PAGE 4 rHE c.&xq UJL&~N STATE8MAJq, BUWMM4VILLE, THURSRAY, JULY l4th.. 1927 COURTICE S. S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON BETHESDA Vistors: Mrs. Mary Morrow and To Sr. IV-Celia Siblock. To Promotion examinations, S. S. No. Miss Mona, Winnipeg, at Mr. A. J. Jr. 1V-Ada Annis, Evelyn Wade, 10, Darlington: Jr. IV to Sr. IV Gay's; Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bow- Harold Osborne. To Sr. III-Glenn -*Christa Olsen, Gordon Brent. Sr. manville, at Mr. W. R. Courtice's;Pjckpll, Jean Vinson, Harry Worden. 111I to Jr. IV-*Lloyd Hoar, John Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Miss To Jr. III-Donald Courtice, Syd- Rundle, recommended. Sr. II to Louise and Master Nelson, Town, at ney Worden. To Sr. II-Douglas Jr. III-*Ruby Bloomer, *Ethel Mr. A. E. Rundle's; Dr. Norman Oke, Doris Wade, Allan Vinson. Pr. Moorey, *Aldin Hoar, *Tom Olsen, Found, wife and famiiy, Korea, are -Veima Pearce, June Marshall, Kenneth Rundie. Sr. I to Jr. I- spending some weeks witb bis mother, Florabelle Marshall, Evelyn Siblock, *Marjorie Couch, *Percy Werry, Mrs. John Found, and other relatives; Eleanor Vinson.,*Alma Rundie. *-Honors. Miss Bernice Arnott, Maxwell, holi- Alan P. McKessock, teacher. Tena M. Ferguson, teacher. daying at ber grandmother's, Mrs. Elh Osborne; Masters Jack and Biliy _____ Soules, Toronto, holidaying at Mr. S. S. Brooks'; Mrs. Walter Snider LONG SAULT HAYDON visiting in Leamington with ber bus- band and visiting ber uncle and Promotion reports for Long Sauit Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ry- aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reynolds in Scbool S. S. No. 13, Darlington. ]an and family, Toronto, at Mr. J. Windsor... .The services on Sundayl1 Honors 75% ; Pass 60,7c; Recom- Wrîght's; Mrs. Pubiow and dauglj- were largely attended both morning j men ded-tbose beiow 60%I on total:- ters, Rutb and Kathleen, Toronto, at and evening. Our Pastor, Rev. J. Entrance-Laura Davey. Jr. IV to i Mrs. Creeper's; Mrs. Grant and sons H. Stainton, preacbed two fin e ser- j Sr. IV-Agnes Hooey 73, Augustus 'Bill and Jirn, Toronto, boidaying mons. In the morning the sacra- Johnston 6 9, Grace Farrell 68, Grace iwjth ber rnotber, Mrs. CreeperN Mr. ment of the Lord's Supper was par- Smith 67,ladys Smith 60. Sr. and Mrs. E. Bradley and farnily witb taken of and in the evening the sub-111 to Jr. 11-Doris Dudley 79r, My- friends at Peterboro ...Businessà ject was "Fireproof Men" and was rtle Hughes 58. Primer to First- meeting on Friday evening, Juiy addressed particulariy to the young Ivan Brown. Primer-Pearl Smith, 1 2tb ...League picnic to Cream men. Special music was rendered George Brown. of Barley Camp, Bowmanvilla, Sat- by the choir at both services. Meeting Reva M. McGill, teacher. urday afternoon, Juiy l6tb. Every- on Tbursday at 2.30 p. m. at the1 body welcome. Corne and bring your home 0f Mrs. Eli Osborne. Meeting: basket. Mr. Gordon Beecb, H.s is in charge of Mrs. G. F. Annis' DARLINGTON Milîs, C. Ashton, Committee, will group. Cordial invitation is extend- imeet at 1.30... .Our sympatby is à ed to ail including the Mission Circle Promotion examination report of extended to Mr. Wes. Tbornpson and .... Mission Circle meeting on Sat-ipupils of S. S. No. 3, Darlington: family in bis recent accident by fali-1 urday afternoon at the home of Miss Entrance-*Leah Bell, *Walter ing 23 feet from a barn, breaking1 Vera Werry. Blackburn, *Iva Foley. Jr. IV to both wrists and badiy injuring bisd You owe it to your cbildren to see Sr. 1V-Ethel Hopps 64, Lewis Rund- head. He bas nut been able to be that they aiso attend Cbautauciua. le 60, Freda Attree 60, Dorotby brougbt borne ....... Enniskillen vs. in CntnRundie, rec.). Sr. 111 to Jr. finydon played football Friday even- Wonderfui specialsin Cto IV-Robert Finnigan 68. Jr. III ing. Score 1-0 in favor of homeh Dresses thîs weekend at Couch, John- to Sr. III-Bessie Blackburn 64, ..... .. .Sunday School and LeagueE ston & Cryderman's. Florence Foiey 63. Sr. IIlto Jr. nx udy - -ITTT *flrx .4.. flfl.17; FREE A«aISf.g. .1T,fa!Bu FRE With eacb purchaso -Loof any of the Crearna isted below. we wilj eie FREE a Trial Size Box of the torypopular RICHARD HUDNUT Trco Flowers Face Powder: nil!! FLOWERS CLEANSING CRU TOM !FLOWERS SEIN A»D MUE CREAU TIfS!!FLWE VAIELUIG CRUAB Jury & Loveli Properiy When We Test Eyes It Is Done Eye Efficiency As we stated in our advertiî(- mient of iast week, every cý ec with the exception of some un- corrected shortsighted eyes, needs assistance when reading after the age of forty to forty- five years. People, generaiiy, are beginning to realize THE NECESSITY of Bifocal glasses or glasses witb a correction for distance and a correction for near, both ground in one lens. We supply this style with no unsighti3 wafers to get dirty or to fali off and they are so ground that the division between the two is in- visible. Cal] and let R. M. Mitchell, our Registered Optorn. etrist show you our differeni One Piece Bifocals. Our prices are right and our service is un- surpassed. Our store wiI be open for busi- asusu..l on Saturday JuIy 2 R. M. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Phone 92-Nights and Sundays 280 HISTORY Darlington and Clarke includinz BowmanVille and Newcastle, by Prof. John Squair. A Book that should be in every ibrary. a few copies left. Onix' 11Winiuie ,Gusun 83, '*Jack rFin- nigan 82. Jr. Il te Sr. Il--Hazel Hopps 72, Wilbur Blackburn 72, Annie Kusb 71, Aloysius Kush 54, (recommended). Sr. I to Jr. Il- Grace Truli 80, Eunice Lane 56, (re- commended), Bobbic Gibson 54, (re- commended. Figures denote per- centage. *.....Honors. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. MAPLE GROVE JMiss Ruby Aldworth and Master IWilfrid, spent the weekend with their sister, Mrs. C. F. Bell, Port Rowan ...Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Swallow, Jesse and Fred, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown, Mr. Gordon Brown, Miss G. I Menzies, Toronto, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Swallow .... Mr. and NESTLETON On Wednesdny, June 29, at the residence of the bride's rnother, Nest- leton, the rnarriage was solernnized 1of Beatrice Louise, younger daugb. 1ter of Mrs. Bessie Wilson and Her- 1mani W. Sarnelis, older son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sameils, Nestieton, Rev. V. Walker, Janetville, oliciat. ing. Miss Pearl Hîitcbison, Peter- boro . niece of the bride, piayed the wedding rnarch. The bride wbo was given away by ber brother Cecil, wore a frek of fawn georgette and carried pink roses and orange blossoms. Following the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served after wbich the happy couple left by train for Niagara and Buff- alo, the bride travelling in a blue georgette with rosewood coat and bat to, match. The groorn's gift to the bride was a wrist watcb, and to tbe pianist, a pearl bar pin. Mr. and Mrs. Samelîs will resideo at Broe Lynn Farm, Nestieton. HAMPTON Men's Harvest Boots at $2.59 and strong soiid leather work boots at $3.79 are arnong good values offered at Horn's Store. Visîtors: Mrs. James Craie. and Miss Lena White, Toronto, with Mrsi Katerson; Mr. Frank Mason and daugbter, Mildred, and son Malcolm, Dr. Webster and friends from Friendship, N. Y.. at Mr. Chas. Hast- I ings'; Mrs. Lyons, Manitoba, with j ber sister, Mrs. Edna Ruse. . .. Ouri Eiliott Mernorial Park is ini gret de- mand these days for family reu nn picnics. Severai large organizedi picnic parties from Oshawa bave been here this season and more to foliowv . Miss 'Mar' Peters spent tbe weekend in Oshawa. .. .Tell the' children and ail wbo are interested bhat the Women's Institute are to have their annual picnic at the Park on Thursday, August 4tb., and hope to have more fun than ever this year. LTbat means a good time for every- body. Plan to corne. t MAPLE GROVE cMrs. Arthur Phipps and chlldren, _____ ________ IMyrtie and Noble, spent the wcekend Report of S. S. No. 6, Dariington. with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. Names in order of menit except en- Swaiiow...Miss Isobel Meazies, TYRONE trance class: Entrance-May Toronto, is bolidaying with Miss Ed- Rv n Mrs. J. R. Trumpour, Freman ElenGirbiet on, Wil- na Swallw.. Congratulations toeGrenville, Jean and Joyce, are on liam Laird, Etelka Trîmble, Vernon Mis ses Elien Gimblett, Eteika Trimb-thrhoia Trnimbie. Jr. IV te Sr IV-Elsi le, May Freeman, Vernon Trimbie, thi oas .. .. Mr. Clarence Fer-1 Samis hion, Dorotby Stevens.Sr î William Laird on passing their en- g1oVcoi olgTrno to Jr. IV-Betty Snowden hùon, Day- trance e. . . -%l isses Susie and sno'r .C egsn omn id Bothwell bion, George Jarvie, AI- Annie Laird are spending their vaca- ville, will preacb here next Sunday, fred Laird, Will Coyle, Wilfred Aid- tien witb relatives in Engiand. Their morning. . .. Mrs. DelongTrno Sa nd Miss Florence Scott,56 oranatvis ;vortb, Leslie Alldred failed, Layon- rnany friends arc glad te know tbey itd t n Lvikners vi.Ms- ne Timble failed. Jr. Ill te Sr. Il!-landed safely last Saturday .......W it dea ndMr Mei SinMararet. rige Norman Bothwell hon, Lloyd Metcalf. JHeartiest congratulations toe M W. Risgax and v isited an.R. ar thde Sr. Il te Jr. III-Mildred Snowden, Alice Werry on the sucecss of ber iey's.. . .Severai from bere nttended JDouglas Bothwell, Alec. Chobotar. five Entrance pupils .. . .Girls' soft-ithe Collacott pîcnîc at Hampton on Jr. Il-Thelma Freeman, Jean Stev- bail game, Biackstock vs Maple GroveStudy asA ngte big ens, Helen Metcaif, Robert Bothwvel. on Tbunsday evening at 5.30 p. mi. Mn. Harry Coilacott, Eva and Harry,l Jr. I te Sr. I-Cordon Jarvie Lvra (Standard Time. ) Mrs. Georgie Phare and Lorne, Mr. Freeman. Sr. Pr. te Jr. I-Bebbie Chautauqua stants at 10..30 a. mn., and Mrs. Levi Skinner, Mn. and Mrs. Snowden, Albert Bothwell ,Charles 3 p. m., 8.30 p. m.-dayiight Silving' Harold Skinner, Mfiss Ethel Skinner, JWright. Sr. Pr-Fred Lais cJan, jlime. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Woodiey, Mn. Cave ordon Holbrok . Pe,-J and Mrs. Norman Coliacott and baby1 ronc Wright, Noma Meredith. NIKLE Alice G. Werry, teacher. IENSILNBe Mrs. L izzieWigh Mn and s usl Mrsg...or ae mo y d Mas Rusel A patniotic pnogram was given by Wgb f t alem ph hlae a go the Young People's League under the ogamof stali ih t shen thcalse- S. S. NO. 8, DARLINGTON leadership of Mr. Geo. Rimmer onlcasdfne herps eodb le '~~~~~Wcdncsday, July 6th. Mr. Jack cl eeddterps eodb score cf 12-2 in their favor.. . Con- Hon. 75 - ; Pass 60%', ; Some xývho Minore, Boxvmanvilie, was a visiter, gauain te Mn. and Mrs. Thomas havmiseàexmshav ben ecm-whie r MrrllFerguson, Bom narr on the arrivai of a son .... A Imended; Failunes omitted. Jr. IV ville, gave his address on the History odynmefr hetedd te Sr. IV-Hazel Water 79, -Manion and Significance cf Confederationgodynmefrnheetedd lTreail 8, alte Shott 3, Rb-jwhicb brought bim well dcserved hon- the Orange walk at Boxvmanviie . ...1 cnt Cortie 7 2, Nora Adams 68, 1 ors in the recent oratory contests. atrTuprpechdago Helen Wilkins 65, Jack Gay, (rec), Tbe tbirty present thorougbly en- sermon te the Orangemen and otb- EaCut' ,(e). Sr.II t 'Jr 'jyd the address. Charles Stain- ens on Sunday merning. ... Sun- 1 1 day School p icnic on July 3th., at IV-Wiifred. Brown 77, Geerg-elton, John Siemon and May Lamb the Publie S chool grounds. Good Shett 71, Alice Rizneck 70, Lonna. were appeinted delegates te Boeay-irga ofsrt bn rag- Barber 65, Bernice Gay 61, Elsie geon Suminen Sohool... Mn. James 1 pro..arnGoftesportisein atrange- Courtice, (nee), Robent Barber, Stainton. an bonouned member of the cd.. Gote suportitha ocaturda ev (rec.) Jr. III te Sr. III-Talbert United Cburcb and now past eigbty Iboys. . Miss Allie Osborne, Mrs. Gearing 75, Sadie Allun 72, Claude years of age, is lying iii at is M P os n a w o , M s c c 9 Graham 67, Florence Wilkins 62, daugbter's, Mrs. W .H. Moore. HisMes onBic , Mn Rnss Black and by 7- Bruce Muir 60, Eldun Essery 60, Ross sons, Wallace and Albert, Toronto,, fBienk, M. ossa laMn and rsoCci Baison, (nec.) Sr. Il te Jr. II- visiteçd over the weekend .Mis"s Dudley, Bowmanvile, and Mrs. Jas. Florence Courtice 77, Rosena Edgarn1 Muriel Newton, oun late school teacb- Dudley, Tyrone, rccently calicd on 72, Audrey Trevail 72, Elsie Oke 71, jor, returned for a short visit last 11Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Woodly .. ' Billy Anti] 6,5, Marion Courtice 64, Sunday... Congratulations te Doris IMn. and Mrs. Fred Goodman and e j Elsie Breck 62, Kennetb Flint760, 1r Gniflin . Aima Dickinson, Leona Braci Ich iidren Columbus, Mn. and Mns. L. s vin MeCuliough, <nec.) Jr. Il te Iley, Myrtle Bradley on passing their J. Goodman and boys of Tyrone, s Sm. 1II-June Walter 70, Eusa Baldwvin Entrance examninatiens ... . Enfieid i y 167, Hattie Snudden 63, Leslie Kir.s. Ladies' Aid visited the Enn* kilien spent Sundny with Mrs. Booth, Miss man 62. I te Jr. Il-Gladys Rey- Aid last Wcdnesday andi nendered a iet ot isLlinBn y nomds 89, Margaret Gay 88, Hazel m>ost interesting program. r. nott at Cobourg-on-the-Lake. e Flint 85, Margaret Adams 82, Watson ,who bas had servic as al Chautauqua is for the edification 1Cordon Balson 81, Elsie Flint nurse in india and on the sea, gave and picasune of every citizen. 80, Ivan Cochrane 79, Ronald a talk and showed viewvs on the sink-1 Graham 77, John Waiter 73, ing of H. M. S. Brittanic. Ennis- i t Ronald Graham 77, John Walter 73, killen Aid entertained to afternoon SLN Rutb Nichois 72, Bernice Cochran-'ton ... Rev. E. M. Cook wiil give'SLN 71, Jean Gay 70, Douglas MeCul'îj 'hIanadsnetSna1o pca Visitons: Mr. and Mns. Fred Han- 67, Irene Nichois 66, Wm. Cochrane i intenest te young men entitle"Ted and Miss Inene, New Toronto, atj i 64, Doris Wilkins 63, Elsie Stephen- j Man Worth Whilc". c TeMn. Harvey Hardy's; Mn. and Mns. son, (rcc.) Sr. Pr. te I-Fred Ad-______ George Rnhm and Miss Ilcen, Sbaws, ams 89, Dorothy Snuddcn 87, Fran- JM r. and Mrs. J. Dart, Burketen, Mr. csRnolMuir8, Alec Knaater 84, BRADLEY'S SCHOOL and Mrs. Albert Oke and family, En- Iad ce uRynld 8, Etel WKoalter 84,,j_______skillen,MrHaod Wbean Theda Taylor 76, Ernest Gearing 70, r arliebe n Lawrence Courtice 62, Herman Alli: jMn. N. J. Hobbs ,who bas taught~ Misses Myntie and Mabel Webber, erec.)~~~~~~~~ oun schooi for the past six years, bas Breoa r .N aces C G Ncholon, M AnoI' tec esigned and previous te bis loaving Miss Leora McDougaii, Drayton, tepupils acknowledged bis faithfui pn e as tM.H .Ps Th eyncwest in Knit Suits services in a kindly farewcll. Miss coe's; Miss Ada Pascoe, Coronado Cents, Dresses, Sport Sweaters just Elcanon Shephard on behaif of theJosiaTrnovstebrfte, scbool calied the gathcring te order Mn. H. C. Pascoe and attpnded the, unakdat Couch, Johnston &acepci t apo ako Cyeman's. &and Miss Ruby Dewoll read the ad-Iaso pinc tHmto Prk n __________________________dness. He was pnescnted with alj Monday aftennoon; Misses Helen and Parker Duf old Pen and Pencil the1 Munie! Baker spent the weekcnd at presentation being made by kIary Mn. Walter Rickard's, Newcastle; Mn Milison and Wilma Smith. The ad- and Mns. Harvey Hardy visited Mn. drcss was as follows: Thos. Hardy, Wbitby, recentil'; Miss Majorie Coillacott, Salem, with Miss Dean Mn. Hobbs:-Another scbool Kate Cryderman; Mn. and Mrs. Jas. yean is dnawing te a close and bavîng Sp icer, Toronto, at Messrs. J. and T leanned that you will net ho witb us Bakcr's; Mn. and Mrs. W. N. Pascoe, ev rejwhen school re-opens we would like Mn and Mrs. Ceci! Pascoe and1baby Severej in some way to show our appreciation Cordon, Mmf. J. T. Rundle with Lind- cof what you bave donc during the say friends; Sunday Scbool at 2.30 years you bave boom engaged nas udy. N pe hîg5r- Eye S rain teachor bore. Like ail normal vice bere. Sacrament service ati E3 e Sta n cildren we have often boom very Zion at 10.30 a. m.Sorry to mc- thoughtlcss and annoying and now pr htM.H .Pso rk i ns wo look back oven tho school tern pgo tatuMndH.G. asoeok e biS _________ we foc! that wc would like you tolgo audyaterno. H~i evenookailthetims wen e hve rogressing favorabiy in Bowmanvilo coen troublesome and only carry Hardy a n. ath fn r. Hfrvhy Streng Rays of the Sun and away pleasant necollections cf the late Mr. Wi!l Bright, Jr., at Raglan intensive heat makes extra strain times when we bave nealiy tried te on Sntunday afternoon. . .. Dr. and th our best. We do net need te Mrs. Mark W. Pascoe, Taft Califon- on teee hs as tell yeu in words that your unfailing nia, are lcaving this week 1i1on home, intcnost in oun advancement and aftcr a pleasant visit with thein many iryu devotion te duty have been Sp- friends anound bis oid home.. Btter consuit our expert Ipreciated. The fact that aften hav- C ing taught for a time in our schoongratulations to Miss May West- Optoetrsts hos lon an sue"',lake, Masters George Werny, Maurice Optmcnitswhse on ad uc jthon telching in another section, you Baker and Bruce Tink on successf'aji cessful experience qualifies us were engaged te become our toacher ]y passing their entrance exanîs... to ivegeninerelef nd Sti the second time is ample preof that Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, M«ss tegie enin elefan sti- we recognized youn worth. Doreen and Master Russel, at Mn. faction. We are sorny te lose a ývalued James Rocs00'5, Columnbus, Masteri teacher and friend but we are glad Russel remaining for a week's hol*- that you will ho labouring in a day .... Congratulations te Mn. ArIn- neighbouring section and wc wisb ott Van Nest on winning second Jury & L yeln for you rnany happy years of sdrvice place in the Essay Contest on Coni- in youx profession. We ask yuu fedematien.. An enjoyable time wis When we test eyes it is donc acept thîs littie gift, believing spent at the homne of Mn. and Mrs. properlythat athough it is cf littie value it H. G. Pascoe on Tbunsday aftennoon pnoenl Iwill be valued by you on account of wben they entertained 14r. Pascoe's the associations it may bring to mind. brothens and sisters and thoir fam- As yen constantly use it we hope ilies ,Dr. and Mii. M. W. Pascoe,. that only pleasant rimoeies maybeTft, Califonnia, being present. A yours. Signed on behaîf of the cbickon pie supper was cnijoyod by I schoo-Ruby Dewell, Eleanor Shep- ail after which softball was played -j herd, Evelyn Milîson. and a social.time spent. WRIGHT-PHILP.WERRY PICNIC The Wright-Philp-Werry picnic wil be held at the residence of Mr. AI- bert W. Wright, west of Blackstock, on Saturday, July 3tb. Dinner served at 12 o'clock and tea nt 5 p. M. Dishes and silver wiil be pro- vidèd. -Members cf the family c-an- nection wiii please consider tbis an invitation te be present. PASCOE FAMILY PICNIC 1 IBeautiful weatber favored the bundred and four members cf the Pascoe farnily at their annuai picnic in Hampton Park on Monday, July lltb. Dr. Marcus Pascoe and Mrs. Pascoe cf Taft, California, were home for the occasion, and greatly enjoyed a visit witb ail the members of the farnily. Several good games of baIl were indulged in by the younger members cf the family, tbougb the star game was that put on by the young ladies. Scarcity cf figures forbids stating the score.1 Some friendly challenges among tbe eider members resuited in an excit- ing game of borseshoes ,which show- ed that some cf our membens bave net lest the skiii acquired wben pitch- ing horsesboes was a popular pastime. The usual sumptuous supper wast done justice te by ail and was fitting-E ly rounded off by a libers] supply of1 ice crearn furnisbed by Dr. Pascoe.c The geniai cernpany cf Mr. Herb. Pascoe wbo is laid up with a 3roken rieg was missed aise cf Mrs. L. T. Pascoe unabie to be present. Ail hope for a full atendance next ycar. Mrs. F. W. Kirkendall, Toronto, visited relatives over the weekend. St. Andrew's Cburch Sunday School and congregation picnic xiii be held at Mrs. Alex. Cbristie's, Port Bowmanvilîe, on Wednesday, July 2Otb. Conveyances leave chuî-ch at 1 and 1.30 p. m. Everybody cýme. beautiful floral tributes, -An Evelng lu illw-.ui." un orig-inakl musical produrtonî to be givun dl l 1 oIîîilI oiiu Chautauqua by Vierra'u Hawaflans, ùLntrurentallsts and singers, portrays Most Vividly the music and customs of Hlawaii. With the aid of novei ligbtjng and scenic effeets and appropriate eg),tuming, an atolosphere of artistic beanty and reaUsoine s4cured In this settlng Vlerrrs's Hawalians play the instruments peculiar to Hawaii, among tbesn the steel --ultar. U.tost exrresiulJvelv tbev sinf thee 50ri2 that are a rDart ofthtie true Hawal- BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 Be sure to buy a season ticket-It's cheaper-12 performances- Acluits $2.50; Chîld $1.25 Goirig OLIt Cof Grocery ]Business A Stupendous Price-Cutting Event Ail goods to be sold practically at cost and less at The Service Grocery Store iîng St. West Z Doors East of Bowman House CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, Large - 19c I Bowmanville, Ont. Bird Seed, Large 15e ]Bird Gravel, Large 2 for 25c Crossed Fish Sardines 2 Tins For 25c Malt Vinegar 3 Botties for 25c 4 ]Bars 25c Free Running Sait 9c Box Silver Gloss Starcb 10c Package Javel Water, 3 Bottles 25c DOMINION DAY AT HAYDON 1Fniday, July 1, 1927, "Dominion -Day" proved to be anothen success- ful celebration of Confederation, and on whicb date our Sunday Scbool bas ceiebrated anually for the past sixty yeaPs. During these years the good times spent in Haydon on tbis particular day bas become more and more popular ,and on this Diamnond Jubilce year a splendid crowd found their way here once more and enjoy- cd the good tbings awaiting tbem. The tea was served by the ladies and gentlemen from four to eight o'ciock the tables being prettily decorated with aIl kinds of flowers. During the afternoon ,a game of basebali vas played by the ladies of Enniskillen and Mapie Grove, the score being 7- 3 in favor of Enniskillen. At 5 p. m., a game of football xvas played by the boys of Leskard and Haydon whicb resulted in a tic. At nigbt a splendid concert was rendcrcd by the "Orpheus Entertainers, Toronto, and Miss Louise Courtice of Oshawa, a popular young reader. With this talentcd company the concert xvas one of the bcst for the seasen as each one contributcd liberally. The splen- did order xvhich prevailcd througbout the evening wvas a proof of everyoîic enjoying it. Our Pastor, Rev. J. R. Trumpeur, acted as chairman. Pro- ceeds $540.00. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Cochrane and family, Enfield, desire te express their sincere thanks te the many friends and neigbbors for their many kindnesses and sympatby also fruit and flowers, during the illness and deatb of Harold, and for those xvbo ioaned cars especially 'lie General Metors of Oshawa, aise for the PRICE $3.00 W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE B.wmavilleOnt. Laundry Soaps, (any kind) 5c Bar Bag Sait, 2 for 9c Huron Toilet RoIla 7 for 25c LIFEBUOY SOAP Interlake Toilet Rolis 4 Large for 25c v Macaroni, 16 oz. pkg. loc Arm & Hammer Washing Soda 5c package POSTS BRAN Oh Boy Handà Cleanser 3 For 25c C. C. Sauce 19C BoUtle FLAKES - 2 for 1 9c Babbits Cleanser ,3 For 25c Edwardsburg Cor-n Syrup 2 For 25c PAGE 4 ,rRE CAII &DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSRAY, JULY 14th., 1927 Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, July 15-16 "Down Tho Stretch"l With Marion Nixon, Robert Ag- new and Otis Harlan. A racing melodrama by Gera]d Beaumont. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Children 5é and regular program Monday-Tuesday, JuIy 18-19 Laura La Plante and James Kirk- wood in "Butterfties in the Ramn" Trapped - compromised - by a man she had thought a dear friend. It was ail a part of the most astounding blackmail sehern- es ever committed on either side of the Atlantic. A draina of blue-blood and black hearts that xviii amaze and thrill you! From the novel by Andrew Soutar Wednesday-Thursday, July 20-21 -Matinee Ladies" Witb May McAvoy, Malcolrn Mc- Gregor and Hedda Hooper. The story of a boy who worked bis way through college as the paid dancing partner of rich wvomen. COMING JuIy 22-23 Tim McCoy in "The Frontieraman" July 25-26 Syd Chaplin in "The Better 'Oie" August 8-9 John Barrymore in "Don Juan" f .2 Doors East of Bowrnan House