THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JUNE 8Oth., 1927 PAGE PIVE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCA ANDOTHEWI I BIRTHS Articles For Sale r.Ross Pooley, erii as n . .Gyietteweed Mn. Luther Nichols and Douglas m RGSA h elelYHstio 1 Dtrit i hli- Mr. . . uy-%putth wekndJune 26,'* ta Mr and Mrs. Calsc IA FOR SALE-A limîted quantityl ,aFn with his parents, Mr. and Mns witb ber mother and other relativess ent the wekndwth friends at Briggs, <nec Stella Siemoôn>. 67 Home. oi standing y hoe16.JLL Rd. Pooley. at Columbus. 1;:a nee. wood Avenue, Toronto, the glft of a son, Parsons, R. R. 2, Bownianville. 26 2w Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Norton and Mr. F. Albert Craga and Mr. Les- .Mr. Harold Bell, Mattawa, called (Thonmas Charles). POORP O AEMthl baby George, Locust Hill, have been lie Jackson left Wednesday to viit on bis oid friend, Mr. W. G. Nelles, maciNe aPHFORny ae c e s seb e nd St l visiting ber sister, Mn. Rd. Pooley, relatives at Essex, Ont. on Tuesday. great bargain for immediate sale. in-j dMrsGeoNwman Mr. Mrs. Robt. McLauoehlîn and Mns Mr. James MeDougall, Toronto,FO SA -raeccenoue9 o, n m r and M ss lo emne Mr.kWm. McLaughlin, Oshawa, recently was in town Wednesday calling an KNAPP-HOBBS-At '~nt 7ie 'Ft doule-boarded. n i c niton,! Jobj 1T. FeeanMisFoecJck called an Mr. M. A. James at Lorne aid friends. Chureh Parsanage, Bowmannll, o nnSat-on son, Omemee, visited at Mr. Thomas Villa.. Mns. M. Smith, Wilda and Truby urday. June 25 ,1927, Nicholas M. KI'p, & an for quick sale. Apply at Rice JacUns and with other friends on Mr. and Mrs. Lance Mason andj and Mr. Roy Jackson, spent the week-RIhrbb BowmanvH lll aue. fM.&C's tr.2- Tue~y end at Napanee. Rihr ob, BTrlnity le HARNESS FOR SALE-Two sets sing- .W .fami]y Orillia, spent Sunday with his CLARK-BASKERVILLE-At rntl with cllar and hamnes; one driving People generally are taking more care and pride i h Ae ofHoe-coion Juill ho head atber, Mr. F. H. Masan wbo retu.rn-1 Miss Bea Devitt, Toronto, spent United Church Parsonage, Bowrnmanvillestinl.Cep T. Wesley Cawker, shoes tbey wear. The increasing demand for aur footweri saeo oecoigwl ehl ned witb tbemn for a holiday. Sunday witb bier parents, Dr. and Saturday, June 25, 1927, by Rev' J. l. Bl3awxanville. 24-ti proaf that tbe lawn af St. Andrew's Presbyter- M Dvt.RobinsGordon Douglas Clark, Toronta, ian Church on Friday, July Sth, froin The Accaunting Department of ir.J C eit and Inene Margreta Baskerville of New.f FOR SALE--Chicken house 13 ft. x 9 e 4 ta 6 p. m. Bring your friendè General Mtons, Oshawa, held a much' Mr. and Mrs. W. IL. A. Patte and castle. 'f ., 7 foot high, easily moved before fence ives'Values 1ad StyesI Se the rac witb yau. enja ced picnic at the Cream of Bar-; family, Osbawa, are balidayinx at JAMIESON-HAYDEN-In Cobourg, osi up. Alsa cat bin. Apply ta John Percy, ~A Laa Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wilkins andley uamp Bowmanville, Friday even- Bawmanville Beach. June 23, 1927, by Rev. F. J. Stiman, Dr.i Bowmanville. 25-2w- ad . William G, Jamieson, eIder son of Mr.- Mr esnWlis r n r.ig Ms oi .CmblWnie, B For Jubilee Week we are featurïng Mr. Nelson Wilkins, Mr ~~ ~ ~ t . and Mn'n.Ms.ClnH amblWnnpg n rs George Jamieson, Port Hope,! COW FOR SALE-l3lack Jersey,5 Russell Worden and Mr. and Mrs. An ideal borne with a few acres of, Man. is visiting ber cousin, Mrs. . and 'Miss Constance Hayden, daughter ofi years old, due ta freshen July 3rd. Ap- LADIES' COLORED SHOES Leonard Richards attended the land, good orchard and beautiful; G. N'elles, Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hayden, Cobourg. i ply.ArchieoChompson, R. R. 5, Bowm2an- Davis-Plunkett wedding in Peterboro vegetable and flower garden in anc Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Andricb, Part- GREEN-SLUTE--On Thursday,' June' ville, planT 139-2.- 261 Owing ta scarcity of white footwear, colored shocaei l on June 14tb. of the best residental parts of the age la Prairie, Man., were recent 16~3, toe rontofS R ev. r'., FOR SALE-O0ak Dining-room table great demand. We are filling that demand with ales Mis . . ison, . .,wb bstown is offered for sale. See advt. guests at Mr. Rd. Poaley's. MarenriTerota,yne ad six chairs with removable leather in variety of Pastel, Parchment, Rose Blush, Blond n 7 Ms.F. . anord Boofied,. lbet lue ad helat Ms.Slute seats, aisa tivo-burner coal oil stove. Copper Patent Shoes. taugbt Latin and Ancient History at Central United Cburcb, Barrie, MsF.BHafrlomedN.of alb r Anute, Totoe.lte MStanle Mrs. R. H. \Vestaway, Queen St., Bow-JuieVaes$.Ot$7O pat wa yers se hSigo rned tet gave their pastor. Rev. A. J. G. J., i visiting with ber parents, Mr. Vernon Grec'n. eIder son of Mr. and Mrs.i manville. 262,JbleVaus$.0t pa simil ar po rsii n n PoCredit Carscadden, and bis family a kindly and Mrs. Mark Munday, Sr. J. W. Green of McRoberts Ave.. Torontoli -FOR SALE-Pony autOst, buggy and BLA K NDWHIE S OE Hg colaanicesin farewell previous ta their leaving for Mr. and Mtrs. B. S. Vanstone, Tor-! late of Bristol, Enigland. ctego neeypriua. N Hig Sbol t n nceae air.ylry bsies natorteinPfoiret gana, bi I_____________________resoabe ffr rfumafotcohhoe.Thse ewsheswil athaourdlckan hiittae aea The Cbucch of England Summer Church, Toronto. A kindly wacded, brother, Mr. F. C. Vanstone. iApplly ta A. J. Hicks, box 39, Oshawa, Sobool is being held at Trinity Col- addcess was presented accompanied! Mca. E. R. Thurstan, Taronto,î ETSîhn i5J 52 byae0 lc aet rme ihwiea Pat opfrom July 4th ta by a handsame mabagany cbesterfield! spent tbe weekend witb bier parents,1Lînîay, ye 2îl.,' AY FO SAL-Ashuottt ofmsand- ress 16w8heee Church, Bowmanville is ceceived an VARCOE-In Lnsaon Jn I 8t1ing lrsy, sorne sweet lover, se moeelahr nwsotvme arwae arp llth. Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector of 1 table and rocker. Miss Carscadden: Mc. and Mrs. Jerry Westaway. 1927, KathlEen Varcae. cîaver and timothy, same aIl timothy. Jubilee Values $5.0« to$67 St.Joh'sChuch Bomavileis eivda address and pair of silveri Don't wait till Wednesday ta send RICHARDS-m Oshawa, o Sunday. 1 Aîîply taO Mrs. 0. J. Kersiake, R. R. 1, on tbe staff of leaders and will con- candle sticks from the Bow-Knot, in your lisi of visîtors. Do it Mon- Jun', 26, 1927, James Richards, aged 6 Hampton, phone Sîtr33. 26-1wME SEN IHSH S dut the Bible Study Classes. It is (lass of C.G.L.T. group). Mcs. F.ý day. Phone 53. Thank you! JOLLOWO MondayJune 27, 1927, expected that several from this dis- H. Marris, Beech Avenue, is a si5tecr M.adMr.N .Wigt ig-Jh olIow, N orthsawaJu-, 1g2d,49-FOR SALE-A modern apartment 55 pne hswek eea. ae f e' nlihSos trcMirated.hal fM.Casadn ivle anld Mo.N.E.r ightl, MRdM.-A.ohnar. JloNrhOhwae 8Dominion Player Piano may be purchas- Oee hswesvrlcsso e' nl trict ill atend scool. o Mr. Crscaddn. viled asledaon regular , Mrice A.neaon.eeasy aBlackulCaîfce BroonneCaîflacBlackBroinalalrBadkyKcreateddy lr- _________________________________________________ James at Lamne Villa on Saturday. WILCOX-AS IHampton, on June 22nd., ternms; has beausiful tone and lias been stant approval Mrs. H. W. McDonald, Grimsby, 1827, Gmsace, beloved wife of MIr. Henry, econditloned ;guaranteed.. Call F. J.Juie Vaes t$75 Ont., is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Wilcox, i hem 66th year. Mitchell, Bowmanville. 17-t uie Va es t Mrs W.J. ullyWelingon t. ANNESLEY-Suddenly ai Burleigh1 FOR SALE-Team wagon ,heavy teami T N Iý H E Mrs.W. J Culey, elligtonSt. Falls, on Monday, June 27, 1927, Pay-; harness, buggy, cutter, team sleiglis. rear, TN I~H E Rev. W. A. Bunner bas been sup- maste-Capian J. S. AnnesleyR.N., h1 and ire for Fulton Truck. Need Reliable makes, for every inember of the faniily ada ~Now You M ay Own a Camlera CIplying the Cedardale United Churcb. aged 55 years. Pot op, rsTus-sae.Ap iPeersacrsiniceons l cquiv rce .e qaiy scnseek lie room sPortHopill sacrifice forices hequuacky is ons*ered IaJn 1 97 Loretia de Trumpl- gin S. . omnilphione 497w. Mr. L. J. Gilchrist and twa sans, 1 , beloved wif e of Walter Couffland, in 23-t LEATHER CLUB BAGS -Detroit, Micb., bave been visitingr thelier 3lst year.1 _____ ' bo-erMr T. B. Glit UCIF-udel ttePias Witb the holidays abead we miake this offer: Geue areaPaa..r ... îs tiets'UPvllon,-udenly ai 5osprate' lb as bakorBonrgl 75 Mca. C. S. Ford, Brantford, basj P1ilonGeterarHopittlTo oneoiune 21, Mary Anna Elliott, Nwlfe, Ls rFudLahrCu aa lc rBon eua 75 been spending a coupleo weeks [of Frederlck W. Suteliffe, Lindsay. uie Spca wit Mr. R Tbmpsn, ar¶sleAve LUKE-to Oshawa, June 22, 1927, ail COAT LOST-Child's Mackinaw Coat.Seca$57 Mc. and Mrs. Harold Luke and tlie resideace of lier daugliter, MIrs. Geo.: Finder please leave ai Statesman Office STORE OPEN FOR BUSINESS SATURDAY cbildren, Rasa and Marion, Osbawa, Ward, Elizabeth Hannali Harper, widaw and nrecelve reward. Thomas Martin, wek t owanile f James A. Luke, aged 742 years. 1 Elgin St. N., Bowmanvllle. 26-1w are spending a eka omnil HAGERMAN-At 161 Honter Street, - Beach.1 Eas', Petembaro, sunday, June 19, 1927. Summer Resorts ____ Mra. S. W. Wilson and daughter. Alfred N. Hagerman, formerly of canton, HeeToronto, setthe weI FinOOTWEAR ANDntredatHaer ORRE TRAVELt eahEatL IN S 1with ber cousins, Mr. and Mns. H. W1 man's Corners. near Unionvîlle. 1 Sie, Bowmanville, 6 rooms, ail conveti- Poster. CARLSON-At Buffalo, N. Y., on Jonle lences, garage and boat. Apply G. C. OTERAD RVLIN GOS Mc. nd ca. tuat Ba, Mntral,22, 1927, Ida Vernon Gui, beloved wife aOf! Drawcr B, Bowmanville.I Mr n r.Sur oMnraCarl W. Carlson, and eldest daugliter oaij BOWMAN VILLE called on Mca. F. H. Marris, Beech the late Nathaniel and Jennie E. qi, liw O! Ave., last Wednesday on their way ta lier 64th yeam. Interment ai St. John'si oLtI _________________________________ Monrel.FOSTER-At St. Jahas Hospital,.o- HOUSE FOR RENT-5 raoms, furnish- Miss Vivian Bunnec attended the onto, on June 26, 1927, Ethel M., beîoved cd or partly furnislied if deslred. Cent- wedding of Rev. H. Bruce Harrison -Ife of Hary C. Faisier and daughier rai and convenlent. Address inquirles: HAWK-EYE CAMERA ONLY$19 and Miss Minnie Parka on June 22nd Of thenlier.ndM.JonSr.Bx22,B maile241 $I.19 ay.intemment In Union CenieiecyOshiawa. Manufactuced by Canadian Kodak Co., takes picture -214 x 3 Y, Mr. and Mns. W. J. Found accom-1 ville. cated excellent salI. Possession ta absolutely guacanteed, cegular price $2.75, having pne byMsFrkBateVn--. .--1 plougli after present cmop. Full passes- bougbt a large number we are enabled t $ .19 couver, B. C., visited at Mr. N. C. 1eea îls ila Tel.Bw an FOawa, ORnt Cone3-etlyl- Canad ' i m n u therm at $ .9Yellowlees', Salins, on Wednesday.IN _MEMORIAM See this wonderful little Camrers, in aur window. W.T AlnsBi 0Bo trej In lovinq memary oi out lear motherj wîll have complete edition of Toronto ir Mrs. H-erbert Shorti, who enýtt-ed latajane FREE-Wiib evecy Camera sold you get a free year's subacrip- Star Weekly Tbursday nigl; alSo est Julv 3, 1925. 1 tion tu "The Kodakecy Magazine"-great help ta amateur photo- morniag' daily papers Friday and PecfiysleepIng, cesting tls,, WANTED-Hearfoonr good Along igWth thousadS fote lyl Caa graphers. Lf' er trials and tobe ips farm forsae Cash pie particulars. nso te oa SaturdayIassuseace she suffercd, wiili patience she! D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Mina dians we are entering into the Jubilee Spirto Genuine Kodak Films and Supplies Mb., Johnon Wnda Do Tri l bor ed e oet sfe o GIRL WANTED-For general oue- Confederatiori by celebrating Canada's 6Oth Brh -as-i----î more, womk. Apply ta Mms. George Gray, New- 8-Hor Srvic fo Devlopng nd Pintng Ylmsoffes yu îg on old fcîonds. It is 21 years Fondlv remembered by Rosie anîl Viola castle Hotel, phione 3313. 25-2w dytî ek t-Ho betService fin t oin n rnin im.ofesysiace he left bis native cotsaty. He -GIR- L -FOR GENERALeek tebssevcintw.also visited relatives in Whitby and 1GR O EEA HOUSEWORK Toono.MIISER AD HUCHS -Or by the day. Apply tu Mrs. F. J. National Thanksgiving by the people of an Storocontn.AMINISTERStANDaCHURCHES Elljs, Elgin St., Bownmanville, pliasse Stoe Oen Il ay atudayAs sua Mrs. Chas. Seholdaughter Mary . . 327w. 26-tf adais also being given a prominent part onth Cathorine ,and son, George Stophens, St. Peul's Cbuch-Rev. D. . T T I'~ i i~i iiwbo bave bon spending a couple Of Best, D.D., Miinister. il a. m.- dl aony nc hpai or sale l o porm J R Y & O V Lmontbs witb ber parents, Mc. andi Special service-Diamiind Jubilee 0f icondinEnylpoeia 0r3-an1a, el-r Mca. Geo. A. Stephens, left last weekl Confederation. 7 P. m.-Vesper Jl sos6r-1wicns We tk hsopruiyo hwn The Saf e Satisfactory Druggista and Opticiens for their home in Salisbury, North aervice.-"Songs of Rejoicing and ____________ tion. to the ever goigls fcs Wben We Test Eyes It is Done Properly .9at'olina. Trust." BOARDERS WANTED-Room and peito rwn ito utmr _________________________________________ - Mr. and Mns. S. Wilson, Weston, .JophR.C cl . Gîver, cern1er Concession and Elgin Sts., at our store by expressing our sincere thanksfo an Ma Hgh Tmpingiving services. Bomnrl.2-w our patronage. We are putting forth e.vr Fergus, wbo attcnded the Canadian Canada's Diamond Jubilee, Sunday, an Weekly Newepaper Association Con- July 3rd., ahl day from il a. m. Un- TEACHER WANTED-Por Union Sec- effort to make it to your advantage ad satîfc vention at the Bigwin Inn, Muskoka, tiI 8 p. m., losing witb Holy Tour.1 tien No. 1, Dalington, and No. 23, t ora u las wek, 'lClarke. Ste qualificatIons and salary to Itwekspent Sunday with Mr. Rev. P. P. Butler. . expected. None but expeclenced tcach- int bu yorh dw e requrements and Mca. Geo. W. James. Rev. H. Bruce Harrison who wvas ers tieed applly. W. J. S. Rickard, Sec- store. FloigBowmanville talent pro- ordained at the cecent Conferonce at, retary-Treasurer, R. R. 4, B 26-1wlle For C ustom ers' B enefit vided the musical part of tbe pro- Oshawa and bis bride, are appointed plione 111-14. 2ETTolos6C sh1wi vv i ga tScugog Island United Cburcb ta the United Cburcb Missio tA-r . I Anniversacy Monday evening, June gala, Africa. They leave July 26tb elEtt orSl ou..n< uIn A .v EDMONDSTONE'S BUTCHER SHOP WILL BE Ma oaCl uly isand will spend oe yeac ioPortuga Helen G. Morris, Mayor T. S. Hol- Ieacning the language.1 FOR SALE OR RN-w oss 6D s a s C s a d a OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY gate, Dr. C. W. Slomon, Mosans. F. Starting with Sunday, JulY 10,1 and 7 oom a cd, very attractive resi- Sutton, W. B. Tapson, W. B. Pollard. Union services of Trinity and St. î ,ences, in gooa location. Apply Peter £CPWe Serve You W(ell" Bowmanie An ontertainment will ho held in Paul'a congregations wlll hoe held for? MTartin & Sans, plane 497w, Bowman- Tcinity United Church, Bowmanville, July and Auguat. Rev. J. U. Rab-j Ile.2 - ____________________________ In order that our customers may be inconven- JuIr 2th., at 8.15 p. m. Progranm ina will take tho wock for July and HOUSE FOR SALE-B3rick bouse, cedas itte a pssile verth hoidas tis wil hoe givon by these artiats: Miss Rev. Dr. Beat for Auguat. Sunday rooms, lectrlC likhts anîd fumnace, au-I ced s lttl asposibl ovr te hlidys his Pearl Newton, Elocutiopiat, Toronto- Scbools fcom 12 ta 1 o'clock. hIes, pears. and small fruilt trees, twaî ~ ou buche C.FraklinLege, rgaiat Torn- rinty nitd Cbccb Re. J U.goorî buliling lots wltli poperty. WIlI week we are keeping u btce shop open onf .Fakil , raitTrn rntyUie hrhRv .U;sen ai womking man's price. .Cnein ta; d Trinity Choir, under direc-1 Robins, Pastor. July 3rd services: location. Apîîly W. J. Berry, Bookstare w Stra.tion If Mr. Fca.ncis Sutton. Admis-I 10.30 a. m.-Sunday Scbool; il aJiBawman%,Ille. 18-; ln li Sa turday. eahrheew felthsi sion 50e and 25c. m.-Diamond Jubilee service attend- 1 FARM FOR SALE-100 acres mare «O r UI s Vp fo the H oli ~Wih he ar wathr erewefel tis~5The farmens from this district wbo ed by Sunday Scbool fol wed by; less, norîli haîf Lot 17, Con. 8, Darlington, convenience the buying public will appreciate-* took in the 5-day motor b~us trip tbru1 Sacramental service. 7 a -- r oo i<ig, ilwelied, p arsncIpall Western Ontario, States, of Michigan ?eaching service. Specia nac îhwrwl wird ce rhr iga M jUSI tcammencing te bear. Plowlng pas- particularly those wi.shing fresh meat. Ohia and New Yack report a vory , by choir. sssion laiter liarvesi, full possession on Save by Buying at Gilchrist's Stor enjoyable and interesting time. Be- St. Andcew'a Presbyterian Cburcb , Marcl I 1928. For ternis and partieu ________ fore the party separated tbey pro- corner Temporanco and Chucch ste lars apply an the premîses ta John Mc- Watch Our Windows Sne F. PteoAgiutra1Ri. ot MDretM in-i IIR. R. 1, Rnskîllen, phono 239-31. senedF. . atrso, greulurl -Rrv Rot.Meermnt M A.mi-,26-3w* MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT $89 Representative for Durham, wbo ar-1 ister. Mocning worsbip il a. m.-; _ ado hc ranged the details of the trip, withRoi. Mc. Leidman, B.A., Toronto. FOR SALE-Six acres 0 A out10and on whlchu t $2.0 a andsonio club bag. Ex-Reevo Evening worabip 7 p. m.-Rev. R.I are brick bouse contianîng livng-room, 1langa. . .. . . . ý diingroo, 4bed-roons, kîtchen, pani- rknlnsce igat................ Tbomas Baker of Darlington, made MeD erment, M.A. Sepcial Jubilee ~tticwodhd water, electrielilghts, fur- ~ oe îe 89 G. /A .. iL d iondstone the presentation. service. Sunday Scbool at 2.30 P. nac, garage, batik barni, hen bouse for M NSA DY U GM NSS ISA Phone 21 Bowmanville ~~Mc. Ernie Moocraft of tbe Royal nm. Everybody welcome. fouîr itndred laying liens: tbree acres aiofSA DY U G ME ' UT T*69 Bakhoignonewa2n1odo lst StwJbnsAnlianCbrc, ev rcîsmîl good garden wiih small fruits; renient sldewalks, near Provincial Hlgh- 1 ny utDul ratdM dlPr i Saturday and çhanced ta meet on the R. J. Sbires, Rector. 3rd Sunday ,way. For ternis apply ta Henry T ed,' ' Hrig _____________________________________________ strett and cecognize Tommy Hames, 1 aftec Trinity, July 3rd., 1927. Diam- Iltock, Libecrty St. North, Bawmittvlîle, WTool ScotchTwes Fawn anu Grey, H former electric lino worker, whom hol ond Jubilee services, il a. mi= Ont. Phione 501 or 114w. 2-tfboeeetswoh$750 hale s Bwnavll od bo. oy omuio nd Semn.~ HOSEFR-AL-r1edwl 1tg IG SPECfFaf -IAL FOR $26.95A u week ortiéketa or any qua-ntity -d- b tyPumnr eenBsn CARD 0F THANKS II ~~iaren ce ~. i~'1ason sired t"'my time-and at. btter Mca. Sclose and Mr.Neil Stuart. Ati Rv .C orpso fte C la ren ce S . M ason20 miles. We have medical autb.- bread and butter, cake and tea were United Church, Coîborne, wbo ce- T .e i d w s 1oity ta cut aur ice which is pure served. Delegates appointed toi cently returned fcomn Arizona and i.B G l I'r s Next to F. F. Morris Co. sping water. Our wagons are in Summer Sehool at Bobcaygean are* now at St. 01*, Ont., for the benefit Opst ako oba Phone 161 Nex toF. . M rri Co MeMullen. Phone ail ice orderw ta Candlar and Jack Minore and Mises deep appreciatian for a if o 211 Po 6 Bowmnîl 58whchwlI . ivn ranp ate-Ida Payne and Winnie Oke. LeagueI frorn a number of bis aId frienin I Poe6 tion. A. M. ýW111ians.. will re-open in September. ~Bowm~a11vlle. I