PAGE SIX TEE ANADIA STTESAN.ROWAMVT T' TDYJUY 1s.. 92 ICE TO.DAY LADIES? WOOD-JOHNS PICNIC BEACOCK FAMILY REUNION BOY SCOUT FUNERAL ORONO1 I arn prepared to supply either byt The Wood and Johns famlilies and The third Beacock family reunion Victor Marjoram, Bowmanvilc From Tbe News of July l4tb) week or tickets or any quantity de-I a few friends met at Elliott Memor- wvas beld at Hampton Park on Satur- A last tribute was paid to their Miss Agatha Staples, New York, is sired at any time-and at betterlijal Park, Hampton, on Thursday, July day, July 1Gtb when 164 guests as- deceased comnrade by the Ist Bow- holidaying at bier father's, Mr. Win. prices than ice that bas to be hauled 14th for teir annual picnie. Ap- sem'oled and registered. During th manville Troop Boy*Scouts on Sun- Staples. 20 miles. We bave medical auth- parently everyone thorougbly enjoy- afternoon both young and old parti- day afternoon, July 10, Victor Mar- Mrs. D. T. Allîn returned home ority to eut our ice wb.-icb is pure ed the visiting together and the cipated in the various gamnes and joram, 16 years of age, son of Mr. from a couple of weeks visit with spring w'ater. Our wagons are in games of soft; ail and foot bail tbat races. and Mrs. Walter Marjoram, King St. Toronto friends. charge of M.%essrs. Fred and Harald1 were engaged in botb before and Guests were present from Toron- East, Bowmanviîîe. and a member of McMullen. Phone ail ice orders to' after the supper wbicb was also a1 to, Wiarton, Hamilton, Collingwood, tbe Troop, bad succumbed to an iîl Mr. William C. Coatham, New 58 whicb will be given prompt atten-! pleasant feature. Among those Midland, Lindsay, Cleveland, Obio, ness wbich incapacitated him a'IWestminster, B. C., visiting relatives tion. A. M. Williams.i present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Word-1 Sunfield, Micb., Kaladar, Port Col- few days.j and friends bere. en and their son and daugbter of borne, Osbawa, Bobcaygeon, Duns- Tbe service, held at the bouse by Dr. and Mrs. Jobn Chester and lit- -Weyburn, Sask., also relatives and ford, Myrtle, Pontypool, Orono, Rev. J .B. Bonathan, Newcastle, who tle daughter, Joan, visited at ber friends to tbe number of about onej Burketon, Cadmus and Nestleton. was officiating at the Anglican fatber's, Mr. T. Smitb. M.%iller's Worm Powders prove tbeir hundred and ten from Orono, Osb-i It was decided to bold tbe reunion Cburcb in the absence of Rev. R. Mr. Tbos. Vinson, Toronto, is vis- vale. be dono case awa, Courtice, Kedron, Zion, Tyrone,lat Hampton Park on the first Satur- J. Sbires, was most impressîve. iting bis sister, Mrs. M. L. Travelle, viluen thsube s ionthce s any jHampton and Bowmanville. Afw tday in July 1928.Rltvsadfinso hSfm n te eaie ee voetdsubneintesoacb, of the relatives who bave beenn t _________eaies anmmdaienofthe frbonuobrseates ee any pain or griping, but do their toanticiaeiny wnulevn -ad nere mndatedintbe Bose Captain A. Staîker is spending a work quietly and painlessly, 50 that ere ciatle itobirs annual nd t adonteveaaadtb o few weeks witb bis brotber, Dr. unabdeettoctbe prethentrand their OBITUARY Scouts were formed up upon tbe Malcolm Staîker, Walkerton. peetruction oftheywarrns is irn- absence was mucb regretted. 1 ___th_______cndctngth andfro th frstdos threis m- lbet rul, Ohaw sraien, mt e estioul Miss Frances Cork and Master an d fro t e f rst do e t er is im -__ ___ __T h e b ea rers w ere niem b ers of t e C a m p b ell C ork , T o ron to , a re v isitin g provement in the condition of tbe CRYDERMAN-RUSE PICNIC Albert Trull, 32 years of age, son deceased's patrol and bis immediate witb Dr. and Mrs. Kerslake. sufferer and a cessation of manifesta-_____Abr rlOhwasriefontevsiue tions of internai trouble. Despite the inclement weatber of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron TrulI of comirades, George Ives, Gordon Flax- Miss Viola Stewart of Ceylon, man,_EddieFlaxman, John Jr Sask., is visiting er grandparents, _____ about 100 of the relatives of tbe Cry- Division Street, Osbawa, mýs buried Bruce Carneron and Ed. Thomnas. As Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tbornton. derman and Ruse families gathered Thursday afternoon in the TrulI the cortege passed frorn tbe bouse Mrs. W. F. McElroy and infant at Hampton on Wednesday after- burying grounds, South Darlington. to the bearse and conveyances, the daugbter, Peterboro, are visiting ber I8 I CM C held in tbe church shed and a very Tbe late Mr. TrulI, xvhose great-great- twO lines of Scouts stood rigidly at parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Noble. enjoabl tîie pen. gandathrwa Jo74i4 TulI wboattention and with right hands r:ised Miss Margaret Wannan is spending W I L S O e nj o a b l e i m e s e n t . r a n d f t h e r a s J o n T r u l w h o i n t h S c o uosinge . tbei ns uvm e r hw itbme rb erh a ur n tn M is ss This year be adth laueo came to Ohw in174 and wbose east towards tbe cemetery tbe Sot Scott, at ber cottage at Balla, Mus- welcoring a representative of an- great-grandfatber was the flrst wbite a thte slow rnarch and with beads oa other brancb 0f tbe Crydernian fani- child born tbere. Albert was born bent led by Troop Leader Brenton M La dE M 1 ily in the person of Mr Johnson Cry- in Darlington Townsbip. Before the Hazelwood added impressiveness to Misses Let and Ena Sutt, Mr. 1 T V derman of Baldwin, Ontario-a man xar bie came to Toronto and was en- the ceremony. At the cemetery tbe Wyvan Reid and Miss Florence Stin- IId UL I in his 93rd year wbo is just as well gaged in tbe rnen's furnisbing bus- casket and mourners again passed son took in tbe Goodyear picnic to and smart as a man 30 years young- iness. He went overseas with the through two lines of Scouts wbo tben Rocbester, N. Y., on Saturday. The officers for 1928 are: Presi- and gave four years' service, being wreatbs and flowers to be placed up- day morning on a trip to Bradford, dent-Mr. S. W. Ruse, Oshawa- gassed and baving rnany perilous eg- on the grave. Pa., wbere be will spend a week or Wili kWl many times more files Vice President-Mr. Frank M. C ry- capes. Alter the war bie was en- After tbe service at the graveside two witb bis cousin, Mrs. Fred Haw- for the money than any other derman, Bowmanville; Secretary- gaged with bis brother Clarence, in and when tbe last rites had been car- ley. flkile. ac adwil ilOis Treasurer-M.ýrs. F. M. Cryderman, St. Catharines. He was taken ill ried out tbe Troop, whicb was under Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-' al ill d ay, eery dy, fkllOrihee Bowmanville. about the New Year and underwent the direction of Mr. F. C. Palmer,j ator will drive worms train the sys- all ayevey da, fr treean operation frorn which bie did not Scoutmaster, was conveyed borne in tem witbout injury to the cbild, be- week. A ai Grcer, Dug-recover, death occurring on Tuesday. tbe automobiles of members of tbecause its action, wbile fully effective, gists AtnalGe rors r- TRULL FAMILY REUNION Besides bis father and mother, and Buwmanville Rotary Club wbo bad is mild. gist andGeneal Sores brother Clarence, bie is survived by placed themselves and their cars at Mr. Ed. Pinder and son Harry, Tor- lOc and 25e per package. Saudy uy1thsnwce n two sisters, Miss Marion Trull, at the disposal of the Troop. onto, left last week on a trip to Eng- s iarday, Ju ythsadwiced wit home ,and Mrs. Henry Saffard of Among tbe relatives present frum land, where Mn. Pinder wil I visit bis -ramn proved a very happy choice for Oshawa. out of town were Charles, Fletcher, old borne town in Lincolnshire, Harry the day of the annual TruIl picnic. Deceased is a nepbew of Mrs. A. j lrnest and Cephas Meaden, Tcrontoý visiting Paris and other places. Membrs f te can o th nuber E.CleensBeeh Ae.,Bowan-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fry, Mr. and Mrs. -. Memb 14 esfteclandto hepnunibenE.ile es ec veBwa-IChas. Moore, (sisters), Oshawa. Miss Kate McKay left Friday for G i e i a r PUa,_________________________________ everywhere bespoke satisfaction witb ________________Sask.,_________________________________ Why ' ot decide NOW to give the day's proceedings wbetber in the a opeofrots tte sses ZUTOOTablets, the remedy so general- Igarnes or in rerniniscent chats, or at Ms ot Patterson and Miss Sadie ly used for headacixe, a fair and square the tables laden with tempting viands, McK'a. r. oopeaopai. &W? ~~~~~~~ail seerned to find an outlet for ex-MrRL RalCbug ent If there là any doubt in your mmd pressing theniselves. A touch of sad- F r .L aî,Cbug eet Mato the worth of thes tablets or of tbeir ness marred the perfection of the day f.i I IWl I ly underwent a critical operation at harmleusncas, try them and KNOW the as three homes were remembered f 1 n 7 a l id vatbe General Hospital in that town. t R eahbsenee i h is rnany friends bere and at Les- truth. where deathtbasCntered doringytheard wisb bu ia speedy recovery. Don't sacrifice your comfort on ac past year-tbose of Mn. Cameron [ cooet of prejudice or skepticism. Try the Truil, Mr. Irvin Truli and Mr. Arthur Mrs. Frank Dewey and daugbter, tbesadknow. 25c af. dealers or by Moore. The deepest sympatby of B etting us do the baking for the family Miss Dorotby, Buffalo, N. Y., are vis- taead. B. N. Robiason & Co. the gathering for these, were placed Byling ber aunts, Mrs. Briggs and Mrs M t, .k-ticook, Quebec on record. Some present could ne- during the warm weather. We can supply D. F. Walsh. Mrs. Dewey is a caîl being at the first TrulI picnic .. daugbter of tbe late Wm. Jewell, thirty-three years ago and ail look everytýing iromn a loai of nourishing uleau uo a's forrnerly of Orono. t~LLLU U owad o nyhy nives fny eoatdw dn ck. n us s Mr. and Mrs. Sleigbt and daugbter aotethe cso nlh2tb atra ac dcrtd wedn ae A djs s and busband, Mr. and Mrs. Williamis :Zto artheLake. of July at Oshawa-on- goda m thr aks Tr u. of Buffalo, N. Y., visited tbeir aunt, th-Lke ____a____r aes Ty s Mrs. D. M. Walsh and uncle, Mn. Is- aac Cobbledick. They are taking a motor trip around Lake Ontario and villeR-ARY ICI are quite deligbted witb this pro- The DowmanvileBakery vince. The Blackburn-Hardy annual pic- Orn Hg ch'0Tuteshv nic wvas held JuIy 1, at Maple Shadeto h.* BkBO'aniIagdMsGadsFreBA, Fr.andClrke Towmnb i te on e f es o sKuuî se yeincardine, as assistant teacher suc- 1 Atr1ad mn. carsnian ll as- ceeding Miss Carson. Miss Ferrier, At 10 a. ni. cars began to as- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Xh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w ocores ighly recom rended, was semble until about 200 relatives had _____________________________________ a fox-mer pupil of Miss Viola Gilfill- gathered.* They were met by the an, B. A., when a teacher at Kmn- genial host and hostess m-ho gave candine. beautiful hmpetl eoae aywohv enafitdwith P R E V N T I C K T S 1 0 w o m e p r t t i l d e o r a e d s . , r , ~ a n d h a v e d i v e n t h e n i a w a y Keep baby vitarnin.. A surnptuous dinner was served jsimilarly troubled shouîd luse nu nourished. A wonder- consisting of chicken pies, salads, time in appîying this splendid remi- fui il . pickles, pies, cake, etc., to which a I~ Bs V ~ L O edy, as there ms nothing like it to b f lQL.,.JAJ.1i., rich in everyune did full justice. The tab- E a t e B e t M e t 11had. It is cheap, but its power is les were set on the beautiful spacious in nu way expressed by its low pnice. 1 cod-iver oil vitamins, lawn and were tastefuîîy decorated Miss Freda Wilson spent a week d f or a young chid- with bouquets of roses, peonies and in Toronto andl attend:d the wedding At 1 p.i., an intenesting football Mn. David Grahami. The cerernony i game, marnîed men vs. single men plac Satrday JuN o9,Mtoth scott's Emulsion t.Thek placeMoe 1Sagte ay Jly9,Mn.h c Sct one oot.On. r- as played in which the rnarried men tomofk h gruurn's sister, Mrs. D. T %ct o n T rot n 1- ere victanlous, captains Isaac Har- H w o . R v r a l n r s y dy and Isaac Knight, ladies exciting ________terin Toronto, tied the nuptial F game of softball, captains Ms.TTIn Powrs and Miss Sanahý Webster; Mrs Rev. S. T. Tucker, former pastor ri Powers minning; Men's softball ne- veherandfmlytyivda vey 0 suîted in a tie, captains Clarence AI- W nybyyug wl- dctl he erywelcomie on their arrivaI at lin and Russell Earle., Sports Coin- Drchester by the officiais of the A mitee ondcte a roramof pors asues ur ustmer ofgetin chice tener church and congregation. Mrs. haird rae bot rae an lades'Tucken and daugbter, Miss Gladys, a hareOac ,otMaeOndldis meat. 1 Ieft Friday for Wasaga Beach whene b _______nail-dniving contest and othens, for hywlocu terotaedin which suitable pizes were awanded. the sme ots Two Women Owe Health Mn. J. H. Eale, Chainnian, called1 Mn. J. W. Maxwell arrîved here to ydi E Pmkba' thie assembly to order and expnessed vie buy direct from the best farmers in the last week froin Chicago, Ill., and as toLdaEPnhms hspleasure of being permitted to1 usual is enjoying the annual outing Vegetable Comnpound attend the family reunian; the cele- countv; do our own killing, so know and can re- flsbing and in company witb the aid bration ut the Diamond Jubiîee of ýboys, looking up landmrnaks of early St. Adolphe, Manitoba- "I was (onfederation will be a mernorable commend the meat we seil. schaol days. Jack dlaims that a vey weak andbhad great pains during day in the history of this fair Can-. week or two spent each succeeding rny peniods sû that ada of ours. Confedenation bas ya ihteodby a de could not sweep meant a great deal to Canada and pbi 5yeans to bis lite. His visits are ai- the flof r. The placed bier among the great nations Purveyors to the le for over 7 years. wavs Iooked fonwand ta by bis rnany - pains were in the <f the world. She is now flfth in size. fniends here. right side andi ex- Miss Lela Knight, Secretary-Treas- TFilu tePol.-ayal Stended to) the left urer, reported a satisfactory balance. TeOlo h epe-ýayol and then do wn- M.FakAlngv h eoto have corne and gone ,but Dn. Thomi- wards. It seenied 1the norinating committee. M~as' Eclectnic Oil continues ta main- as if the body m-as Officers for 1928 are: Hon. Presi- "I~ / ç .u < " tain its position and increase its heavy and upside dent--Mn. A. M. Hardy, Bowma n-j C .C W K R & S Nsphere uf usefulness each year. Its dw It is for vle Ex-Presdnt-.ý. r Black1 sterling qualities have brought it to > these troubles I burny,,R. R. 4, Bowmanville; Presi-' Victoria Building Butchers Bowinanville the front and kept it there, and it took the Vegeta- dent-ý-Mn. Harvey Hardy, Solina; lst can tuyb aldteo u h hI Cnijun. Vie-MnI. Norman Allin, 'çewcast. Phone 64 pul. Tosnshv eeie af ie 'cearm -àii e . t w .ere- p res ntthere is probably none- which- causes Cook'& Regulating Compound lnom Newceastle, Bowrnanville, Osb- Tripep is imposster ible , ffrigth suffrerbe A4 sa/e. reabi.reuaue atLnda, etror eelncornes exbausted and finally, thougb u.cdwn. îýoId l>t1e2d.1 Falls, Orono, Uxbridge, Sunderland, iln 1 the attack passes, is lett in unceasing temoe tr rgt-No. 1, SIg Blackwater, Toronto and Lus Angel-deautisnur. D.JD.K- N o. 2 33; '-. 85 per box. e(I, <'alifurnia. drofgs Astbrn emDr.isaJwoD. en- M ,-Phktnz. .4t f d . t 1 e'lot h eat rien sdaIts oon. dfuI renedial agent. It immediately TUrE COOMphk. d drleCOs or: A t8 o'cartc bt h f inds dis eedelieves the restricted air passages as a T H E c O K MaIC N E C . s r r y t p a r u o p n o e tt b u s a n d s c a n t e s t i y . I t is s o d b y t Ys3TAL~oeryido1 aannx en dealers everywbere. 02 You Cant u "SALAT. ln blt Sold only in sealed paclkages. LARGEST DISPLAY 0F COOKED MEATS Don't expect the good housewife to stand over a hot stove these days to cook hot meals. Just suggest to her that occasionally she order cooked meat for a change. We have a large var- iety of appetizing cooked meats that wvil1 appeal to every mnember of the family. When you want fresh or cured meats we also have them. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville 'Jf Enjoy a Real Tour on Guni-Dipped Tires When you tour on Guni-Dipped Tires aIli oads seemn equally good. Thee is nothing ta compare with the smooth, sure performances of these big, ow-pessure tires. Jots and vibrations disappear. Stretehes of nough going cannot distunb you on hanm the mechan- ism and well-built structure of your car. If it is sîippeny and muddy undenfoot, Gum-Dipped Tires, baving double the noad contact, cling ta the road and hold the car un- waveringly ta a tnue, straight course. Orn grades there is extra traction; at sharp curves on in quick stops you will have perfect control of wheel and brake. Skidding is almost impossible. rhrough the development of the exclusive Gum-Dipping process, F'irestone has tnemendously increased tire mileage in balloon tires. rhis insulates and impregnates every fibre of every cord with rubber, reduces internal heat and friction and delivers thousands of extra miles with added comfort and safety. Ask any Firestone Dealer ta show you the structure of Ballooni Gum-Dipped Tires and ta tell you their advantages. He is an authority on this type of tire and is in a position ta serve you betten and save you money. Sec him to-day. FIRESTONE TIRE & RIJBBER COMPANY 0F CANADA, Limnited HAMILTON, ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR. ýIRESTONE BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Firestone Tires Are Sold In Oshawa and Bowmanville by JAMIESON & JAMIESON Tire Repairers and Vulcanizers Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOLES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Acet 2on "Bayer"package S afe* which contains proven diretins. Handy "Bayer" boxe& of 12 tableta SeO0OAlo bottles of 24 and 100--DruggWla. lipirn la he tr. mar (reaatnal inada) eof Bayer Mannfactura et Monoaftie- jeleatr e Salc7IeaLd Aceyl AIIy c Ad, "À. 8. A."). WhlI t la Wou kiow âa lpfa ensS u mnfatre eassist tepbi aia mt tion, b ub ifDae Omsa fl b tax.d w t hl " e1 Smd a or q"Da m< ." You Cannot Buy THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA-NVILLP- T14TTP.Cýn là v VrTy IV n, - ý - Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago