PAGE SEVfl fflE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA&NVILLE, THUR.SDAY, JUNE 16th., 1927 lHe Can Always Cet a Loan 19 T HE farmer who cleans up his loans at the bank af ter every harvest rarely has difflculty ini fi.nancing his f arm. When you need credit f rom the bank, a statement of your affairs given to the manager in confidence will create a better understanding between you and pour banker. The Royal Banik of Canadat Bowmanville Branch - K.IF. Aitchison, Manager 12 After long tests we are con- vnced Aluminum is the best container for tea. T Aîis good te 194 Now packed ony in Alumiznum. PROTECTION] FOR Automobile Owners Our AUTOMOBILE POLICY will insure your AUTOMO- BILE against lois or damage caused by Fire, Tbeft and Collision, and it will also pay clainis made against YOU by othens for Pensonal Injuries and Propurty Damage on ac- count of an accident caused, or alleged to bu caused, by your car. The various coverages are as follows for any one or al: FIRE AND TRANSIT Inaures against loss or dam- age by fine arising from any cause wbatsoever, and light- ning, anywbere ia Canada on the United States. This policy also covers loas or damage to your automobile through transportation punIs, that is the stnanding, sink- ing, collision, burning or de- railment of any conveyance in whîch your Automobile is bu- iag carried. THEFT Provides indemnity in the event of being stol- un.. Should it bu recovered in a damaged condition we will bear the cost of repairs. Moto-Mtera, Spot-Lighta,, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rima, Wbeels and-or extra on Or- namental Fittinga are not in- sured, unlesa upon payaient of extra premium. PUBLIC LIABILITY Protection in respect of your legal liability for injuries or deatb caused, or alluged to bu caused, to pensons of the pub- lic by youn Automobile. The usual limits are : In case of injuries to onu punson, $5,000 and to any numbur of pensons in one accident, $10,000. In addition aIl expenses of de- fending suita, even if ground- leis, are paid by the Com- pany. PROPERTY DAMAGE Indemnities in respect of your legal liability for dam- age to the property of OTH- ERS, including bass of use of their propenty, up to a limit of $1,000. COLLISION Pays for repairs to YOUR Automobile on equipment as a result of being damaged in a collision on upset. Consuit us for rate&. W. have the lowest. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowrmanville TOUR SUMMEIR COTTAGE p-l it as Attractive Inside as Out? 1ýAE Vour suinînwr cottage coinfortable anîd honie-like &VAitl Gyproc lireproof partitions and ceilings. At smail c<st the who1l interior nay be transforzned into attractive, cosy roomls. Write f.,r fr.e lbooklet-!'Ity Home." It wilI tell you how Gyproe Rochor t .ypi I ulatîtiSieatiig and I nsulexw ii reduce yuur fuel1 bill fom .10 tb40' ý. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM Co., LIMITE-D, PARIS, CANADA 152 1 AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER My Dear Niece: I tbink it a very good idea to give the cilîdren a smal allowance of pocket money. It teaches tbem the real value of money, and the smallun tbe amount tbe better wjll tbe lesson of tbnift versus ex- travagance be taugbt. But to allow themn to spend it ail, carelessly and witb no advice or as- sistance from you, would be foolish. Tbey need a guiding hand to la- struet tbem in the importance mon- ey plays in the world, so that they may regard it more as a friend than to be got rid of as quickly as possible. It is a pity your boy bas run into- debt, and worse still that be has bon- rowed from his aiter. Be tliankful you bave dicovered tbis in time to prevent himn from mak- ing a habit of this easy and unbusi- neslike way of getting aleng. It is a poor foundation to a char- acter to rua into debt and to bonrow. Point out te bon wbat an unmanly act it is to borrow at ail, but espe- cially fromt a girl; you cannot speak too strongly upen this although it ia such a trivial amount. Try to make bim onderstand it is dishonorable to be in debt, and a mean way to sneak out by borrow- ing. Do not pay up bis debts for bim but make him pay back bimself and se keep bis self respect. He will thank you for this some dz)y. If it is made ton easy for bjm bu will rush along tbe easy patb, and some day bave the greatest difficulty t. extnicate himself from an un- tangled mesb of difficulties, ail anis- ing from tbose fundamental evils of poverty-debts and borrowing. You sbould teacb tbe cbildren how to spend and savu. Teacb tbemn to know the meaning of the savings bank, and lut the habit of savingi gnow in them-that a little, no mat-I ter bow smaîl, should bu put away fnom their allowance eveny time. A cbild wbo forma this habit will look upon the bank as bis friend. This will flot make tbem miserly. Show tbem bow te spend within their incone ,not to want to spend six cents when they have but five, but rather to spend but four and savul the odd one.1 There are chaities, too, that child- nen sbould take an interest in, and ti know there are others poorer than themselves; because money fi noti nîcant for one's sole gratification, it i meant to circulate and do good. Even the smallest arnount can bu laidl aside for the chuncb or other fonds and thein own pensonal de- sires considered lait. It cornes fan casier to make them understand wbilst they are young and ruceive a little fnomn you which they really do flot neod to spend than later on when so mucb bas to be taken out of thein carnings. Cbildren wbo neyer get spending money usually rua loose when tbey stant to earn-like a young colt sud- denly allowud freedom-they have no sunsu of values. Once imbue in them the spirit mf thrift and unselfiahauss and it wiIl be bard to eradicate it in after l1le. Your loving Aunt Susan. Elngineered to Insitre DependabiltY JUNE WEDDING Ritchie-Trebilcock One of June's loveliest weddingsl was celebrated at eigbt o'clock Sat-i urday evening. June 14, at Timothy Eaton Meniorial ('burch. when -Mar- jorie Sparling. daughter of Dr. andi Mrs. Frank C. Trebilcock, of Kilbarryj Road. Toronto, was united in mar-1 niaze to Mr. Hughi Swan Ritchie, sont of '.%r. and Mns. Hugb Ritchie ofi Woodlawn Avenue. Ferns, white, black and pink roses decorated the cburch ,and Rev. Dr. Trevor Davies performed the ceremony. Mrs. C. C. Bothwell was at the organ, play- ing softly throughout the service. The bride, wbo was given away by g hier father, wore an exquisite French gown of white georgette, embroider- ed in silver and pearîs. Her long court train, which feil from bier shoulders, had bow-knots of silver at its corners ,and ber tulle voil was beld by a coronet of Brussels lace banded in orange blossoms. She carried a sbower bouquet of pink roses and lily-of-tbe-valley ,and wore the gif t of the groom, a diamond bar pin, and a pearl necklace. Miss Jessie Ramsay, the maid of honor, and the two bridesmaids, Miss Mar- garet Ritchie, sister of the groom, and Miss Mossie Smith, wore similar frocks of palest pink georgette with forget-me-not blue velvet girdles, and pink crochet bat with narrow- streamers of forget-me-not bIne and plnk shoes and hose. Their bouquets, were of pink roses. Little Dorothy Blachford, cousin of the bride, was a charming flower girl in a matching frock of pink and a basket of Sweet- beart roses and forget-me-nots. Dr. Reginald Challoner supported the groom, and Mr. Clifford Smith, Mr. Samuel Cole, Mr. Harold Sparling of Hanmilton ,and Mr. Henry Swan were the ushers. During the signing of the register, Miss Nellye Gili sang "Flower of ail the World". A recepytion was held after the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, wbere Mrs. Trebilcock re- ceived the guests in an ensemble of rose pink georgette, trimmed with Margot lace, with crin bat to match and bouquet of roses. Mrs. Ritchie, mother of the groom, woru a gown of grey georgette and lace, and match-. ing bat, and carnied an old-fashioned bouquet of pansies, pink roses and forget-me-nots. On ber honeyxnoon to New York, the bride travelled in a beige kasha coat collared in matching monkey-l skin, beige crepe £rock and smart smalbat of natural linen, embroid- ered in beige tones. Axnong the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Paul Trebilcock and Miss Margaret Trebilcock, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mns. Norman Hamley and daughter Jean, Peterboro; Mrs. Chas. Sparling and Mr. Harold Sparling, Hanmilton; Rev. Thomas Snowden and Mrs. Snowden ,Meaford; Mr. and Mns. Chris Whitwam, London; Rev. Robert Patterson and Mrs. Patter- son, Mns. Fred Elliot, Miss MaudeEl- liot, Woodbridge, and Mns. Fissett, tBrantford. Whiatç Would you buy canned goods that bore no label ? Wol you buy an autotno- bile of unknown make, no matter bow cheap? Nobody would Le an foolisb. You get to trust a naine or a label just sa you get tw trust a man, tbrough ssisfactory snd lioneat dealings. That is why kcit. chen and household utenils bearing the SMJP label ar- bought without question by millions of Canadiana. The shield-shape green and red SMrP trademark is a guarantee of full value and best qusliey. The firm behind SMrP goods is ruz SHEFErMIETAL PIODUCTS IM O7CANADA. IfONTRrAL TORONTO WI qNN:I iG IIMONTON V'ANCOUVER CALGAKY in theflest Stores EVERYWHERE28 Sold In Bowxanville By MASON & DALE DUSTANS CASH HARDWARE RICE & CO. Our FarmeetAmaont Bock uill prove nueful in. managng ,rusfor&Ask for acopy. IntemedateRoorn Jr. III-Manie Henaing 77, Jean Rickard 77, George Graham 75, Ale- cia Williams 73, Gwun Willîams 72, Mary VanDusen 72, Hubert Ander- son 69, Billy Brunt 69, Lyle Moore 69, Margaret Toms 65 1F, Mary Chaplin 60 1F, Marion Aldread 56' 1F, Hanny Coucb 47 1F, Haroldj Brown a. Sr. Il-Evelyn Allun 87, Jack Hanel 85, Harold Deline 85, Jack Toms 85,1 Chanlie Brereton 82, David Noden 81, Bobbie Duck 68, Jean Gibson 5, Louise Hancock 47, Majory Lycett1 Ml.i Jr. II-Lois Martin 70, Katie Clarki 67, Kathleen Spencer 55 ai, Talbot Aldnead 54 ai. ist Book Clas-Norton Cowan 75, Dorothy Aldread 75, Marion Eddy 4, Mike Arych 72, Ilean Clark 72, Joe Hackia 71, Ruth Honey 71,1 Muriel Shaw 64, Hazel McManaus 62, Dorathy Henniag 62, John Van- Dusen 61, Clarence Clarke 55, Reta&I Powell 50, Archie Martin 49, Fran- ces Brureton 48, Ruth Rindreis 34, Stanley Brown 34, Lloyd Aldread 24, Hilliard Brown 15, Jack Bentz 30. Convenient New Train Service To Points West of Toronto Via Canadian National Railways. The populan fait aftennoon traia of the Canadian National Railways frfom Montreal te Toronto, the "In- ter-City Limited", is now ope,'atiagi daily instead of daily except Suaday' as beretofone. This train, arniving Toronto 8.30 p .m. makea excellent conneition with the New J'oronto- Chicago train, the "Maple Leaf", leavitig Toronto 8.5.5 p. iii., arriving Chicago 10.15 a. m. following mora- ing. It alan pruvîdues convenient addi- tional service from ptoints east of Toronto, sicb as Bi'ockville, Ganin- oque, Kingston, Napanee, Belle-1 ville ,Trenton, Picton. Cobourg, Port Ilope, Oshawa and WVitly uad te points in Western Ontario sucb as Hamuilton, Brantford, Woodstock and Leond on. The "Inter-City Limîted" cannies a standard sleeping car Montreal te Chicago for the beneit of tbrougbi pasengens and a radio-eqluipped ob senvation parler car Montreal te ILondon. whicb latter wiIl be attrac- tive te those net going funther west. Both these cars operate on the "Maple Luaf" from Tor'onto. Tickets, reservatieni and funther information may bu securecl fnom yeur neareat Canadiani National Agent. 22-3ý DURHAM COUNTY BOYS Tbe Danforth Chronicle, TorontoI commenting on Durbam County boys j bas this to say of Lorne W. Trull.j Reprcsenting Ward One in tbe city of Toronto for tbe paît jhree years! as a nîember of the Board of Educa-1 tion, Lorne Willard Tru, is one of the enthusiastie wvorkers for the in- terests of greater Danfortb. The sonj of Jobn C. Truîl and Margaret Wil-i liams Tru, be was born in Dunham County, and was educated in the pub- lic scbool of Darlington Township andi at Bowmanville Higb Scbool. Mr. TrulI is a licensed embalmer and fun- eral director. As a scbool trustee be was chairman of the property committee of tbe Board in 1926, and is chairman of the cadet and athletie committee tbis year. Mr. TrulI isi an active workur of the Danforth Business Men's Association (Westi Section), president of tbe Viaduct Senior Basebaîl League, a member of the executive of the Toronto Bus- iness Men's Publicity Board, a mem- ber of the executive of the Navy League (Ontario Division), and a meinher of the Ward One Conserva- tive Association. Ris fraternal affi- liations include: Danforth Lodgu .O.O.F., Riverdale Masonic Lodge; Maple Leaf, L.O.L. No. 455; St. An- drew's and St. John's Masonie Chap- ters; Toronto Lodge, Loyal Order of Mo ose. In September, 1917, Mr. Trulli married Miss Alice Evelyn Hutcbis-1 on. They have one son, Douglas' Lorne Trull, and one daugbter,j Gwendolyn Evelyn Trull. Unitedi Cburch by neligious faitb. Mr. Trul is a member of Danforth Avenue United Cburch. borne W. TrulI comes from staunch old U .E. L. stock. His great grand- father, Capt. John C. TruIl, wvas sup- posed to bave been the first white child born in Durham County, while bis great great grandfather Trull landed in Darlington township in 1794 and came from good U.E.L. stock from across the lake. Hisi maternaI grandmother is Mns. W. H. Williams who resides on Chnrcb St., Bowmanville. Mr. Trul has rusided in Danforthi district for the past thirteen years,l during most 0f that timu he bas beenl established in business on Danforth ,Avenue. Mr. TrulI is well known to many in Row-manville and in Darlington township where a number of rela- tives reside. à NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Stadin ofSenior Room of New- cstle Public Sehool for May. Names iorder of menit. Examined in Aritbmetic, Guography, Histonyj Gramman, Composition and Splhing:t Sr. Iv-Lawrence Gaines 60, AI- bert Pearce 54, Betty Garrod 54, Vv- ian Simpson 52, Rosa Cowan 49, Ruby Niebolas 34, Marion Rinch 32. Jr. IV-verna O'Neill 80, Ruby Shaw 69, Garnet Caswell 65, John Riekard 63, Jessie VanDusen 58, Fred Cowan 57, Dave Gray 54, Don McEachern 51, Ruth Pillsworth 47, Violet Henning 35, velmal Brown 24, Betty Lake 30 a2. Sr. III-Billy Phillips 72, Gordon Garrod 68, Adair Hancock 67, Billy Toms 66, Irene Brereton 62, AIdai Pillsworth 55, Helene Hayes 51, Mary Breton 51, George Btsckley 50, Milton Brown 50, Florence Spen- cer 48, Dorothy Trenwith 32, Fred Couch 63 ailJamiu Wright 60 ai, Lewis Clark 49 ai, Edwin Hancock 69a2, Walter Simpson 52a2, Karl Bentz 0a2. Al, 2, etc., means No. of examina- tions for. The faith of thousands of tire usera in Firestone Gum- Dipped Balloons is founded on exacting service-long mileage and dependability. Known as the pioneer of the Balloon--Firestone Las con- sWaently led i its develop-. ment-using only the best matern"i and engineering to bring it to, the highest point of reliability. It la only natural, with such a high quality product, that Fire- atone' Las a.ttracted the best tire dealers in the country. Cali your neareat one to-day. 1IRESTONE Tl=E & RUBBER; CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Fireatone Bail& the Oaly Oum.DippedTrim FIRESTONE TIRES Are Sold By Jainieson Bros. Bowmanville & Oshawa of variety. Something baked fresh Buy at our store or have the wagon [The Bowmanville Bakery I Successors to Christie's Bakery BowmanvilleJ ,by ImcaiiQQ' Wlzmed "Whatever your lumben purposu we can selI you the right lumben at the ight. price."-Lumber Jack. There are many odd jobs te bu done arouad the bouse and yen huai- tate to orden a few feet of lumber. We *will paY prompt attention te your orden bowever amaîl il may be. Ours is a business of paying atten- tion te details and we'ne making a succesa of il. M(CLELÀN&CO. L 1ITEID LUMBER &6eFUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 I erfÇeood erviceableXoof I - I ~-7 I Brmntford Roll Roofing isa made in four weights and qualities -The lightý wcight (35 lbs.) fa a good quality for temporary service; the mnedium weigt (45 lbs.) fine quality and the heavy wcight (55 lbs.) extra fine quality. The extra heavy weight (65 lbs.) ia supèr- fine quality-tbe most serviceable and substantial you can buy. Brantford, Ontario 0 lBrantford MRoofingd I StockCarried, Information Furnished and Service Io n Brantford Roofing rend.r.d by Rie& Co., - - Bowmanville Enjoy Better Meals beA hastily prepared meal caianot be expected to b a good meal. To cook a good meal, take your time. Our grocery delivery service saves time for you. Gives you more time to devote to, prepara- tion of food. Saves you the trouble of shopping around. Helps conserve your energy. It is hard 1for a tired cook to prepare a good meal. Telephone your order early to- 65. We'l1 get ithe groceries to you promptly. You can rely on us f or just the quality you require. Last but not least our prices are always reasonable. Big Demand For Dinner Sets' We have had a big demand for Dinner Sets this Spring. Our large stock makes it possible to, select just what you want in pattern and price. Visit our China Department any time. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 BowTnanville LET JACOBS DO YOUR BAKING DURING THE HOT SUMMER MONTHS For Sale ByI John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. Plenty every day. cail. m .ý.rd ra RO ine