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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1927, p. 4

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PAGE4 E CAII<.DIAN STATESMAN, B(OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST llth., 1927. Don't Shop Dollar Days UNTIL YOU READ THESE BARGAINS Vinolia Castile Soap 8 Cakes 25c VERY SPECIAL 36 Cakes $1.00 25e Woodbury's Facial Soap 4 CAKES 69e 10c Egyptian Skin Soap 6 CAKES 44c $1.00 Box Asz.arted Sonps 69C $200 Cameras ......... $1.19 $1.50 Thermos Genuine .$1.00 $1,00 Vacuumn Boties . . . .49 60e Assorted Chocolates. .29 40c Absorbent Cotton . . .29 75c Absorbent Cotton. . . .59 50c Writing Paper 50e Envelopes............8S9 $1.50 Shaving Brushes. . .89 $3.00 Hand Bags....... 1.69 Crossby Lînen, regular $1.00........ ......... .69 Theatricai Cold Cream, 1 lb. regular $100. .. ...69 Riker's Milk of Magnesia, Regular 50c........ ... .39 Georgia Rose Face Powder Regular 50c............39 Georgia Rose Body Pow- der, Regular $1.50. . .98 4 oz. Castor Oil, Reg. 25e .19 Health SaIts, Reg. 50c.. .39 Sodium Phosphate, Regu- ]ar 50c.................39 Emulsified Cocoanut Oil. Regular 35e........... .23 JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly Big Dollar_-Days Tre-at Choice Assorted CHOCOLATES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL 33c Pound Assortment includes Maple, Bordeau, Peanut Custard, Mandarine, Caramel, Cocanut, Cocoanut Clusters, Cherry, Vanilla, Rough Nuts-and only 33e IL Buy here a treat this weekend. ICE CREAM SANDWICES 5c We wish tosannounce that WESTON'S ASSORTED BISCUITS are now available from our delivery wagons only at 35e lb. Try a pound. EAT CORBETT'S BREAD W.P.Corbett Phone 3 Buy Furniture Dollar Days On ail unsold sum- DUI 8 ~mer Furniture weae mkng a great re- 1 duction in price. Veranda Chairs, all kinds, $1.00 off regu- lar price. Veranda Shades, $1 off regular prices. Hammo Couch, $2.00 off regîîlar price. Hammoek, $1.00 of Folding Chairs ,etc., ail reduced $1,00 off on any bed, mattress, or spring in our stores for August l2th or l3th., being Dollar Days. ONE-THIRD REDUCTION IN CHAIRS We are also offering a reduetion of One- Third regular price on a number of Easy Chairs, some are Solid Oak with leather seats, some are upholstered in Tapestry-aIl are splendid chairs for Parlor, Reception or Den Rooms and at this great eut in price should be sold quiekly. Make your selection while our stock is large. F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville ENNISK'ILLEN Visitors :-Mr. Wm. Fulton, Bob- caygeon, Mr. and Mrs. James Walker and children, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Akister. Miss Alice and Mr. Geo. Akister, Sunderland, at Mr. Wm. R. Lamb's... .Rev. A. E. Bel- knap, Pittsford, N. Y., called on friends here as he was returning from his vacation near Coe Hill. Enniskilien and Tyrone clashed in football at Tyrone last Wednesday, the visitors winning bý two goals to one. Enniskiilen will now meet Solina champions at Enniskiiien on Wedncsday, Aug. l7th, at 6.30 p. m. ...The C. G. 1. T. met on Monday, August Sth in the basement of the church. After the opçainqr exer- ciscs a splendid report was givea by Misses Grace Werry and Muriel MNii- 1er, two of the girls who attended the camp at Crago Beach. New officers elccted arc: President-Vel- ma Orchard; Vice-Pres.-Annie Oke; Secretary-Leona Bradley; Treasur- er-Grace Werry; Pianist-Muriel Miller. Mrs. (Rev.) G. W. Sparling, for twenty years a missionary of the United Church in China, whose hus- band is one of five Canadians still assisting in carrying on the West China Union University, spoke here on Sunday eveaing under the aus- pices of the W. M. S. Mrs. Sparling spoke directly from her own exper- icoce and fromn letters regulariy re- ccivcd from Mr. Spariing since she with her family came home. The message %vas calcuiated to encourage and confirm the faith of supporters of missions to China. Mr. Sparling says that the possibilities of missions were neyer botter. With the wjth-1 drawal of many foreigners there has growa Up a better feeling, a greater respect and more co-operation be- tween Chinese and the missionaries. IWest China Union University has an enrolment of one hundrcd aad sixty five students which is equal to one ycar ago. Special music was rend- ercd at the service by a ladies' choir under the leadership of Mrs. H. J. Werry. Buy Binder Twine at Dustaa's. SOLINA Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Tre- meer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moase and daughter, Little Britain, at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's and J. T. Rundle's; Miss Ida Jones, Whitby, at Mr. Roy Lang- maid's; Miss Doris Annis, Enfield, holidaying with Misses Evelyn, Jean ,and Mary Mihîson; Mr. Wm. Argue, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Swift Current, Sask., who were attendiag Ithe funeral of their brother. Mr. Ira Argue, Oshawa, visited their uncle, Mr. H. G. Argue; Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Toronto. visited Mrs. Arnot and Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wotten; Mr. Arthur Wcstlakc and Mr. King, Oshawa. spent Sunday at Mr. J. T. Rundle's; Mrs. S. Shortridge and Mr. Frank Shortridge are visiting friends in Winnipeg and Thornhili, 1Mani- toba; Mrs. Smales, Dunbarton, i 1TYRONE visitiang her son, Mr.1 Jam es Simales;, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yeiiowlees vis- Mr. Albert Hawkey is delegate ited Mapie Grove frieads rccently; fromn Temple Bar Lodge, S. o. E., to M.Iiss Ruth McKessock is holidaying the Supreme Lodge at Ottawa. with Ebenezer friends; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barr, and Mr. Al-i Mackenzie Penfound and _Miss Hazel, Ian Barr, of Maiton, Peel County, ac- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flintoif, Oshawa. companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. visited ",%r. and Nlrs. W. T. Baker Macpherson and Miss Jean Macpher- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stutt, Miss son, Toronto, Miss Helen Macîntyre George, Gen. John Hughes, Bowmaa- of Cleveland, Ohio, andi Miss Joan ville, Messrs. Haroldi and Murray Macdonald of Ottawa, visited Mr. Hainer, Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. Bak- and Mrs. Tom Barr at their Tyrone er's; Miss Jessie and Master Bruce residence on Suaday. Hogarth have been holidaying at Mr. Mr. Everett Virtue is im .A. Hogarth's, Hampton: Miss Alice from pacumonia...Miss poroviag Thompson, Tyrone, with Miss Gladys Walkr Mafor, vst D rothyYcllowlees; Misses Edna and Lulu James Storie's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. TMr'- Reyn olds, Mr. A. J. Rcynolds, Mr. Jardine and daughter, Toronto, vis- and Mrs. H. E. Tiak visited Mariposa ited Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Byani... . frientis on Sunday; 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Mr.Edgr Sott Nakin, Ot.,'sJ. McKcssock and Miss Ruth visited visitiag his parents, Mr. and Mrs .To Pse HmtnonS - Thomas Scott. .. . Miss Vil Mhrtt. day; Miss Isobel Meazies, Toronto, spent a couple of days with ber. with Mr. aad Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees; ter, Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Eafleld. -. Mr. Walter Cryderman v isited in Mrs J.C. airs, oys T.ini Toronto; Mr. Chas. Vice andi Miss s. J C arn, Bo ys' Traînîng Dora Vice, Chapleau. at Mr. WalterI number of frientis on Tuesday. MrsI Vice's; Miss Nora Wcrry and Master T. Scott is at the home of heri George Werry with fricnds la Tor-ý daughter, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Raglan onto; Mr. and 'Mrs. C. G. McClellan, ..Misses Kiveli andi Mr. Couil re- and Mr. Gardon MeCiCilan, 'Montreal. turneti home ta Toronto aftor houi- Mr. andi Mrs. Bort James undi Miss daying with the formers sister, Mr, Audrey James, Dctrait, Nlrs. John H.~~~~~ Caeo .9.Gadb ; James, Mr. Harry James, Mrs. Cet). yHo IThom as,.Co..mbus. at Mr. A.oL Chatham, visited her brother, Mr.i Poas's umb unt Miire.Am- John H. Muttont.. Mrs. David HooperPontofeds; Mr. . ut. WieryTons is holidaying at Muskoka. .i5oGeo renti Weg.S.lEMr.rry on White, Elizabethville, is bs er readWqe, .Is a brothers, Mr. Everton White, Both Gom nifmlMs .Tap esda. .Miss Jean Thompson, Port son visited at Mr. J. Shortt's, Court- Hope, is visitiag Mr. and Mrs. A. W ice. Annis ..Mr. Joe Beckett Toronto, Mrs. Blake Stevens entertaincti Mr. anti Mrs. James Souch,' Bowmaa- th, C. G. 1. T. on Manday afternoun ville, Mr. andi Mms. Sidney Jewchl wht'n ail hati a dcightful time ani son William, 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gladti t report 'Mrs. R. Pascoe much Shimenant bae, shaa, Sunday- improveti afler her recent illnes cd with Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Hawkey from emysipela,.c;..Rev. anti Mci J. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fintiley, R. Bick are on their vacation .Mr Unonilespnt Sundav with hec TA. Brown, Ottawa, is supplying! parents, 'Mr. andi Mrs. TPhomns Rich- for NIm. Bick. Mrs. (Rev. eog ards. . . .The worst storm wîtnessed Sparling, West China, wbo ia viýiting for 25 years passeti over here <ta'Miss Lena Tnylor, spake ,rrv inter- Sundax- afternoon ...Mr. andi Mrs. estingly toan large congregation of IWm. Hamley, Boys' Training Sehool, their %vork in China. WVe woultl iýc Bowmanville, visitoti his sister, Mrs. to hear Mrs. Sparling agai n. Virue Mr. Cam BamMr.ani Mrs. S. E. Werî'v, -Rose- anti r. Eni Bya, Bo ilîle, .andivale". entertainet i ehs visited the former's son, Mr. Lionel of Mrs. Werry's family to te-a on Byanî. .Miss C. MeKeazie, Toron- Saturtiay evening, la httîor af Mr to, visited her sister, Mrs. Willis anti Mrs. Harry Grooms anti family. Stewart... Mr. and Mrs. Orton Bond Toronto ..Miss Joan Hogarth had and son Donald, Grand Rapids, MNich- her tonsils renioved in BowmanvilLý igan, are holidaying at Mr. Wmn. Hospital ast sveek ...ongratula- Moore's and Mms. Russell Virtue's._ . tions ta Sauina football tearn on their ,Quartorly service was well attend- sucesi u. t heDr cdx anSunday m ring Chuc- liagtoa Football League. and vnning notSudy ate cveniag...Tux- ia haadsomne clip. Do it again next is Boys meet this (Thursday) even- 1year bovs'.. . . Eldadi Suatlay School, îng. nuaîhering about 100 had -i very en- Go ta Ennîskîlloa on Friday ta joyable pienie on the co)mmunity hear "Miss Somebody Else". grounds on Wednesday aft.'maoon. Buy Biader Twiae at Dustan's. Several games of-softball anti foot- bail ',s ccciatulged la, also several Ilan locl anlerslookd ivtaatk part in races of variotis kiais. e ay oca dsl agofrsplooed th utThe tables were latien wit h g .îot !i n Jth esay o p ldtotthiags tao et, everythiag cvca ta ice lrav W J.Tilcy' windo(, on 1 cream. U Y- nerewere i baus les weé"ighing, 7 1, lbs., largcst tipýpingK the scales at 1 lb. 9 oz. Týhey w-ove caught by Floyd Dudlley. Whorc? Ask hlm. W. M. S. invite you ta Enaiskillen on Friday evcniag. Buy Biatier Twine at Dustaît's. Dollar Day Shoppers SEE WHAT WE OFFER 2 Plow Points................................ $1.00 1 Plow Point and h Sotle Plate................. $1.00 Galvanizet Iiron a sh Tubs..........$1.00 20 tiozen Spring (ýJgtîbcs Ieg't.................. $1.00 20 Rthls Toileit Papor............ ............ $1.00 3 i)aisy T-Kettles ...........................$1-00 Whiz Fly Fume andI Sprayer .................. $LOO 4 Maztiy Electrie Bulbs..................... .$1.00 Flshight, complete........................ .$ 1.00 Felcric Toaster................$1.00 Dr. XWiliams'ly iv ..................$1.00 Carittrantum Sharpener with Hlanile ............ $.00 Pair 1927 Trenais Bails........................ $1.00 3 pairs Leathor Soles, men's henvy ..............1.00 7 Ibs. Babbit.................................$.00 Ail the same throughttut aur extensive stock of hardware we are giving similar hargains fttr Dollar Days. MASON & DALE* Phone 146 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville L. S. W. MASON & SON'S Double Day Dollar Day Bargains NESTLETON Rev. and Mrs. Collins and famiiy or Kansas, U.S., are visiting her mother, Mrs. R. H. Suggitt... . Miss Chrissie Currie, returned missionary from Honan, China, is visiting heri sister, Mrs. Frank M. Malcolm. Mrs. E. O. Veale and Miss Dona are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Veale and friends..Chancellor Bowles, D.D., took charge of week evening meeting last Thursday and gave us a good taik which xvas much appreciated ...Rev. J. E. Griffith occupied the pulpit on Sunday and gave a splendid and searching dis- course on the Hope of Purity, takiag as his text 1 John 3 :3. Miss Marion Pickard of Bowmanviile, who is spending the vacation at the cot- tage, Williamns Point, assisted the choir and sang a solo whîch was much appreciated .... Rev. and Mrs. Frank Joblin and babe are spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joblin, and sister, Mrs. Richard Williams ...Mr. and Mrs Manson Comstock, Bowmanville, calied on Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Port- cous on Monday evcning... Mrs. White of Hope Township is visiting Miss Miriam Williams and friends. « Buy Binder Twinc at Dustan's. HUGE SPECIAL SALE 0F WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Grouped into lots at Beiow Cost Prices for Dollar Days Women's Cotton Vests, either no sieeve or short sîceve styles ail size's, regularly to 45c, DOLLAR PAYS 4 FOR $1.00 Cotton Vests xith silk stripe, in a varicty of styles, ahl sizes, regular to 65e each, DOLLAR PAYS 2 FOR $1.00 Children's Vests ,any size from 2 to 14 years, DOLLAR PAYS 4 FOR $1.00 DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS FROM THE READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Speciai purchase of Crompton and D & A Corsets. sizes 23 to 33, DOLLAR PAYS $1.00 PAIR Corselettes, regularly $1.75 DOLLAR PAYS 89c GAR. Brocaded cotton Brassieres with elastie insets, regulariy 75c DOLLAR PAYS 39c Silk Vests of- unusual quality, DOLLAR PAYS $1.00 GAR. The Bloomers to match, regu- larly worth $2.25, DOLLAR PAYS $1.49 PAIR Broadcloth Slips, any color DOLLAR PAYS $1.50 Look for the circular rack on the second floor containing Dresses, Kimonos, Children's Ramn Capes, Blouses, Sweaters, and Sweater Coats. At 9 sharp Friday morning ANY GARMENT $1.00 IMAGINE! Any Woman's Hat in the store with the exception of the new Fall Felts DOLLAR PAYS ANY HAT $l.OOý New FeIt ihats, ciever styles la a great selection of colors, with plenty of large head sizes, DOLLAR PAYS $3.95 UMBRELLAS An Umbrella and Sunshade Speciai, remarkably mnade with steel ribs and well balanced handles DOLLAR PAYS EACH $1.49 PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS Ready Made DOLLAR PAYS 5 FOR $1.00 FACTORY COTTON Special purchase of 36 inch Factory Cotton, medium weight free from filliag, DOLLAR PAYS 6 YDS $1.00 TABLE COVERINGS Pure Linon, la a large selection of patteras, DOLLAR PAYS $1.00 YD TABLE DAMASK No dressing. gooti weight DOLLAR PAYS 2 YDS $1.00 CHILPREN'S DRESSES Childrca's Broadcloth, Cham- bray and Voile Dresses, sizes 2 to 14 years DOLLAR PAYS $1.00 Shop Early and 0f ten and Watch the Windows S. W. Mason & Son Phone 106 2Big DolIlar Days Friday and Saturday, August l2th MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Values up to $1.75 DOLLAR DAY $1.00 EACH BOYS' FINE SHIRTS Regular $1.50 DOLLAR DAYS $1.00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Any Shirt in the store, value to $ u1.50 FOR $1 .00 HORSEHIPE MITTS Uniined ,worth $1.50, FOR $1.00 BOYS' COTTON RIBBED STOCKINGS Any size. Special Dollar Day 5 PAIR FOR $1.00 MEN'S NECKTIES All kinds. any tie in the store, value to $1.95, DOLLAR DAY $1.00 EACH Men'a Heavy UNION SOX 4 PAIR FOR $1.00 MEN'S FINE SOX Black Cashmere, Silk, Si'lk and Wooi, etc., values to 75c, ON SALE 2 PAIR $1.00 ...MEN'S FINE BR.ACES Regular up to 75c, ON SALE 2 PAIR FOR $1.00 MEN'S ]BALBRIGG~AN, UNDERWEAR Combinations, w~hite anti nat- ural ,also Nainsook, values ta DOLLAR DAY $1.-00 EACH SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Balttriggaa, aay garînent la store, value t 75c, ON SALE 2 FOR $1.0o MEN'S STRAW HATS A splendid lino solliag for 95c Men's Cotton Bathing Suits $1.00 EACH MEN'S OVERALLS Black, Blue anti Blue Stripe, with bib, worth $2.00, ON SALE $1.49 EACH ml13th MEN'S BOW TIES *Aay Bow Tic la store 50c, DOLLAR DAY 3 FOR $1.00 KIPPIES' PLAY SUITS. COTTON Any suit la the store, value to $1.75, * DOLLAR DAY FOR $ 1.00 MEN'S FINE CAPS Aay Cap la store, value te $3, ON SALE $1.98 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS $1.69 Values up )ta $2.75, includiag B rtati ciot hs, DOLLAR DAY FOR $1.69 EA BOYS' SUITS AT $5.95 Aay Boys' Suit la store with 1 pair Bloomrsr,, Values $8,50 anti $9.00 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL $5.95 EACH MEN'S SUITS Fanex' Tvetis andi Worsteds as follows: Suits Regular $20.00 FOR $14.95 Suits Regular $25.00 FOR $16.50 Suits Regular Up ta $30.00 FOR 819.95 Suits Reg. Up ta $35 and $37.50 FOR $24.95 MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT OVERCOATS ALSO HEAVY WINTER OVERCOATS $10.00 OFF REGULAR PRICES ON THAT 2 DAYS' ONLY T. B. GILCHRIST Phone 61 Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville I Baker and Con fectioner Bowmanville Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery Bowmanvillt» PAGE 4 CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON A HUGE CLEARANCE 0F 40 in., 42 in. and 44 in., HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND Regular 65e and 75c, CHILDREN DOLLAR PAYS 2 YDS. $1.00 Kiddies' 78 ength Sox made of cotton and silk BLEACHED SHEETING DOLLAR PAYS 3 PR. $1.00 72 in. or 81 in. wide, DOLLAR DAYS $1.00 YD. Chiidren's Silk Sox UNBLEACHED SHEETING DOLLAR DAYS 3 PAIR $1.00 DOL.LAR DAYS 2 YDS $1.00 Huge clearance of Women's - WHITE CAMBRIC Hosiery in Lisle Thread, Silk 36 inches wide Platcd over Lisle, Mercerised 5YADFO $10 Cotton and ail Cotton, sizes YARDS OR $1OO s' to 10.. Wcre positively LINEN TEA TOWELLING priced to 75e pair Blcached or Unbleached DOLLAR PAYS 25e PAIR 5 YARDS FOR $1.00 BLACK DUCHESS SATIN New colors in our 89e Hose for A beutifl een coth women. 0' Nothing unusual as A beutifl een coth far as price is concerned on DOLAR AYS$l.0 YRD this item only. Guaranteed SILK FUGI to wear they off er the best val- Any shade, any iength uc we have pver offered. and DOLLAR PAYS 1 % YDS $1.00 thousands of pairs are sold each year. Ask, any woman "Ma- IMPORTED CREPES i sons 89c Sîlk Stocking." of Silk and Cotton, Reguiariy to $1.75,1 Special purchase of 'Orient' full DOLLAR PAYS $1.00 YARD fashioned stockings. Certainly ANDERSON'S GINGHAMS the finest hose in Canada at any Yard wide, large selection ofpie colorsDOLLAR PAYS $1.50 PAIR DOLLAR PAYS 4 YPS. $1.00 __________________ REVERSIBLE RAG RUGS LIGHT AND PARK PRINTS size 27 in. x 54 in., a selection FincRDAs 4aliYD 10 of six patterns and various col- DOLLR PYS YD. $.OOor combinations, JACQUARD BATH TOWELS DOLLAR DAYS EACH 89c With colored borders, guar- anteed fast colors, SWEATER WOOL 3 FOR $1.00 "Grannv's Own"

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