raE CANADIAN STATESMAN-, ISOWMANVILLE. 'rHURSRAY, JULY 14th., 1927 GREAT ORANGE CELEBRATION DIAMOND JUBIL.EE ECHOES ei C a te I' ON GLORIOUS TWELFTI-I Receipts from the sale 0f flowrs T e i1V 4 4 > 1e uli e tP gefle r t ciscs by ~0boys ofmtdeGovernheeGtensCnd atClub. _______of featue flo i ddrae) asChristie St. Hospital amounted t H RSALJuYlth,12 A faue lovn drse ,-s$57.12. Sale of tag for this pur- T U S A ,J L 4h,12 the demonstration of physical. exer- pose was under direction of W om- LK HRS S O ,CAK Ciss v .0 ovsoNtheWCreSTLEnten's______ Cub Boys' 'Trainini Scbool here. The thoughts of veterans of Bow-NECSL_____ A programi of sports for ld aA manville Soldiers' Club were of theirNECSLNWATELKEHO ,S..N.2,LRE young attracted considerable inte.- fallen comrades in the World War.nRap Pss6 . Jr VtSr est inî which the chief event lvas a 'and tc) commemorate their memory Miss Lillian Smale is down from Master Jack Rare is visitin ap as 07. J.IVI r V lau.baseball game in wbicl Bow- they placed a wreath on the SoldiersiNorthern Ontario at Mr. and Mrs. W Ames, Bowmanville. lAnnabelle Hendry 68. Jr. III ta Sr. ma-lege dfae rn o0 oueti h onn.C. Blackburn's. Chautauqua starts next Wednes- III-Ruth Holmes 71, Olive Jaynes The relminry orkof rrag-1'.Master Eric Lancaster, Montreal, day--July 2th. Buy- season ticket 628,S(hon), Myr.tle Ale ,4, etar FIFE AND DUM ECHOES ing for the celebration and carrying is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank $2.50.78(onMrl li64 !%t I aa elbhvd odryout the various details of te pro- Ro s, Lake Shore. M\r. and Mrs. Stanley Lobb and Allin 61. Jr. I-(Promoted from It as wel bhavd odery tgram ta a successful conclusion was Misses Aima Whebring, Rochester, littie daughtei. Toronito w ere w'eek- 1II JnMt Eaer 60. J.Pr.lare Pr. crowd. light task. Those citizens who 50 and Dunwreath Duidley arc visting end guests of ber parents, Mr. and Jen Mthles6,rePoell 60. J.P.ter r Aard fjoevetwt ea l l,nrî and gcnerously assisted ifriends in Toronto,. Mrs. Walter Couch. Floyd Powell 601 approval. ~~~have the satisfaction of knowing that 'Mr. and Mrs Frank Measr w if r n r.Hwr lln atrTeeaMNitahr Anybin BovnwiWilC ndetaks teireffrtswer gratl aprecat-alowere weekend guests of Dr. and Ross and babe. motored out ta Ida, - it does we1. d and thoroughly enjoye-d by the Mrs. Walton-Bail, Harris badge. Cavan, last weekend and visited Mr. WVm. Dunn ;vas down froîîi Tro t ndredthsmof ornandlc istoricufl- MandRichard BUtAlind f lubS. S. NO. 7, CLARKEr reîirt&d a1 day ta join '.%r. ErieWlo-ala Only accident re \te vasa dog Th evc fNtoa hns school of Antomobiling, Toronto. presented their play "Deacon Dubbs"1 (Crooked Creek) Names in order run over on King St. ThMevc fNtinlTak-~ isses Helen and Muriel Baker, at Clarke on Monday evening of this of menit: Entrance-Charlotte Faeso d' yaieswbere gix ing. wýhich iwas an imiportant part - weki oncto ihte SundyHge,(o) uwatFro, Fer sllpon i nd jse of. the Diamond Jubilce of Confeder- Solina, ee uday guests of Mr w ek iJr.ecin ihIheIndy Hu hs, onSr, DuCnreth Farrow. erchel at tarr a' to eeonieszes el.a t-and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Shaw's. School strawberry festival. J.IIt r î-lno arw rep ftr' Mn and Mrs.emniAsthurvRohelandtandeThe Newcastle male quartet, Mess-. (hon), Raymond Hughes, (hon), Hýecat rptaIigh School grounds Sunday aftc-IfM.adMs Atu oln ns -no vr udyguests r.W . .Rsar W .BaggleoYan St(hho CrlFaow Cuieon nonagaînte eaerhraofMgoremeds Ti arold Allin and Mark AllUn, Do' ogt tKry snayak Reid, red Adar Sr t Coe gaiiOrngme; ontT . S ola and assisted by th e is brother, 'M\r. Howell Rowland.on the prograin iryS d JaR. id, -Tommy Ture r,.n), o wait 27 years ne.,Xt timie. . local clergy. The -service which was M r and Mrs. Percy Hare are en- School anniversary last 'Monday ev- JI e Hughesne, (on), iyouges Mots~et~a-. Agicutural largely attended carried out accord- ,joing a visit from bher mother, Mrs .bi Huhs onLl Hge, Park, would Oc appreciaýed. ing ta the programmes issued, was Wilas, Trenton, and ber sister, Mr. Thos. A. Rodger, Public Scbool (fatie in sln,HAbr Y rky Merhats donated generouslv very appropriate and servcd ta give Mors. Twviddy, Toronto. Picpl sa QcnUiesty, Jr.Ie sel ta S. I Hard Adarl.Jr with subscriptioris and pizes. - onfederation a sacred aspect and1 Mr. and Mrs. George Honey are Kingston, taking the six weeks' suni-r. Pr.-Alfrd Adair hnTbmp .n IceCrnnivedos ad oftdrnkimpress upon the youngcst and . ad-, enjoing a visit from ber niother, mer course. Ht is accompaned hy t Sidney Yorkson estthesolninobigaion ofciizen- Mrs. ststdthe doaemn obligationsnessf c rt.(Rev.) T. M. Campbell, and ber Mrs. Rodger, their home bere being B aIwlTahn stadsdi awbleofa usne s sip. Mi-. D. Morrison provided ansister, 'Miss Campbell, Toronto. cB.sed for te tinie bcing A. F. Cox and bis hand if nmerry- orchestra for the occasion. ea o adsnleamsin a ongfo the wine enguet wt makes mde bi wit th crwd. A number of merchants recalled eahOf the 12 Chautauqila perform- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. GibsonwretirSHWSS OL Andy Connoýil miade an idcal cnair- indows' with 'Antiques", among lances it costsS.7. fyubuasoJm ndailofBw nile nian. tbemn being: W. T. Allen sbowcd seasoti ticket it only costs $2.50. and their son-in-law and daughter, Report of June examinatiolis of S. RedCro-3Taz(ýr, nde drec- h0o oflon ao, nda coronet bis Miss Dorotliy Wright, Toronto, is1 Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Taylor and S. No. 1, Darlington: Entrance- ionofWneý' aainCura-fahrpae ttefrtcnee- visiting ber graadmother, Mrs. Wmn. daughter Yvonne, Toronto. iCharles Clemence, (hion), Sadie AI izd 5.5.tion ce lebration; Haddy & Ca., had IBonatha v t,-om ber father, Mr. Miss Hazel Barrie wbo bas heenllin, Oswald Anderson. Jr. 111 to 'Bill' Virti-lc at headl of Long Sault an Unique millinery dis play of a bat Robt. J. Wright, also spent th ee-visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. Jc a-S.IIMr lmne9* ni band was the peppi'est druni major worn in 1867 and anotherd1927;, Newtonville, and at brsse',Aluin 85*. Sr. Il ta Jr. III-Allin in the parade. Coucb, lohaston & Cryderman bad1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawrence and Mrs. Albert Brown, Port Hope, ne- Rowe 63, Thoraton Anderson 60. Jr. Jams MLagblfl f nnikilcnlarge picture of tbe "Fathens of Con- son, Trot, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross turned home la-t Thursday afternooa Il ta S. II-Helen Rickand 80*, Roy Jae Il ,agliio I sile en stoJr.1,I-urray Wleiht. r.t Lodge. had thne-e sans and 3 grand- federation" and a flag of Queensq Shetler, Shatnonville, were weekendaccompatiied by ber little nephew, AstonJr61, Ruh CbblWickt. .S t sans in the parais2. Juhîlce; F. J. Homne, a miniature 3-iguests of Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Jen- Master George Brown. S.1Efr obeik r r mastcd sail baat, the skilful and fifgs. Amoag those fnom Newcastle at- Sr. -BetoRi ckard HaoldSroakr. Police bad a busy day directing patient work af bis father-in-law;l Mrs. George Warren, Swift Car- tending the annual convention of the Preane ilr, H(bo), Jimmie traffic-but no arrests wer,_ report- 'Martyn Bras. gathering a bunch of rent, Sask., arrived fromn the West on Durham Braacb of the Ontario Pror-Pove in Goilli bn), Fiurea cd ordioren enuc. sils used by their father Saturday for a visit with bier mother, ibitiani Unian in Orono on Wednes- Lvkn odnAln iue n ed fr dsordrlycondct.vears ago in the g raccry business., Mrs. Wm. Bonathan and sisters, Mrs day, Jul y6, wene Rev. E. B. and MnsI dicate per cent. *...Hanons aven Harold H2snning-' carýied ouit his q as well as the familiar bat which Fred Cowan and 'Miss Odie Warren. Cooke, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Mrs. John 7% Beatrice Bragg, teacher. many duties as Secretary in a cane- hnng aver 'M. Maye's doorway for Mn. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Mn. Rabinson and Messrs. Thos. Moffatt, ______ fui, caurteaus and eflicient maniier. aven fiftv vears.1 and Mrs. Gea. P Rickard and Mns. jFrank Allia and H. R. Peance. Mn.I FracisSmtbCambelcnfta- Members of the Bow-manvillP Band! A. H. Fisher and daugter Marlon, Maffatt who bas been acting County REPORT 0F S. S. NO. 10, CLARKE Franis mit, Capbeler ft atw,%ha toak part in the lst Confedera- 1 motored out ta Cavan last Wednes- Tneasuinfr for same time by request ber intfe rs.LaGd en awaytaiva, tion, 1867,' wene: Richard Allin who I ay week aad visited Mn. and Mrs. of President J. R. Rawe was duly Names in onder of menit: En- was in t0e anaeankasatedd played the instrument sbown in Bi3g iInwin Allia and family. elected ta the position at this meet-j tnance-...ohn Stark,(hion>, Gardon avn7 ak.j20,'Thos. Tapson, E. R. Bounsaîl, A. United Churcb Suaday Scboal an- inig. Clysdale. Sr. III ta Jr. 1V-Leslie Many visitan- lbrought lunches and Bounsail, Thos. Hoar, Steve Chester- nivensary services will be beîd an The value of Chautauqua to a com jBnwen, (hion), Mansan Soucb. Jr. spnaditoutunl~ th tee an udjfield, "Billy," Keys, Jack Brown,' Sundeay, July 24tb., singing by thei munity cannat .cflue l em0iI 1t Sr. II-lodCIsae (a) town while others patronizeýd botels, Jack - itchel, David Morrisan. Weischool assisted by Newcastl(' On- maney. It's the upliftiag moral i Clarence Gilmen, (han), Bertha Hal- cafs ad hur,,I.e fo thirmeas. believe Lcw Connish was a niember'1 chestra. Rev. W. P. Fletcher, D. effect *of the Programns that counts. lowell. II ta Jr. III-Raymond caesad hrcns o thei el jat time but bis brother Frank D., Oshawa, will preach mamning and lFarw venFro. 1t I James H. Freebora, Enniskillen, came in later, also Jack Nuan, bra- eveniag. -Gwendolyn Gilmer, (bon), Myrtle anc of the oldest nienîbers present1 ther of the late Mrs. Keys. This Fmn hs rmhr tedn OFDRTO 1arrow, (haon), Helena Haîîowell, and formerly of Cartwright, was.band played for the panade Of Vol- Amaag those framRVere attendingaCOueEDERATION Farrow gneatly deligbted with the celebra- uniteers, also the sparts beld on the the big Masanie picnic at Presqu'île TA~SIIGSRIE hn, Mrurt caEa tion. Commons nortb of the Cabinet fact- Pr.st WednesdaYFweesweleoMn. aad ory, and at the bon fine beld i teMns. W. F. Rickard and family, Mn. The public service of prayer and P.t -ae als bnMl Worhifu Mitr ndewCo- Iare qaeintee ig. A and Mrs. Percy Rare and son, Mn. thaaksgiviag in the Community Hallicl eay, (hion), Ruth Savery,l Worsbfuice- n1Membtc o And e re' o- Manet fSqure n tevn ,, --and Mrs. H. W. Dudley and daugbter, on Suaday evening, July 3rd, bring- (bon), Wand e . J.P. nelOficnsnnI emen f anleprmien fgue nthis ccasionCakadigt conclusion Newcastîe's ob~- Meda Haîîoweîî, Brentan Farrow, Guards, desenve great praise fan was the late Col. Smart, with bis oId iMn. and Mrs. Merkley Cak nIngt handling so successfully the largestI style unifornm and moanted in alf ly and Mn. and Mrs. Fred Couch. servance of Canada's Diamond Jubi- Marjarie Farrow. demonstratiofl ever held lan Bowmnan-lh orse as t.all or higb as hiniself, and Mn. F. B. Lovekin County Man- lee, was participated in by aven 600E.ADiknotahr ville. be was as taîl as Chief Janvis. lHe, shalrfor the big Orange celebration pensons among wvhom were many 'is -_________________ wih i gad-daugbter, was killed la Bowmanville an Tucsday, elicited itons fnom Bowmanville, Orano, New- amrto OVlatHat" Among the missiTig Ongeenatthte"wharf rodriwycasa.teamiration of al bis bnethren, tonvîlle, and othen points. amrto 0VlatHat" who neyer missed a -walk" in the 0f aIl thoseaId time bandsmen D. and the thousands of spectatars as Rev. R. J. Wilson, D.D., Secretary The cboir's rendcnings of the an- olden days but since passed on arce orsa sth nyan-ct tl l dned in noyai babiliments, rcpre- of the United Çhurch of Canada, de- thenis "Might Dominion" and "Sun Robert Adair, William Scott, James acesrie h etbvn passed senting King William, hie rode at the livered an elpquent patniatic dis-' of my Soul" under direction of Dr. Mann L.A. . Toe W . Hll, . te geat divide wvitb thme execption head of the long procession an bis course based on Rebnews, il Chap., R. L. Wright who put all.bis passion - C. King, Win. Humphrey, Wm. of L. Connish who resides in Toronto. prancing fnay charger. that great faitlh chapter, wbicb con- for true spiritual intoi-pnetati.)n of Spry Frnk ad Cai-ls Bnnet. lThe first tournarnent of the New- cludes witb these words, "And these sacred music and bis wide kaowledge Town Orangemen who tak part VNCM'FML AHRN castle Ladies' Bowling Club as been ail, aving obtained a good report of expression and liamony into the in the prde her 27 yeas aga and VANCAM ________ HEIN plyed, Mrs. anI Fisbr's rink, coin- througb fait, received not the prom- rehearsing of the music by the Pe e ih rln n0ed y e ej T e e e e c me h m d o r. . C w f, M s h i ise: G od having provided som e better c obined ch irs w as su passigly Ths.Caltr, oln Wilias, ajr h vr Moehoeo r n pý rs. S. W. Sutton, being the thing for us, that tbey witbout us fn. NyrhdaNwatecn Fho. H .Bounsa WillJamsadMejre rs W. A. Van Camp, Banketon, on winnr. Tepie o hstu-should not be erfect." The chap- gregation listened ta "Sun cf my Nokes. Jihn N-cntyeeanad F. H. , uy7 -a h noent ati nament are being donated by Mns.tr tbt-Yfah1 of their friends fnom fan and near H. S. Bittan. The aext eveat will faitb Moses...migt be contin- fenvon on witb saab an exquîsite la- Masn aso teycditrst 7aed thus:ogaterByt mfaith. anthe"sigFat.hers(D.)o. t-erpretationaih he aofrsthe authonsnof heauiamostnos ago but viewed -.he parade froni the Camp's brother, Mn. 'Wm. Swain, Butler donating the prize. - maderbsapa rn h ationa.... D.W lso W.feJ.ns. RMkrd wGer e ad ihMin side linýs. j ~Grandview, Manitoba. He tpped Mrs. W. G. ay, Toronto, is ex- smadpinapadl fdcdthe nspintanl eW.cJ.aS oloparts.e erdwthfn SamHenigs lede o twn ffatBuketn noffwaybat roBurcotketonte tadonntabistuedwayspriback froinnslopats Siead mband wning, lederof ta adelegaint- Hlfx oscM lake for the next few wccks. Rer ftes ofeeainadtheir S. W. Sutton ,a member of the <-bin, fif ad ra bnd wa uabe a a inand a rHliativsi a rî~pci' aoCP e tg tthe ar o nfarsigtiiesofte Afc esantd naigMs a ent s cstoe whchpaae bis wright. parents, Mn. mayncd n eaie nCn-nid Mrs. Frank Ben- magnificent work in laying so wcll sang with mach farce and feeling, ahecin bs cstroe hchpalacedinget teaonfonte iyt f oeadGo"adf right side. He, bowever, had bis1 The day was w et and cloady, not ntcm onfo h iyt and so solidly he foundations of this "LandoHpeadGryan faI fife cnhbis pocket and rade in the an ideal day for a picnic but the gen- tk in the Lake Shore strawberny pesn Dmnionf of Canada.-Our lowinig Rcv. R. J. Wilsoa's addrcss, ialhositait ofthehos id hast- festival. Mn. Bennett is rernaininig Country. Continuiilg, hie pictarcd Mn. Robt. Walton of the baritone esan h etaityofthe at ianmontgovîstigbisobothe--nlaglowing ternis Canada's loyalty section of the choir sang la exuben- ph and Sam'sclue sonjs aIl pla ines an d e sirtit ne gaodlaw, Mn. W. C. Lake, Mr. Robt. and strcsscd the importance of a ant notes la ful icb tones "Thel ol, n heket- dum Aou 5 gess atbkofa. Cowan, and otber friends. kiadly and brotherly spirit bath bc-lcarth is the Lords". Rev. Sctti Robent Fowler, gd9 cr,~smptaaus napast at 'ioon and then Greatest literary and musical taIl- tween the provinces of the Dominion H oward pnonounccd the benedictianl montbs wha a en an4anean heyun ok 5hee tgthnua'ctonte continent is broagh ight and the vaiaus sections of sanie of Iand thuti closcd Newcastle's service fan 80 years, finst joined the Sbank- an exciting gam's 0f basebaîl whe-n ta yaur own ta:wn throagb Chauta-j the langer provinces. The. peoplelIof Thanksgiviag for ail the blessings bilI b. O. L. near Berrygonelly, the Niggens wîpi'd he Indian, coim- qua. of aId Ontario bave a duty toward of the past sixty ycans. Scnmanagb, Inland, la 1867. He pletely off the icli, score bcing 1 ta It nowo transpires that the four day ncw Ontario. I"We don't want twn came ta Canada settled la Township S in favar 0f the Niggens. mator jaunit into the north by tbree Ontanias." of' Clarke and bas been a 'nember The nain chlased them ta the hWuse ncigbboring fanniers cast of the vil- The service loas coaducted by Rcv. Many Men Wanted of the Newtonville L. O. I1. No. 3l l whene thcy found their eiders passing lage about the time of the jubile j. Scott Howard,' M. A., formerly for the past 60 years andl is stilIla the time relating stories of people celebrationi contractcd itself rather Rector of St. George's Charcb, and Wagen pald part tirne while iearn lng, go d h alh and doings of times rast. rapidly lata ean td a half days Ow - Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor of the 1 grag ni ue wr, elcricne., hari n g, h - t i W ith a long ju ney ahead Of so ing ta the fact that anc of the United Church, and seated on thhe aà. y' clture i$rk. 'Write for fre Charlie Fletcher, a Bowmanvillc many and the dlay darkening la rat- members of the expedition, perhaps platfonm with theni was Mn. W. F.1hhiustratcd ctlou..Bachas ancoas. boy, and one of the prominent Or- ber *early it was soan tinte for sup- the others tao, soon began ta feel anl Rickard, Chairnian of the Managing j I-4ent sriLL ceHArom coasCto oa. angemen of Toronto, naturally chose per ta which evcî-y menbr dîd ampe irnesistible attraction for Home, Cammittce of the hall, wba intnoduc-1 IHI6 King Street West, Toronto. 8 the aId home tawa in wbîch ta par- justice.I Swect Home. cd ta the congregatian the Rev. R. J. I________________ ticipate la the annual "walk". Char- Speeches then w-ene the order of >W al epcflycl tea-Wlo fTrno ji us t about holds the record fan the day and Mn. Wili Swain spoke ila tentian 0f the reporter f Bowman- The comhined chairs of St.1 membersbîp la the Orange Order be- bis usual witty mannen after wbich vil's spectaculan diamoitd jubilce George's Anglican and the Unitedi igaPast Master of Ionie 1693; ail sang "For they' are joîîy good ice lebration ta the fact that be omit- Churcb la Newcaste, under direct- e Member of Imperial 1693;. bife Mcm- Mrs. Van Canmp Ban Voyage on their I urn fraom the list of veterans who la the congregatianal singing jand ber Bowmanville Purpîe Guiards 2384; trip we-st. rde la the automobile section of the pnovided the other musical potinf Lif e Memben Eastern Scalet; and a Those prescat 'rie: jbugc ardeIM,-lakurlidayesevie \Vn ~Uia ir.fliV, '.Man..: s Mheodest Newcastle citizen ta take The service witb the chair seatcd H li a Chaeagua ad icinity, especîatiylbat latti'reports.,which ais many- Donal Fnat-r nd wfe-Wsliy assembling familles and names of fnicads hope ta he well founided areDoion ndppeflwdly James, Maad Dames. thein ailîdren, from Mns. W. J. Or- ta the effect that he is sanie hetter. prayer commcmorative af those whoj WlimH. Rabbi' and wife Han- m.tn<ayF Iap, n r.M.adMs Coteswr co felI in the war for freedoni 1914-18. Willi.amap)Haadnah MaryandJh b row1h11 wrV hco--Whilc the words of this prayer were nhGiles..-John, Hna, r,-' oIn Hep ara (saea Vitue) by panîed back to Newcastle by ber sis- tleconlahehrso!htw-- i IL I .~ Thomas, Martha, LIavinnan iasednyIaisbtpsesdIter, Mrs. Geo. Alluni and daughter,shprstt uge nes fTh William Thornei, Sena, and wife- of an extensive knowledge of the jDoris. st poes thwerbheaednotieoplahe' igadDvso t John, William, Thomas, Mary Ana. comntunity, having always ived laLs otwr ordotie lyd KngadDvso t. Thoma Perr, wMea"d fam:ly. the section, and bath havin« that The grcatest inspirational speakers by tCo. Gim ro!Toaad Thomas Ashhury. valuable and convnint asset ne- in America are on Chautauqtta pro- as thy fdd away on the evening I »owmanvîflm William Gay and Mary McGrittan. tentive iuaiorles. Thank >'ou most j orams. A season ticket penlita you air, the choir led the congregationI Teachers not before mentioned- sincertly. 1 to hear theni at small cost. 1la that splendId hyma if praise 1n _______________ When You Need GROCERES-RADBN-CKS PASTRY-CHOÇOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it .i. r. - -l .. A l t Baker ta !k Grocer Newca.stle Eat the Best Meats They Cost No More We only buy young well-fed cattie which asesutmeso etigcoc We buy dir'ect from the best f armers in the county; do our own killing, so know and can. re- commend the meat we seli. Purveyors to the publie for over 75 years. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 j-' 'I You Will Require Summer Furniture WE ARE WELL SUPPLIED WITH SUMMER FURNITURE Chairs and Rockers for the porch or veranda. Drop Screens or Curtains for the verandah in green and brown color. Wood slats in different widths, Hammo Couches, Veranda Couches, Folding Canvas Chairs, Cots and Roll-ups, in f act many lines of Summer Furniture. We have some splendid Japanese Grass Chairs which have sold well this year. WONDERFUL VALUES IN REED SUITES We are offering wonderful values in three piece Reed Suites with Upholstered Seats. Some have Upholstered Seats and Backs and are very serviceable and extremely handsome. STEEL BEDS IN WALNUT FINISH Always a fulli une of Steel Beds in latest Wal- nut finishes with ail grades of Mattresses and Springs to select from. ALL GRADES SPECIALLY LOW PRICED F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 tender Bowmanville