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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1927, p. 5

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SPORTS DAY AT BEACH Civic Holiday, Monday, Auguet lait Bowmanville Beach Association comprising permanent residents and sunimer visitors at Bowmanville-on- tb&Lrtke is holding a Sports Day noxti Mo t-.y-Civic Holiday, August lut. :1 very interoting and thrilling1 mr~n of sports and races starting ato% mp.n. fast tume will appeal te old àfl young, fat and thin folks. Some upîondid prizos have been gen- erously donated by Bowxnanville business mon and others. Cordial invitation is oxtended to aIl people in Bowmanvillo and coni- munîty to join witb us in makîng this an enjoyable evont. A dance at Depew's Pavilion wil ho beld in the ovening. John Miller, Gui Bounsail, President. Secrotany. WRIGHT-PHILP-WERRY PICNIC The Wrigbt-Pbilp-Werry picnic will ho beld at the residence of Mr. Al- bort W. Wright, west of Blackstock, on Saturday, July 3th. Dinner senved at 12 o'clock and tea et 5 p. mi. Disbeu and silver will ho pro- vided. Members of the family can- noction will please considen this an invitation te ho present. NIAGARA FALLS BY BUS Regular Trip: Wednesdays &Bd SUin- days Fora Lixnited Tisa. OuIy Everyone should take in these wonderful scenic trips. Drive for miles along beautiful highways in our conifortable coaches wbere one gets a dlean view of interestîng points along the way. See the won- dors of the Niaqrara Peninsula with its miles of fruit orchardu. Book your seat now starting July 3lst. Leave Return Fare Bowmnanville 7.00 a. ni. - $4.50 Courtice 7.15 a. ni. - $4.25 Osbawa 7.80 a. m. - $4.00 Wbitby 7.45 a. mi. - $3.75 Ton minute stop at Burlington; arrive at Falls 12.30 noon; leave af- ter illumination 9 p. m. For information phono Bowman- ville 412 or Oshawa 2283. Tickets may ho purcbased froni any of our bus drivers. T. A. Garton, 30-3 Propriotor. COURTICE-EVERSON PICNIC The Coutice-Everson Picnic will ho held on Friday, August Stb at Creani of Barloy Park, Bowrnanvillo. ýAn Unexpected Opportunity By special arrangement with the makers we are enabled to give you Absolutely FREE 50c Tube of Day Dream Dental Cream or a 50c Bottîe of Day Dream Perfume with any purchase of Day Dream Toilet articles amounting to 50c or over. This off er is good for one week. PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED KERSLAKE'S P49N -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- Preserving Season Requiremen ts The weather may be hot but the good house- wif e must still carry on and preserve fruit for fut- ure requirements. We have almost everything needed for pre- serving: Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Jem Jars, Rubber Rings, Sugar, Certo, etc. Let us fil your order. Soft Drinks, Ice Cream, Buttermilk, Confeet- fionery at the Annex. W eomn and Sl HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE Don't Go Hungry CivicHoliday Our store will be closed ail day Monday, August 1, whith is Bowinanville's Civie Holiday. Customers in town and country kindiy bear this in mind and order an extra suppiy of baking on Saturday. WHEN THIRSTY DRINK O'KEEFE-BREWERY-CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Deiivered to your home in dozen or case lots WILLARD'S ICE CREAM CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner- Phone 3 Bowmanville farmors bas moved to Bowmanvil from Burketon, baving rentedte Green propenty on Concession St. E. Messrs. Allan and Lyle Weese and Misses M. Peck and Eleanor Barkor, Albuny, Prince Edward County, Miss Gladys Woese and Mr. Reid Pearn, Toronto, spont Sunday witb Mr. and Mns. L. H. Peann. Wbite Shieîd Club picnic Friday, i July 29tb. Members and cbildren only. Busses leave St. Paul's Lect- ure Room and Soutb Ward School at 2.30 sharp. Everybody please ho at appointed place. No baskets. Misses Bernice and Ileen Stainton and Stanley" Chant, Zion, are guests of Misses Dorotby and Ada Allia Who gave a party in their bonor on Wed- nesday afternoon when a merry time was enjoyed hy tbe young people. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Jon- 055 announce the engagement of their daugbter, Evelyn Gertrude, B. A., to Mn. James Harold Fox, M A son of Mn. William George Fox of Lambeth, Ontario, manriago ta take place oarly in Augut. Rev. W. J. Hastie, a former os- teemed paston of tbe Disciple's Churcb bore, Mrs. Hastie and daugb- ton Marie of Greenfield, Iowa, and gnranddaugbter, Mary Francis Clark, Des Moines, Iowa, bave been visiting Mn. and Mnu. C. M. Murdof, Conces- sion St. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Barrie and daugbter Loneen and Mn. and Mrs. Wilbun Barrie and son Eric, Canton, Mns. Alex. Barrie and son Ress,.Mid- land, Mn. and Mrs. T. J. Sharpe, Tarante, and Mr. and Mru. W. H. Barrie, Town, spont Sunday at Mn. H. S. Barrie's, Providence. Rev. Earl A. McCutcboon, wbo lu at present a minster of tbe United Cburch in the Lindsay District, bau accepted the invitation of The Taber- nacle United Church, Belleville, te uucceed Rev. H. B. Kenny ,wbo is re- tiring. Mr. MoCutcheon, wbo is at present holidaying at Baptiste Lake. will take up bis new dutios about Aug- ust lut. Mr. Geo,'Pnitchard who bas lbas- ed Mns. D. Darch's store recently va- cated by Mn. Wni. Berry la impnovlng the outwand appearance of the block witb a coat of paint. Mn. Pritchard bas enjoyed such a steady increase in business that he found it necesaray to secune langer promises. He mnoyes te bis new store on Âugust lot. Between Bowmanville and FARMS TO RENT-Conveniently bo- Bownîanville Beach cted excellent soil. Possession te plough after prouent crop. Full pauses- COMMNCIG JLY gh.,192 asin April 1, 1928. Apply to G. D. Con- Leae Lave ant, Osbawa, Ont. 23-t Bowmanville Bowmanville Beach! 9.30 a. ni. 10.45 a. mi. Summer Resorta 11.30 a. mi. 12.00 P. nM. i 1.30 P. ni. 2.30 P. ni. FOR RENT-Cottage at Beacb, East 3.00 P. nM. 5.00 p. ni. Sie. Bowmanville, 6 roomi, aIl conven- 6.30 p. m. 7.30 p,. m. lence.garage and boat. Apply G. C. 8.00 P. M. 8.30 Drawer B, Bowmanvl.e. 9.00 P. ni. 9.30 P. ni. 10.00 P. M* 10.*30 pmi Monday, Wednesday and Sturday Real Estate For Sale Lae Nights Leave FOR SALE OR RENT-Two ouses, 6i Bowmanville Bowmanviîle Beach and 7 roomu eacb. very attractive rosi- 11.0 n . 12.10 a. M. ences, ln good location. Apply Peter 1U 0e c each way Martin & Sons, phone 497w, Bownlan- W. F. DEPEW v Ille. 26-t Satisfaction! This word "Satisfaction" bas been the means of bringing niany people with oye trouble to our store in the past 40 years. Our satisfied customers tell us of the good work and naturally they como bore witb confidence that the hest and most scientific treat- ment will ho given theni. "Wben We Tout Eyos It Is Done Propenly" bas nover been disput- ed. THIS WEEK-$8 SPECTACLES FOR $2.95 Jury & Lovel When we test eyes it is dons properly roomu, electric lîghts and furnace, ap- pies.,l)earu, andlerrait fruit trees, two gond bling lois with property. Will seil at working manus price. Convenient location. ApîîlY W. J. Berry, Bookstore, Bowmativille. 1- PROPERTY FOR SALE-Dcsirable uoild brick double dwelling, three-piece bath andl furnaco ln each. good deép lot, large and smaîl fruit, bout location, three minutes walk to C. P. R. Station or Public SchooI. Owner leaving town. Apîiy on Iremises 10 Mru. T. G. Mason. Corner Concession and Elgin S:s., phono 200, Bowmanville. 27-t FOR SALE-Six acres of landi on whlch are brick house contalning living-room, (ining-room. 4 bed-rooms, kîtchen, pan- try, woodsbed; watem, electric lights, fur-1 nace, garage, bank barn, hon house for four hî,ndred laying bene; tbree acres cf orchard; good gardon wth small fruits; cornent uîdewalks. near Provincial Hlgh- way. For terme apply te Henry Bock, Liberty St. North, Bowmanvllle, Ont. Phono 501 or 114w. 26-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Pramo dwellîng and one acre of strawberrîes and other muall fruit, the properiy o! the laie AI- bert E Goode, situa ted on Brown Street, ln Bowmanville, good barn and hen house. electrie Ilghts and water. This proper- ty muet bho mli for the purposeo id ,ieg up the Ritale. Bagan rîce nay ho secured from W. F. Wnrd, BarrIster, Bowmanville, Ontario. 13-t HOUSES FOR SALE-Double frame bouse, 5 rooms eacb, wlth Improvementa. on Elgin St., opposite sehool; brick bouese I corner Elgin and Concession; frame bouse on Concession St; large brick houso on Scugog St., close to C.P.R. iStation: brick ou se on Carlisle Avenue, on easy terme; one on Concession Street; Bri ck Bungalow on corner Wellington and Liberty Streets; framo nesidence. modemn Improvements, on Ontario St; Chîoken ranch near town of Bowmnan- ville, sultable for retired farmer or others, at reasonable prie. Also several buildingslots In goofi ooality. Phone I114 or ee Wm. Bock. Queen St., Bow- mianvIlle. 80-t Phone 161 Bowmanville Gilchrist's MidmSummer Sale Only 3 Days Left To Share in the Many Stupendous Bargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings. AIl Seasonable Goods-See Lait Week's Paper or Bilh For Rock Bottom Prices T. B. Gilchrist Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanvllle i - I THE CANADIA1% STATE-SMAN, BOWMANVILI.E THURSDAY, JULY 28th., 1927. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE j LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS Houses to rent are scarce.i Mrs. G. A. Edmondatone bas been JOHNSTON-in Orono, on Wednesday, Neit Monday in Civic Holiday. I visiting relatives in St. Catharines. Juiy , o. anMr.RbrJh- Mrs. James Courtice is visiting Mrs. George MeMullen and two CRAG-Near Hampton, on .uy 25t1i., frieds n Trono. hilrenare isiingMrs D.F. am-1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert E. Craig, frieds n Toont. J hiron ar stngMs.D F aason. (David Wilbert). Mrs. J. H. Morris is visiting Mbry ABERNETHY-In Bowmanville Hos- friencfs in Toronto. Miss Theresa Darch, Toronto, lB pitl, on Saturday, JuIy 23, 1927, to Mr. tspending holidays witb her parents, ai Mrs. James H. Abernethy, Concea- Mr n rs .A Hdyaeholi- Mr and Mrs. J. H. Darch. sion St., a daughter. daying in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Penny and Miss Borea Murdof is visiting fa ,iy, Toronto, are bolidaying withMARAE relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Byers, Liberty-st. AR GE Outft te fmil no atGil Voiles, Rayons, Fancy Broadcloths, REA-MORRIS-At Young United cbrist's Midsummer Sale. Dimity, regular up to $1.25 yard, Church, Winnipeg, Man., by Rev. Dr.I Mrs Ro PefondLinsay i special this ekwi ty last 50ec Melvin of Portage la Prairie, Man.. on rs. RoyMissPenfound, idsy we.hi thyMondaY, July 18, 1927, Ralph N. Rea,' vistig is Loa ady.yard. Coucb, Johnston & Cryder- Portage la Prairie, Man., son of Mr. N. Fur found at Chautauqua tent. En- man. itea of St. Marys, Ont., and Florence W., quiro at Statesman Office. M.FakBag eriMc. daughter of!'%r. F. F. Morris, Bownian- Mr. rankBrag, Dtroi, Mih.,ville. Miss Ethel Poupard is bolidaying son of Mr. Sam Bragg, Winnipeg,_______________ at bier home in Campbellford. Man., is visiting his uncle, Mr. W. J. Have you paid your subscription to Bragg, M. P. P., and other relatives DAK tbis paper? If not do it now. bore. DAH Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Nap- Bowmanville Womon's Instit'îte SANDY-At Omemee. July 20th., 1927, anee, are visiting relatives bore. will bold the annual pîcnic at the Joseph Sandy, aged 96 years and il Mr. Will Hickling, Allenwood, is Cream of Barley Camp, Friday af- Ilnh8. [visiting i nlM.JE.Elot enoJl 9h l mbrj ARCHER-At Port Perry. on Saturday, his ncl, M. J E.Ellitt.toroon Juy 29b. Il embrs uIy 23, 1927, Dr Rtobert Archer, in his Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger and arrange to be present. 66th year. family are visiting relatives at Me&- Misses Florence and Alice Werry READ-At Vancouver, B. C., on Sun-, ford. bave on Friday for a holiday with day, JuIy 24, Lieut.-Col. Hector Read,' Mor. and Mrs. E. L. Livingstone, O.V.E., formerîy of the Gold Coasut Regi- Depew's Bus to the lake is boing 1 ment and a former resident of Port Hope. wellpatonizd tese ays10cWest Orange, New Jersey, and other HART-On Tuesday, July 19, 1927, at eac wel atrnzd bs dy- relatives and friends in and near1 his fate residence, 340 Simcoo St., North, eachway.New York City. Oshawa, John Hart, dearly beloved hua- Mrs.(Dr) Caffild, aytn, Oioband of Eleanor Condon, In bis 79th year. Mrs (D.)CaufildDayon Oho, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitchett and MALCOLM-on July 21, 1927, suddeniy is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. family. Montreal. Que., Mrs. James!at Toronto, Adeline Malcolm, youngest John Perey. Sunter. Toronto Capt. Earl Insloy, daughter of the late Archibald Malcolm Mothers, lay in a supply of cloth- Miss Lillian Insey, Mrs. G. A. Fit- of Scarboro. Interred at St. Andrews I . . 'Cemetery, Scarboro. ing for dad and the lad at Gilchrist's chett, London, Ont., are visiting at STUART-Entered Into rest in Mon- Midsummer Sale. Mîr. William Painton's. treal Geqeral Hospital, on July 14, Walter Miss Minnie Grant, Toronto, is vis- His many oId friends in to-wNn anîd Alexander Stuart, Esquire, o! Napier- itin be siter Mr. (ev. J.W. ounty ~illbe leaed o kow hatville, Que., in the 74th year o! his age, itin he siterMrs (Rv.) . W contr wil beplesed o kow hatbrother or!%Ira. (Dr.) L .T. Marceau who Bunner, Carlisle Avenue. Rev. E. A. Tonkin wvas 80 years old as Miss Eleanor S. Stuart wvas on the Lowest prices of year now prevail on Wednesday, JuIy 27th. Pleased teaching staff o! Bowmanvile Union in Men's and Boys' Ciothing at Gil- to know ho is enjoying gond bealth, Sehool in 1879. christ's Midsumxner Sale. spending most of the forenoons in The results of Upper and Middle the gardon and visiting old friends. LAUNDRY WANTED Scbool examinations are expected to in the afternoon. Alknso anr okdn rmt 1 crayabout August 20. Dr. E. W. Sisson and Mr. Reg. ly, sa;isfactorily and at reasonable prices. Only a few ladies' Spring Coats Jones wbo had the honor of bingiri- Write Post Office Box 1.2 or cail Mrs. W. leftnwcer at haîfpie vited to exhibit their prizo Sngl Marjoram, King St. E., Bowmanvile. Couch, Johnston & Cryderznan. Comb White Leghorns at tbe World's ________________ _ Miss ae Pummerand r. W Poultry Congress at Ottawa are in - HMiston, Woodstockarendar.nW.tho Capital this week enjoying theo HamltnWoostck ae hliayngshow and awaiting tie arrivaI of the Wauted at ber uncle's, Mr. N. S. Plummer. Prince of Wales.WATO negohayprucg Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sharîie, Tor- Telogheade ppaaneofmlc O n. Aply Satosan pOffice. iont o, have been visitîng ber brother, Teln-eaddapaac fmlhcw pl ttsa fie Mr . . arrean oherfrens.John Barrymore in Warner Bros.' i3ownmanville. i0-1w- Mr. W. . Bar e r a torLiense picture, "Don Juan", takes place at - WANTED-A small Upright Piano o! Person baving Oeao' ies the Royal Theatre-on August 8 and modemn style. Wili exohange a 6 tube No. 157355 kindly advise W. J. 9. This is the picture that played Super-Neutrodyne ,walnut cabinet 46 ln- B1agnoîl as incorrect card was issued. la year in New York, four montbs chou high, built in Baldwin Loud Speaker Miss E. Stedinan, B .A., Caniden 'in Chicago and four montbs in Los andtr eupmentand ' h inalac IEast, bas been engaged as teacher of Angelos, always at $2.00 top priceS. Radio perfection. WriteBox i, Bow- Classica in Bowmanville High School. Mr. Edgar F. Hughes, Solicitor, manville, or telephone 105. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle's Dental and M1r. Fred M. Hughes, Cashier Office will be losed from August 1 of the Pacifie National Bank of LosArilsFrS e to August 15th while on holidays. Angeles, Calif., and Mr. SydneyArilsFrS e 30-2w Hugheg, Teeswater, Ont., are holiday- BUGGY FOR SALE-À wire wheel Mrs. Nellie Garbutt, Sycamore, ing witb their father, General John ,rubber tire show buggy in first-claas con- Ili., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Hughes. It is, twenty yoars since 'dtion. Phono 136r5. 3- Mrs. Alex. Wight, and otber relativesI they were aIl together and they are PG O AEl okhr ls bore. enjoying the visît imniensely. weeks old. .Apply to Samuel Nyshta, If you baven't already attended Scugog Road, Bowmanviile. 28-3w* Gilchrist's Mids3ummcr Sale do so IBCCE FRSL-...By this week-bargains in every depart- LEARN BARBER TRADE I CYCLE FRood rnningorde. ppy ment. t D. J. Gibson, R. R. 4 Bowmianville. on.LEARN MODERN BARBERING-Few Phono: Clarke 3811. 29-2* Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barrie, Mr. weeks required; earn whîle leamning; em-i and Mrs H. S. Barrie and Master ploymnent sure; moler, the orginator of~ FOR SALE-Jersey Bull Caif. 3 weeks Gordon Barrie, recently visited Cant-I the barber school, makes this work pro- ,old; 2 Jersey Heifers, 3 yeara old, te re-. fitable for you. Write or caîl for free ne soon; 1 Jersey Cow, renewod. Apply on friends. catalogue. Moler Barber Colege, 1211 E. Foster, phone 475r11. Bowmanville. Principal W. J. Morrison and son Queen West, Toron to. 30-t 30-2e John, are holidaying at Dwigbt, - O-AEPin-ta-agi, ie Musoka an wil ate viit1isciasu instrument. Can be seen on en- brother at Sudbury. Lost or Found iyat Satesinan office. Has been dwell taken cýare of. In gond condition. Special lot of Crope Dress Goods, I_________________29-tf. was priced Up to $1.25 yard, now TIRE LOST-29x4.40, balioon tire and claig at 75e yard. Coucb, rima. Finder beave at Statesman Office' FOR SALE-Teamn wagon ,heavy team1i cbeaingan(lrecive ~vrd.30-1w hamneau, buggy, cutter, team lelghs, reari Johnston & Cryderrnan. wheel and tire for Fulton Truck. Needi Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Morris CHAIR LOST-Black Walnut Chair,t the room so wlll sacrifice for quicki andson Doroi, icb, ae hlidy-Ietwe-ýn Bowmanville and Oshawa on1sale. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, El-I and onDetoit Mic., re oliay-July 21th. Finder kindl1y advise States- gin St., N., Bowmanville, phone 497w ing at bis father's, Mr. F. F. Morris, main Office. Reward. 30-t 3t and ithothr reaties.FUR LOST-On Scugog Road, one moils Service Grocory Store, King St. anmi a quarter north o! Enniukillen on West, operated Wi Wilkins & Evans Saturday afternoon, a sable neck-piEcO. epW n d bas discontinued business in town Finder please beave at Statesmian Office,HepW n d and xnoved balance of stock to Tor- fiowrnanville. 2-tf HELP WANTED-Good general ser- onto._________________________open_____ vant wanted. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Haz- ont. ATh LnSte vcnty ofan5openac lewood. Wellington St., Bowmanville. .Mr. Frank Harrison and Mr. e w,"tcb ntevcnt !Bwlf 29-tf vil nJuly 12th. Reward foreturnt Claude Tice, Brampton, and Miss Statesrnan Office or Sheldon Pethick, GR O EEA OSWR Mary Harrison, Winnipeg, spent the Enniskillen P. 0. -OGRL FyRthE ay. ApLy tUEWnFRJ weeendwit th laters sste. Ms. BRACELET LOST-A White Gold Dia- 1Ellie, Elgin St., Bowmanville, phases (Dr.) Tigbe. mond and Onyx Flexible Bracelet, on 327w. 26-tfi Trinity United Churcb Choir will Tuesday, July 19th, between Temperance- metfor practise on Friday at 8 zn ocsinS. rEgnadCuc MAN WANTED-Married or single, meotStreets, Bowmanville. Finder kindly thoroughly experienced and net afraid to P. ni. AIl members are requested to îohone 141. Liberal reward. Valued as work. Will pay bigh wages to rlght man. make an effort to 4ttend as it is the a keepsake. H. M. Poster, phono 205J, Bowmianvllle. lIast practise until September. - Mr. Russell Dean wbo carnies on B SLN E VC an extensive trucking business with BUSLToLSE VIC j1otný WARM9 WEATHER FROCKS Greatly Reduced Prices See Our Windows for Real Bargains Clarence S. Mason Next to F. F. Morris Co. PAGE FM These Prices Talk For Saturday Only we offer the Following Ex- ceptional Values: Corrugated Lawn Hose, Regular 15e ft. at 12e ft Screen Doors, Regular $2.40 at .............$1.90 Screen Doors, Regular $3.50 at .............$2.69 Guaranteed Barn Paint, gallon .............$1.95 Roof Paint, gallon ................................95 Crenoid Spray for cattie, (bring can), gai ....'79 Goodyear Bicycle. Tubes .....................78 Lawn Mowers, Regular $9.75 at .............$7.65 Dustan' s Cash Hardware "We Serve You Well" Bowmanville George Pritchard Moving TO LARGER STORE AND MORE CENTRAL LOCATION My business has grown to such an extent the past year I find it necessary to secure a larger store to give adequate service to customers and proper display to goods. After August lst., I wili be iocated in the store recently vacated by Wxn. Berry-one door east of Jacob's Bakery. Here you wili find an attractive display of Wall Papers, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Paint Brush- es, Floor Wax, Scribblers, Public Sehool Text Books, Coal OHl, etc. A share of your trade will be appreciated. GEO. PRITCHARD Painter and Decorator Bowmanville i )-.Om ýl . 11

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