PAGE PY* T'HE CANADIA>N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSRAY, JULI l4th., 1927 STOP AT GLENCAIRN TEA GARDENS The stone bouse on south side Kingston Highwy-juàt east of DUNBARTON Specialize in AFTERNOON TEAS STEAK DINNERS CHICKEN DINNERS Just haif way between Bowman- ville and Taronta Phone: Pickering 5512 Listen Folks Boy your caloneti shoes now. Evory pain are goiug ta be dlean- eti at great saving ta yau. Copper Patent, lizandti timmeti, was $7.00.......... Now 5.48 Pancbmeut Patont tie, was $6.75.......... Nok $5.48 1Pastel Kiti Tie coloroti beol was $700......... Now $5.48 Pancbment Patent, 1 stnap wss $6.00......... Now $4,98 Pastel Kidi 1 stnap, sud tie pat- ternus, were $5,00 anti $5,50. Now ...................$448 We havo 50 pain of White Shoos lu Oxfords anti Strsp patterns, Pricoti from $3,50 to $4.50, Youn Choice ...$300 pair We can supply the family witb Tennis Foaotwear. Just a few more Club Bags left AT $575 SPECIAL Pay Cash and Pay Les Ives' Shoe Store Fotwear and Travelling Gaoda Bawmanville FOR The foilowing pioperties owners leaving this local' (1) About haîf an acre in choice central locatior newly decorated throug] ces, cernent cellar; good lawrn, rose bushes and per berry, gooseberry ,cherr attractive home. Price $4 (2) About 78 acres of of highway, suitable foi garden, spendid for ear ries ,etc. Good water Frame house and outbu once. Price $3500. For fui ir'.. EDITH Va -i ..- - - . andRealEs STRAW HALF BACKWARD WEATHER FORCES THIS SALE 0F MEN'S STRAW HATS MEN'S $400 HATS FOR .......$2.WO MEN'S $3.00 HATS FOR .......$1.50 MEN'S $2.00 HATS FOR .......$100 S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office BO WAVILLE 1PHONE 20 Prof. W. A. Pearl, one of the veny iutonosting visitons to Bowmanville, anti bis wife, who le the .iaughten of Dr. anti Mrs. GluscDn, (ueo Alma Cny- tierman) af Pont Townsend, Washing- ton, anti daugbter of the Iste Micb- aol Crydernian of Darlingtan anti Bowmanvillo, on a trip of research anti pleasure left Portlandi, Oregon, on June l7tb. They travelleti by train ta Detroit, visiteà Fond Plant, then Fond Aviation Plant, secureti a Hopmobile snd motoroti ta Bowman- ville where tbey visitcd ber uncle anti sont, Mn. anti Mrs. C. N. Ruse, going ou ta Niagara Falls ta visit Mn. anti Mrs. J. K. Stoutt then ta New York City, Philadeîphia, Washington, D. C., Southern Denven anti Nebraska, where bis people live, Utah, Salt Lake Qit,and home. Prof. Peanl le heati of the Gas Englue Departmeut of, tb? Bepiqon Polyteî:hnic Sehool wbere thene are eighty teachers, six- tees hundreti boys anti four bundreti tratiesmen, attending night school fve nighta per week where they put into practice what they teach. Prof. anti Mrs. Pearl expeet to reach home about Auust lst andi will have cov- ered 7,500 miles. They know that it keeps their babies and free fnom skin troubles. It is made particularly for baby's tender skin and is, there- fore, absolutely pure and harm- less. Then there 18 a Cream, alzo made by Johnson and Johnson, which le specially prepared to re- lieve scalding, and it dos it. They are each 25c and are sold in Bowmanville at -FKE."RSLAKE'S PHONE 49 The Dependable Druc Store - - I - - - BIRTHS To Let ~ummer Kesorts OBITUARY LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr*. J. H. Smith, Bowznanville Miss Anna Beliman is holidaying Mr. Harold Jewell, Buffalo, N. Y.,I wth Mrs. Frank Jones, Penny, N. Y. has been halidaying at home. 1di There passed to rest on Sunday, Principal J. H. Johnston and son1 Mr. Royal Quinn .viited relatives July 3, after six months' ilîness, Han- Bert, are visiting relatives at Lis- ini Owen Sound last week. 1r nah Maria Naylor, beloved wife Of towel. Mrs. Geo. Brown and 'Miss Carie rM Mn.Jon . mih. ecasd as Hospital Annual Bazaar will be Broad are visiting friends in Tor-o boru in Fenelon Township on1 Jan- held on Tuesday, November 15. Re- onto. oary 7, 1859, being the youngest serve the date. Mr. and Mrn. Alex. Haddy and daugbter of a family of thirteen children of the late.John Denb ad Mn. Herbent Colmer is spending Wesley, Toronto, spent the weekend Sophia Maynes Naylor. Her fater bis halidays a t Fisher's Glen Y.M.C. at Mr. J. W. Knight's. was Reeve of Fenelan Township aud A. Camp, Lake Erie. Mn. and Mrs. B. Y. Haddy and T Warden of Victoria Couuty fan a Mn. Hanold Jewell, Buffalo, N. Y., IBetty, Toonto, spent Sundsy Wîth I nunîber of yeans. and Mr. Bert Jewell spent a week's Mn. aud Mrs. F . A. Haddy. Iý About twenty years ago Mr. aud' holidays at Moskoka. Confederation Jubilee is pas t. fo Mrs. Smith moved ta Bowinanville1Mr and Mrs. W. G. Nelles spent Glorious Twelfth bas gone-nowIL fnrom Fenelon Falls, Mr. Smith beingJ the weekend witb bis brotber-iu-law, cames Chaotauqua, July 20th. 1b, employed with the Goodyear Tire & 'Dr. W. A. Scott, Toronto . Mn. and Mns. W. G. Rohbins re- c Rubber Company.1 Mrs. E. Cole, Toronto, sud Miss tunned home with Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. S, The funenal took place on Tues-jMyrtle Cale, Franklin, Pa., are holIi- 1L. Brown for a visit in Detroit. day fnom the fsmily residence, 26 I daying with friends here. Trinity Church Sunday Scbooalpi c- Carlisle Ave., service beiug couduct-I MisBleSeat2eoa ot icwl ehl nWdedy l eti by ber pastor, Rev. J. U .Robins, DkoasissBleStngat er gNrne27tiat Ceam ldof Barlesy amp. of Trinity Cburcb, assisted by eDaoilvstngt ber grn-27aa Cemo BreICm; Sunday School teacher, Rev. W.A1fther's, Mn. Gea. T. Jones. Mrs. A. Crawford and Mrs. N. B. tj Bunnen, and Rev. E. A. Tonkin whose' Mrs. F. B. Hemman andi san Carl Cobbledick and June, Toronto, bave, kindly words were a fitting testimouy are visitiug Mrs. H. Murphy ,Shan- been visiting at Mrs. E. Bellman's. ta a if e well-live d. Thbe inter- nouville, aud other relatives. Miss Agnes Vanstone ils out with ment took place in Bowuîanville Messrs. Jim Devitt, Jabez and By- a numben of girls holidaying at camp Cemetery. non Vaustone are enjoying 1f e at Wapomeo in the Algonquin Park dis- The paîl-bearers were Messrs. Ahmek Camp, Algonquin Park. trict. Alex. Smith, Tbos. Smith, J. Kelsey Miss Mildred Lawrie nas retunned Mn. andi Mrs. Herbent Trott, Part Y, and S. Switzer. from a veny enjoyable trip fromI Hope, were Sunday guests of Pnin- j, Besides ber busband she leaves to! Geongian Bay ta Mackinaw Island. cipal and Mrs. J. H. Jobustan, Han- 71 mourn hern bas, one daugbter, Mrs. Mn. Robt. Wotton, Osbawa, attend- sey-st. l M. F. Hoaper wbo resides nexr door'ed the Orange Walk and called on Mns. W. E. Snowden and bah y' to bier, also five brothens, Isaac Of bis bnothen-in-law, Editor M. A. Margaret. Oshawa, spent a f ew days i Fenelon Falls, Thomas of Alhambra, James. withbher sister, Mns. Kenneth E. Cox, 1 E Rca, ofJSeatplhoWasou gto, Alad'Mn. and Mrs. H. Murphy, Shan- Calisle Ave. Riardsof Alat, Wshiugn. an nonville ,spent the weekend with Mn. Miss Nettie Lauder, formerly ofE Jame ofAima Mihiga.asd Mrs. F. B. Herman andi other Wbitby, sister of late Mns. N. F. j The floral offeings wene very friends. McNschtau, Cobourg, was buniedi beautiful including: Wneatbs fnom, ' tgn ode is adel there recently. Huseau Tirend&Daughten, DMrt 272 Exeter, wene goests of bis cousins, Mrs. H. S. Freeman anti Miss 1 Gody1.e'arTir &Rnber a., M and M nM. and Mrs. Shenwood Rundle on Chrissie B. Freeman speut tbe week- adMns. .aylor and family dMn uly l2tb. endi with Mr. and Mns. E. R. Free- I Sprays- Mn. and Mns. Wm. Sewel 'Mn. anti Mrs. W. Heatly, Mn. Jack man, Port Dalbousie. aud Ruby, Triinity Church ChoirMn. Heatly sud Mn. and Mrs. Will Mc- Miss Florence Belîman, Toronto,j and Mrs. S. Wilson, Mns. Switzer sud Cartney, Bnantford, visiteti Mn. andi Mns. Merkley Belîman and family,lb Mns. Shannon, Mns. K. Wight. Trin- Mrs. F. C. Clmer. Guelph, are holidaying witb Mns.E.- ity Ladies' Aid. Members of Wome's You nover bean a persan knock 1 Belîman, Balsam Grove. Institute, Mn. anti Mrs. F. Oke. Mn. Chautauqua who patronizes it. Tbe Mn. sud Mns. C. H. G. Fletcher, aud Mrs. J. T. Hooper. kick cornes fnom those wbo stay Toronto, spent the weekend witbhl' Many lettons aud telegrams of away sud miss the woudenful enter- relatives bore anti stapped oven for: sympatby were receiveti by the ber- tainmients. ithe Twelftb of July Celebration. eaved ones. 1Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Baskervillo, M. anti Mrs. Herbent L. Goddard, I Relatives from a distance wene -Mrnsd 'Ms. James McBrien, Toron- New Yonk City, spent the weekend o Mn. sud Mrs. I. Naylar sud daugbten ta, inotoneti down for the Orange with Mn. and Mrs. Wellington E. i Mamie of Fenelan Falls; Messrs. Celebration aud renewed mauy old Greene at Newport sud Prorvidenc, Alex sud Thos. Smith, Pont Col- acquaintances. i R. I.r bonne; Mn. sud Mns. Chas. Duggin Mns. James Melville, Mrs. John Mr. Pst Lambert, Tononto, was and Mn. Bruce McMatin, Petorbono; Csrswell, Palmerston, Misses Editb, smang the many visitons who came j Mn. sud Mns. S. Switzen, Mn. Swit-. Ethel sud Gladys Melville, Toronto, bsck ta the Old Home Town for thc zen, Sr., sud Mns. T. Shannon, Om- motored down sud spent the weekenti Glaiaus Twelftb after an absence af E emase; Mn. sud Mns. J. Kelsey, witb Mn. sud Mns. Rabt. Greenfield. 12 years.11 George, Marjony sud Stanley of Miss Aima J. Pollanti, Mrs. W. B. Mrs. Denis Daley, Mn. sud Mrs. Woovile M. sd rs G W Pollard sud Misses Greta Pollard Ralph Hadgson, Mn. George Hodgsan7 Powen, Oakville; Mn. Henry Sandy,, sud Estber Wallace took in the Gooti- Mn. John Bennett, Toronto, were Mn. J. D. Powen and Mrs. W. vihp ean excursion sud spent the week- guests of Mn. sud Mns. F. J. Man-,i Tornto. i end witb relatives in Charlotte, N. jning on Sunday. i .Mns. James Tbompson sud daugh-t CR OFTHANKS jMn. sud Mns. Harry Brock, Mn. W'tr enadRth n o on iJ.Cleens Haiptn, r. nd rs.Pont Hope, wene guests of hien pan-, The Ladies of tbe Hospital Aux- F. J. Clemeus, Oshawa, motoreti to lents, Mn. sud Mrs. H. B. Creeper, ilisny desine ta tbank the members Lakeview Beach on Fniday anti ut- oven tbe weekenti. of Bawmanville Wome's Institute tendeti the funenal of their uephew, Mn. and Mns. Gea. W. James sud for the complote funuisbing of s beti-!Mn. W. R. Walsh. daughten, Ruth, atteuded Owen room lu the Nurses' New Residence., White Shield Club will holti picnice Soundi Olti Home Week Celebratiani Also for single pieces of funuitune on Friday, July 29th., when Toronto last week sud were guests of Mrn.sdi .for othen nooms sud vernda. White Sbield Club will jain theni at Mns. George Woods. Coppen Beecb Camp, Newcastle. Misses Marjonie sud Donotby Rab- Members note change of date. Pan- lus, Marion Wanden sud Marion1 ticulans uext week. Pickand ith aothen girl frientis have i _________ -- Motarists' attention is calledti ta een ejoying life at the Robins advt. of Glencairu Tes Gandens, Cottage nean Wellington. Dubartoît. Bowmanville citizeus Chautauqus tickets are obtainableý who have patronizeti this fanut home fnom W. J. Bagnell, Jury & LoveIl, S A L E speak iu ighest tenis of service, F. F. Morris Co., W.ý T. Allen, Bal- meal an resonblerates. It's moral Hotel, J. A.- Holgate & Son just haîf way ta Toronto. W. P. Corbett, MeClellau & Co., sare offered for sale, as Some people have madie the mis- Ives Shoe Store, Statesman Offic. j take lu years past to ouly boy single Dr. sud Mns. Norman Founti, Paul, ity, at quick sale prices: tickets for a couple of Chautauqua Rutb sud Elaine who recently return- oncerts, whereas they msy cee the ed from Kones, have 'been spentiîngj ýe of land in Bowmanville, entine 12 for $2.50. a few tisys witb bis brother, Mn. W. n; 6 room frame house, Mn. Chas. Haggith, Mn. and Mns. J. Founti. They are now at the Russell Haggith sud Mn. Alfredi Hag- family bome at Ebenezen. iiout ,modern convenien- gith, Rochester, N. Y., wba motor- Mn. andi Mns. John Wylie aud Mns. repair .Fine shade trees, eti oven for the Coufedenation Jubi- J W. Mitchell, Toronto, Mn. aud Mrs alo as- e Celebration have been visitino the Fred A. Parne n sd 5 chiltiren, y ýrennal plants, as rafl omrssitr r.DnadMDn oe, Miss Wayne, Mn. sud Mns. Non- -y and plum trees. An aId, aud othen relatives hene. man Osborne aud 2 chiltinen, Mn. anti Adrian Berry, Liberty St. North, Mns. Byron Osborne anti 2 chiltinen, 1,000.a studeut at Bawmauville Publice n.ani rs. Mausel Osbonne anti3 farm and, orth School, won the Stnatbcona Golti chiltinen, Mn. anti Mrs. Edigar Wool- Il . lnd mile ot Medal for target shotiug in campe- ritige aud 2 chiltiren, Mn. anti Mrs.l r poltryfarm or tuck tition with public schoals in Durham Lou Hall anti 2 chiltiren, Mns. Hall, )r pulty frm r tuck County. It is three years since this Sr., aIl of Souya, Mn. Llewellynj Lry gtables stra-wber- coveteti prize bas camne ta Bowman- Hayes, Town, wene l2tb of Joly vis- aIl the tirne for cattie. ovilalibflem-1itorsat Mn. J. H. Danc's,' Mauvens ildings. ' Possession at playee of the Tailaing snd Altera- Mn. Howard W. Lapp wba was on' rtheî' particulars apply to tion Dept. Of Coucb, Johuston & 1july lst transfenned as manager of Cryderman, hati the misfontune ounIthe Standard bere to Csmpbellfond Weduesday of last week ta fall fnam proveti to be a capable financier anti a box against the stove wbile paper- papulan citizen during bis stay in1 SL U D LL g a room lu ber home bneakiug1 Bowmanville. He coulti always be! S O E Lber rigbt anm. icounteti an to assist lu any wortby' stata Agent BowmanvilleMns. J. J. Lard wbo speut the movement for the gooti or botter- winten lu California anti on bier ne- ment of the cammuuity. Many of tom ttrp visiteti fnientsisnluBritish aur citizens may not be aware that Columibia, Saskatcbewan, Western jMn. Lapp is a descendentof one of Ontario anti Toronto ,arrived home the oldest settlens ln the Unitedti ________________________ ou Tuesday lu time ta celebrate the Counties of Northumberlandi and' Glorious Twelftb. Mn. M. G. Lord,1 Durbam being a great grantison of ber brather-in-law, accompanieti ber1 Samuel Lapp, who aven a century aga bore fnom Tononto, anti took in the helpedti ta ean tbe laund on wbicb doings. 1 Cobourg now stands. After enjayiug Chautauqua onu, Chanrnilsnw selling aIl Me's woutiers how they assemble such high Stnaw Hts at haîf price. EU A I~~~~' ~class talent at an average of 25e ________a,________ T .1;~Ib concert. IN MEMORIAM sTrEWART-Died an Juiy 12, 1927, Ehl- tabeth Aun Metcalf, beloved wife of the late Charles Ed. Stewart of Enniskillen. One by one earth's ties are broken, One by one they are llnked above Some day there'il be sweet reunlion, once again wlth those we love. ýThe sulent chorde of memory's heant Are softlY rouched today Loviug thoughts will always linger Dear mother where You lie. Sadiy mised D Y Margaret and Phemia. Articles For Sale PIGS FOR SALE-7. weeks oId, goodj typ)e . Boys' Training Sehool, Bowmau- i TIMOTH-Y I-AY FOR SALE-18 acres of standing Timothy hAy. APPlY ta Mrs" Levi Rabbins, Hampton. 27-t i PIGS FOR SALE-10 Yorkshire pige, S6 weeks oid. Appiy ta Samuel Nyshta, Scugog Raad, Bowmanvilie. 28-3w- PIGS FOR SALE-T Pure Bred York- shire pigs, 8 weks old. Gea. Masan, High St., phonc 451w, Bowmanvilie. 27-2 CAR FOR SALE-Chevrolet Superiorl Coupte, in g-ood condition. Cheap for cash. Appiy C. D. Hodgsou, Tyrone. 28-2N% HAY FOR SALE-A quautity of stand- Inug hay, sorne red clover aud tirnothy mixed, aiso some timolhy. Apply lu 2rs. C. J. Kersiake, R. R .1, Ilanmpton. phono 150R33. 21.1w- SOWS FOR SALE-Two Yorkshire Sows In farrow, eligible for registration, will sell at a bargain. T. J. Cale, R. R.1 3, Ilowmanville. - 27-3* FOR SALE-Team wagon ,heavy team harneas, buggy, cutter, team sleighs, reari wheei and tire for Fulton Truck. Need ihe raom so wili sacrifice for qulck sale. Aîpily Peter Martin & Sons, El- gin St., N., Bowmanvlle, phone 497w. -23-t Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT-Two hou"e, 61 and 7 rooms each, very attractive resi- dences, lu good location. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, phone 497wv, Bowmau- v Ille. 25-t HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick bouse, rooms, eiectric iights and furnace, ap- pies, pears. and smaii fruit trees, two good building lots with property. Will seli et warking man's price. Couvenieut location. Apply W. J. Berry, Bookstore, Bow~manv~ille. 18-t PROPERTV FOR SALE-De.Irabie solld ,rick double dwelling, three-plece bath aud furnace ln each, good deep lot, large aud email fruit. best location, three minutes wa ik 10 C. P. R. Stato or Public School. leavlng towu. Aîply on premises ta Mirs. T. G. Mason. ;Corner Concession andi Elgin Ste., phone 200, Bowmauvllle. 27-t FARM FOR SALE-100 acres mare ar less, north haif Lot 17, Con. 8, Darlingtou, good buildings. weil fenced, principaiiy wlth wlre, welI watered. 8 acres archard Just commencing ta bear. PlowIng pas- session after harvest, full possession an March 1 1928. For terme a.nd particu- lars apply on the premises ta John Me-1 GUIR. R. 1, Ennisllen, phone 239-31. j 26-swe FRSALE-Six acres of land arn whlah are brick house containlng living-roomi, dtning-room, 4 bed-raams, kîtchen, pan- try, woodshed; water. electrlc iights, fur- naoe. garage, bank barn, hen bouse for fouir hundre<I iaying hens; three acres of orchard; good garden wlth amaîl frut; cernent sidewalks. near Provincial High- way. For terme apply ta Henry Brock, Liberty St. North, BowmlanVlle, Ont. Phone 501 or 114w. 20-tr I4OUSE FOR SALE--Frame dweiiing and one acre of strawberrles and other smali fruit, lthe property of the late Ai- bert E Goode. situnted an Brown Street, in l3owmanville, good barn sud hen bouse, eiectrc llghts and water. This proper- ty munet be sold for the purpose of wind- lng up the Estate. Bargain price may be sectred from W. F. Ward. Barrister. Bowmanville. Ontario. îs-ti HELP WANTED j MÂLE OR FEMALE Earnupwards of $5 weekly; grow; space ln cellars, banne or outhouses. Llght pieass.nt work for etther me. Commence now. Iiiustrated bookiet, prcoU and testimoniale sent anywherefor stamp. Âddreaa Domninion Muahroam Ca., Toronto S. MILLER--On JuIy 12, 1927, t0 Mm. and Irs. Walla.ce J. Miller, Bowmianilea laughter. WHARTON-On Joly 6, 1927, ai Kt tam Villa Rest Home"', Bo anilt Mr. and Mrs. Harny T.Whrane torah Wildfong), 69 Humber Trait, Tan- uta, a daughtem. (Barbara June) MARRIAGES HIGGS-ROGEý-At Port Pemry, on bhursday, Juue 3U,,1927, 11ev. William liggs, Beachburg. and Mrs. Mabel Rogers Port Perry. Die ceremony wss per- formed by Rev. WVcslc3y Ellott. HANCOCK-STOREY-At George St. United Chumch, Peterboro, July 6, 1927, y Rev. Mm. Todd, Melville George Han- cock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. T. Han- ock, Part Hope, and Margaret Irene Stomey, Peterboro. NEVILLE-HAWKINS-tIn the Angli- can Church, Guil Lake .Sask., on June 29, 1927, by Rov. J. Stackt;ouse, Margar- t Lillian Hawkins, fommerly of Toronto, uurth daughter of Vie laie John sud Margaret Hawkins uf Manvç,rs Township. to Charles A. Neville, GuIl Lake, Sask. FARMS TO RENT-Convenlently le- piough after present crop. Fuli posses- sion April 1, 1928. Appiy ta G. D. Can- ant, Oshawa, Ont. 23-t Wanted STAMPING-Mrs. A. Pinch, 14 Liberty Place, Bowrnanviiie, le prepared ta do ail kinds of starnplng for embroldery work. 28-2w* GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORI< -Or by the day. Apply to Mns. ][. J. --lBii t., Bowmianvllle, phonie 327w. 26-tf WANTED-A srnall Uprlght Piano of modern style. Will exchauge a 6 tube Super-Neutrodyne ,walnut cabinet 46 !n- ches high, built ln Baldwin Loud Speaker and ail equipment, new. 1is lsaa beautiful Instrument and fhe Pinnacie- of Radio perfection. Write Box 31,3, ~w mauviile, or telephone 105. LOOK One Large Galvanized Pail Containing the f ollowing Procter & Gamble Soaps 1 Pkg. Chipso (large size) 3 P G The White Naphtha 3 Gold Soap 2 Guest JIvory 1 Jvory Soap (Medium) 1 Galvanized Pail Regular Value $1.30 ail for 98C WHILE THEY LAST DEATHS CRUMB-In Oshawa, July 3, 1927, John Crumb, formerly of Damiingtou, aged 91 years. ROBERTSON-At Port Hope Hospital, June 30 .1927, Peter 1. Robertson ,in bis 4th yesr. MARJORAM-ln Bowmianvilie, flday. July 8, 1927, Victor, sun of Mm. Walter Mamjoram. aged 16 years. STOCKS-tu Oshawa, on July 1, 1927.1 Elizabeth Haimuan, wiiow of the late Sam- uel Stocks, in hem 67th year. SMITH--At Port Hope, June 29, 1927, Elizabeth A. Smith, daughter ut Sarah Jand the iste Wm. Smith. LYN DE-At Whitby, July 6, JamsSl ýester Lynde ,beloved husband 0f Eh-1i zabeth Aliman, ln bis 76th year. GOHEEN-tu the towuship of Hlamil- I uon, on July 6, 1927, William Goheen, be- loved husband of Letitia Anu Carke. BARKER-At Port Hope, on Friday,j July 8, 1927. Charles Bariter. beloved ha- band of Eumma E. Cayte. in lier 83mdI year. JAMES-At Toronto, suddeuiy, on Jouel 30. 1927, Ileatrice Olive Emett, beluved) wlfe of Thomas James, 305 Wlllard Ave., n her 151h year. O'CONNOR--On July 1, 1927, at her late resideuce. 6 Bellwouds Avenue, Tom- onto, Margaret Alice, widuw of the late Jeremiah OConnor ,farmeriy ut Oshawa, In ber 59th year. SUNTER-On Jue 30, 1927, at Hos- pital for Sick Chiidren, William Charles (Billy), aged 10 years, beloved aud only C hild of William J. and Daisy Suunter, of 171 St. Clements Avenue, Torouto. VAN BLARICOM-At 19 Highland Ave, Belleville, JulY 9, 1927, Mary EmlY Os- [rom, widaw of F. M. Van B.laricom, aud mather of G. B. Van Blaricom, edltor af The Canada Lumbermnu, Toronto, aged, 78 years. Kili the Fles 8 oz. bottie Fly O San, Regular 50e ....for t 16 oz. bottie Fly O San ,Regular 75e ....forJ 32 oz. bottie FIy O San, Regular $1.25.... .for . Binder Twine Screen Doors and Window Screens Garden Hose Complete Line of Insecticides Dustan's Cash Hardware "We Serve You Well" Bowmanville Bargains Galore BOYS' SUITS CLEARING FOR $6.95 A line of Tweeds and Worsteds, broken sizes, ail splendid values that were up to $8.50 and $9.00, CLEARING FOR $6.95 CLEARING UNE 0F MEN'S SUITS AT $15.95 These are suits that were up to $25.00, broken sizes in fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, CLEARINIG FOR $15.95 MEN'S SUITS AT $26.95 This comprises 3 uines of Tweeds and Wors- steds, finest quality obtainable., Young Men's double breasted models, Fawn and Grey shades, in ail Wool Scotch Tweeds, also a fine quality al Wool Worsted Suits, Regular values to $37.50, ON SALE $26.95 EACH MEN'S TWEED RAINCOATS AT $7.95 Absolutely waterproof, fineq uality tweed fin- ish, a splendid coat for wet weather, ON SALE $7.95 Men's Work Shirts, Blue and Khaki at 98c each Men's Work Soi,...............4 Pair For $1.00 Boys' Cotton Stockings, Heavy Ribbed, 4 pair 98c T. B. Gilchrist Opposite Bank of Montreal Phono61 Bowmanville FOR RENT-Cott.age ai Beach. Eab Side, Bowmauville, 6 rooms, aIl conven- iences, garage and boat. Apply G. C. Dmawem B, Bowmanville. SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT-Ât Armstrong's Paint, Laike Scugug, 2 flve- room cottages, furnished for rent. Fon particulars apply ta W. E. Armstrong, Bowmauville, or phono 321J. 27-tf Lost or Found GLASSES FOUNO--On King Street, on July lst. Apply at Statesmian Office. 27-t MON EV LOST-A sum of money In bille ou July 12th. Reward for retorn by leaving at Statesman Office, Bownîan- ville. 28-tf FUR LOST--On Scugog Road, one mile aud a quarter nortb of Enniskillen ou Satumday afternoon, a sable necit-piece. Finder pleae bave at Stateeman Office Baw-nianvllle. 8t We recommend and Sel HARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE tienerai Insurance ana &%cal -31