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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1927, p. 7

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ruai (ASJP fAN STÂTESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l8th, 1927 YkNewwdiFnerPontiac Six ai RedudPri*ce TwoDoor aetF.ctory Sedan '1 eExfra With New Plush. Trlmnulng and Luxurious Interior Appol ntments N 0 other six in the world provides, at Pomtiac price, the style, luxury and safety of fine Fisher-huit bodies-the smooth, satisfying per- formnance of a powerful six.cylinder engine devel- oped by General Motors engineers and proved on the General Motors Proving Grounds-and a remarkable combination of quality features includ- ing new plusb trimming and luxurious interior *ppointnlents. In no other six at Pontiac price can you obtain the. smartness and beauty . . . the rugged construc- tion . . . the power and smootbness . . . the. long-if e economy and bigh resale value of Pontiac Six.. And now, you can obtain ALL of these, in the New and Finer Pontiac Six, at NEW, LOWER PRICES-the Lowest Prices in history. P-U CORBETT MOTOR SALES Bowmanville 6C-six PRODUCT 0F GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA, LEIM PRÔTECTION FOR Automobile Owners Our AUTOMOBILE POLICY will your AUTOMO- BILE againsi becs or damage caused by Fire, Thefi and Collision, and it wiil aiea pay dlaims made against YOU by others for Personal Injuries and Property Damage on ac- couni of an accident caused, or alieged ta be caused, by yaur car. The variaus caverages are as follows for any one or ail: FIRE AND TRANSIT Insuree againet lose or damn- age by fire arising from any cause whatsoever, and light- ning, anywhere in Canada or the United States. This policy alco covers lacs or damage ta your automobile through transpotaion perils, tbat is the sting, sink- ing, collision, burning or de. railment of any conveyance in which your Automobile is be- îng carried. THEFT Provides indemnity in the event of your car being tol- en.. Shouid it be recovered in a damaged condition we will bear the cost of repaire. Moto-Meters, Spot-Lighta, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rima, Wheels and-or extra or Or- namieniai]Fitings are soi in- sured, unless upon payment of extra premium. PUBLIC LIABILITY Protection in respect of your legai iabiiity for injuries or death caused, or alleged ta be caused, ta persans of the pub- lic by your Automobile. The usuai limite are: In case of injuries ta one persan, $5,000 and ta any number of persans in one accident, $10,000. In additon ail expenses of de- fending suite, even if ground- lees, are paid by the Com- pany. PROPERTY DAMAGE Indemnities in respect of your legal liabiliiy for dam. age ta the property of OTH- ERS, including loec of use of their praperty, Up ta a limit of $1,000. COLLISION Pays for repairs ta YOUR Automobile or equipment as a recuit of being damaged in a collision or upset. Consuit us for rates. W. have the lowest. JJ. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokersi Phone 50 King St. E. Bowrnanvillej Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART oAcce>,Pt only "'Bayer"' package which contairis proven directions. Rand "Bayer" boxes of 12 tableta ÂAlo o ttes of 24 and 10O-Driggista. OBITUARY John Lee, Kedron John Lee, one of Ontario County's pia nee rs, died at bis Kedron home, i Thursday August lltb in bis ninety- i fourth ycar. His passing is mourned1 by three generations of bis own faml-E ily, and throughout the district a i distinct sense of loss is feit in the severing of anather honored link with the days wben Canada was ya ung. Mr. Lee wvas born on his father's farm at Kedron Corners on Septem-1 ber 6, 1833. His life wvas one mark- ed by great labor and bigh ideals. Deepiy religiaus, be was one of the pillars of early Metbodism in this county. He was Kedron Church's first member of the Quarterly Board its first Sunday Schol Superintendent, and one of its first trustees. Hie father, the late George Lee, was preacher at Kedron. He wvas drown- ed about 70 years ago when the ship, whicb he was taking ta Eng- land on a visit struck an iceberg and foundered. The late Mr. Lee was aiso deeply interested in general edu- cation. He served many years an the sehoal board of this district, and bis sans recali that he served at a tinte vhen the trustees themseives1 ivent about coliecting funds for edu- cation purposes.1 He married Miss Martha Pascoe,1 who came with her famiiy ta Canada1 from Cornwall, England. She died1 early in this century. Mr. Lee's father came from Cumberland in the, Old Land. The funeral was heid from the family home Friday afternoon to Un- ion Cemetery. Oshawa, Rev. J. F. Clugstan, Columbus, officiating. Surviving Mr. Lee are two daugb- ters and three sons. The daugbters -Mrs. M. MclGregor, East Whitby Township; and Mrs. Gertrude Derby, at home. The sons-F. W. Lee, East Whitby; Bertie Lee and Wesley Lee, at home. Twelve grandchiid- ren and fine great grandchiidren ai. s0 maurn Mr. Lee's death. Six grandsans bore Mr. Lee's body ta the grave: Dudley, Malcolm, Bruce and Lloyd McGregor, and Frank and 1Rass Lee. F. J. Garratt, North Bay Francis Jones Garratt, one of the beet known travellers in the nortb country and an outstanding sparting entbusiast, passed away at bis home at North Bay about 1.30 Sunday morning, August 7, folaowing a par- alytic seizure at 10.30 Saturday ev- ening. The late Mr. Garratt was born 59 years ago in Belleville, the san of William H. Garratt, who survives hlm and the late Mrs. Garratt. He re- ceived bis early education in Belle- ville, and later came ta Bowmanville where he was in the hardware busi- ness. In 1897 he was married ta Miss Ethel Reid, daughter of Dr. L H. Reid, of this tawn, and sbortly after that went ta the United States. On bis return ta Canada in 1906 he went into the grocery business at Wellington, Ontaria, and in 1910 went ta North Bay. For three years h. travelled for the Morney Biscuit and Candy Company and for the Telfer Biscuit Company, wjien, in 1913 he became connected with the National Grocere, Limited. For aver tweive years hie represented this firm throughaut the narth, and only two years age h. secured the tobacco business formeriy owned by W. G. Rorabak in this city. He was one of the best supporters of dlean sport in tbe north country and was a keen angler. He is survived by bis wid- ow and on. son, John K. Garratt. Hic father who is naw in bis 94th year resides in Bowmanville with the deceased's sister, Mrs. S. S. Edsaii. A brother of the late -Mr. Garratt, Dr. W. H. Garratt practices in Yank- ers, N. Y. Deceased was a member of Nipis- sing Lodge No. 420, A.F.&A.M., The body was brougbt here for interment an Tuecday afternoon. Service was heid at the residence of Mrs. S. S. Edsall, Cubitt's Lane, conducted by Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rect- or of St. John's Church. The pal-bearers were Messrs. Gus Bounsaîl, C. A. Cawker, C. B. Kent. Fred Downey, J. A. McClellan and A. Mitchell. A number of members of Jerusa- lem Lodge A.F.&A.M. followed the remains ta the cemetery where Ma- sonic service was conducted by Mr. Fred C. Hoar, P.D.D.G.M. Good-bye Asthma. Persons suf- ering from that extremely trying trouble knowvn as asthma know what it ;s ta long with ail their hearts for escape as f rom a tyrant. Neyer do they know wben an attack may corne and they know that to struggIe un- aided je vain. With Dr. J. D. Kel- iogg's Asthma Remedy at hand ,how- ever, they can say goodbye to their enemy and enjoy life again. It heips at once. Do) not allow worms ta sap the vit- Iality of your chiidren. If nlot at- tencled ta, worms may %vork irrepar- able, harm ta the constitution of the infant. The little sufferers cannot voice their ailment, but there are many signs by which mothers are made aware that a dose of Miller's Wormn Powders is necessary. These powders act quickly and wili expel worms from the system without any inconvenience ta the child. Unif orna EauIly Dlgested Eastly Prepared For these reasons it is Wise to put baby on Eagle Brand at once if natural feeding la impossible. Asic your B2627 OBITUARY David Fogg, Lansing, Mich. A Durham boy in the persan of David Fogg, passed away on August il, at Lansing, Mich. Mr. Fogg was born in Bawmanvilie, and spent bis early cbiidhood here. He bad beeni aiiing for same time and bore bis1 suffering with great fortitude. Interment vas made in Lansing, MIIich. Two sisters, Mrs. M. Lamson of Chicago, and Mrs. L. Doarley of Homewood, Ill., are left ta mourn bis ioss. william Cayley, Chicago, 111. A former resident of Ontario Caunty in the persan of William Cayley passed away in Chicago, Ill., an August 4th. Mr. Cayley was born at Oshawa on August 18, 1859. He was the eldest of 14 children, 8 of whom survive-Mrs. J. Smaii, Mrs Robt. Smith, Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs Amelia, Harry, Everett, Arthur and Frank Cayley. On December 29th., 1886, he xvas married ta Miss Marie Stewart, ta wbich union tbree children were born -Harry, Millie and Howard-the latter passed away in chiidhood. Since 1887 they have made their home in Chicago, except for a short time when tney restaed in Califor- nia. For came months Mr. Cayiey's beaitb had been failing. Interment was made in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. J. Smali of North Bay, Mrs. R. Smith of Chanton, and Mr. R. Cay- ley of Oshawa, were present at the last rites. The sympathy of their numerous friends is extended ta the bereaved anes. For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator bas ranked as a re- i able worm preparation and it ai- ways maintains its reputation. CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So Sh. Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'8 VegetableCompound Mineaing, Ontario. --l arn a prac- tical nurse and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound to sufering women. For three montha 1 was almost beipless and could not ait at the table long enough ta drink aup fta Many a time my bus. ban carried me to bed. 1Iwould be so weak. Then he read in the paper of a woman sufering as I did w-ho got better after taking the Vegetable Compound, s0 he went and gai it for me. When 1 bad taken three bottles I was just like a new woman snd have had splendid health ever since. When I feel any bearing-down pains 1 aiways take it; sometixnes a haif bottle or whatever I need. It is my oniy medicine and 1 have toid many a one about it. Any on.e'wanting ta know more about LydIa E. Pinkhax's Vegetable Compound,4 I will gladly wrte to ber. 1Ido all I cas ta rec- ommend it for I fee-! I owe my life and strength ta ht." - Mrs. N EAL BowsE, kR. 1, Mineamng, Ontario. Do you feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimea? Do you have ibis horrid feeling of fear which some- urnes cornes ta women wben they are not weil? Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. etabie Compjound in excellent ta take ai such a tisse. XItaiways helpe, and if taken regulariy and peraiatently yul relieve this condition. 0 EVERY MONTH' MANY WOM EN Tske ZUTOO Tabletsanmd arc &«e of the Grlplng Pain and Sick Headaches. Read what Mra. Wright says : «I recoived your sampis of Lutoo Tab- lots.a, nd took tbem for severe pain (moathy) and headache. At the end 0, 30 minutes. 1 was entirely free of pain mmi .xWerlnced no more throughout the perlol.I efe rs reat dal at these timer and feel gr&toulthat I have a rcmedy whicii affords quick relief. Every womas it te la"d sbould know about Zutoo Tabiets and what they wildoY» Mm. ALLE WRGHT. Fulford, Que. TAKE ZUTOO CHILDREN THRIVE For growing children nothing can take the place of cod-lIiver oit vitammns. Give them vitamin-rich Scot's Emulsion &,out & Bawne, Tofoto, OaS. 1V-4 ,Df PMOSPHODINE. n~le <Great English Preparatmnn. Tones and eigorates t he uhole nervous systenm. maint new Blood in old Veiris. Used for Nern'ous IDebltd, Mental and Brain Worry DespondencyLo s f Enarzv. Palpitation the Henri, Faing Mem"e. Price $2 lier box, 3 for $5.1 Sol by ait druggists. or mailed in plain p&g. on receipi of pricc. Nw'pampIILO~ mailed ý,ook'is Rgulatlng Compound A s«à.% Ui. umm mMu.d 'ld in MtIhreedi- gsr oobtb-No. 1. Oit ci83; No. 3. 85 ver bos. =là a =IAd oro: COURTICE-EVERSON PICNIC On Friday afternoan, August 5tb., an event of mare than usual interest took place wben the familles of the Courtice-Eversan clan held their annual picnic at the deligbtful and increasingly popular "Cream of Bar- ley Camp", Bowmanville. At iwo o'clock the guests began ta arrive from Detroit, Lindsay, Osh- awa, Tyran. and nearby settiements until between sixty and seventy people of ail ages were on the scene. Wbile the children enjoyed swings and other attractions, the aider peop- le vis ited and chatted until su.pper time. After ail had done justice ta the best that Canadian sali and artfui culinary wisdom could pro- duce, the company was caiied ta or- der by the genial president, Norman S. B. James, whe handed the con- duct of affaire over ta the Vice- President, Mr. Stanley Everson. After the election of officers for the camifg year, Mr. James the ex- Presîdent, and oihers were cailed on for speeches W.ich were thoroughly enjoyed. It was a great pleas- ure toalal that Mr. M. A. James was able ta b. present for about baîf of the afternoon. A very interesting number aon the program was the singing of a bymn composed by one of the compan y, R. G. Everson, B. A., son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Fiverson, Oshawa, when Dr. Percival Price, the carilloneur Iwho bad charge of the program ta be given on the carillon at the jublee ceebration in Ottawa, conceived the idea of playing an anthern ta be de- dicated ta the students of Canada, Mr. Everson who ibis year graduai- ed from the University of Toronto, and who le already a writer of some note, was asked ta compose verses for the anibem. The bymn isas foliows: By Ronald G. Everson, B.A., Oshawa Great God in Heaven, O hear us aing A love sang ta aur native land Canada, ta tbee we bring Our hearte and thou wiit under- stand. IThy glory sounde againsi the skies; Btwbat of power and what do- main, ITo this, that in tby bosom is ILave for great living mare than ~gan. IThou hast not turned away thy face !From wbere the pains of duiy wait I And so hast came ta henored place Amidet the councils of the great. High thoukght bas brought thee great- necs now Honor the prize thougb right the quest: A madd'ning laurele crowd thy brow O Nation! Hold ihee to the best. Played on July lst., 1927, by Dr. P. Price, Carllisoneur at Ottawa. Varicose Veins Reduced Or Money Back Simple Home Treatment That Ia Giving Amazing il Resulta The world progresses. Today aili- mente that iook weeks ta cure can now be ended in a few days. if you bave varîcose veine or bunches you can start today ta bring them back ta normai size, and if you are wise you wîll do so. Jusi get an original boutle of Moon's Emerald 011 ai any dîspensing pharmadist and apply it nigbt and marning as directed ta the enlarged veine. It le ver y powerful and pene. trating, and anly a littie is requir- ed. After a few days' treatment the veine will begin ta grow arnaller and by re¶ular use will soon reduce ta People who want ta reduce vari- case veine, or get rid of running sores and ucers, should flot hesitate to get a bottle ai once. ht is Bo powerful ihat a emali boutle lasteaa long tisse. Any pharmacy cansusp- ply you. Jury & Loveli sel! iota of lu. Real Quality riari MARLOW FAMILY REUNION At Mr. Geo. Marlow's, Cartwright The Marlow annual re-union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Marlow, Jr., on August 3rd. Atî 10 a. m. cars began ta arrive until one hundred and ninety-five regist- ered, while many present did natI register at ail. The day was every- thing that cauld be 'desired and the bright sunshine was reflected from many happy faces as old friends met. Joyous greetings resounded from al sides "What! le it really yau'?" At 12 o'clock a sumptuous dinner was served. The splendid grounds were decorated with fiags and bunt- ing. A large fia g was hoisted, it being a gift fram Dr. F. W. Mariow and w-as presented by Uncle George as Fred xvas unable ta be present. The Jubilee cake was placed on a stand under an evergreen arch and was circied by sixty candles. It was donated by Mrs. Flem Thompsan. The family tree the work of MNs. F. W. Marlow was tacked up and many of us for the flrst~ time learned who aur great-great-great-grandpar- ents were. The tree went back to 1786 ta Thomas Mariow, Corby Par- isb, England. There were two bun- dred and nine names on the cbart, which is stili incomplete through iack of information. The following places were repres- ented-Minneapoiis, Port Credit, Holstein, Toronto, Whitby, Oshawa, Omemee, Bobcaygeon, Part Perry, Burketon, Janetv-ilie. Letters were received from many who found it im- passible to be present. The committee of management had arranged for games and sports which kept everyone busy in the large field adjoining the house. Prizes were presented ta the win- ners as follows: Mrs. Weldan, Min. neapolis, came the greatest distance; Oldest man, Uncle George 73; Heav- lest, Mr. Sam McLaughlin ,Mrs. Har- aid Porteous; the largest famiiy com- ing the greatest distance, Mr. Arvili, Holstein; the youngest, Miss Me- Laugbiin, Burketon, 4 mos. Time ta depart came ail too soon and relatives dispersed, sorry ta part but hopîng ta meet again next year, the flrst Wednesday in August at the home of Mr. and MNs. L. E. Mc- Gi, (nee Florence Marlow,) Janet- ville. "The invention and improvemelit of wall boards have solved many an interiar building problem". -Lumber Jack. You can make two rooms of one at a slight expense by the use of the wali boards we can furnish you. After yaur first thougbi of building improvement you should think of ibis reliabie establishment. M(CLELLÀN&CO. LiMI1E LUMBER FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 7f2 u Pa dloks> d Yo arof budge them. Brantford Arro-Locks are fire-retardent, permanent, econ- omical. Brantford Roo fing Co.Limited Brantford, Ont. 101 Sock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rend.r.d by Rio& Co., M M M Bowmnanville Phone 248 ONTiARIO TheWeed Scourge Is it fair to your neighbor if your weed- infested fields, fence rows and idie places are scattering weed seeds over his land? Is it fair to yourself if your own weeds are scattering their seeds ail over your land? The weed scourge is costing Ontario $5,000,000 a year. A share of this money should be inyourpocket! Instead, this money is wasted. And the waste is increasing! The time bas corne for United action!1 The weed scourge should flot be merely 'fought" -it should be exterminated 1 Weeds can be exterrninated, but only by deterniined and united action!1 The help of every mian, wornan, boy and girl is needed. WARNLNG Under the provisions of The Weed Control Act 1927, now in force, the destruction of noxious weeds is no longer optional. The des- truction of noxious weeds is now compulsory. Every occupant of land and every owner of unoccupied land is required to destroy al noxious weeds beforetheir seeds ripen. Mun- icipal counicils are required to destroy ail nox- ious weeds growing upon the highways. Let everyone co-operate to end the weed nuis- ance. The Department of Agriculture Proinc ofOntario Parliament Buildings. Toronto HON. JOHN S. MARTIN W. B. ROAD)HOUSE Minister Deputy Muzuaar TEA P.7h lea cxionlj' mean poor te. -1 mmmmmmmý PAGE MVER 1

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