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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1927, p. 7

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MHE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMÂNVILàE, THURSDAY, JUNE 3Oth., 1927 PAGE SEVEN The most obstinate corns £ail toi resist Holloway's Corn Remover. Try A Lady salwayss a greater f The Gentlemna A Gentlermn admiiration for (The Lady who ha,î«hi@ ahoeapoilhedwith- I. er) Ths'ae" Nnggt'ahadefa vr &h# made. 34% TEAis I&odlos RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is the 'best tea §rou can buy"ý-picked when only three days old -juicy, flavor -filled leaves. Now packed in Aluminum. PROTECTION FOR ilAutomobile Owners Our AUTOINOBILE POLICY wilt insure your AUTOMO- BILE againat toss er damage causel by Fine, Tbeft and Collision, and it will also pay dlaims maie against YOU by others for Personal Injuries and Pro penty Damage on ac- ceunt of an accident causel, or allegel te be causel, by your car. The various coverages are as foitoiis for any one or att: FIRE AND TRANSIT Insures against tess or dam- age by fine aising from any cause wbatsoever, and igbt- ning, anywbere in Canada on the United States. This poliey aise covens loss or damage te yeur automobile through transportation pentus, that is ,the stranling, sink- ing, collision, burning or le- railment of any conveyance in which youn Automobile is be- ing carriel. THEFT _PJroviies îniemnity in the event cf your car being stol- en.. Shoul it be recoverel in a damaged condition we wili bean the cost of repairs. Moto-Meters, Spot-Lights, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rims, Wheels and-or extra or Or- namentat Fittings are net in- surel, uniess upen payxnent of extra premium. PUBLIC LIABILITY Protection in respect of your legal tiability for injuries or dcath causel, or ailegel te ho causel, to pensons of the pub- lir, by yeun Automobile. The usual timits are: In case cf injuries te one person, $5,000 and te any number of persons in one accident, $10,000. In addition ail expenses of de- fending suits, even if grounil- less, are pail by the Comi- pany. PROPERTY DAMAGE Iniemnities in respect cf your tegal liability for dam- age te the proeperty of OTH- ERS, incluling less cf use of their property, up te a liait of $1,000. COLLISION Pays for repains te Y.OUR Automobile or equupment as a resuit cf being damagel in a collision or upset. Consuit us for rates. We have the iowest. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Stop the Cough.-Cougbing caused by irritatien in the respinatea passages andl is the effort te listodg obstructions that come fromi inflar mation of the mucous membrani Tneatmnent with Dr. Thomas' Ecleci rie Oit wilt ailay the inflammatio andl in consequence the cougb will u ually Stop. Try it and you -will b satisfiel. Entire pouttry fiocks have bee destnoyed by infestation of chieke lice and mites. They aiways retai the growtb andl decrease egg produ( tien. Fly-Tox kilts ebieken lice an mites. Spray ightly under featbeî of grown fewls, on watls and in nesi of chicken bouse. Do net spra baby cbicks. Simple instructions o- each bottie (blue label) for-kitlini ALL househol inseets. Insist on Fly Tex. boats fer an heur or se. He con- sentel but askel us te burry as be -stop ieauachini20minutes requirel aIt bis men. Ramn poureil -break up a CoId over night 4ýý dewn most cf the tume, but cleared -ston, Monthly pains of women.BetoaiFIKler-O n before we got back te the boat. Al There is one thîng they wil hot 5cperofaeket at ilr-gglsand went well with un, and it was a relief dote onthr >4L'rcper pand enertalStrsta, when we saw ail our things safelyl ote o' utyu rcr n eea trs 1 is LETTER FROM CHINA How to make ORONO ge Written by Rev. F. Dickie, China Sta b ry J i (From The News of June 23rd) 1 m- Inland Mission, Shanghai, China. i e w ef a Miss Greta Davey is home fromi e. keptecoo nfavor Normal School, Peterboro. t- (Continued fromn last issue) i of thefcrhbnes Mr. Herb. Murray has received the, r Ealy oe S~dav moring he1appointment of caretaker of the Ar-' Eayon nrhr troS cla red otofthe, Your jam wilI tam. enuham mouries. be nrthrn roos clare ou ofthe reeh bernes te upe in ist.wra'. Mr. J. E. Richards represcnted Or-' city. that was the result of severe s'ortke f yu 4h-. tà nw ono Lodge I.O.O.F. at Grand Lodge n fighting some fifteen miles from the ewy, eor-b way wfth GWto in Toronto. n city which rcsulted in the defeat of Save the. foIlowing recipo te n for Mr. Carman Haw and Miss Kath- *d the north. About 8 p. m. that same, yuu fit batch ci utzabeaTy Jaza. leen Adron are home from Normal le evening a company of Southcrn' Cut in balvu IentM8 W 1Ih SchooNrhBy d troops arrived. Next morning we, smàinI kniff about 2 qqurtal! ] erhBy rs learned that these troops had just =&Ial or me im-sized ful ip In the recent resuits of the Facul- ;sarrived in time to save the city from bene Mtr bal io<.weiýi ty of Arts, University of Toronto, the 'y brigands. About an hour after the 2 Ibs. berie, or mesuoe4 name appears of Miss Loreen Lorri- )nia eristh .we accanan soldiers arrived a band of over 400 cf bee. packý o~y into mn th cp nt.1fritoume Miss Mary Knox returned home lbrigands camue to the East gate de- to ctlTlve oda ro otbBy y- ~ ~ ~ ~~~tt f àecup. Âdd 7WiMna rmNrhBy copn manding admittance. Tbey did cupa (3 .) ugar and mix well. ied by her friend, Miss Blanche i flot know soldiers had comne, when Use ottest fire and stJi coistantlY Snell. asked who they were they said they before and wbile boiling. Bring to a Messrs. J. J. Gilfillan, George Lunn were the protection corps and had full rolling boil and bail bard for 2 adOm asyhdascesu come to pretect the City. Seme of te 3 minute. Remnove from fie ad adOm asyhdascesu the people rushed te look over the stir n4 cup Certo. Skim and sii. shing trip at Little and Big Hawke city wall and shouted that the city i~etedIy for just 5 inutes after Lake in Northern wilds. was full of seldiers. The brigands c firet cool slightly. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones, Peter- retired. Pour qe c1y nd cover bot jam Ma boro, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. once with hot melted paraffn. George Wallace, Millbrook, spent On M.Nonday a company of soldiers lhu short boiling time, poible Sunday wîtb their cousin, Mrs. W. were sent out against them, the only with Certo, preventa thielks Cobbledîck, Sîxtb Line. brigand leader was shot through the of delicate fiavor and the d&Arkei r amsC*il o otwo head and some of his men killed, a in celor which useil te occur duning Ont. spent a few days with bis few prisoners were brought back. the otd long hoil. It aiso Rive >'Yeu brother, Dr. Neil Colvîlle, also visit- Had the brigands got into the city a larger amnounit cf jani, ne yo n i ohe n rter r.Jh that night the city would have been save the large quantity of juice nhimoeradbteMs.Jn looted and burned. which uscd te boil away. Colville, and other members of the We elive od nswredpraer Certo is a pre fruit product- family.1 Wend eived Gd an wert.Ted Lradr the jellving subsance of fruit re- Rev. S. T. Tucker compteted bis1 and ave usandthecit. Te Lrd~fi..odaod bottleil. A book of simple three year successful pastoral on Or- worked many deliverances for. us rec!;pes cornes with each hottUs ono circuit on Sunday evening, and~ during these trying ind anxious Send for this new (free) book]e4. on Tuesday left for bis new chargel days at Dorchester, a short distance from A few anti-British demenstraticrns Diglas Parking Co., Liniit.ed London. were held. One Sunday we %vere Cobourg, On.tario Durham Regiment Band, Orono, told that there was te be an anti- PMease oend me (free) your new col- bas been engaged te furnisb anusici British demonstration at 3 p. m. and ored bookiet on Jam a ad JeLles for Diamond JubileeCebainat that we might be well te prepare for Bovrmanville, July lst., and at thel whatex-er might happen. We did..................Oid Boys' Reunion, at Peterboro, on prepare hy catling upen the Lord aind................................... July 2nd. He delivered us. Another demon- 147 Miss Buchanan, Principal High stration held a day or two later a-- Schoot, is presiding at the Depant- student was called upon te speak, he mental exams. this week at Black- began by exhorting aIl te rise and sok n r ozlo ecsl hurn the mission property. The on board the boats, and we ourselves stoh ck, and Mr. Rselcf Nesscasthe majority of these present wouid net got sete n and dinner set agoing.1 ln1tpe f otHp ih listn t hi an tod hm t si atNext afternoon we arrived safelyr School, are presiding here. litnt i n ol i.t i tEsao-ngo. That afternoon and Ms.Hnyuneadifnto, down. afterwards the gathering wças -MXilenyUuneran tfateo cloed.andwe er agin eliered.night we had an anxiu lm est, rdrc er, rie e n clse. ndwewee gan etvee .seldiers would take our boats. At reeikHnyanidhoe lSun On the l3th February Mr. and night we were forced to cati the day morning from Detroit, Mc. Mrs. Barham were forced te lenve boatmen tec move into & creek on where she spent the past five ...nths Yungkang. (40 miles S. E. frem Kmn- the opposite side of the canal te get, with ber sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Perey hwa) and corme te Kinhwa. The away from trouble. Next merningi ROSS- Dr. Ross accompanied thena churcb mnembers had exherted thena we had about 1 % miles te the rail- home returning Monday. te leave. in be et cmleeyway station. In transferring ouri lersWorm Powders wrede- teemmeilre things, but did net knowl who sufer from the ravages ef. further than Kinbwa. That inecas- unitil w-e arrived at Ningpo. One of: worms. It is a simple preparationl ed our werk as we bad te cook at the the things was my wif e s trunk withl te destroy stomachie and intestinal' time, however w-e had te make the ait ber clothing, another was a corriel worms without sbock or injury tei best of it. Two days later we had of Miss Gibb's, and a cornie cf Missi the most sensitive systemn. They actl another lot of soldiers billeted on Nash's. 1 tborougbly and painléssly, and us. tbey were fairly well behaved. We arrived safely in Shangbail tbough in some cases they mayl As it bail rained heavy att day their next merning. That same after-1 cause vomiting, that is an indication i clotbing and aIl they carried was noon t stanted back to see if I couldi of their pewerful action and net of! quite wet they kindîcil fines in the trace the missing tbings, Spent threel any nauseating property. i chape] andl other roonas te dry their nights at the place where we thougbtj Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Duffy andi things. they were lest, nearby pawn shopsI son Don of Toronto, motored down! During these days oun frienils in were visiteil but notbing was found. frem the city Sunday and accoi-, Shanghai wene quite anxieus and The head of the Protection corps,, panying theni was Mrs. Duffy'sI longing te bear that we were on (local police) promised te de a11 he mother, Mrs. J. E. Richards and Missi ounwa tetht cty Th te ld-could te trace the tbings. I offered Dorothy, wbo wili remain at home: ies of t theAerian BaTist Mission $50 reward for recovery of the for a week. Mrs. Richards is leav-1 rived s tevAera telegnam isndlt tings. Three weeks later, when; ing sbortly te spenil some time with' teeuing hem altee stfrang e- we had almost given up hope of ever ber daughter, Mrs. Chas. Mowat, at bai, ut igths mpoessible for hemg seeing the tbinngs again, 1 receivedý their summer cottage at Whitbyl hai bu ittwa- iposibl fo-thrna letter frem the heail of the protec- beach. Mrs. Richards we are pleas. te moi-e eut. Their secretary wrote tien corps telling me the things bad! ed te lani uhimrvdo ae me ne the situation and asked me te been founil on bati aao nd ehpes 1bewl bv e do what t coulil te get them stanteil city, and asking me te go and "et mucwe h of be or m er llhve r for Shanghai as soon as possible.' tbem! We looked upen the r.e- 1gine Nothing could be done at the time covery of the things as f'. direct ,. Its Quatity Sells It.-The fact that se 1 wrote assuring bim that as soon wer te prayer andl praised the Lord. I Se nany tbousands of intelligent as the way was open we would mest The box bad been eut on.en hv sold- people continue te use Dr. Thomas' tikely come together.i iers but notbing was missing. 1 Eclectnie Oit speaks volumes for itsý The southern army drove the The latest news that wc bave froni' healing efflciency. Ever since it' Norternes bak dwn te rierKinbwa is that our mission premises 1 was first introduced it bas grown~ andrteers back edonteyriver were taken over by the Canto nese; stead ily in public favor, owing en-, and~~~ afera itweberdtby a bureau. They are ccupy- tirety te its manifold usefulness in taken angchw. The we h a ng our bouse, but we de net knowý relieving andl bealing sîckness. As' that Ningpo and Sbaebising bad faIt- what they bave donc witb our belong- a specifie for cuts, burns, scalds and en te the South. Later a wire camne ings. That ivas done about two vanjous infiammatory pains its record from Mn. Faircleugh tbat he was weeks or se after we left. They are. is beyond reproach. awaiting us in Hangchow. We aIl intensely antiforeign, as also were! Mr. John Armstrong returned, beani eain a be lA nve otan-the majority of the Cantonese sotd- home T.uesday evening via Chicagoi azedte ire bot an wegotiers who passed tbrougb our district) froni bis trip tbrough tbe Prairie ready te start on Tbunsday morning, altbougb there was plenty of room' provinces and British Columbia. Atl 3rd Marcb. There were eigbt cf us for tbemn in temples andl ether public Penticton be met Mrs. McKee>n and in Kinhwa, and three ladies in Lan- buildings, the finst places they made son Curtis, the latter he says bas a, chi, about 20 miles ilown the river, for upon entering a city was mission welt equipped drug store. Rev. Mr.I The merning we started an oficer premises. In Kinbwa tbe chamben McKeen wsasnii acue came on board and stuck a notice on ef commerce saîd they would tny and attending a reunion cf bis yearl it commandeering our boat. We keep suldiers frein our place but graduating ctass at Halifax, N. S., were allowed te go on te Lanchi as they were unable te de se. We do' 1875. Mrs. MeKeen he reportedi that was where the boat was wanted. tonetunwwt -e r taions. llo disenjoying good bealtb. At Chicago Aften we get started t tors the notice t aIrntwourecsivthis. cotiuehemet another former Oronoite,i off the hoat. Nean Lanchi we were mchin rayer o r ar.the cin-e Mn.G. Kenneth Hall, President ofi1 called te comne alongs;ide by aniese werkers and Cnsinta w.teHwr1vnu rs n a- officer.but afte heslookiltus 0vings Bank, and our young fniendj w-e ere utawte p Wer may have guidance ne thie future, and:* Frank Graham, wbe is on the staff cf hoed e lawde w oul eedy te. that tbe Chistians may be kept true that institution botb enjoying if e. hope theladis wold b reay to inthe midst of persecution and trial. cemne on board as soon as we reacheil i We send our most sincere tbanks Dr. A. W. Ross, Pastor of the First i their place, which is en the riveri for al vour help. and niay adl that Presbyterian Cburch, Redwood FaIts, bank. and that we would get off be-I we are still fuît of hbe for the work.i Minnesota, for the past enyar, fore any othens cast ceveteus eyes on; Yours in Cbist's glai i'ervice,1 died June 8th, froni pneumonia, af- our boat, as the militany couli not' F. Dike ter an illness of less than a week. R.Io-; in the earty days of bis IL Theladieswere aitigfor mete iý. -vasasitant pastor ofthel Th ldeswrewitn frmet Excellent Dance andl Orchestra' CIroi% 'circuit of the old Canada conduct the wedding service of two i Music On- Ontario Car Ferry Steam-' Methodist. Church. MnIs. R- w~asi of their youaîg people, and their be- cers Between Cobourg and Sarah McCormack ,youngest daugb-' longings were net aIl packed up, 0 Rochester. ten of James and France3 McC.rmack: w-e bai te spend the night there. of Orono. The widow and f,)url Sevra tme sller cmeteleook, Arrangement are bcing made fo chitirein survive. Had Dr. Ross liv-' p I Do ot is mnur-o a muaumpo n o i c ,,-tfl,.,ý ths and Quebec, showing ail the important tc.wn, higb. app ?stn.ty ssays, distances and camp sites, given away absoluteIy SRIEIE D.S.L. Dulk 591, Swith every purcbase of TEDomino 69', one pound of our Famosoma AS E.t,,* Bkr..,, Choie MRlcbmeilo 79el, Sm.k:dPlcnte IHam s 19,cb Malketa sUne piece et ment fer the hoildar sandwiches Lobtet mYs 39e Clark'. DBem ac1e ~ iy Ysd" 25C Salmnon iifl ChivkenHfaddie 21c Finest Rd I.1b. 3geC-Pose- Fany Qaliy Sckye /i.b. leLimue Jule 35e r Fancy QslySo19e-l.ZC Domino Catsup iqc Shrmpu 19eChoice.Red 1-lb. 29e vict., pickles [ 20-et. 1Maso. Jar Cobo. 1-1b. 17e Sweet Mlxed 50eC~ -uQueen Olives 39C - K]Stuffed olives 55, Choice. 1-1b. 17e Sour bmled 40C Pink 1'ijl. LIC WlUard's I fer Ciap Mustard 90- Chocolat. Dars 14e ~ TASTY"I The best ba-ead for youi RE Dhllay sandwiches 1 c L' SFruit Calke 35C lb. Large JellY ROUiS 15e.0. t Stores wilI remain open Tbursday evening, but cioscd& aildy Friday, July ist Ope. .11ilday S«tuddy. JuIy 2.d M This Home of Material Service can be of mateniat service te you, says our Lumber Jack. Words of wisdom will neyer construet a building. Werds of alvice witl neyer lay one brick upon another. But yeu will sureiy effeet a saving of time and money if you do business with us. We seIt the bighest type of lumber and other building accessories. ic CLELLAN&-CO. LIM 1 TEID LUMBER 6e FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 Arro-Locks will protect them absolutely. Every Brantford Arro-Lock state is locked on-tough, strong and secure. They are fire-resistant, beautiful, per- manent and economiàcal. Brantford Roofing Co. Limt.d Brantford, Ontario lo IBraniford Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered hy Rice & Co., - - - Bowmanville PAGE SEVEN An ur-to-date Boad Nap of the Provinces of Ontario

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