PAGE SEVER ME CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST llth., 1927. &renGre ater Value azt Lower Prices BEAUTY-which reflects a superb achievemeat of Fisher Craftsmanship. COMFORT-a luxury formerly restricted to the. higber priced cars. DISTINCTION-in appearance and performance. POWER-speed, stamina, assured by the most powerful engine of any six at Pontiac price. SMOOTHNESS-driving ease-effortless perform. ance-proved on the General Motors Proving Grounds. Only the New sud Finer Pontiac Six bas ALL of these, at prices so phenomenaliy low- -now made LOWER than ever, as Pontiac shames wýith the public, the economies of volume purchssing and production. See the even greater Value at Lower Prices, in the. New and Finer Pontiac Six. P20 CORBETT MOTOR« SALES Bowmanville Ifsx PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA, LIMITED PROTECTION FOR Automobile Owners Our AUTOMOBILE POLICY will insure your AUTOMO- BILE againat loss on damage caused by Fine, Theit sud Collision, sud it will also psy claims made against YOU by others for Persoual Injuries arnd Praperty Damage on ac- count ai an accident caused, or aileged ta be caused, by your car. The variaus caveages are as follows for any anc or al: FIRE AND TRANSIT Inaures against loss or dam- age by fire arising from any cause whatsoever, and ight- ning, anywhcre in Canada or the United States. This policy also covers loss or damage ta vaur automobile through transportation perils, that is the stranding, sink- ing, collision, burning or de- railment of any canveyance in which your Automobile la be- ing carried. THEFT Provides iudemnity in the event of your car being stol- en.. Should it bc recovered in a damaged condition we will bear the cost af repairs. Moto-Meters, S pat-Lights, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rima, Wheels sud--on extra or Or- namental Fittings are not in- sured, unleas upon payment af extra premium. PUBLIC LIABILITY Frotection in respect ai yaur legal liability for injuries or death caused, or alieged ta be caused, ta persans ai the pub- lic by your Autamobile. The usual limits are: In case ai injuries ta anc persan, $5,000 and ta any number af persans in anc accident, $10,000. Iu addition ail expenses of de- fcnding suits, even if gnound- less. are paid by the Corn- pany. PROPERTY DAMAGE Indenînities in respect ai your legai liability for dam- age ta the property of OTH- ERS, inluding loss of use ai their property, up toas limit of $1.000. COLLISION Pays for repaira ta YOUR Automobile or equipment as a result ai being damaged lu a collision or upset. Consuit us for rate*. Wo have the lowest. 'J. J. MASON & -SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Headache Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumnatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART on ,oly"ae" akg hic cotaiS proven diretos ZboUle c24 and 100-Druggiata that Alitirin meaua Bayet mufctture, te asislt tha -et D'aut Oompur al Ub. .tamw d wtb thmai etil191. WILSON!pS Winl kil many times more flled for the money than any other flykiMer. Bach pad wili kili files anl day, every day, for threo weeks. At anl Grocers, Drug- glt and General Stores - 1Oc and 25c pr packge.-.0 QUESTION 0F BETTER ROADS A Durham OId Boy Offert a Lot of Timely Advico On Improving Roads. In view of the part during recent years the* automnobile, bath directly and indirectiy, îlays in the life of the community, it has aften occurred ta me that if now as fornserly 1 were a local newspaper editor, a very timely paragraph heading wouid be, "Highway Briefs", "Road Candi- tions", "On the Highway", "Autos and Roads", etc. Unless one takes time ta refiect, (and there is no time for that nowadays), one scarcely conceives the great change effected in aur modes of travel or even aur whereabouts. Road engineering 15 endeavoring ta keep pace with automobile con- struction attainment and will be the better of praise, censure and sugges- tion. How the Township Council would shake off its political tim.idity if repeated assurance in the local press urged the necessity of a cer- tain improvement. 1 don't think the motarist would very long fear every culvert if the man wha put in a new anc with a camei's hump an it was certain of some merited adverse notoriety in next week's issue. A uine that a certain, bridge or road "Under Repair'" wouid save much otherwise confusion, time and an- noyance. This would work aut in one hundred and one ways, wouid cause us aIl ta think more about roads, be educative, and if sa the safety element of driving mare in mind./ Instancing your great north and south thorofare-the ScugogRoad- my mind goes back ta my courting days when 1 knew where certain mud hales had ta be avoided ta save my dlean "'top buggy"-they neyer got "fixed -and, as a matter of fact, I can tell you where some of them are yet. In iater years when I might be privileged ta get back home, I could oftcn tell who was Pathmaster by the type of annaying cuivert or cutout ditch aiang the side or the crown on the raad-just like they us- ed ta be. How a twa uine innocent local newspaper slam would have made those fellows sit up just like it did the stranger driving the high- way even in low gear-the buggy. In ciosing, and thanking yau for your courtesy in aur belaved "States- man", I would just like ta iliustmate present local significance of these uines. I was rather delaying this contribution in the hope of your Town Council making a real road out ta Goad's Corner whcn I couid meet out same reai praise for so necessary a work. I might remind yau that this same piece of road runs fnom north of the C. P. R. Statiýon tracks ý,o the Kingston Road. To show yau haw fault-finding may came fram lack of knowiedge I find upon enquiry that pavement imprave- ment in the near future has been de- termined upon for part at least of thjs stretch. Evcrybody would be patient had this been broadcasted and I hasten with my apologies to the aid town I hold s0 dear. I wouid have liked ta say same- thing about the C. P. R. averhead, west of the town, but it had hetter have been said at time of construc- tion. Now by way of censure, or at least a siap on the wrist. In any travelling I have donc Ihave never seen, for a place 50 easily remedied, such a death-trap as matoring south jaround the bcnd at Enniskillen 50 Several instances 1 knaw of where at that spot, how it was people weren't killed is oniy a freak of cir- cumstanccs. Oniy last week whilc I was in the village for anly a few minutes my heart was in my mouth as 1 saw a soutbaund car aIl but careen over the railing. Nothing happens ta the local traffic and they don't think about it because they know about it. but no stranger wouid drcam of such a geographical blund- er complex as exists there. Ta remedy this is only plain sailing, it must be donc and will be done and at no great expense, but it looks as though same life or mare must be sacrilficed and then as saon as the court case against the Powers-that- Be is ciosed it will be done inside three manths. Now as ta suggestion: The Port Perry-Cartwright marsh bridge is fianked bath sides with wiilows and rightly sc. Right at present a ingle losed car can scarcely man- oeuvre the road (No. 68) without being brushed along jts highly pal- ished ides by these twigs which soon absolutcly ruin the appearance of being worn become stub ends and what was previousiy a family pride and which had set back the family exchequer anywhere from $1200 to $3000. When two cars meet look what happens. Other resuits are that the knawing nîtarist avoids for the future, Port Perry, doesn't sec CSsarea again cither for a day or a possible summer location, a great deal in sum total of dollars and cents is diverted fram the tawu and tawnship) and aIl for what? A Sold la Bowmanville By RICE & CO. MASON & DALE DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWVARE RESTORED To GODOHEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience Buckingham, Quebec. - "I amn the mathen ai eleven living children, .and my baby is five months oid. 1 am only 38 years oid and I have * enLydis E. a ina8 Vege- table Compound * for wcakuess aud inere.I knew - iit from my sister, Daine Ed- ouard Bellefeuille aif Ramsayville. .For five years 1 was in misery and was always rcady ta cry. Now I am sa happy ta have good hcalth. My daughter, wha la 18 years oId, bas aiso taken it snd wil i be happ7 o ecD mn it toa al young irls. '-Dame WILLIAM PAR- ENT, Bx 414, Buckinghsm, Quebec. Why sufer for years with back- ache, nervousnessud other ailments common ta womeu fom early life ta middle a ge, wben Lydia E. Pinkhsm'a Vegetable Compound will give you relief? In s recent country-wide cauvas :)f purchasers of Lydia E. Piukham's V egtable Compound, over 250,000 replies were receivcd, sud 98 out af every 100 reported they were bene- fited byita use. c Zutoo0 I ut n haaceinm&mn wmen, IdLaoe~ my« ou !eeing Good -~PREVENTS StIME COUiS The pleasant tasting food- tonic, rich in ail cod-hiver oil vitamins. Scotts Emulsion Scoet & Baune. Taranto. Ont. 27-31 WD~PtospéKogINE." lTe Great Englisi. Preparatlban. STones alid mvigorate t h e whole nervous systcm. matez new Blood in Ild Veins. Used for Nervous ---bslity. Mental andi Brais Worryi Oepnec.LamS of Euhrg. Palpltoa th %atlFuinîgMeamoe7. iLiaticron 4P for 95.8 lSold by aldrugglats, or aldipan pkg. on reccip4 o! pri*.m NopampNhl dl < bomk's R.gulatlng Compound ~~ A safN .. NUl. r.uuWe tow.i~mpLf1wns'. Sold la three de grTffl of strength-No. 1. 8i9 ~~ 1o 2> 83; No. 8. 85 par box Il ita, or meot pamphle t. ddre TH É COOKM lCEO. "THANK YOU" SAYS THE OPERATOR Telephone usera having occasion ta make a cail today have noticed a significant change in the response of the operatar when the number is given hem. "Thank you", she says instead of repeating the number, and there is a note of genuine cordiâiity in hem voice indicating a neal purpose behind hem words. "Yes", said Manager F. Williams ta a represen'tative of The Statesman this momning, the opemators are say- ing "Thank Yau" today and we be- lieve that aiready the practice bas had a distinct appeal ta aur subscrib- ens. You wîli remember that some time aga, instead of the more or lesa peremptory "Number"? that used ta greet you when you iifted your me- ceîvem you xvere greeted by "Numnber please" sud that practice has been continued even since. Now the "Thank yau" failowing the aunounce- ment of your number is s logical fol- low-up, and we belleve our patrons wîli appreciate it. It wiii mean a slight speeding up af their service but mainiy, it wil1 emphasize the idesaifsapersonai, courteous service. "As yau know" cont;inued Mn. Williams "we are faying great stressI these days, like many other organiza- tions, on the subject af courtesy. Our constant appeai ta aur employ- ces is tlýat thby shauidputhcm Sha-ssonthe fîndiy, elpful atti- tude ta.aur patrons. I believe we have neyer been unduly remnisa in this regard, but certaînly we wish ta leave nothing undone ta foster this friendly rclationship. AIl that we feel ia nccssamy ta make this new ,'. ep an unqualified sticcesa la that aour patrans should give thc numben slowly sud distinctly, speaking dir- ectly into the telephone mauth-piece. We believe that weceau count on their coopemation in this respect. Couch, Jobustan & Cryderman are atill showing a good stock ai white and coiored summer dresses in éay- ar.s, fugi sud crepes. How to Reduce NU;aricose Veins Rub Gentîy and Upward To- ward the Heart as Blood in Veina Flow& That Way. Many people have become de- spondeut because tbey have bçen led ta believe that there la no remedy that wvîll reduce swollen veinsansd bunches. If yau will get a twa ounce anig mnal battle ai Moona's Emorald e011 (full strength) at any first-cisass drug store sud appiy it night aud mamning as.directed you wiil qu 'ickly notice au improvement which wiil continue until the veinsand bunchea are reduced ta normal. Moona's Emerald 011 is a harm- less, yet moat powerful germnicide sud twa ounces last a very long time. Iudeed, 'Io paweriul la Eunar. aid Oi1 that old chnonic sanes and ulcers are oiten eutireiy healed and auyane 'who la disappointed wlth it use mn have their maney r.funded. Jury & Loveil sella lots ai it Insîst Upon Have OoodLih ~JdorMad Oî yU'VE solved your Iighting pnIroblern for ail time-indoors on ut-the day you get your ColemaU Quick-Lite Lamp and Lantern. When you have these modern iight-makers rou are sure of plenty of good light for any purpose anytime, anywhere. The Quilk.Lite laup lu brighter than 20 old-Ptyle oil lamps. Ite soft. pure white brilliance isessyon the eyes-ideal forevery famnily nme-readxng, se-ing and forthechlldren tostadyby. Fuelismotor gaeoline. No wicks ta trim: no chimneye ta dlean:. no daily flliniz. Price $11.00. The Quaek.Lita Lanteru lathe handy. al. -vurpose light for outdoor chores. around barns. eheds. feed lots. rranaries. garages, cellare. etc. Built on Famne principle au thea lamp. Pas raiea chimney--rain-proof. wind-proof and tu- Fect-aroof. Safe-can't Ecli fuel e,,n if tipe ovr w o a oela "O0rder yaur telephone ta suppiy youwit col". -Lumber Jack. We take orders from youm tele- phone. You are no furthen sway from cold weathcr coiart than you are' from your phone. Tell us how many tans you ivant sud get that anc big thing off yaur mind right naw. McCLELÀN&CO. LI MITE[D LUMBER 6e FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15, rnf or Banf ..o0Iýqli.n Rofing1FPoIn /fÇood)ericeablexo.çofM Brantford Roil Raofing is made in four weights and qualities - Te light weight (35 lbs.) is a good quality for temporary service; the mnedium weight wct(45 ibs.) eta fine qualit yTh wet(45 bs.)xr fine quality nd tev fine quality-the most serviceablo and L substantial you can buy. Brantford Roofing Ca.. Lioited Brantford, Ontario 100 B3raniford 'Rooflng Stock Carri.d, Information Furnishod and Se.'vice on Brantford Roofing rndrd by Rice & Co., - - - Bowmnanville Phone 248 Colds Pain Neuralgia TIMES HAVE SURELY CHANGED Marked Difference in Bit Crowds j That Gathor To-day and Twonty Years Ago (From The Midiand Argus) The big celebratian here recentli gave an opportunity of observing the changes that have taken place in the habits of the people during the p ast twenty yeams. Prior to the celebra- tion the local committees were a bit excited regard ing the situation as it was thought the necessary accommno- dation would not be available to. feed the crowd and an S.O.S. eall was sent out ta the churches and diff- erent organizations to take a hand in the work of feeding the visitars. We had been viewing things from the experience of twenty years ago, but oh, what a difference? At that time every hotei keeper was busy for many days prir to such a celebration arranging f ora s, tppiy of food, em- pioying extra heip, furnishing addi- tionai dining room apace and gener- aily changing things about for the big event. And when the crowd swept down upon the town there was a mad rush for these and other places where meals were being serv- ed and from eieven o'clock in 'the morning untii nine o'clock at night every one was kept on the jump serving meals, the fruit stores were cleaned out of their stocks, dry govds stores did a land office business in the sale of ribbons, the noveity stores sold souvenir badges and hundreds of other articles, candy shops, ice cream pariars and other such places were crowded ail day, and when nighlt came everyone slumped after the big efforts of the day. Thousands of dollars were spent in town and the benefit was feit for a considerabie period. But what a difference in the crowd of last week. What was the real reason for the change? The prin- cipal one night be ascribed ta the motor car. Years ago people came to town for such a ceiebration by train or the much siower means of transportation-horse and wagon and they neyer troubled themselves ta bring aiong their meais in very rare cases. Everyone rushed ta the hot- els, restaurants, eating tents and other places ta fili up, the young man and his best girl sought the dry goods stores and purchased ribbons in large quantities aud decked them- selves out in giorious manuer. To- jday a motor car brings the whole family ta town, aud wjth a large basket stowed away under the back seat they betake themseives ta the town park where they remain for most of the day, coming down town ta see the parade. At night they slip away home again without speud- mng a dollar in town. The young people who in years gone by spent iiberaliy, cannot be induced ta sheii Iout these days, probabiy due ta the fact that they are spendîng their earnings on gasoline or in the dance halls that are being so weii ptron- ized. Oh, yes, things have changed since twenty years ago, even for the ITweifth of Juiy and it's not the big jattraction 1<>r any town that it used Ita be. GREEN TEA.7 It ba the mont delicious flavour. Tri' it. O"TaIk about water off a due' back 1- Just look at our shines, even mter fifteen minutes in this downpourimoe'. certainly nothing quite lie Nugget'." 'MUGG91T"SHOI m!