim-1 ilectin er ugby the 'ichool. Pioneer Missionamy Workers in Can- eierlavsoftebde nd i Our Superintendoat, Mr. L. J. ('ourt-1 ada" by Mrs. Bick: "The Protestant groom w cre present. ice. vorv ably took the chair at alli Mis'inury Workers in Canada" bvl The bridaI paty left for a brief j thmec services and in the aîorning hel 'tMis- L. Reynolds. t was decided honeymoon ut Cobourg, Ottawa andj asked the congregation to maise $2501 to koee Leagu'e opont durfing Sum "'er other points, foliowed by hosts of to run the S. School, anI ut thecos oth. Metn loe itite good %vishes and showems of confetti. of the cveaing service the ff eing bndcin The bride travelled in a saad suit witjh ________o 260 i bat of sand crochet straw with foîti happy day ail though. Visitors tooj TYRONE t n, thner m e n .and rs . G numemous to mention wvent to the, nterrtr'Ms i- differeat homes in the community' Teana -ita eco h on wili resi<ie ut 39 Simcoo St. N., 1 Th nulqitn e fteWOshawa. %vhemc tbcy wero heartily entortain- M. S. will ho heîd on Thursday after-' ______ ed ......... On Monday evenîng our noon, Jîine 23md. Wiin oks younz people gave their play "The anlngwrkr Hloodoo" to a full bouse and n d belpers wili ho appmeciated. Do- J. St.anley MeLean, who bas been i bis nd ~ *inations; of money or matomial to ho ontmustcd with the leadership of Can- <id i n hem part to perfection.1 Nf 'vith Mrs. H. Hilîs, M rs. R. ada Packems Ltd., new $10,000,00 O I Wresetink te pluyasn over be een- Hatherly, Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, Mrs. packers consolidation, is a Durhanm in admes aspronted botr hn ota even-. J, Goodman... Mm. and M.%rs. Old Boy, being born at Port Hopej i a n t wspresitve a d en e d to a mstj owers and Helen. M . an i M rs. L I son of the latte Col. and M s. W .j aurite audience... % rcd sBuckloy andi Bil, Orono, visited M.I M1cLean. jHorsburgb. Clevoland, av ;ee'and Im. omatio Hilîs on Sundav. . ruoss o Mi~. A F. hanve bMm I Glad to know Mr. Wesley C ouchi and Mrs. Sani Rundle. Detro it, hav' s able to take a car ridie on Sun-I retunedhom afer peningae1d-i. visiting bis sister, Mrs. Thomasi couplue of weeks with relatives hoee. iStr m, . .. . Our Pastor, Rev. C. C'. Washing- igiorM. ani Mrs. airBe rep re ton. %vas lan<)momeSunday takingIl eyl Be n,!Bor. Tomneli Mr~. Rowîand's ivork. E Xîrnd BertMm. an Mrs.J li IMr. crp. Margaret and VXim. Cannnag - orv e t e Oshawa i to have a ae,,v C, adianl ton. Mr. John andl Miss. Louise L ill JNational Railway Station, costing! r, îp odilMr. ani Mr..Cbas. $1 50,000 to $200,000.1W bite and funîily. itmock, î4r. W. and- - Rev. F. W. Tonkin con<lucted an-ý Miss K ..Jewell, Sunderland, Mr., nivorsary services ut Canibray, Jonc e od and l 1. Robinson, Peienioio, " a nutrspl o uie ath. Mm.* F. 1.. Bvuým'si Mi-. Ivan Smith Lx omspl fsme ____________il îlhio sister-in-iaw, M rs. Hurrvi goods ut hurgain prices. n'iith ut ber father's, Mr. J. IZoh;-I esBînggnUdic Man Me Watedanînn, visiting bis broetb'.r,j Special -119c garmnent i o. . ,îTt T*n ., r1' Mnn Ir.-VWesleyv Coucb and iS is iter.l ~'T; nrX.i.,r,,v wllî- rSic. T. J. Sco-tt; Rcv. aind 'Mms. T. R. Men's. Sîimr (Com1inations, Trunipour andi family vi'iiteç mns n O si t'S. init-I l1,;1), ri n . o;i iu t Poton recentlv; M'.%I.andi Mrs. R.Special 89e il1 UT r.oil r or i1, forj. Ilodgon a nd Nina visite,]t hein s':";T u vo.t,,,, ~. u, ;.,t ' (fi Iazel, at CorboletSeveral kinil Mon's Womk Shirts, ll,.l 1.: izosr.rurleSd cris, of Special 98 lu n cii bol)t wcon llaydon andi Tymone .S ____________________________e_ scoe r' 7-5 an favor of Tyrone . krinlof 'ioftbalI will ho laye i 1,o- ('hildiren's AiI-Over ('ombina- ADMINISTRATOR'S t-tern Mîple Omove and Tymone at tions.................... 98e STvro,,m"nFriday night. A _______ __________ Notice to '.reaitorsofi football illibho Playod 1hot'vcoan "~ ' (1 V1S11Kf E1H V VN1 , il i nz «tand! Tymone at Tx'one )n qatum- Hemstitcbed Piilow Cases, 191,tJ: r a nijgbt..Tuxis boys will ioeet Speciai 69e pir t1i...,J:it. Ir Fri<Ilav ni;ht aftem tho bal gainie. Wl, ij<iITl0 iT < of lT, 1 II Mr. Frank Hatherly spent thoe oc' xod rSmpSos 'j"inTsIi, ,,ir DarliTiT,,ri, i' i r rni. *'W mn,-frd rS rp S o s .r' d lit, dih:;)'n t h-- fourt IV yw .eliwith Miss Marzaret Ridge pca 18pi rt .ir.v ',r to :' 1 T , ,hi Hugbsrn anti Billie, Mm. Wmn. Hujb- "tra ,. y ", t '. IiiT:,ri .. Tî t d o,1orît. aM .R. M Cui g ' T IT1r ,T,, ,,r tr lth ), ;'l o nT rnoy.M .R.Me ulig ' et.1,1',l~ '. î,1 ., Tni,,o f theIr .Mms. Wm. Little has eturned arn,,, ,;.t îî .fi.r :I- .,,îth i îvaie n1ýfrnt spending a couple of fr .1,1v. 1127. ,.AI- I r, ,% ilii Iro .- weoks with Toronto fiends .... Mr. ~ I J~ l ? I...s.lj,,,triI. ,i , a îr t hs,nî,t ;jjtj ..s. ,,earu, ,,M . d rs. Fredi Ii',~T, Tlit. v r, ,îînef î,.. î,.,î,î,.r oCloman, Oshawa, visited ut Mr. L.T il<.,.,ilO,..1' ,r ..nTr part ti,,rof, t1Gonlrmants. Church service wili i King and Division Sta., ,,nY i...rýtii or i)frqon", nofwrs.aim h, witdm nheeoSuayn -J t,y lhavenont reiv loTrtici. ertînt of Long Suit a nivmsmne-owavi KERR and COCHRANE. cSurt ho l n auu al. vray Bwnnil Soliiorks for t uilqhola uul Adrnnlsîmqtor Wonderfui specials in Canton Dal,,l this 111h lay nof Dresses this weekAnd at Couch, John- jIîn., A.fD. 1927. 24-31 ston & Cryderman'a. PAGE 4 F -' Thursday - Friday - Saturday 25 MEN'S SYJITS VALUES TO $25.00, ON SALE $18.95 This is a line of Suits selected from our regu- lar stock, broken sizes, in Fancy Tweeds. Some are single breasted, while others are in the popu- lar double breasted models. These Suits are ex- ceptional values, CLEARING AT ONLY $18.95 Men's Navy Blue Herring Bone Suits at $19.95 A splendid cloth in double breasted models. MEN'S ALL WOOL SCOTCH TWEED SUITS A big Special number in Fawn and Grey shades, double breasted models, guaranteed al wool, a suit worth $37.50,* OUR SPECIAL PRICE TO CLEAR $26.95 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS AT $1.95 In shades of Fawmn, Blue, White ,Mauve, ON SALE AT $1.95, 2 FOR $3.75 CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' STOCKINGS Heavy Cotton Ribbed, ON SALE 4 PAIR FOR 98c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Haugh's Brand in Khaki and Blue shades, A SPECIAL AT 98c BOYS' BLOOMER TROUSER SUITS 15 only ,Boys' Bloomer Trouser Suits, in fancy Tweeds, shades of Grey and Brown, values up to $8.50 and $9.0O, ON SALE $6.95 Te.1B. Gilchrist Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville You Will Require Something in Furniture for June WE ARE WELL SUPPLIED WITH SUMMER FURNITURE Chairs and Rockers for the porch or veranda. Drop Screens or Curtains for the verandah in green and brown color. Wood siats in different widths, Hammo Couches, Veranda Couches, Folding Canvas Chairs, Cots and Roll-ups, in fact many lines of Summer Furniture. We have somne splen(lid Jaî)anese Grass Chairs which have sold well this vear. WONDERFUL VALUES IN REED SUITES We are offering wondeî'fuî values in three piece Reed Suites with Upholsterecl Seats. Somne have Upholstered Seats and I3acks and are very serviceable and extremnely' handsone. STEEL BEDS IN WALNUT FINISH Alxvays a fulli une of Steel Beds in latest Wal- nut finishes with ahl grades of Màttresses and Springs to select fromn. ALL GRADES SPECIALLY LOW PRICED FOR JUNE F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville JUNE WEDDING ENNISKILLEN Osborne--DownTh euametnof*eYug The mariage of Beatrice Victi, Terglrmeigo h on youngest daughtor of Mms. Downan People's Loague was heid on Wednes- thelat Edin own Osawa a~î1day, June S. Meeting opened with trhe tKEnt son,Osonw, o Mr Idovotional oxercises, Miss Mae Wer- Jll .F. O hne boandte, sateofMr. O-ry, President, in the chair. Bible bornesbornmanite, oo lae ery s-lesson was moad by Miss Alice Ash- quietly at the Simcoe Street Ulnited1 o;tpc"htd h epeo Church, Oshawa, onMnayee the Womld Want"? by Mm. Frank Dom- ing, Juno l3th., at 8 o'clock. Owngrand; reading, Miss Muriel Newton; to to iines o thepasorRov Drsolo, Airs. Lloyd Ashton; short read- H. S. Dougali, Rev. F. J. Maxwell oii is i ss Annit. e ke nd Mm. edt ciated. Immediately after the ccre-j hme. Lau incJn 5h mony the happy couple left to spond1 a short honeymoon with relatives in1 _______________ London and St. Thoma.s. On thoim1 retumn they will eside in their new, PROVIDENCE U. F. . Pro-vidence Farniers Club wUr, emeet on Wednesday, June 22nd., at shaxv's School at 8 p. m. Mr. Chas. 1 McCurdY, West Toronto, will speak. Refreshieflts at close. ORDER COAL NOWf Quantity of Stove and Nut Cole at Tyrone Station. Orders d eliv*î. 1if desired. R. H. Collacott, Phone 181-12, Bowmanville. \24-3* 1

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