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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TI.Cmmerce & Transportation Building Northeast Corner Bay and Front Sts, Toronto. 7Per Cent p lus a share in the profits A Real Eslate Investment combining the following unusual ad- vantages to the investor: 1. An assured interest return of seven per cent. 2. A perpetual ownership in the property and a participation in dividends after the o'-iginaI investment has been returned to the investor ;ith interest. 3. A bonus of common stock and a vote in the management of one of the finest buldings in Canada. 4. An interest in one of the most prominent corners in the City of Toronto, rapidly increasing in value and importance. For further particulars fil in the attached coupon and mail to or cail on J. J. MASON & SON, BOWMANVILLE, representing Wm. C. Brent & Company, Ltd. INVESTMENT BANKERS Establisbed 1902 Dominion Bank Blcig., Cor. King and Yonge Sts. TORONTO, ONTARIO Without any oblh-ration or niy part. please scnd further particu- lars of the Commerce Ç- Transportation Building, Limited, to NAME ..................................... ADDRESS............................ ....... ,T ail Clothing Announcement Men's & Boys' Overcoats & Suits Men's Suits 50 only Men's Suits clearing at big reductions. These are in fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, jîýdouble and single breasted -models, exceptional quality, -broken lines that mnust be cleared as follows: -Regular up to $25.00 For $16.50 Regular up to $30 00 For $19.95 Regular up te $35 and $37.50 For $24.95 Boys' Suits at $5.95 J -. I Only a few Boys' Suits left in \ ~ broken sizes in fancy Tweeds and Worsteds. also Navy Blue Irish Serges, 1 bloomer pant, clearing at Only $5.95 Men's and Boys' Over- coats and Suits A large collection of new mod- els in aIl the leading fabrics and in the wanted colors for Faîl season. We invite you to visit our store and sec our Suits and Overcoats at vcry moderate prices. Men's Navy Blue Suits at $19.95 Exceptional value, double breasted model, fancy design, clearing at $19-95 Men's Navy Blue Suits at $22-50 Young Men's models, fancy designs, double breasted mcd- els, clearing at $22.50 Men's Overalîs with Bib at $1.49 A Union make Overaîl in blue, blue stripe and black, worth $ 2.00, On Sale $1.49 Men's Broadcloth Shirts la Fan,,ce, Mauve, White, values up to $250, On Sale $1.69 each Work Sox Union Wootd Wock Sox 4 Pair for $1 .00 Men's Wool Wock Sox, a splen- did lhue ut 50c, 4 Pair for $1.50 Penman's Wool Shirts and Drawers iExtra heavy quality. Buy ealy ut our Special Price $1,50 Garment TB. Gilchrist Phone 61 Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1927 ZION CHICKEN PIE SLJPPER SOLINA On Sunday, October 2nd, a special Visitors:- Mr. and Mrs. George service will be held at Zion at 7.30 'Awde, Mr. and Mrs. James McDoug- P. mý. when Rev. E. F. Swain, Myrtie, aIl, Drayton, at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's; will preach and Eldad choir will fur- Mr. Sam Reynolds, Windsor, with nish the singing. bis brother, Mr. A. J. Reynolds; en Pie Supper will be held, served Russel and Doreen spent the week- nte i from 5.30 p. m., after which the fol- [end with Lindsay friends; Mr. and lowing Toronto artists will give the Mrs. Clare Thomas and Kenneth, Ti ih ae lc audyfo . program: Miss Emily Taylor, Con- Orillia, at Mr. H. Argue's; Mr. and Ti ih ae lc audyfo tralto, assisted by Mr. Ted Harris, IMrs. Harry Phillips and family, Tor- ngtadwl aeteTne-epe fi Baritone; Miss Julia Bell, Elocution- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ross, Ingtadwl aeteTne-epe i ist; Miss Annie McMaster, Pianist. Brooklin, at Mrs. S. Shortridge's; feast. Everybody in town and country Will der 12 yars, 30c; Concert only 40c. visiting friends here after an ab- come early and get in the mix-up. sence of many years; Mr. A. J. 9Rey-i HAMPTON nolds, Miss Edna, and Misses Rilda ________ Iand Lizzie Hockaday at Mr. Thos. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Milîs, st. 'Osb orne's, Whitby. Marys, called on several old friendsl Sorry to report M. Sam Bush is here on Sunday. . . .Messrs. Jos. H. confined to bis bed. We wish himG RA1 3 cd on friends here on Saturday. r Peoplc's Sociejy is holding its first The School Fair here on Friday was meeting next 'Monday at 8 p. M. quite a success. The ladies of Wom- -hen Rally Night wjll be observed. The greatest bargains ever recorded in en's Institute were kept quite busy Rev. Dr. Best of Bowmanvillc, Rev. item is a bargain, and a bargain for everybodj at their booths in the Park and re- J. R. Bick and Mr. Alan McKessock port uite a profitable day. . .. Don't will bc the speakers. Everybody vise-Shop Early Saturday. fogtWomen's Institute meeting at tura eut and encourage the youngl IMrs. Hecb. Rundle's on Tbursday, people ...Congratulations to Sol- October 6th. at 2 p. m. Showcr cf ina School on winning first prize ln niiscllanecus articles foc Bcwman-, marching and drill and third in phys- ville Hospital. Good pcgram. ical exercises at the School Fair last A Y T M 1C A 'The Young Pcople's meeting Friday i tingly obscrved bore Sunday after- cvcning was in charge cf Missi neon. The printed programns vece iLouise Johns, Missionary Vice-Presi-ifollowcd, xvth recitations by Misses 3Gls dent. A missionary prcgram cantit- Jean Millson and Jessie Yellcwlees, led "Thy Kingd cm Corne" w as pro-i and the address by Rev. J. R. Bick. Tu bler re te by tene b r of the Young! bh church which a well filled 'ôs Ladies' Class. Miss Grace Hastings beautifully decorated for the occa- gae c rading; Misses L. Horn and sica..Miss Nora Wcrry attended13 IE. Lan gmaid favored with a duet.. the funeral cf the late Rev. Jos. Pa oc 1 . Cone to League Friday night as i hl h died in Hamilton on Fni- alc 1Mr. Lorne Juckman. Bownianville, is, Morday. brc eteo iosEE T I U B to be with us and givc, an address-1.ror LC RI U B We arc hqping for a record attend-1 PL RVESrinr uaate .ne....Misses W. Powell, V. Xwî APEGOV1Lr1e uiate and Miss Laura Victue, Toronto, 1 ~rlsho urwshdîs Soap Savers 20, 40 and 60 Watts spentrthraeekendat Mr.aJrJ. Vir-eldl ip te.Mc. nd a Mr. JF. Sandrs Saturday on the school grounds. Ck unr 13c Each i tes ... M. ad Ms.F. andrsThere was a keen competition in Ck unr and family, Toronto, called on!eevhn hwn htal in te: ikSrnrsN m eta 5oa friends recently. .. Miss Elsie Stai cvrsthi ing tashowin thet a lIve itr-yn S'inr otmreta 5t ton, Oshawa, is holidaying at MrL. oe etr utmr T. Pasoe's. ils cf the different schools..Ser-;m T. Psco s.vice on Sunduy afternoon will bc in Potato Mashers 1 charge cf the W. -M. S. M-ýusie will SALEM ;b urnished by a ladies' choir, as-J GLASS WARE sistcd by Mrs. <Rev. .J . H. Stainton. Re.Hrl titn orieMiss Lena Taylor. Srua, a returned -- Sherbets Rex Hacld Stantn, ourice tmissionary, wilî speik. Everybody delivercd twc interesting and help- welccme. Epworth Teague will C IA V R Comporta fu srmnsSudy ftrnon ,nopen on Wednesduv evening. Oct. Bulb Vases evening in connectien with the t.TeRlypoga wlbcf- Thank-offering services and re-epen- lSth. Te Allgoo rrnutwill edl-Rail Plates Salad Plates ing cf our newly decorated chucch. Ifor ...Miss Alice Arnold, Brook- Cream Pitchers Bowls, 3 styles Th ech oic, assisted by iMrs. Wmn.'lin. Miss SelbY, Newcastle, bothOa ea DihsC amPt er iChullis and _Mr. Chas. Carruthers, teachers ait No. 8, Courtice, Miss am lDihsCe Pt er supidthe music for both servîces. Archer, Port Hope., c and Mrs. Egg Cups Pickle Dishes OnlMond0a evening the Young Eher Souch and family. Ocono, visit-- Nae 4fo 13 People of Perrytown prcsented their e<î at Mr. Truman Powcrs' on Satur- ape,4fo 13 play entitlcd "It happened in June," day and attcnded the school1 fa ir... . Covered Butter Dish te a delighted audience. -Mr. Wil-i. Mr Clarence Ferguson, Towvn, visit- fred Carruthers sang bctween uctse tM.F.SalwsonSna. , and was heartily apprcciated by all, r d.uMis F. Swulov, TsontoSundu.. O iler Whisk The total procccds. $200.00. the -wcckend at homne.. Mr. Raymond Bol ruhSiss Visitor:-Rev. Harold Stainton, Snowvden, Toronto, spent Sunday at o lBuhSisr Mr i.Pacsons, Courtice, Mc. and 'heme .. . .Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, McVfs. Hubert Foster an(l Helen and(1 Miss Hilda. Mr. Edward Folcy, 'I-,Mc.e ruhMedt _Miss Ethel 'Mollon, Town, ut Mr. andand Mcii. R. L. Worden, Mn. and 2 Fly SwattersMeds Mrs. Frank L. Squar's; Mn. and Mrs. 'Mrs. J. H. Munday and son Wallace. Dust Pan Frank Maindoo id faniil, Misuttenilec Salen i arvest Homne sec- 2Tal okS BertakCacindOoo an fMr. y, issji, TblOAil Stone Berha ain OcneMr.James and vces on Sunday and visitcd their Mibss Mary Stack. and Mr. Russel b cother. Mn. zAlex. Wilkins.._Mr. 2 Dessert Spoons Towel Bar3 Savecv, Stackx-ille, ut Mr. ami rs. l and MIrs Cecil Munday, Ctîurtwright. rArthur Welsh's; Mr. andMsSJ are spcn<ling their honeymuoon witb rMs .J Dog Collar B Honey ut ".%c. and -Nîrs. Fred lion: hi randpacents. Mr. and Mrs . eys; Mc. and Mcs. Carl Billings and Munday. Sr.. and othcc relatives..TySur faiily. Orono, Mc. and Ms T H Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, Ce- FrpSoe Knight, Town, with Mr. and Mcs. Ed' bourg. spent Stinduy wNith hec par- FIire Sht, I wacd Doidge; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bell onts, Mc. and Mrs. Trumuan Poxor. . owei fRack Iand Leuh. Base Lino. ut Mc. and M r,. . Mr. L. C. Sniowden ticovo Mc. John Scrub Brush L Luko tiuttery's; Miss R. Power, '%c., C. Raegan, TruIly. N. Y., acound last 1and Ms E. Foley and family, Mc. jweek. He bought 2 car loads of CryC m Mc. adMcs. Russell Worden, Maple cattle as far as, Buffalo. . . . Rex'. J.aniMs onMna'adfmî- ute c n~dnxotwt h Buggy Whip Grove. with Mc. and Mrs. Alex. 1Vi R. Trumpour, Tycene, occupied the Scrw Die kins; Nc. and Mcs. Arthur Annis 1pulpit very acceptably last Sunday. i Claw Haiver Tyrono, Mr. and Mcs. Wmn.lHender- Rev. J. H. Stainton pceuched Har- Poti T son ami Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, s Home secv-ice at Salem. onigT we1 With Mc. and Mrs. Wm. Canu; g roe anti Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy, Haydon, ENNISKILLEN I fp Mc. and Mrs. Wmn. Challis, Town, at _________e rus I Mrs J. Rtledg'sIr. antiMa î.ad îs. W. McKendmy, Ce- Stove Pipe Enamel Langden, Miss Langdcn, Perytown, bourg, recentîy isited Mr. and Mrs. andi Mr. E. Pollard, TocontoElis Ms.Y. am 50 Ft. Clothes Line am Mc. and Mcs. Chas. Pollard; Mc. andIFJ.Els r.C.Tm Mcs twrM.1n c.Rnl blyn, Mr. and Mcs. G. Shannon, Carpet Beater 2 Doz. Poultry Bands rs. tewat, M. an Mrs Ronld oodbridge, visited at Mr. W. Stain- Scott, Tyrone, ut Mc. Chas. Caccutb- ten's and Mca. H. J. Werry 's.. es'; Mc. and Mrs. Roy Laugmnaid, Mr.c Melville H. Staples, Orono, sup- Solinu, Mr. and Mcs. Icwin Bragg, r pliedteupiSndy ek fo Providence, with Mc. and Mrs. G. A. lRcv te M. Cook. dA eh apon-r SI-O P EA RLY SÂ 'rl Stephens; Miss Ella Collacott, Toc- ment E ad.anoattetie audine.- ent, ît br arnt, Ma.He was gucat cf Mc. W. Stainton.. . Our complete line of Happy Thought R George R. Collucott; Mc. and Mcs.. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston visited wl eo ipa nldn e rpeEfc George Houey ana Ruth, Newcastle, 'Orono fciends and Mrs. A. Tambllyn wl eo ipa nldn e rpeEfc Mr. nd rs. lto Wery, owm whe has been visiting with friends with Mc. and Mrs. W. G. Wecry; Iat Victoria RaWobig u finish. Miss Olive Morden, Town, with MrsoToo ceurn d brte Oronds't Yuw sv o1y ~ bg F. Cator and Mcs. F. L. Squaic. to Yu ilsvem yby taking advantag i If ou are thtîîkjng or Ihuytng at hauys. I Mc. Jas. A. Werny was uit Nestle- for .c0-it t 1ison Sa!i, , isIan Jîr-ni, or t onMod Mi-r.îî-t s gaane-. e uir 'xceptioual _v,îc't on M ydavattending the funecal i*: r Cctttiicitirîniîdye îîic~s iecfthe laite Rev. Jos. Philp... Mcs. kIwi-r tht.n iir.c xltlivîfti î î, John Pye is vxsting iTn no u t n s a h H *1 tîîîciîlu liiaiîn& ('ydriinMn.Il!amcy Rogers is vecy ilinb Bw- I - - manville Hospital... Mc.W.Gif 1; fin bas tu2kenupesdceibsow Consultation F'ree RA H HS ~ Yu waa in chtarge of Misa Mary Found'il.iasa was nicely sung-; aIse o a l I grup. Mra. Pacoe was most grue-1 duet by Mca. G. F. Annis and vMiss i jmeuey back or good cesulta, by us- ious inulber home te ber get .... Frances Haucock. OrSprn Jury & Luvl guesta. Jur & ovel ing Mca. Sybilla Spabrs Tensilitia, Sunday mocuing was Communion tendent, Leo. Courtice, presided. Wheu we test eyes it is doue ccrcor thmoats, Cough, Bronchitis, service and was muat imapresive.iSuuday evening Rev. J. R. Trum- Wbooping-Cough, Catax-ch, Head In the afterncon Rally Day was ob- ouTyoe, preached very accept- properly Icolds, and Tonsil Diseuses. Mitch- aerved, the Sunday School meeting in ably...Goodly numbers from her. ell's and Jury & Lovell's Dcug the church which was uicely fil ed. atteuded Sehool Fuir ut Maple Grave _______________________ Stores. 39-2 A vecy fiue addcess wuas given by MIr. 1Sturday and report a good fuir. F-iýght 7.30 a. m. until mnid- fair look like a love 1be in this fight, so, SALE iHardware. Every ly. Again we ad- NY ITEM Cup and Saucer Clover Leaf 1 3c Dish Mops Meat Forks Can Openers 2 Water Filters 5 Mouse Traps 2 Asbestos Mats 1 Ft. Table Oilcloth 5 Doz. Clothes Pegs Auto Pliers ;tair Tread Split Rivets 3Teaspoons Bread Board 3Fuse Plugs Pocket Knife -leavy Twine .eather Half Soles Assorted Cotter Pins Pair Coleman Manties Stainless Paring Knives ,Doz Spring Clothes Pins 1 Doz. Wire Coat Hooks Pair Screen Door Hinges ~IInob Curling Iron LJRDAY tanges and Heaters ,Heater in walnut of our cash prices. ardware Varicose Veins Reduced Or Money Back Simple Home Treatment That la Giving Amazing Results The world progresses. Today ail- ments; that took weeks to, cure can now be ended in a few days. if you have varicose veina or bunches you can start today to bring them back to normal aize, and if you are wise you will do se. Just get an original bottle of Moon's Emerald Qil at any dispensinç pharmacjst an(l apply it night ana morning as directed to the enlarged veins. It is very powerful and perle- id trating, and only a little ia requir- ed. 1 After a few days' treatment the -veins will begin te grow smaller and 7by regular use will soon reduce ta 1normal. People who want te reduce vani- coae veins, or get rid of runnîng sores and ulcers, should net heaitate te get a bottle at once. It is go powerful that a small bottle laata a >long time. Any pharmacy can sup- bply you. Jury & Lovell sel lIots of it. Your Grocery Home When you corne to Bowmanville with an order for grec- eries tucked away in your pocket of ycur head, it's a comnfortable- feeling to know you have a grocery where you feel as much at home as you do in your own kitchen. We have often been told that the atmosphere of our store is a friendly, home-like ene, and it is encouraging to know others feel that way; because that is what we like to encourage. The atmosphere of a place alone, however, is net suf- ficient to satisfy our trade. They demand quality unquestion- able, quick p!easing service, and prices that protect our trade. A big,, complete groccry stock--lots of Oranges, Bananas, Peaches, Cabbage, Tom atoes, small Fruits-in fact everything you would expeet te find in a good grocery store. The Place Where Price Tells and Quality Sells We recommend and Sel FJARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE

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