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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1927, p. 4

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P'AGE t LiE GAIE U)I&N STATESMAN BÛWMÀNVILLR-TTTTT5 1927 LANGMAID.BROOCS' PICNIC HAMPTON . MAPLE CGROV.E COURTICE ENFIEWD Amid thunder, lightning and tor- Mr. and Mrs. J. Pascoe, JMr. and Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. M Mr. and-Mrs. Otis Worden and Miss Ida McCulloch is visiting rents of rain tbe Langmaid and Mrs. Sulas Williams, Solina, Mrs. E.1 Munday, Sr., on celebrating their Misses Patty eand Doris, Toronto, friends in Western Ontario...Mr. Brooks' families met for their annual Tbompson, Mrs. A. DeGuerre, Mrs.11 55th weddizag anniversary on June were guests of bis mother, Mrs. John Geo. Heatlie, Layton, bas been visit- pienic at Lakeview Park, Oshawa on D. Rowantree, Mr. and Mrs. S. Row.l 25, surrounded by most of the mem- Worden on Sunday. Miss Lyla Os- ing witb relatives here.... .Mrs. H. Saturday, June 25tb. Truly did'tbel antree and baby Velma, Toronto, vis-1 bers of their family .... .Miss Stella borne, Toronto, is home for the sum- Hurîbut, Kemble, Mr. Joseph Asb- poet say -Water, water everywbere, 1 ited at Mr. Thomas Efliott's .. E. Ross, teacher at Nestieton Station, mer vacation ..Mrs. Albert Rundie ton and Mr. Ralph Ashton, Detroit, nor any drop to drink". Nevertbeless Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Lambert, Mr bas been engaged to teacb bere this spent Iast week with bier son, Mr. bave been visiting at Mr. George Or- tbe distant friends were firm in their and Mrn. Geo. Hilts and daugbter1 coming year... .Mrs. Frank Han- Elmer Rundle, in Toronto. .. .Sun- miston'a .... .Mr. and Mrs. David resolve for tbe reunion and came Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Welcb,j ford, Bloonifield, New Jersey, wbo day services were well attended and Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter £rom Toronto, Greenbank, Bowxnan- Vernon, Murray and Marie, Osbawa, bas been visiting bier parents, Mr.j our pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington, Ferguson and children have been vis- manville, Peterboro and Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Glaspell, Taunton,j and Mrs. M. Munday, Sr., and other preached two excellent sermons. Itj iing relatives near Orangeville.... as well as Courtice, Taunton and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Georgel relatives bas returned home. . .. Rev. b eingbhis last Sunday in our midstiss E. Annis, Wbitby, bas been vis- Kedron. and Wesley, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Huntl C. C. Washington preached a very for the time being be spoke very iting at Mr. Frank Gilbert's .... .Mr. Refresbment committee served tea and Ernest, Solina, xere Sundayl suitable sermon to close bis pastor- feelingly of the pleasant pastorate and Mrs. H. Stinson bave been vis- on the band stand and so provided guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jen-I ate bere on Sunday afternoon. Al bere for the past four vears and also iting near Pontypool. .. . Rev. J. R. comfort in every way possible. The nings. l are sorry to see bim leave, but we gave words of appreciià*ion to those Trutnpour, Tyrone, conducted pt lunch was everytbing that could be 1 js him and Mrs. Wasbington every wbo have helpèd him in bis work. We riotie services bere on Sunday in a desired even to warm cbicken pie. dA vescboo rvcslf h Sun-1 success and God's blessing in theirl are confident Mr. and Mrs. Wasbing- very able manner. After al bad partaken of lunch the da . ho were very successful.j larger work at Fene]on Falls. Nextl ton leave bere with tbe good-wil! and eletio ofofices tokplae. neThe weatber was ideal and large con- Sunday Rev. H. J. Stainton, M.A., bestt wisbres f h whole community BLACKSTOCK new committee was added nanielyl gregations were present at bothi will begin bis work here as Pastor. fo hir new field of labor. Wei_____ "The Weatber Committee". A few o-1 morning and evening. The minis-i We beaitily welconie him to this ap- also welcome our new Pastor, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Marlow, Mr. cia! bours were spent together be-1 ter of the day, Rev. C. A. Myers,~ pointment .... .Scbool bas closed for H. J. Stainton and Mrs. Stainton.. Carol McLaugblin, Mr. and Mrs. G. fore the fifty or more gnests depart-, Gen eral Secretary Religiouzs Educa-1 this year. AIl regret that Miss AI-. . The Ladies' Berean Class bold an cagln r.adMs hre ed for their several homes.~ tional Council of Canada, delivered ic tWrryý,Eteaeber, is leaving... Mr. "At Home" in the home ofMs en- McLaugblîn and family of Toronto, two very inspirational and patriotic aind Ms. art Everson and daugb- ny Armour on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. attended the services in St. Jobn's - - -addresses which deligbted ail. The ter Margaret, Miss Iva Everson, Osb- Mrs. Ceci! Found's group haveï Church ... Mrs. Doke of Windsor, singing by the scbool under tbe lead- awa, Miss Vera Baker, New Yorki charge of the program and a 9ood1 spent thie weekend witb ber parents, ersbip of Mr. Tbeodore Salter, Sup-lCjty, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. time is expected. AIL tbe ladies are, IMr. and Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt ...Mr. r~i1nyerintendent, wvas much enjoyed.jIL. Cý. Snowden, on Wednesday... .A invited to bie present. i and Mrs. Roy Perguson and son Eye E fici y Miss Noah Hor was acomist 1 numbrfo ee ateded Raton Ganad____eclilad auh and MssRuh ohnîs. M .Wlle a terhomeofnber parents Mr. adrMro, pn h we di Xs westatandnourrdvernioxe wibra n tiswe.. . . ....gFo ley ,Toronto, spent lat e i atBowmanville with tbeir parents, Mr. Asw tae n u d ertic- Wom Tbursanthswek.... 1te oeofh aets r.adand Mrs. W. C. Ferguson ...The ment of last week, every cýe oen's Institute meets on Tur-Mrs .W.ily with tbe exception of some un- day, July 7th, at home of Mrs. A.1r.E .Fîy TYRONE steeple of St. John's Anglican Cburcb corrcte sbrtsgbtd ees, Petrs. Gradmobers Dy."A]]I Iwas struck by the electrical stormn noreed sssote hen redingi laders. initd.mpe' ay.of tIeENNISKILLEN Women's Missionary Society meti Saturday afternoon. It was brave- after the age of forty to fnrty- c .muit.i extended to Mr. Harry i Tbursday and quilted six quilts. AI ]y saved from great damiage by the fiv yers Pepl, gneall, ilco.x, Sr., a.nd family on tbe death Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins, Bow-yrenybetewasetan qucatino Miss. Proutt wbo arve beginn oraieoars. PeopoleTe fneral fron manville, visited at Mr. F.rankRb ice cream and cake served. .. .Mrs. happened to be the first to see it. the family residence on Saturday af-ibns1.HavyMcilwbo is Tuft, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. L. She ran witb ber keys and unlocked T HE E ES SI .Y eroon w's Irgly ttnde , working in Oshawa, brougbt out a Byam. .. .Mr. Morley Hooper is im- the door and rang the Se11, whicb of BifoaN glasE S Sor gasses rens and eighbors.Mr F J softbaîl team on Wednesday to meet proving after a serious illness, Nurse dre)V the attention of the men wbo ofwi c ga c en or disane Gfroiens tnds eek rsidin.g. hr.F.lJthe local boys. A real game resuit- Miss Frances Cryderman, Bowman- Iwere working at the barn of Mr. Jos. andh a correction for ditneoti hswekpeiiga h dendin in a victory for tbe home ville, bas been in attendance ...Forder. T e damages were sligbt arndacrcinon forens Wesupply entrane. eaiain tSln tea S gor 16-15. After tbe Mrs. F. G. Byami and Mr. Earl Byam . ... The anniversary services of St.i groud i on len. W suply ente.ballI game about tbirty young people of Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Lionel John's Anglican Church beld on Sun- this style with no unsightly Visitors-M-,r. and Mrs. Roy Lang-' met in League meeting underth yms.-Mrad r.L.JGo-dywe vy ipesv. Te wafers to get dirty or to fa!! off maid and children, Solina, Mr. andi leadership of Harvey McGill. Miss1 man and boys visited Mr. Fred Good- morning was a cbildren's service. and tbey are so ground that the Mrs. Geo. Stephens, Salem, Mr. Roy Muriel Newton gave a well prepar- man, Columbus, and Mr. Thomas Singing by the cbildren assisted by division between the two 15 in- McGilI and Miss Reva McGiII, Ennis- ed address on tbe topic "Does it make Goodman, Brooklin, on Sunda... . Master Sidney Haycroft of Toronto, visible. Cal! and let R. M. killen, Miss Gimlet and Miss Ralpb i any difference wbat we do on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Findley and who sang a solo "Nearer my God to 'Mitchell, our Registered OPtoml- Michigan, at Mrs. C. Langmaid's;l days"? She emphasized the fact of Mr. W. Storie, Unionville, visited at. Thee". Rev. Mr. Brechin, Toron- etrist show you our different Miss Edna Cryderman, Belleville, atl personal influence, the physical and Mr. Thomas* Richards' on Sunday. . te, deligbted the congregation with One Piece Bifocals. Our prices 'home; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn i mental necessity of Sunday as a day- . .Mrs. A. Wyborn and Miss Della h is messages. He chose for bis text are right and our service is un- and family, Orono, at Mr. W. Wil-. of rest, and tbe opportunities Sun- Wyborn, Grand Rapids, Micb., arelthe words found in St. Matthew 12: surpassed. bur's; Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson and 1 day offers for religious service. Mrs holidaying at Mr. Wmn. Moore's... . 35. A good man out of the good family, Port Hope, at Mrs. T. Rowe's; Gordon Jeffery, Oshawa, was present Mrs. Byron Moore visited at Mr. F. treasure of the beart bringeth forth Our store wiII be open for busi- Mrs. Isaac Clark, Toronto, at Mr. L. as a visitor and assisted in the pro- G. Kerslake's, Hampton, on Sundayi good things; and an evil man out of ness as usual on Saturday Juiy 2 Cryderman's; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert gram witb a solo. Delegates were .... .Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton and the evil treasure, bringetb forth evil Wilkinson, Toronto, at Mr. E. Trul's ;1 appointed to the Sumner School at Mrs. E. Woodley visited witb Mr. and things". His text at the evening Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and cbiId-j Bobcaygeon, July 18-25, and arrange- Mrs. James Curtis, Hampton, on Sun- service was found in IChron. 29-1 R.M ithl & C . ren, Base Line, at Mr. A. Trenouth's; ments made for a League picnic at day... .Mr. Win. Staples and Miss F "The Work is Great". First "The NI. itch ll CO. Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Wood and family' Cesarea ... . The local boys met Hay- Virtue were at Mr. J. J. Virtue's, disab]ing power of past Sins". Sec- THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Orono, at Mr. L. Johns'; Miss Elfordý don on Friday in a game of football Hampton, on Sundav ...Mr. and ond " Intrinsic menit of bigb Ideals". Bwanil Ot Manitoba, at Mr Frank Stonehouse's; when the borne teain won. Goals 6-0 Mrs. Clarence Woodley and babyl Third "The truest service may go %wnn, n Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chaîlis, Mr' . Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bow- Boyd, Mrs. E. Woodley and Missi Unrecognized". Master Sidney Phone 92-Nights and Sunclays and Mrs. Geo. Edger, Miss Mabel1 manville, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sle-I Clara Woodley called on Oshawa Haycroft assisted the choir and also 280 Challis, Bowmanville, at Mr. Harryl mon, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs., friends on Tuesday. .Master Trewin Sang a solo "The Lord's My Sbep- ____________________ Wilcox's; Miss B. Leacb at M r. F. J.IHugli Annis visited at Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Helen caîled on their cous- herd"... Promotion examinations J Groat's; Mrs. Shortridge and Mr. John Slemon's on Sunday ...Mr. in, Mrs. C. W. Woodley, on Sunday were beld in the Continuation School CIhas,. Sbortridge, Mr. and Mrs. B. and Mrs. Matthew Knox, Norwood,....... A very pleasant evening was, last week in the first and second o thctt tM.Jh owI',J. at their sister's, Mrs. E. M. Cook, on spent at Young People's League oni forms. The results bave been an- Mrs. Faulkner and son, Miss Mary Sunday. ... Mr. Ralpb Knox, Peter-i Thursday evening when the Black- nounced. Thirteen wrote from the Niddery, Toronto, at Mrs. L. Nid-1 boro, is visiting bis sister, M rs' . E. stock young people visited. Miss first forni, ail passed but three wbo er's r. arl JbonICook, tbe Parsonage.M. Olive VanCamp took charge of thelfailed a few marks in bistory. Tfiey Coumbus, at Mrs. Jebson's; Mrsi 1 rograni: Bible study was given byl have the privilege of writing again F A SElmer Wilcox and daugbters, Detroit, HAYDON iss Agnes Swain; reading "A Good,' this week. The second formn of three at Mr. H. Wiîcox'1s; Miss Normal 1 otto", Miss Laila Mountjoy;so, were ail successfuî. The results of or J ble Dickinson, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs.1 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. Sai-1Mr. Harold Swain; topic in two parts the third forni will not lie out for For J bilee ElmerWilbur and Gordon, Mr. and 1 elîs, Cadmus, Mrs. W. j. Challis, -lst on Confederation by Mr. El- somethne. It is a pleasure te note Mrs. John Balson and daughters Effa,i Bowmanville, Miss E. Rutledge, Sal-1 fin Bell; and 2nd John A. *McDonald the success of the students this year. MaronebdJeations iMr. and Mrs. en, at Mr. Thern Mountoy'sMr. by Miss Lillian Venning; piano solo, ____ Cee r ton .E sbreadLouise, omnadMs Stanley Byam and familyj iss fi Wrgt monologue, Miss YOUR ICE SERVICE WILL -1 oodood Mr an Mr. N Cola-Esther Strong. The meeting was Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. cott, Bethesda, at Mr. D. Graham's;i closed *with two contests and lunch SATTMRO e Rundle, Mr. Hilton and Miss Evelyn! Mr. and Mns. J. Slemon, Mr. and Mrs -.-Miss Evelyn Stevens and friend, Tin. Mss yrte VceSolnaMis H.Anns ad M. ad Ms. . Cl-Miss Mabel Ross, Gorrie, are visiting If you telephone 564 now or first Bertha Sargent, Bowmanville, MISSI bent and daughten, Enniskillen, Mr. tefre' nl. M.Nra bn ntemrig Berta Cole, Tyrone, Mr. Ernest Wer-1 and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Bowmanvîlle, Woodley. .. Mrs. Robert Awde andj Fresh foods are more palatable ry. Miss Reva McGilî, Enniskiîlen, ati at Mr. M. Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. L. MisMbhAdTrno ave ne- admr orsigwe hi ei Mr. L. T. Pascoe's; MIr. and Mrs. F.1 Buttery, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. turned home sfttr a pleasant visit cate flavor and purity are protected C. Virtue and family, Burlington,1 Crossman's; Rev. A. J. Edmison with Mrs. Lizzie Wight and Mrs. R. by Ice. tMOha r. and Mrs. C.S. W.1 ad or-Lite Brtain, Mr. H. Slemon, Tor: Wright. Simply telephone now or first MhOha r. and Mrs. R... oo t Mrs. Marion Moore, Bowman- tbing in the morning and Angus Mc- j 's . l reprs r Quarrie, our local agent, will stant Slemon and famiîy, Bownianvîiville , tMrvW.ilCreersle. delivery to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Enniskil- and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Taunton,1 OIAW elolyPr c n ur io, Ms.A.T.Stinonat Mr. Chas. Garrard; Mr. and Mrs.1- antee Good Service. Bernice and Eileen, Zion, at Mr. J. W. Smith and daughter, Enfield, Mr.j r n %r.Nra elole iyPr c o J. Virtue's; Mr. and 'Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mrs. Theo Slemon, Enniskillen ,~ r and m rlys. Normuanyeîith leesk- PhoPer564e. C a vle à a_,nd Brue Mr. Allan and Misses1 at Mr. Suas Trewin's; Mr. and Mrs.î bain friends alpd called on Mr. and M rgaetad Ruth McKessc Ù, Mr.J Everett Beech, Port Hope, Mr. and, s.Jme and Mrs. A. L. Paseoe, Solina, Mr. i Mrs. Elmer Beech and daughter, En-,1an arfatC.Wr, oisN o .ra and Mns. H. G. Pascoo and familv,, niskillen, at Mr. A. Beech's; Mr. andi dMs .C Werry , MbzitNom Zion, at Mrs. Thos. Pascoe's; Mr. Mrs. Geo. Rham, Bowmanvile Mr. 1 Miseys aWhaan Jae Wright'1 anti Mis. J. Mutton and Mrs. R.! and Nlrs. Joe Aveny and daughteri of Blackstock, Mr. Edgar Wright,' We hve lage asormen ofWoodley, Tyrone, Mrs. A. E. Clem-I Flore oco, Mn. Allen Stainton, Bur- 1 Enniskillon, visited Mn. and Mrs. N. We avea lrgeassrtmnt f jens, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Worry andi1 keton, at Mn. C. Avery's; Mnr. and, E. Wrigbt and family, Rtidgeville, Cotn lgs jMiss Florence, Bowrnanville, ,Mn. andj Mrs. E. Farrell and daughter, Long, who spent the weekend at Mr.A.n iI.-J.Wright's; pl Bih, spent the we dwith iColo visited friends in Toronto; n Ridge, Oshawa, at Mn.Jr r. and rs. E. R. Taylor .. . .Mr. UINJCS ND and Mn ha.Wod and family, Mns. Wm. Edgerton, Pontypoo, r. maes Reynolds, Toronto, spent the CNDA NIN rnat Mn. Lewis Johns'; Miss and Mrs. J. S. Greenwood, Buffalo,! thoe .MsnMrae CANADAN EJoGNs h omeW: for the v ouess.Lvread ent i werd1 Jae.. MssIlgae size pnced ron Mn.ant Mr. Bumer Hugh~ ~tc M eK nighk tMT.Hreyobl ae moute onstcks acordng t ion; Mn. Elmer Jamieson, Toronto,lMiss Velma Neal, Miss Beulab Mc-,cesoka M.Havy Cro&s- aT. Salte's; Mn. and Mns. Huh1Ctheon, Orono, Mr. and Mr.A- 1man'sd o n... CThfotbllractieo size prced romson, 'r n rs umrand Missltun Robbins ,Leskard, Mrn. Mrs. Satursday ngtrsl natc00 Se EACH TO 50c E. Doidge, Oshawa, visited Mn. andi L. Bradley and family, Tyrone, ati Ziordan oihthlteding a tig0-. Mns. W. G. Doidge recently; Mn. andj Mn. E. Bradley's; Dr. and Mrs. C. W. aeon . r and linaJbtb T.lay n agoo ENGLISH WOOL BUNTING Mns. W. R. Robbins, Zion. Mrs. B.î Siemon and fmlyMns id Se . Hilton Tink and Miss Myrtle T u s a FLAGS [Moore, Tyrone, Misses Helen and' on, Bowmanviile, Mr. Lorenzo and. Vice, at Mn. L. T. Pascoe's, Hamp- i"u s a FLAGS ýfurieÏ Baker and Eileen Biaison. Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestleton, at 1 ton.... Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, attahedanywere wil hod 5Tom Baker. Solina, at Mn. C. J. Ker-1 Eva Sanderson, Mn. and Mrs. R. C-1 Bruand Mrs. H.E. in and son" arart attahedanyher, wil old siake's; Mn. W. J. Taylor, Orillia,! Maclean and babe and Master Haroldi nOCuthM Aan ad MiseMar.ander Flags 60e with bis uncie andI aunt, Mr. and mr Waîker, Tononto, Mrs. C. Sanderson' and Rt cescM.adMs W. J. Ciemens. necently; Mn. andl and Mn. and Mrs. Adam Sharp and H .r ace Ms rneac r Mns. Wm. Marshall and Mn. and Mrs. Irene, Bunketon ,and Mr. and Mrs. Hampson...:e t Mrs. Thom asoe's, W. . lle Jwin Whitehead, Miss Ruth Marti,. J. Henry, Myrtle and Gertie, Black- .............Ten pupils r coni un' W .T.A len Ros outspntSuda wththir tca r li Iuto'...- csareowmnitiLoer gSchool BI 0 OKSOEcousins. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Clemens, Sonnv to report that Mrs. John Tabb; Jecs at Bomanvil Higb School BI 0BOSOEand took in the anniversary services1 amd Master Bert Ashton anre under r Entrance boere OatrSol ina. Mrs. John ' BowanIe nt. atHaptn.the doctor's cane .Congratulations Reynolds, Messrs. Jack and James j. ________________________ to Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Briggs, Ton- Reynolds motoned to Peterbn n to, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Tornas; a ndvstdSusBsseRy Slenmon on the arrivai of a son.. 1d R. J. dMissKessck is in tea on concert 25c. For al thel iey, Osha-waà.A leasant-a-te- 0 *~ Th", e fr hort rie u. ul. i hIo childnen of North DarIingtoný noon was spent att e achool andI Gtyo I1 wh:t(o not attend Bow ranville onj school grounds when the W o en'mi D * i IJuly 1, Col. L. T. McLaughlin basl Instituto held their annual pîcnic. One Door G . Pritchard PHONE 491 made provision that a ('onfederation' Mrs. H. M. Aitkin, Beeton, gave a l PaiteranI Dcoato I The DepencIabI. Drug Store Medal wiIl be given each child in the1 splendid addness on Institute work PHONE 26 Kanersakd e rugtore jpnSaudyJi2d parade starting at Haydon Scbooî1 which was thonoughly enjoyed. About oppositeKrlk' gSoe StoreOpnStry u 2dI yard. Turne of assembling 3.15 p. mn. seventy ast down to a sumiptuous sup- 1Parade starts at 3.30 p. ni. sharp. I per. 1___________________ Looking Ahead Poultry Men Take Notice Get your pullets laying next Fail and early À Winter when egg prices are at their highest. This can be done by feeding now Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash. Experienced farmers tell us it is the best growing mash on the market. You can fairly see the chicks grow that are fed Ful-O-Pep. Another ton arrived this week. -NOW 15 THE TIME THAT COUNTS During the holiday season and summer months is the time when the busy house wife ap- preciates our grocery service. Try us and see. We recommend and Sel! HARRY ALLIN 0 PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE Canada's Diamond Jubilee Celebration CAWKER'S BUTCHER, SHOP WAS ESTABLISHED BEFORE CONFEDERATION -And Is Stili GOING STRONG The Cawker family has been purveyors of choice meats to the citizens of Bownianville and district for over 75 years. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers ;id. Chartran 's idJubi*lee Sale ,y and SaturdayrOnly - - - L 25 Only, Men's Suits, ail sizes, Regular $25.00 for 14.50 20 OnIy, Men's Suits, ail sizes, Regular $35.()o for $26.50 100 pairs Men's Work Pants, Reg. $2.00 for $1.50 100 pairs Men's Work Pants, Reg. $2.50 for $1 .95 100 pairs Men's Overalls, Regular $2.50 for $1.95 200 Men's Work Shirts, Regular $1.25 for $1.00 100 garments of Balbriggan Underwear, Reigular 75c for 50c 200 Men's Dreas Broadcloth Shirts, Regular $2.50 and $3.00 for $1.95 100 Men's and Boys' Caps, Regular up to $2.00 for 95c 100 Boys' Jerseys, ail sizes, Regular 50c for 35c 20 Boys' Blue Fox Serge Suits ,2 pair Bloomers, Regular $13.50 for $9.50 20 Children's Wash Suits ,ages 2 to 6 years, Regular $2.50 for$1.50 ,L BE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Chartran rWest Bell Telephone Office BOWMANVILLE Bowmanville CAII 4DLALN STATESMAN, DUWlL4,N VILLE. THURSDAV- JTTMP.-qnf-k 10017

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