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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1927, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Look For the Sheli Sign Then purchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'11 finci quality is cheapest andi best in the long run. Ce A, Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville IL i.' or Economical Transporftion O e m azrng Quali tq in Chevrolet Iiistorq QUALITY in design. Quality in con- struction. Quality in appearance. Quality in performance. Neyer before bas any low-priced car possessed tbcm to such an amazing degree-because no other low-priced car combines the progressivenesu cf Chevrolet and the diversified experience, the vast resources and the matchless facilities of General Motors. Study today's Chevrolet. Mark well the anis- tocratic beauty of its lines-the superbly executed details of its Fisher-built bodies. Then go for a ride. Revel in the thrilling spurt when you "step on the gas". Delight in the smooth operation-the swiit sv.'eep of the passing miles. Manvel at the way the car hugs the road, the case with which it obeys the steering wheel, the promptness with l viich it responds to the brakes. H-ere is quality expnessed in terms that mil- Els fow can understaiid and enjoy. Hlere i s '11alit ' obta'nable at New, Lower Prices. which reflect the savings of tremendous pro- duction and whjch demonstrate the williflg- ness to share these savings with the public.*' Henc is a car of amnazing quality.. . for evenybody, evenywhere. C.32ec New and Lower Prices Toui-ý*ng -. - $645 Landau Sedan $915 Roadster.. . 645 Imperia] Sport Roadster - 720 Landau Sedamn 955 Coupe - . 765 I.Ton Cabriolet... 875 Truk Chassis 635 Coach. . . 750 Roadsïca- Delivery 645 Sedan- - - - 850 Commercial Chassis 485 Prices nt Fattory, Oshawua, On! ;rio-Tiz.-s Exra ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD., OSHAWA. ONT. H. D. Clemens, Sub Dealer, West End Garage, Bowrnanvillc. Dealers for Chevrolet & Oakland. THE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1927 ORONO (From Tbe News of August 11tbJ 'Mise Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, sper the weekend at home. Mrs. A. Colville, Bowmanville, guest of Mrs. T. Cowan. Mrs. Brown of Ottawa, is a gue. of M.%r. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph. Miss Ruth Lowden is spending couple 0f weeks with friends in Toi onto. Mrs. B. Barstead of Toronto, spen a few days at ber fatber's, Mr. H Hooper. Mns. Tarvis and family of Lio Head, are visiting ber father, Mn. 3 H. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Cbapman and chul of Kincandine, are visiting at Mi ,onMorris'. IMrs. Earl Grady and famulv, Han Iilton, are visiting ber father, Mr.C G. Armstrong. Mr. and Mns. Walter Johnston c Columbus, Ohio, visited bis sister Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. Mn. and Mrs. George Boutillier an( daughter, New Toronto, spent thq week with relatives and friends here ,Mrs. A. Towpley and young son ol Fenelon Falls, accompanied by Mn; Townley of Burford, visited 'Mrs. A A. Rolpb. Mrs. E. H. Little and daughters Misses Eunice and Marguerite, Ton- onto, are spendîng a few weeks ai father's, MnI. H. Hooper. Mn. Fred Lorriman retunned homne Fniday evening froni Bowman- ville Hospital wbene he onderwent an openation for appendicitis. Mn. and Mrs. John Allen, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mn. Geo. But- ten 's. They motoned out and bat a look at their>former home at Les- kard. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker of Port Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Pip- lher and daoghten of Trenton, N. J., were guests of their cousin, Mrs. A A. Rolph. Miss Anna Crossing of Baltimore, and Misses Annabel and Grace Crow, Port Hope, and Mn. Carman Haw of Stanlaville, wene visitons at Mn. Frank Peat's, Sunday. Dr. F. J. Cuttell is attending the wedding of a college friend, Dr. Montague Jarrett of Bridgeborg, at Cayoga, the home of the bride's par- ents, acting as groomsman. Rev. A. K. and Mrs. Edmison and family of Little Britain, enroute to Montreal to spend a week at tht sommer home of bis brother, Dr. Ralph Edmison, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. (Dr.) P. J. Ross and littît daughter, Eleanor, of Detroit, Mich., are visiting ber sister, Mrs. H. Yonk- er. Dr. Ross accompanied theni here remaining until the following day. Mn. Milton Staples, B.S.A., of Woodstock, on bis return froni the Poultry Congress at Ottawa and a trip thnougb Quebec, spent the week- Iend at home here, Mn. C. A. Chap- man's. Rev. Cecil T. and Mrs. Allun of Roscoe, South Dakota, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Allin. His sis- ter, Miss Bell Allun, wbo spent the past weeks at thein home accompan- ied them. Mns. Davies and daughten, M rs. Johnston of Calgary,'Alta., are vi;s- iting ber aunts, Miss Tourjee and Mns. McPberson. Tbey will also spend a few days at thein old home town, Cannington. Mrs. James Rickard and tbree daughters. fniend and pupils of Sbaw's school days, made a l)rief cal oMiss Walsh a few days ago. It renewsz one's youtb to know- you still loive in the bearts of the fn;ends of long 'go. n. Hugb Pollock and party of friends from Lockport, N. Y., visited at the home of Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr. Polloek is in tbe auto business and says t bat tbings are practically at a standstill awaiting the arrivai of the new Ford. Mr. James Gilfillan surprised bis people bere wben ho dropped in un- expectedly for a couple of days' vis- it under 'the parental roof. Jimn is spending bis somimer vacation on the clerking staff of the Ontario Motor t eague, at present located at Fort Erie. Misses Elma and Vida Tourjee ac- companied by a lady friend, motoned down from Toronto for a short visit witb their fathen and aunts befone leaving for a couple of w'eeks holiday wbicb tbey are now spending at Old Orchard, '.%aine. Mrs. James Walsh, Agincourt, is spending a few- days with ber sistens- in-law, Mr. and Miss Walsh. XVe are glad to boar that Mn. Frank Walsh is enjoying excellent health ln tbe West, and is well pleased with the position ho holds. At a largely attended meeting of ýthe Official Board of tbe United Cburcb beld at Park Street Churcb, Toesdav, .Aug£ust 2nd., an increase NEWCASTLE-ON.THE-LAKE (Crowded out of ]ast issue) rt Master Ralph Gibson has returned ifroni his fortnight's holiday with bis sistr an faily n te FrnchRiver. st Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Toronto, are Soccupying one of Mrs. Farncomb's cottages Ariadne Glen for the next j a four weeks. Mr. Smith was at one 1 rtime a teller in the bank here under Mr. Bryans. it The third Darty of campers at Copper Beach,bysti te, arrived last Monday week and are now get- n ting the benefit of the fresh air, V the good food and the many belpful recreations of this popular camp. d Practically every habitable cot- rtage, bouse and bungalow at New- castle-on-the-Lake is now occupied, the present population being about I 200; but at weekends this is greatly increased as nearly every family bas ,flot of visitors over Saturday and Mrs. Geo. Bull and Mrs. Cyril d Wright motored to Toronto on Sun-* day evening taking Mrs. Sinclair ewith theni. Mrs. Sinclair is enroute 1 to Penman's Island, Muskoka, wbere fshe will spend tbe rest of the summer * xitb Mr. and Mrs. Pennian. Mr. T. - I. Anderson spent 'Monday in Toron-1 to returning with Mr. Bull in the evening. * Mrs. McNab Wilson and Miss El- teanor Wilson paid a sbort visit toi Mrs. Horrocks at Half-a-Hill last 1week, motoring back to Toronto on -Saturday morning in time to attend tbe garden party at Government House in honor of tbeir Royal High- nesses, The Prince of Wales and Prince George. 'Major and Mrs. 1Armour accompanied Mrs. and Missý Wilson back to Toronto also to at- tend tbe garden party at Government House. unanimously voted. making tbe sal- ary $2,000.00 per annum. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Morey of Detroit, Mich., spent a few days witb their cousin, Mr. 1. E. Cbapman. Mr and M.%rs. A. J. Salisbury of Chicago, Ill., were also visitors at same place, the latter in company witb Mr. and Mrs. Orley Cbapman made a motor trip tbrougb Prince Edward County. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cbapple of Armstrong, B. C., (Okanagan Val- ley), returning froni Montreal and Ottawa wbere be attended tbe Poult- ry Congress, spent a few bours in town Tuesday calling on friends. Mrs îChapple was formerly Miss M.%yra Ross and Mr. Cbapple a son of tbe late Judge Chapple of Kenora, Ont., wbere tbeir family of five cbildren are staying xith bis people during their trip East. At tbe meeting of Clarke Township Council, aIl tbe members of the Board, togetber w,%ith the Clerk and Roadmaster were presented with safety razors by Councillor George H Luxon, as souvenirs of his trip to Old England. Following speeches of thanks by tbe recipients in whicb George was heartily congratulated on bis safe rpturn, Albert wvas heard softly leading in the chorus "Tbere'll me razors flying tbrougb the air" '.%r. Frank McDowell of tbe Ton- onto General Trusts Corporation, spent the past wçek -,itb bis nepbew. Mr. R. H. Brown, and other relatives and friends on bis bolidays. Wbile bore be motored over to Bowmanville for an bour or twvo witb bis ol<I friend Mr. Dave Morrison, with wbom in the palmy days of the Upper Canada Furniture Company and Organ Fact- or-y be w-as ciusely associated musi- cally. Bowmianville -wbicb today bas no band, in those days bad the repu- tation of being one of tbe most musical towns in Canada, tbree good bands andi several orchestras flour- ihd. No tloubt Dave will be able to explain w-bore the trouble lies . Tbere was a veny large crowd in town Saturday evening last to hear the splendid open air musical pro-l gram by the Durham Regimental' Band whicb bad just rcturned fromn Brigade Camp at Cobourg where the boys, also Capt. J. C. Gamey and company from bere, spent ten days Among tbe most interested listeners wvere Mr. Frank McDom-ell of Tor- onto. an old bandsman and musical directon, beside.s several prominent members of the old Orono coronet band, still residents bere: Messrs. AI J. Leigb, Orme Gamsby and S. Cut tell; also Col. F. Lidstone of Ton- onto, wbo witb bis wife and family are sommering bere, ail of wbom complimented Director M. J. Tam- bîva on the excellent balance and tone featune<l in ail their numheri. The Oil for tbe Fariner-A bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the farm bouse will save many a journey for the doctor. It is not only gootl for the children wlien taken with cobis and croup, and for the mature wbho suifer from pains and acbes, but there are dlirections for its use on sick cattle. There should always be a bottle of it in t';e bousp. pKODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA, LJM~D I - -. -.- -, - ---- I pUS w om ehbodg DiqobeqredUeue 0f course it's always the other chap who is in the wrong- but that doesn't lessen the damage to the innocent party'YS car-or person. Motoring could be so much more pleasurable so much safer . . . if we would only observe even the ordinary weIl known miles of the road. Let's get out the littie old mile book, and brush up onl regulations. And what's more, let's begin to observe them as we neyer did bcfore ... And soon life will be more pleasurable 9 . and safer .. for motorist and pedestrian alike. Aboule an1lw We are for Safetq The BRITISH AMERICAN OIL CO, LIMITED.TORONTO a BRITISH - AN ERICAN GAS AND OIL GOOD FOR TOUR CAR ip Harvesters v v imi bqw6 GOI NG RETURNING 4 To WINNIPEG From WINNIPEG $ 5 Plus 3-j cent per mile to points beyoA,. but flot vest $ 2Plus 4j cent 0cr niI. staj-ting of Edmc)ntion, MacLeod and Calgary po.nt to %V.nn;-g "G 3Oth From Stations in Ontario, Senith's Falls to and inchsding Toronto on Lake Ontarjo Shore AUG 30 hf Lina and Haveiock-Pet.,rboro Lin.; Kingston to Renfmw~ Junction, inclusive; B.rk.ton Bobcayg.on, inclusive-; Dranoal to Port McN coli; Toronto-S.jdbury direct Line.. From @Il Stations in Ontario, South and West of Toronto to Hamilton, Welland, Niagara f Falls and Windsor; on Owen Sound, Walk.rton, Oran cviii.. T-ewater, Elora, Listowel, PTd.r7th St. Marys. Port Breli, and St. ThmsBrnhs Tor.onto and North ta Froc,. ail Stations In Ontasrio on the Michigan Central; Pers Marquette. Windsor. ~Laik. Shore; Grand River. Lake Eie & Northern; and Toronto, ilamilton &t Buffalo R.ilw y&. Tlwt>bugh Coloniat Cars operated fromn principal points. SPECIM.. TRAIN SERVICE FROM TORONTO Ladies and Chlldren-Special Cas wil bc reserved for the ecclusive use of ladies. cluidren and t4leir escorte. Travel Full information from C. B. KENT, Agen CANADIAN PACIFIC-1 HARVESTERS I W9:T;D Plshaifaa cent per mile beyond to ail 1points in Marti- tu -ath wn, lbeta.EdiintnTanis, $11500 TO WINNIPEGa RETURN1NQý-Half a cent per mile t rig plus $20.00 to destination. AUOk. BOth-Froin Toronto, Caledon East, Beetoîî, Meaford, ColIi;;gwood, Penctang, Mîtlland, CapreolI, and Souijth a _ atinOtr Oo Stations in oeec -st oif St. Andlrews antI Lachote. SEPT. 7th-Froin Station, ; Ontario. Toronto, hîglewood Jct. andl %Vest anîd South therteof. Si;,, l friiOs lur iti n., v iaV... Câiia n tm Nati.,ral tt.uiways: PFrom TORONTO (Union Station)-AUg. SOth- From OTTAWA-Auig. 3Oth- 12.01 amr. (mid- 12.01la.m. MNidlniglitAt;g.2!lth) 12.30p.m* ; 0.40p.m. night Aog. 29th); 12.01 noon. Sept. 7th-2.00 t) pm.; 10.-10 P.m. Prom PETERBORO - AUX. Prom WINDSOR-Sept. Tth From PALMERSTONSp. 80th - 12.01 ar.(m î ldniglit -12.30 a.m. (Midniglit Sept 6th) 7th - 9.00 a.m via Guelph, Autt. 201h) via Linîdsay, Black. viam Chatham, London, Hamdltoti Georgetown and Inglewood. waten and At l;ilev. andI Inglewood. larough cars ti...ehr principal pointa connecting with above special trains. Fur detaiîs consuit local Canadiar, National Agents Through Traina--Oomfotall* 0Co0lnit Oar.-Sp.l&ICase f*P Wom.n and Chlldren ra"vet CANA DIAN NATIONAL 1 1 31

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