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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1927, p. 5

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Mr. Chas. Nichols of Winii wbo ie spending the summer wi uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. Mason, has gone on a motor tr New Brunswick with Mr. Towe St. John's College, Winnipeg. 'f Tennis Clu] Dance East Side Pavilion Tuesday, Aug. Corne and enjoy yourself witb Club members and help theC nieet the first year expense Dancing at 8.30 Tickets 50ce Vacation Specials No. 2 Camera.......... Bathing Caps .......... Genuine Thermos.. Jonteol Talc........... Vacuum Bottle......... Sun Visors ............ Water WiTlgs.......... F REEWe will FREE every 2! tde o: JURY The Safe Satisf a Wben We Test Rushec We are literai our hundreds of c manville. There's a lot o- with us lately and please them in eve Ail our baking by thoroly experiei methods used. You owe it to betsWholesome1 eaGINGER ALE, Baker Phone 3 Preser, Reqt The weather: wif e must stili car ure requirements. THE CANADL'J% STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE THURISDAY, AUGUST 4th., 1927 nie, NAGR ALSB USLCLAD OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS th_______ - GIMBLETT-In Oshawa, July 26, toi Ge.Miss Mildred Cole is visiting Miss Marjorie Gale is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gîmblett, a son. Ge~i o W j~ finsi ae. friends in London. JONES-At Bowmanville Hospital, on rs of Meua n. n.y adiss Thressa Murphy is bol idayingI Mr. and Mrs. George Nevin, Wal- Juiy 21, 1927. to Mr, and Mr.Gilbhert M IFraLmte ieOI evilsettewekn â r . Jones, a daughter. ( Helen Patîlcia.) day.For Limted imo nly at her home in Lindsay.g'kviesntte eendwhMr ________ Mis Maude on is holidayi naid Mrs. J. M. Rowe. , isfis at Sydenbam.Master Ray Hayes, Columbus, MARRIÂGES Everyone should take in these wiD r ied, Da ydnam bi. , is ~viitin his aunt, Mrs. L. L. Guy, wodru cnctrips. Drive for holiTyin at Mr.JonPeeys 30, 1927, at St. Andrews anrse, Bow- miles along beautifu i wys in Mrs. L. A. Tale bas returned from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole and Mr manviiie, by 1ev. Robert MeDerment, b aur comfortable coaches wbere one a vry Iesant holiday at Bobcay- and Mrs. H. D. Clemens spent tbe lit. A., L on Samuel pumas, to Mary gets a clear view of interestiflg e e ekedaEaag ec.lizabeth Satuva, daugliter of mrs. ma.1 points along the way. See the won- geon. I e . Will Diksan, Torant. , a a, Brighton, Ont. ders af the Niagara Peninsula witb Miss Ê. M. Race, Omemee is vis- r.WlDikoTonad its miles of fruit orchards. Book iting bier cousin, Mrs. D. A. lldread, Mrs. S. Arnatt, Newtonville, recently your seat now startîng July 3lst. Ontario St. visited Mrs. A. E. McCready. DEATHS Leave Mrs. T. Couch and grand-daughter 'Miss Gladys Greenfield and MissI HUNT-In Toronto, on Wednesday,l eveReturn of Seagrave bave been visiting Annie Allen, Toronto, spent the July 27, 1927, James Washington Hunt, Fare friends here. week-end at Mr. Robt.' Greenfield's. aged 76 years. inttrred in Port Hope. Bowmanville 7.00 a. m. - $4.50 Mr. S. W. Ruse, Oshawa, was in ',%r. Rae Eagleson, Coldsprings, Mr BINGHAM-On Sunday, July 31, 1927, Courice 7.1 a. . -$4.5 twn Wdnedayvisiinghis1 bMuriel, daugher of Mrs. Bingham and S Corie 71 .m .5 1onwdedyvstn i rother, and Mrs. Hilton Eagleson, C'obourg, the late Dr. Hugh S. Bngham., Toronto. Oshawa 7.30 a. m. - $4.*00 Mr. C. N. Ruse. spent Sunday witb Mr. and 'Mrs. Har- !MeNEILLIE-ln Lndsay, on July 27, Whitby 7.4 5 a. m. -$ 3.75. . ry Brock. 11927, James ticbardson Mceili. on i ~~~~~Miss Ruth Percy, Toronto, 5Vis Rv e.Mao nvaeM.~i yCerk and Treasurer of the County of the Ten minute stop at Burlington; iting her aunts, the Misses Percy, andGRaham Nichas, (Wnnipe, MhaVictra aged 81 years. Clb arie* Falls 12.30 naon; le ave af_'iother friends bere. araavery d, Winieg'h ave 1i~ KELLS-Entered into rest at ber late Dlb arv treturned from aer eihfloi-resîence, ilbrook, Ontario, July 31, jtrilmination 9 p. m. , rsW.JBag isvstn ber day camping at GulI Lake.'Mary Elzbeth, daughter ofthtie iste For inomto hn omn brother, Dr. J. S. Samers, Toronto, Re.J .Rbn n isMr Thomnas and Frances Jele. Fo ifomaio pon Bwmn-who i seriousîy ill. Rv .U oisadMs a- LEWIS-In Toronto, Auguet 1, 1927,, mahIville 412 or Oshawa 2283. Tickets Ise ila .Jms~~ jane Robins have 'joined the otheri Emma Ruth Fanning. çvife of the late' eaacb urhsd rm n f u igbsrandllarent. MJand rs s -members of tbe family for bolidaysiJohnaT. Lewis, Chicago,Panddaughter of ýmbus rivrcs T.rA.taourtn Ga XVrad aenSouM. nd M at their cottage near Wellingtn te atE MoorFNnn.PrHoe 30-3Fropietr. M. ad Mr. R.H. ea, netrit, ATERO-in Clarke Towship, on DrGron e . WG. sC. enB o un .astleas DentalTuesday, August ,, john wesley Patter- Offie wil beclosddrrmvAuust. Mich., and Mr. ad Mrs. R. 11Roso- son , b.oved husbaad of Annie Robin- tafAugust ltb hle fon blaygs. vear, so n and daughter of Miles,j son, in his year. Interment at Or- to Agus 15h wile n hlidys. Mich., were recent guests of Mr. and jono(',metery. Mrs. Lewis Lyle bas returned.from Mrs. Harry Brock.t ai laatvstwt e ics Mrs. Edwin Worden and sister, IN MEMORIAM M'%isqses Editb and Bessie Scott, Osh- Mrs. Chas. Stone of Oshawa, bave awa. returned front six woeks' visit with in ever loving mnerory o four dear S r i ePublic Library will close from their sister at Lanfine, Alta. They ÂugAntoy 7. iie hopse i August tb ta 2tb inclusive. Get also visited a number of )Id frieads NWem-ho loved you, sdyms o an extra supply of books for tbe bolI- enroute and had a very pleasant holi- As i dawns anoher year 1dyday. In our lonely hours of thinking Developing and days., .an Ms Brtt, Stir Thoughts of you are ever near. ling are visiting bier parents, Rev. almisdbFmly Prn igad'r.To.Brown, Lindsay- Ls o o dI loving remembrance of Anthony De- $19Past. Mille, who died August 7, 1926. Gone' 19 Witb aur modern oquipmont Special lot of Crepe Dress Goods, FUR LOs-On Scugog Road, ane mite bu-, not forgottea. .19 1Farewell dear dad but not forever, we are onabled ta give our was priced up ta $1.25 yard, now and a quarter north of Eaniskillen on Teewt eagoiu an 1.0 ustomers clearing at 75c yard. CocStra atron alenc-ic.We shall meet to part-no neyer, 1.0Jobaston & Cryderman. Finder tlease leave at Statesman Offisce,. On the resurrection morn, 8 HOURSERVIE I towmanvilie. -t Tho' thy dartîag form lies sleeping 8.19 SRVC Mr. and Mrs. H. Fowler anu -_ -- 1li the, coml and slent tomb an.1e9strsut ra1auherRtaAnTMs Frhae LOsTGeritleman*s open tac- Thou shall have a giorious waking your wero nt w n Tishurdayattiewatch in the vicinity of Bowman- When the Blessed Lord doth camte. and thI bs fisls£o y Toronto, wr ntw hrdyo il on Juty 12th. Rewara for return t o .4 im.a mator trip ta Ottawa. Statesman Office or Sheldon Pethick,: Mrs. Rosett.a Demille Cossentine, lo .19 Teol Kodak Agency and Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams and Etiaiskillen P. O. 29-t! Anigeles, califomnia. DeeOolpng Plant in Bowman- duhte Luella of Toronto, who are BRACELET LOST-A white Gold Dia- - .50 ville. summrering at their cottage at .Caes- mond and Onyx Flexible Bracelet, onArilsFrS e wrintown Wednesday. 'Tuesday., July lSth, between TemperanceArilsFrS e area, e i and Concession St. or Elgin and Church MRe and Mrs. W. H. Sparga and Streets, Bowmanviiie. Finder kindly FOR SALE-2 Fi-e5h Holstein Caws, SM.and Mrs. W. T. Quinn enjoyed phone 141. Liberal reward. Valued as5 reasonabiy priced. S. G. Chant, Hamp- a mator trip ta Exeter and visited la keepsake. ton, Oshawa phone 1652-3. 3- I give absolutely free with ifriends there aven the weekend . BN-R-FR-ALE1 .e-r« 5c tin Hudnuts Talc a 15c bot- Mr. Ernest and Miss Edna H. Bat-W te Binder in good condition. Appîy David trell, Toronto, and Miss Helen W n dMiller, phone 176r32, Bowmanvilie. 31-1' f Thee lowrs Prfuie.Scbafer, Buffalo, N. Y., spent the WANTEO-A cole dog, trained to drive FOR SALE AND REMOVAL-A two- ýweekend at Mr. Thomas Eottrell's. Ca t tle. Apply to H-.anM. lFoster, R. !,. storey trame carpenier ehop in Hamîpton Bartn bs rtured , pone 205J. Bowmn.vle 31-tf village. Apply ta Mrs. C. Johns. Harap- Miss Dorotby Bro a eundý ton, phone 382-4. 31-tf home after spending a very pleasant WANTED-To exchange nice ick, FRS holiday with friends and relatives at h ouse, large garden, suburbs of Peter-1 ORSLE-Jersey Bull Caîf, 3 weeks FrankordTrenton and Napanee. bora, on house in Bowmanville. Address1oîd; 2 Jersey Heiters, 3 years obi, ta re- Frankordcommunications ta H. 3. McCannaii, 140tnew soon; 1 Jersey Cow, renowed. Appiy & O E LMiss Virgo, returned missionany, Simece St., Peterboro.2E. Foster, phone 475r11, Bawmanviile. ctoy Duggst an Opicinsand Mrs. Tzen, also of China, and WANTED-A ornaitîprîght Piano _____________ 30-2 Miss Belle Tbompson, alI of Toroto modern style. WVIII oxchange a 6 tube1 FOR SA LE-Piano at a bargain, a first bt Eyes It is Done Properly have ben guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Super-Neutrodyne walnut cabinet 46 in- clasa instrument. Oaa be seen on eni- Mason. ches high, built I Baldwin baud Speaaer quiry at S:atesman Office. Has been and tail, equipment, riew. lfuis ls ainwell taken care of. In good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Goddard beautiful Instrument and Ilhe Pînnacle o!, 29-tf. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilmartia, New Radio perfection. Write Box 353, Bt,%- ___________ York City, are spending their bhl-mnilortehneia FOR SALE-Rug 9 x 15, Axmlnster,2 daysat M. Gu Bousalls Cotage -__________ taupe color ,almost now; also 2 hurm, days a Mr. Gs B_________ottage electric stove-beator or cooker. .Appil Bowmaaville Beach. ta lirs. Klady. Duke St., Uowmanville, Mrs. R. T. Hoskin and cildren, LAUNDRY WANTED at Stewart Yourig's. 31-1w- Gwven and Jack, Simcoe, Mrs. C. Ail kiads of taundry wark done prompt- FOR SALE-One coal oil stove, Flr Wice~tandMis GetaWicetthav î ,saifctoriîy and at reasonable prices.ence Automnatic, practically riw $1, returned frnm a pleasant holiday at Write Post Office Box 12 or cai Mrs.w with oven; also rug la irat clase con- Pettit's Point, Lake Scugog. M.%arjoram, King St. E., Bowmanvile'.ditian 10% x 914, $8. Oaa bie seen att 30-t 22 Carlisle Ave., Bowma.nville. 31-31 Where will you find btter modi- _________________ ne for buman body than that con.-, FOR SALE-Team wagon ,heavy teae I to D e a th I harness, buggy, cutter, team sleighs, rear tandin fresh air, sunsbine, deep wheel andi tire for Fulton Truck. Need breathîng, praper bathing, careful 'TL r D . he room so wiIl sadrIlIce for qpicki dieting, and daily physical exorcise? iiiey .oi e oacik sale. Apply Peter Matin & Sons, Et- gin St., N., Bowmartville, phone 497w. Jqflthinloing acts as a health 23-t tomie. Health is the saul of enjay -________________ ly rushed to death baking for ment, and jay is the spirit of healtb. ustomers in and around Bow- Joy is health; rnlancholy is d H ve Be n HlpWate the pure sunlight of mîrth, at thoe f COOK GENERAL WANTED-Twoadal landscape of gladricas. It îs ah rileased ltti. Aptly to 'Mus. Bird, 92 Kin St If new customers started to deal yaurs. E., Oshawa.312 1we are trying mighty hard to Dr. B. C. Brimacombo, Marion, It bas boon a great pleasure HELP WANTE -- Good general ser- Ind., i having a pleasant visit with for aur Registered Optametnist. vant wanted. Appiy ta Mrs. (Dr.) Haz- wyway. bis mother, Mrs. E. Brimacombe, R. M. Mitchell, ta bave bad so lewood, Wellington St., Bowmanviile.9t and sister, Mrs. H. A. Bird, Mount many of bis patients retumn to ____________________ imade of the best ingredients, Hamilton. The Dr. bas been thirty him for re-examination and 110w GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORI< mseven years in Marion, and in that glasses during the past two -Or by the day. Apply ta Mn.r .J ý'ned bakers and most sanitary timee h as only missed one year in months. July was one of auri Elle, Elgin St., Bowmanville, *phosie1 not coming home ta see bis mother. busiest montbs in 327w.26t Advortising and not competitionj1 OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT I- - - yourself and family to try Cor- bas become the if e of trade. bStch jin mnry years. The Public is T e Bread and other good things to teratio~nal Advertising Association jmr h nancsiyfrg- FRST ETCneinl a Convention, ecently, w ih exc ang- m areathe ent nt t esi y o es.ctgux ele t sl. Po s si n t ed ideas on the values of advertising ae exlen so. Psesin t saand the power of the printedI HO W ARE YOUR EYES? ptough after present crop. Full pse« AND ICE CREAM ALWAYS I ord in incnoasing prosperity and lant, Oshawa, Ont. 23-t stabilîzing industnial life. DO YOU KNOW? ON HAND Dr. and Mms. Edgar W. Allin have HAVE THEM EXAMINED- I been visiting bis sister, Miss E. An-T-DYi Sm e Reot nie Allin, Centre Street, and numen- 1T iYS m e Rsrs eus other relatives hoeeonroute to See Mitchell And See WeII FOR RENT-Cottage ai Beach, East thein homo in Edmonton, Alta. Mms. ISîde. Bowmanvllle. 6 rooms. att conven- Alnbas been in England the past tences, garage and boaï. Apply G. C. C o b e tyean, and Dm. Allun bas been on a DM MU h0l Drawer B, Bowmanville. tour fan several months visiting the DA.M itcell &I __________ rand Conf ectioner langer bospitals of London, Paris, THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bownmanville 'Vienna, Berlin and other cities in Bowxanville Ont. Real Estate For Sale Europe. Phone 92-Night anadiSundaya O AEO EN-W oss SofTe mnty Umetig h hW. M. ld280 and 7 roams each, very attractive rosi - _______________ S. f Tiniy Uite Chncbwasbel iences, In good location. Apply Peter on Tuesday with Mms. F. A. Fosten, Martin & Sons, phono 497w, Bawman- lst Vice President in the chair. Mrs___________________ ville. 2-t We have almost everytbing needed for pre- serving: Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Jem Jars, Rubber Rings, Sugar, Certo, etc. Let us fil your order. Soft Drinks, Ice Cream, Buttermilk, Confeet- ionery at the Annex. We recommend and SelI HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE weekly Rotary Club luncheoris is meeting new fiends and enowing aid acquaintances. Last week the club was pleased ta welcomne Rotar- ian T. Frank Wright, Principal of St. Catharines Business College, a native of Cartwright Township and a former student of Bowmanville Higb Scbool. Wberever Mn. Wright bas been located ho bas always ex- eted an influence for good. In a short reminiscont address ho eferred ta a f ew of the students wbo at- tended tbe IB. H. S. wben ho did. They included Drs. Jabez Elliott, F. C. rebilcock, L. B. Williams, Edgar Allin, W. A. White, C. W. Sleman, H. C. Rundle, J. S. Somers, Prof. R. O. Jolliffe, Messrs. T. G. Bragg, A. N. Mitchell, Fred James, W. J. Inch and otbers. Tbe teacbing staff con- Isîsted of M. M. Fenwick, Principal, ID. H. Coates and Miss Eastwood. Wben requiring Confectionery, Soft Drinks or Tobacco, give u caîl. You will ho used igbt at aur store. Grigg Bros. Phone 369J PAGE FIVU Better Buy Saturday The bargains we are off ering this Saturday, August 6th., makes buying pafticularly attractive. Don't keep this good news to yourself. Make sure your neighbors know about it, too. Aluminum Roast Pans, Saturday Only .......69e Aluminum Potato Pots, Saturday Only .......69c 12 qt. Galvanized Pai1, Saturday Only .......27e Brown Tea Pots, Saturday OnIy .............29e Flyosan, 32 oz. bottie, Saturday Only ..........89e Screen Doors and Lawn Mowers, Saturday Only at Cost Preserving Ketties in Great Variety Dustan' s Cash Hardware "We Serve You Well" Ready For Business IN OUR NEW STORE My business bas grown to such an extent the past year I find it. necessary to secure a larger store to give adequate service to customers and proper display to goods. We are now located in the store recently va- cated by Wm. Berry-one door east of Jacob's Bakery. Here you will find an attractive display of IWall Papers, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Paint Brush- es, Floor Wax, Scribbllers, Public Sehool Text Books, Coal Oul, etc. A share of your trade will be appreciated. GEO. PRITCHARD Paibter and Decorator Bowmanville 'j I-bUSE FOR SAL-Ftramle dwelling and one acre o! 'strawberries and other small fruit. the property of the late Al- bert E Goode. situated on Brown Street, ln nlowmnanville. good barn and hen house, electrie iights and water. This proper- ty must bc sold for the purpose of wind- ing IIP th" Estate. Bargain price may be secured tramn W. F. Ward, Barrist..r. Bowmnnville. Ontario. 13-t H-OUSES FOR SALE-Double frame housr, 5 rooms each, Nvith Improvements, on Elgin t.. opposite soehool; brick bouse corner Elgin and Concession: rtrame hansqe on Concession St: large brick bouse on Scuciog st.,cseto c,.PR.î Station; briol< bouse on Carlile AIenue,l on easy terms; one on Concession Street; Bricek Bungalow on corner Wellington and Liberty Streets; trame residlence. mdemn improvements, on Ontario St; Chieken ranch near lown of flowman- ville, suitable for retired farmer or others, at reasonable price. Also several building lots ln good iooalitY. Phone 114 or see Wm. Brock, Queen.St Bo3w- manville. 80-t r - Co ý 0 ýM e Gi ýs- D r1 a -Et c WARM WEATHER FROCKS Greatly Reduced Prices See Our Windows for Real Bargains Clarence S. Mason Phone 161 Bowmanville Sid. Chartran'y s Special $3 and $4 Straw Hats 95C S. G., Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office ---.i credit. Bowinanville 1 Ontario St. BOWPA"VILLE PHONE 26 Bowmanville

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