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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1927, p. 2

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PAGETWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1927 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS D o e e DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE "H ow to Feed the Family" is the Bonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto titie 0f a bookiet by Colonel P. S. University. Graduate of the Royal Lelean, Professor of Public Health College of Dental Surgeons of On- in Edinburgb University and Direct- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. or of the Usher Institute of Public 'Tis Pleaaant to Reci Office phone 40. House phone 22. Hlealth, Edinburgh, Scotland, and Though Present News Comi X-Ray Equipment in Office. published by The People's League of ___ DR. J. .C. DEVITT Health with beadquarters at 12 WitigJmbsntcdta h Assisant r. E.W. Ssson Stratford Place, London, W. I., His gI Whistlits ignm has noticeshacte Assitan Dr.E. . Sison Majesty The King, a Patron. On gets neeti i rilscn Graduate of Royal Dental College, the title page is this interesting in- tres around namnes, and for that Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- scription: "Knowledge is the only reason gives in this instalment a lot manville. Office hours 9 a. m . to 6 armour of defence of which we can- of names that will revive memories p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone not be robbed by an enemy" At and incidents in the minds of thous- 90. House phone 283. the bead of the letter press are these ands. X-Ray Equipment in Office adages: "Health is Weaith,". ..Nutri- 'He says: My first playmate after 1 DR. R. E. DINNIWEL.L tion is the Foundation of the Public moved to Bowmanville to live- Healtb," "The Shortest Way to a Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- Mans Heart is tbrough his Stornach." noarly fifty years ago -vas Oscar versty nd mmbe of oya ColegeLaBelle, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. verityandmemer f RyalColage The booklet is divided into these LaBeIle of Beecb Avenue. ,if Dental Surgeons. Liceilsed tO sections: Warmtb and Power, Vita-t practLse in Ontario and the Domin- mîns, Materials for Repair, Saits and 1My first Sunday School teachers wero Ion. Dentistry in aIl its branches. Water and Action of the Boxvels. is Aice Fisher and Miss Office-King St., Bowmanville, Op1 eel eu sgvn bwn hw Bogball in St. Paul's Presbyter- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. la famu]y can be fed at 8s. 6d. per ian Churcb. The minister 1 re- _____________-- - ----man. What seems strange is that 1 member wvas Rev. James Little, in the several menus given applesi M. A. His tali, erect figure with LEGAL are not mentioned. When fruit is long beard are before me as in a V. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. included only oranges, bananas and photo. The S. S. Superintendent jmaementioned. vstegna h.Ylowe. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary a ar * * astegnaTh.Yeole. Money to boan on Farm and Town My first music teacher was Miss Property. Royal Bank Building, Observing this omission we wrote Phemia Younie, adopted daughter Bowmianville. Phone 351. to the Fruit Brancb, Department of uf Abram Younie, w-ho later be- Agriculture, Ottawa, requesti ng that1 came tbe wife of Major W. C. W. R. STRIKE a copy of Bulletin No. 35, with its King and the mother of thosel Successor to late D. B. Simpios., K.C. 16 pages of Practical Apple Recipesý three fine dauzbters, Mrs. T. E. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary be sent to Col. P. S. LeLean, Edin- Knowlton (Ethel), Mrs. Clive Solicitor for Bank of Montreal burgh, and w-e also wrote a personal Betts (Edna), and Mrs. (Dr.> C. to oa Ph~e91letter telling bow very strange it O. Miller (Marjorie). Money;oLa hze1 seenis to a Canadian to see a booklet Bowmanville, Ontario lon How to Feed the Family witb no! My first public school teachers were imention of Apples, the King of.; Miss Eleanor Stuart of Napierville, W. F. WARD, B. A. Fruits. 1 Que., and 'Miss Raines. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 1 The fruit industry bas become one Money to loan. Bonds for zale. of the cbief industries in Canada and My first pennies were spent for taf- Offices-Bleakley Block, King S tbte apple is by far the most import-, imfy atMrsoW.n. eysan' storedsome- Bowmanville, Ontario phnes:.aflt fruit grown (lue no doiîht to the'tmsa onEgln';adwe Office 102. House 409. fact that Canada produces the best- I1 had a nickel or a dime it wvent to _______ ___________ -- flavored, most bigbly colored and: Effa Tod who worked in hier fath- longest keeping apples. The Depart- er's bakery and confectionery FUNERAL DIRECTORS ment dlaims that tbe area in tbis Do- store, or to Mrs. Fred Manning minion over which the apple can We w-hon she introduced Ice Creani to F. F. MORRIS CO. grown successfully and commercialîyl the children of Bow-manville at the au Complete MOtOi. Or is so great that if it were ail covered1 Grand Central. Horse Equipment lwith apple trees in hearing, tbere T fs o(g ond a b u AIl calRs promptly would he more than enough apples venule Branch of the An cient Or attended to. to supply the markets of the world. der of Foresters tha t iconvýenU Private Ambulance The extent of the apple industry sOonnihamotovrJnMc Bowinanville phone 'aras the quantity of fruit po Mure trya son th oerWeJohnd 10 nd 34 far. pfo-c- 1ýutyssoeithWstEd : Branch Stores- Orono & Newcaatle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmar and Funeral Directiorn Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity Univeruity, Toronto. Four years atteniding Phy- ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmnel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and lesidence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Collage, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beitb's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 4 4-t. VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calls promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Orono1 Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-1 Dr. McElroy's former office. Ph,>nes: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farin and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf.î CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESSI THEROPY r DURWIN E. STECKLEY r honor graduate of Toronto Collagei of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- inanville Office Tuesday, ThUr3day and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calîs made during i .ore- niouns. E\ýTER ANY I)AY in anv- one of Shai,% sTwc-lv S T~ )1 n sS~bu-fI' he T aI !:ý cýiih 'i1l ad to a V gooI position . i n (»U ci(n I XX tVrie lXX R1. Sha, 1~ rar Pa & (h T ,,T:(,'nto and a dofiaptite andn Itr m vste d r f t cmber When ? iall the Past. ie Thick and Fast IAnnie and Jennie Fraser XiII and Lizzie Matthows Ethel and Frank Trebilcock Norman and Elmier Beliman Arthur and Charlie Brittain Venning and Ar:hur Bryant MNabel and Albert Couch Lulu and Lottie Sandercock Andrew McSorley Malcolm Galbra:týh Louie Higginbothani Carrie and Mabel Martyn Oliver and Marwood George Eddie and 'Melville Rossie Will and George P. Freeland Cecil Norman 'Maynard and Ethel Maynard Lottie Bimacomibe Ethel and Annie Foster George and Velmia Tyler Harry (Whitehead) Robinson Tom (Dingie) Windsor Arthur McMurtry Bort and Nellie Saunders Jimmie, Sami and Editb Goard Harry Brimacoinhe Goddard and Maud Fleming Eva and Garnet Trewin Harry and Pat McCaffery George and Will McKow'an Will. Fred and Chas. Dickenson Will (Buster) Climie Norman and Minnie.Jennings Melville Hutchinzan Ernest. Wallace and Fred Downey Boxy Hunter and bis sister Elva Xill and Harrv Cherry Addie MacDoiwellI Wellington Logan Clarence ana d Enund Burk When 1 advaiiced into High SchooI in 1891 it w-as a pleasune to get ad-1 quainteti and form friendships that bave been lifelong with those fine boys and girls fr tnt the country who took, such good advantage of the fa cilities offeneti k- the noted teacb- er-s in the schonl from then until '95 anti laten. Many of themn attained mol-e than usual prominence in their professions. Amonz those with whom 1 associated during those years ou s unortcu ar vogara roniiot Poinent among its promotens ,s'ene: tbe fact that in 1921 the production :a nd officers were Joseph O. La- JhzH lit i er of commercial apples in Canada w-asj Belle, Thomas H. Spry, William JbzH lit i er 53770barrels. Painton, John Hooper, John Stac- Everett C Brown Lew Williams o,36and00 * r s Cyrus Slemon Lottie Lockbart ey nd thes.William A Whitco Katrina Argue The Province of Ontario is normal- My first job that I received pay for Joe Mountioy Emma Brow-n iy one of the largest producers Of-was collecting insurance premniums Jack Lee Daisy Walbridge apples in the Dominion of Canada for my father who was local sec- Sami J. Courtice Alberta Hancock but the quantity now produced could1I retary-treasurer of the Rochester Harry Stacey 'Benta Brent ho increased znany timas ver witb-1 Mutual Relief Society. Somne of How-ard Rundle Ethel Cola out exhausting the land wbera the1 the "risks" I remember colecting Herbert W Foley James Devitt hast apples can be grown successful-1 from wore William P. Prower Fred R. Foley Thomas Bragg ly. The apples from Ontario are (w-ho always tipped me a five-cent Norman Haatlie Wili Coleman well and favourably known [onr the piece), Shed. Baskerville, Stephen James Colville Marcus Pascoe markets of Great Britain and Europe Wright, Thomas Spry and Peter William Inch Ed. Siemon Whara large quantities are sold an- Murdoch. Neil Colville Walter Syer nually. Fred W. O. Werry Hera are a faw apple slogans: An 1I will now give the namas of about T. Franklin Wright apple a day keeps the doctor away. 240 of the boys and the girls w-ho 1William (Dictionary ) Montgomery Applas ara the cbeapest medicine you were in the various grades in public i Alf. N. and Harold Mitchell can buy. Get a barraI of apples and High Schools. Some of you may Violet and Bertha Osborne now for your family. Start the ap-1 thon recali the freckle-faced, curly Donald and Neil McDonaid pIe habit in your home. haired chap that sat across the aisie- Margaret and Minnie Rogers * sfrom you and was a crackerjack at Whistling Jimn. English Literature and Geograpby The apple without question is the and History, but a total loss when it king of fruits; whether fras.b, driad, camne to Matbematics. 1 noverl SPENDING TOO MUCH evaporatad or danned it is a whoie- could catch a basebaîl, but often some food, easily prepared, attract- piayed goaikeeper in football at High (The Financiai Post) ive and palatable at ail times. School and w-as good at the broad Whiie the Dominion govarnment Apples vary in fiavour and text- jump, bop-skip-and-jump, putting is sponding less than it was spending ure. They ara often marketed be- the stone and throwing the siedge. five years ago, the provinces and the fora they are mature and the cook-iWas alw-ays an easy writer but could municipalities have heen increasing irlg and kaeping qualities are thus in- 1nover make a speech, and was so their oxpenditures and honce their jured. The sound, tart apples are nervous and bashful that 1 could domands upon the taxpayers. If the the most suitable for preserving buti~hardiy "spoak a pieco' 1'or recite my definite figures were available, tbey care should be taken to use tbern ini jlossons. would probably show that the their proper season. When thîs is lamounit heing paid in taxes this year dona spices need not be added as H r r h aesta oet s about the sanie as the amount paid their flavour cannot be improvad. m e aseth I a res thetcme don-fi vo years ago. 0f course, product- Always cook apples in earthen or, sfsta- anwiethmdw:ion is incroasing and the ratio of tax- granite utensîls and use silver, gran-1 Stubhy Martin Emaerson Parka ation to production is therefore low- ite or wooden spoons for tirring. i Clare Williams Charles Medland oer, but such improvemont ia not There is no waste to a good apple;I Will Renwick Norman Shenin e~nough. XVo are still from the pro- even the paring and core may bel Wiil (Fat) Allin Wili To le 1war scalle of governmontal expendi- utilized for jeliy. Fruits are- classi-IHarry Aluin Huhert Reid tune when one day's work in ton suf- fied as flavour fruits and nutritive Wili Spry Jennie Hockin ficed to pay the taxes. To-day, two fruits-the apple comes under hothWesley Kerr Arthur Peate days' wîrk in eleven is required to of these heads. 1rn Ll ihu oi n meet the tax bills. As the average * * * H~ertha Tamblyn Fanny Martin wrigsekl o ioadahî Belle Prower Amy Armour (la y5, %e %wrk one day a weok to pay The food value of apples is very! Alice Shaw Viola Gilfillan ou'r taxes. great and in home-t whei-e there are'Lillian McLean Etta Tait The nioýt rodent definite figures on childron or young persons apples Lillian Morris George Gilfilian the relative burden of taxation in Fom a dioetetsic y sadpon teFred Vanstono Aleck Yeiiowlees Canada are those just i)iepared hy Frmadeei -sadon h Hele n Beith Edith HIillier the Citi-(în. Research Institute for most important funiction of the ap- Charlie Johns Seward Surners the ve:îr I1925. The firures show that pie is that of furnishing minora] Fred I. Kidd Parmenas Allun in 1925, thte tax hurdlen of the coun-1 saîts and organic acids; but it bas an! Edith Carseaddlen Froîl Barnc-s Itry Srt- )~f07,000,000 a, agairIst important nutritive value as weii, Nli ,iti racsRda 71.000î nI92 furnished liy the- canbhydrates pros- MoNelev (iaikn Winnies Yuumn iT-in '-s w~doFia2 e ont. As the fruit ripons starcb - changes to sugar. The- appie haý a 1 arri(- Cherrv Fred Pa rker e1 u uîpn roinia taxes an(] a -.-Harrv 'May Edzar Kenne - i puNtor cent incretîse in munic-ipal medicinal value as weli, ospecîally if, Ha-rr -\ Lawnrie Siinnions ta'x(-. l)îîîioiiinta. hati gone t-att-n a, the- beginning of a meal ý-r 'An; Spî-v Albtert Dat--l i an hetween nteals. 'c ~~r d Iinîl'-(- J ,lin No housevi fi- shoulti fail to soc ber F-înnv El linon 'MaleI Tait The- Iu!,don repre o(nt cdI s 2 per cellar suell ;înoviibod w ith an ample 1!1î(.t Ttt rîa n - f -t ta] nu-t induction 4f supply of gooîl cuuking and eating, diti Hkin WllSnIall 1 tînh:n su filt 0pî apples. She cannot afford to 1)0 XiII Trenuuth Fin-vLeXyr iîîn 19-12. without appies. Take our ativico F-Gra-:n t XiI I (auk-îr 1cý. o andti g tv--, rn i -are andi %rite to-day to "Fruit Branch Ca-IR ire Wi-s. Lhiwri(- ' qi iî h-n - gn t -taie. I)epartment of Agriculture, Ottavwa," gb il: ir Nurnian Moyse The( pui 'i t- tas lcarn,-îil ail habits foi- the-free buoket-Canaîlian <itl clung Ed 1 liiSilver :andi j,' o rî-aly to i 'ok to-tihe gox'- Grîîwn Api- Nui-ui-outt-Framnk NStien Haî-ry. oodm-an -rnni--n" 'as the pat-,rtilistie give,- eaî-y. Your letton goos froc of Edulie Dow\n llarî-î<t t Niclrols ouf bI i-t andi Ioutiesu. postage. Wili Wel5b Otto Maye-r Rate FEIliu)tt Will Wî-ir I INSEPARABLE RELATIONS jei- il h11idîa Strow-ger GDSGETLV '______Bi-atnicç- Gare Norrnan Jhn mon W hn je ahef,-Tylv The newspaper h:îs lîcome so dis- MiiNi-hoe Ch:îni-(-Jone-s e, harîX Tand, Fathfun T lov tinctly a pal-t of the- community that Fio)ri-iîri- Tiliey lh-tetlopen î-tIav'Iefîtefoiwect it is difficuit to conceive of a rm-Ct m5t zstel l-iî-ilPethi-k i e hfk-, wca munity of nny great proportions îde- Nî,roî-n Ilockin Eddie tDinzinan 10,lfadcoht e void iof a local nxsî:o-. Niit les-i 'MuI.dii ari- l."r-t (îrr!ý a i I.Thefor ',iur ,til ni--, insipaiabi ant loit îaiy depenîli-ît Mintnio- Xritrht ,î,-rt Iltîrnîleýn AtiIf-ts vltîlsul-a, areth nwsppîr iliuîn--t. Ern t Tî eime E-zii- Nott -Wi thank Tbec, wlrcn on sick d, It isý virtîîally i mpossuîule t o point;(vi] .,j toiiOttO i l Cann That Thou art aiw avsn otîs. es ouît a liusine0 ithin the last A'iitt enijglît MtkvTi two tii-caties u-lirh bas 1it-i-n achit-vi-i hied t Iit eti-nk hefîth lues %vithîuut'1thi-aid of news;paper awr hrl- N-os Ct'ei Tait ITht- -în.thestrs ti iwro, i hýi n,ý. On the- othen hanti numn-,.îî,hn [lTtian P,-nrv Dîtohîr .XndI ai,.f,,iý that b1ui- id bîpe Fî-r-s- eantile failurnis dani b< r -.rvX' I~ llu-,;o-ll Bînlanîl That Chrisi-t is comin, îoon. tac-etl lin(-tly to îinatiî-ruat- appru- Iar ýek tittnf ,,.pap,-r tvenisn. E. a tii XVtidnilon lanies 'Bun ney .-, .. Unîler imodem nedon<uir, sociial i ;mn::m itiwiljie l'e-i and coammerc-ial condi ltins,; lCity or w tuttini WtsuvSlia% own w oulul bcomi- an artuai ne-- \lîig:iil M:ivNichitis prduci irnnor the, pottiraI ')setdZeIlalnimtb- Vilagi-' if deprived of al!buines ini-l ir: macombe -ntc-rpris e. Nuithor couli a ç;tore ,Notrni;in andri Gertriiîie Hall exist whcrc there vas not some sem- Aletanti Prlly Yotung 1:înce of a community. The rela - i'lhnHwr-MMr ion of the nowspaper tr oh o FeriternlboAnîluurtr Tunity and business is different * erir ctu legrea onîy. l Norman MclaLulin Towns, stores, newspapers and 'ManI oy (rydennian nowspaper advts grow up together. Etta and Sophie James ['akan as a whoie une cannot prosper - latty Young Brittain anl expand unless aIl prosper and Wiil and Jennie Adamis ex-pnd.Percy andl Wili Feilds 'W - hiiiTlii<mccfor toc Oarvost, XVe tlank Thee f ,r the- gr:-iin. We- liatik Tiiet-fori- iti- -un-. hume, An itî :î-î forrthe 1ain. We st-e Thy love anti meî-cy In tich-blhissings overy may, We thank Thée for the Bible, Andi -bat our Lord did say. Oh, help us to keep faithful And look to Thee above, The Father of ail mercies, 0f justice, peace and love. -Bela Gray. 59 Shanley Street, Toronto. I r j IfielîFutuie 4, If your boy or girl could speak now with the wisdomn of later years, they would ask above ail else for education-- for know- ledge of a business or profession which would give thern a fair chance in the keen competition for success. You want your child to be equipped as others are; and perhaps you are working to that end. Whij Not Mabe Your Plans Secure? Why flot provide, as many parents are now doing, that, "no matter what happens,"' your boy or girl will have a fair start in life? Let us te.' you how thîs is done through the new Canada LAf Educatioual Policij This contract brings into existence a life insurance fund for educational expenises, to be held in trust at interest. This fund cannot be used- or converted, except bï you, but when your boy or girl is, say, eighteen years y) ~ of age, it can be paid in any number of separate amounts required, six months apart, or in monthly cheques, to cover the vital years of training. You have probably thought this matter over many You can guaran tee funds for times. Here is a chance to do something-tangible. those vital years of training- immediate-yet quite easy. for your boy or girl. We will send a proposai giving more complete information. A request wilI place you under no obligation. ainaaLîfe . CÂsrneCompany >0% wo', The Custom Buit FOUR <CANAflA) Li MITC-3 In response to public demnand and at the urgent request of nany dealers, Dodge Brothers (Canada) Limited, announced the Custorn Built Four. Buit on a 116-inch vdhcclbase chassis and powered by the famous new 12-1 motor, l)tît madle more attractive by smart, new body lines, thesc cars represent the greatest value of any car undcr S2000.00. Big roomy interiors and ample rtinning board space for luggage. Available in both Sedan and Coupe types at most attractive prices. See one-drive one, and you will own one! Wm. J. CHALLIS, Dealer Hately's Garage, Service Headquarters Phone 290 Bowmanville PAGE TWO

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