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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1927, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JUNE l6tb., 1927 PAGE VIVE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. Leonard Henry, Hamilton, lu holidaying at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Masier, Oshawa, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Luther Nichais. M~~iss Olive Mutton, Toronto, spent S ,day with ber parents, Mr. and .Ni. D. Mutton. iqr. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto, spUý, Sunday with ber parents, Mr. aîfWl Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Keith, Toronto. Mr. Cecil Herman, Detroit, Mich., spent the week-end at is fatber's, Mr. F. B. Ferman, Carlisle Avenue. Mrs. Fletcher Staples and daugb- ter, Elizabetb, Toronto, are visiting ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Spargo. Mrs. Edwin Worden in company witb ber sister, Mrs. Stone, Oshawa, have gone ta visit a sister in Western Canada. Mr. Jobn Elliott, London, spent tbe weekend bere and met w' greati many old friends wbo were glad ta see hlm. Mr. D. W. Yerex, Detroit, Micb., spent the weekend visiting bis sis- ter, Mrs. M. Smitb, who is iii in the Hospital. J. O. Herity of Court Moira, Belle- ville, is tbe new Higb Cief Ranger of Eastern Ontario High Court of~ tbe 1. O. F. Miss Annie Mountjoy, Assistant Supt. of the Victor Home, Toronto, spent tbe wekend witb ber sister, Mrs J&E. E lliott. Mir. and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werry, Osbawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry. Mrs. Cbas. Manning bas returned from visiting friends at Harrow, Wallaceburg, Windsor, Kingsville, and other places. "White Elephant Sale", St. Paul's Lecture Roam, Friday, June 24 from 4 ta 6 p. m. Booth of bome-cooking. afternaan tea. and pragram. Mr. Gordon and Miss Florence Ashton and Miss Sadie Allin spent the weekend witb the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Allin, Ida. LOCL AD OHEWIS LOAL NDOTHRWIE irths, Marrilagea and Deatbs arel LOALAN________ CA AD THRWS charged for at the folowlng rates: Birthhl 50c; Marriagee 50c; Deatbs 50c: Memoial Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Taranto, The chairs of Trinity Unitedf Carda 50e 1Oc per Une extra for poemns. spent Sunday at home. Churches af Cobourg and Bownian-1 Mrs. Fleming bas been visitingi ville. will excbange places on Sundayl BIRTHS Mrs. Sam Arnott, Newtonville. evening and conduct the musical ser-1 SARGENT-In Bowmanville Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. John Sle'mon, Ennis- vices in eacb otber's chai-ch. June 4, 1927, ta Mrs. Robt. Sargent, a killen, have been visiting relatives in Congratulations ta Miss Iva L. daugbter, (since died).I town. Courtice, daugbter of Principal and DORRELL-On ThursdaY, June 9thl Miss Myrtle Wilson, Osbawa, spent Mrs.. S. J. Courtice, Leamington, on, 1927, ta Mr. ani Mms. Eanl Dorrell, Nes- Sunday bere guest ai Mrs. J.H.' receiving The Hamilton Fisk Biggar tîcton, ont., a son Stuart Earlî. Jobnston Scbolarship in Household Economios STAPLETON-In Clarke, on saturday, alsote AnaHoe Rev PrzeinJune il, 1927, ta Mr. ani Mrs. Georgel 1 alo te Ana Hwe RevePriz inJ. Stapleton, (nee Gertrude E. Martin), Mrs. L. L. Guy spent the weekendi Housebold Science fromt Victoria a son, (Ewart tNiaire). ' with bier sister, Mrs. Clarence Hayes,l College, 3rd year.I Columbus.' Among the graduates wbo receiv- Mrs. Win. Kirby, Detroit, recently' ed dîplomas front Oshawa Hospital DAH visited bier cousin, Mrs. J. B. Mitchell,'Taiig cooEasAweTwr Ms Churcb St. Annle Reddon, Toronto, daugter of Oi<E-ln Dailington, on Tuesday, June Sunday evening, June 26, the Osb-, Mrs. M. P. Reddon, formerly ai Bow- 141h, 1927. Elizabeth Alan. widow of thei awa Yung eopl's Bad atBow-lai,' William Oke. in her S4th y'a.,r. awaYongPepl's an a BW-manville. 'Mis.s Reddon also obtain- Funeral fron thIe residence of ber son-ý' manville. Service at 7 p. m. You' ed the J. F. W. Ross scbolarship for in-la%, '.%r. T. IL Bickle, Lot 35, Con. 2,11 are invited. 24-2. bigbest class standing, the Mrs. Chas. Dalngion, on Tbursday, June 16th, ati: The name ai Mrs. M. A. Noal s' Robson scholarship for higbest stand- , . i.(tiandard limie) ta Ebenezer' Second Vice-President ai tbe Music ing in Theoretical Dietetics. LArMëER-I ilbok n udy Study Club was inadvertantly omit-, A Durham boy in the persan oi Jone 11h,7, Wesley Larnter, aged 64 ted fromt the list of officers in aur Dr. Charles Douglas McCulloch ai yearB. last issue. Wellington, passod away on June 4th PARKER-At 284 Ricbmnondl St., Osb-1! andin elevile osita, ate tbeeava, Tlitisday-, June 9, .4-27 George, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy an nBleil optl fe he se akr nhe6n er Jack, Toronto, are visiting bis par- days' illness with mieningitis. He, ANA 1: nOhwa usa, ents, Mn. and Mrs. F. A. H-addy. w;%as born at Enfleld, being a son ail Jone 71b,AniMa oelbovd GIad ta boar Mr. Haddy is doing so0 the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mc- wif, of M. Cecil E. Hann, in hem 25thl well aiter bis aperation. Cullocb. He graduatod from the yeam.j Mrs. C. H. Lapp is visiting frionds Univensity ai Toronto and took post- HARRIS-S. Emîily Harris, yugs gradateworkliaCbicgo. He frstdaughter of thv.,late Jasepb ibarsat in Northern Saskatchewan. Mr. Lapp l<daewr nCicg. H is *,illarn,, Part Hope, on Wednesday,j and Miss Beatrice Lapp are staying practised medicino in Erin, Ont., ai- June tb, 1926. c oeo witb the iormer's son, Mr.H. W. ter-wards at Chapleau, Ont., and fin- BRAY-In Township o oeo Tues-I Lappwhorecetlypurcase "Th aly setle in ellngto whre iiay, June 14, 1927, Eliza Jane Liut1e, be-I, wboreenty urcasd ba seated foin e W teligton wer helovced wife of the laie Wm. Bray, in ber Bungalow" corner Centre and Lowe sopatsdfrtepategtyas t0h yvam. Interment at Welcome Ceme-1 Streets, iram Mn. L. J. Clayton. Dr. McCulloch was a lufe-long Meth- te->y odiat befome becoming a United TOMS-In Newcastle, on Thumsday, Congratulations ta Mr. Lawrence' Churcbman and a Liberal in politios. June 9tli, 1927, Mary IC:îzabth ibennings, Masan, eldest son ai Mrs. T. G. He is sumvived by bis wife and two widow of the late i1imToms, lit ber MNason on receiving J. Reginald Ad- daugbters, Beatrice and Ruth, and -ls* yeam. Interud ut Bond 1Iead Cern- ams Gold Modal, in Political Science; tbree sisters, Mrs. Ren. Statesbury, teny. also The Robertson Prize in Cana-. Mrs. A. Voîker, and Mrs. <Dr.) Car- dian Constitutional History fromt mani Brawn. His remains were in-MAR GE Victoria College in bis fourth year., terrod in Prospect Cemetery, Tor- MRIAE Nnln oc ad"A m- isas onta. MenONALD-CULLEY-Oll Saturday.j goad as bis foot". A lot ai mon around town wbo are usually jifi- cuIt ta fit witb shoes agree with tbe. oId warrior since they bave been get-, ting sa mach camfort and satisfac- tion irom wearing "Wilkie's Gli>ve- Phit Sboes". W. Claude Ives bas the exclusive agency for Bowmanville for those sboes. He says every man wbo bas bougbt a pair is a walk-' ing advertisement for Wilkie's Sbaes. Proper style and widtb for every f oot. FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST OSHAWA, ONTARIO ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by JOHN RANDALL DUNN, C. S. B. of Boston, Mass. Member af the Board af Lecturesbip of The Mother Cburcb, The First Churcb af Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. IN THE REGENT THEATRE SUNDAY EVENING, JUNE 19tb., 1927 a t 7 p. m. dayligbt saving time THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND le ,,.'s. c.~.s...â Ae-.-s 'et 0. s-tic e,. e, ; Great Satisfaction Is being shown and expressed by the ladies who have visited our store this week and purchas- ed Dresses from our wonderful assortment of New Dresses for Summer The materials are the newest-the styles the latest-the variety large-the values attractive- and ever-y dress different. WHAT MORE IS NEEDED ? Clarence S. Mason Phone 161 Next to F. F. Morris Co. Bowmanville The Pleasure of a Bath Is spoiled if the bathroom equip- ment is not up-to- date and in first- class condition. LetI If us equip your bath- room and we'Il promise you that you and your fam- ily will take pride and pleasure in showing it to friends and guests. We repair ail kinds of bath- room ,bedroom, kitchen and laundry equipment. W. Len. Elliott Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting King St. W., Phone 348 Bowmanville TRIP TO OSTEND. BELGIUM Mr. J. H. H. Jury who is accam- panied by bis daugbter, Mrs. C. W. New, Toronto, and are attending the Rotary International Convention at Ostend ,Belgium, this month. bas written an interesting letter ta R. F. Aitchison, Secretary ai Bowmanvillei Rotary Club ,for tbe local Rotarians.f We are privlleged ta use extractsi from tbe letter dated May 27 and written on board White Star Liner S. S. Megantie: Dear Bob-Tbe aid ship is rolling ia great shape and it is naining beavily but as this is our Club day 1 thoagbt 1 would "report pragress". lt is related ai Blackstone, the lawyer, that he happened along as a friend avas telling a companion that Blackstane was the greatest corpora- tion lawyer in Çanada and he askedi the lawyen bow ho could prove it. The attorney smiliagly replied, "yau do not bave ta prove it I admit it". By the same pracesai reasaning it noeds no proaf to show thatIa a poor correspandent "I admiti" If the ship would stop sbaking sa,j I would tny and get something wit-I ton so that ynu could at least readi it, but as it is I doubt if I can evenl do that, as a matter ai iact therel is littie ta report up ta date. The five from Oshawa çllth my daughtor and I and 40 or 50 other, Ratary delegates and iriends were all comfartably settled in this staunchi White Star 1lessel before midnigbti and when 1 wakened shortly aiter daylight we were well under way. We spent three or four hours in Quebec City matoning ta some ai the histaric spots for whicb the city is famaus. There is an old saying "See Naples and die" but ai Quebec it is said "Sec Quebec and live for- ever", and those Canadians wbo cannot spend the time ta take an av-1 ensoas trip, should at loast take the lovely river trip ta Quebec and spend a few days enjaying tbe deligtful scenery and refreshing thoir school day memaries by visiting those scenes pointed out witb just pride by both French and Englisb on accoant ai the many deeds ai valor connected witb the ealier history of Canada. The first four days an Board were truly deligbtful and every one enjoy- ed themselves ta the limit with dock games, etc. The iresh sea breeze was 50 appetizing that scarcely a va- cant seat coald be found in the din- ing room, but those wbo aver iadulg. ed, paid the price that night, wben w-e struck what the captain said was the worst starm ibis year and for 2 days the dining-raom was practically empty. This marning the sun came o ut brigbt and warm and aur little Iparty enjoyed the dock gamos agair b ut ave are in anather gale now and are experiencing the "apa and downs' ai lufe once more. We are baving some wanderful music and singing on board. Ever Doîf Nicholîs and Fred Crydermar Iwould have ta braco up or take soc- ond place. We have an Opera Conî- Ipany ai some 45 with us and they are ta entertain us to-nigbt if weatber perrmits. May 28, 1927-Many passeagers dlaim that the concert was the finest they ever beard. The artists are aI] graduates of the London Conserva- tory ai Music andi it was certainl> ai a bigh order. The collection it aid ai families seamon anîounted tc £43. The Montreal Rotary Clut had aathorized thoir delegate tc place £20 on the plate. We .get occasional bits aifan. On( gentleman was tld a certain lad: was sitting an bis loat bat and step ping up ho asked ber if she knev wbat she was sitting on when sh( promptly replied "WelI I should kaoi 1 have been sitting on it for 2 vears". We bave seen many very beautifu icébergs and these with a few whale spauting in the distance and an oc casional passing steamer belp taor tentain those able ta koep an deck We expect ta arrive ia Landoi late Sunday nigbt or Monday morr îng. At Montreal eacb delogate ws presented witb an enamel 'mapli beai badge bearing the Rotary on blem and bis or ber name 50 o weT soon able to got acquainted witb an another. Witb kindest regards to alI, sin cerely John H. H. Jury 20-4w* music MISS STANLEY CHANT Miss Stanley Chant Is stanting a clas. of besinners In piano music. Ternis tnoderate. AddreesF-Hihinpton R R. 1, an Telephoni Oshawa 1652-3. June 11, 1927, at St. AdesCuct Gri nisby, by the Rev. J . Alan liallard.l Lois Elizabe.tb, (Elsie), eldest daughterl of Mmr. and Mms. W. J. Calley. Bowmian-1 ville ta Itugb W. McDonald, son of Mn.1 and MmNIs. Jas. Mcflonald of lIensall, Ont.i WILLIAMS-PALMER-AI Tiniy Un-ý lIed Cbumcb Parsonage, Iowmanville,ý on Saiurday, June 111h, 192-t, by Rev. J.i U. Robins, Russell Gomdon Williams, Niagara Falls, N. Y., younge-st sonWof Mms. Williams and the laIe E.B.W- Articles For Sale PUPS FOR SALE-Collie pups, 6i Fweeks a)id Apply ta D. Burgmastýer, Ennisklllen. 24-1w FOR SALE-Mowing machine ln good Working condition . Si x-foot cut. Ap- ply ta Harry Couch, Newcastle. 24-2 BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Wicker carriage, ln good condition, reversible body. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Jacoba, Bowmanx-ille Bakery. 24-tf BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE--Quantityl of buckwheat, price 80c per bushel. Ap- ply ta tBert Rice, <Long Sault), Tyrone R. R. 1, Lot 5, Con, 9, Darlington 1- HARNESS FOR SALE-Twa sets sing-I le with cOllar and hames; one driving set, singl e. Cheap. T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanville. 24-t BUSINESS FOR SALE--Gror-ery Bus- iness, Cash and Carry, Canfectlonery, 1tooming flouse, Book and Stationery, Meat Market, Box flall-Aliey Equipment. Sydney Smythe, Market Laine, Liondon. 24-1w- FOR SALE-A modern Llpartment size Dominion Player Piano may be purchas- ed at haîf regular pri ce and on easy terme; bas beautiful tone and bas been recan(iitianed ;guaranteed. Call F. J.1 Mitchell, Bowmanville. 17-tý FOR SALE-Team wagon .heavy team harness, buggy, cutter, team sleighs, rear wheel and tire for Fulton Truck. Need 'he roomn so will sacrifice for quici sale. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, El- gin St., N., Bowrnanville, phone 497w. 23-t Lost or Found SUITCASE LOST--On June 1Oth.. in or west of Bowmanville, containing clothlng, razor, collar box. etc. Finder kindly advise Statesmnan Office. 24-2 HqeIp Wantedo H-ELP WANTED-A young woman for~ general husework, for an elderly )ule., WVrite or call corner of Church and Scugog Sts., Mrs. J. Harvey,. Bowman- ville. 23-tf MALE HELP WANTED- 1:Wanted by well e9tablished Torantoý firm, man tai drive one of aur salesmen ln rural districts, must be of AI chars.ct- er and well known ln oounty. State particulars. If yau have car, age 35 t nains »vwla,,sne-. ' RA -.. 1', mucurAuyM t. ar t t __u i only daughter of Mr. and Mm5. John! manent position, aalary and expenBes. I ; Palmer. Ontario Street, Bawmanville. K. S., cIa Statesman Office. 23-1 IN MEMORIAM Real Estate For Sale In Iavt-ng mcmory of a dear wife and HUEFRSLEBikhue iotîter, Emma Loubse Joint, who depart- oUmsE FO SE-ric k bot ad ue, a cd Ibis 11f e June 1th, 1922. rmeedrclnsadfuaea-1 Theme is some one who misses you sadly, pIes, pears, and smaîl fruit trees, two Who finds the years long modce youi good building lots witb pnaperty. WiII Tee ,of sIeil St working man's pmies. Convenient lhr a some one wbo îbinks a o location. Apply W. J erBosoe dably. IBowmanville. 18-t But tries bard ta be brave and content. 1 HOUSE FOR SAL-FIrame dwelling Sadly missed by Husbaaid and Cbildren.1 and one acre of strawberries and allier amaîl fruit, the pmoperty of the late AI- Inb loving meunory ot vie. Arthur Har-I bert E Goode, situated on Brown Stneet, old Living who gave bis life for bis lnb Bowmanville, gaad harn and lien bouse. countmy an Jane 13. 1916, third son of electric ligbts and waten. This praper- Mns. W. Jordan. t y muat be sold for the purpose of wind- Eleven yeans bave pasqsed dean Arthaur. Iing up the Estate. Bargain pmice may Since you gave your life for oums,I be secured from W. F. Ward, Barristem, Your motiber who fondly loved yoa ln life Bowmanville, Ontario. 1- 5h11l loves you now ln death. j- -- CaGne but not fomgotten. Maothem. H'OUSES FOR SALE-Double framel 1 n boving mc-mony of Eston Damcb wbo on Elgin St.. opposite school; .brick pasdaa ue1,1926. bouse, corner Elgin and Cocesin: passd aay Jne 5,trame bouse on Concession St.: largel Time rails on and we're reminded, brick house on Scugog St., close taC.P. 0f a day aur hearts weme cmasbed, R. station: Brick house one Carlise WbcnGod oak auoh, o quckl , Avenue, on easy terms: one on Con-, r And we ail In gloorn wcre thmust, jcsIon Street: Brick Bungalow on In tbe bloorn of 11f e deaih claizned you. corner Wclllngton and Liberty Streets; In the prime of niaibbood days. I Prame mesidence. nmodern Improvements, Bunt we hope again Io meet you on ntania Street; Chicken ranch near t And ta bc witb you always. town of Bowmanville. anitable for retir- rSa<ily missed by Mother, Fathen ,Slst rer dfarmer or others. at reasonable price. and Brothers.j Also several building lots ln gaod local- i ty. Phone 114 or see Wm. Bnock __________________________ Qucen St.. Bowmanville. 18-100 Nine Out of Ten Men Suffer from Foot Trouble Although they may not realize it, that mid-afternoon tired feeling, lack of phy- sical and mental am- bition is caused by shoes that cramp and hinder the natural action of the feet, which has a decided reflex action on the -whole nervous sy- stem. Men who wear Wilkie's Glove-Phit Shoes know the vig- orous f eeling that cornes only when one' s f eet are in per- fect order, ready to carry them where they will. If you wouId know real foot-f reedom- try a pair of Wilkie's "Glove-Phit" Shoes Good yet not ex- pensive $8.00 to $9.00 a pair Sold exclusively in Bowmanville at Ives' Shoe Store otwsar and Travelling Goode Bowman ville STEAMSKiP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Europ.e-Caaldlaf Pacifie, W'hlte Star Dominion, Cunard, Amerlcan4 Aak for lnlorînatloli.Phono 58 Stateunan O)face, Bowmanville. To Let FARMVS TO RENT-Convenientiy le- catedi'excellent sali. Possessigon ta plougb after present crop. FuII -posses.- sien April 1, 1928. Appiy te G. D. Con- ant, Oshawa, Ont. 23-t Baby Chicks and Eggs CHICKS FOR SALE-A limited number of baby vhicks. hatched from heavy lay- ers. Delamere Strain. Cail or phone 219J. P. W. Baille, R. R. 6, Bowman- I ville.1-t Sumimer Resorts FOR RENT-Coltage at Beach, East Sîde, Bowmanville. 6 rooms, ail conven- lences. garage and boat. Apply G. C. 1 Drawer B, Bowmanville. WANTED TO RENT-Fýror nc rnnth small, furnl,,hed cottage at Part Bow- rnanvill* or Ceasarca, occupancy to begin as soon afier 15th of June as possible. Appiv W. A. W., Drawer B., Statesman Offic9, Bowmanville. 23-2 Wanted CHAIR WANTED-Wanted ta rent, for a monlb or six weeks, a wheel chair for invalil. AppIy to Mrs. Norman 1Pringlçe. Elgin St., Bowmanville. 24-1- TEACHER WANTED-Far S. S. No. 4, flarl ingion, 510h' saLiry an(i experience, I7 ei vo' rferî-nces. folieR ta corfimence 1,.î,tmiîer lot. Appiy te It. P. Osborne, R. R. No. 2, Bowmanville, Ont. 24-2w TrEACHER WANTEO-Experienced tiacher for S. S. No. 6. Darlingion. fluties te commence about Sept. lot*. Persnnal applications preferred. Appiy la Noble 1. Melcaîf, Sec'y. -Treas., B<ow- manville R. R. No. 2. 21t. WANTED-An 01(1 itookcaisc, meloiin, h-haiFs. dining table and smaîl tables, t opé or spool bcd, bureau, corner cup- ioard, sidehoard. footst,-ol. dock and lishes. Must be very old pleces. Mrs. jH. W. Lapp, Bowmanville, Phone 14 G. 23-tf. Houses For Sale We have on aur ilst a splendid lot of praperties in Bowmanvillo for your selec- tion The prices are right and there are saine extra special afferinge among them. We cannût descrIbe them ail In the space but these twa are an example: Six Roomned bouse on Cburcb at. frame with v'erandah, furnace, electric lights and tawn water. aIl in good condition garage and amaîl garden. Price below Ivalue. Solid'brick bouse, central location. snap for sameane wbo wants a real firet cîasse home. hardwood floars, beautifal ne ception hall, aIl canveniencèe, garage andi everything yaun beant can desire. Pric rlght, away below value. Seo aur complete listIif you axe thlnk- bng cf buying a home. J. J. MASON & SON lflsuance & Real Estate. *owmanvllis Hot Weather Suggestions Just follow the crowd and you will land at this store where you buy for less. We are hav- ing a brisk demand these days for SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS NEW PERFECTION QIL STOVES LORRAIN OIL STOVES COLEMAN AIR-O-GAS STOVES We"will gladly give a demonstration of this new Coleman Stove which is proving so popular and satisfactory. INSECTICIDES Prepare early for Bugs and Insects. We seil dependable insecticides: FLY FUME BUG DEATH SPRAYRITE PARIS GREEN ARSENATE 0F LEAD ARSENATE 0F LIME DR. WILLIAMS FLY SPRAY CREONOID 90c GALLON Bring your own can and we will fil it with Crenoid for 90c gal We have a very complete assortment of spray- ers for every need. Dustan's Cash Hardware "We Serve You Well" Bowmanville THIS WEEK A Rubber Lined Double Pocket One Gillette Safety Razor Carry-AIl-Case One lOc Blade and With each 35e tube of One 35c Tube off KLENZO REXALL Dental Cream Shaving Cream BOTH FOR ALL FOR 39C 35C Films ieft in our store at 9 a. m. are developed and printed and ready to hand out at 5 p. m. same day. JURY & LOVELL The Safe Satisfactory Druggiste and Opticians Wben We Test Eyes It lu Dane Properly Sid. Chartran'a The Leading Store FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND FURNISHINGS Men's Suits $12.50 to $35.00 Boys' Suits, 2 pair bloomers, $6.50 to $13.50 Boys' Suits, 4 piece, Coat, Vest, Bloomers, Long Pants $12.50 to $16.50 Men's Work Pants $1.50 to $2.50 Men's Dress Pants $2.75 to $5.00 Men's Dress Shirts $1.00 to $3.50 Men's Work Shirts $1.00, $1.251,$1.50 Boys' Cotton Jerseys, al TO CLEAR, colors, sizes 24 to 32, AT 35c STRAW H4AT TIME IS HERE Men'. Straw Sailors $1.00 to $4.00 I have the Iargest selection in town S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office PHONE 26 BOWVMAN4VILLEL p 1 AG£ PIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JUNE 16th., 1927 ýie I&

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