FLAGS For Jubilee Celebrations We have a large assortment of Cotton Flags UNION JACKS AND CANADIAN ENSIGNS tnounted on sticks according to size, prîced from Sc EACH TO 50c ENGLISH WOOL BUNTING FLAGS Five point Flag Brackets can be attached anywhere, will hold 5 Flags 60C W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanvulle Ont. For Summer Cooking We seil and recommè. nd Florence Automatic Red Star Oil & Gas Coleman Gas Perf ection Oil 1 STOVES See Our Display Before Buyiri MASO N & DAL Phon 145 Popular Hardware Store 2 21BIG SUIT SPE( Thursday - Friday - Sai 30 Men's and Young Men's Suits Purchased Direct From Manufacturer at a Tremendous Reduction SEE THESE SUITS AND GET A BARGAIN BARGAIN NO. 1 15 Men's Suits, Double Breast@,d, hard finish- ed, ail Pure Wool Scotch Tweeds in Grey Her- ringbone effects, worth $: 7.50. OUR BARGAIN PRICE $26.95 BARGAIN NO. 2 15 Men's Suits, Ail Wool Scotch Tweeds, in a fiee Fawn cffect. new models, aIl sizes and worth $37.50, OUR BARGAIN PRICE $26.95 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS AT $1.95 In shades of Fawn, Blue, White ,Mauý,e, ON SALE AT $1.95, 2 FOR $3.75 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Haugh's Brand in Khaki ancl Blue shades, A SPECIAL AT 98c MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE HER] A Special Bargain For The Above Three1 A LINE WE ARE CLEARING AT ONLY OTHER SPECIALS MENS~ Wit- Bib aý Blue and $1. T. B. Gilchris Opposite Bank of Montreal ig PAGE 4 C'olumbus, 'Miss Evelyn Tink and general opinion by the vast audience Meê"rs.. John Baker and Arthur Pas- who heard this varied programwsý coe, Solina, at Mr. Leslie Pascoe's; that it wag one of the best they had ever listened to. Rev. C. C. Wash- ington acted as chairmian in bis es-I ORDER COAL NOW ual able and pleasing manner. Total D ' l IQuantity of Stove and Nut Cole at proceeds $40000. ifdesined. R. H. Collactt, Phone ing at greatly reduced prices. Coucb, 181-12, Bowmanville. 24-3e Johnston & Cryderman. L HAMPTON Hampton W. M. S. and Circle bel( a jDint meeting on Saturday after noon. June lSth., at the home oi Mrs. A. Peters. Meeting was open ed by the President. Mrs. W. W. Horn After necessary business wa! transacted a good program was rend. ered by the north group of W. M. S in charge of Mrs. F. G.- Kersiake assi-ted by Miss Lillian Jebson br piano solo and Miss Florence Burns reading. Ail joined heantily in sing- ing "Bighten the corner where you Are". The remainder of the after- noon was spent in a social way. The Circle girls and some of the W. M. S. playing hall and bowling. after whic! a splendid supper was served. Miss Irene Pascoe. Zion, spent the %veekend witb Miss Mary Peters. The niembers of the United Church Sunday Scbool of Hampton. desire to acquaint the manx' friends w-ho have shared their supper and concert during many yeans that ow. ing to numenous Dominion Golden Jubilee celebrations tbey are forego. ing thein usual first of July meet. However. the Sunday services will Day) at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. C. A. Myers, General Secretary Religioîîs F'nucation ('nuncil of Can- ada. will be the speaker. Special music by choir and members of tbel Sabbatb School. Free will offeringi of $200 is heing solicited for th e maintenance of the work of the Sun- day Scbool . An invitation is ex-1 tended to the many former members and fniends of Hampton Cburch to share in the annivensary. Wondenful svecials in Canton Dresses this week-nd at Couch, John- ston & Crvderman's. The Many-Purpose Oil.-Both in the bouse and stable there are scores of uses for Dr. Thomas' Eclectnie Oul. Use it for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, the pains of rbeumatism and sciatica, sore tbroat and chest. Horses are hiable very largely to similar ail- ments and misbaps asafflict mankind, and are equally amenable to the heal- ing influence of this fine old remedy which bas made tbousands of firm fniends- durIng the past fitf y years. THE CAII I.DL&N BTATE&MAN, B(OWMANVILLE, THURSD.AY, JUNE 23rd., 1927. TYRONE ENNISKILLEN SOLINA Id Mrs. Wm. McDonald and Kathar- Mrs. Wn. Hambleton and son, Miss Vera Baker, Knickerbockeri r-me, Cobourg, are spending a couple Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Levi Rob- Hospital, New York City, is spendingi )f of weeks with ber sister, and mother, bins and children, Hampton, Ont., a couple of months at home...Mr.' - Mrs. Ronald Scott and Mrs. Willis visited at Mr. Frank Robbins'. A. J. Reynolds and Miss Edna Re- *Stewart. ... Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Port A very appreciative audience gath- nolds are spending a week witb Dr. ts Arthur, spent Sunday witb ber motb- ered at Enniskillen on Friday night, and Mrs. Ellis Reynolds, Hillsburgh - er. Mrs. Wm. Br........ Mr. and Mrs June 10, when Betbesda Dramatic . ... Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ye]low- 3. Lionel Byam, Doreen and Yvonne, Club presented their popular play lees and familv spent Sunday withl visited with Cannington friends on "Willowdale" under auspices of C.G.- friends at Cla'remont ..Mr.R: iSunday. . .. Mrs. Wilbert Ridge and I.T. It is one of the best ente r- '2%cKessock is in Port Hope this week sMiss Margaret Ridge, Oshawa, vis- tainments that bas ben given bere presiding over Departmental Exam-1 r- ited at Mrs. Richard Hatherley's. . .. for some time, eacb one acting bis mnations in the High School there. . 1 ii Miss Stella Strutt, Long Sault, visit- or ber part exceedingly well. Miss . Mr. and Mrs. John Wonnacott mot-I - ed with Miss Leverne Burgess.... Helen and Mr. Trewin Scott singing ored to Lambeth and visited theirl eMr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Toronto, in costume captivated the audience. daughter there. .Mr. and Mrs. W.j ;and Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Duets by Misses Mary Brightwell and T. Taylor are visiting friends ati h Hampton, Sundayed with Mr. and Mae Brent, and solos by Mrs. John London, Woodstock and Niagara *Mrs. Robert Burgess.. The young Baker, accompanied by MINrs. Isaac Fals... .Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Court- epeople of Blackstock League will visit Hardy were very much enjoyed by ice. Courtice, visited at Mr. R. J. us on Thursday evening. Every- ail. McIKessock's . ... Mrs. Janet Gilbert, I body come and belp welcome these Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gilbertý friends and enjoy a good programn. . ENFIELD an ddaughter Vel. Mr. Nelson 1 *. Tuxis boys ill meet on Friday ev-_____ Smith, Enniskillen, were Sunday vis-I ening. .. . Several from here attend- A very large gathering of old boys itors at Mr. H. E. Tink's ...Mr. ed the Long Sault anniversry ... and girls gatbered for the re-union and Mrs. Sid Brooks, Courtice, -Mr. Miss Clara Woodley bas returned on Sunday and Monday, June 12 and and Mrs. Jack Brooks, Oshawa. Mr. home after spending tbree weeks 13th. Hearty handshakes, exchange1 and Mrs. George Hiltz and daughter, with Mrs. Wm. Hamley, Bowman- of greetings and reminiscences of Ruth, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Glaspel], orle s cre.. .Attben de the Woen' former days characterized the gatb- Taunton, visited at Mr. S. E. Werry's or'scar ... Atendthe Womn'sering and everyone bad a good time. .. - Don 't forget to attend the foot- Missionary Society quilting on Thurs-j Many famniliar faces were missing bail game at Solina school grounds day. June 23rd., in the vestry. All either through inabiiity to be pres- on Saturday evening-Solina vs. donations gladiy received........ ent, illness or from other causes, and Zion .... Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mut- Sunday School withdrawn this week, several others who had participated ton and Miss Ruth Mutton, Oshawa, usual hour July 3rd ... . Mr. and Mrs.inteaivisofptyarbde- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacott and A. W. Prescott, Enfield, visited in tered into the Great re-union be-1 family, Salem, vstda r .H the village on Monday. Rev. A. K. yond this sphere of action. Westlake's.. . Mr and Mrs. John Edmison of Little Britain, wil Sunday services were conducted by Chambers, Mr. Hector Jakeman and preacb here at 10.30 a. m. a young Durham boy, Rev. Miltonj son Alan. Toronto, were guests of Silk Rayon Dress Coods at 50c and Sanderson of Birch Cliffe, Toronto, Mr. W. . Pascoe. . .. Mr. and Mrs. 60c yard. Couch, Johoston & Cry- whose sermons were of a higb ordei Cecil Pascoe and baby Cordon, visit-, derman. and pleasing to aIl. The choir as- ed at Mr. Harvey Crossman's, Ked-I _________sisted by Miss Irene H. Bray, Tor- ron. .Mrs. John Penfound, Oshawa.I onto, in solo, sang fine numbers at spent a few days witb ber daughter, HAYDON both services. Mrs. W. T. Baker .... Mr. and Mrs. vistor: M. ad Ms. m.1 Monday afternoon was the real Chas. Honey, Port Perry. Dr. and Recnt isiors M. ad Ms. m.re-union and the old boys wbo did Mrs. S. L. Honey and daughter Bar- Boad and daugbter, Miss Violet, credit to their naine and county in bara, 5h umaker, New Ontario, Miss Toronto, Miss Dix, Little Britain, at reminiscent speeches were: Prof. J. ,Muriel Freeman, Burlington, Miss Mr. Silas Trewin's; Mr. and Mrs. T B. Reynolds, President of Ontario Gladys Bradley, Newcastle, visîted at Wagg and daughter Mary, Toronto, Agriculturai College, Guelph, Mr. W. Mr. Roy Langmaid's .... Mr. and Mrs at Mr. L. Crabam's; Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, Columbus, Mr. Frank L. Mas:- A. L. Pascoe were Sunday guests at Thos. Tabb, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. on, Oshawa, Dr. R. J. Nidderie, Dr.t Mr* R. Luke's, Kedron... .Mrs. Jas.j Cowling's; Mr. and NIrs. John Wright James Bray, Dr E. A. McCulocbj Hancock, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs.6 bave returned home after a pleasant Toronto. The tea served by the John Ashton and daughter Viola,. visit with relatives at Mount Bridges; ladies was up to the usuai standardj Toronto, visited at Mr. James Moor- Mr. and Mrs. David Graham, Mr. and was well patronized. In the ey's. ..Mrs. S. E. Werry and 'Mrs. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and family evening a good entertainment was B. Hunt visited at Mr Jack Short's. at Mr. John Graham's, Whitby; Miss put on by a company from Black- Courtice .... Re-union picnic of thel AnieTewnisvsiin eruelwater. Proceeds $310. young married people of Solina comn- Anni Trein s viitin be once, unity was held at Lakeview Park, Rev. Harold Stainton; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nancekivel and family, Oshawa, on Tbursday afternoon. Thos. Greer and family visited friends Brookiin, at Mr. Geo. Ormiston's; June 16th. Dinner was served at in Toronto; A number from bere at- Mr. W. Miners, Oshawa, at Mr. S. o'cîock, forty-five heing present. tended anniversary services at Long Page's; Mr and Mrs. W. Bradburn,j Softball. football and races were Sa.l.... . Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mount- Biackstock, at Mr. Talmage Henry's; jo ihM.adMrs. Cecil Cross- Miss Fay Campbell, O.L.C., ' lae drngte ftroowhn joy ith r. ad Wbtb~,some valuable prizes were won.1 man, North Oshawa, visited friends1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton, Ennis- About seventy~ sat down to a sumpt:I in Toronto recently.... .Mr. and Mrs. killen, at Mr W. G. Smith's; Mr. and uu upra 'lc. Nwof- R. C. McClean and babe and Mrs. A.Nfrs. T. Scott and son Hector, Dr. i uos sue resat- 'coc. NerWofi- Sharp, Toronto, visited Mr. Elgin James Bray, Toronto. at Mr. br ice-Prsdh-r.Caec Mountjoy's recently. Samuel Bray's; Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeI Vice; Secretary-Treasurer-Mrs. El- The anniversary of Haydon Sun- Bray, Raglan, and Mr. and Mýrs. in alr prsCmit day School celebrated annually for T. Rodgers, Little Brittain, at Mr.1n Tyo:Sors Cmite the astsixy yars wil tke lac W. . Omison'; M. J Alin,~t1 Messrs. F. Crome. H. Annis. D. Yel- th ast sualtis Ju ,ill yea OnlSun-W.an.yOrmiston. ;Mr. . AlH, iss ,~lowlees, C. Wilbur. J. Brooks. Nextl as uualthisJublek ear On un-Nanc Oristo, M. W.Hisopre-union Junc l4th., 1928, atsm day, June 26, Rev. A. J. Edmison, Bowmanville, Mr J. Hislop, Whitby: pace ae B.A., Little Britain, will preach atMr and Mrs. W'ý. Hepburn, Mis c 2.30 and 7 T). m. Special music and Mr. A. Hepburn, Kedron, at Mr. hy the school. Collections in aid1 A. Orniiston's; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. of Sehool fonds. On Friday, July Hill, Toronto, at %Ir. L. C. Pas- 1. commencing at 3 p. m., a girls' coe's; '.%r. Hilton Tink, Miss Myrtle MAPLE GROVE softbail game vvili be played, Ennis- Vice, Mr .and Mirs. George 4ibson, killen vs. M.%aple Grove. At 5 p. m., Solina. at Mr. Edgar Prescoters;'Mr.I Mrs. Herbert Thompson, Mr. a football game. Leskard vs. Haydon. and Miss Swain. Blackstock. at Mr. Douglas Thompson, Miss Babie Sut- Tea served from 4 p. m. At'8 p. Edwin Ormigtn's; '.%r. Boyd. Ennis- cliff. Xeston. Mr. and Mrs. Sid m., a hizb-celass concert wiii be given kilien at Mr. H. Stinron's.*. MIr. Geo. Greenham, Bireb Cliff, spent Sýuna by the Orpheus entertainers, Toron Cochrane bas again %von the red rib- ith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenham to. compnising Arthur Davies, tenor bons on bis driver at Brooklin Fair..M iss Phyl lis Clemence, Shaw's. soloist. William Fisher, ontertainer, He was al.so among the winners, on spent a few days with Miss Veral Robert Towner, singinz comedian,I the Clydesdaies. .Mr. Mirvin Hobbs Trimble. .. .Mrs. W. L. Mackiin, Co- Arthur Fisher, bass baritone. and ai- bas been enzaged as teacher for next bourg, and Miss M.%argaret Georze, so Miss Louise Courtice. elocution- year, Miss Mark havinz resigned. itrele,. Colorado, are visîting the( ist, Oshawa. Admiss;ion: Adults,j Anniversary visitors: Mn. andMs'fmr"dagtr Mrs. a nw tea and concert 60c; tea or concertilD. Wotten and family, Toronto, Mn. den....iýs Elva Onchard, En nis-j 40e; children, tea and concert 40c;1 and Mrs. B. Powell and Miss Mabel kilien. Miss.es Eva Lane. Edna O- tea or concert 25q.I of Oshaw,%a, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hudson, borne. Shaw's. Miss Alice Arnold. ___________________________ Jand Mn. abd sirs. Gordon Hudson, Brookiin. visited at Mr. Truman Pom- Peterboro, at Mr. T. Henry's; Mr. cr's . .Mr. Willoughby Power, Torontoi _________ ______ land Miss Florence Vance and Miss iS visiting bis brotheiw. Messrs. CIei Viola Englisb ,Cartwright, at Mr. J. r andI George Power an(] other rea Hobbs; Messrs. Herb and Fred Asb- ti\ es ..Mr. Truman Powen and Mr.1 ton and Miss Amy and Merle, Tor-_ andI Mrs. S. A. Burgess motored toi onto, and Mn. and Mrs. S. Trewin Port Hope on Wednesdav and ,attend-I and family, Enniskillen, at Mr. W. cd the- funerai of their uncle, Mr.l T A L IG Smit's; '.%r. and Mrs. L. Rabm George Tufford. .Mr. and Mrs. Rtrr,i 1 A L S Raglan, and Miss Viola Shortt, Ty: M.%r. Laurence Kerr, Toronto. spent, rone, at Mr. A. Prescott's; Rev. and Sunday at the former's brotler.' P - Mrs. Milton Sanderson, Bircb Cliff Rd ml. ..%I r. and Mns.. R Heights, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman. Port Daihouise. visited at Aibeta, t Mn A. rmîson's Mr n Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Albrta atMr.A. rmitons; Mr.andMrs. . G. Freeman's.. Rev.I and Mrs. Hugb Ross and family, Bei-' C. C. Washington wiii preach hîsi leville, '.%r. and Mrs. H. James and fareweli sermon as pastor of 10his rir- Mrs. John James, Columbus, and Mn.1 cuit on Sunday afternoon at 2.30. Albert Niddery ,Tweed, at Mn. John Sunday School at 1.30 p. m. Hepurns. r.and Mrs. Cari Avery, Notwithstanding the continuous' Mr. and Mrn. W. Avery and Miss ramn on Sunday afternoon and even-, - jAlice, Raglan, Mr. T. and Miss Menal ing fairiy good congregations list en-I IHall, andI Mr. J. Ormiston, Bnooklin, ccl witb rapt attention to the spien-I Mr and Mrs. W. Wilcox. Haenpton, I did annîversary sermons preached bv; Mn. and %Irs.W Woodridge, Mr. Rev. RN. Burns, D.D., Toronto. Iný and 'Mrs. A. oesdMs . the afternoon he heid the attentioni *GrpenawaMapoaMnnd rs of both voung and old 1w speaking, 1 Fred Densem, Misses Florence and1 fromi the Prince of Wales motto -Il IGreta Densem and Mr .Everett Or- serve" and agirin in thoeveýening S gjmiston, Bo(yvmanville, at Mr. W.s'J. from the suhject of "Chnist-likel IOrmiston's; Mr. and Mrs. George Chrigtianitv", bth. discourses will: G ihson, Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Gibson long he remcnîbered by tiiose who I and Seli [IARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE LOOK! -for, homes that vont WEARE VER ALUMINUM FRENCH FRYER (With New Draining Feature) WITH 3 LBS. CRISCO $2.85 VALUE FOR ONLY $1.75 W eomn SOAP WEEK Having recentiy purchased a large quantity of Soap we are allowing our customers to benefit by our buyîng power. FOR ONE WEEK WE OFFER 8 Cakes Pure Castile Soap 25c 3 Cakes Coleo Soap and One Trial size ....25e Cashmere Bouquet Soap, large size ..........25e Germicidal Soap, P. D. & Co., cake ..........25e Woodbury's Facial Soap, 3 cakes .............69e Yardley's Old English Lavender Soap, 3 large cakes $1.00 Store Open Saturday JuIy 2nd We are the only Kodak Agents in Bowmanville. 8 hour service-Developing and Printing JURY & LOVEL The Saf e Satisfactory Druggista and Opticians When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly You Will Require Something in Furniture for June WE ARE WELL SUPPLIED WITH SUMMER FURNITURE Chairs and Rockers for' the porch or Veranda. Drop Screens or Curtains for the Verandah in green andi brow'n colon. Wood siats in ciffeî'ent widths, Hammo Couches, Veranda Couches, Foiding CanVas Chairs, Cots and Roll-upls, in fact many lines of Summer Furniture. We have sonie si)encli( Japanese Grass Chairs which have sold w'ell this year. WONDERFUL VALUES IN REED SUITES We are offering wonderful values in three piece Reed Suites mith Uphoîstereci Seats. Somne have Uphoistered Seats and Backs and are very serviceabie and extî'eîielv handsomne STEEL BEDS IN WALNUT FINISH Alwavs a fuil line of Steel Beds in latest Wal- nut finishes with ail grades of Mattî'esses and Springs to select fromn. ALL GRADES SPECIALLy LOW PRICED FOR JUNE F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville BOYS' COTTON STOCKINGS Black. in heavy ribbed effeets. 4 PAIR FOR $1.00 Phone 61 - - mý- Phone 145 HEAVY 31/2 QT.