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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 Annual Meeting DURHAM LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Will be beld ORONO TOWN HALL, FRIDAY, JULY 29th 2.30 p. m. (Standard Time) Election of Officers; Delegates to the Winnipeg Convention; and general business. SPEAKERS: Hon. Hugh Guthrie, F. W. Bowen, others. GOD SAVE THE KING Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, President M. P., and Alan Campbell, Secretary. FLORENCE OIt COOK STOVES This is the season when an Oil Stove, an Electrie Stove or Hot Plates corne in rnighty handy and are welcomed in every kitchen. We are featuring a great variety of these stoves this week. Be sure to cail. Now for Screen Doors and Screen Windows -any size you want. 'MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville FOR SALE The following pî'operties are offereci for sale, as owners leaving this locality, at quick sale prices: (1) About haif an acre of land in Bowrnanville,, in choice central location; 6 room frame house, newly decorated throughout ,modern convenien- ces, cernent cellar; good repair .Fine shade trees, lawn, rose bushes and perennial plants, also rasp- berry, gooseberry ,cherr-y and plum trees. An attractive home. Price $4,000. (2) About 78 acres of farm land, mile north of highway, suitable foi' poultî'y faîrn or truck garden, splendid for early vegetables, strawber- ries ,etc. Good water ail the tirne for cattle. Frame house andi outbuildings. Possession at once. Price $3500. For further particulaî-s apply to EDITH V. SC01BELL General Insurance and Real Estate Agent Bowmanville Prices At Their Lowest Specials for Friday and Saturday Men's $2.50 Work Pants for ...............$1.95 Men's $2.00 Work Pants for .................$1 .50 Men's $2.50 Overails for .................$1.95 Men'is $2.00 Overails for ...................$.50 Men's $2.00 Caps for ...............................95 Men's $1.25 Work Shirts for ..............$1.0 Men's $4.00 Straw Hats for .................$2.0 Men's $3.00 Straw Hats for .................$1.50 Men's $2.00 Straw Hats for .................$1.00 25 Men's $35.00 Suits for .................$24.50 25 Men's $35.00 Suits for .................$16M5 S. G. Chartran MHE CAXI I.DLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ENNISKILLEN FOOTBALL FINALS Miss Laura Andrews and Miss First game in Darlington Football Gladys Smith, who taught school League finals hetween Solina and here one year ago ,are visiting with Zion will be played at Solina, Sat-1 Mrs. (Dr.) H. Ferguson.... .Rev. J. urday, July 3Oth at 6.30 p. m. stand- R. Bick, Hampton, preached here lard time. Return game will bel very acceptably on Sunday. The Ip]ayed at Zion, .Xugust 6th at samel singing was again ably led by thej hour. These gaines wvill be well nmale choir. Next Sunday the maie %w.ortb seeing as bozb teams are play- quarte and maie choir will assist at ing good fast football. Burketon anniversary. Public wor- ship next Sunday at il a. nm. àlrs. Albert Stainton and son Clif- HAMPTON ord, Toronto, are holidaying at Mrs. John Pye's.. . On Saturday the Na- Mr. Walter Williams, Midland, bas tional Grocers' Truck broke through been spending holidays at the home ",r. Theo. Slemon's weigh scales. On of Mr. A. Peters. Monday a car coming froni the north Class omitted from last week's ran into another car as it was back- June report. Jr. III to Sr. III- ing out of Dr. Ferguson's driveway Elias Greenaway, hion, Merwin Cry-l' .Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon ;'isited derman, hion, 'Elsie Moore, Elwood at Bobcaygeon last Sunday. Shackelton, Helen Knox. Raspberry Social and softhall at W. M. S. held the monthly meet- Tyrone, Friday evening. Don't miss ing on Tuesday, July 19th at the home of Mrs. James Jebson. Programn which was arranged by Mrs. T. Sait- I MAPLE C.ROVE er of the west group, was in charge of the President, Mrs. Horn. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday and McCartney assisted in the devotional son, Wallace, Mrs. Wmn. Jeffery, Iprt. Lesson was read by Mrs. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Stevens. Music was furniahed by, Taylor, Port Hope ... . Mrs. D. H.- Miss Katerson and Mrs. C. J. Kers-t Coates, Dr. L H. Coates, Brantford, lake. Mi-s. J. Colwii, Jr., took motored down on Saturday and vis- charge of the study on India. Fresh ited bier brother, Mr. T. J. Cole and Air Fund is in charge of Miss Rey- other relatives .. . .Misses Betty and nolds ,who will be glad to receive3 Mildred Snowden visited their grand- contributions. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker and other relatives at Solina... Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alan Park- IMisses Nellie Snowden and Geta er with hier mother, -Mrs. G. Good-e Munday have returned from attend- mnan; Mr. and Mrs. Salemi Groat andC ing Summer School at Bobcaygeon. children with Mr. F. J. Groat; Mr. e Mr. Raymond Snowden, Toronto i Ernest Horn with Mrs. Gilbert Wil- 0 enjoying a weeks holiday wth bis kinson, Toronto; Mrs. T. R. Tennant,e parents and other friends ..... Mrs. Mrs. J. T .Trewin, Toronto, at Mr. sý George Taylor, Brooklyn, N. Y., vis- F. G. Kerslake's; Mrs. Tipp, Toron- a ited hier cousin, Mrs. H. G. Freeman, to, with Mrs. J os. Clatworthy; Mrs. t, over the weekend .... .Mr. and Mrs B. Ferguson and Miss Ruth at Mrs. a, Gordon Morris and son Donald, Det: Fred Tamblyn's, Orono; Miss Laura g troit, are visiting bis sister, Mrs: Ross Virtue, Toronto, holidaying at home F Stevens. .. . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott * * *. Rev. E. M. Cook, Enniskillen, B and son Lee, Arnprior, Mr. and 1'irs. exchanged pulpits with Rev. J. R. d Max Ballard, daugbters M~argaret Bick on Sunday .... Hampton choir T~ and Ruth, Regina, Sask., called on expects to, provide music at Nestlet-I their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. on.anniversary service on Sunday ev- b: Freeman, on Tuesday.. . Miss Hilda ening next. Eldad choir will sup-IU Foley, Toronto, spent the weekend at Geo.for them at Hampton ...Mr.'SI home.Geo.Armour is confined to bis bed n borne . wl eta tehm ftbrougb illness. ... Mr. Frank Mason A W. M S.wil met a th hoe o and friends of Friendship, N. Y., and ge Mrs. Wmn. Webb, Base Line, on Wed-: Mr. Lorne Hastings, Philadelpbia, M nesday, August 3 at 2 p. m. AIl have returned home after a pleasant members and aIl the young girls are visit with Mr. Chas. Hastings and ' invte ..The improved appearancey of the Hampton cerneteries h as well & repaid the care expended on tbem COURTICE during the past months. . The El-r liott Memorial Park is in continuous Misses Evelyn and Kate Ward and demand for picnics from ahl parts of Miss Lilian and Mr. Arthur Palk, the township and many places outside Scarboro, were guests of Mr. and Ml-S Ladies' Basebaîl teanis of Black- Archie Muir. .Visitors at Mrs. Jas. st*o'ci and Maple Grove will play at Sbortt's- Mrs. Wilson Clewell, Miss Hampton Park this Thursday at 6.30 Madge and Master Bobby of Buffalop.M Mr.H. . arrsDetroit, Mrs. By: .m amr. H D. aris,an Mrs. Agns Dont miss the softba3i game and Harris, Toronto, wbo is spend îng a ngas.brySca tTonFiy couple of weeks with bier dau ghter, aven,ng Mrs. Shortt. . .. Mr. Nichols of Port Hope, spent Sunday witb bis brother- SLN in-law, Mr. J. L. Parsons .M..s..OLisA Varty, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Walt- A softball game, Solina vs. Zion er Snider. ... Mr. and Mrs. Jack will be played on the Community Brooks and Miss Birdie Fallis, Osh- grounds here on Saturday evening.. awa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Ms .J.Bag owavle Mrs. K. E. Courtice .... .Mr. and Mrs and Mr. Frank Bragg, Detroit, were W. Trewin, Haydon, spent Sund ay at guest s of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker the Parsonage with Rqv. and Mrs. on Wednesday. Stainton ...Sunday services were, well attended as usual and >wo fine« Vis itors: Mrs. Burgess and grand- sermons were delivered by o*i pastor, son Jack, Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. J. H. Stainton. In the even- Janmes Mackenzie and son Alan, Col- ing hie preached to young people and umbus, Misses Auira Rundle and Net- bis text was "Choose You this da tie Coies, Bowmianvilie, Mrs. Sain whom ye will serve". Mrs. G. F. Rund le, Misses Marie and Dorothy Annis sang a very pretty solo"My of Maple Gro 've, Miss Penhaîl, Port Creed" in bier usual good voice .... Perr, with Mr and Mrs. . T. The Ladies Berean Class meets this Rund le; Miss Aura Osborne, Eben- (Thursday) at Mrs. A. F. Rundle's at ezer, at Mr. R. J. McKessock's; 2.30 p. m. Program is in charge f Misses Betty and Mildred Snowden. Mrs. H. H. Nichols' group and e l MapI e Grove, are holidaying with the ladies are invited to attend ... theîr grandparents, Mr. and -Mrs. We are very pleased to see Male Thomas Baker; Mr. A. J. Reyvnolds, Grove people at our evening services Miss Edna Reynolds, Mliss Mary Ho- and hope they wiîî continue to meet, garth and Mrs. R. Pascoe, at Mr. H. witb us. .Quite a number froni here'L. Pascoe's, Columbus; Mr. and Mis attnde Chutaquain owmnvieA. J. Balson, Masters Russel and attnd ed Chautauqae i wmatihe o Harold, at Mr. Geo. Taylor's, Ponty- gansce. lpesdwtbtepo pool; Mr. an dMrs. LeviBrn En- g'rams. niskil len, at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's; Mr. andi Mrs. Wilbert GlaspelI, Uxbridge, TYRONE at Mr. Harvey Hlardy's; Mr. and Mrs ________E. Hall and family, London, at Mr. i The W. M. S. of Tyrone will hold Carl Wilbur's; Mr. and Mrs. Walter a Raspberry Social on the church Crydernian anti son Alan, spent Sun- lawn on Friday, July 29th. Tea will day with Hampton friends; Mr. Nor- j be served froni 6 to 8.30 p. m. At man Yellowlees and Mcl. J. Smales 7 o'clock an interesting game of visited the latter's mother at Dunhar- Softball will ha played hetween Or- ton; Mr. andl Mrs. Gordon Hardy,' ono and Tyrone teamns. Admission Lindsay, Mr. Jack Emer-so.n, Bow- 25c and 15c. Proceeds to be used manville, Mr. and MrQ. James Hlar- for ocalpurpses.dy, Uxbridge, at Mesýrrs. Isaac and for ocalpurpses.Harvey Hardy's; Mr. Alan Mct<Çes- The montbly meeting of the Wom- sock and is Margaret McKessock I en's Institute and Ladies' Aid met at spent the week2-id with friends in the home of Mrs. Wallace Miller, on bondon; Mr. anî MArs. Noîmar Yel- Wednesday, July 2Oth. A very nice lowlees and farnilv at Mr. James program was given consisting of a Garfat's, Brooklin., Mis- Jessie re- paper "The Link between Home and mained for hor h-illdays; Mrs. A. School, by Miss Leverne Burgess; Gibbons, Toronto, Mr .and Mrs. Clare piano duet by Misses Verna and ThomasMs, Ma-joric and Mastc.r Laura Davey, reaîling "Typewriter Kenncrh, Orillia, Mr. ani Mrs. Jim and Typewriter" by Miss Rena Far- Taylor and son, Detroit, at Mr. H. rell. A social haîf bour was spent. G .Argue's; Mrs. Emma Bush and daughter, Miss Alice Bush, left Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Thursday for England after a pleas- Goodman and MIrs. Byron Moore vis- ant three months' visit witb Mr. and ited Nlr. andi Mrs. Harvey Curtis, 'Mrs. S. Bush. 17h'y saileri froin Orono; Mrs. W. Lake,. ewas1- Mn+1a-b te Ascania ofr the en v irtue, Bowmanville, is holiday-i Cawker, Niagaca _F Ialîs, M r . Smith ing witb ber grandmotber, Mrs. Wm. l and son Oshawa, výsited with Miss Vîrtue; Miss Eva Collacott witb ber Mafy Hogarth and ùrm. R. Pascoe.. aunt, Mrg. Joseph Wight, Bowman-. . Mr. andI Mrs. William Walt us, ville; Several from bere attended the Mrps. Myles and sin Donald, MissI Chautauqua and report gond pro- Vera and Mr. Walter Carleton, Or- grams. Mr. Eugene Beech, Hay- ono, Mr. Lloyd BI.*wett, To)ronto, ,don, preacbed a splendid sermon on visited at Mr. J. N. Kivell's.. . - Mr. Sunday fromn the words: "For whoso- and Mrs. Lever, Miss Elinor and Mr. avec shaîll ave bis life shall loose it, lBob McGregor, Mrs. F. Gillette, Mca but wbosoever wilI loose bis life for Noon, Toronto, visited with Mr. and my salie will save it", Luke 9 :24. Mrs. Jack Reynolds. THURSDAY, JULY 28th., 1927. PROVIDENCE Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington. Names in order of menit; * denotes absence for exams. Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Howard Wight, hon, Helen Smala, hon. Sr. III to Jr. IV-Jean Wigbt, hon, Stuart Crago, Frank Woolnen, rec., Leland Crago, failed. Jr. III to Sr. III- Maude Ruiter*. Sr. II to Jr. III- Bessie Simpson hon, Hugh Smale, hon, Alice Luxton, hon, Ruth Fogg, bon, Beverley Fogg, Wesley Lu.xton, Myrtle Ruiter*, Jack Crago, fsiled. Jr. II to Sr. II-Aileen Wi.ght, Mild- ced Andrus. I to Jr. II-Marion Crago, Douglas Wight, Peter Wool- nec. Pr. to I-Joan Hall, Gordon Barrie. Pr.-Ewart Bragg, Viola ,Ruiter, Violet Crago, John Fogg. Eileen M. Souch, teacher. NESTLETON Miss Helen Hunking, Oshawa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Msrlow and friends around bere ...Mrs. Mary Edwards and Miss Viola Stew- art, Saskatoon, Sask., are visiting ber ion, Mr. Oscar Edwacds, and daugb- ter, Mcs. Austin Bnown. .Mca. James Wilson son and daughter of Port Reeve, Sask., Mrs. Payne and family, Toronto, are visitors witb Mr. and Mrns. James Gordon.. Mr. Roy Wnight of the Home Funnituce Co., Windsor, s witb bis panants, Mn. and Mca. Pet- er Wrigbt for bis holidays... Chancellor R. P. Bowles, D. D., oc- cupied the pulpit in Nortb Nestleton on Sunday and gave a splendid dis- course on the "Love of God". The ermon was worthy of a langer bouse and those who missed it missed a treat. Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., .ttended Summer Scbool at Bobcay- geon. We noticed Miss Marjorie Robins and Miss Marion Pickand, Bowmanville, in the audience on San- day. ... Week evening meeting last Thursdsy was in charge of President Wilfrid Jackson Lesson was îread by Miss Inez Williams; topic was taken vecy acceptably by Mca. Henry Sheffield; solo by J. L. Joblin; instru- mental duet by Miss Sacs and Norma Armstrong; instrumental solo by Ed- ea Emerson; Mrs. J. L . Joblin and Wiss Sacs Armstrong were pianists. Summer dresses in Crepe, Fugi, 'elanese and Wasb Silks, now great- y reduced in price. Couch, Johnston ýCryderman. In HAYDON Attend the Raspberry Social at Tyrone on Friday evening. BURKETON Rev. G. T. McKenzie, Yanker, a formier paston will pceacb anniver- sacy sermons Sunday, July 3ist at 2.30 and 7 p. m. Enniskillen Male Quartet and MaIe Choir will be present. On Wednesday, August ôrd., at 8 p. m., a first-class concert by the Hottentot Entertainers, Toronto. A musical prograni of Soutbenn Melo- dies, Music, etc. A concert that is ,different. Refreshment booth. Ad- mission 40c and 20c. Silk Rayon Dress Goods at 50c and 60c yard. Couch, Johnston & Cry- BLACKSTOCK A piano recital was given in the Town Hall hece by the pupils of Miss Vera McGill, A.T.C.M., on Tuesday, rJuly 14, assisted by Miss Daisy Murray, soloîst, of Peterboco Conser- vatory of Music, who fucnisbed a 1very fine program wbich evecyone greatly enjoyed. The piano num- bers were given by Marian Stinson, Jean Wright, Bobbie Smith, Law- rence Malcolm, Dorotby Williamson, Marian Taylor, Maria Tcewin, Nor- ma McQuade, Birdie Gibson, Emily Williamson, Alvin Marlow, Edgar Emmerson, Lila Hooey, Gilbert Mar- low, Viola Bradburn, Merle Thomp- son, Mca. F. Stinson, Grace Mount- joy, Glenn Gibson, Frances Arm- strong, Mabel Armstrong, Olive Bailey, Ruth McQuade; piano duets by Manian Stinson and Jean Wright, Grace and Frances Mountjoy, Viola Bradburn and Grace Mountjoy, Mabel and Sarah Armstrong; piano trio, Birdie Gibson, Norma McQuade, Glenn Gibson; Quartet, Ruth Mc-1 Qijade, Olive Bailay, Sarah Arm- strong, Mabel Armstrong Solos, Big Lady Moon, The Spring bas corne, With a Water Lily by Miss Murray. Great varlety of Men's and Boys' fancy Sweater Coats and Pullovers, new lot of Men's Suits also received this week. Coucb, Johnston & Cry- d erman. Let Your Feet Enjoy the Summer, too! If you like to feel footiree in the summertine-start with your shoes. The sboes are good looking, win the favor of the eye; long wearing, the favor of the pocket- book. Buy your colored sboes now. Every pair are going to be dlean- ed at great saving to you. Copper Patent, lizard trimmed, was $7.00.......... Now 5.48 Parccment Patent tie, was $6.75.......... Nok $5.48 Pastel Kid Tie colored heel wvas $7.00......... Now $5.48 Parcbment Patent, 1 strap was $6.00......... Now $4.98 Pastel Kid 1 strap, and tie pat- terns, were $5.00 and $5.50. Now ...................$4.48 We bave 50 pair of White Sboes in Oxfords and Strap patterns, Priced from $3.50 to $4.50, Your Choice ...$3.00 pair We can supply the family with Tennis Footwear. Just a few more Club Bags left AT $5.75 SPECIAL Pay Cash and Pay Las Ives' Shoe Store Footwear and Travelling Gooda Bowmanville S. W. MASON & SON The Spotlight Phone 106 Bowmanville Colossal Sale of Dresses at Prices that are lesa than factory cost. Prices that will be long remembered as a Value-Giving Event. Our huge stocks of Summer and early Faîl Dresses have been grouped into three distinct prices, namely $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. The latter group include many wasbable Fiat Crepes, a few Geor- gettes and many of the newer novelty f abrics so popular right now. Every dress is individuai, no two are alike and the prices are simply ridiculous. Women wll buy two and three of these dresses. Extra salespeople for your convenience. Each rack contains a separate group to make selection easy. GROUP NO. i-Dresses Priced Regularly to $9.75 including SiIk Broadcloths, Rayons, Graysheens, Wash Silks, Fugi Silks, every dress individual, smart styles, SALE PRICE $5.0 GROUP NO. 2-This group includes many individual Summer Dresses that were originally priced to $12-95. Smart littie styles in two-piece effects or tailored styles. Plenty of large sizes SALE PRICE $7.50 GROUP NO. 3-Many Georgette and Washable Fiat Crepes, sonie silk and cotton fancy Crepes, in sizes up to 46. These dresses have been selling ail season at $15.00 and $19.75. Be early f or the better choice. SALE PRICE $10.00 Special Sale of House and Street Dresses 98c, $1.49 and $2.29 PLEASE NOTE:-Owing to the exceptional low prices on these Dresses we will not be able to allow merchandise from the store on approval or wil l ot charge any items to customers' ac- counts. CORSELETTE SPECIAL Exceptionally well made Corselette Special, made from a brocaded pink cot- ton, medium weight, elastic set ins, and hose supporters, Regular $1.50, SALE PRICE 89c BRASSIERES Brassieres in - .pink ..only, ail sizes, Regular 75c, SALE PRICE 39c SPECIALS IN MILLINERy Women's and Misses' Summer Hats, Final Clear- ance, Regular to $3.95, SALE PRICE 98c: Individual Summer Hats, Regularly worth to $7.50, SALE PRICE $2.95 CHILDREN'S HATS Regular $1 .50 For 49c Regular $3.00 for $1.49 SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING JULY 29th at 9 O'CLOCK' S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery

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