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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CA.NAD&N STATESU4t BXWYA Jr.TY114tPUTTD1927 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS BOWMANVILLE REVISITED BOWMANVILLE-... DR.G. . ONNCASLE Some weeks ago we quoted a few Pou rEn rai r By John Elliott, B.A., Former Prin! ARE TW Ronor graduate la Dentistry Toronto paragraphs front an article that ap- iaofBw nvleHgScoEdtrfFrusN s-crdC - University. Graduate of the Royal peared ia The May Rotarian coin- WiII Appear Hiere Now l of ondonHg Onot.dto fFegs esReod on College of Dental Surgeons of On- paring the Young people of the pres-1 n_____inent& on Hia Visa ta Bowmanville tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. ent time with those of 50 te 75 years - (Coatinued from last issue) Hg .Tmln dtr0 h Office phone 40. House phone 22. lago and the conclusion reached was iLester 3M. Steî sHueo i ne hstw a wovr otyj. egs Ce.s-ecorn d cor ome X-Ray Equipmient in Office. that while the Young folk of the pres-t:"%oivfth ns TitFeg NwRcrd om nig ent period engage in different )fuaof£rii2,ltiir;W! stitutions thaow threxsne editoially in "That Inside Page" in DR. J. C. DEVITT amusements and recreations and present at thie eonimnîj llirlijigî 'lointe the generous initiative of Bow- its issue of July 7th makes these Graduate of Royal Dental College, their customs and habits and ways of taurjurila 110wlîrr.nii.:îîî,î manville men. The old Hector Beith very complimentary and much ap- Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- employilig leisure hours differ mater- Cntltied Sîiwl,:tir, i i .lft," homestead was bought by Mr. J. W. preciated observations of his recent manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 ially from those of Young boys and tlila lecture '.%r. stiî';rnî ul.'ii.i,- lexander, President of the Domin- visit to this town: p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone girls of long ago, their characters niany of liiei' itiiiiin lrohlîo!s wiîic io Organ and Piano Co., and pre- W aemd atc fpo 90 os hn very favorably with theirs. sented te the town for hospital pur- ehvmaeapcteofr- 90. ous phne 83.In recnt ddrss n te pob-poses. From this bas grown the iclaiming te the wvorld at large that DRIn .DINWLalmso reentadrssongthenpron- fine hospital of wbich the town todayl Fergus is a town with gond gardens D R. R E. I N N I E L L e m s f pre e nt- a y y u a g e n a d ly p ro u d a n d a sp le n d id n ew 1 a n d m a n y p e o p le w h o liv e h ere o r Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- women the Rev. R. W. Gammon, D. nuss1eiec eetyeetd who come te town are certain of the versity and member of Royal College D., Chicago, III., stated that "Re- nDnwa CoreidncesionStlyet est truth of the statement. Moreover, ,)f Dental Surgeons. Licensed to hiable statistics show that more ofhe we have aMiatonbe.îeved that f ew practise la Ontario and the Domin- Young people are interested in re- tefr fMlo J litRee places couîd equal our own tnovn for ion. Dentîstry in aIl ite branches. ligion today than ever before. Also i of Bowmanville and Warden of th'Eejwî etpiae(fntpbi)po Office-King St., Bowmanville, op- tbey show the religion of the youth Il::Conha" s, itheitJohniveDay 0 f ve'r-prtes posite Bank of 'Montreal. Phone 301 of today is more effective in every- pnhm ihisdiea fee-pris ____ day life than the religion of the greens. This was donated by Mr. Not se long ago we paid a short yout of ny revius dy".J. H. H. Jury, hcad of the drug firm visit te Bowmanville, a towa east of -- out of any preiou da ".of Jury & Lovel, for the benefit f Toronto with a population about LEGAL*** boys. The gift was gratefuîuy ac- sixty per cent larger than Fergus. i M. . V GOLD B.A.,~±.D. Comning from a well-knowa and, cepted by the Ontario Government,l Before that visit, we had never seen proinet hicgonîiiser isstae-the Somers farm on the east was' Bnwmanville and il; was noted (so Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ment may be accepted in good faith. added and on them %vas founded the far as we were concerned,) for only t Money to boan on Farm and Town In another paragraph Dr. Gammon i Boys' Training Scbool and farm one or two things. If was the homie Property. Royal Bank Building, nquires ia wbat other period of our which every visiter te Bowmanville of a friend wbo edits the local paper - sbould see. It was my privilege in and we had heard of a wonderful laterdenomPhnei51.national You oldi b ag Pa eol' company with Editor Gen. W. James, rose garden, the hobby 0f a nian who W. R. STRIKE commission reports, that 587 confer- tei be shown through the buildings works for tan hours a day in a fact- Succsso tolat D.B. iimsor, XC. ecesandinsitues erehel lat b the Superintendent, Dr. G. E. ory there. We had also eard o ce adintiueswrehedhatReaman. I saw the boys, learned the tourisa p which oneof thseir P sumrunder denominational and somethiag of the natbods employedimnf campsrusa a Barrister, Solicitor, Notai7 undenominational auspices at wbichi and was very favorably impressed. rus smnednrts. Solcitor for Bank of Montreal 112,000 Young people were in at- This insittinfasacturersbliie Money to Loan Phoize 91 tendance? Remember, in thiaking for gond.P I We saw our friead and the rose h Otro of this army of youth they only ra- 0f course, I visited omnil garden and the tourist cm but11 Bowmanville,Onai presesat the vanguard, for la a local ,iomnilacm churc socity of100 mmbersHigh School w,ýhare I spent la all above ail, we were impressed by the re WF.WRBA. sometimes only one or two aad Lester M. Stearne eight and a haîf years, busy happyl well kepf appearance of the streats, Barristor, Solicitor, Notasr. seldom more than six would be years and of which I have tihe nonor many of which have been paved hy Money fe0 ban. Bonds for ale. among those atteading sucb confer- mien face dally, and hy scolies fn-;m to be the senior ex-principal. TIny h oni n h rprybles Offices-Bheakley Block, King St., ences or institutes. J.ullus Ceesar," "Hamiet," n(u] "Tho one years ago I was appointed f0 the, and with the fine gardens which vmere Bowmanille, ntario Phone. Someone atthe ntionalcouriel illeviposition.n Tha Scbooledi BoarditthenTheStoobeBoseenheeverye here.vePawhticularlyula t] BOfic n102 H e, 40ar9 . P o o f omon e atn t h nat i a cn cim - ;I r nt 0f Ve iceshowmstcally W ascom posed of J. B. Fairbair , W . go d wera the wvelI planned per cnial l'I O ffic 1 0 2. H o u s 4 0 9 .o fa h a g r e g a tih y o n l c h u r c h l O m - prt rti e, s h o m w i s e r î , B . C o u c , D . B . S im p s o n , E . R . b o r d e r s s o m u c h in av id e c e in la rg e ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ah sa d: W hy dont t ose wh ta k ~ nke pea e f tho ed the dpth f Bou sal C M . *Caw ker, Jam es M . and sm all ouses la tow n and on the about the decadence of youth anme-I :he human seul, of today as weil as Gale and Dr. A. S. Tilley, a choice nearby farms. Such fine masses of - FUNERAL DIRECTORS timles go where the decant crowds )f yesterdny. group of trustees. Mr. Fairbairn! cnntiauadboom are impressive and are?" died ia the faîl of 1906 and was suc-I our Fergus gardens do net contain go F. F. MORRIS CO.* *I BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA ceeded la the chairmanship by Mr.t enough of such wide bordera. Complote MotomIr or Old age and youth never could, JULY 20-21-22-2325 Coucb who bas this year serving un- Horse Equipment see eye t0 eye and fuîly agree on any Ider hlm as chairman, Fred C. Van-.i The Rosary at the home of 'Mr. AHcah. prompty cou rse of amusements la our boy- __________________ tone and Dr. J. C. Devitt, weîî- and Mrs. A. H. Fletcher is probably attededto. oodwe rmemer ad te sael nown graduates 0f the schooh, . 0-H one of the finast rose gardans la On- Pvate Ambulance problems are irritating and aggri'vat- inrdustnial life do not make idealistic H. Jury, A. L. Nicholîs, Dr. G. C. tarin, with its huadrads of roses, Bowmanville phone g aents in modern homes. Thelliving easy fo igprr the youth. A large B onnycastie and L. S. Caverly, ni~ then just baginniag t0 bloom. But 10 and 34 youith of today are scolded because number of young people belong f0 mean grou.p cithar, Charlie Mas on, f0 one who kaew a littIe about rose Branh Stres- of what they wear or what tbey don't familles of waah, or of easy living. one of my old stndents ,is Sacretary- rowing, the moat oufstandiag feat- Orono & Newcstle wear. Much la said about silk Many of tbem hliva la cities, se tbey Treasurer of the Board. uire was the fine display of healthy sfockings, high hee uppwdrhv osttak eprom he tnado-re oeo hc wuf aityasesaf . me hi. ien sttssf p om y Thre is no falling off in h thereowr ihy rses, Q al f;; lvlahomes where the work is qwera eioftthepracticahlyinaIl of ALNM ILIM eaiagoehip fass, ettng paesparadelley seang leny h0femoieyn-xy of brighftheyounggrduTegaho or mretvariaf las. o c ofmhinrse Embalmer and Funeral Diroctor. and frivolity. If we fake aIl this f0 spead, so commemcia.ized recrea- bave gona out durinz the lasf bahf grafted on a faîl stem fiva feat or Calîs given prompt and personal a- af face value, tha youtb of our day tin of aIl sorts is at their commaand. t dozen yeams imakas oaa thlak of themr bhg. This type of rose is the tention. No extra charge for dis- are a amop 0f weeds. la the slang phrase of the day, they brilliant studeats who want ont un bardest of ail f0 g-mow and f0 keap mille, Ont. 3-tf, bad, or is this badness la part of the e go unless if is t0 a place of amuse- and James Gilfillan. adl ayohr hogotBw mn. We aeqiesretoea ad nmn tes hogutBw thsdisposition f0 comphain of youti our country readers wbo have rela- oth eent B. H. S. students wboJbrisshu. MEDICAL comas freim the fatht efrttives or othar friands la citias wheral are la training at collages and aIse-hris hus the sbortcomiags of our own ot-tey visit them occasioaally have whera for the diffamant professions. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. fuI days and remamber oaîy hwe-bea struck witb the amount of tima May I ba permitted oaa exampla.W.boy Gol MdaistofTrniy Uivrstyemplary our coaduct was. Wetn and money they spend attendiag N. Tilhey K.C., of Tomno a W1hd. If would ha an attraction f0 alan t h ofTrniy theatras aad other places of amuse- hart S. Tiley, M.D., of Bowmanviilhe,I dromaw hundrdseofnmti nd nenth Toronto. Four years atteriding Phy- oaoestla u n ~ment.,frrm alooserote confinnt to th ucan and Surgeon at mt. arm l ta and aasily hecome iptet***telt oeo hi hlhooeo h Hospital, Pttsburg, Ks. . COffice n witb youtb, f0 whom change and var- Dr. Gammon touches on thasa con- Inspector W. E. Tillay. The former most cbarmiag districts in Canada. offie ad ity ae te sice f an emineat la)vyer, the atter a lesidence, Wellington Street, Bow-ityaetapcaf fe difions, saying the industrial condi- doctor in the home towa, medaliat la Mention should have hean mada la manville. Phone 108. *t ions of youfb la urban homes maka medicina la bis collage days. Dm. A the firat part 0f this article of the - Dr. Gamimon says furtbar that the ideal ifa difficult. Wa ivad at 5S. Tilhay bas two sons, graduafas ni splendid viaw la al directions obtain- C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. adults la avery aga hava fouad fault home wifb father and mother whan Bowmanville lîigb School, Pbihp, al able from the farni of W. S. Bragg; Graduate of Trinity Medical Coîhege, with youtb. Thea ha telas this wc wera Young. We bad a fine fel- law studant At Osgoode Hall, Rosa li of the Bragg community west of Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. story: Taka the familiar story of lowship wif h the Young people of the, tha Faculty of Medicineata Toronto: Shaw's Scheol. Next west of Mr. Office and Resideace, Dr. Beith's Bill. Re came home fmom collage. country community. There was! University. "Insfaad of the fathema W. S- Bragg's are Mr. Russell I K. Bragg who owns the nId Shaw former residence on Church Street, Ha "blew la". Ha was weaing a liff le or no commemcializad amuse-1 shalha the cbihdrea". If la grafify- oeta, u h eidswt i Bowmanville. Phono 259. 44-t. loud suit, bad a necktie that could ha ment and liff le svendinz monev. Nowl ing f0 note thaf this yeam thmee Bow- oeta, u h aidswt i ____________________ eard coming, bad bis hair pasted our Young people go f0 the cifias in m an-vile boys bave antamad the min-Imother a cross the higbway. M. - --down and was hatless. Hia faflier drovas; they womk in factories and isr lfthi atdehrbo a jToasnte SMs. looked bim over and tumned away live la hahl hedrooms. The zreat ada H._ .Pitn tahyOhma aadaiiSg ntawa m VETERINARY wifh disgusf, witb the ramark, "Bill, city la a loaehy place. If Young nn amihFrguson, the latter two . D Bagg, anothar naphaw, whosa, DR. F. « TIGHE you make me tired, you look like a people bava companioasbip thay must being aephaws of Rev. J. J. Farguson fine aew country residence and neat' fool"'. This didn't disturb nBîi flind if ia dance bhala i church gatb- of the Toronto Confaranca and Rev.isurroundings are a credif f0 the Sac- VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or mucb. Later an nId aeigbhor, wbo emng., or other social ocain H .Frgson o amntn o:fo. Nx etl h 0ar r Ofihca pK mtiy ate e - o had lived near wbn Bil's fathr was Iwere fey egia as strangers. Tey don Con faence-.a pair of Cart- chard formerly owned y the late Ofie igSt. East, Bowmanv'ille. a boy, came ovar f0 sea Bill. Tbey speadi1lY coma f0 the beigbht of their wrigbf nId boys. Thomas N. Rickard and now the Phono 243. bhad a long talk. Falyh d, earning power, tbay work short boums I rncplW J -omio, 1proparty of Major R. J. Guilbafore E.G.KESLKE V S, . S Bibi, your lookiag fine. You look and hthe world, the flash, the devil, manville bas a man wbo aaks bigh lan knowa thon as Retreat Dairy Farm. Orono just ike your fablier did when hae and the movias are on the street his profession and wbo wibl mairitain Thon adjo iniag on the west the Hugh came home from collage". Bill evamy evaaiag. Wa talk about four the higb standard and heaf tradi- Greenlesa farm-the 'Home of the Hlonor Graduate of University .of said, "That's just what fathar was wbheal brakes. Wby? Becausa thora fions of the ol'd achool. Cydes"-now owned ande occupiad Toronto. AIl cases gven prompt telling me". is mucb power under the bood and In 1906-7 wo bad but threa as- by Mr. F. M. Cryderman whoba and careful attention. Office- It la quito frue that wa old chaps imuch congestion on the road. That sistant teachors, Miss E.A. Allia, this year arocted a new addition to Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: do forgaf f111 remindad by anme oaa us the situation witb the Young aow Mrs. D. DeLury of Walkar, the resideace. Acros the sideroad Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. whaf we did wbea we were Young. He people today. * *Mina.; W. G. Carpanter ,aow pria- is the splendid old bomestead of the ________________________wasn 't a natural boy who came cipal 0f the Techaical Schooî, Cal-1 lata George Haines, Esquire, for through bis youtbful peiod and Continuinx lho remarks that la gary, Alfa.; and A. R. Cameron who many years Bowma ville's Police AUCTIONEERS didn't "s0w some wild o"ad spite 0f thase conditions, offen ad- took ilip the study of Law l etr aitae r .E eelon commit depredations that w oua ,'tversa f0 cburcb loyalfy, arge num- Canada. No principal evar bad a ed tispaehfr bsdabr THEO M. SLEMON ldsupnihdi he ean bers of Young pol ev h etrti fhlesad eiv, ti lc eoehsdahh pasa urknw t dapnhd mifn.y bcaapob srete otrtioo1epasad bbee eiag kaown as a succesaful livastock Aucioeerkawaf0 adandma. church. Tbey taacb la the cburch Mm. Mormison, f00, bas an excellant r breedar. The farm la now owned; Farm and House Sales a Specialty. ** ~Iscbool, they take charge of a mutti-iat aif of colleagues associated witb and occupied hy Mr. W. H. Argue Ternis moderato. Enaiskillen P. O. Today very few commuaities are fude of orzanizations for boys adhm and loa sIfh wr mitann Phono 197r3. 1-tf. sparad from numamnus famptationsIirtey la yug oh's The uaused attic of former days ifs favorable repufation as oae of _______ that were unkaown in fhem 50 te 60 groupa, fhey belp witb the cburcb bas bean fitfed up for achool purposas Daringtoa's very excellent farina. years go. a the present age in services and are members of ifs offi- and thora ara aow six teachers on the Naxt f0 the west are the tbree tidy yer g.ciary. Tbey are more than ever an staff witb an atteadanca increased te residences o! Mrs W. C. Allia, Mr. CHIROPR&CTIC AND DRLJGLESS judging any group we must take info itgral part o! h oyo helo si THEROPY account the circumstances under ina huhdyo e 6. W W Dowa, and Mm. Albert H. AhIlan. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Wbich the group lives. Life was c hurcb. esqotdstt te' I made a brief visit to the Public Acroas the sidelina lias Bowman- probably nvrmr ifiutfrteScbool wbich bas recenthy been an- vihIe's "City of the Dead", claimed honor graduate of Toronto College rank and fila of youtb than if la f0- ara fouad by thousanda la summar la]gd by two class moins. ît isl f0 ha ona of this Domiaion's magni- of Chiropractie wlll be in the Bow- day. No other age bas given youth coaferances and training institutes,1 veryr capabhy maaaged hy Principal ficeaf cemeferies favorahly located manville Office Tueaday, Thurad ses much power. The automobile, iwbere fbay study the Bible, methoaJ. .Jhso ibasafo ffenadeceigywb ended, the and Saturday evoniags, phono 141J. the flyiag machine, the radio, and of cburcb work, Christian living, aand ichdiag thosa of 'the South Ward preseat Superintendeat beiag Mr. Reidential calta made during lors- the music box are symptoma. Wbea world service. Thev ara in the Sahool. Thare are thmee maIe taach- Joseph Higbfiehd. noonh. we weme Young, a f"lIlow drove alcompany of adult leaders wbo e- a rs on the staff and the achool bas 1 wouhd express regret af not meet- borse when ha wenft t caîl upon bis iprasont the hast tbouzht of the j now a regular achool nurse-Miss ing that wothy member of an bon- G 0 C Hgirl. The horse could make five Chrisfian womhd and tbav mainfain Ol0 ga Tod., orad nId Durham famihy, Ganerai I G OD SCH0 L miles an boum and ha was ahmost a this fellowship on a basis o f mental If is a satisfaction f0 fiad so maay' John Hughes, wbo bas coma f0 live Igmnw. The Shaw Schools bv member of the famihy. Ha did't aad spiritual equality. Thay are fre ihsbn osadgrsi onavhasaem ia 1rw mmOa 0Teve --n baaf odrvn ae wt a iaugbf f0 ha toroghh _athom _iformeria gheful lacsbn osand sr- sl n orryailn 0 msthteail 0 0 OciYPositions ae it e ret l the cburch and who do diffament and botter. foreband hy the Director under the AbrAWlow class play bouses. not attend its services. We also Imag.ina James L. Hughes, Prof, auspices o! the Canadian Pacifie monwh g f0ciyhave large numbers o! Parants wbn John Sq nair, M. A. James, W. B. World's Greateat Travel System. Tbe Oaa very forceful argument ia are pagans and wbo paganize their Couch and John Lyle, J.P., as hon.. Ltixury ToYur of Confedemation Year, favor o! living la country homes. cidebu on epe yadoay rsdnsadparons, Ma yor. and the coat .iust wbat youa expect. II kf ~ ~ IU i their fraadom from tamptafions that large bave the spirit of Loagfellow's Tom EHolgate and the hoat of capae Aik C. B. Kont, Town Agent, C. P. stance, the conditions o! om an Eup the heighfa.I generathon as a working managiu nov. 28.1 L Casford Concert Company Her atChautauqua A disii i ntiv~ceo con c îîîr fl 11 wiI I he an initeresting attraction of tie Domuinilon i liant aull )q- tloerIi~ .~î. T I'îsîiS 1îhl)ll 'rgltliz;ition.tute Casford Conri Co mp('îîany, î,resorîs a program of rare charin and genuine musical excellenice. Violin, îia oa nd<la rp forin thie Inst rumnintat ion of thie conipa ny. Ma ny beaîîtifiil selections are gîven w ith vm-led corahinat ions of tiiese InstrumenIts. rIstrnnîoîtal solos fori an Important part ofthe jîrograinand are slnii rendpred. Alndl Fpi-n L. Cnsford. the ;lanist of the conîpany. Is well known to Chautanqua audieîîcos. laviric spent seve ral years ln Lyoeuni and Chlautalnqua glving vonîplete progri î alorne. Slie is one of the itest repiders and ilaipersonators in th ontire (hautiua fleld, and the grouli of readings. niany of theinJIU- iorous, whIel slw will present hère, ls a s;trikincL feature of the progran \VIlfrodý Casford, a sister, Is a violiniat andl soprano of unusual merît. The tIiird ninher of the comipany ls L3yrxîe Snifftl, weIl-known harplst. %ilss Smltli's solo nunibers on thîs stately Instrument have a neyer-to-be-for. rîtten love!lness. ]Bowmanville Chautauqua July 20-21-22-23-25 Be sure to buy a season ticket-It's cheaper-12 per- formances-Aduits $2.50; Child $1.25. LARGEST DISPLAY 0F COOKED MIEATS Don't expeet the good housewife to stand over a hot stove these days to cook hot meals. Just suggest to her that occasionally she order cooked meat for a change. We have a large var- iety of apI)etizing cooked meats that will appeal to every member of the family. When you want fresh or cured meats we also have them. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville The Royal Banlk S60 Of Canadai Bowmanvîlle Branch - R. F. Aitclùson, Manager12 Cive the Cook a Holiday By letting us do the baking foir the family[ during the warm weather. We can supply everything from a loaf of flourishing bread to al fancy decorated wedding cake. And just as good as mother makes. Try us. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville THE CANA-DIAN STATEMAN, BOWMA-NVILLE THITRIRRAV TTTTV 1- l-

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