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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1927, p. 8

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BLACKSTOCK NEWCASTLE TheWomensMissonary meeting of St. George's Church, Rev. E. R. The4e N A1vceLqst Ie In dIe pe r-id en t theWomn's'MisioarySociety of James, Rector. lst Sunday after the United Church was held at the Trinity, June l9th. il a. nm.- home of Mrs. Ernest Larmer on Wed-, Morning Prayer and Holy Commun- THURSDAY JUNE 1t. 1927 nesay ftrnon. The President, in.Clbt-Ven Ahdeon Mrs. Frank Stinso n, presided, who Davidson. 7 p. m.-Evening Pray. after singing "Onward Christian er. Preacher, Rev. R. J. Sbires. Soldiers". led in prayer. Mrs. Ar- Sunday School at 9.4.5 a. m. NEWCASTLE MISSION BAND NETIM T NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL L1BARYIY)UCnB cher read the Scripture Lesson .Mrs.1 Cecil Hill and _Mrs. Roy-Taylor, dele- The Ladies' Aid of the United Newcastle Public School report for India bas been much in the lime- Report For May gates te the convention in Bowman- Church entertained the cast of "Dea- May is on page 7. light the past few months in United ville, gave reports, Mrs. Hill taking con Dubbs' at a picnic on the Cream Miss Irene Baskerville went to Tor- Church circles aIl over the Dominion No of new members 9, total No. that your car bas b e the afternoon session and Mrs. Taylor of Barley Grounds, Bowmanville, on onto on Saturday for a short visit. OWing to the Central India Jubilce 2,37; circulation, Non-fiction 35; ofth vnsig s esion.Aheartylvoe BW eesmay naftrnoon o this weekit rs. Truman Clark is entcrtaining which bas been fttingly celebrated at Fiction 480; Juvenile 151 ; Total 666 for their very excellent reports. Dis- xas a jolly time. No better place iapryo umrget rmTr properly used cussion regarding how to raise our this side of Sorghum Centre could onto. of the British Commonwealth of Na- on overdue books $3.23. allociation of $160. It was decided possibly have been chosen, and the Pleased to report that Mrs. P. 0' Pres.hy ta yehrch oin1Canadae-reTthe ift y ofa$9d 00a rom eadte to hold a "Utility Fair" early in the cats even outrivaled Miss Popover's jNeill is recovering from lher* recent Ptabsed its firmisiin C nrale Lbrry i the poceeds00 fof the n-Manir uscd cars in our shO' Fal.Mrs. Stinson and Mrs. Stan- fanied husking hee suppers. Neither jillness. India and ith frshthemyissio n t ral of yAprîltheSice fthe ifyo-ns-owîom ford Swain wcre appointed to ar- was there need of the Major provid-f Mr. Jack Muir, Beaverton, spent has grown to large proportions, cov- books have been purchascd and ahae ee ed er lit-cr range for a good programn in connec- ing his own "Legal Documents" as Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. J. S. H. ering many phases of Christian ser- number donated.trddnfo no thresntano tien with the Fair. The list regard- on former occasions. "Yolly", says Jones'. vice. With the union of the Pres- C. Butnfoierterreso ing our hale te bc sent in August ,vas Ycnnic,... Many thanks" says Deut., Miss Marjorie Joncs spent Thurs- byterian, Methodist and Congrega- C uteLibrarian.1 get a newer model. These caseo received: For a boy ten years of age, the Cast's loquacious one. day in Port Hope, guests of Miss tional Churches the Central IndiaIb an overcoat. sweater, cap, mitts, tic, Helen Jex. Mission came under control of the UNITED CHURCH NEWS cani e sure of banigu handkerchiefs. quilt and $1. We On Sunday, June 19, ___mihO'ren____Untd_ Ic f aad it h policy of selling only should surely bc able te fix hlmup in St. George's Church xiii bc con-', r n r.SihOBin o-Uie brho aaawt h The July meeting xiii bc at the horne ducted in the morning by the Ven.1 manville, visited at Mr. Geo. H. J011 's resuit that members of this churchi Little Kathleen Spencer ,ten years of Mrs. Herb. Galbraith. Refresh- Archdeacon Davidson of Toronto,l1 on Sunday. who came in from the Methodist of age, daugbter of Mr. and M' ments were scrved and a social haîf- and in the evening by the Rev. R. J Miss Olive Thorne, Toronto, was Church wbich had no missions in In- Albert Spencer, charmed the con-1 hour wa enjoyd ....Everyoe willShiresof Bowanvill. Membrs a wekdia ihaverafound nthemsediavhse awakcningelvgregationg gofgthen oniteedit Church ono hour asd enioed.. . . EvcryonacervlofShes f o w atnviare ebersota w.ckend vsitoratMrsnd Vs)~ a very keen interest in that land Sunday ex'ening with bier slo rJsu beplasd o er ha or echrs o te ogrgaio aeasedtonoe .J.Gabrit' of charyn and its many races of loves littie ones like Me". Her notes Mis Smth nd is Belma hae'tha fo th smme moths JnepMropndle. GowerigtTpure eoandwer cueear le andn sswe andet and6i been engagcd to take charge of our July and August, the Sunday Scbool to, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Fre rsycin nteohreeywr ol edsicl er school for another year. . .. Born to'ihen:hl t9.5amadtoa- r.J.R1ihr hand have paid special attention to in evcry part of the auditoriuml Mr.andNis. smnd riht sst heteachers b ein htpup-, r omnAli sehbtn Mr. ad Mrs Osnxnd Wr s are in thcir plycsccîn that Mr ora Aln sexiitn India for fifty years, and the New- where the worshippcrs sat entrane raheil r o; to Mr. and Mrs. Cenc dnartyand stawbrryJuepsb thrmso k ,Que., annuai castle congregation bas aîways given îistening te the simple words 0f s- rell, ason; teMr. an Mrs. Carence garde party nd strabliberaliy shoftits meanslbein supports eofs pesuptrrtof sungruwithngsuch s confidingin Ginn, a son; to Mr. and Mrs.Trick, a festival is heing planncd for the af- M~rs. Harry Jose, Belleville, bas its church's enterprises in that and earnestncss by this little girl of ten.Eer ca sods wrr td daughter. Congratulations!. ...' ternoon of June 29th., of which bee visiting bier aunt, Mrs. S. Jose other far away fields. ahens intecorlf-bsd vr a sl yu sw Mrs. W. T. Taylor, Solina, spen theti further particulars will lbe given lat- and cousins, Mr. and Ms r . Kws e srrsigthnt aths liat n heechoird angoftheto be absolutely as represene weekend witb bier daugbhter. Mrs.ler. Jose. wben the Mission Band under the the choir in the antbems and ndbe n pror ac-h - Ernest Larmer ... . Mr. and Mrs. Ru- Wben urgcd by smootb ogud Mrs. Gomme, Mrs. H. Ashîce and' wise and energetic superintendency! Before closîng the service, Rev. E. BI eedbei efrac pert WryadMs Archer visited canvassers to give orders for goods! daughter Clara, Bowmanville, spenti of Mrs. Howard Cooke gave an E- Cooke, the Pastor, gave expression inlog y npce adofsu gdWib ndOhw n au yf fitting words to the appreciation of in With andOshwa n Saurdy fom out of town, remember that thel1 Sunday wvith Mr. and Mrs. Walterj ening in India" in the U.C.S.S.thadecfo Kt 'srve,'-n bakdb ou sadrd 0 ...Rev. Mr. Powell attended the lclmrhnswl iejs sCote.teadec o ahens-n akdb u tn. Anglican Synod in Toronto last xeek. lclmrhns ilgv ut sCote.Auditorium ,the building was fairly r.Senter a uaate Teeusd cr EaserreprtoftheCotinatongood, or better, value. A town can The Young People's League wil packcd te capacity, many baving to and seon-n-awd dat Mr. and listSenerd heureand many thes,5use( d Escbo rprtooteCotnuton1fiourish only if the residents are loyal 1 hold its annuai picnic at Victoria stand throughout the demonstration. anrs Hrlbrlatenly of OsbM.awan- to one another. Park, Cobourg, on Saturday after- The members of the Band taking to the fellowship of the churcb. eaeypie n urned b Forni II-Allan Balsam, Susie noon, June 25th. Be young and go.i part in the prograni were ail in India ___________ad garnt VanCamp, Helen Fowler, Laura A quiet wedding was solemnized UntdCucevE.BCoeosmbtboyangil.Meror Railey, Hazel Mountjoy, Marjorie at King Street United Church par- Uie hrI e.E .Coe otue ohby n il.Mtr u satisfaction-assured poi, Nesbitt, Verne Trewin, Kate Mc- sonage, Oshawa, when Annie Maude, Pastor. Sunday, June 19-11 a. m. ial te the value of $150.00 was pro- LAKE SHORE, CLARKE ofrar aka eopotniy o Laughlin, Dorotby Proutt, Mabel Ar- daughter of Mr. W. J. Wcldon wasl-Morning Worship. 2.301 p. m- cured for this costuming froin the ____a_____bl opotu gue, Hilda Fallis, Elva Dickey, Olive united in marriage with Mr. William Sunday Scbool. 7 P. m.-Even- general offices of the W. M. S. Tor-; Lake Shore Union Sunday Scbool the prospective motorist. Cain VanCamp, Harold Swain, E. Bruce, Ralph Somerville, Port Perry. ing service. onto, while additional material for purpose holding their thirtysixtb hn e s Genevieve Beacock, Norton Van- Sec the bargains in Men's Suits at- Newcastle will observe the Diam- rnake-ups was provided by local lad- annual strawbcrry festival at theladse s Camp, Evelyn Devitt, Clifford Hy- Couch, Jchniton & Crydernîan's. e nd Jubilce of Confederation by ai les. This feature alone gave the home 0f Mr. William Lake, one-baîf, land. ______ public service of divine worship in assemblage a pretty clear idea of bow mile east of, and overlooking New- FormIl-EelynSandrson 88,the Community Hall, on Sunday our Indian cousins dress. . castie harbor on Tuesday, July 5th. Thos. Abbott 71, Frances Mountjoy CARD 0F THANKS cvening, July 3rd. .0 Miss Eileen Cooke, Mission Band~ Tea will ho scrved froin 5 p. m. till 68. viss, Dorothy Plu ri on Bus- Pin n presd davr fiinthvn-laiIprgre a. Aidmissilon :dultsa 40dc;re t o ForrniI-Dorotby Stephens 82, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson wisb vllaccompanied Miss Mro Bsebladîdvdaveyefiin car ren 5cAdmiinîdn of4the Earl Gray 79,' Geo. M.%cCutchcon 78, to thank their neigbbors wbo came kerville home iast weekend and vis- lady. hlrn2. Cide o te Oliver Smith 78, Chrystal Fallis 77, to their assistance at the time of the i ted the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrsi The first numiber xvas a coorus by scbool free. Aet o cagInOdmbI~~ota Lela Mountjoy 73, Howard Abbott fire which destroyed their home with Jesse Baskcrville. the Band, beraided by Ruy Jones and Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson, Brant- 69, Marxvood Dickev 69, Ross Ph1 n aI al its contents; and also their Mr. William Jamieson wbo is at Aibert Pearce in Scouts uniform. ford, werc xeekend visitors at Mr. J. King St. Bo'wmanville Phin 4 68, Don Emerson 68. Lloyd Beacockl friends everywhere for their practicali present travelling for Edwin Cbown bhis was a patriotic song, with a F. Bone's ..Miss E. M. Holmes, 65, Vivian Johnstom 58, Alive John- sympathy and many kindnesses ex- & C,). of Kingston, spent part of thought of India composed and set to Oshawa, spent the weekend at hofme ston 57. tended to theni since the fire. Iw'cck in the city, Mrs. Jamieson ac- music by Mrs. W. E. Beman, a form-. .Miss Jean Hommes was hostess Miss ~~~~~Mrs. Howard ('ooke, present Sup- day party on Saturday..Mrs. Roy ___________________________________ ________________________________________________Miss__ Nellie Hardcastle, Mrs. Mit- erintendent, spoke very nicely and MacKay, Starkviile, visited ber sis- chener of the Students Missionary cxpresscd her pîcasure in seeing such ter, Mrs. Leslie Aluin, last xeek... Home, Toronto, aiso Mrs. Roberts, a large audience present, and bier Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. who xith ber son, missionaries from grateful appreciation of the intercst Milton Brown on the birth of a baby Shang-Yai, China, viisted Mr. and taken in the Band by the parents girl .... Mr. McM.inn, Oshawa, visid Mrs. Geo. Joli recentiy. and of the belp se freeiy and kindly bis cousin, Mrs. John Hcndry, on F or Tha Partic lar Occ sion atThe Ladies' Aid Group under the given by bier several assistants. Be- Sunday.. Miss Beatrice Cryderman,M e lI ht Si f y For hat artiularOcca ionleadership of Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard foýe leaving the platform she called Shaw's, visited ber grandparents, Mr raised their apportionment of $25.00 on Miss Drummond for a few xvords. and Mrs. John Lord. . .. Congratula- e l T ht S aanafternon tea. and sale of homýe- Miss Drummond's message was par- tions to Mr. Ailan Martin on attain- made cooking bcld in the U.C. S. S. ticularly intcresting and inspiring. ing his B. A. degree at Toronto Uni- WITHOUT WORK, WORRY OR SWELTERI$C VR IO rooms Saturday afternoon. She spoke in remniniscent vein, but versity.STV When you are entertaining friends, who rea- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ove rend andIBeingt del altoeter nteps._____ ___ _ fee hr sabs csni the year, t'ofrgt now keenly liveototneoneesaofe- ga_____-_____ ly appreciate cake, pastry, goodness, it is imIport- aiy oot, aeaanrne the present and with a hopeful out- was ail colorful and educational. witb Spring cioaning in full sswing, garden, lawnsadfamwr Meadowbrook Cottage, Ariame look upon the future, bier words are A monologue by Evelyn Rickard, dmnigee~mnt foestm. L os' aemc antforthesucessof he ccsio tht yu slec Glnfro Mr. Frncmb or heaîways stimuîating and encou.raging. an Indian girl, was followed by the time for tbe preparing of meals. your bakeî' necessitie with the umost caî'e.summer and were dlowvn for the weck- Fifty years ago she had supcrintend- reading of a letter froni India from Ta' h okdMasaetsyadwoeoe n your baery necssitie with te utmot care.end. TTheyilwrll airemain duhereedduringincdanaimissiontiobandh incH.nnectionn.witshwRcfr.sH.haJ.sGibson.ed Thas awast fresn July and August. the Presbyterian Cburch. It met in from the mails to bis mother, Mrs. J. mako such an appeal to busy bousewives. Cakes and Pastries, which we bake, are of the Mrs. Sims, Tdronto, bas again the building where Mrs. Earl Fisher H. Gibson, by wbose kindly consent,. u sototo okdMat stmtn n h ult highest quality, and we make a specialty of pre- 1 rented "Longwood" from Dr. Walton- now bas bier home. The members the Mission Band was privileged teou soteto okdMasi epi Bai ad n omanywib eltiesengaged in various activities, used tu radatis ibyineetn satisfying people who are particular. Someofteiac paring specialities foir special parties. from Montreai, and bis son and mite boxes and raised considerable and informative contents. Lt wasi Ham Lunch Rolîs, Summer Sausage, Bocga Wies daughter, spent the weeke nd bere. m oney much in the saine way as rcad by Minnie Pearce. Cooked Hami, Jellied Veal, Roast Hami, DutcbLof Pcnc1of Mrs. Sims is in New York with ber bnsd iw efr tpigfo A set of lantern slides of India' ah of the above cooked readytoe. Let us furnish you.r pastries and cakes for the niother who is net vory weîî. the platform, Miss Drummond a.tea. presented witb a large bouquet of were presented in groups of about Yuwl idteqaiybte hnl aua oepc nextentetainng ou d, ifyou antto lave ourMr. and Mrs. J. J. Baskerville an- iovely flowers by little Reta Cooke. lasix o ih ah isinBn ru in factory cooked meats. Tbey are just as na iehm guests with goodtastein thir moths".est daughter, Irene Margreta, to ient's gracious acceptance of the bou- hr. arke cr.oae a d.asa ti osil emk h Gordon Douglas Clark, only son of quet stirred the gatbering to a bearty Ir.Pre.aes od Weddng ake a SeciltyMr. and Mrs. Andrew Clark of Tor- and prolonged expression of approv- Dorothy Rickard and Ruth Honey W e d din g akes a S ecialtyent , O ntario. The m arriage t o a . w re q 1t w ere presented w ith life certificates j ~A ~ I taeplc telatr at fJue islye n ale er uieaan in ndate is hylsCiemn- AU t ~ t number of Indian objects, "Curios" ence bad graphically described an G .E m n s Willard's Ice CreamI Mr. S. W. Sutton, Secretary-TreaLs- to Canadians, some articles belonging Indian diet, the wbole assemblage Phome 21 Io mnil urer of the Eastern Canada Trap- to Mrs. Lindsay Who is now residingi was served by the Band members shooters' Association, was in Oshawa witb ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and witb an Indian meal of sonie kind of on Saturday engaging in somne shoot- Mrs. Ardagb, Beaver Street, one an coarse bread, rice and curry powder ing practico and assisting_ in making TIndian satchel, sent to bis mother dressing, on green tissue paper to arrangements for the big Inter- bY R.H . J. Gibson, and forty other represent a leaf. According to Ini- W . P . C o rb e tt national Shoot to bie held in that cityl artiles s:ecured froin W. M. S. Head- dian custom the mon were servedvn e uiec Bakr ndConecioerthis montb. quarters, Toronto. flrst, and not being East Indians they Phn 3 Bowmanville Miss Florence Bonathan, Toronto, in India among the soldiers, after the of sn-ïall proportions. hoe3is visiting lier mother, Mrs. Williami Great War, one yar in the South The vening closd witb hree1 CREAMu pah ftheoe community in thel curios one by one and commcnted Superintondent, Mrs. Howard Cooke, G O E J S R A B N .. A E bercavement wbicb she bas suffcred briefly on the nature and use of each. and the singing of God Save The R C IE - EA BU S tboubth asîgate ln adNumbers following this were a dia-Kng PASTRY...CHOCOLATESICE painful illness, of bier second daugh- logue hy Margaret Toms and Jean _________________ ter, Allie, Mrs. Robt. Wrght, Tor- Rickard'and a song "Pass Me Not" in S F DRN -E C onto. Hindu language by Miss Marion MEDICAL M.and Mrs. M. H. Minore and so Rickard. Under the heading "Prac- J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Bring or send your order to thisstr wh e Jac, ad M. Mrril FrguonBowtical Demonstrations", several Band members and others appcared on the Ronor graduate of Trinity Univer. it will receive prompt attentioR and yuwl e j manville, attended servýce in the Un- rii ypclIda atrat sity, Fellow of Trinity Medical Col. , ingtd lath erehod a ne v em withaut E Z J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adC burcer eail Sa n a ev en- remh, ained in view hile Mrs. Lindsay lge, Licentiate o t e State Unier- O u U BITN PAINT YOUR HOUS WIT CONIDENC 11e..E.B.1ad.Mr . Cok t explaine(l what Indian characters or ity of New York. Matriculate of the l-i; I st Vice -Mrs. J. F. Matchutt; Ile Most Beau iicheveolet in., Cbew&J Fa a«y , . Seitr-i--~u-trMrs,. S. W. ALZUC SSuttoil. Mirs. 1,'; 1r Fis hoer. Mrs - CF-5116 ~r~-5 GEO. PIfT CH~IA RDJ lar-, Mrs. (ai-xet h and Mi.J. R Ils ~i Fisher xvere appointu-i skips.à,n yf Painter and Decorator i lady wishing te join the Blowling Opposite Kerslake's Drug Store, Phone 489 $1.00.iws aThe Secregtho annul - ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMTE LBowxnanville Ont. 1 la. pleaseti to reccive any ne\w names . . 'Oshwa.Ont _____________________________ at once as the rinks foi- the coming. ct H. D. CLEMENS, Sub Dealer, We&tEnd Garag. om~iI senson are now being formed. DEALERS FOR CHEVROLET & OAKLAND à, - PAGE EIGRI THE CANADIAN STATUMAN, JSOW-MANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 16th., 1927

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