PAGE SIX 1'BE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th.. 1927 A SURE. SAFE AND SIMMPLN . E TIME WAL HE YOU G SEnerCalS te WHAVE TYoADYFR U Clen t, bnea dh sndsQt thnat Soreontsuer tkZUTOO. When you fecl a Coid Cmnon take zuroo. At the first sgofapain-at the firstfeeiing ofsick- ness-take ZUIQO. You will be ail right in 2o minutes if it's a headache, or the ncxt morning ifit is a cold. Pain ail gone, and the whoie body refrcsi;cd. Dont %ait--don't take chances. Get ZUTOO<) Tabiets to-day-and hav e thema ready to take at the first 5sifl of a Head- ache or coid and 'rAKE THENI. 25c a box-at dealers or by mail postpaid B. N. Robinson& Co. Regd.,Coaticook, Q I Scott's Emulson S, C &None. rontO. Ont. 27-6 WOMAN COULO HARDIYWALK lwra Horn Tells how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Hamrilton.Ont.-I have ta!ken Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vo etable Compnpound trouble se badlv 1 could hardiy wailk and 1 was ail run- hardlv get around to do my h.,use- ' work. I m.-ould be - timne. I Was toid dililby a friend te trY Our Vootable Compound. I did, tand y the tîme I took two botties 1 ili a heginning tegoet around again. 1 took ten bottie.- in al. and now 1 an eh right again and doing my Own work. I have ix grown-ups te work forsr) 1 have plenty te dIo. I alse used Lvdii E. Pnkham's 4anative Wash, and I think it is geed. But 1 ewe my health te the Vegc-table Compound, and 1 think if ffiorecf jt-was used woemen weuld hbe tter off. 1 would net ho wjtheut it if it cost much more. " Mrs. NELLIE JAMESON, 80,5 East Can. aon Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel breken dewn, nervous and weak sometimnes? Lydia E. Pink- hamn's VegetahleCo(mpound is excel- lent to take at such atinte. It alwax's helps, and if taki'n regularly and lie r- aistently, will relieve this condition. 0 WOD'S PHOSPH1OoîNE.. The ( re.î t I:n£',Ish !'eraratinI i r's j-,1 .CCarsthe ahole peoii ssylerti. inakes oew Blood n idVous .Ueri for Nertoiu Depode Dffiiv. Mental aud Rrain Worry, v, Plpiatin o for $5t -db idtg ts rm ie nplain pkg.on ecrpt o pneý ew pmphiiimai led ,r-.TUEWOODMED CiO.JOROUTO.awT, ý.Ook's Regulating Compound ~ A safe. ceiable ,'qukdi<ng Smedieane. Soid in threa de.. t reea of atrength-No. 1, SI& ~"No. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per box. ~ Sold b1 ail druggiats, or "ent yepa on.eSipAofdre. ~1P1~re pitimreo]et. of rios. THE COOK MEDICINE Co., r -;î to3t0ONT.<ormerlyWinudur I HAPPY CAMP LIFE THEIR AGES TOTAL NEARLY ORONO YOUR BIT The Canadian Girls-in-Training FOUR CENTURIES IFo h eso uy2t) 1Yumyntceryudrtn frem Bowmianville and district are OooErn (Fo Vlaeo Od 1r rmeTho Ncwoof Jul th ) You may ffo t hclearly u ndrand highly deliizhted with thoir work at OooLm aeo ilg fOd M.Om a'ysottewoiAlfre he nsaadln cap.j i er owtsadn h Age Deferred end with friends in Toronto. Into their places fit: heavv downpor of ramn which they hri rsrng eea e Miss Helen C, vert, Naae spent It mas' for you ho botter far . 1 harie rmsron, vtern d- afew days with Miss Ethel Hioar. To clearly undersand you are had at the beginning cf their oting. partment store merchant, and Or-ne Dy '¶ Ordained to do your bit. The place chosen was the beach ex'er- Gamisby. gentleman and sportsman, I eoainD\ lMCe' ee iooking Lake Ontario at Mr. F. are always vieing with each other tory .Sunday, Auiý-ust 7 at 2.30 p. m. You need net your own worth des- bert Crago's, South Darlington. bc- a- te o ho can do the most te keep Miss Elsie Rowe spent a xveek with pise înganidal po wth letyoftheir native halmet cf Orono bef ore hier sister, Miss Ethel Rowe. Oshawa. Because amongst the great and wise shade and other necessary things to the publile Oye. Miss Marion Dickson is visiting You are flot called te sit: niake camp life enjoyable. t will horecalled that during the Miss Greta McPhcrson at Rochester, While you can s00 cne stop abead, The group was dixided inte three last Provincial Electien Hon. G. N. Y. You may by light upon it shed tribos-Hahnaweus, Mohawks and Howard Ferguson. Premier of On- MIrs. Len Ganisby speet a week Just rise and do your bit. Ojibways. Each tribe had its owfl tarie. stole a march on these astute with hier brother an' itr nTr Your bit which seems like work in tent. made up its own yell and seng.j Durh am Old Boys in his famous tom- onto. adsse nTr vain Tfheacih wtribe. oe ygilperance oain elix cred rom the Mr. William Armstrong, Sr., has Is .iust a part cf that great chain The routinbe porm 'sasfi"Hub of Intelligence" in Durham î'eturneîl frem his trip te Bradferd, Which liek with Iink is knit: Teruieporm-vsa o-County ivhich got a lot of curiotis Penn. In that which seems obscure and - owu: At soven o'clock, w-hon thc and ignorant people searching the rising bell sounded the girls ran euti map cf Ontaneo te find eut the exact. Master Jack Andrews cf Toronto,. small to the campus fer getting up exer- location cf O-R-O-N-O. is holidaying al hi-s aunt's, Mrs. R. H You labour for the good of al cîses. This was folloe'd by the Again Onono is flashod into the Br own. When you just do your bit. regulan morning clip, after which liirnoight thî'ough the versatile pen Mr. Lloyd Blewett, New Toronto, Through Him whose strength can hreakfast was served. c r rsrnwcfro'rhi spent a week at his aunt's, Mrs. W. niake you streng Tents w'ene inspocted reguhariy and a century has written the press under H atr eoec htvcoiu bog marks- were given fer neatness and the nonie le plume cf "The Hirod Messrs. Ed. and Fred Hughes of Te Him yourself commit: eoriginality in decerating. The sanie Man". Last week's Toronto Star Los Angeles, Caiif., are visiting thein Ho unto veu x;iil power impart, thing applied te setting the tables Weokly contained photos cf four sister, Mrs. A. Henry. While yeu, content and glad of heart as to noatncss aed originality. venerable Orono citizens preminently MNrs. John ilcRae is leaving for Are p]eased ta do your bit. Lectures xere given in nursing, displayed in the "Page About Mentreal, Que., te) spent a couple cf handcnaft and nature study. In People" with this comment and head- weeks xvtb ber mother whe is ill. T. Watson. regard te the last meetioned marks cd "Thein Ages Total Nearly Four Miss Vera Cowan, Toronto, and1 Ridgotown, Ont., 1927. %vene given te the tribes fer finding Centuries": Miss Jean Cowan of Antioch, are weeds. trocs, birds. etc. Il is doubtful if niany sections cf holidaying at Mn. Fred Cowan's. Bible study censtîtuted an import- Canada can produce a quartet whose Mîiss Mary W. Somerville is spend- is being replaced by a new ceecrote ant part cf the daily prognam. On record will equal that cf four citi- ing a couple 0f %weeks at ber cousifl's, structure which will ho 40 feet wide one afternoon 'Mrs. (Dr.) Found, whe zens and ex-citizens of Oreno, On- Mîr. W. A. Waddeli, Banker, Harris- with 18 ft. span. The approaches has recently returned frem the East. tarie. The cembined ages cf the ton, are aise heing wideeed and graded gave an interosting anti instructive four is three hundred and seventy'- Ms utnT asy fOhw't 26 ftsrae Duighent talk, on Koea. three years. cneecf them has passed r.AsiT.GmboOha ,t a tuFae Drngheex A Fie'd Day w-as heid on which the the hundred mark and tw'e others are spent a couple of days at Mr. Len six weeks travollers wîll take the de- girls o';gag ed in varieus races and over ninety. Gamsby's ,and rcncxving old acquaint- tour. sports. Joseph Carscadden, the centenar- ances. Re1n n Every cvening a camp lire was ian, w~hen a young man, residod in Many have becn relieved of coriis daughter, Miss Blanch Snell ofI made and around the fine jelly songs Kendal district near Orono and with by Holloway's Cern Remover. It Londeshoro, Huron Ce., on a metori w'ere sung. An ail round' happy his ewn hands helped te clear the has a power of its own that wilî ho trip ta Kingstcn and Ottawa, spent week was spent, and the girls roture- land in that negion. Ho w'as mar- found effective. Sunday at Mr. A . J. Knox's. Miss cd te their various homes delighted ricd at the age cf twcnty-ene le Mr. C. T. Miller, Manager Red Mary Knox accompanied themn on with their outing. Peterbore, bis wife having died thir- Rese Tea Company, Toronto, is their jeurney as far as Kingston Muhxa rwddit htwekty-feur ycars age. He is still woen- spending bis bhidays at bis fatber's, where she will visit bier brother, Mr. which helpcd te train the young derfully active and intellectually MnI. John Miller. Frank Knox. people in many ways as w'ell as phy- bright.Mran r.ToaShpeo- We Atm Cmsdoo e: sically and mcrally, and yet aIse pro- Robert Fowler, over ninetv-four oMr, anld ons.Themas Sharpe Tbor-nWp enr. Astmal c orne dfec t s fier le ommanod spor Su er- land, nm1837 anaetidfrom Ie-Spion Kopjee, Mn. John Rickaby, and ive-Dr. J. D. Kelloggs' Asthma Oficr in ornn wre upr lndi 15 ad etldin the other friends bore. Remedy. This wonderful remedy intcndent-Mrs. (Dr.) Slemon; As- Township cf Clarke. Ho is still in MisCsiialttsvtawe ill give you the aid you noed so ssatSuperi ntende nt-M iss Vesta gocd health and this year teck part twsseCanieToronto, be rthaer, r.screly. Cboking ceases, breathing Sag;Leader- MýiFs Fiedley cf in the Orange parade on Jul 12th.ort iTrnoh bte r' becomes natural and witheut effert. Toonowhow'sassisted by Miss Mr. Fcwler bas been a membor of a or t accompnying br Others, tbousands of them, have suff- Lyla Osborne and Miss Dorothy Bell- the Orange order fer almost eighty home frteweed ered as you suffer but have wisely man as group leaders. Miss Osborne y ea rs. Mr. Fred Lorriman who bas badl tureed te this famous remedy and provided literary entertaiement and John Buckley was hemn in England, frequent severe attacks cf appendi- ceased te suffer. Get a package this Miss Helen Caverly, R. N., gave in- eînety-tw'c years age eext December cîtis was successfully operated onflvery day. structions regarding nursing, while and came te Canada, settling at Bow'- Saturday morning ast at Bowman-1 On Menday evening a mest on- Miss M.%arjorie Robins was iestructress manville in 18,54. He bas been a ville Hospital. joyable timo w'as spent at the cburcb je nature study. succes-ful farmer, residing le the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rowden and parlors wben Mrs. Russell Best's Sun- township cf Clarke ,and is now living son Cansel, Mrs. Ethel McCurdy and day School class gathered to bid retircd with bis daughter at Orono. daugbter, Miss Gladys. and Miss Jan- farew'ell te Madeline Ceuvier. After It is usually safe ta say that wben Robert Meon was hem within half et Procter, Toronto, wene guests cf a short program given by the class, a chîld îs pale, sîckly, peevish and a mile cf Orono, eighty-six yeans ago Mr. O. A. Ganxsby. , Madoline was called forward and restless, the cause is worms. These last Fehnuany and is now living re Mn. and Mrs. George Couvier and presented with a French Ivory Mani- parasites range the stomach and in- tired le the village. Ho has a large family have moved te Sydenham, icure Set by Viola Noden and Kath- testines, causing serieus disorders of gardon, xvhich he takes cane cf hlm- where hoe holds a position at the C. boen Star.k and an address. the digestion and preventing tbe in- self and w'here thene is net a weed te N.R. depot there similar te that hoe fant fnem deriving sustenance from be seen. M'.%I.M.oon's parents came beld at Orono station. Mn. and Mns. Jos. W. Hall and son, food. Miler's Worm Powdons, by frcm Yorkshire, England. neanî'rWomlnchlrni ay ofo Allie, spent Sunday at Little Bnitai e, destrcying the worms, correct these century age. Mn. Mefon himself'has Wrsi cidei te entand attended special services in con- faults cf the digestion and serve ta the record cf nover having dunnk a atteeded te, caus-e convulsions, aed nection with the United Churcb there resonetheorgns o haîty atin rasscf hisey e bs hfeoften doatb. Mother Graves' Worm cf which Rev .A. K. Edmisen, fcrm- enretiningaa i easso I o have en wn itin toycu paerExterminator wîll proteet the chîld- ierly cf Oreno, is pastor. The es- stories cf eutdoon featunes, the Aug- for y,-ars tollieg you some cf the nnfo hs itesngafites1iae tteac a ewon10 ust nuember cf Rod and Gue and ocod and bad things about fanming", Mn. George Stuîart cf Kendal, an- tand 2000. Rev. Mn. Edmisce xvas Canadian Silx'cr Fox Newos, well- wvrites "The Hired Mani", who sent le nounices the engagemenct cf bis 'cnly the preacher. Maple Leaf Quartet known Canadian sporting maýgazine. the pictuies fnom Onono. "These daughter, Pearl Bennice, te MIr'. cf Gaît, took the song service. bas heen received. A more unusual mon I send you pictures of, w'%ere al George Clark, son cf Mn. and Mrs. The well attended evening service feature is included this month le the successful farmers, every one cf John Clark, Toronto. The manniage at Park Street Cbonch on Sunday Stonv* "Midwintpn Nights' Dneams", them stnicthy honorable anti whoeî'te take place quiotly early in August. last îvas made exceptioeally attrac. an 1 neresting coihoection cf rorinis- word xxas as geodl as r'hoin note I Cp. .C Rmywihl1a nt tix:e hv' the fine solos cf Colonel and f eces cf the little kno-wýn Hudson's have seen men whose note non word of Durham Regiment, Onono and dis- lMns. Lidstone cf Toronto. These -Bay country. Samuel Alexander was ne good. but thcse men arc net trict, New'castle and othen centres, gifted singers are membens cf the Whi otecoribts nter trnn1ta kntogether with Durham Regiment 1Toronto Mendlessohe choir and alsoj v'nncfth od inefur traders, "Mn. Fowlen is a life-long Conser- band lef t bore on Menday morning1 the celebnated Exhibition chorus. A 'Cenoys <tuageous", whil Bn-<ative. Mn. Canscadtlen the same. for training camp at Cobourg for ~a~u cnwegetc hi nx'castle Dale' this nmonth bas as his Mi-. Buekiex' antI Mi-. Moon are both ninedys rllsýervices xvas voiced bv the Pastor, subjjeet the AtLantic Salmon. Ameong Refermens ;and every cneeof the four netasIrl.Rex'. Wm. Stirling, on bebaîf of tbe the other interesting ' is socee cf thv-n feel that the country is go- The residence of Mn. and 'Mrs. congregatien and bimself. Mn. o f fishing for nainbow' trout in B. C n,,,te ruin unless tbeiîr party is le Robent Gordon, Princoss St., near Stirling's fenceftîl and earnest son- h v Justin Wilson, and an article on powe r. Memionial Park, xvas purchased this mon was alec, listeriod te xith the photographnz biri nests by H. H. 'I bavec heon tryher for yeai's tr %eek by Mns. Thomas Cowan, 'Mr. cloest attention. Pittmaln. Notes cf spocial ieterest ronvince people that, Oreno is a prood nnti Mns. Gordone, both in poor health The annual lcss from destruction te huniters ant inflci-s are contain- place te lix'e and that it is jost four havieg decidedtl t make their homo and damage by moths amouets to ed le the roguhar Guris andl Arneuni- rnýe trqight nerth freni Newcastle. at their daughter's, Mrs. James Car- hundreds cf millions cf dollars. Yet tien, Fi-.bin., Notos. Outdoor Tahk 1 barl an od lmarn teli(,m one time lettre, New Toronto. il is se easy te preveet sucb loss. andI Kenn ccItpartr onts. flRodanîd t bat this w erhlw as net nuch use 'te Fly,-Tox kilîs the moth, the eggs and lGîn anI (anadi nSilvor Fox New s a mtiwben bis wifo 'ses a widoxv. The bridge at Glenny's hollow ithe larva. lnsist on Fly-Tox. Flv- is publisbcd nionthhv hv W-. J. Taylor Wby net movc' bre-tItis is cee (seîîth cf Reewick's corners) haiv-Txi h1cinii neciiedvl Limited, Wo,,ds'ek. Ontarl. -iebaty lc" n eom naefrpbic trvel,, oed at Mellon Institute cf Industrial ____________________________________Roscaýrch y Rex Fellowship. Simple 1 lnaruc ,s n oachb ottle (blu lel) for killieg ALL house;holti in- seets. Fly-Tox is safe, staieless, frazrant. sure. Every bottie guar- anteec' d Dod e Itr duc s merca' F s~et our J . It bas Many Qualities.-Thema Dodg In rodu es meria'sFastst ounwhc possesses abottle cf Dr. To as' Eclectric Oil is armed againstl many ilis. It will relieve a cough,j break a cold, preveet sore throat; it will reduce the swelling frcm a sprain, nelieve the niost persistent sores anti wiil speodily heai cuts and contusions. It is a medicine chest Tli,-i-c- %-as a happy gathering cf the congregatiens cf the circuit al Park Street lUnitedl Chunch, Friday cven , welceme the new pastor, Rev. WXni. anti M's. Stirling and fani- > ily. Notwitlisuanding the ieclem- enex' cf the w.eatber a gcod nepl'osen- tation fronîe.ach cf the appointmcnts xvas preset. a guaîraeteeocf active antI loyal assistance in the work. A the occasiornanti svords of apprecia. tien wei'e 'oiced hy Mr. and Mrs.- Stirling fer the hearty welcome e'x-I tentled thota. hlt, cir-anî ani cakeo xvas servoti andl the social tirno thon- ouzhly enjoyed. A Connecter cf Pulmonary Troub- 1 le..-MNany testimonials coulcî ho pnes'nted show'ý,in g the groat efficacy cf Dr. Thomîas' EcI ectnic Oil in cor- recting disordors of the respiratory processos, but the best testimonial is expenience and the Oul is recemmcnd- ed to aIl w-ha suifer from these dis- endors with the certainty that tbey will find relief. It iil allay inflam- mation in the bronchial tubes. - t Mn. and Mrs. John Gneenwood cf Buffalo N. Y., spent a few days with Mn. James Moffat and other relatives -. and frientis in Orono and district, -~ ~ alto visitieg hon people at Haytion. nr. antid s Greonwood are moving shcntly te Bridgeport, Cone., t)) be near their daughter, Mms. R. S. Ed- muntis. Jack was proprietor of the North American Hetel bore (big DodgeBriturs imite], îstofly intoducng th fastst lne offour vIinebrick inpreceedibrckg rtheei Scott S ActAcann Dtrrlt' Yrtttb-rs Canad t Lnîitd tosay itrocicingtho fstes lin <rf tur x-iiner crshleAmenca, ad th las licrse inartintheown-n of w hicb th' Serdan pictured above le the fi avoulable for delivery. Thee new cars are saici te ho cap- shi p f Clarke. At one time Orono alIe f gring :10 or more cilles one a gallon of gascline' at average touring speoul, anti wil ho priced at levoîs had six hotels anti two liquon stores: ltt'irWMabarys, soutb end cf village, Mrs. niateniallix- owtho0o e t which I)etge Brothers cars trf corresponding types have aiways sold. Mack's saloon whene O. A. Gamshy's residence now stands; the Globe Mer.A. M. Miler, .\dvertisieg Manager, and G. Hl. Muero, Field Supervs Cen tf Dodge Brothers, Can- hotel kept by Wmn. Kerr, Hallett's ada, were in Powmanvilhî' Saturday calling on W. J. ('hailis, Dodgo DeaIer. Tbey woro returning from hotel, North American Hotel, and a spcia trp t Monrea an OtawawiththenewDode Fur-"he asts ou Ain enica". Af- Watson's hotel nontb ward. Tbe a spcia tn tcr Mtrtroi ce Oîawawit theeewDode Fen-"bo astet fur n lquor stores :Cbester's where the terwards tbey will tour Western Oetariio thon prov'inces of Quohoc, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick ta Town Hall now is, and Donneliy's in the Atlantic Coast. Another "Trans Canada" car is ce its way ta the Pacific Coast. a franie building whicb stood on the eite of Henry's store. T<~OjAg27oI - The World's Greatest Annual Spectacle $SÇJ 0T HE Canadian National Lxlîiîori M " 7 NPN iioN takes its place among the worîders of the modern era. Lat ycr more than l,500,uOC'O people wele asto--dcd *,Ften~titte at the magnificance of t4ee.ta Gint1\\ 1 dY~ f rom ail quarters of the Lobe. charm- of e st d by til supcr-b musical ctr irn'n".s l and thrilled by the unique and Celý ds- dive rsificd ,erfornu.ncc.s p.. .o.- 0trst1ve P videl3 days of nvru.~~:~t 'Incetir,49TH YEAR c îod lu Ldtt5 ot IRT H-iAY 3r., ~The Di.-.nd J.~bilr. xLrie'h es x Send f- ttr..t:t 4-f 1ýy ý ,nd VIX,' ,~ ___________ Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART] Accept only "'Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Saf~Handy "Baver" boxes of 12 tablets SeO0OýAlso btties'of 24 and 100-Druggists. Asitirin Io the trade mark t'ePglstered in Canada) of IBayer Mfanufature of !!Nfnacetle- aridester of Salicylicacid (Acetyl Salirylle Aeld, "*A. S. A."). Witile It lu weIl known that Aupirin means Bayer manufacture. to a.-lsýt the ptublic aganaut Imitation, the Tabieta 0f Bayer Company wii be siamped wlth their generai trade mark, the 'Bayer Cruas." These fire-proof Asbestos Shingles will save you money, worry, time and trouble The first cost is the Iast cost. You should nover -~ have to put out a penny u l- for replacement or repair. You'Il always be free of the bazard of roof fines. Made of Canadian Asbes. tos these shingles are absolutely fine-proof. They are quicldy and easily laid. The roof. ing man wiIi be there and gone in no time. Ail in one shingle you get beauty, fire-safety and permanence. You'll nover be troubled witb needing to roof again. CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE CO., LTD. 19 Front St., East, TGzonto, Ont. 's. '~ 4 "'-f ..~ *,i "'r ~' JOH NS - MANVILLE wigidAsbestos Shinqies BOWMANVILLE McCLELLAN & Co Phone 15. Limited dose, PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAINVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th., 1927 Rheumatism