THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSI)AY, JUNE 23rd., 1927. PAGE 'rWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. mn. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. Hlouse phone 283. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduste of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College ý3f Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in aIl it.s branches. Office-King St., Bowmanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 851. W. R. STRIKE Succesor te late D. B. Sioepsob, L.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Mgoney to Loan Pboie 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary~ Money to loan. Bonds for Eube. Offices-Bleakbey Block, Kng St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonies- Office 102. House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FF. MORRIS CO. Complete Motcý, or Horse Equipment (~) AbI calls promptly attended to. NI~' Private A.mbulance BowmanviHle phone Branch Stores- Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaînier and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- qible, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. GoId Medaist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years atteriding Phy- ican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and lesidence, Wellington Street., Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, roronto, formerby of Enniskillen. )ffice and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, BowmanvilIe. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR.* F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calls promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. All cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Pho>nes: Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Speciabty. Ternis moderate. Enniakillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto Colege of Chiropractic wibl be in the Bow- manvilbe Office Tuesday, Thursday1 and Saturday evenings, phone 141iJ. Residential cella made during fore- no.ona.1 1SUMMER SESSIONS1 jýý-SayThe Movie Stars 7 30 Say aIl whose work is bard after thcy try the deli. i cic,ii ,'unvigorating refresh- * ment uf Wrigey'5 Double '1nt THE EDITOR TALKS DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN? F. C. PATERSON GOES Our instalment of Bible Christianl Police ta Enforce By-Law By bm- Who bad the contract to build thel ONROKCUT Church, Bownianville District, coversj pounding Untagged Dogs. old drill shed o f former days? Agricultural Representative Termnin- the year 1870.1- Who was ealled "Honest William" ates Seven Years Faithfub Service The l9th annual District Mleeting' The question of dogs running at among the horse-trading fraternity With Durham County Farmers. '«as held at Manilla. Mariposa Cir-i large, which '«as before the Town of this district? _____ cuit. May 1,-70. WHlliani S. Pas-I Couricil last '«eek, is one that has Who '«as the nmest eloquent orat- F. C. Paterson, who has been the cee. Chairman, James J. Rice, Secre- been before miany municipal coun- tor this tow n had in the good old popular and efficient agricultural re- tary. and T. W. Glover, Journal Sec- cils and bas been prevecative Of days, who cou1d create more fun, presentative in Durhami Counity for retary. some hot interchanges betwveen own- and net mean it than any other citi- the past seven years, beaves July lst The personnel of the meeting in- ers of gardons and friends of the zen then? te take up simlar duties in Norfolk cluded these ministers: Paul Robins, dog-s.. Who '«as the champion "caller-of" County with Simcoe as his hcadquart- John Langdon, John H. Eynen, Ab- In Acton a by-law bas heen pass- at the '«eekly dance in the old Town ers stucceeding Fraser Ross '«ho has raham Morris, Cephas Barker, John ed making it comipulsory te keep dogs Hall? He loarned the business in resigned. Williams, Jacob Gale. Joseph Hoidge, tiod up hetween May 15 ancd Sept. Teronto and l)rought ail the lateat Mr. Paterson bas a large circle of Jesse Whitleck William Wodmàn, 11). an<d the owner in addition te hav- '«rinkles in that line te te'«n. friends in this district '«ho, although -al a t ln, Tea .Hl, ing his "faithful hound" thus restrict- Whcn St. Andrew's Society fleur-I regretting his departure. '«ili con- aa Ahly.Ed'«ard Roberts, James, cd in movement, bas te pay an an- gratulate him upon his promotion. J. Rice, Lewis W. Wickctt, Thomas~ nual tax cf S$5.00 if the animal is a ished in Bewnianville and the "gatb- Mr. Paterson came te) Port Hope W. Glover, William Hodnett, Rebert maIe and $7.00 if it helongs te thel ering of thc clans" on St. Andrc'«'si in 1920, succeeding Mr. E. H. Hanîp- Baker.1 gentler sex. Gravenhurst, Milt- night teck place in the Tow«n Hall? son. R. S Duncan now Director of The lav representatives included1 On. Georgetown and several otheri Usually it wtas ene occasion '«hen Agricultural Representatives. estab- Charles R. Tamblyn, Richard Souch, to'«ns have impesed similar restraint Government Control or Ontario Tem i hdteDra ffc n11 n Bownianville Circuit; Thomas Clar-e 1upon the canines. thcugh the privi- perance Act didn't trouble any ene. remained bere until 1917 when he George Hazeldine, Hampton Circuit;!l lge cf enjoying their cempany is net Boot-lcgging '«as unheard-of then. '«as succeedcd by G. A. Williams John J. Gullock, Henry Fininemoro' assessed as bigbly as in Acton. When Kennedy. the great Scettish who is at present in Layfette. In- Oshaw«a Circuit; John Clarke, .John Kingston bas been much wrought1 vecalist, came te tewn and gave us diana. N. C. M.%cPhail. now cof Strat- Broad, 'Maripesa Circuit; Joseph El-: up over the question, and miany ber-1 one cf bis peerloss programis of Scot- ford, and E. K. Hampson. ne'« Chief licott, Frederick Roach, Pickering ticulturi-ts and dog loyers have set tisb song and stery? The sens and Hushandman at Kemptvilîe follo'«- Circuit; Thomas Ceurtice, Charles forth their views in print. Secking daughters of Auld Setia attcnded cd for brief periods. Trick, Prince Albert Circuit; Henry, te reduce the superfluity cf dcgs the from far and near. Kennedy '«as Bern and raised in Scarbero Town- C. Brent, James Phillips. Scott Cir-1 city counicil appointed a dog-catcher a rare entertainer and bis audience ship, Mr. Paterson graduated from cuit; Thomas C. Moyncs, Henry Brok-t and put hlm e na piece-'«ork '«vage-j sebbed and laughed many times be- Ontario Agricultural Cellege in 1915. ensbire, Fenelon Circuit.l se mucb per dog duly caught and de-~ fore the prozrrm 'as ever. One He '«as assistant representative at Local preachers rcported on the I ivered te the pound. In bis cag- snng in particular that old timers Brampten in 1913; hecanin represen- District '«ere more numerous thent erness to make fees, the catcher, it w'ilI remember '«as, "Ilka blade of tativc fer Muskoka, Parry "Sound and than now. The records show as fol- 15s said, went tc undue lengtbs in ap-î grass bas its ain drap o'de'«". Nipîssing '«îtb headquartcrs at lo'«s: Be'«manville 14, Hampton' prehending canines-se mucb se that Wben Mrs. Jaricy's WVax Worksi Huntsville bctwcen 1915 and 1919 20, Oshaw«a 2, Mariposa 14, Prince the dog-owners delarcd it '«as a deg- wer csho'«n in the Tewn Hall? A and for 18 menths eperated a shecp Alhert 8, Pickering 9, Scott 4, Fen- gene shame. program '«as given by Miss Warren, ranch as a private enterprise at Pe'«- elen 10-Total 81. Cats have been intreduccd into pianist, Miss Nora Coleman, elocu- assofl. Members admittcd during the ycar:, tbe argument, it being contcnded tbatl tienist, and Messrs. Holland, Cars- Mr. John Y. Kellough, '«ho bas Bewmanville 23, 'Hampton 50. Mari- tbey sbeuld be taxed just as mucb as.!'«cil, Bounsaîl and Galpin, '«itb Mr. been acting representative in Norfolk pesa 61, Fenelen 26, other circuits dogs. - ThTe Burlington Gazette A. McKco'«n. vielinist, for benefit '«ill take over Mr. Paterson's duties 14. ýsays: "Marty citizens would like te cf St. John's Cburch. bats hcome exper.inPanyernches Removals froni circuits '«ere quitel sec a substantial tax placed on cats. bsbcm xeti aybace frequent in these times. Bo'«man- The roving feline dees as mach dam- When Florence Nightingale cf agriculture in this ceunty '«ilI ville 15, Hampton 25, Oshaw«a 3, age as the uncentrelled canine an(l Lodge on its 65tb annivcrsary gave bave extensive '«ork in Nerfolk aleng Marpos 42 PrnceAlhrt19,Pic: kepaman aakeat igb '«tb tsan At Home in the Tow«n Hall? semewhat different lines as canning eaio4,Prnincectt6-oAlbe1. j u kepnay bnwls". If igt wbave sGeorge Peckham sung "Our Good crcps and tobacco planting are spe- cicutbu enbn b'«dadded. "and destroys many birds". sbip salIs To-night" and Tony Mit- cialîzcd there. Conisiderable in- Every cirutbtFnlnso hecil gave "McCermick the Masher". ducement '«as held eut te Mr. Pater- a decrease in members. Total num- There is much te be said on bethj son in the transfer. ber cf members reported: Bo'«nian-, sides ef the argument over dogs and When a local orchestra gave a con-_____ ville 453; Hampton 414; Oshawa 75:, garden s. The o'«ncr of a garden cert, those taking part vocally bcingý Mlaripesa 404; Prince Albert 147;1 quite justly resents baving the re- Miss Effa Glover, Mr. Geo. Fax and BIG LIVE STOCK IMPORTATION Pickering 104; Scott 46; Fenelon',,sults of bis labor destroycd bv can- Mr. H. J. Knigbt; Miss 'Maude Fair- 43.-Total 1746. Sunday Sebool: the other band the owner of *a dog, hairn, violin obligato te Miss Glover's Experts Report Trade Picking Up in scbolars 2385. 1i mes chasing over bis preperty. On, song "Beauties' Eyes"; aise clarin- Pure Bred Stock. AIl ministers on District '«ere re-t! for whichc has generally qtuite an, ette solo 2nd Air varie, Mr. George pered n godstadin. ohct1 ffctin, eel i a ardhi tht bsiMcGuire? An excellent prog'ram. One cf the largest importations cf portd i goo stndin. Rberl afecton, eel ita hadshp tht hsiive stock f rom Great Britain for Can- Baker '«as tbe 0n13' one on trial and! pop should bave to he tied up aIl theî Whcn O. L. Fuller, publisher Of ada landed at Levis, Qucbec, last1 he bad travelled tbree years. 1 time-thus net even baving a "deg'sj the "Be'«manville Musical 'Miscel- '«eek. Tbis bas heen hrougbt cuti Bro. Jacob Gale baving mcved in-I life" cof it. Iany" returnod thanks for the pat- by W. A. Dryden of Broeklin, an d te Bow-manville. bis name '«as added Coaes ieal ie ytoeJOn'ilr rAhun n fe to the approved ministers on the; Cuncil dccidcd te place ne fur- ireesei hisokal ien buy tos1 oh873e,?r, sbunadaft District. ther restraint upon the dogs, onîy pgo-1 itrsc nIi boltJl 83 he regular period in quarantine at ing se far as te erder the impound-1 Some old bistory ,eh? the port cf entry, the animaIs '«111 Committees appointed-Finance: ing cf aIl untagged canines and the Wb1TeBg2 aeis5h be brought te the fanms of their ne'« an Saîstcs Dvi Cnton J dstucio e tes ntrcclaimed. Grand Opcning, December l3th o'«ncrs. Tbe shipment is composcd Clarke ,C. R. Tamblyn. SpiritualiSrc enforcement cf this rezlationi Boys' Day, 14tb Girls' Day 15stb En- of 262 sbeep. State: Ed'«ard Roberts, J Strictdri h onofsrycrstrarmntDyadth olwn This arrivaI cf purc-bred live stock WVhitbock, Thomas Courtice. Jeea1 sbpouicd rid the town c f stre ay ustrt- mn ayadtefol'i marks the beginning cf '«bat experts ers' salaries: Cephas Barkcr, Pre-phicb prcban homh c the d am-s1é1 exhibition days-December 16, 17, believe '«ilI be a very heavy tradeý IHoidge, Jh Bread, Gee. Jsehi ae Evntouhte o'ar 1 and 18-the Organ and Piano Co's' with Britain. The recent lifting cf Thomas Courtice. Hz 1die te uc aîîowed te roam at '«ilItheir, BanaIl fect-and-mnuth restrictionsni Johno'nerqshsbuld try to sec that theiri nd teck part in thisstattraction. Recommendations-That Scotnibcs adn ufra itl s hnteGadogn opcningi England '«ibI allo'« direct trading be- Misio reai bn e $0 fr n-possible tbreugh such liherty. teck place in St. Pauls Church-MissI twcen that country and this. ctbcr year at 8 per cent interest; __________________ Perry, o,r,g,anist? Those '«ho teck Naturaîly, the premeter cf thîs that Bro. Hoidge's Preachers' F undi part '«ere Mliss McLaugbbin, Miss firat large importation is optimistic ducs for past year be paid froml ate fer the ministry by Oshawa Glover, Miss, Fairbairn, Mr. H. J. over the eutlook for pure bred ive Beneficent Fund; tnat Osbawa's mnvi- Quarterly Meeting '«as recommendcd Knight, Sunday after the churcb cp>- stock. "As far as sbeep arc con- tatien fer 1871 Conference bel te Cenference. cning services vcre conductcd by cerned", stated Mr. Drvden, "there passed on te Cenference; that thîs .Rcv. J. W. Rae, ,then of Toronto bas been ne trouble about sales, and meeting requesta Conference net te! , Bro. R. Baker '«as granted permixs- Jonction. 1 Itbink tbat the demand for etber divide Hampton Circuit. nex' ion te attend Cenference as a visit- ines cf pure bred live stock la on Requests for ministers fer nx r When the 'Mendelssohn Quintette' the upturn nets. Beef and aIl meats year: Bo'«manvillc---J. .1. Rice, L. W. Recommendation re ministers sal-1 Club of Boston ,gave a concert in' bave been getting bigber in price. Wickett. witb Book Steward and aries: Married preacher '«itb nctl this towvn, ascisted by a double Basaý and this shoubd give encouragement Editer for Sunday laber. Hampton more than two cbildren $400 and $28: Artiat (string) ? They '«cre thcj te pure breeding. The demand for -E. Roberts, T. R. Hull. Oshaw«a fer each chibd ever t'«e up te 16, greatest musical club tbat ever vist-, pure hred sires sheubd ccrtainly pick -W. S. Pascoe. Mariposa-,J years cf age, incbuding aIse herse! cd this place, and gave the best ofjup". Wi' keep, table expenses, doctor's bls classie and nmodern programa. îVTeDye-ilripraini Whitlock Pickering-J.Wbllisms.largeydmpos e cf imostisfom i Prince Albert-D. Cant iiamSot, ad funeral exp enses. Heuse renti agl opsdo hosie rr Prince Albert-D.alowe aspr-Cantiondme.nnaBScoîtth -Ne request. Feneon-An exper- adfritr ehea.wd spe. bnMdaeAn Bsc, thIb flock of T. A. Buttar, '«ho judg- ienced yeung man.j vie usly. Quarterly Meetings shahl bel faiwous soprafle, gave, a concerti ed at the Royal and at Chicago in Hmtn wst tlz liberty te make any addition ti bere ? 1924. There are 187 of those, 52 Hoidge's service, as bis health '«asi Ganit' aary ifmmede inaidof .1Wben Rosa D'Erinc, the cclebrat-i of whicb arc yearling rama. Fifly imrvd rnsrcmedài i fýe rs oait rwalread Suffolk yearling e'«es and ten ram improved. Missions: Osha'«a $100 and aIl the 'c rshvcba, r'l aread amhs are aise incîuded. Report cf Spiritual Stale cf Dist-' raise; Pickering aIl tbey need from ýicn ce at a concert given here, and' On tbe order of George W. Me- rict adopted: We are pleased toi their missienary receipta; Prince AI-' h rs beeti hs itit'as Lauzhlin, Osbaw«a, twelve Scotcb find that on ncarly aIl the stations: bert $100 and al they raîse; Fenelon1 much in evidence? Black Face or Highlandi shecp '«ere tumes of refrc-sbing have been real-1 $50 and ail they raise. Whcn Blind Tom the wonderfu.l imported. These '«ilI decorate the ized frorn the presence cf the Lord;, Conference '«as asked te appoint a pianist, gave several concerts here? farm cf R. Ray McLaughbin, north of that in many cases, special meetings, CencraI Chapel Secrctary and Dist-! He '«as colored and mentably defi- Oshawa. bave been crowned '«ith success, rict Chapel Secretary. ' dent as a two-year-old, if net more '«bile in others a '«ant cf cooperationi iaca eotsee ur-s. Oeo i cawst e on the part of the church miitatedj iacaReotsoequr-s. Oefhsat w t gt sadly againat the gathering of souls erîy and missionary receipts $435.15 some one in the audience te play inte the fobd cf Christ. over previeus year, and disburse- any composition and he would play Seerl f hesttinsdeioe hements $546.38 in excescf ast year. it after'«ards. It took a clever Sevralof hestaion dploe telDistrict receipts $629.68 over dis- musician te note any difference. His absence cf a revival spirit and con-: bursemenîs. Ministers and offiialsi vocal compositions '«ere a curicus vcrting power. There seema to e bererqetdt nevrt n itr. Whnh agtent aise a '«ant ef that entire cenaecra-1 '«r cuse eedao eiImxue Wenbsagteihy tie teGodse ssetia teprores icrease givings te the Beneficent' sounded quite classical ,but '«ben he tiente Cd s casnti ln ress 1 Fund. recited tbe song '«ords afterwards, it in holiness and great usf ins , bciaitia epr «s icur «st oc funny for anyling-about the Maslcr's service, many living for Th tiscaReotw dcur a. self instead of te and for the Lord'i aging. OcIy a amail increase in as sensible as the jazzy songs '«e bave '«ho bas redeemed theni, and as tbe memh ersbip '«as sbown; those cciý today. reutsoebckldotesar r1trial less tban previcus year-re- Wben M. A. James D.D.G.M., cf / result siomenacieot hrsarir-l' mevals partly the cause. Sabhath A. 0..U. W., Editor of The Canadien neglect the prayer and cbass mce- cho- i Stetesmente tecceradS ok part in a musical and ines. Nor can mnucb prosperiyi encourage-an increase cf 7 scboebs l ite'rary enertainnient at Brighton, realized until '«e bave a decided îm- 29 teachiers and 425 achobars. AI- i nt.. ntMy 84 i drs I provement in this particular. o o- e ninrae fon brch and w'as on thc "Aimis and Gro'«tb of ten the coldness, apatby and mnccc-1 several conversions have taken place- h rdr~ sistency of the fe'« 'iII neutrabize' among cbibdren. ith re. the efforts of the mainv. 1 Manibla fricnds '«ere accerdcd ai Wbcn The Telgmann Famiby cf But there are some tbings of al vote cf tbanks for "their gonercus' Kingston, gave a concert bere- cbeering kind-The public means cf reception and entertainmcnt cf the Mr. J. M.ellerndck, oas'«i kno'«c grace arc gencrally bey'cla- eiers- cf District Meetinz. 1 N. jrok wl nw tcn1ed; orchujrches are, mcstly en-' It '«as decided te boîd 1871 Districtj vocaist froni the saine city, Kings- w w bey iepric'.t i%'ùs alî inte'l .Metoc XX. ld"andi W " i. iLa:ke Shore I.i':icuu. l:ut't %v.ere: C. R. "rilyR. Soueli, ( O' '«ire1tut(It't.) adl-nth I' c:c h orse fe'.eiixI Il'îl.'ouT. I cî o ln it akuPeople 'n Ti ,ia' înd 1,%. ti' ' e I' he (îîii'ail s tnd F. ltoach,. .'iurtiie, (lhis. Ti'ick I an(] 1,I ) ri:'t 1wak (,fi a l scsietdspa îi..or:X. înoveJ lre.J.Elctî,eenn'. m 1 Whtrîk 1.I i le:l1eBnî innîdn v hL Il ~ C f'et,'b. < vnî Il. B r.. '0c:qvi-s. (I.ifidcayi, de'i-ît. 1,,' hIi'e, I. k-uIu ctl î 'iibis ub je( t aiThurîsa p'ubetlic 'ei . ghy Hand & Co.. '«1h spe- lm ig T I1ro. Richard Brokîceslii Ro e C(hairman W. S. Pascoe iv'aS 110bi1 e ('elIebration i wilI, 1," tue gý boen Sc-ptembîerýi 20, 1SI 2, hiaVing, que. sted te viiýit the 41h Quartent -i o f 'be Dsri' Iimisi lîten duty recommnenilcd as a candid-1 Meetings on lbe District. A'tilie sînce fer par'kingca. rAur, 1 VYV Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Nice Young Beef We have purchased for immediate selling some of the finest young beef that is procurable. The quality cannot be beaten. Try a roast or steak and be con vinced that you get the best meats at our shop.A We are prepared to give special attention to church anniversal'y needs in meat. We Deliver The Goods LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phone 518 Bo'wmvl. Why Not Benefit By To-day's Low Prices On Coal? Fi your bins now with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE for next winter's needs w~hi1e prices are at their. lowest for the vear. Advance in coal prices ar> predicted. NEEDING BULDERS' SUPPLIES? If you are building a new house, repairing or altering your present home we have the necessary builders' supplies to do the job economically and satisf actorily iJ. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel :oTalk to You ' t the Heating of Our Home LUS NOW IJVSTEAD 0F LATER! equipped to give your Heating Probbem real expert rheher you want a new furnace or your old one over- le work and guarantee satisfaction. FURNACE S Always Heat there are hundreds who beave the clc'aning and heir Heaîing Systern untîi the weather gels actualby then they want the work done at once. This job - - and perhaps poor service. vME TO ACT. If you are going to need a new furnace, show you a FINDLAY. G. GREENAWAY lnsmnithing, Heating, Phone 18, Bowmanville ( do Al) Kinds of Sheet Me ta) Work.No2 VLook For the Sheli Sign Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasolineýj known d'e world over. Test it your-1, ý-self. You'll find quality is cheapes4j and best in the long run. C. A. Bartlett Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville No. 2 1 i