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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1927, p. 3

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tEE CANADIAN 5TATESMAN. BOWMANV1LLE, THURSRAY, JULY l4th., 1927 PAGE THREE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Susette Kosal is Miss Oshawa. July bas givcn a variety of weatb- er, too. Saturday night's erowd kept busy store clerks. Oshawa police will be outfitted witb I.hite helmets. rSt. George's Anglican curacy is k cant in Oshawa. j.More building permits are being -ented in Oshawa. Cobourg bad an Orange Walk witb Sports and speeches. Haying is well advanced, crop on- ly fair in low lands. Visit A. H. Fletcber's Rosery tbis week to see bis roses. Cheques over $10 must carry 2- cent excise stamp now. Wby do so many farmers permit wild mustard to grow? Bowmanville High Scbool wants a r.ew Language teacher. Taxes are coming in well in Go- bourg on îst instalment. No serious accidents were report- ed bere on Dominion Day. * Cobourg goal received 20 prisoners last quarter and 24 discbarged. Mr. Vanluven, Baltimore, bad sev- en sbeep killed by dogs recently. Owing to crime increase two more policemen are asked for in Oshawa. Mr. S. J. Sharpe, Toronto. gave The Statesman a friendly caîl Satur- day. Port Hope motor bus took the ditcb between Cobourg and Port Hope and Mrs. R. S. Hancock was in- jured. Arcadia Novelty Company Popular Chautauqua Attraction One of t-he lntereeting attractions of the forthcomlng Dominion Chautauqua la thbe Arcadia Novelty Cornpany whlch wi appear bere on the fi-at- day of Cbautauqua. This splendId company's entertalaments are notable for the niarked diversification of t-he select-Ions and thie artistry and zest wit-h whieh these selections are given. This la an unusual company. The four charxnlng young ladies who comn- pose It are each ai-tist-s in thelr own ine, and toget-her tbey present One of t-he best progranis of the season.r Their progranis are ricli In Individual and ensemble numbers of ortglnallty and char- For tih. instrumental numbera, a vtolln, piano, colla, xylophone, and cornet are used. Splendid vocal numbers are gten, and original cou- tuined song presentations, cleverly interpreted, are featured. lu addition, resdlngs, many of themn humorous, occupy a favored place on the programe BOWMANNVILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 20, 21, 22, 23,'25 Be sure to buy a season ticket-It's cheaper-12 formances-Aduits $2.50; Child $1.25. per- t DARLINGTON COUNCIL HIGH S H O 1in Regular montbly meeting was held Town Hall at Hampton on Tburs- day, July 7, 1927, witb members ail Honors 75%; Pais 60%; present, Reeve Wigbt presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Bowxnanville Centre Frank Flint asked to be relieved of 3payment of taxes on dog wbicb was Adams, Gordon (Honors) recently killed; no power to grant Alexander, Joseph (Honors) - request. A lin. Marion (Honors) Hon. Jobn S. Martin, Minister of Anderson, Oswald Agriculture ,and F. C. Paterson, Dis- Ashlee, Clara (Honors) trict Agricultural Representative, Battle, Marion (Honors) wrote calling attention to cbanges im Baiton, Joseph (Honors) *the Noxious Weeds Act. Filed. Bell, Leab (Honors) J. J. Mason & Son forwarded re- Berry, Adiian newal policy for road insurance in Bickle, Howard Tbe Globe Indemnity Co. of Canada, Billett, Reta (Honors) prtemium being $183.05, policy re- Blake, Dorotby newed up to July 25, 1928. Blackburn, Walter (Honors) John Dorland asked permission to Bloomer, George drain water from bis property at Blunt, Frank S W 1,ý of lot 18, con. 9, on to road- Bradley, Carl side; Nathan Byers asked to bave Bradt, Oliver sidewalk built from .Scugog road to Bradt, Marjorie (Honors) bis bouse in Enniskillen ,and 0. L. Cale, Robert iByers, owing to bass of one of bis Caverly, Winona barns by fire in April, 1927, asked Carneron, Bruce to be allowed an exemption in bis as- Clemence, Cbarles (Honors) sessrnent. Council desired to give Connors, Marion (Honors) requests further consideration and Coombes, Eric (Honors) make report. Courtice, Louise (Honora) James Curtis, S. A. O., gave bis Courtice, Douglas report for rnontbs of May and June.1 Courtice, Clare (Honora Approved. Cowling, Stanley (Honora> A. E Wison&Co, Trono, sk-Davey, Laura A. E Wison&Co, Trono, sk-Dunn, Stanley (Honors) ed for report as to amount spent inl Foley, Iva (Honors) manual labor on roads in year 1925 Flaxman, Betty (Honors) and 1926. Clerk to reply. Freeman, May Treasurer acknowledged receipt Giniblett, Ellen (Honors) of $347.82 from Treasurer of Tp. of Goddard, Evelyn (Hunors) Clarke for Deb. No. 3 and coupons Goodman, Earl for S. S. No. 23, Clarke. Gray,, Billie Orders were drawn on Treasurer: Ham Iton, Caroline Frank Webber, use of land Hamm, Lila for winter road......... $ 5.00j Hackney, Newton (Honors) Robt. Collacutt, gravel 1925 16.25 Hayward, Nora (Honors) Road Supt., account bridges. 98.60 Honeyman, Bradley Road Supt., salary and office ;Ives, Georg-e (Honors) expensea................. 146.50 Jackman, Alice Rd Supt., material for roads 3015.56 Knox, Jessie (H-:nor.-) Road Supt. road inainten- Laird William ance................... 5547.09 Leggott ,Marian (Honors) Counties' Treas., calcium- 1 Leighton, Ivan Cbloride, Enniskillen . ... 29.55 Lunney, Roy ýHonors) Do, Hampton............... 46.43 Lyle, Marion Counties' Treas., 50% Hos- Mitchell, Isobel pital fees Garnet ..... .... 12.001 Morris, AIma (Honora) Counties' Treas., 50 % Hos- IMorris, Betty (Honora) pital fees Richard Ellis. ..* 20.25 Muir, Arcbie Treasurer, postage, station- Mutton, Bert ery, excise stamps, etc il 1180 'McMullan, Marian (Honors) Clerk and Treas., salary 2nd Osborne, Alan quarter................. 175.00 Osborne, Clarence W. T. Allen, flag........... 7.50 Pickard, Howard The Globe Indemnity Co. of Rose, Maurice (Honors'i Canada, road insurance. .. 183.05 Rowe, Mar orie (Honors) Noble 1. Met-caîf, ad. T. S. Rundle, AIb ert S. S. No. 6.............. 150.00o Shackleton, Vera Fred G Smitb, do, No. 13 ... 200.00 Shortridge, Minetta (Honora) Sid T. Hoar, do, No .10 .... 400.00 Stainton, Henry Council adjourned to Saturday, Sykes, Elinor August 6, 1927, at 1 p. m. Trimble, Eteika W. R. Allun, Tp. Clerk. Trimble, Vernon _________Tuerk, Rutb (Honors) Valleau, lia (Honora) OBITUARY Wade, Norma ________Werry, Tbelma John Crumb, Oshawa Weekes, Gorge (Honors) Wee S, JOhn One of the old time residents of Wilkins, Annie (Honora) Darlington passed to rest on Tues- Solmna Centre day, July tb., aged 91 years. Avery, Clarence The late Mr. Crumb was born in Baker, Maurice (Honora) England, and wben stili a lad came Bradley, Leona to Canada witb bis parents, wbo up- Bradley, Myrtle on t-heur arrivai set themselves to Cameron, Irene hewing a home in Darlington Town- Dickinson, Elma ship. He was one 0<f a family of Flintoif, Mabel fine, ail of wbom bave passed away. Griffin, Doris John Crumb was 31 yéars oid Milison, Jean when the Fathers of Confederation Milison, Evelyn brougbt about that famous union of Milisn Doris (Honors) the provinces, and like, ail other1 Simpson, Donald Canadians, be celebrated joyouslv Smais, Fanny that first Dominion Day and honored i Stainton, Berniece t-be men who bad brought it about.î Tink, Bruce In 1865 bis marriage to Agnes iYellowlees. Wesley (Honora) Urqubart, daugbter of the late Mr. Werry, George (Honors) and Mrs. John Urquhart, then living Westlake, May nortb of Toronto xvas solemnized. Tbey moved to a farmn at Hampton wbere t-bey carried on for some time, Celebrated Birthdi at iength moving to Maple Grove in Darlington townsbip where tbey bo- cated on a farm facing on the King- st-on road, now occupied by Robt-. Jarvie. Tbey lived tbere and raised a fam- uvy of five, Alfred James, Toronto, i Mrs. Howard Flintoif, Courtice, Mrs. 1 Fred Flintoif, Osbawa, Mrs. G. Ever-! est, Toronto ,and J. M. of Harmon. Since t-be deatb of bis wife Mr. Crumb bas made bis borne witb Mrs.I Fred Flintoif, 29 Elgin Street, East, Oshawa. The funeral was beld on Tbursday afternoon, interment takin g place in Bowmanville Cemetéry. Harold Cochrane, Enfield i On July, 4, Harold, son of Mr. and; Mrs. G. Cochrane, passed to rest in his 19tb year. He had been about 16 weeks' under the doct-or's care. He' was working in tbe General Motors in Oshawa and bad leuro-pneum- onia and wben t-at cleared rbeumatismn foliowed whicb afTected the bcart. He was brougbt borne'M.AD R. wbere he bas had every care for sev-iMRAN S.T eral weeks, attended by bis mother Co -federatinDa, ulys.,_ ENTRANCE RESULTS Names Alphabetically Arranged Blackstock Centre Brown, Gordon Byers, Jean Brown, Kathleen Batten, Russel (Honors) Clarke, Charles Devitt-, Eileen Graham, May Hooey, Norma Hooey, Samuel Jobnston, Ferga Lansing, Helen (Aegrotat) Mabaffay, Viola Martin, Winnie Marlow, Doris Taylor, Douglas White, Verna Weatherilt, Myrtle Newcastle Centre Burkell, Leone (Honora) Caswell, Garnet Cowan, Rosaline Gaines, Lawrence Garrod, Afred Garrod, Betty Gibbs. Raymnond Grabam, Aileen Henderson, John Hendry, Jobn Holmes, Jack O'Neill, Verna (Honora) Pearce, Albert Randaîl, Elmer (Honora) Rickard, John Rowland, Billy Samis, Marion (Honors) Simpson, Vivian Shaw, Ruby (Honora) Tebble, Leona Vandusen, Jessie Wilson, Bella Orono Centre Bell, Carman W. (Honora) Bostock, Elsie Bostock, James (Honora) Bowen, Mary I. (Honora) Brown, Everett J. (Honors) Carleton, F. Foset-ta Cobbledick, Harold Clydeadale, Gordon Couvier, Nelson Dean, Kenneth Farrow, Dunwreat-h Fiske, Muriel Gay, Elva Glanville, Mary Glennie, May Hopper, Leslie Hughes, Charlotte (Honors) Linton, Cora Linton, Howard (Honora) Lowden, Phyllis Lowden, Doris Little, J. Aylward (Honora) Mally, Oren C. Maunder, Lenora Neal, Kennetb Ogden, Marion Patten, Manson Pincb, Horrel Simpson, Ethel Simpson, Marion Soper, Kenneth St-ai-k, John (Honora) Swarbrick, Dorotby (Honora) Thornton, L. V. Bernice Wannan, Mary (Honora) Wannan, Lawrence G. Janetville Centre Capstick. Elva Forster, Andrew Hanna, Donald Jackett, Eveline (Honors) Jordan, Jack (Honors) MeGili, Muriel McGili, Guy McNeil, Leonard Savignac, Gladys ay on Conf ederation Day 40S. E. HARDY, WHITBY 1Mr. Hardy ceiebrated bis 60tb birtbday. n of being born also in Confederation Year. Vhitby se the' gt-on 's rougbt be and .t t-bat 's beat pected rtday iborn which adian So far is t-be yt-bis st Mr. beart cf t-be d. Ho hopes n. His icon- nment .h t-be 'Ill as ENFIELD rejoîcîng in the ract mat ne is recav- _________ering from bis severe ilîness. Mrs. Veale, Toi-ont-o, bas been vis- f is interesting to note t-bat Mrs. iting at- Mr. Bei-t Ferguson's. .....Mr. Hardy also bas t-be distinction of and Mrs. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. baving been born later in t-be aame Stacey, Pontypool, visit-ed at- Mr.Ge year of Confederation, being Cocbrane's .. . .Ladies' Aid were weîî daugbt-er of t-be late Henry Jeifery entertained b y t-be Enniakillea Lad- of Darlington. ies' Aid on Wednesday lat... .The Mr. Hardy was born in Darllngton Sunday Sebool ber. will have their1 Township, t-wo and a haif miles north annual picnlc at- Oshawa on- t-be- eaït- of Bowmanville, t-be son of lake, on Saturday, July 2r 1 Thomas and Mary Blackburn Hardy. He resided in that vicinity until t-wenty-six yeara ago, when be pur- cbased a farm in t-be nortb-east part of the town of Whitby, residing there until 1920, wben he moved into his present home on John Street, having sold bis farm to George Hamilton. Mr. Hard is a brother of Mr. Arthur M. Hardy ,Superintendent' of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- pany, Bowmanville, and Mr. Aif. Hardy 0f Darlington. Miss Gladys Weeae, Toronto, spent t-be weekend with ber sister, Mrs. L. H. Pearn. Mr. J. M. Ferris bas been appoint- ed poat-master at Campbellford suc- ceding C. L. Owen, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Bickle and Mr. Howard Bickle, Bownianville, Mr-. and Mrs. D. J. Howe and Master Bobby, Toronto, visited Mrs. Bickle's niece and nepbew, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hodgert.-Port Hope Guide. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. I. Wilson of Brighton, announce t-be engagement of their daugbter, Evelyn Mae, B. A., to Rev. Edgar Orchard Seymour, B. A., of Palmerst-on, son of Mrs. and the late Rev. J. C. Seymour, the marriage to take place ini Toronto on Auguat t-be t-ird. Silk Rayon Dreas Gooda at 60e and 60e yard. Coucb, Johnston & Cry- derman. Good Bread Means Better Health.' Growing children as well as older folks should eat plenty of Corbett's Wholesome Bread It is baked right of the best wheat flour! Nour- ishing! Temptingly tasty! Try a loaf of Hovis Bread We Seil Willard's Ice Cream W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowma.nville Are You Building or Repairing?. If you are contemplating building or making alterations to your premises we are recognized as headquarters for btilders' supplies. We have the variety and our prices are right. See us before buying. How about, putting in your coal for next winter? No better time than now. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel The Pleasure of a Bath Is spoiled if the bathroom equip- ment is not up-to- date and in first- class condition. Let us equip your bath room and well promise you that you and your fam- ily will take pride and pleasure in showing it to friends and guests. We repair ail kinds of bath- room ,bedroom, kitchen and laundry equipnient. W., Len. Elliott' Plumbing,' Heating, Steamfitting King St. W., Phone 348 Bowmanville For Summer Cooking We seli and recommend Florence Automatic Red Star Oil & Gao Coleman Gao Perfection Qil STOVES Seo Our Display Before Buying MASON & DALE Plone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmmviill Summer Meats We give special attention to the selection and care of our meats during the hot summer months. So that you are assured of the choicest meats, no matter what your order may be. Prompt service and free deliver-y in town. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Dliv.ry Butchers Phne 818 Bowma You Will Have a Real Picnic If You Fi the Picnic Basket at Our Store. Big ariety of Canned Gooda and Other Pure Food& ARCHIE TAIT Phone 66 Bowmanville ME CANADIA.N STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE, TRURSRAY, JULY 14th., 1927 PAGE THRES Phone 153 or 2.02 Bowmanville

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