r *~" PAGE THREE I'UE CAN'AJJIA-N STATESMAIN, 1UWMA.NV1LLL,, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd., 1927. Insurance Protection INSURANCE MEANS PROTECTION AGAINST JYOUR LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, BY ACCIDENT, BY ILL-HEALTH, BY DEATH This Protection can be provided for you by sound representa- tive English and Canadian Companies i this Agency, at lowest possible rates to give you proper protection when you require it. ARE YOU FULLY INSURED TO-DAY? IF NOT, WHY NOT? If you have pot secured this prtection against loss, or are insuficiently protected, ACT NOVW. Delays are sonietimes dangerous, and simple every-day accidents, frequently occasion serjous financial loss. Evening appointments made on request. This Agency represents, amongst others, the well-known SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, and THE MAPLE LEAF FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- PANY, both of which are favourably known in this vicinity. EDITH V. SCOB3ELL Ceneral Inaurance and Real Estate Agent Bowmanville Two Pals ' for Every Camnper!l A Coleman Camp Stove for plenty of well cooked "eat"-whenever your appetite insista A Coleman Quick-Lite Lantera for ail the good light you need-anywhere, any night, in any weather. The Coleman Camto Stoqe-regular mode! No, Z, l!ustrated above, la acknowl- edged by out-door experts as the fnest camp cocker made-a minature Iras range wtb everythlng huit-im: Coleman Hot BLet Starter, Swingng Fuel Tank. Boult-m 0w.e and Drni Heater, Buit-in Wind Baffle and Warm.ng Cabinet, Bult-in Air Paap and Fiffin F.anal, Sp.dy- H.t Flame-Spreadng Buer- everything you need for easy, ouick action camp cooking. Uses commun mutor gas for fuel. Other model-No. 9 without buit-to aven or ilium heater. Pricea: Mode! No. 2 on!y $14.W; Mode! No. 9 only $11.M0 Th.e Coenaf Quic-Lte Lanens-Lghts up the wtbole camp. Brlghter thao 20 od style ohl lanterna. Haes mica chimney-ia wnd-proof, bug-proof, rajo-prooL. Mates andhurna its own gas. Sturdhly but. Can't shil fuel even lf tippeil over. Moe tban 40 heurs service per gallon cf fuel (commen mter gaz). Price. Mode! SODB$ MSN&9AE3DSA'SCS.HRWR GUM-,DIPPED TIRES Help 'Tou Save Mioney The Firestone process of saturating the cords in rubber slution, insulates evcry fibre cf every cord with rubber, minimizing internai friction and wear. It gives stamina to the cords and makes possible the strong, flexible sidewalls of Firestone Fuil-Size Baiboons, that gîve you full cushioning on rough roads-absorbing the bumnps and bridging the ruts. The scientiflcaliy designed Firestone Balloon trcad grips the road-resisting skid and giving traction in slippery places. Finestone Balloon Gumn-Dipped Tires en your car will deliver greater safety and comfort and Inateriaily lower your tire costs. The nearest Firestone dealer is equipped te serve you better with these better tires. See him now. FIRESTONE TIRE 8s RUBBER COMPANY 0F CANADA, Llmnited HAMILTON, ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLA [Virestonoe FIRESTONE, BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Firestone Tires Are SoId In Oshawa and Bowmnanville by JAMIESON & JAMIESON Tire Repairers and Vulcanizers LOCAL AND OTHERWISE FOOTBALL MONSTER MASONIC PICNIC _____i- AT PRESQU'LLE Miss N. Hlawley recently visited, Bowmanville 1 Solina 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawley, Whitby. 1 hom To Be HeId Wedneaday, JuIy 6th Mrs. Elford, Welcome, is visiting o anilpaydtsfr hm hier sister, Mrs. James G. Rickard. game at High School greunds, Wed Plans are being completed for hold- ' Mr an Mr. W H.Chalmers andi nesday, June l5th., when they held ing a monster picnic of members of so MrayKistoW. h v *enthe fie et footed'Solina team to a Masonic lodges and their famlies in stng Murray ouKinso, hsA.vE.been-draw 1-1. Ithis part of the province at Presqu' Cready.1 Solina won the tossandl( kicked Isle Point near Brighton when 7000 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Werry and. nortb. At the start BowNmanvîlle are expected to attend. family have been enjoying a trip toi hade a get-away and in five minutes At this big gathering next month, Windsor, Ont., where they visited a goal to their credit, White several prominent Masons of the bier sister, Mrs. C. P. tMay. scoring from insid e left. This creat- Grand Lodge will attend. During i e(l great interest among the specta- the day a softball tournament will MNr. and Mrs. H. Argue and Miss; tors. After some general Field Play, be put on and thrce teams. one from Helen, Bownanville, and Mliss Maud n fouI to Solina's credit resulted in each district. wili participate. Benson ,Peterboro, visited Mr. and a rush by their forwvards and a fine Presqu'île Point is the ideal place Mrs. A. J. Hcnderson.-Millbrook Re-ý effort was made to score, but the for the big picnic as it affords splen- porter. ihonle team's defence-Lobb. NCOY did facilities for golf, tennis, swim- M, 1r. 'and Ms James Richards, Osh-land that worthy goalie Jeffery Nvas mndnllec awa, Mr. and MNrs. William Richards, tee mucb for tbe Solina forwards.migdacne. Bowmanville, visited tbe former's' Solina madIe little use of a froc kick, uncle, Mr .Robert Carr, Lindsay, oni the honme forwards securing the bal Suniday.t making another rush and White madeý BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Mr. Mars M. Westington, M.A., of j a fine long distance shot but Langley igli Hanmilton Township, has been award- 'a' master of the situation. Cement sidewalks are beigld cd a scholarship by the University of At the start of the second baîf, by Mr. Spall's men connecting the Chicago, where hie will do ps-rd Solina forwards set the pace, bring- j various buildings around the ovnI. uaewrki hedprtetcfCa-ing pressure on the honme tcam's de-I A double garage for the housiutg sica during the summer quarter. fence and Lobb in makixtg a finelof cars is under construction hy the head-away gave Solina a corner kick, boys juat north of the Manual Arts Mr. David McCowvan, Portage lai but no score resulted. Solina press-I Building. Prairie, Man., and brother Mn. Alex. cd bard to level tbe score anI were Fifty teacbers fnom Tononto Aux- MeCowan, Mr. Robt. McCowan and, successful. The goal wva- disputed iliany visited the school Wednesday. son and Mr. Patton, Toronto, caîl-' but the refcree's decision beld. Game The party made a lengthy tour cf in- e d on the formcr's cousins, Mr. J. nded a draw 1-1. spection througb ail the buildings and N. Lawnie and 'Miss E. E. Hayeraftl Good weather prevailed and the around the grounds. on Saturday. gante was played before many spect- Work bas commenced on the new MissIdela ayeCampbell,' Wite- ators, and a spirit cf high intenest piggery. Tbis will be a fair sized MidSsk.delauFayer f r \v H as maintained throughout. building cf frame construction along- CoodpbSas, dauher o EfielM r JH. olina-~Goal-Lattgley; Backs--- side tbe barn on the Darcb farm. tiaedin xpessonat ntnioLa-iReynolds, Blanchard; Haîf Backs- This will bc buiît entirely by the uae' ColExessWioby, wintaio eqalj Re*ynolds, Gibson, C. Tink; For-wards Iboys. pe' la e , WhtBro wnnfor tequR. Calderwood, Dewell, Pascoe, Vice, jBoard cf Directors nmet at the C. Hamilton gold medal. Also the H in.Scb col Friday. Practically al Powell Dramatic Art Scbolarshipi Bowmanville- Goal - Jefferys; morning mas spent inspecting equip- equal witb Ruth Brown. IBaciks-McCoy, A. Lobb; Haîf Backs ment. The regular board meeting -_J. Wiliams, Brown; Forwards w-as held in the staff sitting room Miss Eleanor Wilson, B.A., daugh- Welch, Nicholls, Burgess, Wite,j after lunch. ter cf IMr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson,,i Grahami. i Field Day this mentit will be held Port Artbur, spent Sunday with Mr.i Referee-C. Wiibur.1 Saturday, June 25 at 2 p. m. The and Mrs. F. R. Brown. Sbe is re-1 ipublic is iavited te these monthly ceiving congratulations on bier suc-' jmeets and aIl interested in athîctica cess at Toronto University having OBITUARY will find it a mighty intereating way graduated and received her degree. lte spend an afternooa. Althougb Her mether and grandmother, Mrs. Mrs. H. H. Porter, Prince Albert, inexperienced, the beys are establish- William Brent, Tynone, are spending Sask. ing seme very good records and are a month at Bownville-on-the-Lake. well worth watching. Progrant fir The death occurned on Friday, June mieet includes pole vaultmng, Congratulations te Miss PhyllisfJune 10, cf Henry Herbert (Harry) sprinting, petato races, rope climb- Challis, 13-year eld daughter of Mr.j Porter, at bis residence near Prince! iag, running hep, step and jump, and Mrs. W. J. Challis, on pastng1 Albert, Sask. He was the fifth son standing hep, step and jump, run- bier latermediate piano exams with1 of the late Wm. Porter and was bora ning hroad jump, hall throwing for honers at Ontario Ladies' Cellege,i in Bewnanville in 1861. He went accuracy and the obstacle race. Whitby, taking highest marks of any te tbe Northwest in 1880 but tV5a Maple Leafs took the lead in base intermiediate candidate at that cen- home again for a year after the Re-j hall league iast week when they de- tre. She is a pupil of the O. L. C. bellion of'85 when he came with the fae ake y9t ,wieTg and wen the G. D. Atkinson Silver escort cf Col. Willianms' body. feaslted Y iank s 10 9 6 te7w herg Mdland the A. & S. Nordheimer In 1915 bie married Miss Florence gaers bte rdAhins 10,ePirater9 prize for highest standing in Inter- Jeffs cf Bond Head, Sinicce County, Mape Las1,Cris8 iae mediate piano, tbe latter prize going wbe, with his sister, Miss Effie cf1il eafos15,Cardinas 8;oPiraes by reversion te Gladys Tucker, Mount Dora, Florida, and brothers, hs ben atos 7. Tbe cl as cfbai daughten cf Rev. and Mrs. S. T. WalIter cf Vancouver, and Norma scores indicate every gante was hard Tucker, Orono. Miss Tucker aise cf St. Thomas, survive him. f ought. Pirates took a game at the takes ighest standing in Juniorl The funeral to the Coleaton frto h ekadsipdoto yerin Household Science. iCemetery was largeiy attended fithecfell we ek anodrsoiisied eut c An inerestng iem ofbusi e ld-timers and frienda front the City as Athietics teck their measure in -i transacted Tuesday at a meeting cf! tRibtrow Ate Stcayathernbest the Property Committee cf Toronto Wesley Larmer, Millbrook Righ o tltc r h e Board cf Education was tbe accept-_____ team in the league and wiil take some ance cf a bust cf Dr. James L. Hug- Tbe death cf Wesley Larmer onj steppping. Last week's shuffle ieft; hes, presented te the Board. A let-1 Sunday, June o, after a long ilîness,j th e teants standing as foilows: ter, signed by Dr. Hughes, reads as removes a xell-knewn and bighly jWnLs .C f oliows . "I arn an eid-time friend respected resident of Millbrook, aged Won LeLeafsP.i C. cfMr H . anle f dibug, 64 yeans. Deoeased 'was bora in1 Tigers 4 2 667 who nnnks justly as one cf thet Cavan tew-nship, bis parents being Athletit!s 4 2 667 greatest sculptors cf the British E m- the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Larni- Cardinals 3 2 600 pire. Hia statute cf King Edward er. Deceased w-as an Anglican. Yankees 2 3 400 1 that stands in the grounds cf the The funenal on Tuesday, June 7, Senatons 1 4 200 Palace in Edinburgh is the finest te St. John's Cemetery ,was largely pirates 1 5 167 statue cf oun late King. 1 recentiy attended, Revs. F. H. Howard, Jos.______ received a bronze bust cf myself that Wiiks and John Riddell, conducting Thvey nwtin atSut be made iast year. I have tnucb the services. Tevr eis nKi ut Boear l offeruaion th e bustedthe Paîl-bearers tvere: Messrs. T. Cents, Dresses, Sport Sweaters just teboard cf Educate tobmipncinaj Larmer, O. Larmer, W. Larmer, C unpacked at Ceuch, Jobnsten & tien Building in recognition of the, amr .LriradJh amï1Cyemns %vork I tried te do for education in Hs tife predeceased him by sev-I Toronto for more than 39 years'. eral years. Four sons, Rosa cf Pet-I The bust wiil bie placed in the board' erbore; Edgar, Floyd and Victer ati roont, it was decided, by the cein-I honte, aIse twe granddaughters, Aud-1 nittee.-Globe. rey and Dorothy Larnier cf Peter-1 bore, and tw-c brothers, Aloazo of~ The atoth lanva dees but one thingj Osbawa, antd Wnt. cf Cavatn, are left1 and does it well-it entsanadI ats 1te ntourxt his demise. anI cats. Carpets. rugs, upholst..jAntong the floral offeings were:AJP ery, cothint-, woolens and furs arcl pillow front the four sons; vreath i<dled witlt bobs to satisfy the en-! front Mr. Alonzo Larmcr and fan ly; ormeus appetite cf the "tit larNva. ,sheaf, Mn. and Mrs. Witt. Larater ; Fly-Tox kilîs the moth, the cggs and 1 pray front the two granddaugbtcns.1 the larva. lyI-Tox is tite ,cien-ý- Among the friends fnom a distance tific insecticide developed at Meloa., were: Mr .and Mrs. James Larm- Institute of Industriai ResearchbN'ý ci-, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer Mn. Rex FeiIow-sbip. Simple instructions: and Mrs John Larater, Biacksteck; on each botie (billc label) for kiîliiag M.at r.Fan oM.Ab ALL househoid effecta. nist on Foc and Mn. H. Fee, Oatemce; Mn. Fly-Tox. Fly-Tox is saf e, stainless, and '.%r, A. Larater and sons, Arnold fragrant, sune. Eveny bottle gttnr- Enri and Cassel, and Mr. Chas. antced. Larater, Oshawa. Mrs. Jamea Holden, Wlitby i u ZION - Wbitby on Saturday, June 12, lost~ sente shcep te Mn. I. Curtis cf Wark-1 zens in 'the person cf Mrs. James; wo rth. ieldexi aftcr n brief iliness and la Mr. Alf. Ayre is making bi:z annual be1ihyegt eî.Tedca- tour cf the fairs ila BasternaOntarioe cd w.sboa% nPrnc.îbnti and Quebec.1 December. 1839, the daugbtcn ofi Mr. and 'Mrs. McM Ntr n Alex.' Hiram and Arvilla Fitchett, U. E. L.,l aad issAnti Mcastr wee ,%% -ho moved te Uppen Canada front Toroto recentiv. teSaec emnt. She mnrnied Mr. :and Mrs. Elitter Wiîbur .'ndiJames Helden. who was editor cfi Cordon. Mr. Clarke Wilbui- and Mlij The Ontario Obtserver, published at Mailwe'îein Toronto receittly. Prince Albert la 1R57. Mn. andi Several front bore ;tten(Ied thei Mrsý. Hoîden atoved to Whithy in itara raising cf Mr. Frank AIds- I U64, Mr. Holden beinz appointed Nvorth's near Solina station oi n idIay fliciaI assigace for Ontario. While afternoon. ii'n laWbitby MnI. Holdean btained the Mr nad M.Festor no-Newîln andI charter for the Dominion Blank, and fnmily visited lber sister, Mra. Ro,,a ws a membher cf its first Board cf Pearce, Ehenezer, and attendcd the1 Directors. Ho alan was the moving ana ivecrsary. saint lan the construction of the Mr. andI Mrs. J. W'. Baîson, Mn. Wbitby, Port Penny and Lindsay Rail- andlr. JmesCamronandMrs Wwav, heiag fer years its Managing J.d Trksh aw amerned trS.WDirector. He was also the principal Mary's and visited their sister, M.%rs I moyen la the, estabîishmeitt cf the On-, Wat. Thonmson. I tarin Ladies Celiege. being the first I Preideat cf its Board cf Dinectors. Misses Elva andl Irene Pascoe, Misas ,Hodn 10<ja 81 hes.vv Noma Rohbins, Mn. Fred Rebbiîs. nI. odniein1ýlThsuv- Henry Hall and Misses May and Dora îag chiîdren areo: Mrq. Edwin Anais, weat te Niagara on the GeocraI 'Mot- north of Solina. J. F. Holdea. Vice- orspieic nd epot asplndi tiePresideat of the Kansans City South- orspicic nd eprt spenîid ine na Raiiw'ay. Kansas, M.; Robent A. On Tucsday cvcning about 90 Hoidea. Preston ;Mrs. A. W. Jack- friendsla nd acighbors of Mn. anti son, Whit.by; Mns. J,.1H. Norton, Cal- Mr.P agti aeteiakalîgrAita. Mrs. Holden was a life- farexvclî. Rev. J. R. Bick, Pastor of long memben of the Methodist Hampton Circuit, xvas chainman, Mn. Chuncit and a woman of the Most Arthur Stainton nead an addrcas aitd kiadiy disposition cf the higitest Mn. Bort Nothcott prescntcd thcm Christian characten and much belov- with n floon Iamp. Miss Beryl Gins-! cd by ail who knew ber. The funeral poil preseated littie Berniece witb aj took place on Monday te the Union dresser Iamp. Mn. I.aagnaid bas.Cemnetemy, Oshawa. soîd bis farmtoteMn. Savage cf Tor-1 onte. A Remedy fer Earach.-To have The 5tit anniversary aad Re-union the ennache is to endure torture. The 0f the F'naservilie tUnited Chuncit, car ta a delicate organ andi few cane tvas held on Suniday. Jonc 19. Rev. F. te deal witb it, considering it womki J. Maxwell, Osaa and Chair-an fer a docter. Dr. Thontas', Eclectric1 cf Presbytery. Rcv. Thos. Manning, Oil offers a simple remedy. A few, D.D.. Toroato, Miniaten 45 years ago, drops upon a pice cf liat or medicat-1 coaducted the services. Juhilce choir ed cotton and placed in the ear wiII cof ail present and former members do w'acrb 1.n reiieviag pain.1 sang at both services. Weeds-a menace Neglect is the friend of weeds. Neglect is responsible for the alarmning spread of this pest in Ontario. Weeds now take an annual toli of at least five mrillion dollars out of the wealth of the province. The Departmnent of Agrculture asks for united, rctive co-operation to extermainate weeds on every farmn, highway, lane and waste space in town and country. Destroy weeds wherever found, as often as necessary ta prevent their going to seed. Write for bulletin No. 188, "Weeds of Ontario". WARNING Under the provisions of The Weed Con- trol Act 1927, now in force, the destruc- tion cf noxiaus weeds is ne longer option- ai. The destruction of nexious weeds is now compuisery. Every occupant cf land and every uewr cf unoccupied land is required te destroy ail 'oxious weeds before their seeds ripen. Mý-unicipal councils are required te destroy al noxious weeds growing upen the high- ways. Let everyone co-eperate te end the wveed nuisance. The Department of Agri culture Province of Ontario Panliamnent Buildings, Toroato mirister W.puB. MirDatUE* r~r~r1~ - -- .~ - s~~u Dominion Stores Limited a Jpiritwhib l nkJin Cada reater day byn day spirit heihi aoinbileCadaaternsay dînthe We wish we could be the instrument by which IR f every Canadian could know Canada better. As a contribution on aurpart we will distrîbute to our customners a Map cf the Provinces cf Ontario and Quebec, which we feel assurcd will be both instructive and cf vale. "ICNOW CANADA RETTER"I ~ê, 'I' ~ ere f somehin. that . ery-- e k-wu nac. v ve n r n--- an up-to-date and very comprehensive Road Map which we are Sdistributing amongst our customers this week. This Road Map TIEA contains very useful information, denoting the most important0 towns and highways, showing in different colors the various D.S.L. sulk 59 1b.M kinds of Roads, Camp Sites and Distances f rom towfl te towfl A cholce blend of Indian Tes We will give away one of these Road Mapa absolutely FREE Engl.sh Breakfaest Style in 1-lb., (30c te 50c value), with every pound of D3minion Stores %-lb. or ' -lb. cartons SQuality Teas. Every good housewif e knows the goodness cf ichIMnlo our Teas. Every man knows the value of a good Road Map Ceyîcn, Asaam.79o Here is the ideal combination. Travancore Tees For a bot weather drink. Try our Domino Tea-Iced SSpectal Prices on Fnest Mlessina Verdel Fineit Canadiau PiSalmnon Lemtons New jpîneut Red 1-1b. 39C 25c 40. Cheese Sockee!/-b. 2lec y-p SCholce 1-1b. 29C Ciso21[0lb coo 12-i.17e Fig Bars Nlppy 014 PInk1b 17: 2 b. 33C 320 b. SSHIRRIFF'S loy Psul Willard's r Coucentrated Peanut Butter 21C Jubile. k Fruit DrinIku pdlFui rcsBar 190 bot.ThsWe 3 fer 140 Vlctory Brand Sweet Mixed or5IOC KI Ver Salade or 240 Pic lesweet Mustard"~ ~ Sandwiches Ja PICIles Sou Mizd or40c The New Kraft ProdUot Large bottle Chow 1 4Kriat Oratei Cheese - 24 SDon't Forget The best "TSi "BREADfom te BEDr9uLa fAT ' RA ome RE8A3-oC f