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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1927, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, RaWMANVILL1! TTHRDAY. AUGTCTçt AI-S1927 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS STAN. YOUNG'S OSHAWA RINK WORM HAS TURNED DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Men on the farmis are too busy Dr. Foxley Norris, the Dean of WINS GOODYEAR TROPHY Deseronto Post: For going on Bonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto during the summer months to read Westminser took the service and the Bowmanville Rinks Are Runners Up fine years, the Post, wbich has con- University. Graduate of the Royal long articles in flOWspapPrs; and music was chosen f romn that sung by in Both Series of Bowling istenly carried on a Trade-at-Home College of Dental Surgeons of On- other men are on vacation. So ve, the Gentlemen of Windsor and the Tournament campain, bas been waiting for cer- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. have been making our weekly Talks Bisbop of London was present. The tan_______bsiesenwhs Office phone 40. House phono 22. Of interest to women. This week choristers of Westminster during Twenty-sev.n rnsfosTrn business interests we have been pro- X-Ray Equipment in Office. we are presenting fromn reports of their visit to Canada this year. "O to, Peterboro. obourg, Tor one tectîng, t pn itemnyi The National Council of Women of1 Canada"~ rang out through the Ab- Ohaw-a, Whitbv. Port Perry and advertising in this paper. But these DR. J. C. DEVITT Canada sonne important matters fromn bey, there were simple prayers, Par- BoN-manville provided plenty of ex- people who will carry on business and Graduate of Royal Dental College Mrs. Willoughby Cummings' reviewv ry's antheni "I vvas glad when they citement and thr'lis to miake the an- make money under the Post's policy Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow: of The Council of Womnen and The said unto me, We will go into the nual lawn boÀ uîg tournament ht-Id of protection have failed to do their man-,ille. Office bours 9 a. m. to 6 Leagcue of Nations for the benefit of House of the Lord". The Dean Civic Holiday Lider the auspices 'of bit. Consequently, we are opening p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone memibers of Canadian Women's In- said: "Let us now unite to cern-, Bowmanville lawn BowingCu these columnas to Belleville and Nap- 90. House phone 283. stituts in particular and ail other rnemerate the 60th year of the Con- 1s uccessful affair. lanee business houses. xomen readers in ,eneral. Wýe may federation of Canada, and let us It vas a full, ay's entertainment DR. R. E. DINNIWELL state that Mrs. Cuýnming-s bai the nover forget the brave men who wvhicb ranl int the early bours of 'BEAUTIFYING. HOSPITAL Honr rauae f ornt Ui-Degree of DCL. conferr"cl on lier have sealed with their lives the great-ITuesday moson )tfr wneL RUD versity and niember of Royal Coîlege v theasa Unriy fo hr ecllet es fthi cutrwere declared in either series. A GONS of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to wr saCndanJunis.**heavy thundu r ,rm bt-Id up the hog h rot fS .J *rciei ntroad*e oi- Ti * "On this spot, in this historic games for over an heur. Thog h rot fS .Jck- pracisein Otaro an th Domn- hisversatile Canadian autboress church, çvas crowned the Sovereignma&So.fritndN.A.. ion Dntstr i al ts ber report says that one of the of this Realm nnd Empire, amid the Intepmere tSa.Yons Baker, Landscape Architect, the fit-w-, Office-King St., Boiwnîanville, op- bigb ligbts of the days spent in Gen-' acclamations of a multitude drawn Oihaward.. ink cniosh d of.has.oul d i fro t ofast t a n hape aio(l poste an ofMotrel. hoo 31.leva t bis sommer bv the Exeutvefrom the four qoarters of the globe. d 'fead J. D). Caruthers' local rink vi ntm ovevatatv.Tr __________- ____Committee of the International Coun- This spot, we humibly believe, is bal- il nceatevryatacie.Tr cil of Women, and otber members of lxe by the blessings by wbich God ensiPetinGo a. E ug. C em 1-8tenrsiyo h-s etee LEGAL National Councils, ivas certainlv tbe lb as fromi time endowed the- twin for- esPry e.E hs y 16-.tbey hav-e built an artistic rockerv in direct toucb with the League of Na-, ces of British Loyaity and Britisb In the consolation series J. May-1 fro-nt of the main entrance te tht- M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. tions wicb we enjoyed tbere. First Freedom. nard Of Peterboro. nosed eut last1 hospital. On top of the rockerv is Barrister, Solicitor, Notary of ail there xvas the Saturday after- "Sixty years ago, the Dominion of year's winneri- of tbe Goodyear Trop- a cement bird bath whicb was don- Mony t ba onFan andTow non rcepiongivn t usby he Caadacam ino eistnce Wey-Luther Nîchols' rink (J. Infant- ated by the Bowmanville Horticuit- Proper t. oal B Fran Bdiwnng,n emetciasof inte eu ye i nd s a mete ith o xstnsevin te e, A. H. 3oo"re, C.-B. Kent) by oral Society and by the efforts of Prpr oa akBidnsvral fiiaso the egeadslt ihjyu hnsigtete narrowest miargin 0f 5-4. Dr. J. M. Baldwin. Bwavle Phn35.temmesof tbe Secratariat in the splendid record of achievement in Valuable prizes of metor rugs, Th plnso tt-rcry er Bowmnvile. Pono 51.beautiful and spacieus building of patrietic statesmansbip and enter-*lahr lb'gsadeecrcta Theaeplaty nMessr.ckran nd w.R TIEthe League situated so charmingly by prise. It is a jubilee te be accoulnted e lI t-ontdbyMsrs akna n W. . TRKEthe side of the Lake of Geneva, from glorieus in Canadian Annaisl t s rs were given the winners and run- Baker. Ail it needs now is a fev Successor to lat. D. B. Simpsob, L.C. wbich one saw on clear days Mount a day for proud tbanksgiving.Thn Pp. Te res:inrynaeotrer e rock pand ct, enspecado- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Blanc in ail its sunny glory. of those wbom today we .rejoice te1 NowodPreiiaynt te okpatepcal Solicitor for Bank of Montreal * Ibnor! Tûsîto OsîPh-,-a rock iris. Money to Loan Phort. 9 To me that afternoon will be re- ***jAlf. Taylor u. 6 C. I î-scock..16! It is aIse to bie noted that tbe aur- membered, not so mucb because of "They have welded together into Pr lp ýIilyssnwrsdnesad npesn Bowmanville, Ontanio the pleasure of meeting many inter- one indissoluble wbole an Empire's .Il.- Gre nx --1 -,VW K. Uook-...16 surroundings since the grounds e1igpol in sucb delightful sur- resources and an Empire's liberties. W. Ferguson1I11 _ t4aSn. yolng-..20 around it bave been graded, iaxvn W. F. WARD, B. A. 'roudin.gs5;, asr it will be because of a Not in vain, not forgotteli, net un-1 13 wo114 isssi 1,fPoit 1Hope seeded and shrubs planted. Barrister, Solicitor, Nota 1~ long talk I had with one of the pro- honored bave tbey offered their lives. . 13. NichIIl-A? i\-. Joke .....14 ______ Mnyto on Bonds for am in.nt officers of the League ron-j "May tbe Heavenly Father se bless 1 WA. H trY W )Tlit-s ont.c WEiOUDNUS VR Offices-Bleakley Block, King St crning the International Council of 1 these efferings that tbey may ad-, Fovrcourt P. Ph WoMen and the League itself. Il vance botb the cause of rigbteous C Toro""to W hîtby SUCCESSFUL 11N TRAINING Bowmanville, Ontario. Pho.s:- dbe tlighmoftesm peace and the future welfare of a Be. Ro .... 5 W tîsîlick-...13 ____ Office 102. Bouse 409. w-at startling fact that in 1888 there united empire! "Ho shahl have Do- \trbns.rm, shawa Miss Susie Ward of Owven Sound, ___________________-- at! corne te a few wornen the vx-iojnpminion from ooa to sea, and frorn the T.i4 G. r. %Iisrison..làwbo la compheting the- final montbs' of an absolutely new fnrmo of )rgan- river unto the ends of the eartb! Port Fi II oi>e of bier tbree year terni at tbe High- .1.J Nason ..Il T.X u':in ,rtn.0I~ Hep ohse FUNERAL DIRECTORS izatien for women of xideiy differint "The Lord is good. and a strongbold II ope mýonanviIIe adHsia,1.hseN. Y.., .av- interests-of a federatian of exisýing in the day of trouble; and Ho know- \V. .. Pin' r...12W s J-s-s.Is1. ing received bier graduation diploma F. F. MORRIS CO. societies, even if those societies hip- eth tbom that put their trust in Hini! IRosiniasîtil. IýtP r tvr mrsiecrnoisls Compiete Motor or pened te do witb exactly opposite o- Bless the Lord, oh my seul and for- R~ .Mîc-. . 1-5isrîl- otbsbda atclry sc Horse Equipment jects, but wberein ail could xork te- get net ail His henefits". J. D.Fiuki.r.. 12 .1. 1, (':irrtili(ers 13 eby tsraigbouerse, seveced i Ail caîl promptiy gether in National Concils ail --,ver * *. First Round b h eea oir h eevdi attended to. the worid for the comnmon god- i This was foilow-ed by another 1x-,acock---------- 15 Cook------------- 14 ber final yenr. These bunors serve Private Ambulance and of the resemblance of this ideal prayer, hy Rudyard Kipling's Reces- demontrate Mliss Ward's pepuîarity Bowmanville phone to that of tbe Leazue of Nations. sionai, and thon began the procession 1isîvîsîson-........ 1-----------7 botb wjtb the officiaIs of the Hospital 10 and 3414 .......o.-.....-----and lier assîsciates ameng the nurses 1an34***peculiar to tht- Abbey and belonging IN:,oon ..... 16 I\ -----.... Branch Stores-- Upbolding Canadian enterprise to tise Eniisb churcb fronm Pre-Re- CI \rnuth.-rs-...15 Sýoîoes-ie---------4and the- confidence that she inspires Orono & Newcaatle and the welfare of our women, Mca. formation days. The "Crucifer" ........ - 16 1R e-v-ýar-.....12 by bier work. Wbile the Superviser Cumminga says: 1 bad furthetr ex- pure gold and hoe was clad in a tuni-, iry------ Ti-y------ofPbaonsisnofceccpd plaissed tbat the resuît of this vs on b(,o igh tht- gorgeous cross of Second Round exclusivt-ly by ont- of the graduate of vso lwoub nnelwrko x1osi---------- -5k----~ni ni ers of the- staff, Mis' ar was AA M.WILLIAMS o hssalgroup ofwomenbhad cle ailwseiocted asok f x- Yun, ...Assistanta c ..... 7Msuvsr t AA these tbirty-nine years brougnt quisite color. Those acolytes bt-ar- ........rsi Il i1i-sîsoison-....51 eetda AssatSuevsra Embalmen and Funeral Director. about tht- formation of National ing the banners of the Abbey, bad CSîses ..on -.17 'I:sn ..........---- h bnfraninor pupila. adiintt Calîs given prompt and personal at- Councils in forty countries, each if on "Albs" and "Amices" their dreshnrfraeio ul.D igte tention. No extra charge for dis- whicb, as outlined by this vision, nasd tht- traditional Catbolic dress of pore Third Round - ear, she w-as also made President of tance. Phono& 58 or 159, Bowman- equal representatien and t-quaI vote, Engiisb use dating fromn the thir- Y'oinz ..........-----Nisyssîrîl-------tht- Student Governnment of the Hos- ville, Ont. 3-tf. be the country large or amail,, and teenth century. Carruthers ... 14 5o.snson------4 pital for tht- senior nurses. When _________________________tht-y ailItogether forinitht- Inter na- I * * Finals itcenty reseatntedite ninetynie nr- tional Council of Women. 'In Tht- choir were in red cassocks, Youîngt---------------iXîrrutheirs-..... eypresentîng thrniee b nRocestr MEDICAL other words", hoe said, "you have bad tht- Canons wort- their ceronationserpsntg hebiRoetr a Women's League of Nations for copes of ruby and ciotb of gold, tht- Consolation Hospitals, at ont- heautifulhy arrang- B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. nearly forty years, and we bave in Dean a wonderful ont- of yellow loth ......------9 l nlrsn6,ed ceremony, tht- press sogbt eut thes lateidys flloed yur ead- of gold, Lord Salisbury, Higb Stew- Gres'nwood-----------Stirgi-ss----------58 Miss Ward, as a most representative GdMeaitoTiiyUierity, - ard of Westminster, Lord Muir Mac- i-Xà-,ruison-....13nusoftalrg mbt hv Toronto. Four years attermding Phy- n-*** kenzie, High Bailiff of Westminster Cook----------i. _11 ri ...--------- lhtr photograph appt-ar in ont- of the- mic'an and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Tht- supreme importance of send-l-aise took part. As this prcesi n isk, r-----------12 riI1-y-------------s8 big dailies. Miss Betty Ewens, aIse Hospital, Pittsburg, Ka. Office and - poesin Pinie-----------.14 Van Ivenstine ...11 -Of this city, w-he is in training at tht- ~eidneWelngonSrel. ow nZ cur mest intelligent citizens zorgeous in color and most simple in Oh-----------....s.. hil--------.12 1eiece elngo treB w-bt-htht-r malt- or female is a self-evi- design paced tht- long aisles, first tht- Stanlick---------- 17 SornsrviIe - Hi..n.Hspt..w-s htora1 manville. Phono 108. dent feature as this paragrapb dlean- organ poured forth its strains, thon FrtRude ih'isWr.SnTms C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. ly demonstrutes: followed tht- choir singing "Ligbts, Roxce .....r..t4 runid9 Miss Ward is a granddaughter of This important official tht-n went abode, clestial Sait-r" a verse of 5 Mr.oi---------14John -v, ar------- Graduate of Trinity Medical College, onr to say: '"We feel stronghy that this, tht-n again tht- orgun and thon iCook----i.....11 -itik-r---------91 ville. Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. tht- international Council of Women another verse, the- veices seemed not Pîrie------------- 13 Ok ..----------.*7ý Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's sodholne pwhtt-Lau earthly but beionging te some ctles-j PtanscOI........-2Iversly--------.n.. fwlais'SrigCot former nesidence on Church Street, of Nations as tht- Wonît-n's part of tial sphere. **f)avihýon î sl-futeid ici Niasosi left-now clearing at haîf price. Bowmanville. Phono 259. 44-t. tht- League". And as the- days went *ocJhson&Cyemn on1 in Gent-va, and tht- subjecta that Tht- blessing cýlosed the service. Second Round Cub ontn&Cyemn w-t dscuse wee or hemos prtTht- national anthern pealed forth Nilisols---------.14 1:o.,-------------. VETERINARY those w'ich tht- Leagup of Nations and the- congregation slewly eft. li-rsi-------------IltaOok------------7 DR. F. «I. TIGHE is aise concerned in tht- conviction In that congregatien w-trt- thet- Mîson------------I13-Su*iason----------9 VETERNARYSURGEN. Dy orbt-came stronger and stronger that Duke of Connaught representing tht-e .ssssi t' VETRIARYSUGEN. ayortht- opinion lho bail xpressed as to.Kinz, Princess Louise, Princess Pa-Thd Round Night calîs promptly attendod te. tht- future was net only deirable, tricia. tht- Duke and Ducbess of Ni --- ......lar'ir- .-----s.. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. but wvas aise cîearly logical. Devonshire, tht- Marquis and Mar- 'Nlssnard----------5 Niasgon----------- 4 Phone 243. * * * cioness of Aberdt-en and Temair, :May'' ;scck----------in E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. C Tht- banquet wbich tht- Exocutive Lord and Lady Byng of Vimy, Lord FINALS Cmmittet- of tht- Ceuncil gv ett Balfour, Mnr. Baldwin, Rudyard Kip- myad.... ihl .... Orono Councel o the Lau -spoal ling and many others xvbose names .iyad----5NsIos----- roeordd ytht- cabie wadthprsaare known and reverod througbout Honor Graduate of University of rcre ytecbeadtepestht- British Empire. WEDDING Toronto. AIl cases given prompt of ev-try nation. It certainly Xai'a and careful attention. Office- memnorable funiction, and nt tht-IL Dr. McElnoy's former office. Phones: lt-ast memorable featuro was tht- Whattam-Weataway Clarke 3921; Onono 18-1. pot-ch of Sir Austt-n Chanmberlain, IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL A quiet xedding wsas soiemnized in in which lie spokt- of tht- Council of _____Tinity United Clsurch, Bow-ran- Worntn as tht- fort-bt-a-, as it wece, Editor of Tht- Statesman-Dear ville, at 9 o'clock Saturday rnrrning,1 AUTINERSof tht- League, and asked us t) ne- Sic:-For tcn yeara many namnes in 1IJuly 30, xhben Gladys 'Muriel, daugh- member how yeung tht-y tar- e n r home town paper havt-bt-cernelItero f c.J. lsa ay THEO M. SLEMON lparod to tht- Woen's Councl- unfamiliar. se I mnust tell you bow 1 Bowvîîasîvilie, bt-camie tht- bride ofl Auctioneer "stili schuulbuys as it wert"- and tic enjoy tht- coiumn "Do You Rt-- Arthur Stanley Whattam, son of tht- Fanm and House Sahes a Spec«a lty. bt-gedhus to bt-ar with tht-m patient- înensbtr?" When our little New York late Mc. J. L. Whattani and Mrs. Terismoerto. Enialen y i tey cannot at once do aIl wt- Canadian Club meets ht-rt- that is oneWlattarn of Oshawva, Rt-v. R. A.I Phons od19r3t. Ens Ple .O. desice that should ho dont-. topit- cf conversation. W hattam, oncle of tht- gi-cer, pt-r- Phoe 973.1tf. * * *j forsîing the- ceremony. Tbey- w-t-c ___________-- ____.-- Perhaps bowover to many of us I recalled many of tht- people, attended sy bt-r sister, %I. E.- R. tht- visit some 0f us w-trt- able to pay places and t-vents in other issues, but Thurstun. Toronto, ani! Mr. Netil CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS. to a meeting of tht- Council of tht- in this week's issue my turn c'ame-,j FeIt, Oshawa. THEROPY League wîll ho tht- most outstandn for the- names mentioned-alh but Mir. sou Mca. WýhattaIm Ieft im- DURWN E.STEKLEY recllecion f or diecttout-h wîthon (Checbeneau) were casamates of 1 mt-ditely for a motor trip tbrough honon grrduate of Toronto Coliege tht- League cf Nations. The soom mine and brougbt back many pleas- I tht- Aîirrsnîlacks and New- York.- On of Chiropractie will bie in the Bow- in w-it-h the- League met-tala net j ant memories of oid times. If anyltht-m retto tht-y will residi' in Osh- manvihle Office Tuesday, Thurzday v-try large and tht-rt-fort- tht- number cf my oid classîssates st-o this lettes-. ava. and Satsznday evenings, phono 141J. of scats available for visitors is im-1I I brpe tht-y xill renember My ad-1 Residential calîs made duing fore- ited to about forty, and tickets forldress. Tht-e rnay ho some nearer nons. tht-se st-ts are in great demand. Ail1 than we tbink and 1 should ho glad RED CROSS EXPRESS THANKSLD tht st-ts ut the- horseshot- shaped te sot- tht-m ut uny tume. D.Fe .Ruly ooti D ta1d kosn th(. ra"ssi! îlstforin wht'rei Who rigbt "Whistling Jini" of Dr. Frc(-sgi W.Reoutof $s351o.56i ot th Ntonlrepresentatîves sut ,were 1 -kn lign g rlecstwcf .$the On-6 flled except ont-, on the- morning tht- sanît- tru, bc? fi Boa uXilltarlmh n-m bl TIIE F A LL TERÎM j fý 1i aio e rs apig dmbl . Ini Shaw's Tus lve Toronto %as tht-i-t, ansi I had tht- pleusure of Vr odilayur, %tsîoRtil Cros 'aetmu infondrt c 1Busint. - chcc1.111n.1 on-- îon hearing short speeche.s and rt-solo-j-1ycriiy or, it-s: l'11 s1- u-. t _fyI-ero sn.rtlm fcrtsînato, foc the- British, custrîdians 'l'Ts- ossions fsîugbt tht- Japsa; agi-no(-ni -Mt-rxvin 'Mountie>', C('d sî- ail becrîluughter lands, woci- net on- Tlitt yeair wasîtyc -nl, and youniu, Hfarîihd, Kesirsn; C.- minsîful cf this mîsst important bîrth- I-as! chilbiuins anmd tht- chaps. MsitoTrno nI TtcnIf uîuy. Westminster Abbey, tht- abrine iMosint.jiy. Haydon. Better of the British, badi rranged a gor- Ths-ce's six cf us ans! Xe're mixed up ts was siecidfed to bols! tht- noxt pic- gi-nus Commemocation Servit-t; ut -Wîth bist'ry jost thut xay, nir ut Hampton tht- lust Satucslay in tI oit-yeleen o'clock tht- ficot noets of tht- Sometinies it's meushes, croup, ont Juix' Cana1td.a uondrful organ pealed fort h a mumps, Tht- ccmpany.ieft for home as tht- the- choir, assisted hy tht- choir of B ut thect-'s ne date thut tve sides oîf evening were falling, ahi His Hajt-sty's Fret- Chapel of St. stunis. lîîeking fcrward te meeting again George if Windsor Castie, fihed ia My mother, night or day. next yean. .1 4 PR4 GYPROC Your Garage \Yle tniare another w inter wîth a coid garage? By 1I ning it w th (,ypcoc ycu may saux tthe- cost of a cracked radiator, f cozen watt-r pumnp and numereus rt-pairs caused by zero weather. Gyproc kt-tps eut winters bitter cold. It is aise fire- reaisting. Easy and inexpensive te boy and apply. %Write for (r-,. biiket-My IHotu." It wiil tel! you bow Gyproc, Rochoard Insîulating Slisatiiisg and lInssIex wilI redut-e your fuel blli from 20.1to4t . THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA GYJo o f Wal iboard For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. 3Motor Wcrks combines with General tors in prcssDnting, the Jiîbilee Series Olds- is the answzer to the demanid for an ultra- ,ompact, Six-cylinder car of luxurjous id a substantially Iower ýThese liuprov'en-ients and Refinements NEW FISHER BJODIES NEW BODY LINES NEW DUCO COLORS NEW REFINEMENTS FOU R-WHEEL BRAKES CISION-BUILI SIX-CYLINDER ENGINE A Scores of Adi it'ilec(l Feutu-es rNEW LOW PMICES e-2.2.8 248 CORBETT MOTOR SALES 3 Bowmanville tOJUCT CF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Look For the shei Sigli Then purchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A, Bartlett Kýing St. East, Bowmanville Phonîe 110 L rAtzr, -i vv v -iuuuzi 41:n., iuzi DSMOBIL E 1 PAGE TWO

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