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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1927, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMA1N, IUOWMANVILLIL, THUR5DAY, JUNE 3Oth., 1927 PAGE Eu!Taw IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE JUNE WEDDING British Columbia must think so, Davis-Plunkett T e Ný v c L t q ng p ed e i for the Government of that Province ----------__ has set aside a definite sum this year The marriage of Miss Alice Hazel, for this purpnse, and an advertise- Plunkett, only daughter of Mr. andf THURSDAY, JUNE 3th., 1927 ment designed t cal h attention Mrs. John G. Plunkett, te Mr. Alvini___________________ of Eastein people to the advantages of life ini British Columbia appears Hamilton Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. in this issue of The Statesman as well John H. Davis, both of Peterboro, NEWCASTLE SHOWERS FOR JUNE BRIDE LAKE SHORE, CLARKE as several previous issues. It would took place on Tuesday, June 14th, au f pay Bowmanville te advertise t h eone o'clock in St. James Unitedl Send in list of holiday visitorsi Previous te, her marriage on Satur- Lake Shore Union Sunday School. fact that this is one of the besti ic idsn early-dont wait tili Wednesday. [ day te Mr. Gordon Douglas Clark of~ purpose holding their thirty-sixth towns in Ontario. We know thati Church, Peterboro, Rev. Rcado Results of Lower School Exams atý Toronto, Miss Irene Banulsta ery fsiala h it is, hut the outside world does not ohitfg Newcastle High Schooi are on pagel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . J. hoef Mr. William Lake, one-haif know of our advantages. What 16.Basker'ille, xas the recipient of an mile east of, and overlooking New- Briis Coumiais oig n alage The church was prettiiy decorated' exceptionaly comiplete outfit of kit- castle harbor on Tuesday, July 5th. BrsCwoumi doi on a m agen with palmns, ferns, liiacs and tulips,l Miss F. E. Martin and frîends, chenware ani a very fine assortment Tea will be served from 5 p. m. tilI sife w-e bu aded onego id ihuerbon. urig oont, vre undy gest atberOf householdcounveniences at a num, al are satisfied, followed by a good wee w-ooid fmndvthat the expense wa cousin's, _Mr. Barnaby Martin. ber of showers given in hier honor program. Admission: Adults 40c; jeusti fi d at he oer. ee- sthe assemibling of the guests Miss -un adtheprns'cilc -)5. Cide ote dutfe iaytmso et oW n îhEdadsofOtaa cusnof r. Wiibert Graham has been both in Torit n ihrprnscilrn 2c birn o h lieveh ut we getOttwatranisferred from Standard Bank at home, east of Newcastle. T. Eaton sboîfre thsthe bride, played severai selections, C._______ MssBskril a tebsns.until the bridai party eneedweni woviet es ilBac. been empiýyedl the past two years,i ________________________ Lohengrin's Wedding M.%arch was Mr. Tom (Floyd) 'ainpew~ and Mr, aise presenteod ber with a harinee CARTWRIGHT RELIGIOUS played. Craig and lady friends, Toronto, cheque. Tjiesday evening, June, EDUCATION COUNCIL ho bide.who vasgive awa spnt the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. 21, member, of Unity Class of the. ____ Tebie h a in awa byW H. 1'earce's. United S. S. moet at ber home and'! The 25th annual convention of the, j~~j11jc1is b~ler father, looked lovelv i agoýwn eei C wih eiiu D illick's ~~~of orcbid satin-faced canton and or-! Mrs. (Rev.) E. N. McEvoy- and gave ber a :)oasiant surprise an!Crwih Regos dctn chid hat te match. She carried a daugbter Helen, Detroit, are spend- ishower ,andl un Wednesday e nn, Council was held in the United shower bouquet of roses and lily-of-' ing the summier with bier miother, the whole Lake Shoe and Brwn's. hrh ams nFia 4h h sistei _ýrs. Dr.) arncnib.communitvisseinbled at the Basker-Church, a dmus, n Fhridaay 2thpTe I-Ioliday e-alley. Miss Ada Davis.,it Mr.Cr) anob ville homne. (verflowed bouse andi da1a da n hr a pe~ H o i abfte groom, vas bridesniaid, andl ,l* n .inpar naUaeln < andi l'-n and gave the charin-, udid representatio n o r the diffeen wore a pretty gown of coral crepe- ýn-iý,aite, puliu- n * idyat udyShospeetfrtea I de-chene and carried a bouquet ofl îî- Ilu ýuLIiei NLîl.q.L. i~ ~ "tns bie ser of isc e ilyanes ,r'ternoon session. Mr. Dorrell, Presi-1 Ophelia roses. Little Marilyn Plunk "~~~iC LC~kf. icles that she il net forget it in a dent pesided. The worship servc eUa s t, fDerit s.eofte rae;1 Id was 'le by Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A_, miade a dainty littie flower girl. 1 r ~ c~,-iarKsunl, W 110 izs l1e timie. which consisted of hymns, prayer, - -dressed in pale pink crepe-de-cheneý .1îga orut:,i arii, -uzeu Cu bible reading. Mrs. Edgar Gibsonj adcarrying a basket of lily-of-the- ciil-ýîÂg a IraLcoLI 110) tUc 1 YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE !and Miss Birdie Fallis favored with valie y. Mr. Elmer Plunkett of Ot-I V.iîceu a is iS orniî elinjyer b, Ur______ a duet "Whispering Hope". Children's Dresses with Bloomers, tava. brother of the bride, support- dcilii .i.iîli. Young Peopce's League met Mon-1 The report of financial standing Spca t$125 ed the' groom, and Mr. Fred Nelrzon' aýeeigihago tedne n olcl fshoswsgvnb and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Mr. Walte rgtatd a UU s imea~î ' .dyeeigwbago tedne n olauc e horolw asive mnubyl ,adsMhe e r igh. îî a, icV.,re~ uc .OcUUrg 0c1i aaturuay a Miss Minnie Seibv had charge of th,1M.WlaeMro. Fv iue Bigvaret efChldrn'sBones I teciooli alit ueipîLe oetuis tonal ~piogi-am. ýIr. Gordon Ashton -who' address on' "Preparation for effect- Big arity f Cildrn'sBonets Following the ceremiony a reeept- euras bi au oîîjcliýyaLie t'me pin gi-ave the îopîc is deveioping into a; iveness in the work", 'The Home", aIl shades.......... 69e te $125 ;ion was heîd at 237 Prince St. the; ýýg cora ariine publie speaker. Other numnbers' Mrs. J. G. Marlow, "The Church", residence of the bride's parents.i n an usuaiiy interesting programi, Mr. R. Suggitt, "The Cbild", Mr.l Chide'sSekfaey clos Mr.Plnkt. ohe f hebid. ~ àian rs. ). . tairaith a-el were a huiincrus dialogue "Court-I Jeffery, "The Teacher", Mrs. F I wan' ok, ac olr, Ms. lnet chro h rede,!-1) c pilng mdc scl-ili-a ning' by Ernes.t Giibank, Miss FIer-1 Stiuson. 29e te 49ec a gow'ned in poudre blùe ce d-1al .xýyii stnadsnalboh d, Rund Table Conference wasi chene. with a blue hat. Mris. Davis,l, caugliiel, .1Â.aluMs e . i e Asto;ad muial sbrorA- R miother of the groom, wore a black iinu Lnir 1LiittSondi rouit iatiioni r n k; uia eetosby~ splendidly dealt with by Rev. E. 0 iur ne oiilayaiia,ý eKelu. Miss Annie Wýragg, Mr. Austin Turn-j Seymnour, Provincial Representative.1 Children's- Strap Shees satin dress and black hat to match,.U e oia al eKCc r and Mr. Howard Crydermian, with Alter supper was served in thel $1.25 to $1.69 Mr. and M.%rs. Davis left later on, âir. l es. A. £Cdger, Puiblie pano, Cornet and violin; îeading bvl basement of the church by the Cd the afternoon train for Detroit. Buf-' eloljncpi pelilga n -'.a1 fal an Clvelndthebrie ta1e-,jiss Lillian Ciomience and two elo-1 MUS ladies, which was followed by Bos'KhkiCobiaton, eay ill ndlavsmartdessobriue avey, trance examniatioils at uroilo, wniîe cmtienary numnbers by Miss Faye games, fbe evening session wvas weiht...............8c eogete wit gey atandcot t ~r1hcipi utcad i ligi1 nnool, is Campbell, graduate in Expreso, ald the worship service being _______..................._98e____ rmatch. Ontheireatuandthev will preza1iuîng c'.r tam- samie exaiiiilaLiOli.S O.L.C., Whîb. 'Miss Campbell's! conducted by Rev. P. G. Powell andi remat 82ansdoe Avretu ne; Pet- flre. contributioný \isere a special treat and'an anthem by St. John's choir. Beys' Wash Suits. .98c te $139 boo P- .reg f h .psior ere particuiariy well given. She! Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., gave a, Men's Fancy Secks ..........39c - onto, w as -1ragil of eîî viStor Ter-fls aves early in. July f.or NMontreal telj splendid report of the Standard' Full of stories of interest te alI parenits, &r. ana Ûrs. ti. il. Aruagn,, Tkseacov in nuîlstming of the ainnsool whpichwshedi Women's Silk Hose, Regular $1 RdadGnndCa- ie4'er bt., %witflwnoi Urs. Ardagni egeutlSptmetelsn Ti ovninisi1ao fhv for..................69anew f u lynd ash jantioniiren aie enjoyilig auol aThs enthSelaimeteting cf T hisBlcksokveatpioni lavrohv sfor ....ore..... side,. captainod by Mr. Austin Turn-1 ing two Training Schools the comingi jutbeen issued. Among the many ecedd i' r i the rccent series of, group year, one in Blackstock and one at breezy store fotMr iei i~ r. -nd Mrs. Jesse ia gamnes and conte7ts, provided lunchl North Nestleton. very fine salmon fishing story by A.'aiiiuceth arrige 1O adihe n is Rev. E. 0. Seymnour gave a splen- !IY!fIP~ ~ Bryan Williams, a well known Britishe 0euc cemrraeofsndihs n did address "The Challenge of The D ILLIBrîtîsh1 of tneîr daugnter, irene iýiargret.a,, D Columbia authority. Another i-,te Nir. ucrilon i. uaron >aaturuay, Youth". teresting feature is the first of ae2,a rniyLie 1ue JUNE WEDDINGS Mrs. F. Stinson moved a hearty King and Di-rition Sts., short series of unusual stories of rarsonage, jbowiarîviîle. 1oovotem onfor ast their kinmhospiaoity Canadian wanderings by Robert odRbnofrthikn ostaty Bowmanville James, appearing under the general Mrs. S5tewart Wilson, f ormerly A pretty wedding wvas selemnized- Convention closed with prayer by title of "Tales from the Wardroom àliss iuyrtie rascce andi lady assist- at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. W. J.1 Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A. ______________________-Mess". ants, iromi unîversity betclifeilnt, Robinson, 'Fairbank Farm," Orono, i i oronto, came te U-opper Beecti on on June lSth, in the presenceof iuesday te get thîngs in readiness about 60 guests when theirygr Many Men Wanted I ___________________________________________________ fter the opening efthte camp first daughter, Margaret E., was united _____ I eek in Juîy. in marriage te Mr. Lewis Jamesi Wages paid part timie while learnlng, Wood, youngest son of Mrs. Wood! garaze work, electricity, weiding, bat- United Churcb Sunday School held and the lt ae od fOoo tery and house wiring, beauty culture late Jmes Wod,, Write for frees lliustrated Cata- I1 J 'I& I ~a utinfederation Diamond Jubilee The bride, who was given away by logu',. Branches and employment ser- CO R BE T 'S T O REservice Sunday afternoon, June 26, bier father, wore a gown of white vice from Coasit t coast. Hempliill usingth printed pregrans *'The georgette with lace and rhinestone chartered Schoels. 163 King St. West, M~essage cf the Seils." Superinten- trimminz over white satin and wore Toronto. W1 B1lo e dent Hoeward Glenney presided and a veil and wreath of orange blossoms ______________ W ill B e C losedMiss Jessie Van Dusen and M1iss and carried a, bouquet of butterfiy '1'art oms contributed the spec- roses and fern. Little Miss Loreen STEAMSKIP TICKETS onfified recitatiolis. C ooper an d Lois Wood, nieces of the M. A. JAMES on U'itd ChrchRev.E. . Cokegroom acted as ring bearer and flow- To Europ--Canqadian Pacifie, White Uz¶ter d hurch-Rev : E. B. Cokeer girl. Misg Lily Nutt, of Toronto, Sa oiin uad mTct astr. undy, uIy3: 0 a m.played the wedding march. The! trDmnoCuad mrcn D oi in on D a , J ly ls . Sunday Scbool. il a. m.-Morn- ceremony which was perfoined b s for information. Phone E9 D o in o D y, J ly ls .ing Worship and Communion Ser- the Rev. S. T. Tueker, took placel Statnnian Office, Bwav1e vice. Evening service witbdrawn under an arch of e'vergreen and ewing te Divine Service in Commun- white bridaI wreath strung with ity Hall at 7.30. A preparatory w-ite wedding bells and banked with; service in view of Sunday ioning'S ferns. Alter the wedding supperi communion will bie held in the was served in the dining-room which Ha e You tewhole congregation * --vied ers, streamers and wedding belîs, the Boar ofEduatio wih nne hppycoule lft midshowers of' ATJTD1bAV l T! V '> I Bearda special ss-rice and confetti for a short honey- Cl..othes Pres8ec LA U RA YZL , JU /LY 2ndf sien Thursday evening. After con- bride travelling in a rosewood crepe e ua l sîdering 170 applications finally se- dress with-hat and ceat te matcRh.lrl Fo oneinc f u usoer u soelected Miss Elizabeth Hancock te filîl Aogtoepeetfo i- For onveienc of ur usto ers ur sore vacancy on teaching staff caused bytamcengthse resenbet frdem a dis Juinai n ir Reofblic ý1the bride, from Waco, Texas. School. Three absentee members1 CLEANING-PRESSING Ther-e will be no delivery on Saturday. were Rev. E. R. James, in England; CLARKE DISTRICT L O. LODGES -REPAIRING Rev. E. B. Cooke, unavoidably de- ____ J Kindly govern yourself accordingly-and eat tained from the meeting, and Mr. T. HoId Parade and Church Service DSC LE FO W. Jackson in Rochester, N. Y. Sec-1 Members ef Orange Lodges of GOODSC L E O plentyofCretsW oeo eB ad retary bas received a few more ap-, Clarke District wére eut in largeAN DE I R D j fCobttsWhlso eBra.plications since the meeting. numbers at their church parade and AN E I R D At Picton United Church, June 11, service of worship in the United w vthe marriage was solemnized of Ed-1 Church Sunday evening. Members, WTe make your old suit ~~AI fl ~~n a Lorraine, daughter .f Mr. and of the order ameng whom were manyj oklk e Ny Is. W. H. Cowan, Newcastle, te ladomien arhed remBlkt the oca ldg ,a P o r e tMi. Loîne Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. resi akrsBokt h tan Pow-ers Kerr of Picten. Rev. Josephl of suitable music played by Bowman- JIf o muthv ane Bkrand Confectioner Miller cenducted the service. The 1 ville L. O. L. band, the members ofiyo muthv ane J Baker b ~~~~ride wore a gown of peach geor- which appeared trim and neat i Si rO eca e sli Phone 3 Bowxnanville gerte with bat te match. Her si,- thei white suits. Mi. Bert Reid, i Si rO eca e sf ter, Miss Nera Cowan was brides- Clarke, officiated as narshaî, in a' the order from $23.75 Up. ______________________________________________________i naid, dressed in a pale gr-een satin Most capable manner. frock and copper colored hat. Mr. In addition te the niembers of thel IWilbur Jenkins, cousin of the tbride- order whi eccupied evei-y section of, * T ~ ï~~ 00 00@000000! for the summer, where Mr. Kerui int te tax the church's capacity,i-Phn 25 manager of cajn h ali the cheese factery. c-dn hegiey and aisles, w-asPhn 25 I ~~~~~~~~pre-,on' îc participate in the, serviceeÀCwnBoc.,1îe otOfc I j I Rev. E. B. Coke ettenosd afnioe T?~Baynes-Reed, Tocotnto, cousin of Mrs. ordcýrýremaýUined -seaîted until îth e other se agents preferrlng t-o oei my o- n. PE RI oirocks, andI who is on the commît- portion of the cengregatien had re- god thua savîng the purchaser the L. H . PEA R Ntee of the Junior Humane Society tireil, and then, filing from the and hopes te see a branch of the 80- church two by twe felI in line and age0nt a commliulon. A cail aollcited. Phone 304 Liberty St., Bowmanville ciety formed in Newcastle when paraded behind the band te the F. H. BOLJNSALL Ischool re-e ens. Other recent guestasehool corner and hack again a long. Prpmeor Bownanvll IAlso for sale Incubators and Brooders, Hatching at Hialf-a-Hlill were Capt. and Mrs. MilI and King Sts., te the ledge'P :e2W Bo 9 IJ. L. James, Smith' Falls, and Mr. reems, te which Rev. E. ýB. Cooke, J gg ndBbyCisand Mrs Hugh MRowe, (formely the prei er, wssc:orteb Ahu cleonStra afternoon last en- Session and a member of Cowanville ________________ ;- , oute te Montrea. IL. 0. Lodge. rà&%Jrj irlxjc&z Celebrate the occasion in proper buying a new set of dishes. style by ARCHIE TAIT L Phone 65 - Col Bowmanville W.Byrite Easy to. Buy! Don't deny yourself the pleasure of mot- oring. Good used cars cost so littie and can be paid f or so easily that it is more economical to own a car than to be without one. A grood used car will many times re- pay you for the money spent. It will open uI) ways to pleasurp hitherto unknown and in business save you countless hours and dollars. Drop in and talk over with us the terms on which one of these good used cars can be bought. Corbett Motor Sales Agents for McLaughlin-Oldamobile-Pontiac King St. Bowmanville Phone 248 i When You Need< GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcaàtle LET US SUPPLY f' YOUR EATS FOR DIAMOND'JUBILEE CEILEBRATION The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Lay in a Good Supply of Groceri es Thursdaymmf As The Old Reliable Grocery Store will be closed Friday and Saturday, July lst and -2nd, and we'l be celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation. Plan ahead and order plenty of groceries to keep you going till Monday. -1 ! 1 1 -zae

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