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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1927, p. 1

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~br With Which Is Incorporated Tiie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a CoIJy No.31 1~ il I Il INSURANCE IN . ALL ITS BRANCHES Conveyancing Private Funds to Loan on real estate Edith Y. Scobeli Insurance and Real Estate Agent Phone .159 Bowmanville Pickles Pickles When deciding what pickles to make this year do not forget Kerslake's Sweet Pickle Mixture No salting, no boiling, no fuss, no muss. Just mix ingredients coid and put in dry cucumbems, etc. Let stand one week. Then eat. GALLON QUANTITY 50c KERSLAKE'S The Dependabi. Drug Store PHONE 49 Let Kerslake develop your next film. IL LOOKI Garden Party in aid of ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH BOWMANVILLE on Wednesday August 1lOth to be held at North West Corner King and Liberty Streets Supper Served From 5 to 8 P. M. 35c BAND IN ATTENDANCE Corne and Have a Good Time Il More Welcome News For Thrifty Ladies Summer Dress Materials LESS THAN HALF PRICE This week we are placing on sale for quick clearance: Voiles, Rayons, Fancy Broadcloths and Dimity, Regular up to $1.00 and $1.25 yard for .. Only 50c yd. Special lot of assorted Crepe materials, priced up to $1.25 yd for Only 75c yd. Very attractive display of the popular Waco Silks, which are selling up to 90e yard for Only 69c yd. Clearance of Summer Dresses Inceluding Crepe, Fugi, Celanese and a few Summer Wash Silks, all marked down at Greatly Reduced Prices Also Canton Crepes, Georgette Crepes and Silk Dresses. Wonderful Showing of Ladies' Hosiery Ail the desired new shades in different qualities, made b-y Penman, Monarch, Allan Bros., Marvel and Zimmerknit, reason- ably priced FROM MOc TO $2.00 PAIR House of Quality and Values For Men and Boys First Faîl shipment of Men's Fancy Worsteds and Navy B]uc Suits arrived this week, aiso light weight Overcoats 'n popu- lar shades. Men's Oifting Trousers ....................$2.95 to $5.50 Men's Fancy Blazers ....................................... ..9 Men's Jaeger Socks ....................$1.00 to $1.50 Pair Men's and Boys' Pullovers and Sweater Coats $2.00 to $6.75 Wool and Cotton Bathing Suits in Great Variety DELEGATES CHOSEN FOR WINNIPEG CONVENTION iConservatives Hear Stirring Political Addresses By Hou. Hugb Guthrie The annual convention of the Dur- ham Conservative Association held at Orono, Friday, July 29th, %vas largely attetaded from ail parts of the riding. The meeting was presided o'ver by Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Bowrinanville, President of the Association. Others on the platform included Hon. Hughi Guthr le, F. W. Bowen, 'M. P., C. Jonas Thornton, ex M. P., and Alan Campbell, Secretary of the Associa- tion. The selection of delegates te rep- resent Durham County at the Domin- ion Conservative Convention to be held at Winnipeg, Man.. on October 11th, brought keen contests and much discussion. The final ballot showed the follow- ing to be the official delegates: J. R. Eakins, Millbrook; Dr. G. C. Bonny- castle, Bowmanville; F. W MeMahon, Port Hope; and W. A. Van Camp, Burketon. R._F. Waddell, Oronoe, Miss E. Hillier, Bowmanville, Mrs. J. Spencer, Bowmanville, and Albert Billett, Hampton, were alternative delegates. The scrutineers for the voting were J. L. McCamus, Warden M. J. Elliott, and Thos. Smith. During the afternoon splendid ispeeches were made regarding vari- ous phases of Conservative activities by Mn. Guthrie and Mr. Bowen and both were acconded an attentive hearing. Many of the well-known figures in Durham County Conserva- tism, including J. J. Preston, A. J. Fallis, J. Coulson and othéns, were present and took p art in the discus- sions which took place. JOHN. BAIRRYMORE AS THE GREATEST OF GREAT LOVERS Reveit in Passionate Fascinations of "Don Juan" in Warner Picttare. John Barrymore, in "Don Juan", coming to the Royal Theatre on Aug- ust 8-9 for a run of 2 days, is an attraction that has been road-showed in the principal citiez of the country at $2.00 prices and acclaimed by b cnities everywhene as one of the mostg notable photoplays even screened. The Wanner Brothers, striving 1J with every effort te surpass their pre-o vious Barrymore pictures, "Beau' Brummel" and "Thje Sa Beast", a have succeeded in tn&sk1ng a bid for undying screen fame.n The story, founded upon the leg- end of the greatest lover of aIl the ages, has back of it a three-hundned n year tradition that has inspined poets, k dramatists, musicians and artists. From this wealth of story material, mi Bess Meredyth, the scenarist, has à bujît a tale that brims with theà splendor of the Rome of the Bor- gias, and is alive with flashing action.h Barrymore, who is acknowledged fi the gneatest romantic actor of hîs C day, fairly revels in the silken fas-C cinations of the role of the great ro- mantie lover. Amid scenes that 01 range from an old Moorish castle in hl Spain to the glorious pageantry of C Rome, the character finds the beauti- fuI ladies of his heart's desire, and ai loves them exquisitely. Wi Among the beautiful ladies who Ua appear with Barrymore are Mary Astor, Estelle Taylor, Helen Castel- A le, Jane Winton, Helene D'AgI D Phyllis Haver, June Marlowe, Helen D Lee Worthing, Hedda Hooper and Myrna Loy. The men in the me- ai monable cast include Montagu Love, i Lionel Brahm, Nigel de Brulier, zi Gustav von Seifertitz,, Josef Swic- th kard, Gibson Gowland and Warnen Oland.- The picture was dinected by vi Alan Crosland. . w ý ý IIJL Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, Auguet 5-6 Hoot Gibson In "The Prairie King" A bang-up Western comedy- drama packed %vith peppy action and woven 'round a charming story of young love. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Chjldren 5c "'Casey of the Coast Guard" and regular programa Monday-Tuesclay, August 8-9 John Barrymore In "Don Juan" At no increase in admission. WednesdayThursday, Aug. 10.11 "Sensation Seekers" Featuring Billie Dove and Huntly Gordon. A powerful dramatic romance of the gi rl of today. Rich in color- tartling in its re'velations-tremb. lialive in the truth of its cýiharactr portrayals. A picture that will stir you to the depths of your emotions-and that you can't afford to miss. From the story "Egypt" by Ernest Pascal And chapter 9 of "On Guard" Friday-Saturday, Auguet 12.13 Rin-Tin-Tin In "Track.d by the Police" COMING AUGUST 15.16 1Lon Chaney In "Quincy Adams Sawy.r" Couch,Jhnston & Cryderman, Bowmmnville Phone 104 Limitea IBOWMANVILLEONTHE.LAK. The continued and growing pol larity of this summer resort is parent fnom the large numberr come fromn Toronto and elsewhq each year te this wonderful san beach. To gave oun readers a sîli idea of who's who at Port Bowu« ville at the present tîme our fresh neporter has secured the folloi anformation reganding temponâ residents and visitors. He does dlaim this is a complete list so if yc name is niyt here send it in for nE issue along with any visitons you r have. East Side Mn. and Mns. A. A. Emmett a family at the "Aquarium". Mn. and Mns. A. Dîllick and f& fly at "Dominion Cottage". Mr. and Mns. C. E. Rehder a family at "Uncle Tom's Cabin"~. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailes ai family, Oshawa, at their cottage. Mns. A. L. Fleming and Miss Jarvas, Toronto, at "Ainlie Cottage Mn. and Mrs. W. Hardy, Toront visiting Mn. and Mm. W. T. Cutte Mn. and Mns R. F. Aitchison ai Miss Aileen Parker at "Sumn, Rest". Mn. and Mms. Wallace Shaw, Te onto, with Mn. and Mns. D. R. Mo rason. Mn. and Mns. H. McKeen and far ily, Toronto, at Mm. Thos. Hoar Cottage. Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Everson, Os awa, are occupying Mn. Wm. Perey Cottage. Fred Depew's refneshment par was the busiest place on the bea( Monday. Mn .and Mns. H. T. Wharton, M~ and Mrs. W. Morley, Toronto, at IV J. Wildfong's. Mn. and Mrs. T. G. Hamilton an family, Tononto, in Mn. Alan Wi iiams' Cottage. Mr. and Mm. H. Rutter and se Jack, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Dyer, "Fairview". Mn. and Mrs. S. M. Scott and Mai ion, have as thein guest, Mns. Miln at Morden's Cottage. Mn. and Mms. F. Turpin, Mn. an Nfrs. E. C. Fowlen, Toronto, wer guests at Doune Cottage. Mn. and Mms. E. W. Newton, se Edwin and daughter Monica, Toi ente, are holidaying here. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. BarroWeloug and famiîy, Mn. and Mrs. J. Wilsu and family, Oshawa, at "MachÈ more". Mn. and Mrs. Malcolmn Gaîbraitt Kansas City, Mo., are visîting hi nother, Mms. V. A. Galbraith, "lKi kaare. Mn. and Mns. T. R. Scott and sons Harry and Bob, Ohio, visiting Mr and Mrs. H. M. Nanson, "«Idyl loun". Rev. Mn. Zeidman, B. A., Toronto Las a Pnesbyterian fnesh air canI fo Toronto ehildnen at "Little Or hard". Mn. and Mns. L. J. Cîayton, Tor. nto, are nenewing acquaintaneà ere and occupying Harbor -Board Cottage. Mn. and Mns. L. N. Vanstone, Mr and Mrs. Frank Vanstone and Ec. wrd, Toronto, are occupying Victaor ta Cottage. Miss M. M. Armour, Mns. R. B, .ndnew, Mm. G. McCleilan and son Donald, Toronto, are summering st Doune Cottage. Dr. and Mm. D. W. Shier, Donald ind Marion, Toronto, are occupying 'Idle Hour." Mrs. Hugh MacKen- ie, Tononto, spent the weekend with hemn. Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Miss May Vanstone, Mn. and Mm. B. S. Van- tone and daughten Mary, Toronto, Lre staying ait Mn. F. C. Vanstone's ttage, "Millen's Rest." Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Mms C. Mitchell, Mn. and Mrs. H. R. illey, Toronto, Mrs. A. Mitchell, ewt-nville, were holiday visitons ith Mns. W. E. Tilley. West Side Mm. Nevitt and children, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Bottreli, town. Mrs. E. D. Pitfield and family, Ton- nto. Geo. Kerr, Toronto, at '1Watyamna allt". Mrs. Fowlen and family, Toronto, t"Irma Dell". Cove Cottage: Mn. and Mns. J. A. ex and family. At Roseneath: Mrs. A. Tillett and ughter Joan, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Guy Roach and faro- yToronto, at Highview. Mn. and Mns. Jack Millen and faim- YTown, at thein cottage. Miss M. McDonald, Toronto, guest Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin. Mn. and Mrs. Bowcott and family, iss E. Davis at Camp Cosy. BEGINS Sth YEAR AS EDITOR CIVIC HOLIDAY VISITORS Ipu Miss Bea Devitt, Toronto, at home. ap- Miss Marguerite Joness, Toronto, hr at home. Lere Miss Ethiel H. Mollon with rela- ight tives in Toronto. rian-Mr. and Ms. E. C. Southey with rin jair friends in Buffalo, N. Y. ving Mrs. J. Hamilton Bateman with rary Mns. F. L. Beacroft, Whitby. rour Miss Mary Connors, Hamilton, at iext her father's, Mr. M. Connors. may Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Garner, Osh- awa, with Mrs. D. T. Morris. Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, To- ente, were home over the weekend. md Miss Reta T. Bennett with her sis- ter, Mrs. S. H. French, New Toronto. am- C.Miss Olive Mutton, Toonto, with hier parents, Mr .and Mrs. D. Mutton. and Mr. J. Hamilton Bateman is holi- àànd daying with his brother at Port Ar- md thur. Miss Iene Halman spent Civic E. holiday with Miss Irene DeChene in Toronto. ito, 4 Beach, visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. .ndl M.AJmsAllin, King St. . ind M A. amesMr. W. T. and Miss Allen spent M.A aes h eno tr the weekend with relatives in Osh- or- of.Th .Canadaestateseaniorwit tisawa and Toronto. ýor ofTheCandia Sateman wih tis Mrs. Harold G. Martyn and two 'or- issue enters upon his fiftieth year as daughters, Stratford, with her moth- its editor. . er, Mrs. James G. Rickard. t Altho for the past 18 months hîs Mrs. H. H. Earl and son, and Miss ,r's health has been such that a nurse Sybil Burk, Toronto, at Mrs. H. W. sh- has been in constant attendancele Burk's, and other relatives. ýyshsfurnished the copy every we..ek Messrs. Charles Pethick, Herman y's has Lpp and Stuart R. James motored for The Editor Talks columns on thelto Buffalo over the weekend. lon second page, besides rendering otherl Mrs. C. H. Hobden, Boston, Mass., ch editorial service on the papen from is visiting her siser, Mrs. W. C. Fer- his home. guson and other relatives here. Mr He has been taken for daily motor Misses Mildred Pinch, Oshawa, and trip upanddow th PrvinialKatie Pinch, Toronto, with Mr. and md fr wa trips u i e ddonjoth eryProvncalMrs. G. B. Bickle, Liberty Street. ndl Highwoay whi e enos erygreat- Mr. John N. Lawrie and Miss Mild- 'il W. Fora fw week hehasbeen ned Lawrie are holidaying with his ongaîning a little in strength. brother James, at Thedford, Ont. J. it er n dtc! W a Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chartran and flood of memories must corne te mind1 daughter Florence, spent the week- a-on reflection of haf a century of end with he-iother at Prescott. [ne active and conscientious service Mrs. Geo. Yelland and Mi. and from the edito's sanctum. Ms. Geo. Daniels, Ingersol, were ,nd It was a courageous act for M. A. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frise. ýre James, the young schaool teachen, who Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hobden and daughter, Boston, Mass., and Miss oles than a decade before had desert-IVea Beacock, Toronto, at M. A. )r- ed the plow for a school masten'slBeacock's. rod. Then in '78 the urge came te Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Haliman Jr gh be an editon and publishen when hie1 Town, and Mr. and Mn,. G. C. Ürey: ý0! plunged into the great unknown pro- Oshawa, spent the weekend with rela- r- fession of journalism. tives in Toronto. th, It was an uphilî fight with vigor. Mr. and Mrs. H.* L. Creeper and is ous opposition at every turn. How- Tom, Toronto, M. and Mrs. Norman Creepen, Hamilton, with Mr. and ever, lie would not surrender. Ambi- Mrs. H. B. Creeper and other. rela- tion, determination and an Ideal to tives. is promote through his paper the better Mran M.RuslGa ad rl things in life acted as an inspiration family, Mr. Thomas Jackson, Mn. and stimulus which goaded him on Roy and Mass Leta Jackson, Miss , to ultimate success. Edith Bennett and Miss Wilda Smith p No, nt success as the wold views'at M. John' T. Fee's, Omemee. i. r- it, b ut that success which editors 'prize abcwe gold in that they have es been of some real servicp te their BIG CROWD ATTENDEDSPORTS rd community, have lightened the burd- AT BOW74ANVILLE. BEACH ens of their fellow, men and led the ,r. ay hrouh dubt nd iricrtanty Citizens flocked toe owmanville. d.wa th lrugh obtahi ucera.tyon-the-Lake Civic Holiday aîtennoon tonberdesof-fe to enjoy the programn of land and On a golden jubilee celebration water sports provided under the aus- such as this, which few editors have pices of the Bowmanvile Beach As- B.been spared to enjoy, we make no sociatin. t was one of the Iargest at aologies for'the personal comment. crowds seen at this popular summer We ejoice with the Senior Editor resort. Id and publicly offen a tribute of sincere The program started on the west iregard for the worthy example and sade with the land events for kiddies a- high standards 0f newspaper ethics and grown-ups. One of the out- ;h which hie has zealously guarded for standing features was the ladies' tug The Statesaa the past 50 yeams. of war in which the participants pull- As his successor we shaîl endeavr d at the hemp so strenuously that Yat aIl times to maintain the highlte rk h âeadoeld moral chanacter cof this "Great Fam-j fainted with thé over exertion. "ily Journal". After the land lubbers had their MC brother and business partner,I fling the crowd proceeded te the piems Nrmnan, joins with me in these which was lined on either side with kindly felicitations to oun veneableispectatoms who were keenly interest- father whom we hope will be spared ed and enthusiastie aier the Ivaricus to write "The Editor Talks " for events as the human fish took the .many years to come. waten. L.* Hi hfeld made a dean WJae.Up in the maration swimming event Geo. W . j m ".and miay now represent Bowananville - - - an the $50,000 swimming stunt at TENNS REULTSToronto Exhibition. TENNS REULTSThe program was brought to -an abrupt ending owigto a drenching - Bowm anville Tennis Club team s t un er st rm W i ch dr ve th improving as shown in thein gamnes crowds unden cover. -with CampbelIford Club at Co bourg Tom Selens and his Fife and Drum ast Saturdgay. Bowmanville playedBadfnihdte uscuigte Campbelford at te beginning of anft non. The monicAre Musi the season and lest every event.1atrof o w.TMnlewrete ig Saturday Bowmianville won both cansofBwavle erthbi *men 's singles and also the men's drawng card in the evenng at De- doubles. L. H. Cook played a pew's Pavilion whih was cowded splendid game against C. Weston and with dancers and spectators. won quite handily. W. R. Stnike It was a good day's pnogram thor- *had a vey strenuous match with 01Y enjoyed by al pesent and the as- Harry Tree but managed te win the socaataon is to be congratulated in third and deciding set. It was the providing such ententainment te keep finst time that either Weston on Tree the cîtizens in toxvn. List of eévents had been beaten in competition this and winners are: season. M. A. Neale and John AI-I Land Events-100 yd dash, men- exander played faultless tennis and 1 A. Lowe, W. Stewart. Gents' had not to extend themselves in the. Walking Race-Gilbert Jones, W. enna j t à ,à at'teman

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