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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1927, p. 8

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PAGE IGETTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DUWMANVILIZ, THURSDAY, JULY 28th., 1927. MUSIC EXAMINATIONS TAYLOR FAMILY PICNIC A.TýCi.s&ofSinging-Mrs. Lilian held at VincThnetNParkc aBarreie, con Sutton. Thursday, July 2lst.MU Interniediate Singing-Hattie A. At 10.30 a. nm. cars began to as- THURSDAY, JULY 28th., 1927 blason, Honors. semble until over 60 relatives had Following are the pupils of Miss gathered and a most enjoyable time VeraE. cGil, .T.CM.,Piaovas spent as friend met friend and NE ATE Ver E.Mcill A..CM.,riaoold acquaintances were renewed and NEWCASTLENECSL who were successf ul at the recent ex- new ones f ormed.1 aminations held in Peterboro Con- Ir n r.Rbr atnset udy uy3s. h on servatory 0f Music:i At 12.30 a sumptuous dinner was M.adMs oetWlo pn udy uy3s. h on sevd cnssin f chken Ilds the weekend with relatives at Camp- People's League will have charge of Introductory Grade-Marian Tay sikesconses,îngkeoec,cen ,saas, -belîford. ithe evenîng ser-vice in the Unitezi lor, Nestleton, honors; Dorothy W il- eryo ne did full justice. The tables Miss M.%uriel Henderson is visitingI Church. NIr. Bruce Hines of Port liamson, Nestleton, honors; Jean were set overlo oking the beautiful her aunt, Mrs. Vernon Coulter of Hope, will be the speaker. Music Wright, Blackstock, pass. Kempenfeldt Bay and Vincent Park Brighton. ivill lie provided by a yotung peop- Eleenar GrdeEmly Wil- w-as certainly an ideal place for a Mr. C. H. Hill, Troy, Iowa, is vis- lae cho ass liistyD. E G. Ker Iiamson, Nestleton, honors. picnic. iting at his father's-inlaw, Mr. Sim-lke Oro, ions. Evyo Primary Grade-Grace Mountjoy, The Taylors came originally from on Baskerville. plan to be present at next Sunday Blackstock, honors; Viola Bradburn, the Ilie of Wight, just a short dist- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Or- evening's service. Blackstock, honors; Marjorie Pryor, ance from Cowie Castle, the summer ona, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Among those fromt this section at- Janetville, pass; John Coombs, residence of Queen Victoria so they Mrs. J. H. Jose. tending the Junior Farmers' big Janetville, pass. often saw her pass their home in her iM .HBet n aiy picnic at Presqu'île Wednesday, July Primary School Grade-Muriel carniage. The o.lHest person present Y-2Oth were: Mr. Normnan and Mr. Fanning, Janetville, pass. was Mrs. Walter Taylor, Markdale, rne peSunicaday.t .ad Mr.ayncerAln, Mr. arhid Gsnne Junior Grade-Ruth McQuade, who was 79 years of age. The young- W. j. S ikr.M.RyBon n aodGbo Nestleton, lat class honors; Sarah est was Henietta Ward, aged 8 Miss Nora Cowan, daughter of Mr. Mr. C. B. Sissans and sons, Orono, Armstrong, Nestleton, honors; Mabel months, daughter of Mnr. Alex Ward and Mrs.. W. H. Cowan, is visiting Misses Dorothy Gibson, Lucy Oliver Armstrong, Nestleton, pass. Bursay, Sask. relatives in the United States. and Lîllian Clemence. They aIl re- Elementary Theory-Emily Wil- Guests were present fnom Mark- Friends are sorry to learn of iîî- port the picnic a big success, and liamson, Nestleton, ist class honora; daIs, Flesherton, Harkaway, Lind- 'ness of Miss Charlotte Rose at the everyone had a good time. Mabel Argue, Blackstock, pass. say, Uxbridge, Sanya, Bowmanville, home of Mr. anîd Mrs. T. M. Gib- Toaniake a quick clearance Couch, Primary Theory-Florence Fair, Strongfield, Sask., Bursay, Sask, son. Johnston & Cryderman are selling all Nestleton, ist class honors; Mabel Forestville and Silver Creek, N. Y. Mrs. (Dr.) Hofner and Mrs. ýR. summer dress materials at greatly Armstrong, Nestleton, ist class hon- A remarkable feature about theî Turner, New York City, are visiting reduced prices. ors. company was the fact that there the ir parents, Mr. and Mrs. George ____________were nine school teachers in the iEU beck. cnowd and they were photographed Miss Muriel Pring, Toronto, la en- JULY WEDDING by Mr. Avery Hawkins, Fiesherton'- ____ who also took a large photograph a joying an extended visit with hier Graham-Wilson the entirecompany. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm._____ D li k sAt 5 o'clock ail partook of a bounti- Ms etaCwa ooe a A very pretty wedding was soiemn- fui supper of pressed chicken, salads Ms etaCwa ooe aized at thie homa aio Mr. and Mrs. D. sandwiches, cakes, pies and straw il Belleville on Sunday ta visit rela- Howson, Davenport Road, Toronto, berris andcreai tives in and around that city, ex- on Saturday, July 9th., when Edna Big Sale N ow Th~es and crem of management, pecting ta remain a week ( r more.j Kathleen eldest daughter o r n consisted o'Mr. Norman Conniel, Mr. and Mrs. George Laidlen and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Newcastle, Ont., Newmarket, Avery Hawkins, Flesher- two children, Hamilton, are spending became the bride ai Mr. David Gra- G oi g St ong ton, Alfred Lyons, Harkaway Fank a ten days' holiday with his sister, hami, son ai Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, Markdale ,Will Roan, Son- Mýrs. W. J. Henderson of Hilcrest Graham, Toronto. _____________________ ya, C. J. Mountjoy, Toronto, and Miss 1Farm. Rev. J. B. Paulin of St. Paul's Lizzie Taylor, Forestvîlie, N. Y. The United Church Sunday Schooi Preabyterian Church *>ffciated. The Children's extra fine quality black Time ta depant came al Ina soon picnicked at Cream of Bariey Camp, bride, wba was given in marriage by Patent Sandals, Speciai $1.29 pr land friends dispersed, sorry ta part Bowmanville, 'Monday aftennoon and her father looked very sweet in a but boping ta meet again next year. the large number present report a French f rock ai rose beige georgette - M3r. and 'Mrs. J. E. Eliiott, Mrs . Ridelightfuil ime. with large blue picture hat and water T. Slemon and Mr. Norman Elliott, Congratulations to Mrs. S. C. Sut- lily kid shoes and hase ta match. She Men's Two-Piece Ail Wooi Bath- Bowmanviile ,were among the rela-to on securing her A.T.C.M. in carried a shower bouquet of Ophe- ing Suits, Special......... $2.39 tie rsn ri hsdsrct singing and also ta Miss Hattie Mas- lia rases and baby's breath. Mliss _________________________ on -hopased -it hooraherin-Freeda Wilson, Orono, sister of the termediate exams. bride, made a charining bridesmaid Boys' or Girls' Bathing Suits, MEDICAL Mrs. Sarah Atkinson neturned i n a dress of coral georgette with Special.................... 59e J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. home last week fnom a five weeks' sle trimming ,coral picture hat and in Oilli withersistr londrred shoes and stockings. She Honor graduate ai Trinity Univer. stay i rli ihhrsse h are a bouquet of butterfly roses, wiy Flof a Trinity Medicai Col- was i11 and whom she was assisting cr lwr r we es n Me'sWokShrt, le r hai lege, Licentiate af the St.ate Univer- in nursing back ta heaîîh. R. A. L. Graham was best man. sity of New York, Matriculaite of the Mr. Alex. Mcbeod, Toronto, spent Thwednmuiwapaydb lagenike, peia......Sc Post Graduate Medical School adteweedwt r.MLo and Mrs. A. Cummings, aunt of the bride, Hospital of New York and Fellow daughter Dorothy, who are summer- 1 and during the signing of the regist- of the Toronto Academy ai Medii ng at Miss Hazel Barrie's. Miss- er, Mrs. Geo. Grahama sang. Men's Cotton Work Socks, cine. Office-Mrs. McNaughton 's Rom- Audrey M.ýcLeod is at present visiting The groam's gift ta the bridesmaid Special, Pair............... 15e idence, Newca.stle. Houra-8 ta 10 Belleville friends. -as a sterling silver bracelet, and ta a. m. 1 ta 3 p. m. and by appoint- Mr. Percy Hare has been on thethbetanaodpnc. mont. sick liat for some days past and e mnaglpnc. ________________________ Harry Anderson, Bowmanvilie, has Afler the wedding a receptian was Women's White Middies, with bluej been supplying at the C. N. R. station heid and lunchean served ta seventy- coliars, Speciai............. 98e for hlm. Frienda are pleased ta five guests. learn, hawever, that the patient is The bride's mother wore a dress of ________________________aiready maving around and feeling black canton crepe trimmemi wich cut Have Youri mucb better. velvet and wore a corsage bouquet Mr. and Mrs. Henry Everson, Osh- Of sweet peas and f îrget-me-nots. ('~LL i i awa, Mrs. James Courtice, Bawman- The groom's mother was gowned in D IL ICK S C othes res e ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Eversan black canton crepe with sand trim- t and children, Mrs. Bale, Miss Harris ming and wore a carsagi bouquet ofi Kigand Diriaaon Sts. and other relatives and friends from swe1eaad liyo-h-aly in fegularly Oshaw-a, motored ta Newcastie-on- The bride's travelling dness was Bowoeanvillo the-Lake last Sunday and spent a ofpowder blue tafeta trimnied with pleasant afternoon and evenîng. ago lace, blonde feit hiat, shoes adstockings ta match. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Sims and son The happy couple left on a motor CLEANING-PRESSING Haig, returned fram Ottawa for the tri to Detroit anil ambon points. weekend, bringing back with them ePare hier manriage the bride was -REPAIRING some fine specimen 0f black bass the recipient of two large shawers caught in Quebec waters, Master arranged in hier honor, and was pres- Haig claiming ta have caught the ented with a silver fiower basket GOODS CA.LLED FOR largeat basa on record Ibis season, fnom the "W G" Sunday School AN E IV R D has sent ilta Toronto ta bie mounted Class ai Westmoreland United A DD LV R D 1and preserved. Church, ai which she is a member. $25 to $50 Under Market Price Compare the values which we offer with those of any other dealer. Reinember that ail our cars have heen thoroughly recon- ditioned, are ready to drive away and are protected by our 30-day guarantee. Our prices have always been lowe-.t, and many of them are stili further reduced t) encour- age quick sales. 1 'McLaughlin 114,33Touring 1 McILaug.hlin E45) Touring 1 Dodge 1919 Touring 1 McLaughlin D35 Touring 1 Chevrolet FB Touring 1 Ford Coupe 1922 1 (hevrulet Coupe 1924 1 Ford Sc-dan 1924 1 Flint Sedan 192e) 1 Chevrolet Landu Sedan 1927 Corbett Motor Sales Pownianvilit- Ail We make your old suit look like new. 1If you have a new Suit or Overcoat let us fli the order from $23,75 Up. J. T. MOLLON Phone 255 Cowan Block-Opposite Pott Office Bowmanville Ont. MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct cf SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the. boat grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I amploy no cemnetery caretakers As agents preferring to selI my own zoods thus saving the purchaser the agent's commission. A cal aolicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmanvlle Phono 326W Box Q91 WAN TED Special representative, La.dy or Gentlf-man, unusual opportunity. Education-reputation and addrecss must le ahove average. Live at home-arrange your own time to caîl on present customers and others. A good steady position-dignified-pleas- atand remunerative-previous shoe experience nul essential. ant Interview will be arranged. TAPINNATURAL RA SHOES, LTD., j 32 King St. W. Toronto, Ontario. 29-3 aSe tne oargains in Mven'.a ouits ati Couch, Johns;ton & Crydernian 's. Weekend visitons at cottage "O- Ya-Pella" were: Mn. J. Hollingwarth, wife and iamily ai Toronto, Mn. M. R. Matthews, wie and family, Mn. A. W. Winter and Mrs. Winter, Aur- ara, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. B. Bickell Bowmanviile, James Cotton, M .A., M. D., and Mra. Cotton on their way iram Ottawa w-here Dr. Cotton or- ganized a new Assembiy ai "Native Sons ai Canada". Dr. Ernest Allun and nephew, Mn. Arthur Allun, arrîved from Las An- geles, Cal., on Sunday morning last and their numenous relatives and frienda in the homeland were glad ta meet and greet Ihem once more. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Parker and three daughters, and Mn. George Jones arrived in 10w-n by matar from Chicago on Tuesday and are visiting their numerous nelatives in and around Newcastle. Mrs. H. W. Cooke and daughten Reta, attendcd the funcral of ber grandfamber, the late Joseph Sandy, at Omemes laat Friday Mn. Sandy w-as the father of Mn. F. G. Sandy, M.P.F,, Soutb Victoria, and w-as ninety-six yeans and eleven montbs of age at the lime ai bis deaih. Ilc was anc ai thc grand aid men ai Victoria County and iniends bere cx- tend sincerest sympathy ta Mn. Cooke in tbe passing of ber higbly estcemed and deanly belaved grand- father. Rev. E. R. and Mrs. James who bave been \-isiting in England, cx- perted to %ail for home Wcdncsday, July 27, and the congregatian ai St. George's is looking forward ta hav- ing N. James preach again on Aug. 7tb. Rcv. Scott Howard ,M. A., has l)een conducting the services and preaching the past few Sundays and the ci>neegation bas greatly apprpe ciated bis wholebearted service in tbk. respect and the sacrifice he bas matie in carryinz on thc work [urham Lodge, A.F.&A.M., ivas wvl e --pri-e -n id at hbe Mas onie G;rand Lodze nmeeing in Guelph last XS¾-nsday, IThur * dayv and Fiiday, thuse i n attendance fron here being Mee'ro W.Vi. l.Riekavd J . Sott Montgomiery. J. E. IX. Jhilp, J. W. Brîl-,W. T. Jacluion, (e, Law and E. C.- Iloar.'.% Mn. and M rs. 1.lntgomiery 'îine omit fi(m i.Lake-- fiel tIand nmtored t G ueliph %witb Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard, while 'Mn. and Mms. J1. E. W.- Philp went up bv trnain and joined ' he formeri four- at the Royal (i'y, thio parly of six putting up at a fine privat'- hous2 near the O. A.C. far-m wlierc the Grand Lodge heid ilseson.Messrs Hoar, Jackson and Bradley ai- s0 motored, the fouir travelling ta- gether.' Civie Holiday, 'Mnnday, Auguat 1, 1927, the Committee ai Newcastle Community Hall, will prescrnt Wal- ace Berry's motion picture "Casey at the Bat" at 8 p. m., pnicos 25c and 15c. Came and onjoy a good laugh. 29-2w ~pendent I tg )f ýzj rt ic p- S- ie ýy t- 9 y d y SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Newcastle United Chtxrch Sunday School anniversary services an Sun- day were marked by large cong-rega- L ions, fine sermons and inspiring miusic bath morning and evening. In the marning, Rev. Dr. Fletcher* ai Osbawa, held the close attention ai bath chiidren and aider folk w'itb his parable ai the gaod automobile. The service was furthen brightencd by the singing by the achool directed by Mn. W. J. S. Rickard, with piano and. euphonium accompaniment by M rs. Laura Fisher and 'Mr.H.C Allin, and also the solo, "Pi Blue-_ bird Sang" by Kathleen Spencer and necitations by Jean Rickard -nd Margaret Toms. Supenintendent Howard Glenney conductcd the ser- vice and Mn. J. W. Bradley, teacher of the Adult Bible Class, nead the acnipture leason: David, the Slayer ai Goliath. Four litIle girls, Ruth Honey, Hel- en Rickard, R eta Cooke and Grace Powell ,collected the off eniîg in dainly baskets decorated witb finw- ers. At the evening service, Rev. Dr. Fletcher preached on the reality ai God, as seen in the flow-ers. the binda, the mineraI woniders of the eartb, the new barn babe and aIl the won- denful thinga ai nature. The deva- tional chanacter ai this service w-as iurther enhanced by the anthem by the chair ;a selection by the maie quantet, W. J. S. Rickand, W. D. Bragg, Harold Allin and Mark Allun and the two very much appreciated salas by Miss Evelyn Brent. Tyrane. The evening ,off ering wa3 taken by' four baya af the achuol: Adair Han- j cock, Bllie Toms, Harold Brown and Lyall Moore. Mns. Win. Pannali gathened toget- hier the flowers with whicb as had adanned the church for the occasion and sent tbem down ta Cam p Copper Beech aiter the close of the evening s ervice. The minister, Dr. Fletcher, and :he chair also motored down ta the camp and held a short stariight ser- ,-ice, the ladies and children at Cap- ecr Beecb joining heartiiy in the îymns. Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Coake led in pnay3ln and Dr. Fletcher spoke fiat ta the mothens from Toronto and finished up with a stary for the childnen . About thirty aiflthe campera were aIsa at the morning service in the church in cp mpany with Mrs. Stuart Wilson and lss emmel. Many Men Wanted Wages paid part time- while learning, garage work. eiectricity weiding, bat- tery and house wiring, harberin- and beau ty culture iw$ork. Write for free illustrated catalogue. Branches and üm- pioyment service from ocoast to .oast. HEMPHILL CH-ARTERED SCHOOLS, 163 King Street WVest, Toronto. 28-2 HELP WANTED MALE OR IFEMALE Earn upwards of $25 weekly; grow- ing mushrooms for us, using waate space ln ceilars, barns or outhousei. Light pleasant work for elther &ex. Commence now. Iiiustrated bookiet. particulars and testimonlas ment anywhere, for stamp. Addresa Dominion Mushroom Co., Toronto 3. A Railway Safety Device TheSft Department of the Canadian Nationlal RailwayB has introduced derailinent. The devýice consists of four metal brackets placed in front and rear of the wheels, a.s shown in the illustration. These are bolted to the framne nf the car both horizontally and vertically. ý Lxhaustive tests were made with a gasoline car to which these brackets 're attached, at speeds Nîarying frorn ten to thirty miles an hour, and it was cleýarly demonstrated that these brackets held the car intact on the rails. LCanada's Newest Locomotive Trhe illustration depicts the new "6100V claasa locomotive, the latest pro- Aduction of the mechanical department of the Canadian National Rail- ways. Forty of thede "Northern Type" enginrs have I en manufactured in Canadian plants for use of main line fast pa.,seng-r an~d manifest freight service. They are 93 feet 102,& in cheq over aIl. The t-ndpr has a capacity of 11,300 imperial gallons of water and 20 tons of! coul.riworl:ing ord r th( total weight o! engine and tender is 638,000 pound-i. Note the~ new position of the whistle, located on the Ieft hand 0< the smok- box :-ar the stark. la to save the driver's ears . These engines are designed for p over atspe and [t la estimatod that they can make' 90l mil'9 an, hour wit h a HISTORY 0F Darlington AND Clarke Including Bowmanville and Newcastle BY PROF. JOHN SQUAIR The edition is limited. Secure a copy of the best History of the early days yet written of your own Town or Township. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanville Ont. Home Furnishers Do You Sunburn? Ordinarily this affliction caus'ts extreme smarting and suiffering but Sunburn need have no tr rors for you if you will apply CARRON CREAM "«IT WORKS LIKE MAGIC" "*IT TAKES OUT THE FIRE" 35c TUBE KEEP MOSQUITOES AWAY By applying to face and hands "PRESTON'S SHOO-FLY CREAM" VERY HANDY NOT GREASY "IT DOES THE TRICK"P 25c A TUBE HAVE YOU TRIED EMETONE TOOTH PASTE for Pyrrhoea and Spongy Gums? It's wonderful Take a tube home today 39c A TUBE R. M. Mitchell & Cwo. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bownianville Ont. Phone 92-Nights and Sundays 2804 r; 'r' Special Sale Used Cars Friday and Saturday 1 Ford one ton Truck, stake body, pneumatic tires ail round FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $125.00 2 Ford Touring Cars, 1921 models, with starter, ail in good running order, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $125.00 Wm. J. CHALLIS, Dealder Hately'sa Garage, Bowmanville You Will Require Summer Furniture WE ARE WELL SUPPLIED WITH SUMMER FURNITURE Chairs and Rockers for the porch or veranda. Drop Screens or Curtains for the verandah in green and brown color. Wood siats in different widths, Hammo Couches, Verahda Couches, Folding Canvas Chairs, Cots and Roll-ups, in fact many lines of Summer Furniture. We have some splendid Japanese Chairs which have sold well this year. Grass Phone 10 Bowmanville b < \9 K-iing St. WONDERFUL VALUES IN REED SUITES We are offering wonderful values in three piece Reed Suites mith Upholstered Seats. Some have Upholstered Seats and Backs and are very serviceable and extremely handsome. STEEL BEDS IN WALNUT FINISH Alwavs a full une of Steel Beds in latest Wal- nut finishes with ail grades of Mattresses and Springs to select from. ALL GRADES SPECIALLY LOW PRICED F. F. Morris Co. PAGE EIGRI

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