PAGEEIGHI fME CANADIAN STATESMA«N, 2SOW'MAN VILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th., 1927. I ______ WE HAVE IT So many p)eop)le have found fî'om l)ast ex- perience that if it is something in gî'oceries we have it. And hetter stili our l)iices on ail lines of groceries are so satisfying that p)eople corne back and in no tirne become iregular customers. Everv- thing reasonably pi'iced. Bluebei'îies, Cabbage, Celei'y, Tomatoes, Cuicumbers, Pickling Vinegar. New Potatoes, Spices, Pure and SelI IIARRY ALLIN__ BOW MAN VILLE UoHo- do vou keep vour eoo always 1Iooldng 11k new, in £Pite of ail the dancing you do?" "Simple -Never ay 'crackln under the etral wbeà 1 Lok aft them wlth 'eugget'." RUGET"SHII ?hgeaa "Nall.i"- Pade f/07 ery shoe made.8 Look For the Slheli Sign 9?hen pui'chase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the worlcl over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long î'un. C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bown'anville 'q The Newvvcee«t1ie Inridepgenldenrt THURSDAY, AUGUST 295th., 1927 NEWCASTLE MDENTHRESHING MCIECADMUS Mrs. B. J. Ferguson, Los Angeles, Attracts Widespread lnterest The meat supper and concert held Calif., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred in the new church shed here on Flîgg.1 Mr. Geo. Law has purchased aTusaAgs 8 a eie J. E. W. Philp had a week's visit new practical]v ail-metal Case thresh-TursdayAugut 18 wast a daeie froni bis uncle Frank Cuvoy and wife ing machine through the agency of lgathering, yet the grand concert of Toronto. Mr. S. J. Henry. Bowmanville. and1 which was so graciously rendered by Publie School opens Thursda with thie help f Mr. Matt. Aldread 'the orchestra of the Sunday Sehool September lst and High School,ansouloh itfo thcaatoGeretrtUnedC rhP- Fuesday, Spebr6h the C. N. R. Station Saturday. In 1 erboro, under the leadership of W. ReSteberngthn. a the afternoon they put it into opera- H. Cunningham, certainly made up Rev Sytb Wlligtn, frmer tion on its very lir-t job and tbreshed ,for any defect as to attendance. Miss pastor here, bas been miaking Mr. and a stack of grain for Mr. J. R. Fisher, !Darsy Murray, soloist, who is soe Mrs. Howard Cook a Xiit. Sunnyside, Pos-Lnaster (ieo. Jamie- well known here, once more received August Flower Sbow is being held ison baving the honor 0f putting the, very hearty applause; also Mr. in Conmmonity Hall Friday afternoon irst sheaf on the se:f-feeder. Tbe! Bryan who along witb Miss Murray an(d evening, August 26th. macbine wvhicb 'stbe first of its type sang several duets which were highly Mis SutonandVance bave re- in tbis section l'an splendidly fromlIappreciated. MrW.JBag, . turned frons an enjoyable visit witbhtbe moment the cylînder began to 1 P.P., Bowmanville, was present andi ber parents in Palmerston. humi until the last straw of the last in hjs usual jovial way, told how Mesdames MýcLaugbl;n and Tbom sb eaf was bIna n tbruugb the wind rpieased be was to be with bis Cadmu rturned Monday after a pleasant stacker. Mr. Ilienry , the enterpris- friends at such a social gathering. vit witb Cobourg friends. iag agent, \vas an interested spectat-I The unanimous opinion of those MsMai udead finor. preseat was that it was the best con - ipleGroe. wre eeknd gest ofcert that bas been given in the Car-t- IMisses Elizabeth and Ruth Hancock. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH wih onhpfryas W ork will be begun this week on1 the new beating system the Ladies' Rev. Cecil .A11i] of South Dakota. I KENDAL Aid are providing for the parsonage. brother of Mr. Hlarold Allin of th's_____ Mir. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher and village. preachuil in United Cbnrch Sabbath afternoon, August 21st., tlaugbter Marion, Belleville, are vis- SUn(lay morninz to a large congrega- at Harvey Jackson Memorial Park, iting ber parents, NIr. and Mrs. Geo tion. Mr. Allia took for bis sub- Kendal a gospel service was held in P. Riekard. ject, The Jews. lirefacing bis cx- accordance with a resolution passed Mrs. T. C. Le Boutillier, M.%ontreal. tremcely interestins- and enlighteninglby Quarterly Board of Newtonville discourse with tbe query "Are the appointmneat of the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grubbc, West- jew's God's cho ta people StilI?" He The service was la charge of Rev. on, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. baadled the subject with a broad s',m- Thomas Wallace, Pastor, and the ser- P. F. LeGresîey. patby, speakinz favorable vice of son g was conducted by Mr. W. Jennings and J. E. W. Pbilp, term's of the îneportant place the J. Swarhrick, choir leader. Manv ex-G. T. R. agents, attended(hefu-Jewish people ioccupy in relation to1 sat in automobiles parked before the oral of the late Robt. Bird, at Bo- the rest 0f the xord's population., grand stand whicb vas also filled toe mianvillo on 'Monday. Mr. Allin alsofaoe the congrega- capacity. Mrs. Franiko and children, Donald ition witb a solo "Thli Prodigal son-*. j lran the singing of Scrivan's great and Normia, Toronto, were recent -nwhicb made its ,\ oii sepecial alppeal t(o hyma "What a friend we have in guesta of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs tbe listeners in ',he l)ews. Jesus" to the ciosing alternate sing- W. F. Riekard, The Grange. Rcv. 2Mr. Sterliiar of Orono preach- ing of the verses by male and f emale Dont forget the Decoration Day cd la the evenins-. deliv-ering an 010- voices of "Wben the roll is cailed services at Bond Head Cemetery on quent discourse frmi the text "Davidi up Yonder" there wvas great interest Sunday afternoon, August 28tb. ent'ouraged hintseif in tbe Lord". and attention mianifest. The choir goo I spakes, ad nl attend- This xvas a mos- helIt fui andI cbeering Iasbysupred by the Newcastle Mi'. Frank O'Neil with a party of wngr on i h' n0lmYOrof aIl soloist wvho sang in excellent voice Ameicn rind fomtvo beard it. h. sides the antheni 1"Opea the gates of the Temple". Pbieiaelphi atend anord visit- y the choir, 'Mi'. Il. Hur-Ibert con- 'Mr. J. Stewart, Recording Stew- ecl bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. t riboted to the tca part of thelard, briefly spoke la explanation of O'el *service the solo J Onlv". Ithe origin and object of the ser- ONei. E .adMs ok e ie aetebgcodwloe tuî'ned to the parsonage on Monday. NEWCASTLE BOWLING CLUB and on bhaîf of the Board invited Miss Elleen returned home week ear-___ them to come again. lier and bas been staying witb Misse The present standIing of the five Rev. T. Waflace's message was Ruth Hancock. rinks competing foi' the John Douglas 1f ounded upon a text froni the good Miss Marjorie Broad, Belleville, is Silver Cup is as follows: new's according to Mattbew, verses vting ber cousin, Miss Bertha Cow- Go Rink Won Lost 2R-29. The speaker gave an inter- an wo rturnd lst wek rom Ge. Jaiesn .........5 2 estingaccouat ofthe habits, grovith pleasant visit with ber several rela- W. F. Rickard.......... 4 2 'andbgeaut v of the lily and the per- tives at BdGcx'ille. S. C. Sutton ............ 4 oration of bis address uttered in pas- Miss Evelyn Rickard bas been Dr. J. A. Butler ........ 3 4 I sionate appeal. stressed the truth of visiting Miss Hilda Rowland, Lake W rower ............. 1 6 'in God's wch at outo f orstby te Shor, whle MsterJohnand iss The last game up to date was play- i o' ra u fdosb h SJe while Mast e on viatn MISS Friday evening between Georgeiman of Galilee, viz: The filial trust Jean Rickardndhave been visitingsattediand the proper vague of the unseen Mr. Dolph Henry's, Orono. Jamienon s and Dr. Butîer's rinksatd Mr. Cas. Tackry bas beenlatter winaing one from the top not-» n tra ve hnsse n Mr. has.Thakray bas eenchers. The aext game willI bc play- temporal. driving Britton's bread truck while ed_________________of___________ Mr. Chas. Cowan bas been on hou rda vango hi ek ... weather permitting.- days with Mrs. Cowan visiting The contest for the fine John NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION 0F friends la Bellevilse, Rossmore and Douglas Cup bas been a keen one PARTNERSHIP 2Mississagi. ahd bas aroused a good deal of in- _____ Dr. Ernest Allia accompanied by terest and enthusiasm on the part NOTItCE IS IIEItEBY GIVEN that the bhis sister, Mrs. Anale Walker, Port of the generail public. The contest partnrshiptheretofrýed. sbitnhe y- Hope, Mrs. Marlon Allinanad Mrs. is aow drawing te a close each rink! it'n uin the Tonersigaed.anithe, i M. E .Moore motored to Ottawa ex- beiag scheduled te play eight games 'lit,' oun*:y of Durhan, lias Ihis day been hibition where bis brother Norman and many of the regular spectators 'ltssoiv,'d hy mutual consent Ail deb's is an exhibitor. have already picked the wianers. ow1ing to th.ý sai partnersliîip art' to he J. E W.Phil wet t Torato A rik o th lades'club co- iai to Peter 1,ambros, Confecîjoner. at J. E W.Phip wet t Toont A rnk f te ldies clb, o lte Town of Bowrnanviiie aforesaid, anti on first local train using the New sistiag of Mrs. H. S. Britton, Mrs. ail claires agatnst the saiti iartnership Union Station, August llth. His (Dr.) Butler, Ms-s. Laura Fisher and are ta he ipr"sen'ed to th.* said Pe'er lamhbros, by wtnm the samne wii h.' set- father, the late James Philp, was on Mrs. J. R. Fisher ,skip, journeyed to tî,,,. the first local train betweea Cobourg Cobourg last Wednesday and took flATF.D at Bowvntanville, Ontario. this and Toronto on old G. T. R. 70 years part la the big bowling tournament iFfteenth day of August A. D. 1927. agu. ia the Counties Town. The New-1 WI'NîFSS Mr. Edward Thackray, delegate toe castle ladies were privileged te play W.OA LAMBROS the S.O.E.B.S. Supremne Lodge meet- three games, losiag one to the Co- 33-3wABRO ing, baving returaed from Ottawa, bourg champions, tieiag anc with 13-3 JAS.1POU LOS Mrs. Tbackray bas now taken a trip Deseronto rink, and wianing one I-_____ to visit relatives la the Dominion from another Cobourg rink. They N tc Capital. are to be congratulated on their Capai Ebr as xcangd ispluck and enterprise and on their No ic o ureditors Captin ber as xchagedbisgood playiag on a strange green and farm on the Third Line for bouses la big company. in lte Surrogaùt' ourt of the UTnîted and other real estate la Trenton, ______ Courvites of Northtumberland andi Durham a'bere the family have gone to live, lantt,-IEstate or Sarah Jane Thîckson, Mrs. Eber and daughters bidding NEWCASTLE SINGERS ASSIST !Wîio, ti"dea8ed. good-ek to friends the first of thej Notice is hereby given that aIl persons wodek KENDAL OPEN AIR SERVICE iiavtng claires against the Esiate of Sar- ah ian,' Thickson, late of the Town o Principal and Mrs. Thos. A. Rod- Mr. H. Hurlbert, soloist, and the r omaaviîe, In the Cotint>- or Duritam, ger bave retnrned from Kingston New castle Male Quartet, Messrs. W'ittdow. îicease.'. who dIed on or about whereMr. Rdgerbas ben tkiag îJ.5. Rikard W. D Bî'gg, Mrk itit, wnîy-nintit tay of Jatnuary A. D. t r r ogrhsbe aigali .Rcad .D rgMr 1927, are' refuir,'d la omail or îiliver îhe six a eeks' suasmer course at Queen's Allia and H. C. Allin, assîsted la the samne witit full itarticulars to the under- Univer-sity. The sympathy of the service of son'g ait the open air scr- 1 ignetd ou or before the Tenth day of 2otnnunit is xtenled o.I ermir A. D. 1927; after wlttch date conniuityis xtededtoMrs. Rod- ,vice la the Harvey Jackton Memior-ith. Elx"-cttotys of lte saiti Esiate will ger wbo reccntly Iost a brother by laI Park, Kendal, Sunday afternoo0n, j lîstriiote tht e s (-*gof the estate iîav- deatb. Mrs. Lau'a Fi"sher was accîtmpanist i,,,r.-iarîilv l lito 'helaires tien.. . MNr. Walter Tink, Chicago, is vis-IThe service xvas held in front of tbe iatt i Itwm.anvilie, ont,Ags tng at Mr. and NIrs . Norman AI-lIgrand stand a bich ivas lilleti with ii ..2nd. A. D. 192-.. n'. and calling on other friends in I aorshippers, %%hile miany mor'e We.l otetr fr1hE.c or lWmanvli te village. His father, Rev. E . f1 m I hr f h'taw~ inl- ont. 13 1-111, .A, .u. , uni a u rai- 1 i ting ,severîti iroin Nese a.tle, a _______. el1 f Neton'.ille, as aI i d a visit Ion chair.s i'ou nd the' plfini rie-' Allia Ioft a itb hi.' show .'heep forbt'aî' l tt osbp01tîa _ Ottawa fair. pî'ais-o. Rt' . '1'bcs. 'ullatco:. e-jH g Sa i 'v. E. R. andtIrsti'. Jatntes lrii- t 'lllt, r',ltucted tht e rv an' j b.oiltî .R St'tand ti)fIit in . o h%ý"r l" On School Clotbing For M ld ,- t k bisoat fnd M .Jaîîc's -Saii'itrick andi hi- lxt'îd.t. thi ue-k-rùtut'1 ill '-4 ofI'tir ' Iin the singin, n d tîîl renee i 0 and Girls at bolW usual ai tSt. Gtrg' (b t fn.t'bl(n)-osie h 5UnjtY, .\ugu-' 2sDth ',itùh Rot tlhLis ('lttlthiîJ/.ilg ~ie 'gli 't~ît ~î'.S. j. (lî'e- l llioville, mot- fî"'iitt' t 'a,(xlr-'iig L.'ai îi'ctl i Nn ttete for ber !itit, cthjlrgfnmîp'-Bv<Suits. tailiu'df'îîî on }Saiîî-l;îîîîl a i rtlt',unique' ltîî'king T oýeils, cîtocialîN' adapt- 'alia whlo \Iî' l I't ri i h(,ii- gitat 'utI i tnt i in iothe îîî i tîtl'wu î t-, a .tIii tho: îotî îtt'îîk at t.<tttt' ti utl aad hoping that this-tjj(ý SPECIAL $469 j~~~~~~~~~ý rhîitt-tnlth ootlM. anti dse'rvice wtuîI(l lie the foreruinier of - - __________________ .Mr. I uttr olly, ith a ltttîtî .r . 1nt;ttw tîitî in tbis park.ti'l' 'ale th D'.ss aI Mi Mi ar d. Ibtîtugli tu t'e ai'lle br-____________'--. iîight cîticrs, Mii.'eMait' Sllîit \as)IIheStti LEARN BARBER TRADE SPECIAL $1.95 seln tel.jîi1a,0 irytîritanafî'LE-R MD ERN BARBE RING-F,.%%. loy..;' Tweedl Bliiomos us h -oling tht lilaicc'if tir siI biso x,. s t et ' r, wti-l.' iý, t ý î î tlting fîtr schoo . ', eaî', fi' .~t iii' il te ii ei r to. l ofi ~SPECIAL $1 .19 PAIR -- 'i. 'r i'i Vtril,' or -1t1iftrrfr.t _________________________ MORTGAGE SALE t t'st 'i'to59c 0f Valuable Farm WANTED A tttallçt gt iîOo 'te 'Have No Regrets Time after time p)eop)le have corne into oui' store and told us about some furnituî'e which they had bougrht from a mail oî'deî' catalogue or city store which had not turned out as they expect- ed. The resuit had to be a disappointment and loss to them. "Neyer again" ,they would say, "and in future we wilI buy fromn youî' firmi where dependable goods are sold at reasonable prices". Moral: Have no regrets When in need of furniture shop here first, with ' e@nfidence and assurance that the customer must be sàtiseed. F. F. Morris Co. Home Futiishers Phone 10 Bowmanville sitîj t. t, tt.'t'r' e'li t'hs igi. îtiî laldwIrx i.ruîlSpeav.àr1 i l'ltiful ie91t and 1lit- rînnacîsf MONDAY, AUGLîST 29, 1927 j huit0 Perfection. Write [i'o't 31,3,P,,- i 11îUL11','îl,or t*i-,oInitn, > l o t il, t. 1t i- fttloi',.rî nt,' te s i ýtif of lot 1, iîy,ith inthoti' t"'ondl ton- " t I tf lt i lo 'itîst1 ft',r,,tin ti ("tt9ifijtritani, Ot'onling 20aCres9 ii r'or lusc, cxeeIitg thoult WO acres t'ir,,,i lîy tite 1> îtarlînejîttof ptîh- 'lijghffllys- Abou' 161)t acros leareti 9 lt loarni soli anti 40 acres ltasiUre. Frarti.' twelitng, barn anti shtd. Agooti olrre srtt'ntittily aituateti on th, Provin- clial i igiiway abtout two rlies eaýst of Niwrittsile. Po rlitarîlculars and condiltions of sale aPPîY to P. C. Botta, Veadors Solicitor, L.ontdon, or to Joseph COulson. Auctloneer Newcastîle. 32-3 MEDICAL --I J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduaite of Trinity Univer. sity, FeIlow of Trinity Medical Col- lege, Licentiate of the State Univer- sity of New York, MatrIculaite of the Post Graduate Medical Sehool and' H0spital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto A£eademny of Medi- cîne. Office-.Mro. McN&ughton'a Rom- Idence, Newcaatle. Houri-S to 10) a. m. 1 to à p. rà. and by appoint- Boy,' Seblool Bôtots,, îack tr Brown, SPECIAL $2.39 Girls' Patent Strap Sboes, SPECIAL $2.19 PAIR Wompn's1 or Misses' Blazers , aU colos-s, SPECIAL $3.39 DILLICK'S Kiu and Division Ste., Bowmanvil. McLaugh1in.-Buick took vibration out of the engine-Now li has taken it out of the road W HEN McLaughlin-Buick made its famous six-cylinder, Valve-in-Head engine vibrationless.beyond belief, millions, the worid over, haiied this startiing advance in motor car performance as an engineering triumph. Now McLaughlin-Buiclt for 1928 has followed with another -itribution ta motoring comfort. McLaughlin-Buick bas taken vibra- tion out of the road by equipping every model with Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, front and rear-an added luxury that the savings of McLaughlin-Buick volume have been able ta suppiy. McLaughlin-Buick Hydraulic Shock Absorb- ers-made an integral part of the car by re-designing springs and chassis-provide far greater smoothness than Shack Absorber. which are added as "extra equipmerit". M7 CORBETT MOTOR SALES Phone 248 McLAUGHLIN-wBUICK for1928 When Better Automobile. Aie Bulît - NId.aughlin-Buick Wili Build Theoe Eat the Best Meats They Cost No More We only buy young well-fed cattle which assures Our customers of getting choice tender meat. We buy direct from the best farmers in the county; do our own killing, so know and can re- commend the meat we seil. Purveyors to the public for over 75 years. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville "C6ee! But It's Dandy Bread" Corbett's Wholesome Bread is gaining favor every day. The goodness of it is no secret be- cause the good is pjut into it before the flavor can be taken out.' The very finest Canadian Hard Wheat Flour, Fleischman's Yeast, Pure Cane Sug- ai-, Pure Milk, Pure Lard and Butter properly mix- ed and baked into the I)elfect Corbett Luaf tells the wvhole story of its fine flavor and its extra Igoodness. If you have not tried oui' bread, do so Ito-day. I For a change a loaf of Hovis Bread made by u is alway:ts receives a welcome reception at the table. Willard's Ice Cream J O'Keefe, Brewery, And Canada Dry Ginger Aie I Wedding Cakes a Specialty IW. P. Corbett I Baker and Con fectioner jPhone 3 Bowmanville c l f t t t c f a 9 9 d ti PAGE EIGHI PHONE 186 1 Bowmanville