With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWTMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY'. SEPTEMBER 29, 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copv Noe.39 - B. H. S. FIELD DAY OBITUARY -]0S TRAINING SCHOOL WEST DURHAM FAIR ROTARY STREET FAIR DRAMATIC CONTEST SERIES Friday, Septemnber 3Oth. Levi Bartiett. Darlingtan ________ _________I Maintains High Standard aOut- Main Street, Bownianvilie, Wedne. an wnu lFle l Day o Fr iy, Sep t On Sunday m orning, Sept. 25th,1 r m e e g s n iI O e ar I standing Agriculturai Exhibition day Evening, October 2th Pre ar dn ss ! Ude aspcesof~ d esdeftoDaligtian Crt IAn evelt which should b:rnernor- W'-st Durhai Arieultural Society Itel Great plans are heing made to lam Preparedn ss 1 Ündë auspi-c-so-f- 1 11001 strting w .30 iable in thedecomofunityngtvilndtaket-placein te crmmunty fill tne place prairVmzan zinsincereraIstand RotaryltSîreotryFStreonFairton berobe th WetDra giutrlScey Ail visitors wili be welcome. There inteprano eiBrt Oi.tuaîn ntii netane:mr I.. rîîn umingannîtecven Jumpinaghe andn f eviBath nratuda, ct\erlst cmme cograuofiosi1) heof a sa.bgere trtindn'a edeen (î* nisethï future Oympic ]et. H. asa sn f te ateHe-.successful thon atyr'inilev ,tin,.ie and S et. H ail a Moof heBarîettan a ing at 2.30 p. . It wiii be the nmanuelr in w hic-h it %vas cond ced. Ontario 31th Regîment Brass Band 0 Do nat suifer fîom chilistis. l'yandTyroneMoreramtlttc nClub First Annual Fal Fair at the Boys' This socîîy in ilanigtsirraIOh- hsbennaed TeLgon Dontsfe ri hls a born in Darlington township in No- Training Schooi. is t.ii-îocrrdaw bmoe PprBndfOsaaisaocmn. Gripeorlodpresentsa er vember187 anti xvhen abo his %%ilîis and fancies for lîlatant attract- Thtn there*s a big surprise event tha G r p e r c o d h e e is a x r yp re t o v d to C r w r gt1o n T h is in itse f w o u ld b e a n a ttra c t- io ns"-, luts o n a b li. g ra n d s ta n d l en ter- th e R o ta ria n s a re try in g th eir b est t simple waym ta check and get rîd TRINITY YOUNG. PEOPLE *prest of e stieton.twAight tie .ion, btteeaetoohrfcors t itlisand I tirltsçlue sidesliows toi keep a secre: tili that night-but son- pywhic t fNsltn. Altl utteeaetw te a tIdr: w t, crowds tb R fair. ls oificers body is sure to let the eut out of th Fife EucatioallProram GvThe patercreytn"vedLtCEconcesions hhshouid make the afaîr out- iiii 'lirctorslilold t10 litegood i dfaslî- bag. $5.60reward is being offered b uncertain weather conditions 1orne __________ 'ramGiv noltr th were e ved til aoutessinsstanding. These are the visit of the oeiprincîids of lte original irîtoses 1-'rî ident Frank Morris to the firs or oHonorable G.vd ntl aou fveanti ais f a faii flir-to infornt cdu- Rotarian caught lelling titis secret 1 cause ntany Pai to develop heatnance at these meetings lyears ago when he camie to live ,mith HooaleG oward *erguson, cî o .andl lromotc- agrîctîltural dem elop- lus wife. colds, LaGrippe, etc. "How Uncle Nathan Lost are keeping up splendidly. On Mon- ihîs only sister, Mrs. W. H. Wo. d C, PeiroftePovne h1r tu-ltcîny îdicor o- The commilîce are ail appointe( dayevein a ineprgram was gi- ýBa.se In, erBwunîlwoxiii formal]y open the Fair, and the es1tc- eitic.lecly ami attractiveness wîthin iSulîervisors-F. F. Morris. Geo. E. Chase LAAAOACtheFa thee onEduatin bythedeprtmntcsrviesnim. Ho toheickabotaprsenenotW.R. CckbrnKiwn- ( abontsth fui ttîd pinofmîeW. R.AîIer:iingGeo W.Jame, D R.Mir thrvve hiKie various classes cotnained in a rison; Purchasing-R. F. Aitchison, F iin charge of Miss Ruth Haines. Thejtree weeks ago and wxas taken t sGvernor of the Ontario and Que- jweii selec-led rrize list. C. Palmer, G, A. Edmondstone, T. H is the Remedy I ngot fEucto rm eryBowmanx-iile -Hospital where hie died bec District wîth representatives Aitiiotig no special programt was pro- Kniglit, F. W. Crydtrman, G. R. Mason (o udy mrig ewsafront every Kiwanis Club in then On- -~ eîng <îizis lots-.Crnîeoli. But do not wait until you have titiles in Ontario was outlined by on Sunday morning. He was a s in heCryîlim-in; Booth Locations- OPR O S isHie i ey itrsigfmember of the Methadist Church tario District. \fi ll m olivEti(jgtite Morris. G. Chase, T. S. H141gate, F. C the cald before purchasing a box. O E AHO S Misanne an Mis Dro ithy Roins eryalhglf n twr f h ups ftevsto h hw mas weII îatronized by town folks Palmer. Lights-Gr. Chose; Music an manner nd Mis Doroty Robin 1 nearly al hiý lfe and stewad of Te pultse ofate visplofntidsNoiiportunaia yptnd in-oriuAttractinionstTctS.nHo-Tat.eoD.te R.D.R. rri- It is far casier ta break up the DtJVIV11INVILLE presented a study of the life of Eg- C'asarea appointment on Cartwright Kiwanians is to formally take over si-c-t 1h,- dispiays witholit bleng crowd- son; Traffic-T. S. Holgate, F. C. Pal codrgta ti omnigerton Ryerson which disclosed him circuit for upwards of 35 years. and Cottage "ýA" and designate it ed.nier, 0. W. James; Cashier-R. F. AIt than after it has gained headway. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th to be one of the great leaders of Ed- ias ver\' faithful to his duties. "Kiiwunis Lodge" A bronze tablet Excîint ottl ofrf ad h tfur ý on tsadCneer r:Ba will be unveiled at 3 p. ni. and a %%,th tht, 'chtool chIildrens parade. About -C. E. Rehder; Swea rs-N. S. B ucation in this Province and one who The funerul took place front lie large electric sign bearing the "K" tiCiîîe ttriel rn u eta e;RI 1S--G A. Edmondslone; Ho Laxa old as the nan e md- a 8. 5 P if. did a great deal in raising the stand- hom e of his brother-in-la wv, M r. W . crest will b ec lu miinated. sclitol. to Agricultural Park heaed biDcs C l. mason, Len. Ellio l; Nov e cates, acts on the bowels, correct- "Placer Gold" is a 3-act Comedy ard of education to prescrnt day pro- îH. Wood, a short service being cou-iit obourgtiht i, BtIandt, nitounteti Rougît t sales-F. ('. l'aimer; Flowers-J. U in o s i a i n a d r le i g t efull of fun and pathos, portions. M iss Ida Payne recited ducted by Rev. J. U. Robins. The S v r l h n r d i vt to s to wn i mr pils. oralSc os I3 esîs e orbins. cHo re amH .SfI D in-W P îngv ra constiptionnvniretievngsthe lîtîlIs. ura Sc hol s r.pres e nlted ob etî: Hc re a CC-M. H Min ore; feverish condition. an unique poemn entitled the 'Pigeon i romains w'ere taken ta Nestiet3n praminent, public spirited citizens of inc-tuul'd Shows. Providence, Salem, hiome-matie Cooking-Rotary Anne; Scarer' which had a very effective UntdC rcweeasriews the Province have been sent out. llamiton ,Maj)le'Grov(- anti Tyroi,. Snntlwiches, Coffee-Rotary Annes; 1O iaaodi ny2cabxa application, and W. R. Strikeý sang a held conducted by Rex'. J. U. Robins, It is expected that the whole affair Si dlstonaîcd bv Corbet; molor sales llooth-F. Cryderman. I .. a x a c a l d is o ns o l o.5T ha b o xsa tpTI C K E T S 'a. am s edeR v s n R j k n ' x i t k e t h e f o r m o f a f o r m a i o p e n - o . o r e s t r ci iin g w e r e a w a r d e d t a L a s t u t n o t le a s t r e m e m b e r t h e e n solo.siThe worshîps.perîod was takenJ.E . e Nttî na .f,li's class in town and tire iiroct-eds go ta the Nurses' Residenc tickt co erng ~plas fo ~ y Miss Lena Haddy. Mr. John1 Griffith, who spoke vei'y feelingiy xgo h col evr ot e-in ugs od SîngKE S kle Tickets 35c; or seuson a'o u navr tgm n and earnestly of their associationi The exhibits of the boys' work in ilas:tlead tr F J. aler. G .Bn ihaisaegigt aea wu thteovrrec3reation 1.0. hperiod. F erid.wC. M.Palmer.in he limer;;Iteselkee soulfr vem wrenjoitoingpwtonemselve hemel x v i t M r . B a r t e t t a s t e ' s t e m s e vosbhour g I i t i e B a n d , u n d e r t h e a i l e u t t t i a f i r - h i l e s i e n d t h r i f t s x i l l b e The Dependable Drug Store Se'its re-erx ed without extra ' Next Monday night the Young w'ark ut Cosarea, and to the relatives i whiie. because they caver the differ- direction of ..Hi. Goldring, gaeavrlutacnrtemrkti aktsi Pepl etetan hestdetsofth lndfrens reen teyîferîîonîusic- tltring the aflernoon.________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n o__ _ _ _ _ _ _ s o l t io n , r e q u e s t i n g a l t a p u t t h e ir S c h o o l , s u c h a s t h e A c a d e m i , A g r i- 'rT -. o i e r .ig a t t r a c t io n in f r o n t f i Hig Se hool. n an e T he is gno ned tatrust in Hin w ho can sustain inculture, Physicai Training, W ood th, riittl s .nit %as a c,.vr exhibition I W OMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB urg un at end nc ut thi g the in . tin es f trouble and distress. The W orking, M etal W orking, H orticul- f eq istrian skili in hurdling by five_ _ _ _ _ ibeaerswer W. . WodW. H tue ad Cokin. Iish hunters fro lte stambles of mr.R. bea ers ix re . W od H. tur a d C okî g.S. NI eh-ugliin. O shaw a. The hors s The first m eeting of the W om en's Ca o- ____Moore, S. H. Nicholson. S. H. Wood. The boys are ta put on their entire xvere ritîtin by Miss Eleanor McLaugh- ailian Club for titis season. xxas held ii lin. y"on-mt d:îughter of Nim. R. S. Sic- Si. John's Parish Hall on Monday, Sep. iThe remains were interred in Nestle-inexv Physical Training Displuy which Iuughiin, and m. R. M.%osscroit. tramneri 26h ' wlien those present hadl the privi- ton Cemetery. met with such enthusiastic approval of tleluorses Tîte half hour's enter- 1 ege of heariîug W. A. Parks, Ph.D., Pro- ut the Oshawa Fuir. The Track and taloiment in Itorsenanship provedl thrill- fessor of Geolog>' in Toron*;o University* ChaiesRicard, Bwsnnvile iel Chmpinshps iilals behed ng anti decidedly popular w'llh the spec- lecture on "The Relation of Lite ta on that afternoon und the officiais Of Thue lisîîlays in the main building were Dr. Parks began by speaking of the I. a is tJ e f ur ii i ti g u sh s aA well4<nown cit'7en was called the Ontario Athletic Association are nevmer b,'t;er or classés s0 welî îilled. papular conception of gecogy: a science %egtbýs, flow rs, grain. ladies dePart- dealing with the formation of the earth toret ary riaymonig n hetobcprset oassist in uevsn nit domestic science and Women's -saiflething vague and quite beyond tilt L a v ish U se of F ur D stin g u sh e s 1 prson f Chares Rihardsafter n thexhibit Inweretuthexhbestwereet'henesinsordina 1 or under nd tanding.g illnss f svenmonhs rom hert Frtyfiv mealsarebeig cnjman,* years. Fruit w-as n01 80 plenti- He then prooeeded ta show us that It trobleof evn mnth fom ort-fie edus ae ein cot-fui as usual but of a good qualily. was much mare, that il was a histary troule.peted for, these havîng been donated The Fine Art clase miglit weII be eit- Of this earth written fron t is earlieEt Deceased was born on June 14, by H. C. Schlfield, M.P.P. There inaed as somte of the "antique master-,days in is structure tend written a0 T h e ~ m a t Ca t 189, n Brkhir, Egladbeig ae to UPSup orcompetition, one pieces" which have been shown year af- _ early thataPproximate dates could b 1869 inBershie, Eglad, ein ar twocup upforteryeam by the same aulside artiste arelgiven. We were told that in the ald T h e Sa rt C a ts ideat son of the late Richard and having been given by the West Dur- (lue for an art museunt or lte attio. quarry on the outskirts of Ba0Wnaavifl. Eliza Jones Richards. He came with hum Agricultural Society for the Thtis deitarirnent needs rejuvenatian or Borne of tbis early history might have thefamly a Cnad abut ort- bst ll-aun Atletc Campon f ýllrination as nu good purpose jes rve been found. and that It waa written lamg thefamlyto anda bot frty bst llroud thltieChmpin f 'n ts present dormant condition. inthe gorge ai Niagara. six yeurs ugo aad settled in Bowman- the Scboal, and one for the best gar- Commente on Todl,,b ocl1I the previaus lecture Ibis hlstory mrcflsepn ies intewte ngh hw olr, vlewere he as ee ever sînce. den plat being donated by L. Hom-. mercîants and lidutie ears ee-i was pictured for us In volumes. and 10 Hewsabthrb rd u ork fray Irving Librarian and Archivist where In this issue, bath lctures we were urged ta look up- deep fur cuifs, sunburst tucking and on some coats a "modified H abuerbaraeutW ibtheame BldnTon T he Poulry Building was taxed ta ity by which we are enabled ta grasi flare". Such are the distingulshed marks of the new coats. Gully & Humber, and luter with the An interesting programn of events fron distant Points showed ths sear aîlit Y Black is outstanding while Flemish Blue, Oak Oporto (Wine), Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, ha benaranedfor the afternooa Bow'manville for the first lime. 1 in Borne omesure milien purs ago but for the pust aine years he bas und evening. Ligbt refreshments Horses in bath ligliu and heavy clei~s tStttin raling ito the u o. and Havana Rose are correct and becoming shades that will be benepoed with Messrs. C. M. may be secured on the grounds s0 ing lie mroses mtor vehicle. are sup- j ff ordtheonuls of n rIbi iaming preseoed a verY god showig consider- ohefa p rs iti n ff nd th s um n, bzr e widely worn. Weaefauigavr go okn ag fCawker & "Son until his iilness seven that visitors wil] fiad it passible to Pass.oUngw the brs. orne the nulus ar earth. these coats at most reasonable prices. mnh g.remain for the evening entertain- ail elea s tkshlwplayed a rna eo e.shn wn thrug the a s Von Besides bis wife, wbo was Missi ment, The faîîawing is the pragram prt inalte lîve lstck sow ere reBon ne albft as cbarran preu m ain.H0tin ee îot a re, *'the tires all bumned out, with- Millie Colwill of this town, he leaves I f events: numerous as this district warrants, due out frn and vod"; then gradually the E X Q U SITE M O DE S INu C O TS is loss, three brthers, 2.30 p. nm. no~ doubt a he accredized herd systemlflcrsIr appearaces af life in is variue EXQUSITEMOD LS I LA IES'COA S lAfre of owmnvile, rnes of Opening Ceremony into sudden popularity, the like of wàc aga. at the apex-Man. Scarboro, and George of Moosomîn, Chairmian, H. C. Scholfield, MPP.las not been seen si>îce te days of lte ITonclnusigon.Dr. Parks impressed aon I o ihSuedine, Al olkeedle Point or Broadcloth, Saskt., and three sisters, Mrs. Ben. Address by Premier Ferguson Macklin had the only herd of Hereforcjs. 1îwo descriptions af the Creation-had yo wshAi W olSmith of Calgary, Mrs. H. H. Todg- Chorus-Boys' Choir The quality of sheep shwn made it an we po4ker a do this we would be omis- thenwe antto sow ou ome xqûsit modlstri medwith hum, Walkerville, and Mrs. F. J. 3.00 P. En. hav'e become sheei specialîsts who dlean the Geologisl in bis labratory. the Theo- natural wolf. Others with genuine Fox, Sable and Oppossum. Clemens, Oshawa. FomiTkn vro iai ptebs rzsa h i hw nlgian I its study, each as working Fodelylsason andinvcombfation i'onto, th etawa, s athebgsowsherntaward Ibis great eod and in due Uirne Grey L m sbin ieyused this s o n nem iainThe funeral took place an SundaylLodge brooke. alwuDr. Pa msade slasasuen. w afternoon, service beig conducted 1 Chairman, Hon. Lino lan Goldie Sivine showed a 'ery n ticeable fa]ljing c r am froa nt bs Bw mysanvile o na and with Flemish Blue or Balsam Green ,the effeet is strikingly new by Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor of Tria- Addresses by W. R. Cockburn, off, although Sam SSoawden, the veterao icme rom iaf waur clubgeatriene d as well as becoming. ity United Churcb, assisted by Rev.l Kiwanis Governor, Ontario and Que: breeder, was thei-,, as usuel wi l acks, te be rka ducubiogete lea boum. _______________________________________________________________W. H. Spargo. The bearer were bec District. The officieI list or prize winers ap -______ five nephews and a brother-in-iaw, Fred Page Higgins, Chairman, pears an inside pages. Aoy mIstakesi Messrs. Garnet, Leonurd, Lloyd and Boys' Training School Cammittee for rhud e natyiCnH r050fl g ut once ta Sec-LA NT NI ATTRACTIVE VALUES IN FUR COATS tCalsRcadW .CleladKwnsDsrc.Gaue receipts w'lich were higher Iban H. H. Todgham. Dr. G. Elmore Reamnan, Superin- two lîreviaus Years umounted ta $986, BowmanvilePterboro Match tendent, Bays' Training Schoo]. grand stand $125; concert $229. Ladies'Fui' Cots in H dson Sel, Persan Lamb and aThe~. lawer bearers were Messrs. W~.1Ca sBos hi Lde'FrCasi Husn SaPrin L m ananT.Chambers, Geo. Gilbert, H hrsBosIhi Bowmanville Tennis teant accornpanied Mýoyse, H. Rodd, IV. Johnston, Gea. 3.30 p. mi. Merchants and Factoris Had by several supporters motom.ed ta Peter- Muskrat. We are enabled to seil these coats at much Iower 18ouch S, OBrien, Ross Richards, W. TAtatieDlbora Saturday atternoon and played the prices than. the largeDaexclusive furhyhousesTofintheDcity.tEatery AtteceivedDispasya ffalinal chmatchegante e CnntrelCentrai price tha thelarg exclsivefur ouse of he ciy. Eery eceaed ws a rtembr oftTennis- .3Associationis ssocitionPeterboro.rO me4.30h p. an o Cur P.d The displ.ay booths of the merch- Bowmanville PIyers are obowinga coat is guaranteed.neno i 'ri-cdfCutPrd Track und Field Chantpionships ants and local industries in the main rnarked irnprovemrent In Ibeir play and Viewing of Exhibits in Munuai building were particularly attractive yea . mr ucsilnx J Arts Building and Play Raom, Cat- and inviting this year and were well B.ow"I-mille weon 3 events front Pet- FALL FROC S FO WOM N OR MISSRoyal Theatre tg"Bparizdb bues nd ovnI erboro;:-w. R. Strike defeated Dr. ________6.00p.Bn. hatrs. ev y er n souhibirl-iewitt in straight sets, 8-6. 6-0; M. A. I ContplimFRentarvR M SS . SPe fr î un er aatice i n i eparenbt .m.ealand Johnt Alexander, bath playitmg Copietr uprfo ia-wr oiedi hsdprmn. sotînd tennis hou no îiiicully with Scott You will find them in oui, store to suit ever-y figure. They are Friday-Saturday, Sept. 30, Oc.i in nd Invited Guests in Dining Caming in uit the narth entrance lantiCnîie te ld muotl met t6-3e6-3 Te of Satinback Crepes, Romaine and Flat Crepes, ail skilfulIy de- May McAvoy ia Hall. of the building ut the right was toi1a rnoonlime thes uo)rfut et the lye fn "liaIs earta"7.00 p. mi. b on hemnauecos9t~îh their rnuuc-h. Dorolhy and Stuart signed. The shiî'rings, pin-tucking and diagonal lines are very Tenîder xith feeling and taunt Activities by boys of the School in on &Soshh we wfore s su J ack-heIonn id leok lte mext two sels for a Dentnstutio of Receutinu mofnte& wlSo n wn flri a s 5. . tJc -inîî s Cte osin e hrst setrd segtle becoming. Leading shades are Jungle Green, Soft Biege, New ' xith excitement. Aasentbiy Hall of New School Build- largest exhibitors undprize winners ma'%ateh in tle men's s~inges te Jackson Blue. Bl ck and6a6-1,mi andH Cooe Mon a lia dfougb Ble lc n ay Starting Frîday-Stîturday Metro- iiig. in the floral depurtment. Muny loy- îu ti-tht laies, singles. (Jerîrude Morrms Goldwyn-.%niyer "Newxs" 8.00 P. M. .ers of flowers make it a point toa ;ndi -ile-n IParker ulso lost n the ladies MatnceSatrdx' t 230Distribution cf Prizes and Concert cnutheuk iouiîîîcs, and allfer a very long liard Childr<'n 5c ~ Chuirmun, H. M. Robbins, Deputy ai topics during the fair. Berginiai i dN is litelt1.T, ei' ando I ChapterProvincial Secretary. lîoiht clubs uittienîe a daînce ut Chiemong Catr5 of -Wiid West" und Distribution tuf Prizes by H.C. One of the oldest and most con- liemuril Mileni. Tt-mnteso regular pt'tgramnie. Scholfield and J. H. H. Jury. sistent induistriel displays is that of Strlyeeig First Shipment of Men's New Fal ____ Musical Prograni the Singer Sexing Machine Co., m-ho Trio, Frank Conv'erse Sntith, viol1_ulwuys have a neat Singer souvenir j TENNIS CLUB CORN ROAST Monday-Tuesday, Oct. 3-4 in, Arthur Hait, ceilo, Mrs. D. R. for the passer-by. Russell Habbs, Suit and O ver oatsOlive Bîtîten in Morrisoi-, piano. Ruu the successfuî local agent, :'as in At Raby Head, thse Country Home cf Suis a d O erc ats"TIse Joy Girl" Violin Solo, Frank Converse Smtith charge. I Mr. and Mis. Alan Camspbel VclSolo, Mrs. G. E. Raa Jury & Loveli, Druggistsan Op-ofteTniClbhd er arried hiswee. T ey re ow o dipla awiting ourA Saturday Evening Post story Trio, Frank Converse Sntith, Ar- ticianshud a booth brlnt full of hua- corn rs uo ttue TîniseCliiiMr. ndei a rri e d h is w e e . T e y re o w o di pla a w iti n g O Uiby M a y E dington. thur H o t, M rs. M orrison. dreds of thing s now sold in w hat ms Aii t amibî R aby H ead F i- approval. And "Purantount News" used ta bc knowîî as an apathecary day ex-coing uand it was an uproariaus shop. Rosa Stutt, Oliver Hanna ',%r. camîlbell had îrepared a liuge tire oOnaiNo.ff600n, A. O. F," the latter and Norman Eliott wole the dispen- eitnlIme bluff oxerlooking lte lake and ai- attriding tlhe finemal mn a bax' m. sers cf the suntpie packages, etc. ter it m-as lit and whili- It mas bumning Wednesday-Tbursday, Oct. 5-6 John ILUc-oc-k, Pust (7itier aanýger' cn-down ta roasting ptroptortions the ment- .Iiiiting tiie Foresiers' service ulthe Dominion Linoleums, furnaces andi bers puit on so-veral games that were Lon Chaney in graîve. sovs made up a very attractive dis- l-.-ry ioplacancgae t eronteian B o s Suits SpecialI3r Priced- "Mockery" .\ttioiîg Iii,' iitiftîilfloral ottenîngs play by Rice & Co., with Harry and 1 After tii blaze liadt subsidedanex acrie: %Wri'ut us froinilie IRichta rdis'nCa.F. Rice an thdecut-lî a cance ta.e...r.. are in at loo in Lyn st thes ata ct sive i tstgeh r ftor, J omeî j 5 i iuti eiS îîI m str xee prdce o UOiiOy, Vacoc, sn' iîetI by sortie mnembers but tbey wus a centre of attraction and ad- titre miel for publîicaion. M"arshmafllows mirtion. List of prize winners in were lter assed as a sort et clmax. thisdeprtmet apeas onpag 9.There eeCm5 10 be an Inpression about thi deartentappurson age9.tha t tite tioclors In tow'n w-ere busy on Acrsa the aise was a new exhib- &«tttl.itymoruing. itr-Durham Textiles Limited- After lthe ire (lied down and chili breezes iron thle laits naticed the gatit- which induatry la forging abead in e ring ail left for the fart flouse antd the Canadian market with fine hsi- %viti te intention of dancing, but te ery and socks. W m.,Gray, ma ag r jonograîu could ual make iseif h ard manaerIn uch a cammotion sa dancing was and Eddie Gibbs and Donald Brown abandoned and contnunity singlng start- ret Fair atactory sales during ed. It ls manvellaus baw corn sand the air.strengtbeo lte voice, and so witb the T. A. Dustan, the young enter- fii-pace piled higit with blazing wood and lte guesîs draped about emerywhere prisiag praprietor of Dustan's Cash betore Il.lte songs oontinued lili about Hardware, made lts debut as an ex- midnigt when th& members said a re- hibtorinthe "Milinaies Row", grettud gaod night ta thedr hoat and wlth a complote Uine of RaPPY Thse Club la very .raleful Indood to Thought Heaters and Ranges. Gay Mr. and Mr&. CampbelI for oîening their home for titis event anti making it (Continued on laat lpage.) sucit a sucoms Lua ouiAL5 neuiGak 41 i u.Uurr i-9 Boys' Suits Regular $ 8.00 for $5.98 Couch,Jiihnston & Cryderman, Bowmaanville Phone 104 Limitecs stirning tintes of the Russian up- beavul farrnthfe setting of a Chaney triumph xvhich wili add new laureis to the career of The Man of a Thousund Faces. With Ricardo Cortez and Bar- bara Bedford. And chapter 7 of "Melting Millions." COMING: Oct. 10-I 1-"MeFaddon'a Fi-tio" Oct. 84-35-9filhat Prie. (Uap," !IjI Il Siiytli.Ntie",-s Rimndile, 'oting, Jac-kmnLa J'-bSotmt, lieu 1,-11,mi, Alkiîisott amniGros- j-umI; - itkny d ~r miiMrslt. R. Mon- riuon, . ramui Irs. 8 J.Jackîiamt I <l. 26, GJiodyeuar Co_,M'îl-iat& <'o.Mm. mii rs Ben Snîiîiî, Mms. 'oilng and 'Mriil . anti Mfrs. T. C. JewelI and Fmanlk,c. Mm, hL. Iolbow and damghters R.'ssî,' ind 11ua, Nfr, uni Mrs l.1%. oyst', Air. and Mms. Glen Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. J ilghtfili, Mr. and Mrs. W. SeweIl and Ituby,Mm. and Mrs. L. S. Dimmas, Mr. and Mrs. Ch"s. F. Rioe , Mndm Mrs. T. W. Cuewken. Mn. and Mrs. John -Challis, Mr. and Mns. W. j. Pound, Mn. and Mns. Norntan Aluln, Mr- David Tardifr, Mn. and Mme. James Bowdler. Arnong the reiatives preaent front a distance were; Mr. and Mr@. N. H. ýTodgbam, Walkenville; MMm and Mrs W. Chambers, Mr. andi Mr@.W. J Coiwil, Toi-onto; Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Chambers, V'aleytla; Mr. andi Mn.. Erneat Rdihard& Gitarles and Isasbel. Scarboro; Mn. s.lsd lina. Fred J. déûmen», Oahawu. ce,%, i p enna ian