1'BE CA-ftADIAN STATESMAN. 8OWMANVlLLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l8th, 1927 PAGE THEEU LARGEST DISPLAY 0F COOKED MEATS Don't expeet the good housewife to stand over a bot stove these days to cook bot meals. Just suggest to ber tbat occasionally she order cooked meat for a cbange. We bave a large var- iety of appetizing cooked meats tbat will appeal to every member of the family. Wben you want fresb or cured meats we also bave tbem. G A. Edmondstone Phone 21 l3owmanville G ive the Cook a Holiday I By letting us during the warm everytbing from a fancy decorated w good as motber ma' do tbe baking for the f amily weather. We can supply loaf of nourisbing bread to a vedding cake. And just as ikes. Try us. The Bowmanviile Bakery Successors to Cbristie's Bakery Bowmanville Summer Meats We give special attention to tbe selection and care of our meats during the bot summer montbs. So tbat you are assured of the cboicest meats, no matter wbat your order may be. Prompt service and free delivery in town. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Dlivery Butchers Phone 518 Bowaal NatonnyAdvetsed Prcducts Yau wll ind onDominonScores a coiplkir Eliof &0ailNatonally Advertsed Goads. Due ta aour enonaus sales usd qucît mrnoves, you an always depend ath fredunessof chuse Qualty Praducta, when purchaied ai aur sores. Clawk's QualltyBreakfastCeal Club House Olives Prdut Kellogg's Bran 20rpkg. Boild Duwr ---28c in -va. Qtmeti -24c jar Kelîagg's Bran Flak,... Ox Tangue - 3w tin 12os. Quen .---.29c jar ~ o 5 Poed Mam-s3 fr 25c 50z. Piienta. 1 9c jar Grape Nuis ....17c psg. i th oP -16C gn 8-oz. Pimnenta ..--.35c jar Post Tcaasa.. 2 for 21c ru 2à «F., t 20-cS Pimn.a -55c:jaW Post, Bran,-,-.,. 2 for 25C Brand Catsup P"%"~ ~ 25 Fry's Pur . rn r 25 C e l S"TASTY"' Requisites Dominion Stores tnBeADFamous Quality W. CJar TEAS. §o r Visage9 leaf Me&=i I2 Dmn q s 5e yu trled eur ln Frt Dw«d Rubýer jar Rings. D.. 140 I«f J 3for ... . .......R. c U . j*79e0 M C'trio f rte bogie. 32C Kem's Zuse jar Rings ....-20c da., B. P. -usard Lbby'u18c Sauc &-oz. - 2.... 4c gn *Îry e1Neswey M3. vejt Thse Mustard tisseIl» e Bofer - puts e Tat. lu Vlet7 FldLles t"Partionftr » es. .Jar Seo WORLD'S POULTRY CONGRESSj LOCAL AND OTHERWISE (Continued fromn page 1) 1 Miss Joyce Luxton is holidaying The irstConresswasheldat with friends in Toronto. the HargteCing92esan was belduat Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sykes recently the~ HagdeMrn 1924Mmnd wamea Kuc-, cess although participated in by onîy vis'tedM.ad rsJme Knx a few countries. Canada unfortun- Fenella. ately flot bein g represented at that Mr. T. R. James, has been appoint- Congress. The second Congress ed tax colector in and for the town two years later was announced for of Lindsay. Barcelona, Spain. By this time Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker is spend- Poutry raising had made such rapid ing a montb at Camp Wapomeo, AI- strides in Canada, that a high quai- 'gonquin Park. ity exhibit was prepared, and a dele- Frank Weldon has been appointed gation of Canadians went over to.County Cierk and Treasurer for represent this country. These dele- Victoria, succeeding J. R. MeNeillie, gates had with themn an invitation deceased. fromn the Canadian Government to Mrs. R. W. Conklin and Miss Miid- hold the 1927 Congress in Canada. red Conklin, Kingsvilie, are visiting The exhibit fromn this country made with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight, such a favorable impression that the Westmount. invitation was accepted, and as a re- suit the 1927 Canadian Congress bas1 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MeIBride, Los passed into history ,acclimed hy ail Angeles, Calif., recentl3- called on countries as the premier poutry con-bis uncie, Mr. James Elliott, King ference ever beld any where in the St. East, enroute to Montreal. world. The Congress cost Canada' Mrs. Switzer, Peterboro, and $125,000.00. Some may question daugbter, Mrs. (Dr.) D'Ceu of Buff- the wisdom of spending that niucb in alo, N. Y., were recent guests of a few days to promote a singleien- their cousin, Mrs. A. E. M.%cCready. dustry, but there is no question that Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Elford, Hazel the publicity received could not have and Jack of Buffalo, N. Y., are been obtained by the expenditure of holidaying witb bis mother, Mrs. a like amount in any otber way. Anna Elford and otber relatives Delegates from ail countries acclaim- here. ed Canada as being the most advanc- M.W .TeotPicplo ed in Pou itry Husban dry of anY M.Wi.Trnuh ricplo country in the world. This place was Napanee Public Sebool, and Mrs. accorded bier not only by the quality 1 Trenoutb, spent Tuesday witb Mr. olier fine Bird exhibits, wbieb were and Mrs. G. E. Milîs, at the orcbard. ad mittedly superior, by for two other -ort Perry Star. reasons. Firt-The standardiza-1 Miss Ida Wickett, Mr. and Mrs. tion and grading laws in the mar-1 Chas. Batting, Toronto, recently vis- keting of eggs. This law making ited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and compulsory the grading of ail egs Mrs. C. M. CawjCer. It is thirty- before being offered for sale, whiie four years since they iast visited here at first unpopuiar. bas undoubtedly General John Hughes, of Bow- done more to stabilize the industry, manville, Mr. Edgar Hughes and Mr, in Canada than any other single Fred uhs fSnFacso a. tbing. It not only has made Canadian adMnd ghs fHSnryFrnco, Cal., eggs popular on the export market, aend gr. and Mrs. ( rnoMee but bas enormously increased the wAieeke ndgesy.oMst.(D.Mc consumption at home. Today Can- ApnLnda.1ot ada ranks the highest of ail nations1 Edward Thorndyke, an old resi- in the yearly per capita consumption Ident of Milbrook, died at tbe of eggs, the figure being 337. This Co unties Home for tbe aged, aged is practicaliy double that of any of '82 years. Deceased farmed most the European Countries, and nearly a lof bis lif e near Millbrook, and bad bundred more than that of the Uni- been at the home for the past two ted States. years. Second: Theatiregistration of1 poultry in the natinal live stock re-1 Mr. W. H1. Garratt who bas been cords at Ottawa marks another step istaying at Bownianriile witb bis in advance of any other country'.; daughter, Mrs. S. S. Edsail, bas corne Here we bave a system known as the hom to Wellington for the summer. R.O.P., or Record of Performance, Mrs. Edsali camne wîth himi and Dr. wbereby birds that qaaiify by actuai and Mrs. W. Garratt of Yonkers, are performance or reach a certain 1also here.-Picton Gazette. standard in egg productioh, as well tatn onal nln:Rv as vigor and appearance, may have StwraScofieldofwllhEUnited:Cbrch their progeny registered and approv- J .Shfedo h ntdCuc ed by the Live Stock Branch. A 0f Canada, witb Mrs. Scbofield, are bigb standard bas been set for birds on holiday visiting their friends in before they may ha ragistarad. A En gland. Mrs. Schofiaid wiII be re- lien must lay at least 200 eggs in 52 mamberad as Sister Margaret Saund- weeks ta hae eigibie. This regstra- ers, daughtar of Mr. and Mrs. A. tion work was the centre of interest Saunders of Riverside, Stratton... of ail foreign delegates, and as a Glad to be able to state that Miss resuit of the Conference, it is likaiy Margaret Trel even of Corner Gard- to ha adopted by many other count- en, Stratton, is recavering from bher ries. To this system parbaps goes recent illnass, and it is boped sbe the credit of a Canadian Hen, hold- ,ay soon laeaabout again. ing the World's record of 352 eggs Claaniinass is impossible wben there in a year. are flies or similar disease carrying The Live Bird exhibit was a ver housabold insects. Flies taint every- extensive one, and was contributed tbing they touch. Infect milk, meat, to by many countries. In this wa sweets. Transmit thirty different bhad sbown the aristocrats of the diseases. FIy-Tox kilîs fies. It is featbared world and many beautiful saf e, stainless, sure. Insist on Fiy- apecimens there ware. Let us not Tox. Fly-Tox is the scientific in- forget thet one-of m-ewn local men secticide developad at Mçllon Instit- Dr. E. W. Sissons, bad the bonor of uta of Industriai Research by Rex contributing to that exhibit. Fellowsbip. Simple instructions oni The exhibits fromn the various eacb bottle (blue label) for killing countries were intaresting and edu- ALL bousebold -msects. Fly-Tox cational. Egypt sbowing a repro- fragrance is a symbol of clennlinass. duction of an oven incubator of a type used 3000 years ago. The eggs1 being placed on the floor of a large~ oven-like construction, holding 66,000 eggs, and warmed hy hurning for a few bours eacb day some slowq burning material. j o the P'rince of Wales exbibtof six Bankiri birds and also pigeons iromn the W > King's Loft. The six birds of the IWberevar 'Prince sold for $500.00 at the con-I ~ , . clusion of the show. ' sold Banking The United States exhbitswas one - evc of action, sbowing avery phase.of the - evc Industry in tbat country ,and mnost of tions and rei it either in animatad picture form, or by cleverly constructed mechanisin able. Durli that sbowcd the metbod of bandling iiiNG o cntrc and marketing eggs in that great WN ofcntui country.1 Germany's was a scientific exhibit FTY StndrdB indicating resuits af resaarcb in dis- yff up tbrougbai ease and nutrition as carried on in Li. that country, whila fromn India was cinee sbown a pair of wild Jungle fowl on tbis Ban] wbicb are supposed to lie tbe breed from wbicb ail domnesticated fowl oni- ginated.9M lTe Provincial exhibits elicitd much favorable comment. Ontario's MA cleverly designed. Twelva buge~ F C eggs constructad framn a cament like BOWMANVILLE BRANCI mixture and painted pure white con-, Branches altma t Newcastle, tained inside of each, pictures and models of the many and varied ne- saures of the province. These ware viawad fromn a large winâow-lika 1- aning in the side of eacb agg.1t told Ontario's story in a v ery .- 'I ... prjsiewyandwa thcntel Fîva diffarent sessions were going an at the samne tume, covering thal fields of Marketing, Nutrition, Dis- ease, Breeding and Extension. Com- Parisons are said ta ha odiaus, but if o ye might bazard a guass at tha counry being the leading exponent ai thase varlous fields, I would place Canada first in Breeding and Mar-1 kating, witb Danmark a vary close second in the latter. England finst in bar work an Nutrition, Germany on Disease Investigations, and the United States on ber extension pro- grani. In conclusion, I would just repeat that the Congrasa bas given Canada a premier place in the Poultny aff-~ airs ai the warld. The Presidant elect ai the next convention at Lon-, don, England, in 1930, is a Canadian in F . C. Elford ai Ottawa. The' Chainman ai the International Ass-i ciation ai Investigators and In- structors is a Canadian, Mr. W. A, Brown ai Ottawa. As a youngsteri among nations in point of years, we at least have grown ta quite a stat-' uire in the opinion af atbar nations, In s0 far as aur progreas in Poultry work is concerned.1 SUMMER WEDDING Wilkinson-Arlrwright St. Johsn's Anglican Church, Bai- samn Lake, was thbe scene of a veny pnetty wedding on Wadnesday, Aug- ust 3, at 10.30 a. mi., when Evelyn, youngest daugbten of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arkwright of Bowmanviile, was unitad in marriage with George Hanlan Wilkinson, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilkinson af Toronto. -The caremony was per- ýformed by the bride's uncle, Rev. P Morland Lamb, Recton of St. Cuth- bert's Cburcb, Leaside. The bride entered the cburcb lean- ing on the arm of bier father to the straîns of Lohengrin's wedding march playad by Mrs. P. M. Lamb. The bride was cbarming in a damn- ty gown of ivory georgette and lace and she wore an embroidered tulle veil and orange blossonis and car- ried a shower bouquet of Ophelia ros- es, baby's breatb and valley lillies. Miss Thais Lamb was bier cousin's bridesmaid and wore rose taffeta. She carried Premier roses. The groom was supportad by Mr. Walter Hom- wood of Leaside. During the signing of the register Miss Bertha Copeland of London, sang "I Love You Truly" and "0 Perfect Love". Her gown was beige georgette over pink. The ushers were Messrs. James and John Goodman, nepbews of the bride. The groom's giit to the bride was a gray i eathar bat box, to the brides- maid a sappbine ring, to the grooms- man a case 0f pipes, to the organist a rop)e of pearis, to the soloist, a novalt y bedroom dlock, to the ushers, sterling silven eversharps, and to Mrs F. J. Goodman, sister of tbe bride, wbo lent bier home for the receptian, a peani ring. Immedîately after the reception and a buffet lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson motored ta Toronto laav- ing later in the evaning on a trip ta the Pacific Coast. On their return tbey wili go to Elephant Lake f or a short fishing trip. The bride travel- led in a powder blue georgette, French feit bat in powder blue and grey accessories. Among those présent froni a dist- ance wene the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Lamb of Jackson, Michigan- the groom's sister, Mrs. Marsh o New York City; and Miss Copeiand from London. The ease witb wbicb corns and warts can be nemoved by Holloway's Corn Remover is its stnongest re- commendation. It seldoni fails. The Poor Man's Frind.-Put up in small bottles that are easiiy port- able and sold for a very small suni, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses power in concantrated form. Its cbeapness and the varied uses to wbicb it can be put make it the poor mnan's friand. No dealer's stock is complete witbout it. There is a pnoverb fnom the Span- isb: "He knows most that know» lhe knows little." Another proverb inom an Arabian source ferquently quotad: "He who knows not, and knows not hae knows not, hie is a bool -shun bum." "He who knows not,, and knows he knows not, hé is simple -teacb bum." "He who knows and knows not ha knows, be is asleep- wake bum." "He who knows and knows hae knows, hae is wisa-follow mgand Profit goods are bougbt and b as a service to renden wbich simplifies transac- enders theni more profit- ng more than fifty years ive banking practice the Lnk of Canada bas built ut the Dominion a loyal ho have learned to rely ik's services. MD BAN K I LNAMAL H-D. L. Weese, Mafager.fl iNswtonvilll., Orono. Oshawa Building airing?. If you are contemplating building or making alterations to your premises we are recognized as beadquarters for builders' supplies.- We bave tbe variety and our prices are rigbt. See us before buying. 0 How about putting in your coal for winter? No better time than now. next $1225 F T. ". t;Oe .b Few New Cars Have Received a Welcome so Emphatic and Sincere AS Dodge Brothers expected, this brilliant new Fout bas nstantly won a vast and enthusiastic following- is already a spectacular national bit. Witbin two days after the first public showing orders were received by Dodge Brothers for $3,2 50,000 worth of the new Sedans. Mile-a-minute performance at this unheard-of price is one striking reason-and here are a few of the others: Prom Or to 2 5 miles an, bout through gears in less tlan 7 seconds! Longest springbase of any car under $16501 30 miles per gallon of gas at 25 miles per bout. 19-foot turning radius! Chic, smart, up-to-the-minte body lines-fashionable pastel colors! Pienty of sea-roorm, leg-room, head-room-a big, lux- urious interior, richly uphoistered! Built to last long and re-seil hîgh. Andi the lowest priceti sedan in Dodge Brothershistoey. See it-drive it--anti you'Il deliberte no longer. WM. J. CHALLIS, DEALER Hately's Garage, Service Headquarters Phone 290 Bowmanville Now packed in Aluminum. TEAis good teei Your grocer -knows when you order RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you are a judge of fine tea. for the last -time wî*th these permanent Shingles of Asbestos R GH'r over the old roof go these permanent fire-proof shingles. Each rigid slab of permanence is a combination of indestructible asbestos and Portland cernent. These shingles cannot rot, curi, or split. And they are absolutely iire-proof-they ,can't burn. No bother or diii to laying these shingles, They go right over the old roof and bring a new beauty, permanence and fire-safty toyourhome. You've re-roofed for the last time when you've roofed with Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles. CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE CO., Ltd. 19 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. JOHNS-w]e LE ,Asbestos Shlmbingles BOWMANVILLE McCLELLAN & Co Limited J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phono 153 or 202 Bowinanville Phone 15. Mil f.qi ME CANADIAN STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1927 PAGE Tu