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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1927, p. 2

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DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS IHS OLPRMT N 1 Mint Strikes Confederation Medals EXIA COO RMTIONS DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE A really wonderful statement wasl____ Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto seriously made in one of England's- 1-75 to 100%; 11-66 to 74%; Unvesiy. Graduate of the Royal great newspapeiýs a short time since assed-60 to 65%. Recommended College of Dental Surgeons of On- by an educated English lady that bas' -Below 60%. A subject appearing taijo. Office KingSt., Bowmanville. held oui- thoughts "On active ser- 1 after a namne indicates that the stud- Office phone 40. House phone 22. vice" ever since we read the state- eti rmtdo cniinta h X-a qimn nOfc. nient. This lady says: "The last n spo teoncdionhate XRyEupeninOfc. tbirty' years have made more diff-1 higher fs oi-m. etke n h DR. J. C. DEVITT erence to women 's status and oppor- hihs erm Graduate of Royal Dental Coîlege, tuiista1 buadyasi n~. .A Form 1 to Form Il Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- previous history of the world. Ai '<> -I rdro ei)Jb manvlle Oficebous 9a.;. to 6 generation ago trained minda were excetionl amngs womn; tdayJury, Harold Slemon, Evelyn Pearn, p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone exeptiseonlgiamone wmen; today 'e Beatrice Lapp, Kenneth Osborne, 90.educated" at least up to the stand-, . -ey anta/ -inifrd-\n DR.R.E.DINIWLL ard of bier brother, and the girl bas' . 11~Fyir caster, Beatrice Mollon, Olive Jones, juta 'da hneo Ada Allin, Muriel Moore. Boo rdaeo oot n-career for bei-self. When we give r - - e versity and member of Royal College Eil n oy odeucto e -(In order of merit)-Kenneth gil aorrisyOscar Jmieson, Florenc ')f Dental Surgeons. Licensed to give themi the key to succeas and MoriOsar.- IoFlrec practise in Ontario and the Domin-poe- No girl has a right to askl ~~ Bennett, Corsina Samis, Phyllis Ion. Dentistry in all ité branches. more than equal opportunity for edu- Office-King St., Bowrnanville, OP- cation and equal statua as citizens I ac, oe- obet amn posie Bnk f Motrel. hone301 Th day ofspeial priiIeeý51 f ie Burns, Ruth Allun. poit an f onral hoe 0. h dyso seia "rviees ori l lPassed-(Alphabetically arrang- _________as____ ______ed)-Forn I A-Bernice Belîman, tunately for everybody, as such privi-1 Y be Curran, Grace Hastings, Ruthi LEGAL leges were in reality seriotis bandi-, A OVE are sbown two medals . Luxton, Leola Miller, Margaret Olh- caps. Now tben witb their TIew op.' 'A which h ave been struck by the ver, Marlon Snowden. M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. portunities what will women make of Royal Mint at Ottawa in comn- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 1f e"? ** memnoration of tbe celebration of . Form IB-Allan Clemence, Harvey ioe ola n amadTw the Diamond jubilee of Confed- Joint, Arthur Kent, Everett Quinn, Property. Royal Bank Building, Since our teaching days we bavet eration. The larger medal is that IvnYo Bwavle Phn35.been a consistent and osinoui which is to be awarded in gold, silver and bronze te the wlfl- Recommended - (Alphabetically Bowanile. hoe 51 of femnale edcaonini ners of various competitions. Twenty-sîx hundred of tbese arranged>-Form IA-Jean Bell W. R. STRIKE sow hl otnedcti eo and are bcing issued. The smaller medal is that being issued to (French), Annie Buttery (Frencb, Sucestr o lteD. B. Siepsor. endof e h Ontnu eatonbefo tbe every schooî child in the Dominion. Two million of these were Latin), Reta onr(FecLt Succeusor to at.end of s fae. on hsqereson for OUi-j required for this purpose , Cnes(FecLt BritrSoiioN; erystnd onthis qestgioe n wstbah& __________________________.________ in), Doris Jamieson (French, Latin), BS ri t r , orla iorf ontra l w o n g t t r c g ie i hGladys Jamieson (French, Latin), Soicto fr ak f onrel school-room the great advantage the' Edith Pascoe (French), Alice Md Money to Loan Phoixe 91 child possessed who came from theý entirely under masculine direction is DOMINION DAY(reh. Bowmanville, Ontario home where the mother was an edu-, bad, as every tbinking mother will(Fec) cated woman over the cbild whose' agree; so, also, is the separation of Sixtieth Anniversary Form IB-Gordon Brown W. F. WARD, B. A. mother could not be belpful in guid- girls under feminine domination.(Fec) tno Carl (Li, ing bier children in home study and Sex disqualification and sex separa- Great Ruler, we gather before Tbee French), Lloyd Oke, Nelson Osborne, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary by setting good example in s0 many, tion are a bindrance to, human pro- A those who Tby favours posseas: Ivan Smith (French), Norman Tay- Money to boan. Bonds for rule. ways in the home, leading in intelli- gresa. This condition of social dif- We bonour and praise and adore loi- (Latin). Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., gent conversation, speaking gramn- ferentiation is not by any means as' Thee Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonies - matically, encouraging bier young evident in Canada as in the Oldl For sixty glad years of succes. Form Il to Form 111 Office 102. Bouse 409. folk in reading good books and liter- Counties. W bn hefrtu a rvdn -I re fmrt-rno _________________- ature and in varinus other ways * * *th n hemfo e highfay estein: Hazlewood aez vansetone aron creating a wholesome and healthful Temnwo ehgl sem alwoJbzVntnMro DIRECTORS home atmospbere. The firat farm Many advantages, we firmly be- We thank Thee for keeping and guid- Hmlo HretCle, ai FUNERAL IETR home in whicb we lived when we left' lieve, are offered by the xingling of ing valleau, Edison Mitchell, Lawrence F.F.MORI C. oui- own home to teach in 1869 w'as the sexes in ordinary daily vocations. AIl those xvho have followed the Ashton. C.F OmpRetCOe. o presided over by a very intelligent Men and wvomen working together gleam. II-(In order of merit)-Phyllis omet oui orand well educated woman anti in will achieve what neither men aloneCemnNeieKrtn Noea Horse Equipment sevral senses, ers was a model fni- women alone can possibly do. We tank The or th se whse OP er- , W lied ikar, Gre aS- attended to. girls a gond scholastic education and importance of hygiene and dietetica! Ras proved itself fruitful and wise man, Gra TrMunda yrordr U T Private Ambulance training". and better educated in cbemistry and In fnrming this mighty Dominion mn rt udy Bowmanville phone_____ physiology and psychology, will worki Witb aIl that its future implies. Passed-(Alphabetically ai-rang- y10 and 34 lin the cause of bealth in the homes ed)-Gerald Bradd, Ernest Brown, Branch Stores- We are qoite well aware that there' and in the schools, thus raising the In loyal devotion unbligbted, Evelyn Bickle, Beatrice Cryderman, * Orono & Newcastle are many people in the world wvho standard of racial health. Girls and lncreasing as seasons increase, James Hancock, Flnoronce Oliver, Ar- differ from us on the question of ynung matrons of the educated Canadians stand firmly united thur Simnick, Chai-lie Stainton. the education of girls. But we are classes are attending lectures and For righteousness, progress and ALAN M. WILLIAMS rigidly adbering to oui- advocacy of classes in child hygieno and psychol- Peace. Recommendorl (Àlphahetically~ an adequate and thorough female ogy, and they are forming commit- aragd'IaeAln Fec) Embalmer and Funeral Director. education. A lady discussing' tees concerned with the welfare of We thank Tbee for ail who are living' Elizabeth Bigelow, Rance Dilling, AI- Calîs given prompt and personal at- "What are womien doing?" says: "I the child. There are no hlue-stock- To honour this land of the free;I vin DowNson, Frank Jamieson (Lat-I tention. No extra charge for dis- suppose it la bocause the majority of ings and higbbrows amongst the new We tbank Thee for what they are in), Ai-chie McDonald, Kennethi tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- men and women become rigid-mind- generation. because the girls quite giving Wry(ai) '111le, Ont. 3-tf. ed in the foitis-incapable of ac-, naturally take up study and social And what they are hoping to be. Wry(ai) __________________________cepting new ideas, or adjusting them-' service as they learn new danceGvtathihIldrsre Aegrotat-Wallace Horn. selves tn changing conditions-that steps, new bridge conventions, new Gvth ing l edrsaenoed-I MEDICAL1 this new generation of women is, slang. nFo 11tFr I criticizod SO harshly. I see these, To fit them for standing the test; French Authors-I--(Alphabeti- B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. girls, fine and free, and capable as' In Canada as well as in moat other And keep this Dominion arcednd1 clyarne)HlnAge a Gold Medalist of Trinity University, ""me neyer were before, witb train-1 countries controlled hy English To'w~ard that w'hich is x'wisestan guerite Armstrong, Helen Darch, Eil- Toronto. Four years atteriding Phy- ed minda and wonderful opportuni-' speaking leaders in education, church best. een Hockin, Fred Jackman, Allan ties for self -reahization, and I think and socially in these days women are T. Watson. Knight, Morgan Lunney, Greta Mol- sictan and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel they will make somthing very big realizing the importance of familiar Ridgotown, Ont. 1927. Ion, Elgin Munday, Marion Rickard, Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and of their lives." Why sho'uld' they, interest in life. They belive-this______ Stanley Rickard, vera Wood; Il- 'tesîdence, Wellîigton Street, Bow- not îitb the myriad of opportunities now generation of womn-in full Stuar-t Candler ,Gordon Osborne; III inanville. Phone 108. the pi-sent age hnlds out to educat- days of occupation and recreation. OO SCHOOL PRINCIPAL --Neil McMulen, Doris Pooley; Pass- C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. ed, sincere, honorable, amhitious Thoy have health and energy and _____ed--John Alexander, Bei-nice Bag- young women? The avenues to, wonderful vitality. In the conser- Graduate of Trinity Medical College, sut-ces aemc h sm oht vto n vieueo itty no A the closinz session at Brant St., nell, Harvey Brooks Jimà Devitt. Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. sexes. Mi-. DuPond, the proprietor past generation of womien bas sr:St-boni, Toronto, a luncheon was, FrnhC potin1-oh A- Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's nf Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Now Yorkl passed thorn; tbey adjust themselves' grivon in bonor of Mr. O. O. Wordon, exander, Helen Argue, Marguerite former residence on Church Street, says lho bas observed that vrsu- as it flows onwards towards Principal for the past tw.o years, whoi Armstrong, Bernice Bagnell Stuart Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. cossful enterprise is the eesuc- ftbe future. The physical inventionsi hec omes principal 0f Howard Pr Candler, Helen Darch, Jim Devitt, S~~~~this formula: Common Sense, Hon-' ft-dya-entig1opre ~Scbool in September. Mr. WordenElen ociFdJak nAn ---estv anti Hard Work. We agree the psychological developmients of to-I persented with a motor rug byl Knight, Morgan Lunney, Neil McMlul- with hlmi but would add to bis form- morrow. Women must prepare the teachers ,and Mrs. Worden i- e-'In, Greta Mollon, Elgin Munday, VETRINRYulaforgod masue nthsiam. tbrnugh study and tbought and self- ceived a beautiful bouquet of roses5.! Gordon Osborne, Doris Pooley, Mai- DR.F. E IGHE * * * dicipline fortho futurefor the n iwTbrough the kindness of a few of the' ion Rickard, Stanîey Rickard. veral . TGH jproblems of love and mariage, for1 intrestdeachbusies i of thesneb-Wood. II-Harvey Brooks. VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or the new civil and political responsi- brod ec uplws1rsne Night raIls promptly attended te. We recently said that a porson bilitios which they must assuredl' witb an ice cream cone and chocolatel Latin-I-Marguerite Armstr-ong, Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. -ho possesses gond common sense accept in the next quarter of the Job' Mr. Worden. is a son of Mi-s. Elgin Munday, Mai-ion Rickard. Il- Phone 243. bas the equal of a university degree 2th century. Thoso who live Jon Wordon, Ebenezer. Eileen Hockin, Gordon Osborne. III that requiros four yoars of study to tbrough it wilî see many more won-____ -Leon Moore; Passed-Helen Ar- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. obtain. Thereforo. a woman pus-, derful changes than have yet arrived.Igue, Suart Candler, Helen Darch, Ooosessing a gond share of common sense. Greta Moîlon, Doris Pooley, Stanley OrOusOwill not take part necessarily in the' 1BTUR Rickard vera Wood. Recommended Honor Graduate of University of clamnour of discussion surroundîng' E. G. Courtice, Godericb *--Jim Devitt. Toronto. AlI cases given prompt so-called sex antagonism. Whtber 0____ W. J.Morrison, Pricipal. and careful attention. Office- ...-nr--î.-.-r....-. an w. en -*.*Aà1& *h- db A __ . -. Dr. McElroy's former office. Phonea: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specislty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honer graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thur3day and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Reidential calis made during lore- noons. SUMMER SESSIONS In SHAW'S 12 SCHOOLS follow present terni from July 4th without any holidays 'orced upon students. Make tirme count 'or pro. gressi. E nter aniy day. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, 46 Bloor West, Toronto. whether women ai-e more moral than' men, xhether one sex is superior to! the other-how stupid are aIl sucbl arguments to anynne with a mind, past wbat can be psychologically es- i timated as eigbteen years of age., Men and woen wbo are "adult". need not have any quai-iel witb each other. They appreciate one an- other', special qualities ,and every wvonan who uses ber bramas to think will agi-oc that the more feminine, the woman, the more masculine the mari. the more they appeal anîl at-ý tract each other. XVe have never seen any nece-siîy in the home for sisters andl brothors to engage in, heïated djsceî-sion ovor -uch differ- cte,.as' Nature gave themi. Why .hou tîilther inîiviîhual.4worrv ovor uth math-i-s? Tht -.iga- of aur tillits are i-t fteciioragin..! n aliai-. to us for the welfare and.uccess- of %v-amen h nath îbni-e1ve_- s l rhy and cap-' i1>1'n whate'î-r1:l1E. of ctîtY tlîev choo. I n answer t'ý the- que 7t ion -lWin Xherî' aie -(. nin f t'iliiv t-an lbut ,tuîl\ tIti-ýr.ý o f, -'anal !l*(-. r'îîay. The grov.iag n inr- Clîiit welfare i- a wl'ne g.- itht' rt-adi nî',-- the- o î\ f il '- elru girls 'if .aIl C1aS- '- t" i, mîalf'îî-np'r . Xnin îîu-t l'e uccnotnicall ' vinîhîpî'l'nt if î- i t', lie fî-e; ýh( nin-,! le frc'î t"îiio fri love, foi' thi -ake 'ofg-r'i the fart that nlana c'uildbux elî \vilhi or 'it itb'outt il'algel V. at o'aun -houldI on]%-:,'-c'r ,' e la-. aix -Ix alT'etel tli tv,luti,,n of lIti' race.t', Oui' ix andl îîart-iagu' î-îlitiîtîlî . arein a thi- t'a ':oi', to ;1S* ii 0 1 ma-in. tilat11 tlýir1iîl o ill ' liappîîîî wheti o ,ni'tiare fie'.iiîî,îî-l .ai'efl'l-at, educ'ated, sil' -thi.-eipiitî eil, wxih a real -harn 'le wo1'i-i wo'rk, with rouI iîpîîcrtutiitie. "f hel)-l ;i'- toSii-at-itht îii-'lilt- "f jîverty, antd ar ietonv ic" rh'rroi's cf ife to-day. W'cmcîil nithebu fturei- ouI. to, i Ili ife happier wht'n tht-y are doing work that is tlîoiir ,.ecial right and ~ttlg.fieanlin I medicine, in chihlren's cïourts, andI ini the ('baich andl la the tilucatiun andý control of chihuren, bothb loys n i-d girls. The pi-osent system in Great' Britain of the sepai-ation cf boys ùf the moneyed classes in gront sehools Dips the Corda of th Carcass in a Rubber Solution! Here you see one of the. corda, highly magnifieci, from a Fireatone Gum- Diîpped Balloon Tire carcaas. The end is unravelled into 15 amaller corda, coniposed of millions of cotton fibers. Firestone dipsalal the corda in a rubber solution. Every fiber is saturated and insu- Iated with rubber, adding great strength and enabling the corda to flex with mini- mium friction. Go to your nearest Fire- atone Dealer to-day. He wilI provide these 'Setter -ires" along with helpfui service, which means extra mileage, aafety and comfort. FIRESTONE TIRE 81,RERCO OF CANADA Co*IED Hamiton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Firetone Builds the 0nlyGum-D4pped Tires FIRESTONE TIRES Are SoId By Jamieson Bros. Bowmanville & Oshawa After a somewhat protracted jîl-' ness the death occurred on Sunday, June 12, of Mr-. Edmund George Courtice, one of Clinton's best known citizens. The hate Mi-. Court- ice waa horn. in Pickering township in 1856, heing a son of the late John L. and Elizabeth Courtice. In 1866 the family moved up to Portor's Hill and the aubject of this sketch was educatod in the rural public school and Godericb Higb School. Ho farmed witb bis father for some yoars, and ike bis father. ho became an expert plowman. Loaving the farm be andl bis father ivent into the Lgrocory business at Holmesville. hI IS~92 ho moved into ('linton andi1 since that timo ho had been connect- e d with a number of fi-mas as i-e- I utisentativ', of late yoai-s nunt of the timo heing engagod in bandling stocks anîl bonds. In 1h50 hoe was uniait d in nilrriage tiiMa-vT. WXaîIe, lauzIhtet ,f the lato Rt-v. Wmi. Wade %ichi, înilecea-,d hlm bv nearlv thi-co y t.:a1r-. Tliree childrt'n survive: Hiat- ri. C(unice, a memliii- of the (linton îpublic achocil staff; SvhuihR, ( 'ît-ii a niissionarv îînilor the W. M. S. -f tlîî United *Cburcb in Jap-1 j an, andilDean W. Courtice of the Tet-h:nicii1 5hool Staff. htamiiltn.-I ;'l<'thStar. 1lIc verv nc'.vvst iin .ni t ii 's Cri îîetatan's. 'DOMINION DAY AT PORT HOPElI l'a'lh"'îs(0th t"'nlitiuî,,us c-. *lîx' ..Ill crli D.t:l t-on u i' A tti.cii-a t utc' lijs eitr' P lîiîiîîg. iii o-hic-h hi T ~-lii'iit ci faoii- vlii,. I ir vide barrt'ia-if fan, fori xl- il ' lîd. Othîci ivents iii Ii , i i Shore li'gueîl-al rai. c-Ihorse i-acet'. vaudev-cille- oii îc-lv fi,,Cobourg Kiltiî's andl P. 't t l i.Ianda ; tonclud îng witbi a ni:itilifc' a' display rf fitc-ourks in tlii(' -etinîg l'y Hand & C'o., with spo- tial ('infc'<lration dpsigis. Port Hoiîle's fîhî'hration '.illbc lie te igi event (,f the District---don't miss it. Ample spact for parking cars. ?3-41 Look For the Sheli Signj Then purchase Sheil Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Nice Young Beef We have purchased for immediate selling some of the finest young beef that is procurable. The quality cannot be beaten. Try a roast or steak and be convinced that you get the best meatsA at our shop. We are prepared to give special attention to church anniversary needs in meat. We Deliver The Goods LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phone 518 Bo'wmvI. Why Not Benefit By To-day's Low Prices On Coal? Fili your bins now with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE for next winter's needs while prices are at their Ilowest for the vear. Advance in coal prices are1 predicted. NEEDING BULDERS' SUPPLIES? If you are building a new house, repairing or altering your present home we have the necessary builders' supplies to do the job economically and satisf actorily J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowxnanville I h Will Your i L Home be Warm and Cozy Next Winter? YES' IF YOU HAVE A RJGHT FURNACE RIGHTLY INSTALLED W E are agents for the FINDLAY because we know it to be right --- and we give you oui- guarantee of a right installation, ctFURNACE S Always Heat Whether you are building a new home or changing your present Heating System, it is te your interest teolet u§ show you the FINDLAY. Every worth-while feature that you can think of is a part of its construction. COME IN AND LET US EXPLAIN WHY WE SPECIALIZE ON THE FINDLAY L. G. GREENAWAY Plumbing, Tinsmithing, Heating, Phone 18, Bowmanville We do A)) Kinds of Shoot Meta) Work. N. .w_- No. 3 ' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JUNE 30th., 1927 PAGE TWO

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