PAGE SIX E AAINSTEMNBOANVL. HRflv.IN 1+ 10 The Terror of Asthma cornes like ORONO CONFEDERATION AND AFTER- a thiof in the night with its dreadfulI SIXTY YEARS 0F PROGRESS throttling, robbing its victim of (From The News of June 9th) 1_______Blak breath. It seems boyond the pow- Miss Kathleen Staples ivas homel Fr Eaq a rdBlofa entr h or of human aid to relieve until one from Port Hope over the holiday. iFraqatro etr h trial is made of that remarkable D .Dmro erii us Hon. Edward Blake played a leading proaraion Dr J.D. ollgg' ofMiss Lta Stutt at ber fathers, part in the political life of Canada. thma Remedy. Thon relief cornes Ir. - W. J. Stutt. tiHo did much to nxould public opinion, with a rush. Life becomes worth living, and. if the romedy bc uscd Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat, Oakvillo, but ho lacked the porsonal magnet- porsistently, the disease is put per- visited at ber brother's, Mr R. Z.1i sm necessary for successful leader- manontly to rout. Take no sub- Hall. over the weekend.1 ship. stitte.Mr. nd rs. moStapes or- E dward Bake xvas bora in Adel- stitte. r. ad Mr. Elo S apeTo aide, Upper Canada ,on October 13, o nto. visited over the holiday at isj 1833. He vas educated at Upper Would flot be Without father's, Mr. Wm. Staplos.1 Canada Collego and the University Nr. and Mrs. Fitchette attended1 of Toronto. In 1856 ho vas called ~ibitsthe funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr.1 to the bar and speedily achieved dis- Z uto T ab ets F. ". MKenie, olumus.tinction as an equity la-wyer. His Mrs. Alfred Beal and son Grant~ political careor began 1867. I a A t Y .Mis Mary Lownie were visitors in was lectd to the House of Com- Mr. A. O. Norton, the millionaire tow7n .jack Manufacturer, of Boston, who re- on mons an(l to the local logislature. He centiy died, was a great "boosterl" for Mr. George Mitchell and farnily, becamo leader of tbe Ontario op- Zutoo Tablets. Toronto, accompanied by a couple of position and ia 1871 caused the de- He suff ered fromn headaches f romn child- frieads. spent the holiday with Mr. foat of the Sandfield Macdonald ad- hood and wben lie found Zutoo Tablets and Mrs. Geo. Butters. ministration and becamie prime min-1 stpe hs edchsnae iue Mr. Ralpb Stutt, Grafton, and sis ister. On the abolition of dual re-t and left no bad effect, hie began recom- ter, Mliss Edaa Stutt, Toronto, worel prosentation ho was elected and satc meuding them to his family and frieuds. homo at their fatber's, Mr. Wm.j ia the House of Commons.1' In an unsolicited letter, Mr. Norton says Stutt, the latter part of the week. la 1873 hoeatered the Mackenziev in closing: O cbntwtotprfloburei-c "My family use them when ever nede Messrs. E. J. Hamnm, Gordon Pow ainet wthout portfol Iout re- p with equaly good results. I havefre or, O. W. Rolpb and Wallace Sissori esp et he otbsf aone ro- quently given the= to friends wbo were atteaded the Dedication Ceremony bis leader, and on October 3, 1874, suffering from Headache and they neyer of the aew Masonie Temple at W bit- delivered bis farnous Aurora speech, Il failed to give quick relief. I always carry by.1 aligaing birnself with the Canada t Zutoo Tablets in nxy grip on the road Rev. A. K. and Mrs. Edmison Of First Party. He advocated the fed- e and WOLILD NOT BE WITHOUT Little Britain, returning frorn Bay of oration of the Empire, extension of ti THEM AT ANY COST." Quinto Conference at Oshawa, spent the franchise, compulsory voting, re- il 85Monday at ber fatber's, bore Mr. preseatation of minorities, and reor- cý à cents per box-at ail dealers. Wm. Cornish. ganization of the Sonate. Ho fav-W Amoag the successful candidates oured an Imtperial union in order o in Arts, Toronto University, we are that Canada might have a greater tl pieased to see the naines of Mr. J. L. share in the management of its for- Burgess, Fourtb Year Pbilosophy, eign affairs. But this wvas only a s( and Miss Mary W. Somerville, Third passing mood; in time ho laid aside tl Year Arts. bis federationist leanings and became f( Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson wish an out-and-out autonornist. l to annouace tbe engagement 0f their laMy185ho renrdted youngest daughter, Margaret E., to Mackenzie Goverament as Minister bl Mr. Lewis James Wood, son of Mrs. Of Justice, and duriag bis two T Wood and the late James Wood, the years of office eff'ected important con- oi H EALTHIf-GIVING marriage to take place in June. _______________ At a meeting of Directors of the Realiz the bnefits Orono Cemetery Comapany held Fri__________ fea _jLthgv1gcd hold Decoration Day on Sunday, Juiy of h alt-givng od- 3rd. The Durham Regirnent Band iver oil vitamins. of Orono wl be present and an la- vittio isextnde totheFraternal The leaant ay- Socitie of the village to take part The îeasnt w y- il the decoration. Mr. Walter Sberwin wbo recently uaderwent another critical operation Scot & Bwne.Toroto. . ~ manville Hospital, having made rapid Scot Bone TronoOnt 2-5 rocovery. Mr. Sherwia although ---not able to be on bis feet mucb as yet is wonderfully buoyant, feeling that in a reasonable time ho is like TO W OMENto be in btter shape than for years TO WOMEN ~~~~~~pas lete at\ee r i 0F MI OLE A E ofMr. William Armstrong, Sr., re- OF __MIDDLEA_ E nepbew, Mr. Fred Dobson, formerly ofOrono, now of Elfros, Sask., Mrs. Wil3on's Experience a where hoe is engaged in the hutcher and drovor business, and by aIl ac- Guid to ome Pasing counts making good, being a member * theChane ofLife of the town Council and an aIl round will be pleased to learn of bis suc- Hamilton, Ontario. - -I have takon cess. severalbottlesofL dia E.Piakham's Mrs. Lewis Junker and son Robert oe'getable C o m- beave Saturday noxt for New Ham- _____ pound and 1 ea- burg, Ont. wbere the farnil3' will now not speak too reside, Mr. Junker baving receatly S highly of it as 1 bought the Croamery in that town. wasat theoChange Mr. and Mrs. Junker were highly es-I bad no a pe t. er many frieads bore, and also hy 1 T P "pasvo wmk otrpSret Cburcb choir of hich 0 E and sick, and the Mrs. Junker was a member duriag $500 NE pains tainy back ber residence bore. m u Were sob ad 1 Mr. Frank Ardron, wbo was on the Pl couldbardlyniove. Standard Bank staff bore two yoars 1 got vory sad at ago, was in towa Satur<lay and mad(e t mes and thoug h ad not a friend The News a caîl. Frank is aow o- I on earth..I did not cate if I lived or cated at St. Ptersburg, Florida, died. 1 was very nervous, too, andi where ho is on the staff of the Amier- did not go out vory rnucb. A friend ican Bank and Trust Compnny, a N advised me to b-y a bottle of Lydia E. large institution. and is aiuch taken Pinkbar's Vegetable Compound,00t up with that city. He is spondiag 2P I did. 1 arn a farrner's wift., and ai- a montb witb bis parents, Mr. and ways worked bard until lntely, and Ms ae odl was la bed for two moatbs. 1 began r.JmsAdonaKealPH to feel like a aew womaa af ter the Mr. Peter Walker,* Hampton, bas $32q5 first bottle and 1 recormnred it with sold bis 150 acre farrn west of Mc- great success, also Lydia E. Pink- Crea's churcb boundary of Clarke barn's Liver Pilîs. I arn williag to and Manvers, to Burkensteinanad answor letters frorn women asking Shearer, the latter having been liv- about your medicines, as 1 cannot jing on the place siaco Mr. Walker ( NE of our cli Feak toc, highly of then. "-Mrs.1 and farnily left last spriag. The0 manufacture IMMA WILSON, 471 Wilson Street, purchase _price was $4200.00, a good Hamilton, Ontario. paymeat beiag made at tirne of sale. gaeadppl Sold by druggista everywbere. C Burkeastein and Sheamer are report- pianos, phonogra - d to ho manufacturers of toilet )rt- idies, etc., at Chicago, Ill., and the radios has askei farrn will ho used by tbem cbiefly as conduct another a rest resort. sale in the Disi S Pe dy About 70 ladies atteadod the Wo- Toronto,soweha, moa's Institute meeting on Tuesd-ty, R e iMay 3lst, to hear Mrs. Lowe of Tor- arrangements wi ont-o, the Goverament delegate. Mrs. d C..r$ T BWMEN tMEAt ED TVM TKAT - T* m êo »O bers tafal te the grls r ea o ial $325.s Thies e be 0F ertirne geanoydinsducivt. luc lFRho-n G uAi ag s wee by tencoMrite amnsca es chr. rF. Cowe is a ms.A.n in ot 50 SornE ,10TA ervillfe, r tRh . Bro u-m sa,l.o th delri OF COln'l¶ rpaaî Tiekor aserjoyeappoint dluncate to. hee E E RI sad f51(ritsih ht h ing sricved y eting i t Paul'ss an e se Rub G.ntly and Upward Toward the Oil (full strengtb) and apply night e d ou a Heart as Blood in Veina Flows and moraing to the swollen, en- That Way. larged veina. Soon you wiii notice that they are growing smailer and If you or any relative or frienda the troatment sbould ho contiauedC ai tre worried becauso of varicose veina, until the veina are of normal size.C n )r bunehea, the best advce that any- So penetrating an' rwerful la Emn. ne in this world can give you la to erald 011 that evenP lies are quickiy sk your druggist for an original absorbed. Jury & Loveil selle wo-ounce bottie of Moone'a Emeraldi lots of it. L stitutional changes. He vigorous]ý opposed fulfilling the terms of unior wjth British Columbia, that "Sea oi Mountains" as he called it. He con. sidered that if Canada earried oui the railway program she would "be frigbtful loser". This xvas a case of a great man lacking vision. H1e resigned as Min- ister of Justice and became Presi. dent of the Council, but in 1878 he witbdrew altogothor from the cabin- et. He took no part in the electior of 1878, but wben the Governmeai was defeated and the party requirec reorganization he was chosen as leader. This position he held until 1887, and undor himi the Liberals suffered defeat in two general elec- tions. H1e had proved himself a brilliar.t critic of the Governoient. While in opposition he dcliv«ered some of bis ablest speeches, such as his address on the bargain with the Canadian Pacifie syndicate and on the exeru- Lion of Riel and the mismanagement of Northwest affairs. H1e vigorous- IY opposed the National Policy, but *vhile a free trader in tbeory he could say "free trade is for us im- Possible' 'and not "in the domain of practical politîcs". He realized that as a leader ho was not a success and in 1887 resigned the leadership and at the next gen- erai election declined nomination. In ho mteantime bis party came out for unrostricted reciprocity. This c- casioned bis famous Durham Letter, ,'hich showed how thoroughly he was out of sympathy with the policy of th Liberal party. In 1892 Mr. Blake accepted the seat in the Imperial Parliament as th Irish member for South Long- ford. He returned to Canada ia 907, having for flfteen years one much to further the cause of ome rule, and lived in retirement in roronto until the time of bis death, :n March 1, 1912. ThemPanama Canal w-as impossible until1mosquitoos wore killed. En- Ough Mosquito-s to infost a whole neighorhood can breed in an ondin- amy tin can. 'Mosquitoos spread dis- ense. Thoy must ho kiiled. Henlth authoritios advocnte Fly-Tox. Fly- Tox is the scientific insecticide de- veloped at Melion Institute of Indus- trial Research by Rex Feliowship. Ia- sist on Fly-Tox. It is safe, stainiess, fragmant, sure. Simple instructions on each hottle (blue label) for kili- ing ALL bouseboid insects. Easy to use. worms la the stomach nnd howeis. Piano >0 LIZE iGRANQ DRIGI-T IIANO IZE [ONO- GRAPH PRIZE ýents who esa high- ar Une of aphs and d us to rcontest trict of ive made ith their lo, and we -will LBSOLUTELY ,and Upright )and one of the iographs worth >autiful instru- ,n at the store iToronto, 2017 temember tted on this or on a >ther material. There f the solution. Only ramily sbould send a of the newspapers .ement should flot Persor% engaged in ot enter. Thbis lsaa hAdvertisiag Camn- sthat the beautiful wili be awarded to lw own a piano or rason familles who >uld not enter. Al rid shahl remnain, the rlling Agents. Each itering a reply here- the decision of the re shahl be no appeal. tnt shaîl receive an 19 credits will bc rnswer to PRIZES MAY BE SEEN AT 2017 Dundas St. W., Toronto, Ont. THE MAGIC SQUARE COUPON Send Your A nswer Today Namne ........................................................... P.O. Address ................................................... City .............................................................. Province ....................................................... yBOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWSI f Hold Succemaful Field Day t Excellent woather favored the rua- ining of the first rnonthly £old day Friday afteraooa. A fair tura-out of town folk wero on hand to groot the athletes and laud each worthy eff ort. It w-as a rnost succossful meet la evemy u-ay. Competition was »exceedingly keen in aIl evonts. The iboys perforrned more like seasoned athietes than youagsters ontering their first meet. Sone fine records wcre estabiishod, particularly in mne jumps. Andrews lenp of 16 foot la the runaing broad, stands out, wbile Roxborough. a more mite of a lad, ,iumped 13 foot 4 inches in boys un- der 12. Ross Davis wvas bigh scor- or in the first meet witb four firsts for a total of 20 points. Ho w-as closely followed by Ted Smnith with 18, Ralpb Mango 11, Bort Andrews 10 anti Harold Walters 9. Officiais were :-Timer, J. H. John- -oa; Starter. J. J. Brown; Referce, 'Ir. G. E. Reaman; Clerk of Course, J F. Cunningham; Trnck Judges, E. Fieghan, J. Underbill and J. C. Cairns; Field Judges, G. H. Dickinson E. P. Bradt, Fred Allan and L.' John-1 ston; Scorer, 'Mrs. J. C. Cairas. 1 Miiler's Worm Powders are ai prompt relief from the attacks of u-orms la children. Tbey are power- fulinl their action, and, whiio loaving aotbing to be desîred as a worm ex- poIlant, bave an invigomating effect upon the youthful systom ,remedying foyer, biliousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessaess, and other alimenta that follow- disorders caused by Gi0ye For the Most Original Correct Answer It Bids Pain Begone.-When neur- algia racks the nerves or lumbago cripples the back is the time to test the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. We]l rtxbbed in it will still the pain an(l produce a sensation of ease and rest. A trial of it wiIl establish faith ia it. OBITUARY Sydney Trevaji, Oshawa A well-known resident of West yDarlingtoa la the person of Sydney tTrevail passed -peacefuliy au-ny at bis thome, 328 Contre Street, Oshawa, early Fniday morning, May 27, after 1a brief illness. Deconsed wns in bis s74tb yoar. Ho beaves to moura bis boss a wife, tbree sons and two 1daughters, Gordon, living at Court- ,ice, Garfield at Taunton, and Hilbert 3at Oshawa, and Misses Florence and ?Janie at homie; three sisters and one ibrother, Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Hampton, and Mrs. John Stalaton and Mms. Harry Saunders, Oshawa, Silvanus of Wellnd. Deceased w-as u-ell known bavingj lived around Oshawa allis lif. Ho] was an boaest and uprigbt man antI a nman of good character. The funemaï w-as lagely atteadedý Monday aftornooa from bis family residence, services heiag conducted by Rev. Dr. Dougaîl, Pastor of Sim- coe Street United Churcb. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle and Mm. Frank Rundbe of Ebenezer, sang "I have heard of a land". The pail-benrers were Messrs. Ar- thur and Herbert Osborne, Ed. and Robert Saunders, Sîlvanus Trevail and Malcolm MacGregor. The flo~ral tributes were beautiful, show-ing the highest esteem ia which Mm. Trevail was held. 1 amn prepared to buy ail kinds of poultry andi will pay highest market pric es. Don't dispose of your poultry until you have first seen me. Write direct or phone 1 Also Want Wool 1. STEIN Whitby Away aq H ERE is your oppor- tunity. You can win a piano or a phonograph and have it in your home entirely free. Gather the family around and solve the Magic Square. It can be done and some one is going to win the magnificent prizes which will be given abso- lutely free. THINK 0F lT-If you do flot own a piano or a phono- graph you have now an oppor- tunity to get one for oaly a few minutes' work. There is nothing to buy, nothing to seil; you are not asked to bother your friends to buy anything at aIl. Ail you have to do is to answer this puzzle by sending your answer right away. Prizes Will Be Given for the Best, Neatest, Most Original, Correct Answers DIRECTIONS :-Place any number from 1 to 15 in each of the squares in such a manaer that wben added boriz- ontally, vertically and diagonally, the total will be 33. It is possible to do thîs correctly and flot use aay number more than once. When you have solved this problem, mail the answcr to Cana- dian Selling Agents, 2017 Dundas St. W., Toronto, Ont. Mail your answer promptly, for in case of a tie the prize wiIi go to the first answer received. Don't Delay This contest will close on Wednesday, june 22nd, 1927, so better hurry up and send your answer today. You are flot under any obligation and you stand a good chance to win a beautiful $500 piano or a magnificent $325 phono- graph which will be given ABSO- LUTELY FREE. So send your answer today. It only takes a fcw minutes' work to get the aaswer anyway, and you might as well give it a trial. E a ai ian Selling Agents 2017 Dundas Street W. Toronto, Ont. POULTRY WANTED JUINZ Ifitn., 1UZ7 10 THE CA-NADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 16th.- 1 q97 1 Gi*ven