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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1927, p. 5

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PAGE FmV THE CANADIA1N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th., 1927. music MISS GWENDOLYN WILLIAMS Teachen of Piano, wlhl accept a numbe of pupil.s in the Autumo, teru beginoim 1n September. E-arly applicatbons desr able. Phono 159. 32-t MISS JEAN RAMSAY prepared to take beginners in Puai, and Voice. DLuties corurencing Sopteruber 6th. Studio: Higit Street, Bowruanvblhe, Phono 401 33-3w IRGARET 1. ABERNETHV, A.T.C.M Teacher of Piano and Theony Will conduct classes in Bowruanville ai, Courtice. Pupils prepared for Toronù Conses-vatonry of Music exarus le desured Terru opens Sept. l2th. Phono iSînil 34- "BEEKIST" HONEY APIARY NO. 166 Clover Honey 5 lb. tins ............75e 10 lb. tins ......... 14 30 and 60 lb. tins (net) 131/elb. Customers containers filled at le per lb. iess in August and first week in September, Satisfaction or money refund- ed. When buying froru retail stores anywhere in Canada ask for "Apiary No. 166". FOR SALE Beeswax, foundatton, framos, l1,'- H. P. Gasoline Engine. R. J. SMITH King St. E. Bowmanvîlle Phono 117 Opposite Red Indian Service Station ' Look For Honey Sign 33-4 W. J. Berry's Stat Comple, Sehool We have evervl'e( plies foir Public and Hiý Dring your list to, be filled to your satisfa( . WE AU Newspapers, Magazi 1 ~ Novelties, W Phone we je 207 Directly opposit PubicSchooLç Before you let them run to Ives' Shoc Store ani b Boys and girls stili have Nothing better for school we We Are Offering 15' Footwear and this will Leather Foot On the other hand, leîq and if you need good stroni weli advised to stock up for prices: Boys' Leather Oxfords, Black Boys' Caf Leather Boots Girls' Leather Oxfords .. Misses' Oxfords, Black, Browi Going West You mnay need Suit Case-, Good but not expensive.-- Ives' Casi FOOTWEAR AND BOWMAN VILLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MARRIAGES Lost or Found )er issHeln AderonTornto is Mr.and ____Nole____ e, i NALL-SMtITH--Ofl Wedne:sday, Aug. jFON-Ontarlo Motor License plate er Mss Hlen nderon, orono, s Mr andMrs.Nobl Shape, r- 7th, 1927. at Trlnity College Chapel, ON ng visiting hercui, Ms et Idad ien on~icle n Toronto, by Rev. Dr. Goagrave, asslsted 1 NO. 302-942. Apply Statestoan Office. irTmln Mrs. LreSnes nMna. by Rev. P. C. Howard, MllbroOk, Mar- 34-1 uf Tamblyn.s n onay 'JorieLucy Smith,.B.A., daughiter of Mr. " Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams and Mr. Arthur Perkin, Palmerston, Dr jand Mrs. A. A. Smith, Mlbrook, to MON EV LOST-Il Bownanvlilas- familyar holidaying with friends in Frank Perrin, Toronto, visited witb Henry WVlfred Hall, BA.. Essex, Ont., Of week, two $20 bis, one $10 bill and are onoBrs .E Hl.Lua Iorne amall bis. Finder ilease leave at no Cannington. their uncle, Mr. Edwin Reynolds. 1ny5f fMs .E al Statesman Office and receive reward. Miss Marguerite Armstrong has Mr. and Mrs. B. Schuyler Edsall _______________. _____-34-P- returned home after a pleasant horn- and familly, New York City, are vis- 'day witb Nestleton friends. iting bis inother, Mrs. S. S. Edsall. DEATHSBo drs W ne M. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Farr and Mrs. M..Barrett has returned from JON ES--At Newtonville, on August ores W n d daughter Doris, Aurora, Miss Agnes Rochester after spending two weeks 2.1 92-7, Maria E., beloved FURNISHED ROOM TO LET-Ali mod- nd K. Haddy, Toronto, spent the week- withbher daugbter, Mrs. IL. E. Zavitz. -lfe of Samnuel Joncs, in 94th year. ern conveniences. Apply ta S. Olver, 10O end witb Mr. and Ms F. A. d. Mrs. P. F. Dbo ad1BIRD-Jo Bowmianvlie, on Thursduay,*corner Concession andu Elgin Sta., I3ow- d. Ms ad. adDbo n August 18th, 1927, Robert R1. lirdl, for manville. 34-1 3. Rev. John Bunner will stipply on family, St. Thomas, spent Sunday abouit 40 years C.N.R. operator, aged 68 ________.- -3 Newtoîîville Circuit for the next two witb Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Foster,,y-rs. BOARDERS AND ROOMERS WANT. -Sundays during the absence of Rev. Wellington St. ARuT-Int, 197, amile o Air ayEO-.Central location, every convenience, Tho. Wllae, astr, ho illbe ugut 1th,192, JmesAlbrt Iamrates reasoable. Apply to Mrs. Dinni- Tho. allce Pato, wo ilIbe Mrs. Fred W. Nelles and children son orf'.%r. and Mrs. Walter Hart, aged well, Silver S:., Bowmanvillc. 34-3* on holidays. are spending a rnontbs' bolidays with 7 years. Mrs. A. Heal and granddaughteri relatives at Sudbury and other CHATER-In Leskard, Tuesday, Aug- -- Josephine, and Gwendolyn Bexley, Inorthern points. 0.4 301h, William John. yoingc-st son of Toronto, Mr.H.a and r.M 11 Mrs. G. Chater. aged one year I To Let Tornto Mr H Hal ad rs.M. Miss Harriet Warder bas returned and 10 menthe. Maynard, Brooklin, visited at Mrs. It9 Rochester, N. Y., after a pleasant BENNETT-ln Darlington. Lake Shore WANTED TO RENT-Itooma or small W. T. Worden's. vîsit wjtb ber aunts, tbe Misses Will- 1 Eaýst, on Sunday. August 21., 1927, Mý%ary house. Aî,ply te Mrs. Perfect, corner Thei numrousCanaian riens mot, Cur3cSt. t , bloved wife of Fred H. Ben- Ontario and King Sts., Bowmanville. Thor umros andin rind mtt Curh1t ne:,aged 36 years. 33-2w- will ho interosted in hoaring that Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heighton, Mr. WOD LE-At the Cottage Hlospital, (Dr.) William A. White and daugb- and Mrs. Hubert Venner and family IToronto, on Wedncsday, August 17, 1927, COTTAGE TO RENT-At Port Bow- teMiss 'Mosetta C. White, B. A., motored to Ottawa and spent the Itchad inry Boyd, Infant son of Mr. manville for, SvptembI tr, fine place, closed art evn e okCt oaweewt rer, i linfd Mrs. C. W. Vwoodley. Tyrone, aged in verandah, other conveniences, garage. are evn 1wYr it1oawekn ib red.I2u,, monîhs. Alan Williams, Bowmanville. 33-2 Thursday, August 25, on the Furness Mîr. Wm. Ford, Vancouver, B. C., 1 BLiGHT-At Croftterrae, owrh, iFARMS TO REN --onnity - Lino Steamer "Dominicia" on a 3- who was G. T. R. operator over 30 Ix-1onl, lngliind, on Tueslay, -ugust«) FRST E -CneitlIo weeks' cruise to the British West In- asao1tBwnavll ttinJohn Itat ten Blight, aigd 55 ,ars- a'cated excellent sonl. Possession toi yearsago t BonianilleStat o Nry aiceî>tiih Bible Christian îtîy îIough after present crop. Full posses-î dies. Miss M. Mildred White, M. A., I has been calling on old friends in îecu for inany years. inArl1 98 pl eG .Cn is expected back early in Septem- ý11n.CHISHýOLMO-n August 18tit, bis 92nd a-nt, Oshawa, Ont. -- 23-t ber from Paris wbere she bas spent i' Miss Eleanor Stephens, Presidn hjthdaly, at the residenc, 0f lis son-m - ber vacation studying French. dn1 iaw, Professor Needler, 103 Bedfordv FARM TO RENT-About 95 acres con- Bowanile otrias ntrtin of Women's Press Club, Toronto, and ' ; orno Doa îîsamlt eniently' situated in Oshawa. First- BowanvlleRotrias eterai- Mr. J. C. Stephens of Hatton, Ssk.JdeTronWteo, CDunn . islnteelass land,. city xater. Immiediate pos- cd as guesW-speakors at their lunch- session to pioughi. Full possession April eon on Frit-spay rat tBowma nh-tewere visiting Mrs. E. H. Lihtnai Port Hope. îst, 1928. Apply 10 G. r). Conant, Osit- Rotan rida J tC. owsand D. M over the weekend. aw, Ontario. 3-tf Todof OiashawaC. ub whoatnd eD . Mrs. John McGibbon, Sadie and IN MEMORIAM ________ ______ the Rotary International Convention Ernest, MIrs. Norman McGibbon and at Ostend. Jim gave an interesting Miss Jean Hudson, Toronto, were BALSON-In loving iniary of Harry Articles For Sale accun ofbi tn troub nglndSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.Itlo who nril 'i t ais n Court- acnt Sofland tri rhil a e nesribd iAEuAmtrnglAgleStt ~28, 1923. and eotlnd wile ave escrbed n E.Armsrong Argle S. dy, somietimie, .H unlerstandi CAR FOR SALE-A Chevrolet Touring a pleasing manner bis experiences on- Now for the greatest world's show 31-lw Wfc Car. Chéai for cash. Auî,ly 10 Virtue an cxtended tour through France. -Nanadian National Exhibition a usdaIlxn amr fm Gara ge, Tyrone. iGernîany, Switzerland and Italy. Toronto-which opens Saturday, lirolîr ie a' orne Leonard Kn.îg, Nvlio de- HEIFERS FOR SALE-Four rgistered Ehl Wood and William R. Rose- 4gs 7had otne1oSet tltjhlf uUtlii,12. Jrehifers in caîf. Apply T. Wesley mti th. Don't miss it this vear. II trling Tomimy 10w I ies you, j Cawvker, 1,3owrmnville. 34-2 bush. Augusta Avenue, Toronto, ap-1Ms .CneMse iaM- Ihow nm>heant aches %witl pain;:O AETooghrdbakPm peared before Police MNagistrate W. Ms .CneMsssOet c wotilî sacrilice ail so gha, OR AL-hrutreIlckP - F. ard'Moday boh bingcharged Conkey and _Mary Davis, Messrs. I toiî I have you back agnin. leranian itîr. 8 wceks old. Apply to Box witb foîgery. They were remanded 1Sme eokyadAtu h-ratinz1av fgte o,131). Newcastle, Ont., or phonc 3703A. tili Augtîet 3t., when it is expected Ïbot, Baltimore, Md., are on a moto hn thy sec rme siile, 1_________________ furthcr arresto ill foliow, implicat- trip through Ontario and called on BuIt îhey doOnotALEoANDii. heartaches, othrs n he as. I apeas Bowmanville friends on Tuesday Tha fe lisîst its glouv ani she hie storey frame carpenter shop in Hataîion ing thes i th cae. t apeas Lfe hs lst ts lowandstishie, village. Aîîply to Mrs. C. Johns, Haîrap- that ic ah last tne name ut Mr. and Mrs. Geu. H i'rl ears (--n neyer case tii- pin i ton, phone 382-4. 31-tf sbip, bas been forged on fifteen diff- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bicel ad Mr Ponil we mecl again. FRSL Icce los eI ~.î.onBrother Ted. perfect condition. Also heavy set of rent Bank of Montreal choques, and Mrs. Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, (l iies at a bargain. Apply to J. T. _j amounting in ail to over $700. attended the funeral 0f their tincle, I-olier, Churcit St., Bowmanvillc. 33-tf __________________________Thomas Nelson at Keene on Sunday. NEWS SERVICE IN PICTURES Mr. Tom Fairbairo who bas been FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a first ____________________________ Euopeclass instrument. Cao ho seen on en- _________________________ touring in Erp the past sunmoer Royal Theatre Secures Exclusive quiry at St atesman Office. Has beon stoed offfo af e dy-ths -ek Paamunt N"ew& Feature well taken cane of. In good condition. sp Of ora e~ uystm we1 .29-tf. îto visit bis sistor, Miss Fairbairn and cali on some of bis old boybood' One of the big featuroes at Tor- FOR SALE--3 dozen new screw top ýtionery Store Has A frienda tiefore proceedîng to his onto's larger picturo theatres is the 3/4 lb. jelly botties, $1.00 dozon; aiso ev home n pictures of worid evonts. These oral botules of Silver Polish, w hile l hom inMexco.reels seidoni get to towns of this size hlasts 20e bottlo. Appiy Mrs. H. W. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh and for several months wben the news 1,115. CnteStBomavll. Phn te S to c k son Biily, Toronto, Mrs. S. O. Taylor value of them have vanished . I -____1_ .kte to c kand 'Miss Taylor, Port Hope, Mrs. J. is, therefore, no wonder Manager! FOR SALE-$1.00 deposît secures cubher lWilliams, Toronto, Dr. W. H. Sey- IC, T. Ross of the Royal Theatre lis'of the followlng articles. Rogers Silver- mou ani sn Hatbiel ofChales50 îatd oer he ontactho asware, coruplete cabinet of 26 pieces for mourandsonHeahfild f Carls s eltedove th cotrat h hai 620.00. A beautîful dinner set, 97 piocos 0F City, Iowva, Mr. John Rieve and ijust closed whereby he is able to i of lte best china ishes $4000. Fiftcen daugbter, Mrs. Fork of Coiborne, present the famous Paraniount NeNvs iJewel ladies' or gents' watches froru erecent guest, 0f Mrs. W. H. 'Features imdaeyfloigtheir $i 0each gent reccives froc gifto inllmemiateiyerfolSowieg.knife and chain witit ordon. P ay>!t ýhe Librt Sret.two weeks' presentation in Toron- balance i 50 cents per week. Every The Boxvmanvilie Fying Club flew to. Bowmanville is. therefore, in larticle gtîananteed. Onîler 00w from O. their third on bird race on Sat- the same ciass as Ottawa, London. '1e165l6.%Smco Suh Oh uday, August 20tb., front Drumbo, Brantford, Kitchener in thiý regard.' _______Ont., distance 105 miles air line. Eacb Monday and Tuestlay evenings Foilowving is the nesuits in yards per stanting in September the Paramount Reai Estate For Sale -min: Wm. Wooinen 974.07, F. Bt- news reels will bc sbuwn at the Roy- i OR SALE-Two holîses, six quiremnent in school SUp- trei 973.20, F. Bottreil 972.01, Wm. ai Theatre. This is a stroke of goýod ami 7 roomns each, very attractive rosi- igh Sehool students. Wooiner 969.74, Polton & Son 969.- îuck which patrons of tbis popular denices, ln good location. Aîîply Peter Son 966.80, Turner Bros. 965.67, lamusement bouse are sure to e.njoy Martin & Sons, phono 497w, Bowmnn- thi stre hee tey Tm 67, Graham & Son 969.47, Polton & ,and'appreciate. ville. FR A2-rik-ou t thisstor whre tey wl t rabam & Son 960.01, Turner Bros. 942.60. Report of previous weeks' roomes electric liglîls and furnace, ap- etin. lying is on page 6. TELEPHONE STATISTICS I nIes, îi ans, and sinall fruit trees, tw'o ___________ I ooti huilîinz lots Nvith proîîerfy. wiii .S0 SELL Editor Geo. W. James of the Bow- IIeî'îw kn mans prie. Convýýnient manville Statesman, gave The Con- Statisties of telephone develop- Ilocîiozn AîyW .BerBoooe ~insCu Gass Cin, servator a pleasant caîl on Saturday. ment, gatbered fnom official sources, Bowmianvilie. 38-t TalPpr t.j Acconîpaniod by bis wife and daugh- througbout the world by the Statisti--- _ _1 ter he was taking a motor trip to cahoateto h elSs o ttse ami oue acre of land sit uîtedon Owen Soundl. The Statesman is have just brought the data down to litint Stre0 t, P.ownmanvillo, tic îî)ropferty orne of the most carefully nîanaged IJanuary lst., 1926. At that date of the late M.%rs. Saraht Jane Thick-on. and ably cdited of Ontario Weekhies. Ithe world bad in service 27,783,963 Titis hotîso is iii gooîi conitiion am and i- Frfifty years it was under the 'o-telephones of whicb 7,479,690 or 27 gain licno' ay bie obtaiîîed front W. F.I B e rryo1 of the father of the prescrnt per cent were in Europe, 16,935,918 War, Ring SterBorMnI.I.ile 3-tfn publisbers. The standard estah-'or 61 per cent in the United States SALE- nre o lndo Bow anile ished by the father is being well and the romaining 12 per cent inFaRe brIkEboSieolandglovng-room maintained by the sons.-Brampton other countries. uîning-noom, 4 bed-rooms, kî e Ives' Shoe Store Conservator. Thank you Bro. Chart- Canada's developmont of 12.21 Irty, woo'lshed; watter. electric llghtfu- ors for these kind words. telephones per hundred inhabitants 1 nace , garage, bank haro, lhon bouse fori was second only to the United States, foin bun'lned layIng hiens; Ilireo acres ofl Miss Maltel Borland, J. P., Keitb- which had a ratio of 14.8. DenmarkI orchiard: good garden with sruail fruîts;i loy Creek, Cariboo, B. C., is guest and New Zealand, with 9.2 'phonos.;coment silcwalks. nean ProvincIal 1gb-i of liis Florence Hoar atPoiec per hundred of population were tiedi Brocît Liberty St. Nortit, Botimanîb anti is also visiting old friends in for third place, and were f ollowed by ont, Phonoe 1, or 114w.26t ani rondBomavbe. It is 15 Sweden with 7.2, Norway 6.3 and¶ HOUJSEý FOR SAL--rme dwelll'-1-ngj veali,;sicnce Miss Borland left this Australia 6.1. Germany which ranks iauîi one a cre of stnawberries and othen S Op ll S pt. ton for the Sunsct Province where i noxt to the United States in absolute; sotil fruit. tue îîrolierty of tlaie ItA-! Q i lie has, boon tctivoly eîîgaged in ad- number of 'phonos in service, had on-: bort E Coolo, situa tel ou Browvn Str.,et, I ~IAIuI nistrating duties of a Justice of the ly 4.1 telephones per hundred inhabi- lan BowmirnvilIo, go harn ani h',n bonis. Op nAervising a ntining camp anti other -Ireland 3.0 and France 1.8. ln i),te Estate. Bargain pice roui itenebsns neests of __________1_ü S eci rod froru W.. Wanîl, Banneton, wodied sm years ago. Her mnany !______________Onario friends are glatI to welcome ber CARD 0F THANKS <HUE O AEDul rm '"hack home" again and to sec ber 0 it ouso, 5 R S acit, witit im rovenins lookiug sît welI. iMn. James Poulos who bas soid ;on Elgin St., olîpogite scitool: hrick houise Mr .J Hny h cpbead i ners nteilmi afet,1corner Elgin andl Concession; frame À ~ r. . J.Heny, he cpabe ad j is nteest n te Oympi Ca e ouîîîîe on Concession St: large brick ?\ 1W'.. uteou agent for Massey-Harniis s ate oaLabo a u-, itse ou Scîîgog St., close Io C.P.R. iahnris the busiest man in fourcasdarsarnan cofcin oues trn:00ouCnein / ~ounties these tlays wbile the farmersory sto aresinuantanue. Mr. Pu ls treet; franio residence, mîeobu th dstic ae anosin abup-wishes us to express bis thanks and pnovement,01 on Ontario Strman- in hedisrit ae arestnga bmp Cile suranch near lownof B treet; ecrop of grain. Mn. Henry bardly 1preiMion for arng n ('le iekn for rûtinoîl farmen or enos tnteto loe oreutas o i incourtesies extended to him while in oltors, i neisonahie price. Also several gestm osep rcl sh s. itn îPhoneos an great dentanîl for eniorgency cails B1owmanville as bhe baves the tow I tuiling lots in frooîl locality.Phn tt11.1on sec NVin. l3rock, Qîîoen Si., Bots' to repair, order or cnect new mach wt- lîlasant nenre made and ax le tha te hnvstingastîccessful business est bihd. iay lie carnicîl on with as little dle- t I.lay as possible. Formons are f or- CARD 0F THANKS ISEEKS BASIS FOR COMMON I ounsa1 on Fiday aftenooîî, Aug- Mn. and Mrs. Ainsley Sherman and '1o s elîidno-vt un it,' saild MuIni- Iust 26th. Lot every moruber riake famiiy, Boilton, spent tbe weekend iîalllyv for Members of Parliaruent aoi Sho S or Ian effort to be presenit. witb ber sister, Mrs. W. Len Elliott, att Mtnleilîtil Elections. andi titt surit Sh St relusI reniaim; titere for Inspection. Andî Si Chartron bas an advt. briru Centre St. !1ih ri'i'y eaîî uîîon al voters 10 take iot- TRAVELLING GOODS women do most of the buying for Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman are or omissions connected accorîiung 10 law. ONT. 11fatben and the boys" they will ap- still showing a good stock of whitel Dttd tibs 18th day of Auguts, 1927. pereciate what a saving it means to and colored surumer dresses in ray-1 Johko te',I n Ly o te. buy wbile this sale continues. ons, fugi and crepes. 3- Town of Bowmanville. Public School Opens Sept. lst. We have a complete stock of aIl School Sup- plies, including Text Books for both Public and High Schools. Exercise Books and Scribblers are large, good quality paper, and very attractive covers. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore Bowmailville BUY TOILETS NOW Have You Taken Ad- vantage of the Factory to You Sale? 50e Jonteel Creams .. . .39e 25c Powder Puifs......... 15e 25e Jonteel Talcumn...19e 50e Milk of Magnesia .... .39e 15e Boracie Acid.........10ec 25e 'Pr. bodine ........... 19e $1.00 Writing Paper .... 69e $1.00 Bath Saîts ......... 69e 60e Chocolates...........»* 29c This is only a few of the many items Iisted in this sale $10.00 Set Vivani Beauty Products For $1.97 Face Powder.,.......... $1.00 Rouge.,.................75 Tiserem...... 1.00 Ded rn . . . . . . .75 Cocoanut Oil Shampoo,.. .75 Bath Salts.............. .50 Toilet Water............ 1.25 Perfume ...............2.50 Brilliantine ...............50 Skia Whitener ............75 $10.00 ALL FOR $1.97 JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It is Done Froperly Dress the Boys Up For School Reopening Exceptional Values This Week 15 only, Boys' Suits, Navy Blue Serge, also Fawn and Grey Tweeds and Worsteds, Values to $9.50, On Sale while they last OnIy $5.95 Boys' Swveaters and Sweater Coats, ail shades, any style, from $1.95 to $3.50 Each BOYS' COTTON STOCKINGS B LAC K Heavy Ribbed Cotton Stocking, wortb 50c pair, On Sale 4 Pair For 98c BOYS' 4-PIECE SUITS Coat, Vest, Long Pant and 1 pair Bloomers, ali sizes, Navy, Grey and Brown, From $10.00 to $16.50 Each Boys' Fine Shirts, Regular $1.50, For $1.00 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT BIG REDUCTIONS In fancy Tweeds and Worsteds as follows: $20.00 For $ 14.95 $25-00 For $16.50 $30.00 For $19.95 $35.00 and $37.50 For $24.95 MEN'S OVERALLS $1.49 Heavy quality with Bib, Black, Blue Stripe and Plain Blue, worth $2.00, For Only $1.49 Pair MEN'S WORK PANTS AT $1.98 A special line we are f eatur- ing, Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday at only $1.98 Pair Men's Work Shirts 98C Men's Union Sox 4 Pair For $1.00 selection is best. T. B. Gilchrist Phone 61 Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville i

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