Banking and Profit Wberever goods are bought and sold Banking has a service to render -a service wbich simplifies transac- tions and renders tbemn more profit- able. During more than ffty years of constructive banking practice the Standard Bank of Canada has bujît up tbroughout the Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned to rely on this Bank's services. TrHE STANDARD BAN KI fl BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-D. L. Weese, Manager Branches aiea ait Nwcastle, N.wtonville, Orono, Oshawa LARGEST DISPLAY 0F COOKED MEATS Don't expeet the good housewife to stand over a hot stove these days to cook hot meals. Just suggest to her that occasionally she order cooked meat for a change. We have a large var- iety of appetizing cooked meats that will appeal to every member of the f amily. When you want fresh or cured meats we also have them. GA. Edmondstone Bownianville fGiverihe Cook a Holiday By letting us during -the warm everything from a fancy decorated w do the baking for the family weather. We can supply loaf of nourishing bread to a ,vedding cake. And just as good as mother makes. Try us. IThe Bowmanvilfle Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville PECALVALUES FOR THIS WEEK'S SHOPPING Ml.':CAPONJ or SPAGHETTI 2 bs. 1 5c Cnadia New C HEW"-ljuESE 22c.. SPECIAL SALE S L O D.S.L. Bulk S L O T A reg. c Fancy I1lb. 39c TE 59 cb. J551b. Sockeya !/ lb. 21c A very economical blend Choice 1 lb. 29c Domino Ricbmelle Coh. '/z lb. 2 for 35c Blend Blend Coc b 7 691b . 791b. Pink 1/ 1lb. -lac CLUB HOUSE Ct TASTY le BREAD LIBBY'S OLIVES This je flot just ordinary Sauerkraut Lunch Queen bread. There is something 5-oz. 13C distinctive i 9c i4c tîn ,20-oz. 39c this Loaf. loaf1 Aylmar S BE NPo2 lic Libby' o BANd CANNED GRAPEFRUIT N..,,, 29 ClUif!U CHMEEEO HEINZ COOUED Suuli 12c SPAGRETI bMedju.lac SOAP BON AMI goder 14c BRILLO tenalrIO lc FLEXOF l--k..2 1 r . 189-C 1 was aven, about forty of the meMxbensi very well acquaînted with Gip on our and ladies took the moten yacht trip through Norway and 1 am look- "Stella Polaris" for Norway, mying f orward with a great deal of daughter and I being among the 1 pleasure to haîf promise f rom hlm te number. We were entertained by, come and spend a day or twe with some of the Rotary Clubs in places, me in the near future. If this take. we visited, and I have with me a place, 1 can promise Bowmarvville Ro- photognaph taken in the open air at tary one of the flnest treats they midnight at North Cape, which is have ever listened le. MR. J. H. H. JURY GIVES REVIEW LOCAL AND OTHERWISEI 0F HIS TRIP TO OSTEND Mrs. J. Robinson, Peterboro, is vis- Representatives From 37 Countries iting bier niece, Mrs. Arthur Frise. sç Present at Rotary Convention Hospital Auxiliary meeting vwill be held on Friday, August l2th at 3.30 ai Members of Bowmnanville Rotary p. m. instead of August 5th. Cc Club at their weekly luncheon at, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston, Bowman House on Friday listened te Town, and Dr. and Mrs. W. T. J. an a very entertainiflg account 0f the Veale. Harrow, are spending their bi Rotary International Convention held vacation at Stoney Lake. at Ostend, Belgium, in June, as view-1 Mrs. Melvan Farley and children. re ed and interpreted by Rotarian. J. H. 'Oshawa, spent the weekend with bier W H. Jury ,the lub"s representative at parents, IMr .and Mrs. Thos. Rich- at the convention. ards, and other relatives. s To adequately cover a -world gath- Mr. and Nirs. Ed. Higginbotham C£ ering of sucb propor tions and signifi- and son John, virden, Man., motor- cance in a 20-minute address is no ed down from the West and are GI easy undertaking, but Mr. Jury ac- r est fNr n .A icel i complisbed the task with remarkable get fM.adMs .Mthl.s ease and te the satisfaction of bis i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mason, attentive audience as he touc hed the ýHelen and Donald, have returned re bigb spots of the convention and in- -from a motor trip to Wnnipeg and wi cidents of the trip. For the bene- ýother cities enroute baving travelled fit of Statesman readers we gie* over 4000 miles and bad a most de- A summnary of Mr, Jury's remarkis: thtfltie It is quite impossible te give even l Mr. David Tyerman and daugbter N. an approximate outline of a Conven- 1Lua ootMs D. yra tion of sucb magnitude and import- land daughter and son, Prince Albert, A ance as the Rotary International, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Jardine W Convention at Ostend. Ail I shal and daughter, Toronto, ivere recent s attempt te do is te mention some of guests at Mrs. F. G. Byami's. the <utstanding features. Even in1 Mr. H. J. Moore, Provincial Lect- i doing this, one can easily disa pp oint'u rer 'on Horticulture, recently visited hi those listening, for wbat impresses1 Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fletcher at "Tbe C, one man is entirely ignored by otb- Rosary", wbere bie took a number of ers. j pictures of tbeir standard roses and in Ift we are te judge from the anx-lother l.)eauties of tbeir garden for G cey f everyone te hear, or even i exhibition purposes. f sce King Albert deliver bis truly Ro- Mýr. and Mrs. W. H. Calver, Ralph, tarian message, we would quickly de- Eleanor and Marjorie of Rochester, cide that this was tbe one outstand-t N. Y., are bolidaying with bis mother, [ ing event. The vast audience room! Mrs. Geo. Barton, and other relatives s was packed in every corner and al- bere. Sorry te learn of the recent fý thougb I went fully an heur before death of their five weeks old babyl n the time, 1 found bundreds of disap- girl from pneumonia. t pointed Rtarians crowded around Members of Bowmanville Women'si every door of entrance upstairs and lInstitute held a very enjoyable pic- down, and I had te do a lot of wig- fic at Cream of Barley Canip on Fri- gling before I flnally worked My way daf1no.Aprga fsls hrug t apoitweeIcol e go od and abundant eats, and .a sociai a view of the King, and hear b îm time combined te make the gather- fairly well. Possibly some of you ing a pleasant one. Next meeting consider tbis part of the Convention tnFiaAgs 6h ttehm of little importance, but if in a f ew Io0fMrs. E. R. Bus aîl e om years from now other Kings and i Mroaf Mrs. Harry.Baskerville Presidents follow King AIbe rt's ex- M.adMs aryBsevle ample and become Rotarians and.Toronto, were in town Tuesday en- take part in our great conventions, it route from spending the iveekend will mean more for the peace f hewitb bier niece, Mrs. (Dr.) 0. C. world than ail the work of diplmas.Watson and other relatives at Camp- or te ependtur of mios in the beliford. His many friends here building of armaments. will regret to ha htM.Jh As the wonderful message ofteMaynard suffered a stroke last week Rotary movement xvas expressed thebut is doing as well as can bc expect- one speaker after anethen, with a ed. fervor and earnestness that made ai Men's genuine Panama Hats, regu- lasting impression, tbe one great,.lar $4.50 for $3.00 ;also great van- question that constantly repeated it- iety Men'. Bathing Suits at popular self te my mind was, dees my life1 prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- and the lif e of my Club truly repre-1 man's. sent those higb ideals; for the main purpose of a Rotary Club is tbe de- velopuient of tbe best that is possible the most nortbern point of Europe. in the individual. We were unfortunate in the weatber There is little use of an organiza- and only caugbt a very short view of tien such as ours striving for world the midnight sun. Tbe photograph peace if we as individuals do net1 was taken in a pouring main as we foster and develop friendsbip, flotistood on the rocks witb snow al only among ourselves as Rotarians,: around us on the mountain sides. A but tbroughout our entire commun-'J Rotary meeting w-as held on board ity. It bas been said that the only . sbip at midnight. sure way te destrey an enemy is te At several points we got off the make him your friend, and anyone steamer and saw the towns or-were1 wbo gives it a moment's consi dera-1diven in motor cars or in two- tien will realize how true tbis is. wbeel carts drawn by stauncb and As Rotarians we stand for the best1 trusty little ponies up tbrough tbings there are, botb in private and 1 picturesque valleys, witb lofty rock business life. One Rotarian speak-Imasses stretching almost perpendie- ing on classification stressed tbis! ulanly f rom fif teen bundred te three point very strongly wben lie said that thousand feet above us. In one of tee mucb importance could net be these trips we expected te reach the jplaced on getting the right kind of 'summit of the mouitain as inen bad mnin the Rotary Club. He men- been snovelling snowv for sonîe time tioned the fact that hee bad a friend tbrough drifts, often ten feet deep, w-be probably ate with bis knife and and in many places tbis road wound wore treusers tbat bagged in tbe in and cut along the inounitain sides knees, but wben it came te integrity '%where a swerve of the car for even or doing a kindness te one in need, five feet Nwould mean a tumble of this man wvas a Prince. He said ne 'hundreds of feet into the 'valley be- one îvbo failed tu pay bis debts or low. Xhen w-e got within twe hun- w-be failed te bold out a belping hand dred feet cf the top w e found Our- te one in need, bas any right in a I elves stuck in the snow as the men Rotary Club. bhad been unable to finish the job.1 A great deal of time w'as spent on However, everyone \vas bxgbly de- classification, and it ivas trongly1 ligbted with the experience, as the , urged that more attention be paid te scencry w-as beyond description and jgetting the right kind of men into !the experience will neyer be forgot- 1 our organization. ten. Th oveto wshldi Avr s our good sbip "Stella Polanis" large building called the "Kursaal. ,crosdteAteCrltesi I-t s etinate tht aout800 gun w-as fired an(l 'Neptune' with a j peope wre pescit t th onen-costume of sea weeds came on board pena opne s ereprsentat ter Conv en-and went tbrougb an elaborate cere- retindcniealovr00 ere mony; presenting every passenger regisered.ith a diploma, certifying that tbey It would be quite impossible for ýhad crossed into the 'Artie Circle. me te outline any of the speeches. His beight was 6 fecet. three inches, How-even, I would like te give YOU a and hie was a Norwegian member of few quotatiens taken from some Of the Captain's staff, se thoroughly dis- the addresses. One is from the guised that none of the passengers President's address. In speaking Of recognized him. International Peace he said, ".o j .oudlket eI e n 1asn longer shalthis work be left alone w1t woderful ntertaouinment the 1 eknsadcnrset courts Retarians of London gave us. An tand armies, te threats and diplemacy. ivtto vssn eeeyRtra AIl these bave failed. We are now atvttetonvws ento and listofthe tryî ng a new plan. Business and aenteainmentipovided.a iThof tho professional men from every nation, )iave an idea t rt tbedEnglisman i w-ho know that without peace all orbvanie htheEgsmnii îvhich tbey strive will come te very set in bis w'ays, and difficult te naught, are sitting downvri vith their get acquainted with should have been fellows te try to devise a plan wvbîch in London. Most Americans and willmea saetyandpernianencyý." some Canadians have this impression, Ain mAn set an dgt a Abut i is net truc of a Rotarian Eng- Ane f arcn eegaxhted sin A lisbman. It would be impossible te code csRary duethe ehîbtein hîs omeet a more jolly or more friendly ,c o rksth a i ndced the o re n te lot f people. N ot ing xas left un- cepytheideaandhan Rotria 'cone te make our stay in London ai MRE CANADIAN STATESMAIN. BOVWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th., 1927 McLAUGHLIN- BUICK for 1928 Thriling the world a gain with McLaughli"n-Buick value ectut 1 Power Color' Smartness Phone 248 Dashing new Bodies by Fisher .. . swung smartîy Iow without any loss ef head-roomn or road-clearance and without resont ta srnaIler wjîeels . . . fleet, siender rad- iator lines . . . style and 6èuty equalîed only by the finest customn creations. Power ta pass on any hill . . . power ta conquer the roughest going .,. . power to maintain hîgh speeds hour after hour . . . rcsulting from brilliant advance.- Pnents in McLaughlin-Buick's famous valve-in-head six- cylinder engine . . . vibrationless beyond belief. Getaway like an arrew fromn a bow . . . an exhilarating rush of power wheui the signal changes . . . unmatched flexibility in traffic . . . and the eff ortless speed of fly- ing birds-when you're out on the 67pen road. Formn-fltting tailored seat cushions as restful as an easy chair . . . hydraulic shock absorbers front and rear, providing pillowed riding ease over any road . . . and interiors resembling exquisite drawing rooms in luxury of fittings and ap.pointments. Colons unrivalled by the rainbow . . . exteniars finished in rich new Duco combinations . . . Harmonized in- teriors-the new vogue in closed car decoration .- Walls, ceilings, seat-covenings and carpets ail blending into one perfect ensemble. Heads turn in admiring tribute whenever a McLaugh- Iin-Buick for 1928 flashes by . . . foi it is richly ern- dowed w-*th that rare quality . . . that elusive touch of personality . . . that indefinable characteristic called 64sfmartness". M-41"U CORBETT MOTOR SALES Bowmanville MIEN BEM7ER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUIT McLAUGHLIN-BUnCC WIL BUILD THEM Phone 21 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Florence Belîman, Toronto, pent the weekend at home. Masters Robert and Russell Hayes xe holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. H. cx, Port Hope. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie md Dorothy are holidaying at Lim- ýrlost, Muskoka. Mrs. L. H. Pearn has been visitîng latives in Ottawa and attending the Vorld's Poultry Congress. Mr. and Mrs. *M. G. v.Gould and n Maitland, are holidaying at ,amp Lenid, Glen Island, Ontario. Mr. Melville S. Dale and Miss ladys Bateman took in the excur- on te Rochester, N. Y., on Monday. Miss Viola Robertson, Toronto, has eturned home after a pleasant visit vitb Miss Evelyn Bickle, Liberty St. Mr. Wîllard Stevens, daughter Ima and son Glen, Toronto, spent he weekend with his father, Mr. F Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Comstock and .udrey have returned from two 'eeks' holidays at La-wrence's Beach, t. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Cox and fam- y, Toronto, spent the weekend with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox, Ontario St. Miss Ethel Potter has been visit- îg her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Herrington, Brighton, also friends in Toronto. Voiles, Rayons, Fancy Broadcloths, Dimity, regular up to $1.25 yard, special this week wbile they last 50e yard. Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man. HISTORY 0F Darlington AND Clarlke Including Bowmanville and Newcastle BY PROF. JOHN SQUAIR The edition is limited. Secure a copy of the best History of the early days yet written of your own Town or Township. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanville 1 1 PAGE THREE Are You Building or Repairing? If you are contemplating building or making alterations to your premises we are recognized as headquarters for builders' supplies. We have the variety and. our prices are right. See us before buying. How about putting in your coal for next winter? No better time than now. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Summer Meats We give special attention to the selection and care of our meats during the hot summer months. So that you are assured of the choicest meats, no matter what your order may be. Prompt service and free delivery in town. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and D.Iivery Butchs Phone 518 BolmaII