l'ÂGE SIX rHE CÂNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSRAY> JULY l4th., 1~27 SHOWERS 0F BLESSING Thou speakest of showers of blessing, O Lord, unto souls that are Thine, That they, ail their failures confess- ing, May know the compassion divine; For showers of blessing, Lord, we plead, That they may rneet our deepest need. Most wonderful showers of blessing Are plainly ini Scripture foretold: And we the great promise possessing Wouid soon its fulfilment behold: May showers of blessing, while we pray, Refresh ail waiting souls today We ask for the showers of blessing To quicken and nourish and heal; The need which is urgent and press- ing, Thy waiting ones everywhere feel; With showers of blessing, whiie we cry, Draw near and ail our needs supply. We pray for the showers of biessing To soften the hearts that oppose, I That so, by Thy Kîngdom progress- ing, The desert may biooni as the rose; By showers of blessing own the plea Which £rom ail hearts ascends to Thee. We wait that the showers of blessing Bestowed in their fulness may be. That.churches Thy presence address-1 ing May find ail completeness in 'rhee:1 By showers of blessing answer prayer And send refreshing everywhere. Ridgetown, Ont. -T. Watson.1 ICE TO-DAY LADIES? I amn prepared to supply either b week or tickets or any quantity dE sired at any time-and at bette prices than ice that has to be haule 20 miles. We have medical auth ority to cut our ice which is pur spring water. Our wagons are i charge of Messrs. Fred and Harol MeMulien. Phone aIl ice orders t 58 which will be given prompt atten tion. A. M. Williams For Your Achinig Heiac Taeonue ZUTOO TABLET and in 20 minutea, the pain la joe and you f..l tue.. ZUTOO will stop any Hoadmobe, Sick, Nos-vous, Dyopoptieoro Monthly-in 20 minutes by the olook. 25c ut deler, rHEALTH-GIVING Reaize the benefits of health-giving cod- iver ol vitamins. The pleasant way- Scot's EnUMLsn Scot & Bowrne. Toronto, Ont._] 7- DRAGGINC-DOWN PAINSREIIEVEO Woman Suffered Nearly a Year. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Brought Her Health Moose Jaw, Sask. -"I amngoing to try to tell you what Lydia E. Pink- hamn's Vegetable Compound has done for me. 1 suffered very hadly wth dragging-down pains and inflamma- tion, also pains in my right side ov er My hip and-down my whole side into My leg. I had it nearly a year when I went to a doctor and he said 1I would have to have an operation. But my mother said to ta ke Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as it saved her life years before. 1 took two bottles and 1 found 1 was better, so 1 ke pt on taking it and also used Lydia E. l'inkham's Sanative Wash. I have had two more children since then and arn perfectly welL 1 use I to) have te lie down two or three times a day, and now 1 do ail my houscwork withî,ut trouble. 1 ai- ways keep the Vegetable Compound in th(, house as 1 find a dose now and then helps me. I amn willing for you te use this letter any way you scec fit and I will angwerîe-tters. I fI cars help anyother womnan I'd he only to giad to try."--Mrs. ESTHER Houcii'PUN, 414 Morse Square, Moofe Jaw, Sas- katchewan. Lydia E. Pinkhans's Vegetable Compound is a dependable medicine for ail women. For sale hy druggigts everywbere. c OD'S PHOSPH0D1NEý Thereat in glish Preparatina,. Tons a,,! rovgorates the wloe %emots sytetn. makes ne-w Blood iold Vin%. Used for Nervous lfi)o"lity,, Mental and Dirain W4ory Dpndn-.Losi o4 Ene RPa"piation o tht carr F , 2 no~v ruc Speox3p for 15. 1Sold by alrgss o ald' plain p&.on recipt of piceý New pamph4éî u'aided 'rtTUK WOOD MeDICNE CO.JORtONTOONT. Cook"& Regulating Comnpound ~ A an/"e, reiable regulat e vied ie,. Sold ini three de- greesüf atength-No.1 I soId 6yIl dnuias. or ment M . 51.NL ozità pries THt COK MEDICINECO rialoffoemeiyin.o by e- cmr ENFIELD IN 1867 By a Graduate of Chateauguay Academy. This year being the 6Oth sinc( Canada became a Dominion oui Canadian people are celebrating th( Diamond Jubilee. Confederatioi of the Provinces was celebrated or July 1, 1867, so quite appropriatel: the Diamond Jubilee celebration wa held on Friday, July 1-Dominior Day it has been called ever since thE provinces united 60 years ago and k a national holiday that we celebratE on every First of July. Very few who remember as fat back as 60 years are living to joir in this jubilee celebration as the mer and women of that time have nearly nil gone to their reward. Buta few of us remain and are naturally thinking of the residents of this section who were heads of families at that time. The village in those days was known as Chateauguay and nearest post offices were Enniskiilen and Columbus. As we recaîl the families now they included the fol- lowing not one of the heads of famil- les as then known is living in or near this village at the present: John S. and Grace Ashton--child- ren: Annie, Norah, Mary, William, James, Emma, Frederick, Joseph, Jennie. John Alexander and wife-Wil- liam, Caroline, Maria Jane, Sarah, Charlotte, Helen, Andrew, Ezilla Maggie, John. Jonathan and Sophia Bray-Eliza- beth. Mary Jane. James, Jua, Sai-J uel, Emma, William J., Frederick, Lewis. Samuel and Ann Bond-Williamn, John S., Fred J., Amos, Jesse, Helen, William Bowman and Sarah-An- nie, Elizabeth, Jane. John and Naomi Bray-Charlott'e, M1aria, Naomi, John, William, J ona- than.1 PRIZE WINNERS 0F RACESI In Dominion Day Sports Gifted Polynesian A good program of sports was car- Entertainer Unique ýe ried on by following committee: W. Lr A. Edger, J. E. Cunningham, F. W Chautauqua Feature ie Goddard, C. Samis, A. Campbell; " Starter-Dr. J. C. Devitt; Judges- ni Warden M. J. Elliott, Deputy Reeve Wherahlko Rawç'l. gifted Polynestan yr W. H. Thîckson, Councillors W. C. ýs Caverly and A. J. Wadhams; An- entertainer, wIll he a unique tenture 'i nouncer-H. C. Lapp; Custodian of of the comlng Dominion Chautauqua. e Prizes-S. R. James. He prementq his fasdniating progrram is Girls, 5 years and under-Dolîs to ln picturesque native costume amid a e all. tropical stage settlng, and portrays Boys, 5 years and under-Bâlloons the arts, craft, folklore and tuneful ýr to ail. music of the Samoan Island people. " Girls, under 8 years-Balls to aIl. 1Mr. RRwei Is a really reMRrkable " Boys, under 8 years-Mouth or- man ewa onetPln*lnpr ygans to al.auHeva ono oyRl pr a Girls, under -12 years-H. Prit- '-nts at Pipiriki, a native Mefort set- ychard, E. Taylor, J. Caverly. tientn. oitunhte<l on the hRnk ,f the s Boys, under 12 years-W. Dunlop, sJ. Cameron, F. Bradd. e Girls, under 16 years-H. Curran, ,. 1 E. Taylor, M. Newton. Boys, under 16 years-J. Roxbor-- ough, R. Williams, R. Bate. *700 yds., boys 18 years and under -H. Colmer, B. Andrus, T. Smith. ' 200 yds., boys 18 years and under 11k -T. Smith, G. Colmer, H. Colmer. ' ranC . amilon . agnell. C 100 yds, open-C. Warren, B. Colmer, E. Sanders. 200 yds, open-C. Caverly, H. Col- ". . J mer, G. Colmer. 1/4 mile, open-C. Caverly, J. Turner, H. Coimer. ~n# Obstacle race-H. Colmer, G. Colmer, E. Quiinn. 3 mile road race-E. Quinn, T.I Smith, C. Caverly. 200 yds, gold medal to representa- tive from any lower grade school in West Durham-Ted Smith of Boys'i Training School. Married ladies race-MNrs. Alvin Stacey ,Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Powell.' ingle ladies race-W. Rember,,Fl Wherahlko Rswel Simpson. Mystery Race-E. Quinn. Wanganul River, New Zealand, andt ei William Bryant and wife-Wil-j --eaa «rearae Mr.uand wn. j Oi an i.ra t a ViPorpiiaU jGiilillan's. -liam, John, James, Robert, Elizabeth,MrSadrR Hae an Mr.ba ilttakupnh ate'I Mr. and Mrs. Alf Peate and hie GogBennett. trîbe. Fortune, however, was wlth theI daughter, Miss Marion Wurm0 re JosephGg, Sarah, Nîcholas, While the races were going on a littie Polyrjesian baby, for an Englisb Baltimore, Md., are visiting hi )I aniAdbr softball tournament was in progress officer rescued hlm and later adopted brother, Mr .Frank Peate and sister to Fa ranylo n Campbell, wife and in ,%hich Bowmanviiie High School im.Ti etoaurpneua MsJmsDrcPvdne t aiy(fSteam Mills), also Jack- wvon the trophy. Scores andhm.hiletoaErpaeda-M.JmsDrcrvdne n- son Elliott, James Spicer, Robert games: Hîgh Scbool 4-Front Street tiora, and enabled Mr. Rawei to study Mr. H. Drummond, manager of thi 1Smith and their familles. 3; Knitters 6-Foundry 1; High et Rugby and Cambridge. Standard Bank here, is spending - Daniel and Mary Dyer-Jane, Eli- School 9-Oddfellows 5; High Scbool Mir. Rawei know, the 1f. of the couple of weeks holiday on a motoi zabeh, argret Jon, mma Wil 2-niters1 SuthSea; w. bon t L ha, l 1edt rip. During his absence, Mr. Hon zaehMrart JhEma Wl -Kitrs1 SuhSes wsbrnt Ihn Ie ey of Brighton, is in charge at th( liam D., Hannah. It, and prdienta t In the language Of banik. Thomas and Catharine Conln- a cutnîred Eng¶lsh gentleman. Robert Mr JaeNiotlrath Ellfe, Tiasl arlnnyams Walter, Sarah, Sulas, Mary. LottUs Stevenson wrote of hlm: 'Wher. Standard Bank the past year, lefi 1Roland and Martha Campbel John and Ann Thompson-Annie, ahlko Rawel Lu a Polynealan racon- this week for Montreal to join th( >John, Matilda, Minnie, EdnaCe William, Cassie, John, David, Re- leur who faneinates one withs the staff of one of the branches in thai . has, Lucy, Franklin. P becica, Bella, Nellie, Archie. w1chr of his word paintings, so b.- City. He is succeeded here by Mr, ol Patrick and Helen Cosgrove. Robert and Isabella Virtue-Eliza FseofCldna frmlyc Parc n nnDhryPt Jane, John, Thomas, Mary Ann, Isa- ware, le@t h. tart von roamins o'ea'Fse fCldoifrel ~ rckWiliam HeenJoheJmes , Margaret, Susannah. southern goa" Bowmnanville. rick WiliamHele, Jon, JmesMiss Walsh received a message James Gallagher and wif e-WýiI- Samuel and Mary West-Thomas, BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA that her cousin, Lieut. Robert Walsh liam, Martha, James, Robert, Tho mas, Robert, William, Margaret, Elizabeth, has pased away in Christie Street John Dorsey, Sarah.' Susannah, Isabelle, Wesley, Dollie. JULY 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 Hospital, Toronto. Lieut. Walsh - James Hobbs and wife-William, Thomas and Angelina West-Sam-.q athsoofheleW.FWlh James, Samuel, Eliza, Ann. uel, Ephraim, Elizabeth, William, Be sure to buy a season ticket-lt'wsthsoofheaeW.FWal Rap n uyHl-lzbtThomas. cheaper-12 performances-Adulta of Regina, formerly of Clarke. He aylph, nd s Lucy.l-liaeh Thomas Wickett and wife-Mary $2.50; Child $1.2-5. was gassed and otherwise injured Mary Saah, homs, Lcy.overseas and had been putting up a George and Synthia Hayes-Eliza- Ann, Eliza, Sarah, William, Richard.______ strenuous fight for nearly ten years. beth, Allan, Julia, Ezra, George. - Some other residents 60 years ago Mr. Frank Graham of Chicago, Whitwell and Ann Hall-Mary were John Mitchell and family Of BOWMANVILLE CONTRIBUTIONS MI., on the staff of the Howard Ave. Ann, Thomas, Alice, Elizabeth, John, whom Dr. J. C. Mitchell was a son; Richard, Agnes. William Wadge whuse wife was a TO MUSKOKA HOSPITAL TIrust and Savings Bank, Mr. G. K. Jntaan asnLnsyH-Mitchell ;Luke Tahnyand family; Hall, president, is hoiidaying with Jontha ad Tmen Lnday y. ,e ne n y, The Treasurer of the Muskoka boyhood chums here. He motored mers-second wife Sarah Washer- John Fox and wife; The Martin fam-HoptlfrCnu tie srs1r whhspansM.nd r. Sarah, Betsy, Robert, George. -ily on 7th Line; the.Deweli Family' Hostall fo Ckosumpethves desires Greremwitb h innpa ent, M.and Mrs Watson and Mvary Hodgson-Wat- Mr. John Bray, senior, an invalid gaeul oakoidetefl- .Gaa fWniead h ri.Betv, ara, anc, JhnMa- A Haynes Family at the sawmilî.' low.ing contributions received in brother, Dr. Campbell Graham and son.Botv, ara, Nncy Jon, ag- The writer bas tried te give the Bowmanville by the Field Secretary wife who accompanied them as far as gie. o h ainl'aiaimAci-Torno Henry Jeffery and wife-Ehiza_ names in the famiies £rom înemory ofteNtoa.aiarun 50m rno fbeth, Mary, Henrietta, Solomon H. but found it te be a buge task, even tion:-Mr. and Mrs. M. Bresîin attended Nanc, Mrgart, hares B, Fed-with help of some present citizens of X. Y . .................... $5.001 the wedding in Toronto, Wednesday, NacyMraeCare.. rd Enfield. No doubt we have made Rev. W. C. Washington .... 2.00 of his sister te Mr. Maurice Cohen, erick.n and Elizabeth James- ýloes some errors and omitted some naines Rev J. U. Robins ....... 2.00 His brother, Dr. Breslin of Phila. A., aryOke Jon H, Eizaethbut assure ail concerned that such A. L. Nicholîs ........ 2.00)I delphia, who recently became famous A., arOe, Joohn H.lia, ezaeh'rrors of commission or omission are Corbett M.%otor Sales......... . 2.00 in the medicai world as the discev- Groa, EHo nor eilim.eognet intentional and we hope they F. F. Morris................. 2.00 erer Of what is known as the Bres- Thoasieln Jane. .-Wlla will be overlooked. T. C. Jewel. ................ 2.00 lin Speculae for ear diagnosis, aise Danil, KappandJise-WiCarlinm, Some cbiîdren mentioned were Dr. D. W. Best.............00tnetewdig Detanl.CalsJseh arlne e after July 1867, but arc added J. A. Poilard................. 2.00 Mis?Isabei Allun left Friday morn- ýRobert and Ann Lane-Ann . te their families te make them. as W. J. Merrison............... 2.00 ing for Toronto, bier mother, M.Nrs. Elizabeth, Alberta, James, Robert, complote as memory wiîl allow. Miss M~. Sissons ...... 2.00 D. T. Allin acconlpanying ber te the Adoilphine, John, William, Jonathan. It may be of interest te mention Miss J. M. Hicks............. 1.00 ctado audyi opn Henry and Ann Lane-Harry, Jos- the teachers in Chateauguay Schooi Miss Haines....................c ity, Mrs. onSArturo ng compthe eph. Just before and aftem 1867. They F. S oltr................00 ithNMR. fJ o sron S took.he James Moore and wife and Mar- were 'Miss Elizabeth Strickland, Eh- Dr. J.*C. Devitt .........100 sho wiil visit bier brother, Rev. Cecil garet Renivick adopted daughter. enezer W. Panton, Elisha Jessop, M. Geo. McCoy................. 1.00'Allin, Mrs. Armnstr'ong going on to John and Ellen McCullough-Wil-j A. James (2nd haîf of 1867), Har- Mrs. J. W. Knigbt............ 100 Montana on a visit te bier mother liam K.. John James, Robert, Mar-' ry Richardson, James Bray Smith. 0f W. F. Dale.................. 1.00 and sisters there and in the adjoin- garpt. CGeorge, Elizabeth, Daniel theso only Editor James and Rev. J. Infantine..........100 ing state. William and Agnes McCullough- James B. Smith are living. The lat- S. W . Mason................ 1.00 Elizabeth, Mary, Wiiliiam John, ter was President of Ahmadnagar W. F. Ward................. 1.001 Orono C.G.I.T. left yesterday on George, Janet, Isabel, Helen, Agnes, Coliege for Boys and stilî lives in J. A. McClellan.............. 1.00 a pleasant twe weeks outing at Elisha. Albert.' India, bis address being Bandra P. Sundry Contributions......... 2.30 Presqu'île, on the beautiful Bay of Alexander and Lily McCullough- 0., Sea ViewN, Hill Road, Bombay, $3.3 Quinte, where they are under sup- Rohert, Mary, William, John, Alex- India. Miss Strickland married Mr. $33 rlivision of thoir capable leader, Mrs. aneJanet, Donald, George, James. J. L. Smith Whitby. Mr. 'Panton O. W. Rolph and will aIse have the ande, 'became a Preshyterian minister. His advantage of privileges associated Geore ad Elano McCllogb-sîster, Miss Jessie Panton, B.A., lives Ncarly aIl children are uhec %v itb the Provincial C.G.I.T. in camp William, Harriett, John, Margaret, in Oshawa. Elisha Jessop becamne voris ,and mnany of tbem are hem 'there, such as swimming instruction, Helen, Bella, Hugli.I a physician and \vas for several witb them. Spare them suff ering by dillnecMse etaCi n Pratrck. ained Julia, Mcary. years a member fer Lincoln in On- using 'Mother Graves' Worm Exter- Muriel Milîson being delegates. Patrck, ariield Juia, ary tario Logislature while practising in mînator, an excellent remedy. William and Sarah (Shields) Mart-, St.- - --- - r.-ichrdsn-- The Induction ceremony cf Rev. yn-Jobn B. , Phillip, Caroline, Wil - tur.ned boLorn,Mr.Ricadsoan re- Stirling as pastor cf Orono cir- toiLendon Engiandland ho-AUCTIION SALE 0F VALUABLEWm. iiam hi'chilren.came a business man and married a cAuitPRTUPak teet Church thursda evon- Mrs. Martyn's family-Sarah London lady. FR ROi Pr trenitdChurcb took pa eveat Thomne and Betsy Vickery. îng. Rev. J. U. Robins of Bownan Squire Edward and Elizabeth Nid- Possibiby the oldest living grad- Undel,~nstructions from the Aiminha- vle drse h ogeaina dery-John, Robert, William, Sarah uate of Chateauguay Academy, as it trator of the psat f 'ho late NVIllam îladeedtecnrginad bEia ohsn an e t be called. i Rev. Robert M-lois(r-,ntýy there will beboff.'red Rev. F. H. Howard of Millbrook, dle- Endward. iElllough Jx-Preident eaBay offor saib ~Public Auction rat thteBal-lIsvered the charge te the mînîster.i Johad BesiNddey-oh j uteConeree living ayo96 moral îlot-I . iioamanviillu.on Thurs-lay, Foilowing this interesting event ai Mary Jane, John, Levi, Phlia, d-Waimsley Boulevard, Toronto, andt n tii. ui!t.-rflooi. sîail:ti. nînî,i-) hary'eopio ws ient Rv ward, Wellington.- Rev. Edwin A. Tonkin, Bowman- '11ll11l"19 g rriuî,Land.,Farta vo Mr. Stirling by officiais and meinbcj(rs John and Catharine O'Leary-Dan.i ville, is supposedly the next oldestf l ~ of the congregation. maegrdat. The oldest femnalet ACEL NO.1 ici JuiaJoh, JremahCatarieex-student is îossihiy Mrs. Albert A. orlîmc cotuluescul of the North Quar'er Mrs. Sarah Davitîson with bier sis- jHelen, Mary, Patrick, Hannah, Mar-; Arnot (nee Une Bowman), livingl fLut Nîînciur Sixteen In the Fifth Con- tem, Mns. Harriet Gray, whom the old- garet. ,ci4i, n l, ot Quarter of Lot or rosîdents cf this vicinity will re- Wilamad ges Omitn-Iat 1714 Dufferin Street, Toronto, .Nuiil, r S,-v. ri -.r hn tluw sjixi ui ,iv' s- member as the daughters of Alfred Gergl iamhn a ne, ns Rmsoher-jand next oldest te bier Mrs. John sin f th.-u l-ilaof uuui~ticonl-Iand Hanna Grifnaea rsn h Wilg, lam andJhJa oestn'. Hepburn of this village, nec isabella' 1 'in alII1 i acres nior,- or l-ss s o '%rifan are at. preseln th WlimadJntOmso-'IVirtue. I PARCEL NO. 2 zuessofM.ad rsS..Biins Jane, William, Thomas, James, A g- Perhaps the oldest living former) ]i t u, cr -mor, ,r 1-i ~f tl,. They are accompanied by Mrs. Day- neNliAlbert. 1 North iPar t i.,i Numbu )r Nia, r,-n in idson's son and wife, Mm. and Mrs. noNliresident of Enfield section is Elean- ti. tifiu('nu-c ýsoon of thesai Town- C'lark G. David,-n,<of Coin. Iowa, John and Margaret Ormiston- or Smith, the former Mrs. Ge corge) shlp of Darlington.aie rsDvdonsauteMs Wiliam Ages, Joh, MrgaetMcCullough, now Mrs. Robert ] îi-a u'-'S 'viii be sold subict te a Irene D. McMichael of San Diego, Catharine. LuhiMhs prsn eiecis r.-s rvc-l bilonuach parce].C Rohertand Mry Ormston-337 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, who at- i ,,Pon Parcel No. 1 there are the foi i-h at etCiIwo George, Emma, Arthur, Nettie. tended the recont Reunion homo and owng Imirern'ent: ---Gooui brick house June llth and have motored about BenjminPowll nd ifeElia- reaty ejoyd metig mny es-two 'tori-9o iigh, wlth khtcinen extension, 1400 miles visiting friends, relatives ejamRos eargar et, Mary Anncna no erd eighbor s- and e barn, stonù foundation wihstbe andinteresting points en route. The.e bethRos, MrgaetMar An, cndats f ler ld eigbor ani unc,-rn,-;uîlî. (uc-rment hicors, nc-w iig penifound the weather steadily grewing George, 'Maria, Charlotte, Susannah, cuitne h aegn oajonn h-br ý-rf,%ii iii Benrjonahoe.Min.MLaghi j;> <ui o,,. lîcisé ti, tlii,. ,urii, lcuvwarmer as tbey prececded north until Samuel ndoElizbeth.Par-s- MciLa, h' i' landone rmil' from Hampton Village, the climax was reached here. it Jame ndEizbehPar- qute rl),t and cheory atough Churýcb, Sciiooi andi Stores. Iseems te match the cordiality and James. ~~~~appmeaching the four-score and ten 1'î,on larc' No:. 2 ui-r,- are about the thoughtful oreyfthpol, William Potter and wife-William, milestone. Sbouid tht writer he twent>y auru-s of wood, more or 1,-os, bal- tb coum. hepate s cf th epe John, Alexander, David, James, Mar- mistaken in any of the statements in un,- uu.iluurirland, tiier. k run. i- ette. aTyothe a ounistryigatd ion, Susan. thiq article lhe will ho glad cf any n0110. tii,itli tiii-lands. wîth he bcir an a rk o teicutry andt Ebenezer Potter, wife and family. correction sent te The Statesman TERMS 0F SALE ec aiirln akaiisect Alexander Ross and wfe-Mary, Office, Bowmanville. T.'n 1cr cý.n* doWil Fî1t time et sale ed enthusiasm from the "Griffin Jessie, Tennie, Hugh, Kate. manci alane.- au hn full Possession l to hc girls". Tbey ivi il camp on the old giv-oii1INfurohu. 1928.t'sa oui duluGriffin farm ,now eccupied by Mr. L. John Ross and family. (Continuel] on last page) f.ui laourlhng afrer harvest of Present T. Dent and will visit many points jJohn Robinson and wife Janet- Y,-a r. 'n. tcrninhtrator reservc-s the nOtro othadesbfr adopted son John. r,nto i 1.uu-î1128, ail %vil 1ý im% In Otr ot adesbfr Rohrt nd nc wif-Tbmas 'tereet at flve per Cent on tihe deposît retumning to the States. Janerit<,and iilieSwift-Tt h eoamanansesut a r.ti t th1, s ale untîl 1I Mardi.192 Jan. Vctria 'Mlle, ill. ec hebarain i Me'.9Suts t l,'h. u ri, and conlituons 0for sle Many infants are infested hy Robert and Rebecca Strk-Roh- Couch, John-,ton & Cr,'dernian's. willi be- moule knwn at the limne of the worms wbicb cause great suffering, ci-t, Annie, Eliza, Rehecca, John, Scîme autos have coilided on Pro- sale. adi o rmtydatwt a Ruth. vincial Highway from cutting in. For furhar particulars aptaly te Clarke adi e rmtydstwt a Thoas onin nd if-Sa- Peer f ts wn.Dr Tbma' re,'-nawuuv, EoFq, the Admninistrator, cause constitutienal weaknesses diffi- ThmsToknad iam.- APwr fis w.D.ThmglPort lccuontarlo, or te Kerr & Coch. cuIt te remedy. Miller's Worm Pow- ah, Maryetta, Edwin A., Emma, Wil- Eclectric Oil bas a subtle power of itsl rau, lorruttrs, f"obourg. Ontario. ders will clear the stomach and hew- liam.own. Ail who have used it know Datteciai Cobouîrg this thirtieth day of els of worms and will se act upon the Thomas and Sarah Thone-Eliza. this and keep it by tbem as tht most 1 June 1q,27. system that there wii be no racur- bath, Sarah, Lily, William, Olie, valuable liniment available. Its us- CLARKE GREENAWAV, Administrat,>rlrence of the trouble. And not only Franklin. as are innumerable antd for manyi lt' ila-A nsGenaa.this but they wil epair the injuries William and Ann Tapp-Julia, years it bas heen prizad as the lead- KERIR &OCHRANE, 272te the organe that wemnhs cause and Esther, James, George, Elizabeth, ing liniment for man ami beast. Vindors Soileitors. 2- restoe tham bc soundness. er of lis ýr, ae a or he te ft le t ,e 2t -i You Should Try ORONO <Prom The News cf Juiy 7th) Miss Rîggs visited friends over, the weekend at Wark-worth. Wemen's Institute picnîc in Com- munity Park, Fmiday, July lSth. Miss Anna Bell. Port Hope, is 'vis- iting ber aunt, Mrs. Frank Pente. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Awde are vis- iting at bis father's, Mm. C. F. Awde. Mm. James Gilfillan bas taken a Position in Toronto during the boli- days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe, Ottawa are visitinz bis father, Mr. R. H. Rowe. Mm. and Mrs. Doxtator, Belleville, spent the weekend witb ber sister, Mrs. George Mitchell. Mm. Roy Comnisb left for Toronto on Monday te take a summer course at Toronto University. Mr. and Mrs. Deibert Gibson and famiiy, Oshawa, visited at bis fat- her's, Mr. Matthew Gibson. Orono Public Lihrary wiillha open duming the summer montbs on Tuas- day and Saturdav afterneons and evenings. Mr. and Mrss. J. Almon Blewett and sens, Leonard and Lloyd, New Toronto, visited friands hart over tbe waekend. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Relpb and Mm and Mrs. James Stark motemed te Ottawa, July lst and spant tht holi- day at the Capital. Durham Regiment Band, Orono, bave been engaged te bead the par- ade at tht big Orange Demonstratien at Bowmanville, July l2tb. Mrs. Gordon Powers and family cf Brooklin, spent a f aw days witb ber sister, Mrs. A. A. Soeaiville, the 1family remaining for a more extend- ad visit. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, Miss Gilfilian, teacher at Ripley, and Misses Lottie and Agnes Rae, Toron- when you want a change. It'a delicious. SBraeslde Butter Week W,, tati sure iheme ara a number of people wbo have no et e eperienced tlhe higli Squality of our Bretide Butter, aud w. art. uherefore,. makhng a very special Introductory Offer tbis week-end mn order tu gave everybody the epporîuniîy oft asting ith. crearny fliavor. You will resdily agra,, ht It la I well wortb thre difference lu prîce. Braeslde nnvff C _Butter »«"35-1b ~AimarCelory Renseh "" 2 jas. 25ce Nimed Fruit Domino Brand Pift eu 35eouim Tomato Dates .1197k Cat up Shivryi'. Concentrated » TDDT ~oua Fruit Drinlks »0Ntflbux4 r", 15, 10 S0 o«Kellogg's KrumnbleS2~ SPr.s.Ving Roquiius "ATY Buy Blread CProw-Yng wt.s. SKIS . BREAD ni2, e Jars 4isesi6 $175 Fou iWeght L«e, S Certo-gouweJeu 320 bot. SParowax F-s-,a Rsabb.a Jar Rifg. 3 a- 25cwe Jar Rings 200 .. TAT FI RA ~ Rowntree's CcOa ' 23e ýjC1ass1e Cleanser Lmr -ul S'udti Pantol Toilet Doi no> lUODInd jSteina Corned M6 r.a 'O.pE.sfsh rseki St e ~ ea aIC I style Be 3 Oak"oi'v2S1p0 TEA No. x1un~5 3 su 250 69o m. Camide 25ell. u Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART1 Accept only "Bayer" package Safe-which contains proven directions. Handy "«Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Aiebottles of 24 and I00-DruggiBte. Aspirin ta the trade mark <ýegistered in Canada) of Bayer ?dantnfeture of MonoaceUr- scidester of Saliculiracid (Acetyl Salicylie Acid. "A. S. A.">). Whileit inh weii known ibat Aspirhin eana Bayer mnanufacture. t0 a4sin the public agahnst imitations, the Tableis of Bayer Oom ffly wiU b,, tainped wiih theIX geerai trade Mark, the, "Bayer Cross." ytokill ~p'the FFles This 18 it-Darken the room a« mach «s possible, clos#,te windows, rais. one of the blinds where the sun shines in. about elght juches, place as mauY Wilsonus FlY Pads as possible on plates (properly wetted with water but flot flooded) on th@ window ledge where the light is strong. leave the room closed for two or three hours, then aweep up the flics snd bura theiu. See illustration below. Put the plates away ontuthe Lb. nsch 1 ehidicadi a'. gmiuwd la a.nother room. Theright à Fly Pds GREEN TEA"6 m PAGE SIX TRE CANADIAN STATESNffl, BOWIEANVILLIC, THURSRAY, JULY 14th., M7 _riz