"Me. Cas Always TioansatLean t T HE farmer who dleans up his . lansatthe bank after every harvest rrl has diliculty in financing his farm. When you need credit f rom the bank, a statement of your affairs given to the manager in confidence will create a better understanding between you and your banicer. The Royal Banik of oCanada Bowmanville Branch K R F. Aitchison, Manager 121 TH CNA I -STTEMA . O A V *Ay.rIu iti'fU1$'nAX, . -T B --8--92 IJ~ Our Forerei Aceonni Book? oilI Progv e ul i managing gotwaeWLAsakfoepp. ruirdMr.aJs H. ls hrlee poasss. ce, Mn. J.sH., Waheft Mcariona o Oardae Sasinwere bd eHarris ardwa frebsin esandsseHarriws Age enyafobsin eas.blockmdowts the nral ibusiness bocheof t a the nreant i hisbs is t te estat )T T jtt. pesnt e sorme edeoorateM.R TS Ar Anothe ery formie s r noin Mm. 1Lsl el ~absns a n REFINERS 0F SAFETV- EVERY MOTHER'S WAY ORONO s h ame towri conducting a large Sltumnber business, but for same years Tender, gentle, brave and true, (From The News of September lst) after going west was engaged in Loving us whate'er we do! Mrs. James Gilfillan, Fort Erie, was farming and stili owns over 1000 Waitngwathingat he ate home ve ite weekend. I acres of fine land on the outskirts of For the footsteps that are late, r Osage. Sleepless through the hours of night Mrs. McPherson, Belleville, is a g.hr a asl nw we Till she knows that we're al rigbt; guest of Mms. Geo. Mitchell. IMtescnesl nw we Pleasedwith every word we say- 1 Mr. A. Callendar, Port Hope, was their children are troubled. with That is every mother's way. guest at Mr. M. L. Travelle's. worms, and they lose no time in ap- Mrs (Rv. A.R. alh l r - plving a reliable remedy-Mother Others sneerA.and Wulshaside.-Graves' Worm Exterminator. Mother welcomes us with pride; Mr Fred Duncan had about a Over-boastful of us too, Miss F. M. Cobbledick is spend- thousand feet of luinber stolen re- Glorying in all we do, ing a couple of weeks in the city. cently from the building material on First to praise and last to blame, Mrs. fCann of Garden Hill, is ill bis lot, Cburch St., near C. N. R. Sta- Lovýe that always stays the samies at lier father's, Mr. Fred Duncan. tion, wbere hie is erecting for him- Following us where'er we stray- Miss Ruth Bowen of Deseronto, is self a dwelling. That is every motber's way. visitingglber aunt, Mrs. W. J. Stutt. Mr. David South wbile working on She would grant us aIl we seek, 1 Miss June Cobbledick of Toronto, the trenches at the Forestry Farm Give bier strengtb where we are weak is holidaying witb bier cousins on the tbe otber day was letting himself Beauty? Sbe would let it go. Sixtb Line.1 down into a trench, hands resting on For the joy we yearn to know. Mr. George Campbell, Toronto, is the bank bebind him, arms taut, when Life?9 Sbetd give it gladly, toa, I spending a few days witb bis aunt, bis weigbt carried bim ta tbe bottom For tbe dream that we pursue; Mrs. O. Scott. severely straîning the muscles of bis Sbe would'toi] that we migbt play- Master Keitb McElroy is holid4y- back and neck. That is every mother's way. ing with Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Clark An Qi] That is Prized Ever3rwhere. -Edgr A Guet. t Cemon Pak._Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Qil was put IMrs. Will Martin, Burketon, spent iupon rithe marwitou t nwaur the weekend with hier sister-in-law, put up ta meet the wants of a small iMrs.C. L Mylssa sectîon, but as soon as its merits be- Mrs. M. E. Walsh is spending a came known it bad a wbole continent HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS few days witb bier niece, Mrs. Nelson1 for a field, and it is now known and Cobbledick, Toronto. iprized tbroughout this continent. Write plainly, wîth plenty of room Miss Kate Waddell, Agnes and Al- There is notbing equal to it. between the lines. Number the fred spent last week at Napanee, andj Mrs. Ellen Herringtan passed away pages of your manuscript. Use good attended the fIair there.onFia lth tteHmetC- size paer ad dn'ttearoffthe Miss Viola Gilfillan, M. A., Ripley,1 bourg, of which she had been an in- unused portion 'of your last page. spent a f ew days the past week with jmwate the past f ew years. Deceased, Write on one sîde only. Do not lher brother, Mr. John J. Gilfillan. ith bier husband, the late John write mysteriaus paragraphs that on. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rolph spent ai Herrington, a veteran of the Soutb ly yourself and a few others will few days last week with Rev. and African war, resided in Kendal forst understand. Always give day and Mrs. S. T. Tuoker atWasago Beach. some years, and after bis deatb sbe date of occurrences. Dontt exag- Mri.W rgtadfml fcm aOooa oskee o gerate. Personal items relating ta r .W rgtadfml f cm oOooa oskee o visitors ta or from distant points Biggar, Man., weme weekend guests'the late Thomas Doncaster. Reeve make good news copy, but do no at Mm. George Waddell's, "Hurricane 'M. J. Holman and membebrs of the neglect ta send the other interesting Hall". Township Council witb commendable p ublic spirit, appreciated particular- happenings of the community. Try Mm. J. H. Morris and son Milton, ly by citizens of this tawn and Ken- ba do good; you may neyer have a-, and Mr. 0. Scott are spending a few dal, ordered tbat the body be bought good a chance again. Don't forget1 days this week attbe north lakes ta Orono for interment beside the that your efforts ta give the news of fishing. ;remains of bier soldier husband in your comnuinity are appreciatIb Dr. Ross Lang, Chicago, III., with, Orono cemetery. Impressive services not only the editor but also by th, a campany of frîends, motomed thr Monday at the grave were conducted public. town yesterday ,enroute ta, Kirby, by the Rev. Wm. Sterling, there be- b.. is aid home.. ing a good attendance present of Mrs. T. W. Anderson, Napanee, me- citizens of Orono and Kendal district trned tas ber home last week af ter and many floral tributes were placed Notice to Creditors sending a couple of weeks at Mm. on bier bier. The bearers wr IGeorge Waddell's. Messrs. Wm. Armstrong, Sr., A. 1 'Jackson, Adolph Henry, G. M. Lint- in the Surrogate Court of the Tjnited 1 Mm. Carman Haw, Starkville, a on ,Cbas. Awde and Whitney Boyd. Counzies of Northumberland and Durham ;former student of Orono Higb in the Estate or Sarah Jane Thlckson, Scboa] will teach at North Branch, Whtow, deceased. ýRainy River District. Eprmnso oeta Notice is hereby given that al persons M* 'an eid sth a iexcellno xeietso oeta having dlaims against the Estate of Sar- voicean efethebaiulso thirty years have proven that ah Jane Thickson, late of the Town of "Jesus is Calling"' on Sunday in1 Alumninum is the best con- Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Centre Street Cbumcb. tainer for tea. Red Rose Tea Widnw, <eceaserl1. who died on or aboutis nyn 1the twenty-ninth day of January A. D. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and son, and isnwpakdonl i Alumi 1927, are recîuired te mail or deliver the Mrs. Nigh of Rochester, N. Y., spent, num, and every package is same with full particulars to the under- a couple of days with hier brother,gar ted abel prft sigrie( on or hefore the Tenth day ofr ur te o ei efc September A. D. 1927; after w hi ch dateM r. William J. Watson. cniin theý Executors of the saisi Estate wili Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H .Powers oniio.2T distributc. the assois of the estate liav -spetteastee ihfinsn lngregrdonl t th damst henfyld.Toronto, Miss Helen Powers joining i Dateil at P.owmanvilie, ont., August tbem from Wasago Beach. -: the 2nd A. . 127.Corns cripple the ket and niake W. F. WA RD, walking a torture. vet sure relief in a".. Solicitor for the Executors, Bowmanville the shape of Hollowav's Corn Remov- "'. ont. er is within reacb of aIl. The W .M. S. of Park Street Un- - - - ited Chuirch purpose packing a bale of men, women and childmen'1s clotb-- i ing ,especially for a boy 0f 12 yeams. MrhO James E. Richards returned hme on Thursday last froin Whithy Beach wbeme she spent the summer montbs. She is, mucb improved in bealtb. Mm. and Mrs. T. H. Follick and -grandson and Mr. and Mrs. Mo and son, Port Perry, were guests of their cousin, Mrs. A. A. Rolph, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. MacDonald, Wel- lington, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mac- Donald of Kitchener, weme weekend visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. H. G. -z MacDonald. Mm. Harry Hooper who bas heen Oe isuffering for sanie time past with asthma and heart trouble, went ta Toronto last week for X ray exam- o l e T ination by a specialist.j iv 1I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lorriman and son Fred motomed this wee k ta Mon T e-a1 a treal wbere they will spend a few' days with bis sister Miss Loreen re-h e l y turning home with thein. Mm. and Mrs. Lewis Wood were I visited by the cast of "Miss Saine- pu' lbowishe on eday evening. T alHE truck' boyEse'ad rsntd wttoken of appreciation and good wishs onTueday venig. none too rt ad grat eon.A Harvest Home Festival wilJ be t an grat eon-held in Park Street Chumch, Orona, MIUST be properly under the auspices of Orono circuit, .JST bescientiial on September l8th and 19tb, in The ±±er±chani charge of Rev. Wm. Sterling, Mr .J. Giison was reappointed load represer dopting a Standard Collector of Rates and Taxes at A ~ sn tied and proven August session of Township Council '.aly food u lS ipfles gvermn Warm and bis annual reminder "taxes are ion, MecCary'a have now due"~ may be expected any old consigned. ýrzn Air ta a igher day. an that of an>' other JMr. Gardon and Miss Jean Dent e ystem. Healthful l of Toronto, have been spending the at ail battra, unfalng ibolidays at their fatber's, Mr. L. T The driver ha( fort, rernarkable fuel Dent ,also Miss Edna Gordon and snomy-aij these are Mr. Lea Haig, Toronto, at samne ging ao.1'.JÂ aO. guaranteed ta every place. home owner using The C. G. I. T. Play "Miss Saine- 44c- 1ry .. .l.. hody Else'" will hbe given nSpt Iuh tthscr ýucks a Wide Berth Is have the' Right of Weighf was a big brute-wide, long, and wieldy. idise that made up its seven-ton nted an important p rt of the ipply of the eity to whieh it was d been doing his best to keeppluge .ways well within the speedliïmit. -ve the driver of the sport car wanted to of the sedan. In five seconds more the ,e passed and the way would have been ýthan wait, Mr. Sport took a chance, r-in his proper place welI ta the side ldn't tumn out. Sa it happened -.-a ring on the highways would 0m-uch safer if everybody d remnember that, in any nent with a truck, the best :an get is the worst of it. 34 5ove ail- We .for sale qî/ AND GASOLENES PAGE SIXL THE CANADIAN ST TTURMDAY' SEPTEMBER 8' 1927 3 Some YOU ,toomayflyti A novelty today-but a comn. failing comfori mon p ace tomorro-. And wben omy. But it Iý the frst passenger plane spans the installed. It WI Atlantic-wbat a triumph for accurate. Scientifi Acuracy! NOW-bya Scientific Accuracy! The fac. Code based oi tor which makes modern cenifcpnnci aviation possible is the Arisalt saine which makesrie a Warin Air t hpne ha efficient heating cheat system. Proper- . Iy installed, a Warin Air Fur nace Igives bet :LCODEIIISILLE0 ter health, un- om MClary'a are the oniy Canadien membero of the National an nd Vantiating Aliocis on-s body of leadini mànufac adopted a scantfic ode for int4lng-amngair furn4es B McCl4ry * "Code Jo, a lad Surine L-rn s aou are suar healbful, afficient and aconomicel heaaung plant rot., home Car At about hall! the coa of mortelaborata yel alotaefctiveavorta Fli n and mail attached coupon, and we will send you McClary's deniler who will guarantec a "Code installed" hg gwves ifetime satisfaction. TH-E McCLARY MANUFACTURI M AIL LONDON, CANADA. 1< THn Pleata tend ome nonma oof nearehe THI &ins unain. Furoacas accordrng1 COUPON Nam*,. ................. Addrasa MCC:IarJ -, Can Alao be Fitted With Miles Furnace Fan Where Req SoId In Bowmanville By w. LEN. ELLI( Y OU would require three years of arduous day-to-day driving to know as much about Chevrolet performance and endurance as the General Motors Proving Grounds brings out in a few months. There's strength.-stability.-ruggedness built Into every inch of the Chevrolet Chassis; into Its beautiful body by Ficher; into every detail of its powerful engine. After yeama of trouble-free driving, you will know that Chevrolet bas added ta its ecanomny, Itsa amaothness, its power and its Beauty, the greatest.rmeasure of Stmength and Endurance ever passessed by any low-priced car. Ask your Che-vrolet dealer for a demnon- stration. c:7,/a sjmazing Qualitq in 6heo tijtstaq NEW LOW PRICES Touring - . - $645 Sedan .. .......$830 Roadser- -----645 Landau Sedan - - - 915 Sprt Roadter . . . 720 Imperial Landau Sedan 953 Çbolet -- -----875 Roadater Delivery- - 645 Coach-------------750 Comamercial Clissis 485 P H*.es ai Factoey , Osh wa, On taio -Gove rm en t Taxes Extra C 6 8 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD., OSHAWA, ONT. Id. D. Clemena, Sub Dealer, West End Garage, Bowmanville. Dealers for Chevrolet & Oakland. PRODUCT 0F GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA, LIMITED 1