PAGE 4 rUE CAIf~DIAN STATESMAN, BUWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JTJLY 2Tht HAYDON Sunday services will be conducted by Mr. E. Beech at 2.30 p. m.. League Tuesday night instead of Sunday. Miss Mabel Beech in charge. Good program..Sunday School picnic Thursday, July 28th at Haydon "Pineville Park"..League picnic Saturday held at Cream of Barley Camp was a decided success. Fifty sat down te tea after the sports of the afternoon..Glad te report Mr. Thompson is able te be around though his hands and head are bandaged. .Men are very busy with the hay which has caused extra work on account of the showers. Visitors: Mr. B. MacDonald and his mother, Mrs. J. MacDonald, Sal- em, Mr. Earle and Roy Tbompson visited at Mr. Wesley Thompson's. . Mr. Grant is holidaying at Mrs. Creeper's..Mrs. J. Kennedy and daughter Hazel, Toronto, were week-; end visitors at H. Ashton's. . . . Miss Doris Ryan, Toronto, is holidaying at, Mrs. J. Wright's. Bargains Selected From Every Departmnent. Every Article Guaranteed or' Money Re- funded. Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal BI 1ILCýwH RI1s'T-9S Mid Suniner Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Your Dollar is Worth More at This Store. Here You May Find Qutstanding Values in Seasonable Wearing Apparel Sale Starts Thursday A. .M July 2lst. Sale Ends Saturday, July 3Oth. SALEM -. - L one or UtheU best bpring seasons we have e Mr. and Nirs. Orville Heard, sons> to cleart these out in order to make room for new]1 Milford, John and Donald, and' daughter, Margaret, Oshawa, visited: buy e.arly while lines and choice is best. Every his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.!- George Cornish, on Sunday . .On ____________________ Thursday, July 14, the Citizenship Department of Salem Young Peoples Society held a lawn social at -The' Menà's Palni Beach Suits, Society Boys' H- Maples", the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 Brand Make at $18.95 ings, 4 Ed. Doidge. At 6.30 p .m., a League. ny hssao' e utppirsye game of softball vas played at the' 6 onltis a onse new Su its puatrsle, Salem bal field, Salem team being bar trpiciW rstds$nw25. sig0aters the winners At 8 p. m. ail repaireckRgla 2.0,B te "The Maples" where an excellent On Sale $18-95 program was rendered mostly by old Boys_______________________ time League workers, those taking Mnseua o t 1,5By part were as follews: Miss uyM s Suit Spca N.1a $49O Bragg, Mrs. W. Moffat, Mrs. H. M. 10 only, Suits, broken lines, splendid quality, Foster, Mrs. Geo. Honey, Mrs. R. values that ranged te $22.5.0, A Langmaid, Mr Gordon Moyse, Mr. $49 Ewart Pollard, with the society's A Bargain at Only $49 chorus boys. Rev. J. R. Bick of Hampton, gave an excellent address Mns ut and aIse acted as chairinan for the;1M ns ut Special No. 2 at $16.50« Any mn evening in the absence of Rev. J. R. 15 enly, these are Young Men's Models, in double Trunipour. Surprise packages from and single breasted styles, in Fancy Tweed "Witcbes Wells" provided some mer-: effects, wonderful quality and values that wereME riment and helped sweîl the proceeds. 1up, to $25.00, M N A cafeteria luncheon was served by OrSeca ae r1 $65 only, Top the society, after which three choic eOu pcaSlePi $65 style, Fanc3 boxes of chocolates, the gift ef Mr. 1 ___________________________ J. A. McFeeters, Toronto, an oîd Men's Suits, Special No. 3 at $19.95 Salemi Leaguer, who was unable te be' present, were disposed of, one te old- 10 only, Men's and Young Men's Models, in fancy est Salem lady, according te send- Tweeds and Worsteds, double and single Men's ers wishes, Mrs. W. E. PolIlard beingI breasted styles, values to $30.00, Splendid Hf the recipient. The other two being Fr$99 auctioned and added to proceeds of Fr$99 the evening making if $28.79, and with two donations of $1.00 each Men's Suits, Special No. 4 at $24.95 since handed in, making total pro- 2 NYMen a ceeds up te date $30.7925OL These suifs are our very best and choicest Suits, Any Flannel HÂMTO J in the new models and fine quality Suits, made Stripe,E HAPO of the finest yarns by the hest tailors obtainable, Visiters: Mrs. Mabel Taylor, New vaust 3.0 n 3.0 York, with ber sister, Mrs. A. Tren-' On Sale, A Big Bargain at $24.95 MEN outh; Miss Helen Virtue -with friends in Toronto; Mr. Percy Cowling, Bow- i KA7. !!~ YII~Coel Light manville, hoidaying at home; Mr' MEN'S NAIItVZ iBLUIE S.UITS nelettes, exi and Mrs. A. B. Crydermnan with A lineofe heavy quality Navy Blue Suits, fancy friends in Toronto; Mr. Thomas A. patternoed, aIse plain, double breasted models. Brown, Otfawa, at Mr. B. Stevens'; AIse a lineo f Pin Stripe Suits, values up te $30, Misses Frankie and Hazel WoodOtTe oA hsSl Men's Li Orono, at 'Mr. J. L. Johns'; Mr. and Ou j y oA hi ae$19.95 Mrs. Steele, Helen and Lorne, at ____________________________ A line of1 Bobcaygeon; 'Miss Lily Trenouth 1 with ber sister, Mrs Geo. Stephen- I MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS $24,95 son, Oshawa .. . . Rv. J. R. Bick, Mr. ; In Worsteds, fine quality, double breasted and Norman Clemens and Mr. Raymond' single breasfed models, plain and fancy patterns,ME Burns are attending Summer Sche lj values up te $35.00, M 1 at Bogceaygeon. ..Preparations are' nSl iln fh being made for the Sunday School O ae$24.95 DArk Bowîe picnic at the Park on Wednesday.IDr rw July 27th. Thero wiIl be a good 0 prograni cf sports. Evoryone wel- MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS $2750 com. .... W. M. S. monthly meeting This is an 18 oune c loth ,the best suit we haveM N' m-as held at the home cf Mrs. Jebson over solcl in double breasted mode]. Heavy Al E ' on Tuesday atternoon. ...Mc. ani Wool Guaranteed Cloth, a wonderful suit at A lineocf p' Mrs. W. L .Law, Oshawa, Mrs. CM Regular $37.50, Pal Baulch, Grand Rapids, and Mrs. E. IOnSlFo Oly$75 Wilcox, Hastings, Mich., were guests n aljFr * j275 cf Mr. and, Mrs. George White on _________________________ Monday Gertrude andI Ruth Knox, Fenella, are visiting their cousins, Misses Jessie and Helen I Knox and Elinor Sykes. . . . Mrs. J. il R. Knox and Betty spent the weok in Peterboro visiting relatives. . Young i Phone 61 People's meeting on Friday evening T was iti charge cf Mr. Will White,.3rd Vic-Presidont. Miss Marjoriel Martyn favored with a piano solo; Bible lesson was read by Miss MIar_ jorie Pascoe; devotional in charge of' SU S -Sop * S Miss Helen Johns; tepic "Our Con- trihuti<)n te the Churcb", was taken _______________________________________ by Miss Elsie Langniaid........Uiss Laura Virtue is holidaying at home ENNISKILLEN SALEM .... Mr. and ýMrs. H. A. Saunders, ____ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Saunders and Mr. 1School promotions at S. S. No. 16, S*cbool report cf S. S. No. 9, Dar- Robt. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. E. iNorth Darlington: Sr. III te Jr. IV ington, promotion examinations, Gibon nd issOlie HagOsb ~ ~~<~ Grce 'ernaines in order cf menit: Jr. IV te aw ibsitead atMr. l.T. Pag scoe's. i irte,(lin),Gr " r-Sr IV Hlelen McDonald, (hon), Les- awavisted t M. LT. Psco's. ry. Joje Stevenson, Wilbur Dickinson, lie* Welsh. Sr. III te Jr. IV-M'ýar- Scbool report for ternm ending in Alice Ashton. Oswald Petbick, How- ian Iloney, Doris Collacott, Bill Cowl- June: Entrance namnes arranged ard Oke. Jr. III te Sr. I1-Mena ing, Edna Sadler, Violet Strutf, (re- alphabetically. Promotion namnesj Dickinson, (hon), Helen Brunt, <hon> conimended). Jr. III te Sr. III- arranged according te monit. En- lLreFseOieMreBr trance-Rota Billet (hon.), (,l ordon Stevens, Lloyd Brunt, Floydl'Lo Foster, Oliv SrutEdMoren, ort ),Stanle iFostArrEymer trutt.fEdgar Cator Cowling (bon), Jessie Knox (bon 'jIPeth iIk. Are Brunt, (lio), r. (recomimendeci), Audrey Cowîing Elinor Sykes, Vera Shackîeton, Hen- I eJ II Mre k,(onRh failed), Henry Francis, (tailedî. ry Stainton., Sr. III te Jr. IV-, Virtue, Bruce Ashton. Jr. Il te Sr. Sr. Il te Jr. IlI-Beatrice Cifor. Jr. Florence Burns (hion), Ernest Hor-n, Il 4-Bernice Stainton, (hion), Ruth IlI to Sr. h-Lily Morden, Marie Col-1 Fred HolweIl (rec). Sr. Il te J. Stevenson, (hon), Wilbur Stacey. B iacott. Sr. I te* Jr. 11-Lela Welsh, III-Austin Barron (hion), Katie X -eina Petbick, Marion Griffin, (lion), Willie Varch, (bon), Violai Osadzuk (hion), Gordon Pbillips ('liffordl Pethick, EarI Bradley. Sr. Francis, John Foster, Helen Morden, (hon), Jean Stainten, Violet Petley,1I te Jr. Il-Dorothy Stacey, (hon), f'iiledlî Sr. Pr. te Jr. I ('hachie Bleyd Wiîcox, Nelson Robbins, Eacl Muriel Kennedy. Sr. Pr. te Jr. I- Foster, Harley Cowling. Jr. Pr. te Wakely (rec), Jackson Wray, ill I Lorne Bradley, Albert C'arter, John Sr r.-Isobel Brown, (hon), Hecyl since Eastcr rec). Jr. Il te Sr. III Oke, H 1 rdP tbicJk., Jr. Pr.. -Tompson, <hon, Bert Francis, Os- -Olga Cowling, Harold .Martin, i{aîxîld À., - n, lÏni Sharpe, Vern car (on in, (failedt, Frank ('enlie, Pearl Connagban (roc). I te Jr. II Stacey, V'e ion facey. (failed. Laurence Savery, teacher. -.onVictue, Harry Winterburn, J. Newton, teacher. Doris Cryderman, Annie Stainton, W. M. S. beld their regular met-' Katie Jones, Bruce Clarke, Mandy n ntefomo ine tteTRN Connaghan (rec), Jimmie Adanisoninintefmetaincatte'YRN <ccc). Jr. 1 te Sr. I Eva Johns, lhome cf Mys. S. Trewin on Wednes-ý Betty Knox, Muriel Scott, Thelma day. NIrs. (Rev) J Il Robins, Bow- Miss Adelaide Annis has been holi- RobbnsBernce oger, Nrmamanville, gave an addreýs relative te daying witb ber cousin, Miss Marjor- Cobling. Ser. PeRoter.,-Billi Mission Bands. A local band was ic Annis, Dunhacton. Mr. and Mrst Osadzuk, Vera Martin. Jr. Pr. te organized with Mrs. W. Ashton as Norman ('ellacott and baby Greta,t Sr. Pr.-Walter Holwell, Dora Cowl- 1 Supcrintendent, and Miss AIma Dick- and Miss Eva Collacott visitcd at Mr ing, Ruby (olwill, Ruth CoIwill, Jack inson as President ...Mrs. Alfredj Anson Gilroy's, Kendal. .... Miss An- Cowling, Jack Niddery, Isobel Rog- Prescott, Enfield, gveaadrsat reiantioTrnoi- or, ac .on~,Jeol Bac. r.the Young People's League last week ited at Mrs. C. W. Weodloy's.. A-ana lake Blasckapman on the increasing (Christian Church Mrs. Robt. J. Hodgson and Nina, vis-a Nellie Armeur. in Inoia as a result cf Missions..ited with Toronto friends. M m~. j A maIe choir led the service cf praise Albert Hawkey and Miss Lela Ricb-1 F. J. Groat, Miss Isobel Campbell, atteUie Chrho Sua. ards visited with Mcs. Howard Find-a Teachers. Rev. E. M. Cook gave a special ady- ley, Unionville.... Mr. Clarence Fer- ' reste young men on "The Man guson gave us a splendid sermon onS W( rthwhile". The maIe choir wiîî Sunday evening. We hope te hearh AUCTION SALE faiver again next Sunday and a spe him again. .Mc. Eugene Beecb,a cial addiress will be given on the Hayden, will preach next Sunday ý. Saturday, JuIy 30th-The undoc-I subjeet "Birds cf a Fpather. fs morning. . League meeting on Thurs-g signed bas been instructed hy J. H. Edna Lamb, John Siemen andi (harles day evening was in charge Of Miss L Smiith, 26 Carlisle Ave., Bewman. Stainon are attending Summer School Lola Richards. Topic, "Increasine v A Mie otn'SBATHING SUITS A av linleuCoto Bthing Suritsine, NSLoc itc E Cimi MEN'S FELT HATS Any Hat in the store, Value te $5.00, On Sale And To Clear at $3.39 Ea MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Khaki, Blue ,Blacl, and White Stripe and Grey, Values te $1.50, On Sale 98c MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.49 A line of Union Made Overalls with Bib, in plain Black and Blue, also Blue Stripe, worth $2.00, On Sale $1.49 MEN'S BATH ROBES AT $8.95 3 only, -Men's Bath Robes, eiderdown ,heavy quaI- ity, Values te $12.50, On Sale $8.95 Children's and Boys' Blazers AIl sizes with Red, Yellow, Blue stripes, On Sale $1.69 Each Men's Shirts A Wonderful Bargain 100 Men's Fine Broadcîoth Shirts, in White, Blue, Fawn, 'Mauve. GreY .also a line of Percales. Derby cords, Taffetines, etc.,_ranging in price te $ 2.7 a, On Sale To Clear $1.69 Each MEN'S FINE SHIRTS A Il other %ie Shirts in the store at a discount of 20% Reduction off Regular Prices To Clear Kiddies Wash Suits at 98e -- Kiddies Wash Suits $1.50 For $1.39 quality, ever had, we find many broken lines in seasonable merchandise in ail Departmnents of our Store, we are going Faîl goods that will soon be arriving. day for 9 days is a Big Sale Day. [eavy Cotton Ribbed Stock- Pair For 98c, Regular 50C Pr lys' Blouses, Values to $1.5, On Sale 98c s' Cotton Jerseys, Regular 50c, )n Sale 39c, 2 For 75c line of Men's Khaki Pants, On Sale $1 .49 's Cap in the store, Value to $2.95, FOR $1.98 'S TOP COAT AT $14.95 pCoat, College Model, double breasted ýy Grey Tweed, Regtslar Value $25.00, On Sale $14.95 Tweed Raincoats At $7.95 eavy Quality Tweed, thoroughly rub- berized, On Sale $7.95 sAil Wool Flannel Blazers el Blazer in the store, Red, Blue, White also plain Blue, Values to $6.50, On Sale $4.95 WS PYJAMAS AT $1.98 bWeight Summer Pyjamas, aIse flan- Ktra quality, Values $2.75 and $3.00, On Sale $1.98 .iht Weight Sweater Coatz Fancy Patterned Sweater Coats, aIl sizes, Regular $3.50, On Sale $1.98 N'S WINDBREAKERS eavy quality Windbreakere, Fawn with ,n Fancy Trimming, Regular $3.95, ýn Sale $2.69 To Clear FLANNEL TROUSERS [arn Grey, aIso a Fine Pin Striped attcrn and Values to $4.25 On Sale $2.98 Each Be Men's Separate Suit Trousers All sizes, aIl kinds as follows: Regular Values $5.00 For $3.98 Regular Values $4.00 For $3.19 Regular Values $3.50 For $2.79 Regular Values $3.00 For $2.39 UNDERWEAR Men's Balbriggan Combinations with a short sleeve and knee length, On Sale 98c Men's White Athletic Combinations, On Sale 98c Another line of Athletic Combinations, a trifle lighter weight, On Sale 89c Each UNDERWEAR Men's Two-Piece Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, alI sizes, values up te $1.00 each, On Sale 69c Garnient KIDDIES SUITS 3 only, Oliver Twist Suits in Grey Tweed Effeets, Regular $4.50 and $5.00, On Sale $2.98 Each 4 only, Navy Blue AIl Wool Serge Suits, white -trimming, RegZular $4.50 and $5.00, On Sale $2.98 Each BOYS' SUITS AT $5.95 Any Boys' Suit in our store in Fancy Tweed or Worstedis, aIse Navy Blue with one pair of bloomer trousers, Values up to $9.50, On Sale Your Choice To Clear $5.95 MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Men's Winter Overcoats, selling during this sale at a discount of 1 3 Off RegVlar Prices MEN'S FINE STRAW HATS Sailors, Panamas and Leghorns Actually Selling Below Cost To Clear GILCHRIST mu=s =0w SU. MAPLE GROVE Miss Marjonie Stevens bas ceturn- cd te Uxbridge aftec spending a couple of weeks at home .Miss Dec- ethy Stevens returned with ber foc a viSit. .A number from bore at- tcnded the Mission Band picnic on Mr. Archie Muir's field. Everybody had 'a ceai geood time. . .. T he Snew- don picnic was held as usual again this year. Owieg te the weather being se sbowery it was beld in the enclosed sheds here when everybody bad a splendid time. Games et softball were played over on the scbool grounds. ENFIELD Recent vîsitors: '.%I. A. J. Rey- nolds, Miss Edna Reynolds, Mrs. R. Pascoe and Miss Mary Hogarth, Se- lina, Miss Frances Alexander, North Oshawa, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Dr. and Mrs. W. G. McCulloch, Orono, at Mr. John McCulloch's; Mrs. H. Stin-ý son bas been visiting at Rochester; Mr. James Parr bas a new' car.. The crops generally ail tbrough this acighborhood are above the average juclging from present appeilcances.. .Alsike, early peas, anti faili wheat are al] filling w~ell ..Mr. and .cs. Russell Jordan, Mr~. V. H. Jodan anti Mrs. F. Wold ami daughter Honey, Chicago, spent a -week wvith1 SOLINA Mr. anti Mfrs> Freti Densem, Misses Mis Rynlds Peecoro ~Greta anti Florence, anti Mr. Ever- hMis.OurssieRynopasthy trbo at )6 tt Ormiston, Bowmianviile, Mr. and spc.nting three w'eeks holidaysaMs J. J. Ormniston, Oshawa, spent hoeou ynptyi xtentied Snaya'c.W J risos to Mr. Wm. Smales and tamilyiy uda tMr je.Omstn the suffden passîng ef Mnr. Smales' ______ father at Duebarten .... Mn. anti Mrs Dawson ami famiy, Peterboro, Mr. BLACKSTOCK James Reynoldis, Toronto, spent Sun- -___ day at NIr. Jack Reynolds'. . .. Sonry Regular meeting of the Women's te report Mrs. S, Williams is untier Missionanv Society was beld on Wed- tbc dector's caro. We hope foc a nesday afternoon at the homeofe Mrs speedy recovcrv. Hec claughtec H. Galbraith witb the President pro- Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanville, is siding. Minute.ý openod with deve- with ber. Mises Helen Baker, El- tionai exorcises. Sccipture losson eanor Shepherd and Ruby Deweli are hy Mcs. A. Joheston. Mrs. Archer attending C.G.I.T. Camp at Crago's gave a very interesting talk on "The Beach, Lake Ontario ...U. A. J. Crnee Indians ot Nocway flouse, aIse Reynolds, Miss Edna Reynolds, Mr. the Indians of Stony Creek one hun- and Mrs. S. Ilockaday visited at Mc. cined miles furtber north. The rhos. Osborne's Whitby. . .. Glad te missionary there fhen was Miss see Miss Lena Taylor bas arrived Herbert. Miss Hazel Mountjey in home safeiy from China, Iooking haie ber very pleasing manner told the and heacty. Mn. A. J. Reynoldls, story et Libavati Seugh, a little lIn- Miss Edea Reynolds, Miss Mary Ho- dian girl, wbe bad been led te live garth, Mrs. R. Pascoe visited at Mr. a botter lite by roading "Little L~. C. Pascoe's, Enfield .Mrs. S. E. women" by Louise Aicott. Roîl WVerry visitcd ber sistor, Mrs Harry cali was takon by on President, each Grooms, Toronto, Miss Doris and membor answering witb a W. M. S. Master John Grooms returning home contederation gem. Conveners were vith ber. . .. Mn. and Mca. D. Van- appointod ton oun Utility Fair, wbicb denhoes and Miss Margaret, Detroit, we hope te hold about the middle cf visited at Mn. W. T. Taylor's and Mc October. Letter cf approciation for A. Balson's. . . Masters George anditruit sent during illness from Mca. C Wesley Wenny spent the weekend at Hill was read. Meeting clcsed with M-c. Jack Brooks', Oshawa..M. bym.a "O G.d our Help la Ages Past" and Mns. San Brooks, Master Gen ndmipah benediction. Lunch was nd baby Gwendoîyn, Oshawa, spent ered witb Mca. Stinson, Miss V. te weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- De,-ve, Mrs. T. Samelîs and Mcs. J. on Leask. G. Marlow assisting. Bowm.ranville SU BUS o up~t,*II COURTICE interesting talk on ('bina' and ber two littie boys weco in Chinese cost- Visitors:-Mrs. Frank Gay, M'in-1 urne. In the evening Dr. Found ad- nipeg, is visiting at Mrs. L. J.1dressed a church full et poople and Courtice's; Mc. and 'Mrs. Clarence told of bis work in China. About for- Hicks and babe, and Mrs. Jack Hicks,' ty or fitty C.G.I.T. girls froni the Toronto, are holidaying at Mrs. Jas. camp at Mr. ('rage's beech attendo4 Shertt's; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 1'hilp, both niorning and evening services tPrince Albert, Mc. and Mrs. Clarence oin the kindnc,,s of the gentlemen et Phiip and family, Tordnto, called on Ebenezer going after them and tak- Mrs. Jas. Shortt recontiy; Mr. NMason ing thcmi back trom both services. Walters, Cleveland, Ohio, calied oiNlMrs. ID"..) Semon and Miss Spargo bis cousins, M1%iss Mabelle and Messrs. accompanied the girls. Special music Frank and Bill Walters, andi brougbt vas gîven at both services. In the aiong a beautitul bouquet from Toer- nfleming Miss Vera W'erry sang, anti o nto which lie piaced on Mr. Jno. in the evening Miss France s Hanck Walters, Sr. grave at Ebenezer cen- A-heMi a ucae Je try. .Miss Lulu Rom-se, a return- 1Mr~. cieMibapuhsda cd nîissionary trom China, and ber n eWmInternational Threshing Ma- Ilinother, Mrs. J. B. Rowse, Brantford, cie i re visiting Mn. & Mrs. G. F. Annis. Ir. and MIrs. Chas. Webster andl On Tburslay afterneon iast our I amiiy, Toronto, -were with Mrs. A. W. M . S. held its monthly meoting at F. Rundie over Sunday. .Miss Eil- the home of Mrs. Eli Osborne. The j eon Wight, Providence, bas been l'residt.nt, Mrs. FrankftRundle, oc- Jguest et hec cousin, Miss Florence cupîied the chair anti ater the devot- Courtice. .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Woc- lonl x(lcie and the business the den, son and daughtev, Weybume, folloving progranm'as prosented- Sask., are visiting bis miother, Mrs. vocal solo "Js o oa, yMs John Worden an d ether relatives. G. F'. Annis; piano solo, Mrs. Cecil On Saur~a attrnoo tho Mis ' orien; V oCal solo "Japanese Love iOnSCircifmat ateroo tf Miss! Seg, Miss Vera Werry; and a most sio Ci ele met att h e so mentf M iss intercsting , part oe tfhe program w as Vera WVerry with te Peiet is a s pienîlid aiddress, by Miss Rowse, Annie Hoit in Chbe chair. Atter the retuîrned miissionarx. trom China who business and devotionai part cf nîcet- spoke etf the habits, and different ing, Miss Velma Gay prcsided and lwî\'s (cf living there,. aise teiling et cailed on Miss Florence Courtice for ber work amiong the Chinese. After a piano solo; Miss Hazel Rundle readth rga a lo peiznluc " beutifl seecton; piao soo, as served te about sixty ladies and by Mrs. Cecil Wocden was onjovcd tchildren. Mc:. Osborne with ber by ail and Mrs. W. R. Courtice thon agtrNIis Htean Au, gave a talk on "Mus ic". Atter- adugNtrs, Mse arttemade Aura, wacds lunch was served by the girl.; one feel at home. The wholc atter- and a pleasant time spent. Mrs. noon, programi and lunch, çvas in Wcrry with tbe belp et hec daugh- charge et Mrs. 'G. F. Annis and hec toc, Mrs. Russell Bcagg, Bowman- gop During the meetin cu ville, and Miss Vera, wece vecy gen- 9President askec a Il ot the lafdies 't o J iai and entertaining and their beauti- ricinageeîgteor e :so' fui home was sweet with roses and w'ife, Mcs. (Rev.) J. H. Stainton, les. wvho in a few vords replied very fit- Wonderftul svocials in Canton tingly. Next meeting is in charge Dresses this week.snd at Coucb, John. of Mrs. L. J. Ceurtice's gcoup. ston Cry erma '.î.The very new st ln Knit Suits Sunday was a splendid day at our Coats, Dresses, Sport Sweaters just church. Large congregatiôns utnpacked at Couch, Johnston & geeted our Pastor wbo rave a splen- Cryderman's. d sermon ln the mornng on 'The Master is corne and calIeth for Thee", Corns are painful gcowtbs. Hol- In the afternoon at Sunday Scbcol loway's Cern Remover will remove seasion Mrs. (Dr. )Found gave anithem. To do this,prices have been slashed to clear quickly. Thrifty Shoppers illi i PAGE 4 TRE CAIÇ à.DIAN STATUMAN, BUWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 21st.. j92ý7 Aff4pr n".. eIF fl- L-é Q--:-- -.-- u 77 Sale MEN'S BATHING SUITS