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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1927, p. 8

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MHE CA14ADIAN STATESMAI4, SOWUANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927 »- . P mr1w1 r.AU8I AtZU4 Mna. Ray Oarr and chiidren who have spent much of the summer at the home of her mother, Mns. Wm . Ilanter, returned to Belleville on Monday, Mrs. Haunter going with tbem for a short visit. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Banson and son Norman, Belleville, who have also been visit- ing ber mother, Mrn. Hunter, return- ed tht sanie evening. Mn. and Mrs. W. N. l3uckley and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Buckle; and fam- iîy attended the funenal of tht late Thomas Hoan, great grandson of Mn. John Buckley of Orono, last Satur- day. Tht lamentable death of Tom, ont of Bowmanvillt's bigh scbool's bightest studenta, cast a p all of son- row oven bis young frienda and fel- Iow tudenta of this zommunity. WE HAVE IT So many people have found frorn past ex- perience that if it is something in groceries we have it. And better stili our prices on al ines of groceries are so satisfying that people corne back and in no time becorne regular customers. Every- thing reasonably priced. Blueberries, Cabbage, Celery, Tornatoes, Cucumbers, Pickling Vinegar. We recommend and Seli HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 New Potatoes, Spices, Pure BOWMAN VILLE Have No Regrets- Time after time people have corne into our store and told us ab)out sorne furniture which they had bought frorn a mail order catalogue or city store wvhich had not turned out as they expect- ed. The resuit had to be a disappointrnent and loss to them. "Nevet' again" ,they would say, "and in future we will bus' from youî- firin wheî'e dependable goods are sold at î'easonable Irices". Moi-al: Haveý no regu-ets When in need of furnituî'e Shol here first, with confidence and assurance that the customeî' must be satisfied. F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL FAIR Oshawa, Ont, Sepiember lSth - l6th -l7th SEPTEMBER 15th-CHILDREN'S DAY SEPTEMBER 16 and l7th-FULL SHOW DAYS TWO BIG NIGHT SHOWS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPT. 15 AND 16 HORSE RACES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 AND 17 BIG LIVE STOCK SHOWS AMUSEMENTS FOR ALL-MIDWAY Dalziels-Shows-and Rides 7 Big Vaudeville Acts 2 Magnificient Fireworks Displays R. B. Smith, President. C. P. Davis, Secretary. in rolling the woods. Mr. Sutton Miss Maud Roldswortb is one of the =tpsand as many diffenent types of tonbas been president of the New- best known breeders in Canada of*'agiuture. There are »ome serions castla skating club wbieb functioned Barred Rocks. W. J. Turner, on1problems ta be solved but they can so well Iast winter. Newcastle will tht Lake Short Road, bas a large weIl be leit to Durham County people misa Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. *Mr. commercial ftock of this breed. In themsîves. They are a fine cisas Sutton's successor la Mr. Clarence aIl, there are smre twenty R. 0. P. of people, proud of their county and Batty from Flesherton. breedeirs la the district. A thrivlng sure of her deatiny. The NewVcaLt1qe Iidependlent THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th., 1927 NEWCASTLE WRITE-UP 0F DURHAM COUNTY NEWCASTLE Mr. F. Pillsworth and children (Continued from page 1) Master Stanley Rickard continues have returned from Lindsay where very ill. A specialist from Toronto they have been spending the sanimer canning factories could pay $1 a was here on Tuesday. and the girls and Joe are nnw back barre! for Ben Davis the problemn at school again. would be largely solved, as there Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butler are Rev. W. J. H. Smythe, Wellington, fol ot be any expense for con- staying at the Oriental Hotel while was a vsitor last week at the par- ties This market is dubious. It their bouse on King St. East, is being sonae ad tok ev.E. . Cokewas a badl day for the Ben Davis ap- P enovated. and Eileen to the exhibition in Tor- 1ple and its growers when the open- MrChsan MisGteIrh onto by motor on Thursday. ing of the Panama Canal I&l choice MrChsan MisGteIih Western apples through to Europe at and Miss Hicks, Toronto. were Sun- Miss Hilda Rowland has joined the cheap rates. Iday guests of their cousins, Major ranks of the Bowmanville IHigh M.Ptro 5ntstsidta and Mrs. Dudley. School students, going back and forth Mr aesni otstsidta by C. P. R. train which stops for her the only problem is in the vareties1 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Mr. convenience right near hier home. growx,. Said he: "A lot of our men! Geo. P. Riekard and M\rs. H. R. are not producing goodqaiyfut. erem rdt Belleville andi We are very sorry to report the Some oî tem wo'nt spray and spent the weekend with relatives painful illness of Mr. Robert Duck others dint ko o n12 who is suffering with gangrene in1 we s tddn'tpkaoy sorviand1924 there. onefineras hereslt f ,kig itiswe have had the co-operation of! '.Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pickard, thistie from his finger with a safety many of the growers. We staged and daughter, Kingsville, passed pin. spraying demonstrations and discov- through towýn last w'ýek on their %vay MNr. and Mrs. Percy Hare and son er that many growers did not get a to Kingsville, having spent four Jack, spent Sunday in Trenton with fine enough mist, didn't cover the weeks mnotoring in the Maritime hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, trees and didn't know they did not. Provinces, crossing from Windsor toi and Monday in Toronto, visiting hier Some growers were wasting material Detroit and going by way of Cleve-I sister who is il! in St. Michael's Hos- on the trunks and missing the tips land, Buffalo and Albany over t o pital. where the apples grow. We laid ou t Boston, then on up through iMaine Mr. Frank O'Neil and Mrs. Keyser a spraying schedule, got a daily fore- to St. John, N. B4 going as far east' and two daugbtera and son Elwood, cast as to weather conditions and as Glace Bay, Cape Breton, return- who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. were able to notify a certain number1 ing by way of Quebec and -Montreal. P. O'Neil, returned to Philadelphia of growers before breakfast when They report a splendid trip of some last Thursday, crossing the lake with the time was right to spray. They, 5,000 miles. their car by way of the Cobourg in turn, notified their immediate ferry. neighbors. Most of the growers, New pupils just beginning in the however, sprayed according to leaf junior room of the public school and bud development. Some of our BANQUETTED KIRBY GIRLS taught by Miss Elizabeth Hancock best men have expressed appreciation A eydlgtuan ejobe who has a first class certificate, are of this service and have asked that it A eydlgt n n noal Charlotte Gray, Vance Sutton, 'Jean be continued". social evening wvas spent at "Wood- Bonathan, Patricia and Margftret Mr. Paterson, as a result of his aide Farrm", the home of ýJr. and Pearce. study* 0f the Durham situation, bas Mrs. John Bigelow, Clarke Town- wslittle use for the small orchard on alIship, wben a banquet was tendered Mr. John TIrewin, Toronto, a general farni. "A 10-acre orchard, the Kirby Girls' Softball team on weekend guest of Mra. E. C. Beman, and a 100-acre farm don't mix", wa Friday, Septemiber 2nd. A longj Newcastle's champion fioraculturist. hscmet Iwudavs toast list and program brought forth~ Mr. Trewin was in Manitoba in July commercial orchard of not less thanmuhoarynd uscltetfr in company wîth his sisters, Misses 15 acres. It can then be worked which this section of the county la Edna and Jessie, visiting their asasprteui", noted. The list of toasts inicluded brother George, general merchant at The King, Empire, Country, Churcb, Shoal Lake. Co-operative Marketing Home, School, Game, Teani, etc. Mr. C. F. Cannon, B. A., who has Co-operative marketing does not1 Those proposing and replying to the enjoyably spent a part of hia aa seem to have commended itself to toasts were Dr. E. G. Kerslake, Mr. tion in company with Mrs. Cannon this. district. The only co-operative'I. T. Chapman, Miss H. G. Hender- and two children at the home of hier sales organization is the Durham son, Rev. Wmn. Stirling, Miss M. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gibson, Fruit Growers' Co-operative Limited, Samons, Mrs. W. Bannon, Miss B. has returned to Oshawa to continue which bandles a 8mall part of the Souch, Miss L. G. M. Robbins, Miss bis duties as supervisor of the city's crop. The apples are sold mostlY E. Hogg, Mr. O0.A Gamsby, Misa public scbools. ito private dealers and W. H. Gibson G. Cobbledick. Musical part of the Mr. ohnAlu and sisers Dr exporta some on his own account. program consisted of piano solo, Miss ret llnJ Ms.Noh n Alun and ses r There was a co-operative sales organ- G. Cobbledick; duet, Misses Brons- Eson Clrence .Ndrdanbtr Minn ization at Newcastle some years ago,i combe; violin solo, Dr. Kerslake; son larnceanddaugterMaronbut it la not now operating. The! vocal solo, Miss B. Souch, Mr. Gamns-, Mr. Frank Allin and daughteL Mr.1 barrel pack la universally in use,j by and community singing _of old~ and Mrs. Mark Allun and other rela- there being few orchards witb good favorites. It was an occasioni great-' tives attended the funerai of their varieties for box packing. Some ly enjoyed and long to be remember- cousin, the late Thonias Hardy of growers are packing dessert varietiesI ed by those present. Whitby, last Sunday afternoon. in boxes to a limited extent but ex- Mr .and Mrs. R. A. Delve, Lynn, pert sellers discourage the box pack. called on bier brother and sister-in- Milk Production W .LK' ANBRE law, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley Oflt erdayighsbn last week when on Wednesday even- m0f lhdate yars darng bas beon T C. banE'S BheRN URntgeD ing, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenneymaoin D eaam y ah Thiongewot Tebr nteod Mnau Mr. and Mrs. Lou Buckley and ather o uhmCut. Ti rwhfarm on the Base Line east of Bond relatives also dropped in to greet bas coincided with the increaaîng de- Head, now owned by Mr. William tbem on their return from Arnprior. rnand for fiuid milk for city consumpi- Lake, was burned to the ground Sun- Cam Cope Bech loed or hetion. There la only one small cheese day about 8 p. m.. together with the Cam CoperBeehving eenfo the factory in the county; there was once bass of aIl its contents, including 10 season last week, aigbe th a lot of them. The creamery trade tons of hay, a hay rake, etc., belong- means 0f affording a fresh air auting 'bas increased with creameries at igt Mr. Lake, and a fairly new to some 225 city dwellers fr)m Tr-M illbrook, Hampton and Orono, butj hay loader, a tedder and some other onto's down town section. Many more creamt going to creameries out-. macbinery owned by Mr. Merkley other summer residents ire also aide the coanty. There are 80 men Clark, wbich he had been accustom- leaving Newcastle-on-the-Lake , wtb hipp*nr milk to Toronto and about ed to store there. Several stooks the openîng of the schools for tht 40pfarna supply milk ta the growing of grain in the adjacent field and faîl terni. citvof Oshawa. pr fari ec eeas und Mr. Wm. Hanna had a valuable the breed favored is the Holstein. p a of mai ence erte adoibrctdo cow SO mutilated by a C .N. R. train There la a live Holstein Club that of Erie Gray tore a section of the on Sunday that it had to be killed bolds an annual sale. The breeders fence down and scattered the rails, at once. Some persona unknown are meeting the demand f or a bigher thssopn hIiei htdrc seem to have thoughtlessly taken tsigmilk ' cuîîing thsuttpigtheeir iptatdiec testng y ou thpo i tion. Both Mr .Lake and Mr. Clark the bars down at the pasture field testera rather than by mixing breeds. ,'are losers to the full extent of the and thus let the cows on to the rail- One of the Holstein fraternity la well the ýproperty destroyed, for neither way tracks. known over Canada. R. R. Stevens, had any insurance either on barn or Newcastle public achool opened on Bowmanville, bas made a world's re- contenta. It ia not known how the September lat and the H;gh School cord in the 305-day division of R. O. fire originated, unless it was started on September 6, with a full staff of P. and several Canadian records. 1 by tramps probably smoking in the qualified teachers and a gâo I attend- visited this farm some years ago and bay. There is no bouse in the near ance in botb achools. Miss Mason found it a wonderf nI example of in- vicinity, and the barn wbich must was successful in winning bier certi- tenaive dairying. About 50 beadhvebeatest0yarodhs ficate as supervisor of music and Miss of Hoîsteins are maintained on a 90- long been a favorite rendezvous of Brock ber art certificate at the re- acre farm. No attempt is made to the way faring fraternity. situated as cent summer scbool examinations. f eed on pasture, the cattie gettiiig 1it was on the Base Line at the east- Memer ofNecasleBowling full rations in the stable the year ern boundary of the village cor- Club spent the afternoon of Labor round. L. C. Snowden, a neiho poration, witbin a few roda of the Day in a bowling tournament, several of Mr. Stevens, bas also made a aplen- C. N. R. and only a f ew bundred exciting gamea being played 'between idid ahowing in the R. 0. P. with bis yards froni the C. P. R. mixed rinka drawn from the lady and Hoîsteins. Archie Mguir, Courtice, gentleman members. A rink romn- bas a good herd,' fully acredited. posed' ofMr.CR.CrthGog Then there is the Tamblyn herd at Meadows, J. R. Fisher and Geox eI Orono and - utber of others, that leprtlehanf the r egsecfona Jamieson, skip, won ont in t he finaS.'merit mention bad we the space. lrepr fttPr oescin na 5Catl There is splendid land l in ost Mrs. Frank Branton, wbose new prt.o.te ouCattieneortw home so nicely situated on Church There are also Shorthorns in Dur-patofh ouywthoertw St, bas aff ordcd bospitalitY ta num- bam, and a sping sale is conducted. stripa 0f sandy soil. erous relatives and friends froi I Some oftbe fanciers are. Jack Baker, "ol we oe mrv hs Toronto, Oshawa, and other pointa Hamrpton; J. F. Osborne and, W. c._ sandy fanms", we asked our infor- during the summer, took a tbree Aluin, Bowmanville ;and W. F. Rick- mant. days' vacation last week ta visit her ard, Newcastle. "Sweet clover bas improved many sister and nephews and nieces in Breeders of Shropshire sheep have1 of these farma",lie replied. "Thene la I Trotoan tkelath Ehibition. been doing a good business sending 1 not as much gr own now, however, Mrs. P. O'Neil, son Frank and car loada of rami lamba out of thei as in the seed bo e enao grandson Nelson Keecb and Ameni- county. Thos. Baker is one )f the~ lit is now looked upon as a soi! im- canfnindatoo intheNatona E-I leaders of the Shropshire fraternity prover and more and more of it is hibition and the big swim last Wed- and others are: J .R 'i.L .Ihengu notesi" nc'da' avig ee inTrntn te Mcaughlin and Fred Philip. There "W,ýhat are yon doing at reforesta- day before visitîng Mrs. O'Neil's are other breeda but the Shrops pre-i tion", we inquired of Mr. Paterson daugbten, Mns. Keecb, Mr. O'Neil dominate. las wve were ieaving for the station. taking the train down in the evening "Wbat about poultry", 1 asked Mr. andmoorig ackwib tem MaorPatrsn. Theý renresentative's Reforestation JELLYBEANS Everybody from baby to grandpa likes Jel1â, Beans-particularly the kin'd we have. The ae' sortment includes almost every flavor you desire.. And just to think you can buy them at our Bow- manville and Orono stores for only 19c Pound Buy a couple pounds bef ore they are ail gone. INCREASING DEMAND FOR CORBETT'S BREAD The ever increasing demand for our Bread we take as a f air indication for the popularity of our varjous kinds of boaves We aim at ail times to use the best and most nourishing loaf to be had. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Conf ectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville' Eat the Best Meats They Cost No More We only buy young well-fed cattie which assures our customers of getting choice tender nieat. We buy direct frorn the best farmers in the county; do our own killing, so know and can re- cornmend the meat we seli. Purveyors to the public for over 75 years. C, M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Spgecial 25 cent Sale ehlacludes nmre verY fine off eringe f or the. thrtf ty bousewife SfmkeàBacon ?Zt 25'ib. p m « QualiSy %,tn»t v o r aye "* [f C a illo ina lim ci", Corn h Ilo PRUNES orT .sI aSin"$ 2 me~- 25C <L.,«. Il S 31%,8-5* 2 tins 2 5'e,,1 bs. 2o5 e Vauey __P. & 0. or Pearl 'Ma»YR« RIE 3as. Whlte Naptba SoAP 7 .a&.. ne Mres 2araio r 6-es. ausHoney peu " 26OnlonsMr IO 2 o Nff j en 4Sle, As Pue a «a New Chees iakes8 s. peube .8.t 9kg nDsy. vouff' l aRe nolp ra DomIno Tea 698 lb. st la a testce" tes D.@.L. r DUM k g)lb. Richumeio 79'ib,. Fels Naptha Soap 10 for 69o Grapo Juge*330 Love A &zI19 puna C-dh tTASTY" BREAD les Wranmpd Ourip Price'1. Deliceus CmmeISbirrUWs pure Orange Vs1l Db. Jet -e4cF -Ï-, *.- - "- r 1' Bowmanville

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