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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1927, p. 7

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Our AUTOMOBILE POLICY will masure your AUTOMO- BILE againat lbas or damage caused by Fire, Theft and Collision, and it wilI aise pay dlaims made againat YOU by othera for Personal Injuries and Proporty Damage on ac- ceunt of an accident caused, or alleged te be caused, by your car. The varieus coverages are as follows for any one or ail: FIRE AND TRANSIT Inaures againat lbas or dam- age by fine arising from any cause wbatsoever, and light- niag, anywbere in Canada er the United States. This policy aise covora bass or damage te your automobile tbrougb transportation perils, that is ,tbe stranding, sink- ing, collision, burning or de- railment cf any conveyance in wbicb your Automobile is be- ing carried. THEFT Frovides indemnity ia the eveat of your car beiag stol- en.. Sbould it be recovered in a darnaged condition we will bear tbe cot of repaira. Moto-Metora, Spot-IÀgbts, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rima, Wheels and-or extra or Or- narnental Fittinga are net in- sured, ualess upon payment of extra prensinn. PUBLIC LIABILITY Protection in respect cf Your legal liability for injuries or death caused, or alleged te be caused, to peraona cf the pub- lic by your Automobile. The usual imits are: In case cf injuries te one p orson, $5,000 and te any number of persoa in one accident, $10,000. In addition al oxpenses of de- fondiag suits, ovon if ground- bass, are paid by thse Comi- pany. PROPERTY DAMAGE Indemnitios in respect cf your legal liabîlity for dam- age te the property of OTH- ERS, inluding bs af use cf thoir proporty, up te a limit of $1,000. COLLISION Pays for repaira to YOUR Automobile or equiprnent as n resuit cf being damaged in a collision or upset. Consuit us for rates. We bave th. Iowest. J. J. MASON &,.SOCN Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville AMLD REsTONI THE OIILD TO7woAMAL HEALTH. NNARCO>TICs8 .LrA^aNTAsuaG III f CAfllkAN STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE, THURSRAY, JULY l4th., 1927 Your Sadvantage You have one great advantage over the big city stores that seek your customers' trade -because you can serve them personally. LRecognize the con- stant opportuniis you have for doing a large business with i small stock. Ail the resources of wholesalers and manu- facturers are open to you. Order goods from them by Long Distance one day, and receive them the next. C CLstomers.-aoon learn to patronize the store where they can order anything-whether it is 4,.in stock or flot. Occasion- ally calling up old custom- ers by Long Distance is a good way to ensure con- tinuance of their patron- age. 'TIS CANADA By R. L. Werry, Montreai Thero is a land of broad expanse Of boundiess wealth and bnored name; Its landacape dotb the oye entrance, Its lakes and rivera give it fame; A people of beroic blood Witbin its lengtbened borders dwells; The progreas of the passing years Witb trutb its noble ist'ry tells. Chorus 'Tis Canada; Tbat is the anme That doth the patriot's beart in- spire; Land of the free, borne of the brave, Thv name tbe nations soul dotb fire. In this Dominion, side by ide, In banmony and friendsbip live Gaul, Clt and Saxon, wbo witb pride Ail to on.e Sovereign bornage give; WVe ail are Britons to the core And Britons wve will ever bo Froni nortb to soutb, from shore to shore, From centre to eacb bouadiag son. Sbould danger threat or foe assail Strong bearta and hands will e'or be found To bear the weapons that prevail And face thoe eils that surrouail; For God and Rigbt and Native land For Trutb and Liberty aad Light We will not fear t', take our stand But boldly rally to the figbt. Yet, choose we not the gory field, To pence and labor we incline; Wo crave the bonor toil dotb yield- The wealtb of forest ,farm and mine; Lot others rank andl title seek -And win tbrough strifeo the world's applause; Give us a good Canadian borne 'Neatb Britain's fiag and Britain's iaws. Internally and Exteraally it la Good.-Tbe crowning property of Dr. Thomas' Eclectricity Oil is that it can be used internnlly for many coni- plaints ns well as externally. For sore throat, croup, whooping cougb, pains in the cbest, colic and maay kindred ailmeats it bas qualities that are un- surpassed. A bottle of it costs lit-1 tle and there la no bass in aîways bav- ing it at band. THEY ARE ALWAYS WITH US There are a lot of grouches in this worid. A few daya ago the dust was flying and one man, wbo critic-! izes the Council, tbe Electric Ligbt i and Water Commission and evory' other public body or thing that comes along. was wondering why Quoen Street bad not been oiled. On Fn-I day of last week be was on the job.I It bad rained and the streets wereI muddy. The Mayor and Council sbould bo made to carry the people across the crossings, he said. The streets were a disgrace. So we cbeckod up this bird. We bave ai- wnys taken an intereat in municipal elections. This groucb and knock- er is one of those wbo neyer sees a namo on the list wortb voting for. He is the only wiso one, tbe one wbo could rua the town witbout a bitcb. He could givo us ligbt witbout juice -if jaw action could produce it. it would ho fine if bo would run for office and see just where be stands. It is not aîways the best men wbo offer theniselves for public service. but thoso wbo do serve are doing the best tbey can. lnstead of knocking wvby fot go to tbem if you bave ai constructive idea, and impart it. Tbey may grab it and thus you bave helped. Wby growl and complain about the Council? Wo are flot living in an age wbero minorities rulo. We are living in an age whore if we get one ia ten of our idoas across we are iucky. Lot us talk losa and tbink more of wbat would be boat for the community. Thon lot us organize to put our ideas over. If tboy don't go it is better to bave tried and failed than not to bave tnied at ail-Kincardine Re- view-Reporter. NEWCASTLE BOY IN INDIA Rev. H. J. Gibson Relates Sanie lnteresting Experiences Dear Editor-Mny I be pormîtted te address those of your rendors who may be înterested in me and my1 work, througb your papor? At the tirne of witing I arn 7500 foot or se above the son leveî in the famous Himalyas mountains. The scenery in this range is unexcelied by anything in the land and nearly rivais our owa glorious Rockies. On the one baad wo may se0 the Snow Range wbere the snows are perp-t- ual. Perhaps we have not been trnined to think of snow in connect- ion with India, but there it is and in the wintor season it is bore even at this level. On the other band wo may see the plains, swetering in heat ranging from 90 degrees to 110 degrees. That range is partly re- sponsible for our seeking the safety of thîs clîrnate. We expect te ro- tura again wben the raina break in July. Ia the meantimo we are tak- ing advantage of a language achool bore. Juat before leaving Saugor my Troop of Indian Scouts gave a public demonstration of the work tbey bad been learning. We bad moqt if the dignataries in the Scoutîng wvorld of the district from the Commissioner, who is a Hiadu, to the Assist., who is a Christian. Besides we had somo 15 Indian Scout Masters wbo voro Hindus and two wbo were Christ- ian. Yon may aee at a giance bow we are able to form points of con- tact through this great brotberhood as wo could in no other way. For that alone I arn well pleased with my early training and worh as a Scout. I new bave the promise that whea I return te the plains ail these Scontera will meet me and we intend to Ionm a Scout Masters Association. This wiIl be a meeting ground and 1 wiIl form some very wanm friendabips that will give me the opportunity of telling of the work and power of Our Great Chief and Patbfinder, Jes- us Christ. But tog et back te tbe diala Our lads dernonstfated how te budi bridges, and rescue from fire. For the latter they built a but of bani- boo and straw and matting. As you may guesa it was very inflam- mable. W hn tbey set *t on fire there were two cf our numbr in the upper story and they bad tbe nervo to stay there tilI the thing was nearly a mass cff Sanes. Thon tbey were rescued by their pals witb the help of a jumping shoot. They thon pro- coed toeoxtinguisbf the fire and sue- ceeded-bnviag torn the but down in the attompt. The Cuba gave a dernonstration of bed matting and basket work. Tbey ail dîd very well mndeed and won the commendation cf the Commissioner. Recently we bad a vory interesting incident. One afternoon loaking out of thse window the air soemed to be flled with soine sort cf amail birds. They came in billions. First the vlley below us was black witl theni. Thn tboy rose and filîed the air about us and covered the wbole mountain as far as wo could see. There are noa buman figures wbich can number theni. They wore as the sanda of the son shore for num- ber. Tbey were about four feet and in the air. As night drew near thse air clearod and thon wo went far a walk. The noise cf crachling beaves was very distinct. We loched and behold, every green treo was swarming. Some of '.he evcrgreons were indiscernable. Other trees were drooping under tise weigbt. The noise went on. When morning dawned rnany trees were stripped ci every green leaf and the air svas agair filled witb those flying bordes. Tbe3 remained for three day. and t ho weat as suddenly ns tbey came. Thui ended our firat witness of a locis plague visitation. Vory sinceriý yours, Saugor, C. P., India, May 26, 1927. Over 200 drivers' icenses have been issued te Cobourg auteists. Provrincial bîgbway is paved froni Kingston te Toronto except n short Piece. Balance Ladies' Spring Coats seli- ing at greatly reduced prices. Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman. Nigbta cf Agony cerne in the train of asthme. The victini cannat lie down, and sboop la driven froni bis brain. What grateful relief is the immediate off oct af Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Astisma Rornedy. It banishos the f rightful conditions dlear tise passages ,and enables tie afiicted one to gain sleep as soundly and reat- fully as a child. Insist on the gui- lue at your nearby druggat. Baker, the. Magician, Coming Here A rare combination of ilagician :!n, ventrilo<iuist ls AI Bnk,,r, the geni entertainer who 1.9 to aPpear here ai the eonIng Dominion Cbautnuqua. lie an Il nstage full of alnrm in lcks and finzq whille you wink vour ov,- AI Baker and "Company" s ilnd he eau mat 8as eaolly make aui- 9 ence vow that his Impudent tiletl assistant,. "Dummy Dennis," Io reeily& saylng ai' the funny things hbiisif. 3 %,- . delght grown-ups andc ehldren alike.3 BOWMAN VILLE CHALJTAUQUAUt JULY 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 b Be sure to buy a season ticket-1t's9 cbeaper-12 performances-Adultsu $2.50; Chiid $1.25.e Why sufer frorn corns when theye can be painiessly rooted out by using, Hloloway's Corn Remover.v BETTEIR JAMS ANDJELLIFIS At Lower Cost Tte modera, séort-boil method 0(1 nsakng j-maand jeiliewith Corto dehçhte womme.eyhr bcauseit -in 'o simple, so sure, mo praesical and 00 impbovu thse coWo and flavor of their jame and jellies. i With Certo your fruit jella per- i fect.iy every time, with only one or 1 two minutes' bciling. Ilh saes t thse bright color and delicately lu&-1 cioua flvor of your f resh fruit and1 giv y ou a larger amount of jam or jelly fromn your f ruit becaune you save ail the juioe which uaed to boil away. Women wbo bave kured tihe coot hoth ways fibd their ost per gians two or tbree cuita leu wbenthey une Certo. Certo in a pure fruit produt- the. jelying ousar f fruit re- fined and bottiWed. baak ofample, teted recipes ornu witii each bottie. 8sed for "u new (free) bookiet. Dods arigCo., Limaited1 bo Ontafio. Flumamd me (free) your new col- ored bookleton uanmd Jefliem. .... .... .... .... .... .... ... Why Firestmel Tires Are Bett.r One of the outsanding developmenta by Firestone Engineera s thse Gum-Dippin procesa which impregnates 12 inaulates every fibre of every cord with rubber--edding stre et to *e corda and re- duckg internai friction a"d beat sodeuctie to tire lue The Firetoue Denier in your locality wiil gladly mipiak ta you thseemtr1 valse of Gum- Dipping. He ta prepared te demonstrate bow the corda of the carcasa are aturated in a rubber Whkch makes mota<USg xmore econoasical with added comi art and safety. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUE9ER CO- OF CANADA LIMITED Hlamilton. Ontario MOST MILES FER DOLLAR 3Irestone lrutoe Buflde the OfflyGtim.Dipped Thes FIRESTONE TIRES Are Sold By Jamieson Bros. Bownaanvulle & Oshawa Ionies. Insist on Fly-Tox. Fly-Tox Ilà the scientlfic Insecticide developed e t Mellon Institut. of Industrial Re- Isearch by Rex Fello'wship. SImpl Instfrctinso ag LLbottse bl'iscta el fnrctin nAcb buotl (Inecte.- Fly-Tox linsafe, staînleass fragrat., sure. Eve« bottle gurante.d. PAGE 8EVER Look For the Sheil Sign Then purchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. AUN SSA'______ LETE (Continued froni last issue) Many of the rash marriages con- tracted in these rusbing days are the result of veneered love-there is nothing deep or lasting in the senti- ments between the contracting part- nes. Nothing can be much more miser- able than to be bound to a partner in any contract for life with no un- Ierstanding or sympathy between hem. Partners can be carefully hosen in these days; there is no Ild restrictions for distance, conven- ionalities, or even proposais. A girl can chose ber own mate instead of submitting to the choice of ber parents, or taking the only man she ver meets. Therefore, a girl shouid choose wisely and Parefully. It is the women who suifer the nost. Noariy oe-ery girl can make a good living in ber single days, and he must use good common sense to ealize tbat whereas sho once made agood salary for her own personal use she now bas to accept the ro- mainder of her husband's salary af- ter the housebold and bis necessities are met, This is not at ail easy to do, but aj girl starts in the wrong direction if bhe frets and fumes and wrangles' ver the little income that now bas o cover s0 great an area, she must, backing up ber sense with ber love, ee that it is now ber duty to make sacrifices and give up many of ber girlisb and foolish fancies. An extravagant girl, wbo in ber single days wastes and apends ber earninga rasbly, selfishly upon ber- self, with no idea, of saving or dia- ciplining ber wbims and tastea, de- serves to suifer afterwards. But unfortunately, such girls will make bheir Young and undeserving bus- bands suifer as weli. Thus will tbey start to open the gulf whicb, if they do not at once make up their minds to, understand ! eacb yoar, will grow wider and wid- er. A man, if he is worth marrying at ail, will save for bis future home; he .vorks for tbat end and endures bis bachelor quartera, or tbe amaîl arnount of space be is allowed in bis own home-for many a boy bas to be content witb basernent or atable for bis hobbies-witb tbe hope ahead of Shim for a home of bis own. Even if be is extravagant, the idea will rome to bum that a borne and a wife will be far more econornical than the çvny in wbich he lives as a single man. But to a girl it is different! She lives in ber home amongst the many little luxuriea-earned with difficuity and accumulated by her parents- and tbe idea of a home does not torne to ber in the same way. After ber marriage abe frets for the many things ahe bad always taken for granted, frets for the spending of money in the same care free way, and rnoatly upon berself. If ahe bas not talked this problern over with her boy lover, or been taught the diff- erence by her mother whicb abe wiil experience wben married, sbe is like- ly to find married life flot aIl roses. Many a wiife and mother will gradually drop ail idea of business and money matters after a f ew years of married 111e. Some women vol- untarîly do this, others are forced to do so. If a woman does this of her own free wiil and because ahe dialikes business and money matters, and because sibe haa a good, generous business husband, it is ail very well-ahe is happy in thus giving up part of ber rigbts. But to the wornan wbo la forced to bave nothing wbatever to do with the business 1pr of their contract, and wbo has 1 enaccustomed to bandle rnoney and buyhber oM things, this is a very humiliating and miserable kind of if e. If a woman is a capable manager -nd 'very fe-w women are not in these days-oee sbould dlaim ber rigbt to sebthe spending of the income. Nothing can b. more humiliating to her than that abe must give up ail intereat in money, or that her lrusband Pays the buis and arranges the ailowances she should use for necessities eitber for her own person or that of the home. In fact, itl i a degrading arrange- ment ,and a woman so placed loses her own self respect, and perhape ber love of husband and borne. True partnership is true under- standing. A wif e is the mainstay of be mbre, and as wife and mother she can rank as bead partner. All devoîves upon ber, economy, plann- ing and crganizing. No matter what social position she bas married into tbere are always the extra cals upon ber, the rigid econonny and careful planning. An income, no imatterbw large, is never quite large enougb. A woman sbould neyer drift into la more housekeeper, tbe busband raying iî n dernand. Girls hboldtbink of this bigb position as bead partner wben tbey contemlate ta Ce A. Bartlett King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 110 'I PROTECTION FOR Automobile Owners Want to stop-are your&«we 1 eîhouid maT aot I Do YOURS e~.,g«mt ewhua ywuve pollaled ehem wfth ?<1JOGBO Xha410 0u* Pabomis h "Our lumber prices place lumber witbia tise reach of overy builder and our lumber knowiedge is bis for the asking"l-Lumber Jack. At our lumbor yard you iwill find the buman co-operation that makes you feel that you are getting the nigbt, seasoned lumbor at the prico that you ought to pay. We are in tise business to assiat you in every building operation large and amaîl. If cCL ELLAN4&CO. LIMITED LUMBER 6e FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 tints. Tbey give a shadow line whicb adds greatly S to a home's distinction and charmn. Being tapered, extra thickness and weight are exrposed to sun, wind and rain. They provide double tbickness over ail the roof and triple thickness over part of the roof. Size 16 inches by 10 inches, laid 5 inches tthe weather. Brantford RoofiusgCo.,Llmited Brantford, Otarie, se 0 Eraniford Stock Carried, Information Fisrnlmhed and Servce on Brantford Roofing rmndred by Rice & Co., - - - Bowmnanville

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